Military Terms, Abbreviations, Acronyms 1

Nicky’s Kids 1 - 4

Here’s Why: Challenge Coins (part 2) 2, 3

Army’s Telehealth Program (part 2) 2, 3

the lateral Stress Can Become a Perfect Storm 3 distribution of unit equipment or This Month in Military History 4 categories of supplies so they can be unloaded simultaneously from two or more holds

in naval mine warfare, a In February 1988, a seventy-eight year stock broker at the Stock Ex- projection from the mine shell of old man sits in the crowd as a part of a change. some contact mines which, when British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) broken or bent by contact, causes show “That’s Life!” Unaware that he is Prior to 1938, Winton had been follow- ing the developments taking place in the mine to fire to be the subject of the evenings show, he intently watches all of the actions and through family contacts acronym for helicopter that go into the production of live tele- knew of the persecution of German operations from ships other than vision. As the show begins, the host, at the hands of the Nazi’s. During 1938, was acknowledging aircraft carriers begins to explain the significant achievements of an audi- his intent to combine all German speak- ence member and at one point even ing peoples under the German flag. On shows a scrapbook documenting the September 30, 1938, the Munich Pact details of these achievements. The was signed by Germany, Italy, Britain elderly man on the front row, Nicholas and giving Germany the Suden- Winton begins to realize that he is the tenland in with 3 million man Rantzen is speaking of. After finishing the list- German-speaking Czech’s and an abun- ing of achievements, Rantzen asks if anyone in the dance of natural resources. The pact was made to room owes their life to Nicolas Winton? Over two- appease Hitler and keep the peace. However, this dozen people who are sitting all around him stand was only the first move by Hitler - his ultimate goal and begin to applaud. As tears begin to well in the was the whole of Czechoslovakia and then Europe eyes of this elderly man, there are very few dry eyes in itself. Shortly before Christmas 1938, Winton had the studio audience or in the homes of those watch- planned to take a two-week skiing holiday in Switzer- ing via television. Now the world becomes aware of land; however, he changed his travel plans when he the amazing story of and the 669 was invited by a good friend Martin Blake to come to children he saved from certain death at the hands of , Czechoslovakia to help at the British Embas- sy with the British Committee for Refugees. Winton during the Second World War. took his two-week vacation and went to help his Nicholas Winton (pictured above, circa 1938) was friend. born in Hampstead, London in May of 1909. His par- ents were German Jews who had moved to London Nicolas Winton and his friend Martin Blake were very two years prior and had changed their name from concerned about the dangers posed by Nazi Germany. Wertheim to Winton to better acclimate to their new As Winton visited the Jewish refugees, it became very country. Although he was Jewish, his parents convert- apparent to him that they were facing grave danger in ed to Christianity following their move. Nicholas en- a Nazi occupied territory. In November 1938, the joyed athletics and decided to follow his father, a British House of Commons approved a measure that bank manager, into banking and finance. He began would allow entry into Britain of refugees younger his training at a local bank in London, with additional than 17, provided they had a place to stay and a war- training at banks in Germany and France. After hav- ranty of £50 for their eventual return to Czechoslo- vakia. ing earned his banking credentials, he became a CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Editor’s Note: This is the conclusion but I like to think we are at the right of the popular software on the mar- of the story contributed by Gigail place for this pilot program,” said ket.” Cureton about a new program the Joseph Wood, chief, Telehealth Ser- Editor’s Note: Before we pick up The peripheral devices used for eval- the story where we left off last US Army launched on 2 Feb 2016 to vice Line, EAMC. uating ear and throat pain provide month, here’s additional infor- measure the impact of technology mation from Don King about the on providing primary care services “We have been pro-telehealth for a high-definition images that the doc- traditional origin of the term in reducing the time non-urgent care number of years and with our medi- tor and patient are able to see at “challenge” in Challenge Coins. patients spend in busy emergency cal center status, medical specialty the same time, according to Horde. expertise, and an interest in trying Those high-definition images are Don says, “The tradition is that if a centers. Soldier (or Sailor, etc.) walks into new things, I am excited that EAMC then uploaded into the patient per- an establishment and slaps his High-Tech, Right-Touch is a part of the pilot.” manent medical record for use by challenge coin down on the bar, their primary care physician or spe- Hospitals across the region have Telehealth exams are more complex he’s in fact