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February 1999

2-10-1999 Daily Eastern News: February 10, 1999 Eastern Illinois University

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Eastern Illinois University look Charleston, Ill. 61920 moonlighting A Russian professor examines the Vol. 84, No. 97 An Eastern physical education 12 pages differences between American instructor works second job and Russian education. News as an official in the NFL. Story on Page 3 “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” Story on Page 12 Going over the basics Landfill site under fire Proposed dumping grounds near Eastern’s nature preserve area By Elizabeth Bold munity will not be kept under con- Staff writer trol. “This is the third one they (land- A proposed landfill site has fill owners) want to build in this Charleston residents forming a community and they are bringing in group to stop the construction. waste from five different counties. The proposed landfill site being One of them (the landfills) is just considered is a 250-acre plot locat- mountainous because it is so full ed a half-mile east of Loxa Road and out of control,” Abell said. and is about one mile north of the Kipp Kruse, chair of Eastern’s current landfill. Biological Sciences department, Allied Waste Systems Inc. owns said he has some concerns with the the current landfill site and is proposed site. expected to apply for approval to The university owns Burgner build another landfill. The proposal Acres Nature Preserve, a 10-acre for another landfill is in the early wooded area that was donated to stages of the process and has not the university. Kruse said the biolo- been given a city license yet. gy department uses the nature pre- One resident is trying to form a serve often and is worried that a group to stop the proposed con- landfill would ruin the aesthetics of struction of a new landfill. it. “The group is not organized yet, “We take quite a few students but will include many of the land out there, and there are a number of owners north of Loxa Road,” said students and faculty that do Lucille Abell, a Charleston resident research there. It’s not very appeal- trying to form the group. ing to have a landfill with different Abell said one of the major con- kinds of garbage blowing into the cerns is the environmental condi- woods,” Kruse said. tion of past and present landfills. Kruse also said he has environ- Western Lion Limited formerly mental concerns including leaks Deanna McIntyre / Photo editor operated a landfill in Charleston that may occur and pollute the Bill Gruen, senior psychology major and Speaker of the Student Senate, addresses the failed res- but the state took legal action water table but said his concerns olutions of the Biological Sciences merger that went through the Student Senate. After the merger, against and shut it down because of stem from two different view college of sciences was combined into the biological science degree with the options of biological environmental conditions about points. sciences, teacher certification and environmental biology. three years ago.The Environmental “It is awkward for me to express Protection Agency has ordered a my concerns because as a citizen, cleanup of the site. my concerns are the water table and Senate members explain history,legislation of merger Residents of the area said they fear another landfill in their com- See LANDFILL Page 2 By Chris Sievers this issue was in the spring of 1998, Zielinkski Student government editor said. The first resolution to go through the senate Student Senate members Tuesday presented requested the “proposed curriculum of the pro- information regarding Eastern’s new School of posed biological sciences department be Candidate says he is Biological Sciences to concerned students. redrafted by a committee which is equally rep- Senate members explained the history of the resented by individuals in each department merger and the legislation that has been dis- affected by the merger.” fit for payroll job cussed by the senate members during the past This resolution was withdrawn by the senate three semesters. because the merger was ready to be finalized at By James Langton Moore has held jobs as an assis- Student Body President Steve Zielinski said that point. Staff writer tant controller at a Lafayette news- before the merger that was passed the College “This was very late in the game,” Gruen said. paper, as a corporate comptroller of of Science offered majors in environmental “It was ready to be finalized by the department.” The second of three intervie- four publications in Wisconsin. biology, botany, zoology and a bachelor’s of The latest resolution, which was voted on by wees for the position of assistant Since 1991 he has worked as a cor- science degree with teacher certification. the senate two weeks ago, failed by a vote of 1- director of payroll and benefits porate comptroller for a newspaper After the merger, the College of Science was 22-5. Tuesday said the job description in Danville. combined into the biological science degree This resolution requested the Student Senate seems written from his back- Moore also said he has been with the options of biological sciences, teacher to “respectfully ask the IBHE (Illinois Board of ground. responsible for taxes and has expe- certification and environmental biology. The Higher Education) to reinstate the majors of “The job is right where my rience working with benefits and degree also offers concentrations in biology, botany, environmental biology and zoology.” experiences are,” said Robert insurance. In his previous jobs he botanical sciences, ecology, systematic and cell Gruen said the resolution failed because sen- Moore in an open meeting with the had to make sure that coverage was and functional biology. ate members felt more representation was need- campus community. there. Senate member Justin Brinkmeyer said this ed. Moore said his experiences in “Not just the deductions from merger passed by an overwhelming majority. At the same senate meeting, Kevin Franken, previous jobs seem to be the perfect paychecks but implementation and “If you have any questions about the merger senior environmental biology major, said he had qualifications for the position of information,” Moore said. you can always go to your advisor,” he said. 400 signatures on a petition that showed stu- assistant director of payroll and Moore has a bachelors of sci- Zielinkski said the Student Senate has been dents wanted these majors to be reinstated. benefits. ence degree in economics and has dealing with this merger for three semesters. “I’ve (prepared) budgets for 18 been responsible for payrolls as The first time the senate got involved with See BASICS Page 2 years, I’ve done computer conver- large as 150 people. sions and I’ve done payroll. I also have advisory experience,” he said. See CANDIDATE Page 2 2 Wednesday, February 10, 1999 The Daily Eastern News The Daily He said the next problem senate zoology. One of the selling points of this members had with the resolution was Gruen said the request is very merger, they said, was it was the way Basics the statement that “Four hundred stu- unclear. most colleges and universities were Eastern from Page 1 dents have signed a petition in sup- “The statement is easy to under- going. At the forum, senate members port (of keeping these majors).” stand, but there is no proposed plan or Audience members said they News presented the latest resolution pass “Indeed, our responsibility is to outline for how this might happen,” wanted to be unique and have a