LAST RITES: Tamrin Ghafar (Left) and Sally Ghafar (Right) Joining in The

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LAST RITES: Tamrin Ghafar (Left) and Sally Ghafar (Right) Joining in The PETALING JAYA: Full national honours marked the final jour- ney of former Deputy Prime Minister and one of Malaysia's- well-loved political leaders Tun Ghafar Baba, who was laid to rest at the Heroes' Mau- soleum in Masjid Negara, Kua- la Lumpur, yesterday. Late afternoon sunlight fil- tered through the leafy sur- roundings of the mosque as Ghafar's body was lowered into the grave. Ghafar, 81, who died at 7.35am yesterday, was accord- ed a state funeral in recogni- tion of his contributions to the country. It was a fitting tribute to the Malay leader who began life as an impoverished village boy, became a teacher, partook in the independence struggle, joined Umno and rose to be- come first Malacca Chief Mi- nister, then Cabinet Minister and finally deputy prime min- ister. He was laid to rest alongside Tun Abdul Razak Hussein and Tun Hussein Onn (respectively Malaysia's second and third Prime Ministers) and former Deputy Prime Minister Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, look- ing solemn, was at Masjid LAST RITES: Tamrin Ghafar (left) and Sally Ghafar (right) joining in the prayers after their father FINAL JOURNEY: Pallbearers carrying Ghafar's casket from the Negara to receive the body on was laid to rest at the Heroes' Mausoleum in Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. mosque area to the Heroes' Mausoleum. behalf of the Government and people. modest living room of the Negara at 2.15pm where the Ghafar had been hospitalised house, as family and friends re- Prime Minister, waiting at the for several months after suffer- cited the Yassin and other main entrance, formally took ing a heart attack, followed by Quranic passages. over the process. complications of the lungs and Deputy Prime Minister, Da- The body lay in style in a kidneys. tuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who high-ceilinged hall till about His condition took a turn for was at the house with Datin 4pm during which people from the worse early Friday morn- Seri Rosmah Mansor, descri- ordinary citizens to Cabinet ing and he breathed his last bed Ghafar as a patriot whose Ministers paid their respects, surrounded by close family contributions to the country many of them pausing to recite members. dated back to the pre-Mer- verses from the Quran. He is survived by seven out deka era. Umno veteran and Ghafar of a total of nine children and "He was also very close to my contemporary Tan Sri Khir dozens of grandchildren and father," said Najib, recalling Johari touched many hearts great-grandchildren. His first the ties between Ghafar and when he arrived, looking frail wife, Asmah Alang, died in former Prime Minister Tun as his wife and son helped him 2004. Razak Hussein. through the hall. The family had been keeping Former Deputy Prime Minis- At 5pm, after the asar pra- vigil over their patriarch for ter Tan Sri Musa Hitam, who yers, the pallbearers carried several nights, but still there once challenged Ghafar for the Ghafar's body to the mau- was no holding back the emo- deputy Umno president post, soleum area. tions and tears when the final was in tears as he described Tears flowed freely as the moment came. Ghafar as a grassroots leader body was lowered into the At 9.30am, Ghafar's remains, who did not abandon his roots grave and covered with earth. covered in a green sheet with even as he rose through life The Prime Minister was also Quranic scripts, were carried and politics. somewhat overcome, resting out of the hospital by son Shortly after 1pm, those pre- his chin in one hand, the Tamrin and other male family sent gathered for zohor pra- other arm wrapped round his members to be taken to his yers. The air was thick with waist. Pantai Hills home. emotion and nostalgia as the The burial ended at about The simple bungalow was coffin, now draped in the Jalur 5.45pm with the final rites led already teeming with people Gemilang was lifted and carried by the national mosque's chief waiting to pay their last res- to the hearse by Armed Forces imam Datuk Kamaruddin Za- pects. and Police personnel. karia. From 9.30am till about 2pm, After the family part of the VIP mourners and family his body, draped in a piece of funeral was over, the state members sprinkled water and white cloth and a yellow em- funeral proper began. scattered petals over the grave, broidered sheet, lay in the The hearse arrived at Masjid before leaving the site. .
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