challenging everyone cialist. there to produce their own coin. used telehealth, mostly that the traditional face This is usually done within one tele-behavioral health -to-face exams, ac- “The technology allows me to share unit; Special Forces has held this for years. Eisenhower cording to Wood. Phy- what I see immediately with the tradition ever since its founding in Army Medical Center sicians have to be patient and use those images to 1952. If there is anyone there (EAMC) is among the credentialed at every help them understand what is hap- that cannot show his coin, he’s leading telehealth hospital where they pening,” says Lt. Col. Kevin Horde, a obligated to buy a round of drinks centers in the region, see patients and pa- family medicine physician from Fort for everyone present.” Here’s the its location at Fort tient appointments Benning's Martin Army Community rest of the story. Gordon, home of the must be made at both Hospital supporting the pilot at Army Cyber Center of the hospital and tele- EAMC. “This actually increases doc- Modern coins are manufactured Excellence, the Army's health site. tor -patient interaction because we in a fashion that allows each to proponent for commu- can discuss what they see and hear “We also have to en- display 3-dimensional images nications and infor- going on in their body.” mation services, pro- sure that system ac- that rival the detail found on cess at both locations Getting a team of more than 50 actual currency. Virtually every vides prime access to the subject matter is available and meets interdisciplinary professionals to- element of a custom coin now experts and technology infrastruc- our high standards re- gether was a challenge, according can be tailored to suit individual garding HIPPA and PII compliance,” to Alexander, who serves as project ture. preferences. Some of the more Wood said. “We also have to have lead for the RHC-A Clinical Opera- popular features of challenge “Of course, you can do telehealth point-to-point encryption. This is not tions Directorate. anywhere with the right resources, like using your computer with some coins made in the last ten years CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 include numbering, specialty edging, and photographic inserts, which allow an actual picture to Placing the refugees in other coun- President Roosevelt in the dren were to perish along be affixed to one or both sides of tries faced a tremendous amount of United States. Only Swe- with other Czech Jews at a coin. bureaucracy and the timetable to den agreed to accept some the infamous Auschwitz Throughout the career of an certain war seemed to be moving of the children. He had concentration camp. armed services member, he or forward at a rapid pace. While in such difficulty in dealing Prague, Winton decided that he with the British bureaucracy During World War II, Winton she will have the potential to would make an effort to get as that he resorted to extreme served as an ambulance crew- encounter and receive a substan- many children as possible out of the measures. Later in life, he member for the Red Cross and tial number of challenge coins. country as quickly as possible. acknowledged that his sense of then volunteered with the , eventually gaining the For example, the United States Once he made his intentions known, urgency was so great that he Jewish parents lined up day and bent the rules by using bribes, rank of . Fol- Air Force holds a coin ceremony lowing the war, he married for its cadets upon graduation, night appealing to Winton to help forgery, and even black- their children. Each day, he would mail to get the paper- Grete Gjelstrup and and for many Airmen, this is the work until 2 a.m. interviewing par- work completed to get became the father of first of many they will hold dear ents, catch a few hours of sleep, the Jewish children out three children. Later in during their service term. (Side 1 and then start back early interview- of Czechoslovakia. He his life, he worked to help aging British citizens of Don King’s challenge coin is ing again for the remainder of his worked through the summer of through the development of pictured below.) “holiday” in Prague. 1939, and was able get 669 children transported first by train Abbeyfield Homes for the Elder- When he returned to London, he from Czechoslovakia to Holland and ly. His significant efforts in helping earnestly began the process of try- then on to England by ferry. On the aged of Great Britain resulted in ing to place the children in homes. September 1, 1939, Germany in- him being appointed a Member of The procedure was slow and his vaded Poland beginning the Second the of the British Empire mother acted as his secretary while World War. On this same day, a (MBE) in 1983 (medallion pictured he balanced his job as a stock bro- train was to leave Prague with 250 above). However, his greatest ac- ker during the day and worked on children aboard transporting the complishment was still to be recog- placing the refugees during the eve- children to Holland. Because of the nized. nings. He made urgent appeals to , the train never neighboring countries and even to left. Most if not all of the 250 chil- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3


