
Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004

Quaternary research in Poland: selected achievements and prospects

Leszek Marks*

A b s t r a c t . During the last thirty there were several turnouts in studies that increasingly accelerated our under- standing of natural processes and opened new research fields. Among others, they included complex reconstruction of palaeoclimatic phenomena, studies of deep-sea and long-term continental record, and extensive application of reliable dating methods. In Poland considerable progress was gained in studies of stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the , last gla- ciation and , regional loess stratigraphy, key palynologic interglacial sections and standard varve chronology in Goœci¹¿, as well as in complex and systematic studies in polar areas. Priorities in Quaternary studies suggest that particularly quick progress is to be expected in studies of climate change, evolution of natural environment and in monitoring of natural and human-induced hazards. Key words: Quaternary, research, achievements, priorities

The main feature of the Quaternary studies is their com- ‘ appearance of theoretical models, tested with collec- plexity and interdisciplinary character. The idea of inte- ted geological data. gration of interdisciplinary studies of the Quaternary, far The retrospective view indicates that the last thirty beyond a clear geological aspect, has been developed already years witnessed a distinct quantitative change in the me- in the 19th century. In Poland the first institutional Quater- thods applied. It was firstly due to wide use of computer nary organisation was created by the Committee for Staru- programs that made possible common introduction of nia Research, established by the Polish Academy of Arts modeling and forecasting to Quaternary research. And and Sciences in June 1929. But already in 1928 at the Inter- although our knowledge is at present much more profound national Geological Congress in Paris, a new Quaternary than several dozen years ago, there are still numerous organisation was initiated, named the International Union questions without any reasonable answer yet. There are for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Polish Quaternary now many new research perspectives that call for underta- researcher Mieczys³aw Limanowski played a significant king innovatory approaches in the coming years. role in this activity. New methods applied in the Quaternary research consi- After the Second World War, an interdisciplinary spec- derably increased the possibilities to find the solution in trum of Quaternary scientists in Poland has been grouped this sector of science. Among these new methods, or new in the Committee for Quaternary Research, established by application of the older methods, there are: the Polish Academy of Sciences on 30th June, 1964. Within ‘ wide introduction of sedimentology to determination this Committee, the National Committee of INQUA was of the sedimentary environment of the Quaternary founded. ; The Committee initiated and supported the studies of ‘ reconstruction of palaeotemperatures on the basis of the Quaternary in Poland. This activity succeeded in deve- oxygen isotopes — this method is considered univer- lopment of the Geochronological Laboratory in Gliwice sal in studies of deep-sea sediments and cores, (Upper Silesia) and supported a wide program of dating of and can be also applied to inland deposits; sediments. Activity of the Committee backed up considera- ‘ dating of Quaternary sediments; ble progress and intensified international cooperation and ‘ measurement of palaeoclimate parameters; participation in multilateral programs. ‘ application of biology (e.g., ) as a source of information on environmental changes; Quaternary research during the last thirty years ‘ palaeomagnetism. Among achievements in Quaternary studies in the It has focused mostly within the Earth sciences, with world during the last thirty years there are several turnouts vast participation of biology, also physics, archaeology and that increasingly accelerated our understanding of natural agricultural sciences. The Quaternary studies play predo- processes and opened new research fields. They include minant role in reconstruction of previous events, forecast (Porter, 1999): future changes in natural environment and climate and ‘ identification of climatic cycles of varying duration also monitor the natural hazards. It does seem obvious that and attempt of their correlation with definite astro- demands of the authorities and the society made distinct nomical and geological phenomena; and quick progress in these studies possible during the last ‘ linking the palaeoclimatic signal from deep-sea sedi- thirty years. The four fundamental points has backed up these ments with changes of ice volume on land; achievements: ‘ complex and interdisciplinary studies of long conti- ‘ application of precise and reliable dating methods; nental sequences, enabling correlation of changes in ‘ vast cooperation with non-Earth scientists in collec- vegetation during several intervals of the Quaternary ting and elaboration of data; with a record of climatic changes in deep-sea sedi- ‘ introduction of new research techniques; ments; ‘ correlation of results of palaeoclimatic studies of deep-sea sediments and ice cores with the palaeoma- *Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 War- gnetic scale and loess-palaeosol sequences, which szawa, Poland; [email protected] demonstrated the occurrence of several dozen inter-