spe- through the Student Senate. Gruen represent the ideas and concerns of he said. cific major in botany, and zoology. The Daily Eastern News is published daily, said the senate had several “issues” the student body,” Gruen said. Audience members voiced con- Zielinksi said he was pleased with Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., dur- ing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly with the latest resolution. He also said the petition was pre- cerns regarding the way the way the information that resulted from the during the summer term except during school The first issue presented by Gruen sented in a manner in which students incoming students might react to the forum. vacations or examinations, by PRINTED WITH was the statement in the resolution only heard one point of view. change in the name of the depart- “I don’t think there is any easy SOYINK the students of Eastern Illinois TM University. Subscription price: that stated “the proposed program has “It is our belief, students who ment. solution to this problem,” he said. “I $38 per semester, $16 for summer only, $68 all eliminated the majors in botany, envi- signed the petition were not com- Audience members also said that don’t know if this is the end or not but year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of The Associated Press, which is entitled to ronmental biology and zoology.” pletely informed on the matter and when potential students look up the Student Government will be here for exclusive use of all articles appearing Gruen said this statement is were not able to make an educated botany major of different universities anybody that has concerns.” in this paper. The editorials on Page 4 extremely misleading. decision,” he said. “In other words, Eastern’s name will not appear Gruen said senate members will represent the majority opinion of the editorial board; all other opinion pieces “Students will think classes for students who signed the petition only because it will be categorized as hav- be available to meet with concerned are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial these majors will not be offered in the heard half the story.” ing a biological science. students one half hour before the reg- and business offices are located in Buzzard The final problem Gruen said the Most audience members at the ular senate meetings. Hall, Eastern Illinois University. future,” he said. “Students will still senate had was the following state- forum agreed this change had its pos- Senate meetings are held every Periodical postage paid at Charleston, IL 61920. take the same classes under new pro- ISSN 0894-1599. grams titles. ment: “EIU students respectfully ask itives but said they were concerned Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Printed by Eastern Illinois University, Gruen said these classes will still the IBHE to reinstate the majors of with the competition they would be Arcola/Tuscola Room of the Martin Charleston, IL 61920. exist, but they will be reorganized. botany, environmental biology and placed in when trying to get a job. Luther King Jr. University Union. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Daily Eastern News Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920. Moore said he has experience “Talk to the staff. They know working with different groups and what they’re doing. They have the Candidate systems. When asked about train- ideas,” he said. from Page 1 ing others for new systems Moore The third candidate for the posi- Daily Eastern News staff said, “I’ve got to learn along with tion is Cynthia Highland of Editor in chief ...... Deana Poole* Managing editor ...... Heather Cygan* everyone else. Everyone needs to Sullivan and her interview is News editor...... Justin Kmitch* When asked what strengths he learn at the same time. scheduled for Thursday. Highland Associate news editor ...... Tammie Sloup* “If you don’t have everyone on will meet with the search commit- Editorial page editor...... Amy Thon* has in working with the staff, Activities editor ...... Dan Ochwat Moore said motivating people and board, it won’t work. That is the tee at 8 a.m., with the payroll and Administration editor...... Meghan McMahon meeting deadlines is important. ideal. That is what you aim at,” he benefits staff at 9:15 a.m. with the Campus editor...... Laura Irvine City editor...... Christy Kilgore “A lot of preplanning and com- said. campus community at 10:30 a.m. Student government editor...... Chris Sievers munication makes life easier,” he He said it is important to main- and will have a luncheon with the Senior reporter...... Joe Sanner said. “It takes a lot of coordination tain an open-door policy to hear director of human resources at Features editor...... Nicole Meinheit Photo editor...... Deanna McIntyre to work with people across cam- input from employees. 11:45 a.m. Associate photo editor...... Lacey Buidosik pus. There are solutions to every “My door is never closed and I Highland’s interview will be Sports editor ...... Chad Merda seek out employee input,” Moore held in the Martinsville Room of Associate sports editor ...... Kyle Bauer problem.” Verge editor...... Jessica Sedgwick He said some examples of how said. the Martin Luther King Jr. Associate Verge editors...... Alice Hosty he would motivate his staff were to When customers demand better University Union. Art director ...... Andrew Klemens Online editor...... Josh Castagno, Jeff Good lead by example, to get involved in service and the budget is smaller, The first candidate for the posi- Advertising manager ...... Thad Harned employees’ work and to do some of you have to focus and know what tion, Todd Bacon, interviewed on Design & graphics manager ...... Jennifer Evans the work himself. the customers want, Moore said. campus Monday. Sales manager...... Angela Devore Promotions manager ...... Karen Whitlock Business manager...... Betsy Jewell Student business manager ...... Cindy Mott are investigating the “buffer General manager...... Glenn Robinson Correction Editorial adviser...... John Ryan Landfill zone” as a possible solution to Publications adviser...... David Reed the landfill. A graphic in Friday’s edition of Press supervisor...... Johnny Bough from Page 1 Subscriptions manager...... Ami Head The group Abell is forming the Daily Eastern News incorrectly will meet with legislators to try gave the course description of MUS * Editorial board members other pollutants. As chair of the and pass a law to ban the new 2555 instead of the description of biology department, my con- landfill, Abell said. MUS 3562C, which the nonwest- cerns are the aesthetics. I am The group already has ern music class taught by Doug Night staff speaking from two separate received some support from area DiBianco. Layout chief...... Deana Poole News layout...... Heather Cygan views.” legislators, and the Farm Bureau The News has also incorrectly Think you can draw? Sports layout ...... Kyle Bauer Allied Waste Systems said in is expected to be in support of reported the web site were April Be a cartoonist for the DEN. Photo night editor...... Deanna McIntyre a press release a “buffer zone” the opposition as well. Hixson’s complaint is available. Copy editors ...... Chris Wise ...... Nicole Meinheit could be constructed to protect For more information or to The address is: Call Amy. News night editors ...... Justin Kmitch the nature preserve. The univer- contact the group, contact Abell www.soltec.net/~hixson/3562.htm 581-2812 ...... Tammie Sloup sity and the biology department at 345-1239. The News regrets the errors.

