Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Thursday 13th November 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors: L Dale, N Richards, L Scannell, K Walkling, Cllr C Crowther and Cllr G Malone.

Minute ACTION No. 1 Apologies – Cllr R Trustram-Eve (Family commitments).Cllr R Willatts (holiday), Cllr D Silverstone (illness), Borough Councillor D Howes Apologies for absence were proposed by Cllr C Crowther and seconded by Cllr L Dale – Agreed.

2 Declarations of Interest by Councillor’s – None 3 Representations from Members of the Public – Cllr N Richards read out an email received D Silverstone. “With regard to Community Governance Review can I urge the council not to make another submission but to accept the majority view of the people of Pipewell. I realise this is painful but the petition and associated documents have been accepted by two KBC Committees. These actions are all lawful and will be defended by a further document if necessary from Pipewell Village Committee. The committee has been informed that where there is a disagreement between parish councils it is the opinions of the people of Pipewell which will carry most weight and there is a very good majority in favour of moving to Rushton. Wilbarston had the same opportunities to research and comment. In fact Pipewell Village Committee were commended at the full KBC meeting for doing so much work on this issue. If by some chance this decision was not implemented the village committee would then be looking to petition to become a parish meeting like Orton as it feels that it has more than enough people to operate a parish meeting with its associated greater autonomy. This is again a perfectly legal way for a community association to proceed under the Local Government Act 2007. The whole village wants to be joined together. It has done for a very long time and it wants to belong to Rushton Parish Council. Pipewell Village Committee have asked me to pass on these comments in the hope that Wilbarston Parish Council will then take the more dignified route of dropping its opposition to the move to Rushton.” 4 Minutes: Resolution to approve and sign minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th October 2014. Proposed by Cllr Dale and seconded by Cllr Walkling. Approved without amendment.

5 Matters Arising from previous minutes. Minute 5/Bullet pt. 1/October 14 Borough Cllr Howes to be asked if Kettering Borough Council would be willing to Clerk let on short term arrangements of the examination.

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 292

Minute 5/Bullet pt. 2/October 14 Dog fouling spray paint: Borough Councillor D Howes has agreed to the purchase Clerk of 6 cans of paint, 5 for Wilbarston Parish

Minute 5/Bullet pt. 3/October 14 Missing Street Name Plate Manor Gardens The clerk was asked to report this to Clerk County Council.

Minute 6/Bullet pt. 2/October 14 A Wilbarston resident concern. It was agreed to write to John Conway, Head of NR Housing, KBC expressing concern that a resident of the parish had found it necessary to complain to him about her treatment and asking for comments from the Borough perspective. Cllr N Richards reported that no response had been received yet.

It was also agreed to write to John Conway noting that an affordable property now appeared to be advertised on the open market, thereby taking away the requirement for local residents to have priority rights to occupation, and asking for clarification of the Borough’s policy. Cllr N Richards reported that no response had been received yet.

Minute 13/Bullet pt. 3/October 14 Cllr Richards suggested the sign for the allotments, to be donated by a member of the public but needing to be approved by Rockingham Castle Estate should be based on that displayed at Windmill Farm - similar size, livery and font with wording to fit. Narrative will be: Rockingham Castle Estate Wilbarston Parish Allotments Established 2014 Wilbarston Parish Council By general agreement, to be submitted to RCE for approval. Cllr N Richards reported that Rockingham Castle Estates had approved the sign.

Minute 18/Bullet pt. 2/October 14 Clerk Cllr Walkling referred to Section 106 semi natural green area funding reported to the A6 Towns Forum which includes £50,000 allocated to Wilbarston. Why do we not know about this? The clerk was asked to contact Borough Councillor Howes asking for an update.

6 Special Constabulary Parish Constables – Special Katie Law gave an overview of campaign on recruiting Parish Special Constables to Parish Councillors including:  What was involved in being a Parish Special Constable  The recruitment process including a competency awareness evening  The time commitment required each month of 16 hours  Where to get more information from www.northants.police.uk/specials

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 293

It was agreed that the next edition of the Chronical would include an article on LD Northamptonshire Police Special Constabulary Parish Constables.

Cllr N Richards thanked Special Katie Law for her presentation and for taking the time to come to Wilbarston Parish Council.

7 Community Governance Review. Cllr N Richards gave an update from the working party on Wilbarston Parish NR Councils response on the further consultation from Kettering Borough Council. It was AGREED proposed by Cllr L Dale and seconded by Cllr K Walkling that Cllr N Richards would send the formal response to Kettering Borough Council.

Appendix A – Draft Letter

Cllr N Richards asked the clerk to establish when this matter would be going Clerk before the committee at Kettering Borough Council 8 Parish Council Elections May 2015. Cllr N Richards hand out to Councillors a Kettering Borough Council guide NR & LD ‘Parish & Town Councils – How to Stand For Election’ It was AGREED that an article would be included in the next edition of the Chronical.

