
• According to our book, Modern What is has • Chapter #8 modern unexplainable magic, and it is this element that • By Muna Alshammari fantasy? captures the minds and • Professor: Jeff Sapp hearts of children. • There is different names of • October 15, 2015 fantasy such as, imaginave, fanciful, CUR513 strange, and supernatural.

The : Modern fantasy falls into two major 1. In the mid- nineteen century , there is a classificaons notable example, that work created by A. Low fantasy: this B. : writers Hans Chrisan Andersen. The name of a is kind set in the of high fantasy take book is “ The Princess and the Pea”. Also, primary world, but informaon and several nineteen century Brish writers turned their aenon to creang a fantasy the magical experiences from primary world and for children. For example, “Alice’s elements of fantasy Adventures in Wonderland”, wrien by project this informaon make the story Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and published impossible. to create images and in 1865 under the pseudonym Lewis situaon of “ a Carroll. secondary world”.

2. In 20th century , The history of fantasy: The Story of Doctor Dolile by Hugh Loing’s th • The fantasy grew, expanded ,and reached 3. In 21 century, European countries. For instance, the book that name The Adventures of Pinocchio. This book was • There were a lot of popular books like R. published in Italy in 1881. L. Sne’s Goosebumps. • In Sweden in 1945 Astrid Lindgren published Pippi Longstocking. • Also, the books of Harry Poer and the • In The United States, the first book on modern fantasy for children was The Wonderful Wizard of Sorcerer’s Stone were led to a record Oz. It published in 1900 and was wrien by Frank high level of sale and movies. That Baum. • A few years later, the book Charloe’s Web means the people became more became a favorite book for children around the acceptable and prefer to read the world. • Another book has been read by million children fantasy modern more than before. was “” wrien by J.R.R. Tolkien. This book also was translated into over twenty- five languages.

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Categories of Modern Fantasy Categories of Modern Fantasy 1. Personified 2. Personified Toys Animals It is clear by • In this type of the tle the modern fantasy characters in the toys will be as the books will people which be animals means they will who acts and talk, eat, play, and behave as a feel. human.

Categories of Modern Fantasy Categories of Modern Fantasy 3. Outlandish 4. Magical Powers Characters and The Characters in Situaons these books have a Stories that appear power to change to be realisc humans to animals ficon, but the and they can travel characters behave by using a sck or rug. For example, a strangely. book Inkheart by Funke.

Categories of Modern Fantasy Categories of Modern Fantasy 5. Embellished 6. Extraordinary Tales Worlds • Fairy tales that have been • A story starts embellished to include with convincing more character characters in the development, detailed descripon of seng, and known world. fuller story. Oen a writer Aer that, the aempts answers characters move quesons that were into another provoked from the original/tradional fairy extraordinary tale and shows a different world through perspecves to readers. various devices.

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Categories of Modern Fantasy Categories of Modern Fantasy 7. Supernatural Elements 8. Time Slip This type of books will be about scary stories. Character move from one me period to another. Time slip plots oen center on a parcular historical period, a mystery that needs to be solved, or a common problem shared across generaons.

Categories of Modern Fantasy How does fantasy works?

9. High Fantasy 1. A writer must aract a reader by making them curious to find Types of high out what will happen next. 2. A good author gives a reader with specific details to prevent fantasy: , the reader think this story is never happening. fantasy, gothic 3. Seng: Authors must engage a reader in a story by making fantasy, epic/ him hear/see/ and feel. In other word, engage readers in fantasy by anchoring stories in plausibility. , 4. Character: Authors should have one of characters mirror the and sword and disbelief of the reader. sorcery fantasy. 5. Plot: The plot must have internal consistency and logic. 6. Theme: This must be one that maer to people in our known world.

Criteria for Evaluang Modern Fantasy: Issues to consider • To evaluate the modern fantasy there are many quesons to ask yourself. • Some parents believe the fantasy stories are • Is the story well wrien according to literary not important for children and the children not standards? capable to disnguish between the reality and • Is the theme compelling to readers in a “real fantasy. But, Michael Tunnel believes that the world” as well as in the ? “fantasy is important for children and gives • Are the elements that make the story a fantasy them a sense of hope about their skills to convincing, consistent, and well-developed? succeed in their lives”. Does the story allow readers to suspend disbelief? • Does the author maintain a sense of logic and order within the created world.

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Major Writers of Fantasy and Their Works Major Writers of Fantasy and Their Works 1. Lloyd Alexander 2. : He wanted to be a writer • since he was a young. The first book was: Over sea, He created many books, such as The Black under Stone. Cauldron was named a The second Newbery Medal in 1969. book was: Alexander died in 2008 • The Dark is aer he was Nominee for the Hans Chrisan Rising (a Anderson award in 2008. Newbery Honor Book).

Major Writers of Fantasy and Their Works Major Writers of Fantasy and Their Works

3. Bruce Coville 4. Roald Dahl: 5. Cornelia Funke 6. Brain Jacques:

• His stories were a favorite for • Some say that his • She is one of the most • He had other careers besides children. childhood influenced prominent and widely read wring. He was a sailor, radio • Jeremy Thatcher, his wrings. One of his authors in Germany. She is broadcaster, comedian, and Hatcher. books was Charlie and creang over forty books. truck driver. The first book was for entertaining blind students. • My Teacher is an Alien. the Chocolate Factory.

Major Writers of Fantasy and Their Works Major Writers of Fantasy and Their Works 7. 8. J. K. Rowling • She is an English teacher and 9. Diana Wynne Jones 10. Jane Yolen • He had a childhood she started wring a first book • While studying in Oxford • She wrien numerous books love of comics like Superman and in Portugal and finished it in she aended lectures given in genre and has served as Batman. He aended England. That book is Harry by C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. editor of her own imprint of Exeter College in Poer and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Tolkien. fantasy books. Her books Oxford. He was a • Power of Three. have won numerous awards. lecture at This book stayed on the best Westminster College. seller lists for children and • A Charmed Life. • The Subtle Knife. adults. • The Magicians of Caprona. • The Golden Compass(extraordina ry fantasy and was released as a film in 2007). • The Amber Spyglass.

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Do you know Other Notable writers of Modern Fantasy? • Lois Duncan, Ursula Le Guin, Laurence Yep.