To reach us By foot: The Daily Eastern News is located in the south end of Buzzard Hall, which is at Seventh Street and Garfield Avenue next LAST MINUTE to the Tarble Arts Center and across the street from the Life Science Building. By phone: (217) 581-2812 VALENTINE By fax: (217) 581-2923 By mail: The Daily Eastern News GIFTS! Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 •Balloon Bouquets By e-mail: Editor in chief Deana Poole •Candy [email protected] Managing editor Heather Cygan [email protected] •Stuffed Animals News editor Justin Kmitch [email protected] •Gift Bags Associate news editor Tammie Sloup [email protected] Editorial page editor Amy Thon *Delivering Thursday, Friday, [email protected] Sports editor Chad Merda Saturday, Sunday [email protected] Verge editor Jessica Sedgwick [email protected] I Get a FREE 5 min. Photo editor Deanna McIntyre U Phone Card with any [email protected] E Valentine Purchase! The Daily Eastern News Wednesday, February 10, 1999 3 Speaker discusses international differences Russian professor describes Russian educational system compared to the United States

By Kim Mulherin Demianova said. the classes become more difficult. Staff writer From the beginning to the end of Since 1972, students must attend Russian’s educational system, there school through the 10th grade and Some well educated people are are slight differences from our own then they may attend a college or not very well brought up, a profes- system. Kindergarten is optional, university. Students may apply to sor from Russia said Tuesday. not every child is required to attend; only one university and it is very “The Education System in however, Demianova said she difficult to be accepted. Those who Russia” was presented by Elena thinks her best students attended are accepted can attend the school Demianova, a professor at Herzen kindergarten. for free and of those who were not Pedagogical University in St. Children are eligible to attend accepted, some will be offered to Petersberg, Russia. when they are three years old and pay to go to that university. Most Demianova teaches the Russian will stay there until they are six. She students; however, will have to language to foreign exchange stu- said. The last year of kindergarten is apply several times before being dents who attend Herzen about how in preparation for elementary accepted. education differs in Russia from the school. Demianova said she takes pride United States. During their first years of kinder- in the Russian education system “We are working to bring the garten, children are taught basic because they provide a more well- two together to make the best stu- things such as: eating, dressing rounded education than most coun- dents,” she said. themselves, performing everyday tries provide. Demianova said she feels one of chores, singing, being part of a “I hope by talking to government the main difference in the education physical routine and art. officials, our systems will only get systems (Russia and the United Once students reach the first better,” she said through an inter- States) is that in Russia they live by grade they begin learning physics, preter. two words: education and upbring- literature, English and mathematics. She said improvements she ing. And by the time the students are in hopes to see in the Russian school Her students are taught how to third grade, they have started learn- system is longer library hours, more read, write and speak Russian. ing to speak a foreign language. money, free clubs for the students to The school year in Russia runs Demianova said throughout ele- join and more money for the teach- Deanna McIntyre / Photo editor from September through December, mentary school, students have only ers. Elena Demianova, a professor at Herzen Pedagogical University in St. then resumes in February and ends one teacher except for their art, The event was sponsored by the Petersberg, Russia, answers questions through an interpreter Tuesday evening in July. The school year is divided physics and choir classes. In the Association of Honors Students in the Pemberton Hall Lobby during her session entitled “The Education System into quarters and a grade is awarded fifth grade they start having differ- along with the University Honors in Russia.” at the end of each quarter, ent teachers for different classes and program. Spring forum may focus on academic quality By Geneva White think about my own classroom, Allison said. ate more effective and efficient. is a good idea to limit the discus- Staff writer Irwin said. “The temperature in “This might be useful if at least One of the topics discussed was sion of guest speakers at senate Coleman Hall affects the quality part of the focus was on generat- inviting guests to address certain meeting. The Faculty Senate Tuesday of classes.” ing ideas on how resources could issues and the importance of stay- “I don’t want to get to the point discussed the possibility of con- Senate member Janice Coons be used to increase academic ing on the subject. where our meetings are scripted,” ducting a spring forum that would said she attended a forum last fall quality,” Allison said. “A lot of “I know there have been occa- Tidwell said. focus on academic quality. agrees with the idea of having a the concerns people have about sions when we have invited people Irwin said she thinks it may be “Perhaps it would be a good spring forum. academic quality is where dollars to come and talk to us and address a good idea to give speakers some idea to have a forum on quality,” “The forum for me was a way go.” concerns,” Allison said. “On guidance as to what questions the said Bonnie Irwin, vice chair of for me to just sit and listen,” Further discussion of a spring some of those occasions, (we) senate would like answered. the senate. “This might be a way Coons said. “The temperature forum was postponed until next changed the course of questions. “When we invite someone, (to) demonstrate faculty interest control - granted it’s not an acade- week’s senate meeting. We have a limited amount of time we’re going to remind them what and where concerns are in quali- mic problem – but it’s refreshing The senate also heard a report here. It’s like a box and you can that reason is,” Irwin said. “There ty.” to know that it’s not just the Life from the ad hoc committee regard- pack only so much.” are certain ways in which we can Irwin said problems such as the Science Building.” ing senate procedures. Toosi agreed and said, “That’s make ourselves more effective and temperature in Coleman Hall can Making use of resources to Senate member Mori Toosi what we are trying to do – manage this is one of them.” have an impact upon academic improve academic quality is some- presented senate members with a time.” Discussion of the ad hoc com- quality. thing that could come from a report of the ad hoc committee’s Faculty Senate Chair James mittee on senate procedures will “When I think about quality, I spring forum, senate member John findings on how to make the sen- Tidwell said he does not think it continue at next week’s meeting. JERRY’S PIZZA Live DJ! & PUB CountryCountry 1/2 Price Rail & Large Single Topping Pizza & Whiskey & Quart of Soda nn Night!Night! & $8.25 WWesterester $1 Falstaff Cans! Corner of 4th and Lincoln 345-2844 The Daily Eastern News Skipping class? Here’s a few options ith yesterday’s Pack a lunch (and dinner if high temperature “Gather everyone fish are biting), a comfortable reaching 55 playing catch chair, a stocked cooler (Coca- degrees, today’s Cola only, of course) and your W in the Quads and fishing pole. This is a no-fail Opinion high expected to reach 61 degrees and last week’s early go to a field where way to escape the stress of spring prediction