The clerk was asked to obtain the latest Electoral Register from Kettering Borough Clerk Council. 9 Surveys/Questionnaires/ Meetings 9.1 Parish Plan Review: Cllr N Richards reported that this was on track, with the NR & LD questionnaire ready to go out with the next edition of the Chronicle. There would be a Junior questionnaire to be completed by year 5 & 6 pupils in the village school, the Scouts and the Guides.

9.2 Parish Enhancement Gang, Northants Highways - Street Works Survey. Nothing to report.

9.3 Charity Commission – Cllr L Dale reported that clarity was required regarding the Wilbarston Playing Field Charity (Charity No 291382) annual return, asking if the clerk could contact the Charity Commission to establish the following:  When was it set up  Its purpose  Names of the Trustees

It was AGREED proposed by Cllr L Dale and seconded by Cllr K Walkling that Clerk the clerk would contact the Charity Commission to obtain this information

9.4 Infinergy - Community Benefit Fund. Nothing to report.

9.5 Community Asset of Value Application. Cllr Walkling provided an update

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 294

regarding The Fox and the draft Application to KBC to list it as an asset of community value which was circulated at the last meeting. Appreciation was expressed to Barry Hinton who has provided a number of photographs in support of the application. It was AGREED proposed by Cllr K Walkling and seconded by Cllr C Crowther KW that Cllr K Walkling would submit the Community Asset of Value Application to Kettering Borough Council.

9.6 Vehicle Activated Speed Sign – County Councillor Allan Matthews had written to Clerk Wilbarston Parish Council asking for their views on the purchase of this to be used in Parishes. This was welcomed and the clerk was asked to contact Cllr Matthews expressing that this was a positive action.

9.7 NCALC AGM – Cllr N Richards gave an update on the recent meeting which he attended, reporting that the annual subscription discussed with difficult decisions being faced by NCALC with the decrease in grant availability. Choices of either cutting services or increasing the subscription fees were the main difficulty being faced. It was accepted that this was a one off increase of such a large amount. Cllr N Richards reported that the membership agreed to the proposed increase in annual subscriptions. 10 Finance Report 10.1 Accounts for Payment: The following payments were APPROVED proposed by Cllr Willatts and seconded by Cllr Silverstone:

Cheque Amount Payee Reason for Payment Statutory No. Power 300121 £187.26 Mr James Salary (November 14) s.111 LGA 1972 McKechnie 300122 £47.00 HM Rev & PAYE (November 14) s.111 LGA 1972 Customs

300123 £36.00 Wilbarston Hire of Wilbarston s.111 LGA 1972

Village Hall Village Hall - October 2014 Parish Council meeting 300124 £6.00 Mr K Walkling HM Land Registry s.111 LGA 1972 View 300125 £43.98 Stoke Albany 9th Edition Arnold s.111 LGA 1972 Parish Council Baker Local Council Administration Book LGA = Local Government Act

10.2 Receipts: Paid into Amount Received from Reason for Payment Unity Trust Bank A/C 31/10/14 £934.54 HMRC VAT Refund The clerk report that he was liaising with Unitytrust Bank regarding the deposits

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 295

made in October which have not reached Wilbarston Parish Council bank account. Receipts have been checked with the Post Office. The clerk would keep the council updated with progress. 10.3 Bank Statement & Bank Reconciliation: The bank statement balances to 31st October 2014 were reported to the Parish Council as follows:  Current Account: £5,897.64  Deposit Account: £4,701.36

10.4 Nationwide Wilbarston Twinning Association Account: Noted

10.5 Community Grant Fund Application: Cllr N Richards reported that Wilbarston Parish Council was unsuccessful in its application.

10.6 Budget 2015/16 Cllr Richards reported on the Finance Committee Meeting held on 6th November and shared the draft Budget for 2015/16. It was RESOLVED proposed by Cllr C Crowther and seconded by Cllr Keith Walkling to set the Budget for 2015/16 as presented.

10.7 NCALC proposed subscription increase from 2015: Cllr N Richards reported that the subscription increase was voted and accepted at the NCALC AGM.

11 Planning Application – None received

12 Telephone Kiosk Update - Monthly Inspection Report 12.1 Cllr Walkling completed the Wilbarston inspection.

12.2 Pipewell – Cllr Silverstone to complete and return to the clerk DS 13 Allotments Update 13.1 New/Existing Plot Holders. New Plot holders AGREED: 8A & 8B Carolyn Austin Proposed by Cllr L Dale, Seconded by Cllr K Walkling

13.2 General Update: Cllr N Richard reported that the boundary fence is about to be erected. The allotment sign had been approved by Rockingham Castle Estates.

