Plant Biology 2004 ASPB Welcomes a New Exe- Talk at an ASPB Meeting (In 1993 in Minneapolis– Cutive Director! on April 13, St
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ASPB News THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BIOLOGISTS Volume 31, Number 3 May/June 2004 Inside This Issue Crispin Taylor (Re)Joins ASPB Plant Biology 2004 ASPB welcomes a new exe- talk at an ASPB meeting (in 1993 in Minneapolis– cutive director! On April 13, St. Paul, if memory serves). 2004, Crispin Taylor came But, in addition to its broad supporting role as a Scientific Sessions, Special back to the Society…this membership organization, in 1996 ASPB took a nar- Events, and Workshops time as its new executive rower interest in me when it recruited me (for the Symposia Schedule director. Following is a first time) from my postdoc to edit the front section message from Crispin to of The Plant Cell. the membership: I spent a little shy of four years on the staff of The Thank you for your wel- Plant Cell in the late 1990s, initially as news and come and your interest; it is a sincere pleasure to be reviews editor and then as managing editor, before (back) here at ASPB, which has in many ways always leaving to edit and eventually direct Science Next been my professional home. Wave, a career resource published by Science As I expect may be true for many of the Society’s magazine and the American Association for the members, ASPB was the first disciplinary organiza- Advancement of Science. tion I joined as a graduate student back in the mid- Over the past eight years with ASPB and the AAAS, to late 1980s. My first paper was published in Plant I’ve had the opportunity to learn a surprising amount Physiology in 1991, and I gave my first truly public continued on page 3 Plant Biology 2004 Combine Plant Science with Family Fun! Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort & Convention Center July 24–28, 2004 Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort & Convention look for “Tropisms” (co-sponsored by Plant, Cell & Center in Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida, Environment), chaired by Roger Hangarter; “Reactive will be the location for Plant Biology 2004 on July Oxygen Species: Balancing Signaling & Stress,” 24–28. The scientific program is cutting-edge and chaired by Julia Bailey-Serres; “Sensing and strong, and Disney provides world-class family fun Responding to Water,” chaired by Keith Mott; for the whole family. Here are a few of the highlights “Advances in Plant Reproductive Biology” (Gibbs’ you have to look forward to! Symposium), chaired by June Nasrallah; and “From the Soil to the Seed” (the President’s Symposium), Five Major Symposia and 27 Minisymposia chaired by Mary Lou Guerinot. Twenty-seven mini- The five major symposia are a major highlight of any symposia will also be held throughout the meeting. Plant Biology meeting. For this year’s conference, continued on page 3 The ASPB News is now available online as well as in print. Members will be alerted by e-mail when a new issue is posted. The ASPB News welcomes member feedback. Contact the editor at [email protected]. ASPB Officers & Staff CONTENTS President Mary Lou Guerinot 603-646-2527 1 Crispin Taylor (Re)Joins ASPB President-Elect Roger Hangarter 812-855-5456 Plant Biology 2004: Combine Plant Immediate Past President Daniel R. Bush 970-491-2442 Science with Family Fun! Secretary Edgar Spalding 608-265-5294 Treasurer Mark R. Brodl 210-999-7246 5 Symposia Schedule Chair, Board of Trustees Louis Sherman 765-494-8106 Susan Rosenberry Says Farewell to ASPB Chair, Publications Committee C. Robertson McClung 603-646-3940 Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Mary Tierney 802-656-0434 6 Annual Meeting Activities Sponsored Minority Affairs Committee Regina McClinton 616-331-2470 by the Minority Affairs Committee Education Committee Lawrence Griffing 979-845-6493 UCB’s Heidi Ledford Earns AAAS/ASPB Elected Members Nick Carpita 765-494-4653 Mass Media Fellowship Spot Adrienne E. Clarke +61-38-344-5043 Linda Walling 909-787-4687 7 ASPB Journals Join AGORA to Offer Poorest Nations Free Online Access Sectional Representatives Midwestern Steven Rodermel 515-294-8890 8 Youngest Poster Presenter for Plant Northeastern Rakesh Minocha 603-868-7622 Biology 2004: Meet Crystal Siyu Southern Mel Oliver 806-723-5225 Zhang Mid-Atlantic Jonathan Monroe 540-568-6649 Western Dina Mandoli 206-543-4335 9 ASPB Allies with Other Scientific Publishers to Increase Awareness of Nonprofit Scientific Journals 10 Plant Physiology Pollen Man on Executive director Crispin Taylor, ext. 115 [email protected] Display at Andy Warhol Museum Executive assistant Donna Gordon, ext. 131 [email protected] ASPB Journals Reviewed and Director of finance and administration vacant Published Faster Than Ever Accounting manager Kim Snell, ext. 140 [email protected] Network administrator Burton Nicodemus, ext. 