by groundhog it can evolve into everyday classes and work. You Punxsutawney Phil, many stu- a competitive come back bronzed and relaxed page dents are preparing for what is Justin Kmitch whether you caught anything often called Spring Fever. News editor game of or not. While I strongly discourage or football.” ■ Gather everyone playing Wednesday, February 10, 1999 graduating seniors from leav- catch in the Quads and go to a ing themselves vulnerable to field where it can evolve into a this sickness, we all know it will occur. I am aiming this competitive game of baseball or football. Page 4 column at the underclassmen population who will soon be ■ Take a mini road trip to Fox Ridge State Park on forced to fight the urge to excuse themselves from all six Route 130 south of Lincoln Avenue where you can play of their classes today and every nice day to follow. volleyball, cook hot dogs or toss a frisbee. To many, the warmer weather is more than welcome If a road trip sounds like a good idea, but you would because it allows for all those chores to be done that went like to travel a little further than 5 miles, St. Louis is a fun unfinished during last month’s cold spell. It also allows little town just about an two hours away. for students to brush up on their excuses to miss class. ■ For the indoors type, and you know exactly who you Technology Before I list things to do while you are “free” from are because you’re watching Springer right now instead of class, I can offer some excuses not to use. Every teacher reading this column while sitting in the Quad or walking is well aware that when a student says “I must miss class to class, sleep is always a good thing that one can never because my ride is leaving early” it just means that stu- get enough of so take a nap. dent is driving him/herself home and doesn’t want to stay ■ There are also more than 500 Playstation and upgrade for class. And last time I checked, telling your teacher Nintendo 64 game titles out there so grab some people your alarm clock did not wake you up earned little sym- from your floor or block and host a Playstation Playoff. ithin in two years, Eastern has plans pathy either. And if you’re looking for either an outburst Or, go to the local video store and buy all of Jerry of laughs or round of applause, tell your teacher that your Springer’s 5,000 videos and become dumber for watching. to update the networking service alarm clock did not wake you up that particular morning And as an absolute last resort, pull out the “My So provided to students and faculty on because you did not sleep at your place. Called Life” marathon you recorded over the semester Wcampus. But one excuse that has never been questioned is the break and watch it with the commercials. And if that’s all David Henard, associate vice president of infor- “explosive diarrhea” approach, which should also earn you can think to do, just get off your butt and go to class! mation technology services, said plans are under- you an outburst of laughter. way for installation of voice, data and video ser- So now that everyone knows how to approach getting out of class, what can actually be done while you have ■ Justin Kmitch is a senior journalism major and a bi-weekly vices. personally excused yourself? columnist for The Daily Eastern News. His e-mail address is Only two of these services, data and video, will ■ Go drown a worm (fishing) in Lake Charleston. [email protected]. Columns are the opinion of the author. be available to students at first. The voice services will be updated at a later date because Henard said he is waiting for the contract with the Eastel phone contract to expire and is looking into the possibility of Eastern taking on their own phone services. Networking The project is long, Eastern needs to continue complicated and fairly to upgrade and improve the costly but will be well technology available to students on campus. worth the effort of the university to upgrade to faster Internet services. The networking plans include adding voice cables, data cables that offer 10 MBps switched ethernet and one video cable per residence hall room. The cabling will be available in 27 buildings and 12 apartment complexes.The decision has not been made concerning which buildings will receive the cabling first. The services will be implemented in phases because installation for 6,000 students is best achieved by spreading the project over two years.The idea is that the university will learn from experience during the first phase and apply the issues to the second phase. Funding for the first phase is already complete will $2.5 million already budgeted for the process. This year, students have struggled to get on e- mail from their residence hall rooms and some- times from other locations on campus. It is far past the time for upgrading services. At a time when technology is important for everyday communica- tion, students need to have access to these services. To avoid these problems in the future, the uni- Winter Homecoming Letter policy versity needs to insure quality services are You r t u r n installed and technology kept up to date. a success, shows spirit Letters to the editor Winter Homecoming 1999 was an The Daily Eastern News accepts ■ The editorial is the opinion of the editorial board of The Daily extremely successful event that proves letters to the editor addressing local, state, national and international Eastern News. the university community is interested A special “pat-on-the-back” to Victoria in supporting events on campus. Markley and Tracy Bentson, who put issues. Whether it’s intercollegiate athletics, a the program together. They should be less than 250 fine arts performance or a student Thanks also to the deans who sup- words and include the author’s Today’s quote activities program, the potential is ported the ‘College Nights’ for facul- name, telephone number and “ there to improve student spirit. The ty/staff/families to socialize at the address. Students should indicate proof was Saturday’s dou- games. their year in school and major. bleheader which was one of the most Lantz Gym was ‘rockin’ in support Faculty, administration and staff Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men entertaining events on this campus in of not only the basketball teams but the should indicate their position and must walk, at least, before they dance. several years. The doubleheader victo- university community. It can be done! department. Letters whose authors ry was due in large part to the enthusi- Thank you again for your support. cannot be verified will not be print- Alexander Pope asm displayed by the crowd. ed. English poet, 1688-1744 My thanks to all the students and Depending on space constraints, staff who attended and assisted in the Dave Kidwell we may have to edit your letter, so organization of Winter Homecoming. Assistant Athletic Director keep it as concise as possible. Send” letters to the editor via e-mail to [email protected] The Daily Eastern News Wednesday, February 10, 1999 5 CAA to review subcommittee OOpenpen MicMic NightNight reports on general education at Friends & By Meghan McMahon mittee reports this week. courses are included in the core, such *Free Admission Co Administration editor He said the chair of the subcom- as a psychology course, Addison *Live Music mittee will present an overview of said. *Where the best iin llocall tallent The Council on Academic Affairs the report and the CAA will discuss He said the CAA may also dis- *Drink Specials showcase theiir stuff* Thursday will continue to review the report and any recommendations cuss the possibility of conducting an subcommittee reports regarding the people may have. open forum to give the university review of the general