14 Rushton Road Site – Cllr N Richards reported that the Allotment Association had NR nominated a plot holder but that no further representations had been received to establish the site as a wildlife area. It was AGREED proposed by Cllr Walkling and seconded by Cllr G Malone to keep the site as allotments.

15 Village Hall Report - Report presented and Noted. LD 15.1 Finance Report – September’s report received, October’s still awaited. 16 Playing Field - Monthly inspection report. Cllr Scannell advised that one of the goalposts is showing signs of fatigue.

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 296

The clerk is to contact Kettering Borough Council to discuss options available to Clerk address the goalposts. 17 Correspondence - The below detailed correspondence were noted: 17.1 Ncalc eUpdate (emailed to Cllrs 13/10/14) 17.2 National Allotment Association Newsletter (emailed to Cllrs 13/10/14) 17.3 Woodland Trust eUpdate (emailed to Cllrs 13/10/14) 17.4 Police Crime Report (emailed to Cllrs 13/10/14) 17.5 Best Village Competition Questionnaire (emailed to Cllrs 13/10/14) Cllr L Dale LD & NR and Cllr N Richards are to liaise on this matter and report back at December’s meeting. 17.6 NCC Highways Newsletter (emailed to Cllrs 13/10/14) 17.7 Northamptonshire Police Surgeries (emailed to Cllrs (20/10/14) 17.8 Cllr Howes Update on Queens Road (emailed to Cllrs 20/10/14) 17.9 NCC News Update (emailed to Cllrs 20/10/14) 17.10 CPRE Update (emailed to Cllrs 20/10/14) 17.11 Woodlands Trust eUpdate (emailed to Cllrs 23/10/14) 11.12 NCC Consultation on Fire & Rescue Services (emailed to Cllrs 23/10/14) 17.13 Rural Housing Annual Report (emailed to Cllrs 23/10/14) 17.14 KBC Community Fund Media Release (emailed to Cllrs 23/10/14) 17.15 NCC Consultation on Planning & Development (emailed to Cllrs on 23/10/14) 17.16 Fitness for the Community Project – End of Scheme Report (emailed to Cllrs 28/10/14) It was acknowledged that this was completed without any issues raised. 17.17 Planning Approval Notice KET/2014/0603 (emailed to Cllrs 28/10/14) 18 Councilors’ Concerns/Exchange of Information 18.1 Cllr K Walkling reported that the school had received a large number of bulbs which the school children would be planting in the village.

18.2 Cllr K Walkling reported that he continues to be in contact with Kettering Borough Council regarding the damage to the hedgerow in Pipewell.

18.3 Cllr N Richards reported that he’d received a note of thanks from the Royal British Legion for the donation and that a total of £1,648.49 had been raised.

19 Date of Next Meeting / Items for the Agenda: The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 11th December 2014, Village Hall, 7.30pm. Meeting Closed: 9.38pm.

Appendix A Minute 7 Community Governance Review Draft Letter

Wilbarston Parish Council

Chairman Clerk Councillor Nick Richards Mr James McKechnie

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 297

3 Weinahr Close 22 Bramblewood Road Wilbarston Weldon Leicestershire Northamptonshire LE16 8QX NN17 3ED

Tel 01536 770351 Tel 01536 400563 [email protected]

Community Governance Review c/o Democratic Services Kettering Borough Council Municipal Offices Bowling Green Road Kettering NN15 7QX

19 November 2014

Dear Sir

Kettering Borough Council Community Governance Review - Pipewell

Response of Wilbarston Parish Council to consultation on the Preferred Option that Pipewell should be transferred into the Parish of Rushton.

The response of Wilbarston Parish Council to the earlier consultation was based on our recollection of the previous review of this boundary together with our understanding of the current situation in Pipewell. From information since received it seems likely that there are other points which, had we been aware of them, we would have addressed. This submission puts our earlier response into context and sets out our view on the preferred option.

Background In 2013 we were advised of a ‘light touch’ review of parish boundaries in the borough, defining this as a review only in cases where a request was received for a parish boundary to be re-considered.

Prior to the previous review, 30 years ago, the village of Pipewell had been shared between the parishes of Wilbarston and Rushton, the boundary being the relatively central line of Harper’s Brook, and did not constitute a separate ward in either. As a consequence of that review, which was at the instigation of Rushton Parish Council, the Boundaries Commission expressed a preference for the village to be largely in one parish. As a practical matter Oakley Road was established as the new boundary, placing 28 dwellings in Wilbarston Parish and leaving 5 in Rushton Parish.

Subsequently, at the instigation of Wilbarston Parish Council, Pipewell was established as a separate ward in the parish, giving the residents the option to elect a member of the parish

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 298

council and so ensure that they had representation of their interests by one of their own number.