800 Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004

glacial-glacial cycles throughout the Quaternary — Integration of Quaternary research exampled by some it located the lower boundary of the Quaternary at achievements in central Europe least at 1.8 mln years ago, but more probably, this boundary should be moved even further back to 2.6 During the last dozen years, an immense progress has mln years ago; been noted in studies of the Quaternary, carried through in ‘ calibration of radiocarbon time scale and wider use cooperation with scientists from different European coun- of uranium-thorium dating; tries. Easier international contacts and application of new ‘ introduction of palaeoclimatic modeling based on research methods favoured development of the knowledge primary role played by ocean circulation; and intensive exchange of ideas, particularly among the ‘ attempt of determination of the role of greenhouse scientists from Central and Eastern Europe. gases in climate development. The main tasks that have been the subject to extensive investigation included selection of basic stratotype sec- Achievements of Quaternary studies in Poland tions and defining formal, semi-formal and informal units in the stratigraphic schemes of the Quaternary. It calls for Studies of the Quaternary in Poland during the last definition of precisely dated chronostratigraphic bounda- several decades had two aspects: regional and more gene- ries. Much in this scope is still to be done, as evidenced by ral. In both, the main role was played by applicative fac- the complex stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower Quater- tors, resulting from the fact that most of the country is nary in Central Europe, as well as by uncertainties about mantled with thick Quaternary sediments. They contain the exact position of the /Quaternary boundary also most natural deposits and groundwater intakes; this (cf. Fig. 1). This task, as well as of the status and definition cover is most susceptible to degradation caused by the of the Quaternary itself, has been lately many a time the activity of man. subject of extensive discussion within the International Among the most significant achievements of the Polish Commission on Stratigraphy of the International Union of Quaternary scientists during the last thirty years there are: Geological Sciences (IUGS). ‘ studies of stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Trans-border mapping is another important field of Eemian Interglacial, last Pleistocene glaciation and international co-operation. Geologic maps in different sca- Holocene on the basis of complex lithological, palaeo- le have been prepared lately for the Polish regions along pedologic, chronometric and palaeontological inve- the border with Czech Republic, Lithuania, Germany, stigations; Slovakia, and Ukraine. The most spectacular recent exam- ‘ development of regional loess stratigraphy on the ple is a of geologic maps in 1 : 200,000 scale for the basis of lithological, palaeopedologic, chronome- border zone region of Poland and Germany, published in tric, palaeontological and palaeomagnetic data; 2003 (Fig. 2). ‘ revealing key palynologic interglacial sections in There are numerous less or more formal groups that Poland; cooperate within the scope of the Quaternary research. ‘ complex examination of Quaternary sediments in the In Europe one of these is the Peribaltic Group of the Inter- brown coal mine at Be³chatów, what enabled to esta- national Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). Within blish para-stratotypes for the European stratigraphy; the activities of this Group, eleven field symposiums were ‘ elaboration of standard varve chronology on the organised in 1996–2004 in the southern Peribaltic region basis of lithological, chronometric and palaeontolo- (Fig. 3). Presented field material laid foundations for gical studies of sediments in the Lake Goœci¹¿, what cooperation and played important role in selection of fur- enabled to make it a global reference, especially for ther research topics, such as those briefly outlined below: calibration of radiocarbon data; ‘ Pleistocene evolution of the ; ‘ scheme of changes in a fluvial environment during ‘ development of river systems; ‘ the last 15 ka, based on complex examination of distribution and classification of glaciotectonic numerous sections; features; ‘ ‘ preparation and publication of the principles of classi- dynamics of of the last Scandinavian gla- ciation; fication and stratigraphic terminology for the Quater- ‘ chronology of the last glaciation. nary (Zasady…, 1988); ‘ complex and systematic studies in polar areas. Pleistocene evolution of the Baltic Sea. Evolution of Significant role on scope and progress in studies of the the Baltic Sea basin has constituted for long a fascinating Quaternary in Poland was played by mapping for the story for many Quaternary geologists. Intensive erosion Detailed Geological Map of Poland, 1 : 50,000 scale, a resulted in considerable reduction in thickness of the project coordinated by the Polish Geological Institute (cf. Quaternary cover in this area, if compared with the regions Ber, 2004). Initiating and stimulating complex studies, the project yielded immense amount of new data and was bac- farther south. For this reason, reconstruction of successive ked with suitable funds. events during the Pleistocene, and particularly during its All these research achievements were partly gained in older part, faces numerous difficulties. At the beginning of the Pleistocene, the central part of cooperation with international boards and foreign organi- the present Baltic basin was occupied by the so-called Bal- sations, particularly European ones. Worth mentioning is a tic Stream, flowing from northeast towards southwest very fruitful bilateral cooperation with scientific centres in (cf. Gibbard, 1988). We know very little about this Baltic neighbouring countries, particularly in Ukraine, Belarus, Stream, because the Elsterian ice sheet removed all its sedi- Lithuania, Czech Republic and Germany.