education. “Most of the recommendations community an opportunity to voice The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. are pretty specific things related to their opinions on the general educa- in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the the major issue,” Addison said. tion review. Some of the issues that Martin Luther King, Jr. University He said one issue that has been may be discussed at the forum Union. discussed from the subcommittee include the possibility of creating a CAA Chair, Bill Addison, said reports is whether introductory class- theme for the integrated core, the rel- the group discussed three of the sub- es should be included in the integrat- evance of the nine traits and abilities committee reports last week and will ed core. and the Illinois Articulation discuss the remaining two subcom- Currently some introductory Initiative. Student Senate to continue talks of purchasing courtyard paver amendment to the shuttle bus bill. Members also to discuss The amendment would add two Eastern students to the committee. The committee already calls for two senate members, two Eastern administrators and a rep- campus master plan resentative of the company contracted to provide the By Chris Sievers service to sit on the committee. Student government editor Senate members also will discuss an amendment to the Student Senate’s Constitution. Student Senate members Wednesday will continue The amendment would change the meeting times discussion regarding the purchase of a Student between the vice president of Academic Affairs and Government Commemorative Courtyard Paver. the Council of Student Deans to once a month instead Senate members will meet at 7 p.m. in the Martin of every seven days. Wednesday... Luther King, Jr. University Union. Steve Zielinksi, Student Body President will dis- Last week, senate members tabled a bill that would cuss Phase One of the Campus Master Plan with the allow them to purchase a Student Government senate and audience members. llaaddiieess nniigghhtt Commemorative Courtyard Paver. Senate Speaker Bill Gruen said this will give con- According to Student Senate bylaws, senate mem- cerned students and faculty members a chance to ask bers must table a bill for one week before voting on it. questions about the plan. Mardi Gras Party The paver would be 16 inches by 16 inches and “Tonight would be a good night to be (at the senate would have an inscription that reads: “EIU Student meeting,)” Gruen said. sponsored by Miller Lite Government ‘Students Dedicated to Students.’” Gruen said there will be open discussion for stu- In other business, senate members will discuss an dents during the presentation. 00 (w/ FREE CUP) Vodka, Want to write for the DEN?? 32OZ. Miller Lite $1 Rum, or Drafts for $200 Gin Call Justin or Tammie 581-2812. Mixers Great Apartments Now Leasing for 99-2000 * Balconies & Patios * Central Air * Apts. for 2, 3, or 4 people * Reasonable utilities * Furnished * 24 hour maintenance * Laundry Facilities * Free off- street parking * swimming pool and sun deck LINCOLNWOOD PINETREE APTS (ACROSS FROM CARMAN HALL) 2219 S. 9TH ST. APT#17 345-6000

“Understanding Suicide” - The act of self destruction or suicide is little understood by many and is considered to be one of the most catastrophic of deaths. When a young person takes her or his own life it seems even more perplexing. This presentation will focus on the many myths, symptoms, and certain causes of suicide among college students, as well as the complications related to surviving such a tragedy. Orange Dr. William Kirk, Psychology Dept. Oatmeal Thursday, February 11, 1999 7:00 pm Effingham Room, MLK Union Sponsored by the Counseling Center

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advertise. 6 Wednesday, February 10, 1999 The Daily Eastern News Billy and Bonnie want you to join them

in the 1999 Warbler! Don’t disappoint these cool cats (and don’t miss the free hot coffee). Stop by to get your individual portrait for the ‘99 Warbler. We’ll be shooting TODAY thru Thrusday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the University Union lobby next to Coffee Express Sign up for your portrait NOW in the Union Lobby or at the Student Publications office, 1802 Buzzard Hall (or, if you’d rather, sign up by phone at 581-2812) Sitting fees are $5 seniors, $4 everyone else. (Early scheduling discount: sign up TODAY for Thursday, Feb. 11 and get $1 off the sitting fee.) Attention student teachers (and anyone interested): We will be able to shoot on Friday, Feb. 12 in the main lobby of Buzzard Building from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. if there is a significant demand. Please call Student Publications at 581-2812 if you are interested. The Daily Eastern News Wednesday, February 10, 1999 7 HEY PIKES! Friends 581-FOOD goes online &Co Wednesday Residence halls, greek court will have a weekly web Open Mic menu; students can plan week in advance for meals Night! By Jessica Sedgwick advance,” Awalt said. “I think Greek Court information and dif- Free—Starts Staff writer they will be able to plan their diets ferent meal plan choices,” Awalt a little better to see what (dining said. Thanks for the great at 10:00 For the first time, students can services) will offer.” The improved Housing and semester. You guys are 25 sneak a peak at the weekly menu Awalt said the new web site Dining Services web site includes $1 BOTTLES that Dining Services will be offer- menu also will aid students in a web page for each residence the best & I love you all! Labatt Blue ing students on the new University planning their entire day better. hall, residence hall policies that Christy Housing & Panther Dining “Students can plan what build- govern residence halls, informa- 509 Van Buren 345-2380 Services Menu web site – the new ings they want to go to and tion on residence hall life, pictures link on Eastern’s Housing and (decide) if they have enough time of all the residence halls and web Dining Services web site. to get there,” she said. sites of fraternity and sororities if Welcome to The menu, for all residence The web site was implemented they have one. Other features halls including Greek Court, can on the Housing and Dining included are information on com- be found at the web site Services web site Monday. Awalt puter labs, student organizations MARMARTYTY-GRAS-GRAS www.eiu.edu/~housing/wklmen. said the idea was a combined involved with housing and univer- Cajun Chicken Jumbalaya Though a current telephone effort of the housing department. sity apartments. w/Garlic Toast recording service does provide Director of Housing, Jody Horn, Another service is an on-line students with the dining services’ received permission to implement housing application for students to Bacardi Hurricanes $2 menu for a particular day, this new this service for students. print and fill out if they wish to Tonite! refills $1.50 web site is currently the only way The housing web site, which apply to live in a residence hall. partyplus: with 32oz MARDI GRAS CUPS $2.50 to find out what food will be the housing department created Foreign exchange students can served all week long on campus, two years ago, was removed from also apply to live in university refills $2 including the weekend menu, said the web from Oct. 1, 1998 until it apartments. $1.50 Lite 16oz Bottles Julia Awalt, support staff person was put back on Jan. 15., because The housing web site also gives for residential life. of changes to the web site. information to students as to “This is the first opportunity “The web site had very limited where and how to apply for a part- DJ Jonny 6 PAK Prizes & Fun for students to plan their meals in information – what housing does, time job at dining services.