146 [email protected] 11 Membership Corner Webmaster Wendy Sahli, ext. 123 [email protected] Membership and marketing manager Kelley Noone, ext. 142 [email protected] Bioethics 12 Subscription and fulfillment assistant Suzanne Moore Cholwek, ext. 141 [email protected] 13 Education Foundation Call for Proposals Accounts receivable specialist Stephanie Liu-Kuan, ext. 143 [email protected] Accounts payable specialist Stefanie Shamer, ext. 144 [email protected] 14 From the Web Administrative assistant Carolyn Freed, ext. 122 [email protected] Director of public affairs Brian M. Hyps, ext. 114 [email protected] 15 Public Affairs Education Foundation assistant Paula Brooks, ext. 116 [email protected] 23 Education Forum Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, ext. 117 [email protected] Publications assistant Diane McCauley, ext. 133 [email protected] 26 SURF Recipients Managing editor, Plant Physiology George Kendall, ext. 118 [email protected] Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, 845-878-4570 [email protected] Deadline for September/October 2004 Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, ext. 130 [email protected] ASPB News: August 5, 2004 Manuscript manager, Plant Physiology Leslie (Ash) Csikos, ext. 125 [email protected] Managing editor, The Plant Cell Beth Staehle, ext. 121 [email protected] News and reviews editor, The Plant Cell Nancy Eckardt, 970-495-9918 [email protected] Production manager, The Plant Cell John Long, ext. 119 [email protected] NOTICE: The ASPB News no longer Manuscript manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, ext. 120 [email protected] carries job ads or meeting announcements. Job ads appear online at The list is updated every Friday. ASPB News ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is published six Meeting notices can be posted at times annually, in odd-numbered months. It is edited and prepared by ASPB staff from material provided by ASPB members and other Headquarters Office interested parties. 15501 Monona Drive Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA month (for example, December 5 for January/February publication). Phone: 301-251-0560 Submit copy by e-mail whenever possible; submit all other copy by Fax: 301-279-2996 mail, not by fax. Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-251-0560, ext. 117. © 2004 American Society of Plant Biologists. continued from page 1 Scientific Sessions, Special Events, and Workshops Plant Biology 2004 about membership organizations, publish- ing, the Internet, and managing projects and people. In fact, I’ve now spent almost Large and Active Exclusive Poster & their research, network, and learn how to get as much of my life working on these topics Exhibit Sessions the most out of Plant Biology 2004. as I did as a graduate student and postdoc At this meeting more than 1,000 posters will in plant biology! be on display for four days. The Monday ASPB Section Networking Receptions I greatly appreciate the opportunity evening and Tuesday afternoon sessions are This year, all five ASPB sections will again that ASPB has given me to work—once reserved exclusively for posters and exhibits. hold “Section Networking Receptions” from again—to the greater good of ASPB mem- At least 30 exhibitors with an interesting 2:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturday, July 24, before bers, plant scientists in general, and plant array of products and services will welcome the opening of the meeting. All ASPB mem- biology around the world. And I am look- attendees on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. bers are invited to attend the event for their ing forward to working closely with you, region. Attendees can enjoy the opportunity with the elected leadership of ASPB, and Open Greenhouse and Breakfast at to share a beverage and mingle with their with the Society’s staff to ensure that this Epcot’s “Land” Pavilion: Special regional colleagues. organization meets your needs and reflects Plant Biology 2004 Event! your interests. Although I’m a strong pro- Saturday, July 24, 7:00–9:00 am Plant Biology 2004 Opening ponent of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” $25 per person; children ages 3–9, $15 Reception and Mixer school of thought, I think it would be a (includes continental breakfast and This perennially popular event is open to all good idea for ASPB to take this opportuni- transportation) meeting registrants, and tickets may be pur- ty to engage in some healthy and produc- Enjoy your coffee and breakfast as you go chased for guests. The wide assortment of tive self-evaluation, if for no other reason behind the scenes at The Land at Epcot® to food and libations is the perfect backdrop for than to satisfy itself that it is heading in the explore the wonders of growing food plants attendees to reconnect with old friends, meet direction its members want it to go. from around the globe.