801 Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004

Palaeo- NETHER- UNITED GERMANY POLAND BELARUS magne- LANDS KINGDOM tism Western part Eastern part (Zagwijn, 1979) (Brunnacker, 1978) (Wolf, 1980, (Lindner, 1988) (Yakubovskaya, 1998) Wiegank, 1982)

polarity events

Ma epochs Pastonian South Polish Yaseldinsky Mahlis Glaciations Korchevsky 2

normal Cromerian Helme Servechsky

BRUNHES 0.73 Artern Augustovian Korchevsky 1 Menapian 0.90 Unstrut Narevian Narevsky 0.95 Smorgonsky Jaramillo hiatus Waalian Borntal Celestynów warming Ruzhansky Ville Varazhsky


reversed Otwock cooling Usalubsky

Zersatz Baventian 1.76 Dvoretsky 1.87 Antian


2.01 MATUYAMA Tegelenian Thurnian Ponurzyca 2.04 Ludhamian 2.12 2.14

Reunion hiatus Alkhovsky Pretegelenian Preludhamian Kholmechsky 2.48


Fig. 1. Attempt of correlation of stratigraphic units of the Lower Quaternary in Europe, after Lindner (1992), modified


C O N M IO M T I IN A A SI QU CI ON ON GLA Vistula Berlin Poland Warta


Germany Odra

CzechRep. 100km

1000km Fig. 2. Trans-border sheets of geological map, scale 1 : 200,000 published in 2003; result of co-opera- tion of Polish and German geological surveys Fig. 3. Field symposiums of INQUAPeribaltic Group in 1996–2004