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Help wanted Help wanted For Rent For Rent For Sale Travel

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Undergraduate volunteer needed 1 and 2 bedroom apts for fall of Female needed for efficiency apt. 1982 Suzuki 650L. New tires, bat- SPRING BREAK-LAST CHANCE Psychology, Sociology, Special for five free counseling sessions 1999. 1 year lease. No pets 345- very clean, trash and water includ- tery, excellent bike, low miles. to “Break with the Best”!! Join us Education, and other majors. regarding career planning. 3554 ed in rent. Call 348-0819 leave $800. 258-6536 or 232-5611, in Cancun, Jamaica, Mazatlan, or Gain valuable experience by Sessions provided by Masters ______2/15 message. Terry. S. Padre. Prices from $399. WORKING with adults and chil- level student in community coun- GIRLS 4 BR House. 4 or 5 occu- ______2/15 ______2/10 SAVE $200 + get FREE Meals & dren with developmental disabili- seling. Contact Lyn at 856-3572 pants, trash paid, free laundry Women Only-Rooms for Rent 1989 Honda Accord, Power Parties. 1.800.SURFS.UP. ties. FLEXIBLE scheduling for or leave message. E-mail at facility. Great Location. 345-3253 1808 Ninth Street. Fully Furn. Everything, Bose Stereo, Sun www.studentexpress.com. EVENING, NIGHT, and WEEK- [email protected]. after 5pm or leave message. Utilities incl. Opening for Roof, Auto, A/C, 110,000 mi., ______2/23 END shifts. Paid training is pro- ______2/10 ______2/12 Fall/Spring. $230 mo. $5600. Call 345-3728 ask for It pays to advertise in the Daily vided. Apply at: CCAR Industries CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT- POTETTE Rentals 345-5088. Intersession/Summer $175 mo. Lisa. Eastern News. 825 18th St., Charleston, IL Workers can earn up to Tired of being cramped in a House: 345-5705/Pat Novak ______2/17 ______OO/HA 61920. E.O.E. $2000+/month (with tips & bene- dorm? How about a nice big (708) 789-3772. ______5/4 fits). World Travel! Land-Tour jobs house or Apt. for next year? We ______3/19 FREE RADIO + $1250! up to $5000-$7000/summer. Ask have a house for 2 to 7 people, ABOVE Z’S MUSIC (SQUARE), CampusClips Fundraiser open to student us how! 517-336-4235 Ext. Apt for 1 to 4 people, Nice clean LARGE, BEAUTIFUL, 1 & 2 BED- groups & organizations. Earn $3 - C57382 places. Call now they won’t last ROOM APTS. FOR FALL 1999. $5 per Visa/MC app. We supply ______2/23 long. 1YR. LEASE. NO PETS. 345- PEACE. Info Mtg. on Feb. 10 at 8:00 in the Effingham Room. all materials at no cost. Call for ______5/4 2616. Information meeting held tonight. Officers and members are encour- info or visit our website. Qualified For Rent SEITSINGER APTS. 1611 9th ______3/19 aged to attend. callers receive a FREE Baby Street. 1 Block East of Old Main. Furnished 4 bedroom, 1250 THE COUNSELING CENTER. Life Skills Workshop on Thurs., Feb. Boom Box. 1-800-932-0528 x65. Now leasing for summer. Call square feet, parking, laundry, low- 11, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Effingham Room, MLK Union. www.ocmconcepts.com 5, 3 bedroom houses, brand new 345-7136. utilities, available Fall and Spring “Understanding Suicide” presented by Dr. William Kirk, Psychology ______4/12 2 bedroom apartments, 1024 ______5/4 ‘99/00. (Also available Summer Dept. This presentation will focus on the many myths, symptoms, A$1,500 weekly potential mailing Edgar Drive. 1 bedroom apart- 3-Bedroom house 1403 9th ‘99) $205 per bedroom, 10 or 12 and certain causes of suicide among college students as well as the our circulars. No Experience ment. 348-5032. Street. Tenants pay all utilities. month lease, 6 blocks North of complications related to surviving such a tragedy. Required. Free information pack- ______5/4 No pets. $235 per person each Hardee’s phone Dawn 345-8893. ALPHA KAPPA DELTA. Meeting on Wed., Feb. 10, 1999 at 5:00 et. Call 202-452-5942. AVAILABLE FOR FALL ‘99. 1, 2, month plus utilities. 10 month ______3/9 p.m. in Rm. 207 Blair Hall. Anyone interested in joining please ______5/4 & 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED lease. Call 708-386-3240. For 99-00. Large 3 Bedroom, 2 attend this meeting! AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, APARTMENTS. GREAT LOCA- ______2/10 bath apt. for group of 4. Furnished WESLEY FOUNDATION. WF Service Group on Wed., Feb. 10 at FLEXIBLE HOURS FOR FLEXI- TION. 345-6000. 6-Bedroom house 1409 9th and utilities included. Close to 8:00 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation, across 4th from Lawson. Meets BLE PEOPLE. STARTING FROM ______5/4 Street. Completely remodeled. Old Main. Call 345-4185 after once a week to discuss service in everyday life on our campus and $6.30-6.80 PER HOUR. WE ARE Newly Furnished, 2 Bedroom MUST SEE! $235 per person 5:00 or leave message. to plan monthly community projects. NOW HIRING FOR POSITIONS apartment, $250 each, garbage, each month plus utilities (Average ______2/12 WESLEY FOUNDATION. Communion on Wed., Feb. 10 at 9:15 WORKING WITH DEVELOP- 10 months. 348-0288. $30 each a month). 10 month FURNISHED APTS. FOR NEXT p.m. at the Wesley Foundation, across 4th from Lawson. Join us to MENTALLY DISABLED ADULTS. ______2/11 lease. Call 708-386-3240. YEAR. CLEAN, EXCELLENT sing choruses followed by an informal, student-led Communion ser- 4, 6, AND 8 HOURS SHIFTS, NICE 1 BDRM APT FOR 2 PER- ______2/10 CONDITION. NO PETS. 345- vice every Wed. night at 9:15 p.m. Everyone is invited. WEEKENDS, EVENINGS, AND SONS. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 2-3 Bedrooms 7286. UNITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES. Bible Study on NIGHTS. APPLY AT 738 18TH $440/MONTH. 