Vol. 25 No. 14 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2012 www.collegianonline.com Have a suggestionfor College-age vote important to election the new BJU mascot? A panel of BJU students, faculty, staff, alumni and ad- ministrators is collecting mas- cot suggestions to propose to Dr. Jones and wants input from the university family. Send your idea to
[email protected] by Feb. 10, with your mascot choice as the subject line. Student representatives will bring the ideas to the committee, and anyone who submits an idea that is chosen as the winner will be recognized. In the know: Ron Paul Newt Gingrich Rick Santorum Mitt Romney The top GOP presidential candidates increase their campaigning as the state primaries and caucuses begin. Photos courtesy of Gage Skidmore and Kyle Cassidy Academic Resource Center By: LEE MILLER Abrams said, “Do you want The newly unveiled Staff Writer more of the same, or do you Academic Resource want a different path?” Dr. Stephen Jones shares spiritual Center is now open on Four states—Iowa, New While elections are the second floor of the Hampshire, South Carolina important, Mrs. Abrams said truths learned in physical trials Alumni Building. and Florida—have already college students tend not to held a caucus or primary in be interested in the political By: HEIDI WILLARD said, “and I just have to trust.” Student tickets the 2012 presidential nomi- system because the realities of Staff Writer Of course, that’s not easy to do, but Dr. available nating process, but 46 states life have not yet hit them. She Jones said he is trusting in God’s timing.