802 Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004 ments, eroded a deep depression and, therefore, changed completely the topography of this area. Since that time this 500km area has been occasionally occupied by sea ingressions (cf. Lindner & Marks, 1994). The first one occurred during the when a sea occupied most of Den- mark and northern Germany, and reached at least as far east as the Kaliningrad District of (Fig. 4; Marks, 1988; Marks & Pavlovskaya, 1999, 2003a, b). There is much more information about the sea in- gression that entered the Baltic basin during the Eemian Interglacial (Fig. 4). New data have been collected lately within the project BALTEEM: Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic evolution of the Baltic Sea basin during the Last Interglacial (Eemian, Mikulino), funded by the Europ- ean Union and led by P.L. Gibbard (University of Cam- bridge), with coordinators from (K.-L. Knudsen), Norway (H.P. Sejrup), and (M. Eron- en), and with co-operation of 22 other scientists from Den- mark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russia, and . The aim of this project focused on ? ? reconstruction of evolution of the Baltic basin during the Eemian Interglacial (130–115 thousand years ago), ? Eemian sea determination of the type and chronology of sea trans- gressions and regressions starting from the Late Saalian until cooling at the beginning of Vistulian, and Holstein sea also on climatic connection of the Baltic basin with the White Sea through the Karelian Isthmus (Gibbard, 2002). Fig. 4. Sea ingressions in the Baltic basin during Holstein and This aim was reached with presentation of the palaeog- Eemian , partly after Funder et al. (2002) eographical transect from southern Denmark, through nor- thern Poland (Head et al., 2004) to Arkhangelsk area. It called for comparable data along the transect, received with just after a catastrophic runoff of the Late Elsterian a use of uniform methodology and also supported by ice-dam (Marks et al., 1998; Marks & Pavlovskaya, suitable documentation from key sedimentary sequences 1999, 2003a, b; Fig. 5). In spite of occupation of this area and supplemented with modelling of water circulation and by ice sheet of the Middle Polish Glaciations (Saalian) and palaeo-tides in the reservoir. the following transformation of the landscape during deglaciation, similar river was established during the Development of river systems. The framework of the Eemian Interglacial, although it resembled partly a fluviop- present river system in Central and Eastern Europe has eriglacial network that appeared there at the end of the developed already at the start of the Holstein Interglacial, Wartanian Glaciation (Marks, 2004a). During the last gla-


Neman HOLS TEIN S EA Russia Gdañsk

Dnieper Minsk


Warta Belarus

Poland Warsaw

Germany Odra Ukraine Kiev

Cracow Holstein Holstein watershed CzechRep. river valleys

100km Late Elsterian ice-dam lakes

Fig. 5. River system and main watershed during Holstein Interglacial in mid-eastern Poland and western Belarus against Late Elsterian ice-dam lakes; after Marks & Pavlovskaya (2003b), modified