1 BLOCK NORTH near campus. Some with all utili- ______2/19 Wed., Feb. 10 at 7:00 sharp in the Effingham Room in the University STREET CHARLESTON, EOE OF O’BRIEN FIELD. CALL ties paid. Call CAMPUS 2 BR apartment. All utilities paid. Union. Everyone is welcome. Come and learn about the Lord! ______2/16 HOWARD. 348-7653. RENTALS Between 3 and 9p.m. NO PETS!! NO PARTIES!! 11 1/2 NEWMAN CATHOLIC CENTER. Church Service on 2/10/99 at 9 $7.00 PER HOUR AFTER PRO- ______5/4 345-3100. See our wed-site month lease. $470/month. 345- p.m. at the Newman Chapel. The Newman Chapel is on the corner BATIONARY PERIOD FOR 3 Bedroom apts. 1125 4th St. & www.campus-rentals.com. 6759. Leave a message. of 9th & Lincoln. CNAS AND HABILITATION 1426 9th St. $230 per month, per ______2/19 ______5/4 PHI ALPHA ETA. Meeting on Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. in the Union AIDES. PART AND FULL TIME person. call 345-6621. AVAILABLE NOW THRU JULY 31, Walkway. Call 6718 if you cannot attend. (Attendance is AVAILABLE. FLEXIBLE HOURS ______5/4 1999-BRAND NEW 3BR Sublessors Mandatory). EXCELLENT BENEFITS PACK- McArthur Manor apartments. 2 DUPLEX. (RENTED FOR FALL PHI EPSILON MU. Active Meeting on Feb. 10 at 9:00 p.m. in the AGE: LIFE/HEALTH/DENTAL bedroom furnished. No pets. Call 1999). Has all the amenities, Main Lounge of Pemberton. We will put together Valentine Bags. INS., 401K PLUS MUCH MORE. 345-2231. water/trash paid. $750/mo. 820 Sublessor needed. Own bed- EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA. Business Meeting today at 5:40 p.m. in APPLY AT 738 18TH STREET, ______5/4 Lincoln Ave. 348-7746. room, one housemate. Next to Coleman Hall Auditorium. Call Mary if you cannot attend. CHARLESTON, EOE. Spacious 2 bedroom apartments. ______5/4 campus call 815-485-8710. LSF-IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH. Wednesday Night ______2/16 Furnished, trash pick up, close to One and Two Bedroom Furnished ______3/15 Activities on Feb. 10 at 8:00 p.m. at the Immanuel Lutheran Student Mothers & others work from campus. 3 bedroom House for 5 Apartments. 10 mo lease. Trash Sublessor needed for Summer! Center. Come join us for a “Heart for Friends” Bible Study in the stu- home. Earn $500-$4,000. Part or 6 people, furnished available and water included. 345-5048. Nice 1 bedroom apt. Trash paid. dent center. Bring a friend. time/Full time. Call 1-800-863- for the 1999 - 2000 school year. ______2/19 Good price-Negotiable. Call Tina BOTANY CLUB. Meeting on Feb. 10 at 7:00 p.m. in LS 205. Dr. 1635. www.startahomebiz.com. Call 349-8824, leave message. Nice 1 Bedroom Apt in 345-6541 Weidong Chen will be speaking about the “Molecular Systematics & ______2/17 ______2/19 Charleston. Working, Single, or ______2/19 Ecology of Various Fungi.” All are welcome. ACCEPTING/NOW HIRING. 1, 2, 3, BEDROOM APTS. AVAIL- couple. $350/month. 217-345- Female Sublessor needed. 99- THE SOCIETY OF METAPHYSICAL ADVANCEMENT. Weekly Habilitation Aides, Activity Aides ABLE. CALL OLDETOWNE. 4488 or 618-244-4609, Ask for 2000 year. Security Deposit paid, Meeting on Wed., Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in 306 Coleman Hall. and Programmers. GAIN PRAC- 345-6533. Carla. own bedroom, 10 month lease. Tonight’s topic is: Tarot. Bring your cards is you have them! If you TICALLY EXPERIENCE IN YOUR ______5/4 ______2/22 Call 348-3335. can’t, just bring yourself. Everyone welcome! FIELD. LOOKS GREAT ON Atrium 3 BR Apts. Only 3 Blocks 4 Bedroom apt. 1/2 block from ______2/15 UNITY FELLOWSHIP AME ZION MINISTRIES. Bible Study tonight YOUR RESUME. Flexible sched- from Campus. Just a few left. campus. Lease negotiable $200 Female Sublessor needed 99- at 7 pm in the Effingham Room - 3rd Floor of the Union. Come and uling. 4, 6, and 8 hour shifts. 345-5022. each. 345-6967. 2000 year. Security Deposit paid, learn about the Bible and bring a friend. Habilitation Aides, Activity Aides, ______5/4 ______2/11 own Bedroom, 10 month lease. and Programmers. Starting ALL UTILITIES PAID! 1 BR Apts. Large 1 Bedroom apt. 1/2 block Call 348-3335 salaries up to $700 per houR. avail. FALL 99. NO PETS! NO from Campus. 345-6967. ______2/16 PLEASE NOTE: Campus Clips are run free of charge ONE DAY ONLY for any Benefits for full time. Apply at 738 PARTIES! $385. 345-6759 Leave ______2/11 A little low on funds this month? non-profit, campus organizational event. No parties or fundraising activities and 18th St. Charleston, IL. NO Message. 3 girls needed for 3 bdrm. apt. for Need to buy your special friend events will be printed. All clips should be submitted to The Daily Eastern News EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! ______5/4 next school year. Trash & water something for Valentine’s Day? office by noon ONE BUSINESS DAY BEFORE DATE OF EVENT. Example: an PAID CERTIFICATION TRAINING House for Rent. 3 bdrm. Close to included in rent. Almost new. Sell your unwanted items in the event scheduled for Thursday should be submitted as a Campus Clip by NOON PROGRAM-EARN WHILE YOU campus $250 per person. Completely furnished. Call 348- Daily Eastern News. Let your by Wednesday. (Thursday is deadline for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday events.) LEARN. Water/Trash included. 348-7698. 0819 leave message. newspaper work for you. Clips submitted AFTER DEADLINE WILL NOT be published. No clips will be ______2/18 ______2/23 ______2/15 ______OO/HA taken by phone. Any clip that is illegible or contains conflicting information WILL NOT BE RUN. Clips may be edited for available space.