The initial ’light touch’ review At the instigation of the ward councillor Wilbarston Parish Council had from time to time considered the possibility of seeking the transfer of the remaining five properties from Rushton to Wilbarston, to establish the village as a single unit, but had not proceeded as it was understood from the previous review that ’significant’ boundaries, such as a road or watercourse, were preferred and no such option existed.

Nevertheless, when the light touch review was announced the question was again considered and the ward councillor was asked to sound out opinion in Pipewell. At our Parish Council Meeting in November she advised that ’she saw no overwhelming need to change the boundaries within Pipewell’ and the parish council agreed that no issues would be raised in respect of the review.

Had we decided otherwise our next step would have been to initiate a discussion with Rushton Parish Council on the subject.

The first consultation Having heard nothing on the subject we were surprised to learn in April 2014 that Rushton Parish Council had requested that Pipewell be consolidated into their parish. They had not made any mention of this to us, although we have subsequently learnt that an informal conversation had taken place with the ward councillor but this had not been relayed to the rest of the council. All the reasons cited by Rushton Parish Council were taken into account thirty years ago. There was nothing new in the submission. When the final decision had been made to move the boundary from the brook to the road there had been no opposition to that move.

In April the ward councillor was again asked to assess opinion in Pipewell ahead of our meeting in May. No report was made available to that meeting so it was agreed that the ward councillor would undertake a survey of residents of Pipewell to ascertain their views on a potential boundary change, reporting to the June meeting.

The ward councillor was unable to attend the June meeting but had advised the Chair and Vice Chair, on separate occasions that her survey had found a majority in favour of moving to Rushton Parish. She was asked to make available ahead of the meeting the detail of her findings and a note of how the survey had been conducted. No such information was provided, nor has been to date.

Not wishing to delay further we acknowledged that opinion in Pipewell was divided and agreed our response to the consultation. This was framed in the light of Rushton Parish’s concise request, citing historic links, and of the views previously expressed by the Boundaries Commission. We also believed that Pipewell residents would feel that we took our responsibilities for them seriously and that we endeavoured to act at all times in their best interests. At that time we were not aware that our communications links with Pipewell residents were not as they should have been (see below) and that the ward councillor was

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 299

actively engaged in a campaign in favour of a move to Rushton Parish. The latter created a clear conflict of interest, which was never declared. We were extremely disappointed when the facts emerged as had we been aware of these this would have significantly changed the manner in which we dealt with the first consultation.

Outcome of the first consultation It has never been our intention to stand in the way of the wishes of the residents of Pipewell and at first glance the responses to the first consultation indicate a majority in favour of change. However many of these are from outside the target area, ie that part of Pipewell which is within Wilbarston, and in particular many are from Rushton. They include representations said to be on behalf of other residents, although details of how support was established are not given. The ’vote’ which we had been told established a clear majority in favour of change does not appear to be included and we have still not received details of this despite it having originated from our request for information to be gathered on behalf of the parish council.

Some responses are anonymous and locations are not always clear, but we believe there are ten submissions from residents in the target area, of which five favour change whilst five do not.

Overall we were disappointed with certain comments about inactivity on the part of Wilbarston Parish Council. Based on feedback gained from residents with whom we had direct contact we formed the view that information about the parish council activities was not being disseminated. Our usual communications media are:

Quarterly distribution of the Wilbarston Chronicle to all households - this is the primary means by which residents are advised of what the parish council is doing and thinking. Distribution is undertaken by parish councillors and in the case of Pipewell this is the ward councillor

Representation of local issues to the parish council and of the parish council to local residents by the ward councillor.

Publication of parish council meeting minutes on a notice board in Pipewell provided by the parish council for that purpose, as well as for church and general use.

Feedback suggests that, at least in recent months, all of these have been compromised.

Supported by councillors the Chair wrote and hand delivered a letter to all Pipewell residents in Wilbarston Parish in response to some of the comments in the first consultation, referring to possible communications difficulties and outlining actions which the parish council has taken on behalf of Pipewell. The letter went on to say that the parish council would support the wishes of the residents of Pipewell but asked them to respond individually to the further consultation so that there would be no doubt what those wishes are. A copy of the letter is attached (Appendix A) and forms a part of this submission as it summarises where the parish council currently stands.

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: …………………… 300

In conclusion, Wilbarston Parish Council has done its best to represent the interests of its Pipewell residents for the past thirty years and to make them feel an integrated part of the parish. Indeed the previous ward councillor was an active Vice Chair of the council. Through our own recent formal and informal contacts we have not found any significant wish for change, despite the impression which might have been gained from the full range of responses to the first consultation, and we do not agree with the preferred option now on the table. We continue to recommend no change.

This response was agreed by the parish council at its meeting on 13 November 2014.

Yours sincerely

Nick Richards Chair, Wilbarston Parish Council

Chairman’s signature: ……………………………...... Date: ……………………