803 Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004 ciation the northern part of the Middle Vistula was determine the ice sheet flow direction. The project ICEFLOW an area of glaciolacustrine sedimentation and water runoff directions in the Peribaltic area during the Weichselian occurred along the ice margin westwards, within the ice Glaciation resulted in collection of all published and unpu- marginal streamways. Reconstruction of the Middle and Late blished directional data, among others also those presented Pleistocene river system in Poland indicates that sea level at symposiums of the INQUA Peribaltic Group. during the Holstein and Eemian interglacials played a Ice sheet movement could be determined on the basis of driving role in its development (Marks, 2004b). As a result, linear landforms and structure. Among them the modern river system inherits the ancient features and there are indirect (striations, fabric, local glaciotectonic that the main watersheds have been only slightly modified deformations and streamlined landforms) and direct (tun- since that time. Water level of the Holstein sea was slightly nel valleys, , chains and end ) featur- below and the level of the Eemian sea at similar altitude as es. Their distribution indicates radial structure in the ice the present sea level. However, a more southward exten- sheet marginal zone and location of interlobe areas. sion of the sea during the Holstein and Eemian interglaci- The project ended with creation of a database and set of als caused that buried bottoms of river valleys occur at present considerably deep beneath the alluvia of the national maps in 1 : 500,000 scale, presenting the area of Holocene rivers. To the north of Warsaw an important Belarus, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. hydrographical junction of Central Europe has been for- The maps were prepared in 2002–2004 using ArcInfo med already during the Holstein Interglacial (cf. Fig. 5; software. These maps were then combined into a complex Marks & Pavlovskaya, 2003b). Map of Weichselian Directional Ice-flow Features of Cen- tral and Eastern Europe, scale 1 : 1,000,000, compiled by Distribution and classification of glaciotectonic L. Marks (Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw), R. features. The main aim of the Glaciotectonic Map of Cen- Guobyte (Geological Survey of Lithuania), I. Pavlovskaya tral and Eastern Europe was to prepare the first regional (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus), V. Kalm and presentation of types and occurrence of glaciotectonic M. Rattas (University of Tartu, Estonia), H.-J. Stephan features, collected within a GIS database (Ber & Krzyszkow- ski, 2004). This work was started in 1995 by the working (Geological Survey of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany), V.Zelès group GAGE (acting within the INQUA Commission on (University of Riga, Latvia), W. Gogo³ek, T. Bielecki and Glaciation), led by J. Aber (Emporia State University, USA) J. Kocy³a (Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw). The map and A. Ber (Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw). The first presents a uniform picture of glacial directional features ended with compilation of the national glaciotectonic that make reconstruction of ice flow direction during the maps of Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Ger- last glaciation possible. Certainly, it provides a sound basis many, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad for 3-D palaeoglaciologic modelling of palaeo-ice streams District) and Ukraine. Glaciotectonic structures were sub- in central Europe. divided into four main classes, i.e., expressed by modern landforms, fossil landforms, deformed Quaternary sedim- Chronology of the last glaciation. Recent results of ents and deformed older (pre-Quaternary) deposits (in situ studies of the Antarctic ice sheet introduced palaeo-ice and in glacial rafts). The second stage included prepar- ation of numerical glaciotectonic maps in 1 : 250,000 and streams to palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Ple- 1 : 500,000 scale, followed by their compilation in GIS istocene glaciations (Andrews & MacLean, 2003; Sejrup et database. Finally, a map of Central and Eastern Europe was al., 2003), and also resulted in a more dynamic approach to prepared in 1 : 3,000,000 scale. limits and structure of ice sheet in the Central European Dynamics of the ice sheet of the last Scandinavian Lowland (cf. Ringberg, 1988; Stephan, 2001; Marks, 2002; glaciation. Many years of studies in the region to the south Wysota, 2002; and others; Fig. 6). This picture is enriched of the Baltic basin yielded abundant data that can be used to by new dating methods applied to ice sheet limits, particula-

Sweden Lithuania ¬ Fig. 6. Ice sheet limits of Neman Leszno (L), Poznañ (Pz), BALTIC22,300 BP G S EA Russia Pomeranian (Pm) and Gar- dno (G) phases of the last 21,480 BP Gdañsk glaciation in Poland with 21,600 BP limiting maximum non-ca- librated radiocarbon data for the Last Glacial Pm 18,730 BP Grodno Maximum (after Marks, Szczecin Poland 2002, modified); arrows indicate directions of Narew main pa- laeo-ice streams Noteæ Warta Vistula Berlin Pz 22,050 BP Bug Belarus Odra Konin Warsaw