Stress makes us stronger both phys- the stress hormones that affect our high cholesterol, increased body fat, ically, mentally, and spiritually so response to a stressful situation, decreased immunity, uncontrollable Major news agencies have not all stress is bad. However stress but can also affect our health long mood and attitude, decreased mus- not dealt with properly or metabo- term if not dealt with properly. cle tone, and decreased sexual de- recently covered the presenta- lized over time becomes chronic. When at a home office or cubical sire to name several. tion of challenge coins by high Consider stress like a perfect storm during work, it is difficult to exert ranking officials to war heroes How do you Fix Stress? of events that can hit all at once and yourself physically in order to re- upon their return from duty in break the strongest of wills. duce these stress hormones. Don’t We will never make stress complete- Iraq and Afghanistan. Such get me wrong, there are good Physiologically, stress wreaks havoc ly go away but you need to attack media awareness has helped things that come out of stress hor- stress on many different fronts just on the body. The same thing hap- to create an increasing popu- mones like getting pumped up for a as it attacks you each day at home, pens to your body when you are presentation or competition or the larity of these coins in venues stressed at work or family issue as it at work, to/from work, on travel, rush of adrenaline before a fitness beyond the military as well. does when you are in an emergent financially, and physically. Next test. These hormones help you per- month, we’ll look at how to beat Law Enforcement and Firefight- fight or flight situation. However, form better. But after several years when in an emergency usually you stress at its game before it becomes er organizations have followed of not actively adding in recovery a perfect storm. are able to physically exert yourself periods, you will break physically or suit by distributing challenge to help relieve the stress hormones emotionally or both. coins to their staff for recogni- that are rushing into your blood- tion and achievement purpos- stream that some say is equivalent Long term issues resulting of not es. Many have recognized that to 5–6 Red Bulls! In a nutshell, being able to deal with stress Adrenaline and Cortisol are some of properly are: high blood pressure, CONTINUED NEXT MONTH a small, personalized token can build unity among a team, which also promotes morale along the way. For 50 years, his efforts to children and where they story of Nicholas Winton known to Coins given as awards for ac- were placed. She gave the world through the television save the Jewish children complishments are normally of Prague was unknown the book to Elisabeth show “That’s Life.” given to the recipient during a to all but a very few. Maxwell (pictured at left), a Holocaust researcher It is estimated that over 15,000 handshake, passing from the Later in life he stated, “It’s who was also the wife of people are alive today as a result of right hand of the giver to the not that I was trying to Nicholas Winton’s efforts to save media magnate Robert right hand of the awardee. It is hide it; it just never came 669 children in 1939. The recogni- Maxwell. Efforts began to also normal for the giver to up.” Even the 669 chil- find as many of the 669 tion of Winton’s accomplishment offer a brief explanation of the dren who were now adults children as possible has been extensive since 1988. In with their own children based on the information 2003, he was knighted by Queen reason for awarding the coin. and grandchildren were unaware of Elizabeth. Also in 2003 he received they had at the time - eighty were There is no doubt that chal- how they were saved. In 1988, Win- the Pride of Britain Award for life- still in England. When the BBC lenge coins have a significant ton’s wife Grete found his scrapbook found out the details of the story, time achievement. containing the records of the 669 and deep-seeded role within they set up the vehicle to make the CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 many military organizations, both here in the United States and abroad. It has been said that only those who have “You need a great team and that is ment, pharmacy, information man- Colonel Telita Crosland, command- served and received a coin for exactly what we have,” Master Sgt. agement/information technology,” er, Blanchfield Army Community certain accomplishments will Jason Alexander (Clinical Operations he said. “This has touched almost Hospital said moving health care truly appreciate their meaning, NCO) said. A lot of the leadership every major bellybut- from within a de- has really brought in to this whole ton in both hospitals fined medical struc- but along the way it is clear telehealth concept and using it to to come together to ture to wherever the that this closely held tradition assist their patients. It creates more include at the region- patient is would be a has evolved and expanded capacity in our health system. If you al level where we real-game changer outside the military. (Adapted look at it from a regional health have had to tap into for our community from a December 2014 article perspective, telehealth provides us those same shops to and organization. the opportunity to leverage other make this program by author Kevin Santiago, us- “We're taking tech- resources and other facilities to cre- work.” ate what we call an integrated deliv- nology and using it The team also ex- to be more accessi- ery system.” tends beyond RHC-A ble to our patients,” “We have two facilities connected to to include combat Crosland said. “It each other and at least 25 people medics and nurses from Fort Camp- [telehealth] has the potential to working to make this happen from bell's 86th Combat Support Hospital project capabilities worldwide from different departments--primary care, who are training on the equipment a continental United States location emergency department, patient to test the feasibility of using tele- allowing us to better support de- administration, resource manage- health with forward deployed units. ployed service members.”

