50 Ways Trump Is Wrong on Trade
MEMO Published April 7, 2016 • 16 minute read 50 Ways Trump Is Wrong on Trade Gabe Horwitz Donald Trump is a businessman, a billionaire, and a Vice President for the Economic Program globetrotter with nancial interests currently in Turkey, @HorwitzGabe Panama, South Korea, Canada, Philippines, India, Uruguay, Jay Chittooran Brazil, Ireland, Scotland, and the United Arab Emirates, Policy Advisor, Economic 1 Program according to his website. So how could someone with that breadth of global experience be so wrong on trade? Donald Trump is one of America’s loudest voices in opposition to trade generally and to the Trans-Pacic Partnership (TPP), which is his prerogative as a candidate for President. He has leveled bombastic accusations about TPP and other U.S. trade deals; of course, he levels bombastic accusations nearly every day on a host of issues. Of course, the sheer size of TPP —nearly 40% of global GDP— calls for robust debate and analysis. Third Way supports TPP as a way to open U.S. markets, write the rules of commerce in Asia (instead of China), and dramatically increase Made in America exports to the world’s most important growing market. We see this agreement as an essential component of restoring the basic American bargain of economic growth that benets the middle class and those aspiring to join it. Others, including Trump, view TPP dierently, and that debate has been passionate. But unlike most issue areas in this presidential race, Donald Trump has actually proposed a specic trade policy in place of TPP—a 45% tax on imports coming from China, a 35% tax on many imports from Mexico, and a 20% tax on imports from other countries.
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