Germany L 21,200 BP ice-dam lake 20,500 BP 100km 22,050 BP C14 dating

804 Przegl¹d Geologiczny, vol. 52, no. 8/2, 2004 rly dating with cosmogenic 10Be. This method was applied to Mikulino). BALTEEM Final Rp. (Contract no. ENV4-CT98-0809), Cambridge. date the exposure time of surfaces of large erratic boulders, HEAD M.J., SEIDENKRANTZ M.-J., JANCZYK-KOPIKOWA Z., occurring on end moraines at the main ice sheet limits of MARKS L. & GIBBARD P.L. 2004 (in press) — Last Interglacial the last glaciation in Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, (Eemian) hydrographic conditions in the southeastern Baltic Sea, NE Lithuania and Poland. In Poland, the 10Be age of the Pomer- Europe, based on dinoflagellate cysts. Quatern. Intern. LINDNER L. 1988 — Jednostki glacjalne i interglacjalne w plejstoce- anian Phase was defined at 14.2 ± 1.8 ka (Rinterknecht et nie regionu œwiêtokrzyskiego. Prz. Geol., 36: 31–39. al., 2003, 2004 in print), and it is also recommended to LINDNER L. (red.) 1992 — Czwartorzêd — osady, metody badañ, locally move this limit southwards. stratygrafia. Polska Agencja Ekol., Warszawa. LINDNER L. & MARKS L. 1994 — Pleistocene glaciations and inter- glacials in the Vistula, the Oder and the Elbe drainage basins (Central Priorities in the Quaternary studies European Lowland). Acta Geol. Polon., 44: 153–165. for the next 20 years MARKS L. 1988 — Relation of substrate to the Quaternary paleorelief and sediments, western Mazury and Warmia (northern Poland). Kwart. Application of new methods and development of new AGH, Geologia, 14: 1–76. MARKS L. 2002 — in Poland. Quatern. Sci. research paradigms, combined with inflow of new data, Rev., 21: 103–110. result in systematic recognition of the Quaternary in MARKS L. 2004a (in press) — Middle and fluvial Poland. On the other hand, the priorities in Quaternary stu- systems in central Poland. Proc. Geol. Assoc. dies in the world suggest that there are three main domains MARKS L. 2004b (in press) — Pleistocene river systems in the where a particularly quick progress is to be expected: southern Peribaltic area as index of interglacial sea level changes in the ‘ Baltic Basin. Quatern. Intern. Mechanism of climate change and its forecasting MARKS L., GUOBYTE R., KALM V., PAVLOVSKAYA I.E., Magnitude of the present warming is similar to the RATTAS M., STEPHAN H.-J., ZELÈS V., GOGO£EK W., BIELECKI natural climatic changes. The latter could be, however, T. & KOCY£A J. 2003 — Map of Weichselian directional ice-flow th masked by human activity, anthropogenic “greenhouse features of Central and Eastern Europe. XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, Programs with Abstracts, 117–118. effect” included. The main aim of the future studies will MARKS L. & PAVLOVSKAYA I.E. 1999 — Middle Pleistocene focus on separation of the natural climatic rhythms from ice-dam lake sediments as a key correlation complex in the Polish-Be- those arising from the activity of man. It will make possible larusian cross-border area. XVth INQUA Intern. Congress, Book of preventing or at least limiting the influence of natural phe- Abstracts, Durban, 118 p. MARKS L. & PAVLOVSKAYA I.E. 2003a — Correlation of Holste- nomena that can be dangerous for the achieved civilisation th inian fluvial series in Poland and Belarus. XVI INQUA Congress, level. Reno, Nevada, Programs with Abstracts, 68 p. ‘ Evolution of natural environment MARKS L. & PAVLOVSKAYA I.E. 2003b — The Holsteinian Inter- Interdisciplinary studies of the Quaternary enable com- glacial river network of mid-eastern Poland and western Belarus. Bore- plex diagnosis of the state of natural environment on the as, 32: 337–346. PIOTROWSKI J.A. 1997 — Subglacial groundwater flow during the basis of examination of the changes that occurred in the last glaciation in northwestern Germany. Sed. Geol., 111: 217–224. past. This approach can provide the foundations for susta- PORTER S.C. 1999 — INQUA and Quaternary science at the Millen- inable development. nium: A personal retrospective. Quatern. Intern., 62: 11–117. ‘ Diagnosis and monitoring of natural and human- RINGBERG B. 1988 — Late Weichselian geology of southernmost induced hazards Sweden. Boreas, 17: 243–263. RINTERKNECHT V.R., MARKS L., PIOTROWSKI J.A., RAISBECK They include, among others, the effects of earthquakes G.M., YIOU F., BROOK E.J. & CLARK P.U. 2004 (in press) — and volcanic eruptions, soil and seashore erosion, desertifica- Cosmogenic 10Be ages on the Pomeranian , Poland. Boreas. tion, floods, earth mass movements, water and soil pollution. 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