King Challenge Coin, Side 2

3 May 1861 - President Lincoln 6 May 2011 - The US Coast Guard soldiers" in the AEF, earns Ameri- orders expansion of the Army by closes a section of the Mississippi ca's first Croix de Guerre in WWI. 5510 Falls of Neuse Road 23,000 and the Navy by 18,000. River near Caruthersville, Missouri Raleigh, NC 27609 due to heavy flooding. 18 May 1951 - US General J. Law- 4 May 1776 - Rhode Island de- ton Collins predicts use of atom (919) 876-0585 clared its freedom from England, 11 May 1918 - Sgt Henry John- bomb in Korea. [email protected] two months before the Declaration son, 369th Infantry, called by T. of Independence was adopted. Roosevelt one of the "five finest

(919) 571-4378 In 2010, Winton was named British grandchildren. make the trip from Earth to Heaven. [email protected] Hero of by the British Government. He has also received Our Heavenly Father knows of our God our Father has unlimited re- helpless estate and has made pro- sources and provides for our every Joe Perez ([email protected]) several honors and awards from the Czech Government including the visions to take care of His children. physical and spiritual need. The He sent His only begotten Son, Je- Holy Spirit is in our lives guiding us Don King ([email protected]) Cross of Merit of the Minister of Defense, Grade I in 2008. Also in sus, to die on the cross so that we in the paths we should take. Jesus could have eternal life. His plan of is sitting at the right hand of the 2008, the Czech Government nomi-

nated him for the Nobel Peace salvation was so very complete that Father, ever interceding on our be-  Dianna Perez - 4 we are told by Paul in Romans half. No bureaucracy to have to  Gene Hayden - 6 Prize. The minor planet “19384 Winton” was named in his honor by Chapter 8 that tribulation, or dis- work through here! If you have  Andy Ralph - 16 two Czech astronomers. On May 19, tress, or persecution or famine, or accepted this great salvation and  Andrew Parchue - 21 2014, on Winton’s 105th birthday nakedness, or peril, or sword can- now have Jesus Christ as your per-  Ashley Shaut - 22 the Czech Government awarded not separate us from the love of sonal Savior, your ticket has been Catherine Carver - 24  him their highest award, the Order Christ. Then Paul goes on to tell punched and you are on your way to  Kiah Reece - 26 of the White Lion, for giving Czech us: “For I am persuaded, that nei- Heaven. The great news is that  Steve Martin, Annette Par- children “the greatest possible gift: ther death, nor life, nor angels, nor once salvation is in place, nothing chue - 31 the chance to live and be free”. The principalities, nor powers, nor can separate you from God’s love. was award- things present, nor things to come, If you’ve accepted Christ, never  Gene & Pat Mesley - 19 ed to Sir Nicholas Winton on the nor height, nor depth, nor any other doubt it and rejoice in God’s great creature, shall be able to separate provision. If you have not accepted  Ken & Cheryl Folz - 31 same day that the Czech Govern- ment awarded the same honors to us from the love of God, which is in Christ as your savior, God is calling Sir . Additionally, Christ Jesus our Lord.” There is you to be one of His children. 2 statues of Sir Nicholas Winton are nothing real or even imagined that Peter 3:9 says: “The Lord is not displayed at three locations in Lon- can separate us from this great slack concerning His promise, as don and one also in a railway sta- love. God provided the only sacri- some men count slackness; but is tion in Prague. Schools in Czecho- fice possible to save us from eter- longsuffering to us-ward, not willing are named in his honor, as nal destruction. Jesus came to that any should perish, but that all are countless streets and buildings. earth, died a cruel death on the should come to repentance.” God There are even literary competitions cross, and then arose on the third has made the provision for your named after him. On , 2015, day to conquer death on our behalf. rescue from death - all you have to Sir Nicholas Winton died at the age God saw the destruction that stood do is accept. of 106. His life is remembered not in our future and Jesus intervened on our behalf. He had compassion Editor’s Note: You can view the sto- for its length, but for its content. ry of Sir Nicholas Winton produced For two weeks in 1938, Nicholas on us and died in our place! Once you become a child of God through by “60 Minutes” of CBS news at Winton went on holiday and as a result ended up with 15,000 chil- accepting Jesus Christ as your Sav- Sir Nicholas Winton, ior, you have everything you need to v=c0aoifNziKQ circa 2008 dren, grandchildren and great-

Please continue to keep Ashley Huskey in Vradenburgh. Please continue to pray for your prayers as Doctors are treating her for Malia Barnhill who has Stage IV lung can- vasculitis over the next few cer. I worked with her husband for a num- months. Ashley is the daughter of ber of years and he is a close Todd and Tammy Huskey; please friend. Please also pray for Brian and Ivey pray that the treatments she is tak- Palmer as they minister to soldiers and ing will completely stop the vascu- families at Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin. litis. Please keep Merry Dare Good- ~ Colonel Martin win in your prayers as she has Coming up next month: entered Basic Training for the U.S. Navy. Merry is the Granddaugh-  Here’s Why: Do You Remember These ter of Dale and Dixie Ulmer and Men? the niece of Pastor and Rachel  Stress: The Perfect Storm (part 2)