The Daily Eastern News Classified ad form

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25 cents per word first day ad runs. 10 cents per word each consecutive day thereafter. 20cents per word first day for students with valid ID, and 10 cents per word each consecutive day afterward. 15 word minimum. DEADLINE 4 p.m. PREVIOUS DAY – NO EXCEPTIONS The News reserves the right to edit or refuse ads considered libelous or in bad taste. The Daily Eastern News Wednesday, February 10, 1999 9 Women’s team shifts focus to Austin Peay With the women’s basketball lot on their games and continuing to improve.” needs three or four players in double / turnover ratio is also ranked first. team no longer last in the Ohio legs. Rest is Regardless of the outcome of the figures in the next games. The Panthers also hold second for Valley Conference, its focus is now key this season, Klein feels that the team’s “(Lorie) Moore and (Renee) free throws at 72.4 percent, making on winning and keeping an eye on week for the confidence and experience will carry Schaul have really come on as the 241-of-333, just behind the 75.1 per- Austin Peay, who currently holds the Panthers as over into the offseason because they season is progressing, and that’s cent by Southeast Missouri. They last seat in the tournament. the fate of are such a young team. great for these sophomores,” Klein are also ranked behind Morehead Eastern is currently 3-12 in the the rest of Each game has been tough for the said. State in three point field goals made, OVC, trailing a 4-10 Austin Peay the season Panthers, but each team in the con- Both Moore and Schaul have averaging 6.00 per game. team. The question that remains is lies in the ference has lost and Klein said there been contributing points in the whether Eastern can win their last next two is no easy game for any of the teams. boards as well as rebounding. With Leading the Pack three remaining games and if Austin games. “We’re playing teams for the sec- Moore in double figures for the past Peay will lose in their last four. “They need rest between games ond time around, so we know each five games, and being named OVC Leah Aldrich still remains the “We’re going to take each game and this week we’re trying to stay in other and the other team’s personali- Co-Offensive players of the week, leading scorer in the OVC with an one at a time,” John tune while not overworking,” Klein ty,” Klein said. she’s been a consistent scorer for the average of 21.2 points per game. Klein said. “There’s no guarantee said. For the time being, Eastern is Panthers next to Aldrich. Aldrich is also ranked seventh in that Austin Peay will lose.” Klein also emphasized Eastern’s going to focus on its defense, which For the next few days the field percentage with 51 percent The Panthers’ next game isn’t ability to play with any team on their has hindered the team throughout the Panthers will be pulling together all and fifth in free throw percentage until Thursday night where they face schedule. With a 99-63 loss to season. They are looking to tune up the odds and ends from throughout with 80.2 percent. Tennessee– Martin, where both Middle Tennessee earlier in the sea- their defense and Klein will look at the season to gain at least one more In rebounding, Aldrich is also physical as well as mental prepara- son, Eastern was able to turn it tapes with the team to adjust the victory for the season. fifth with 7.1 average with senior tion is necessary for another victory. around and squeeze by with a 76-73 defense. teammate Amanda Garretson in “We need to maintain our confi- victory. “All three games are equally as twentieth place with 5.0 rebounds dence from this weekend and carry it “The team has definitely gotten important and we’re going to take Panther Assists per game. over this week,” junior center Leah better as the year has gone on,” Klein any win,” Aldrich said. “We’ll just Eastern is first in assists for the Moore joins senior Amanda Aldrich said. said. “We’ve lost at the buzzer and do the same old thing – working on OVC with 376, well above second Garretson in leading assists, averag- Klein’s focus has been giving the had some close games, but now shooting and the little things.” place Middle Tennessee, who has ing 4.52 and 3.05 respectively. kids repetition, but trying not to do a we’re starting to win some close Klein said the team definitely dished out 331. The Panthers’ assist – Compiled by Kristin Rojek

appreciate what each is going ranked, I thought they have lost The problem is of through. like thirty games this year. Northwestern’s remaining six Gig “I don’t have any problems Schreiber Preseason top-ten team games, they have to face five from Page 12 with coaches,” Baker said. They from Page 12 Tennessee is currently ranked ranked teams. have to vent their frustrations. It behind the College of Charleston, After the snubbing of Iowa last Eastern come up to you. I was takes two to argue and I am not Those two losses made it “a Gonzaga, Siena and Ohio Valley season with 20 wins, Northwestern doing the 20th Anniversary of going to be one of them. It’s like hard knock life” for Cincinnati, but Conference leader Murray State. will have to at least split to have a , when I when your wife is having a bad the toughness of this team makes it Preseason top-25 teams Texas chance to make the tournament. looked over and saw Mike day, you stay away. When a coach more Jay-Z than Annie. Christian, Michigan, Arkansas, College basketball is fun again, Shannahan on one sideline, Jeff is having a bad day you give him Coach Bob Huggins’ team is Washington and Temple are cur- “happy action funtime” if you will. Gossett on the other and me in the plenty of room.” extremely physical and can run- rently not ranked and on the bub- Watching games on television are middle.” The closest that Baker has and-gun with the best of them. ble for the tournament. not a waste of time anymore. Now that the season has ended, come to an argument with a coach It is the Bearcats’ tough defense Finally, the resurgence of the March madness is around the criticism of officiating is also com- was being a part of the crew doing that makes them check other teams is personally corner, which means all fans will ing to an end , for now. With all the the game where Bill Cowher into the smackdown hotel. what is keeping me intrigued this become gurus when the tourna- controversy surrounding the infa- stuffed the photograph in the pock- Most interior players know season. ment office pools come out. mous coin flip incident and the et of the official. their damn role with shot-blocker The conference has a chance to Watching Duke and North call, The dispute was over how extraordinare Kenyon Martin in send eight teams to the tourna- Carolina play sure beats the hell talk of instant replay has come up many players the Steelers had on the middle. ment, including perennial cellar- out of watching the Shaq- again. the field. Baker had the correct If Martin doesn’t block a shot, dweller Northwestern. daddy/Shaq-Fu/Shaq-a- As an official, Baker agrees that count, the two officials who got he will most times alter it. The Wildcats are now 14-6, and docious/Kazaam/Shaq-Nasty- it could help the game. the wrong count are no longer Teams that are underachieving have a chance to make it to the whoever, travel all the time, and “We should have it back,” he working in the NFL. are also fun to watch this year. I “big dance” for the first time in shoot 12 percent from the foul- said. “If I make a mistake, I should “We don’t have an adversarial don’t know how Kansas is still school history. line. be the only one to suffer. Now if I relationship like in baseball,” make a mistake, a whole team suf- Baker said of his dealings with fers, and sometimes even a city.” coaches. Want to write sports for the DEN? And as for run-ins with players “We have a good relationship. and coaches, Baker has managed As a whole, they are respectful to avoid confrontations with them. because we treat them with As a former coach himself, he can respect.” Call Chad @7944 – he’ll be your friend Classifiedadvertising The Daily Eastern News

Personals Announcements

Think Spring! 10 tans $25. Tropi SPRING BREAK BEACHES Tan 618 W. Lincoln. 348-8263. Daytona, Panama City, Padre, Valentine Gift Certificates. Miami, Cancun, Jamaica, ______2/11 Bahamas, etc. Best hotels, MORGAN BELL- Good luck with prices, parties. Browse your new life in Aurora, we’ll miss www.icpt.com. Reps earn cash, you! Your Brothers. free trips. Call Inter-Campus 800- ______2/10 327-6013. Congratulations Sigma class on ______2/15 going active! Love, your ESA sis- Romantic Gifts & Games for ters! LOVERS! Ride the bus uptown to ______2/10 609 Sixth Street: 10-6 tues.-Fri, Congratulations Tau class on 10-3 Sat. GRAND BALL COS- becoming pledges! Love, your TUMES. ESA sisters! ______2/12 ______2/10 Lose pounds + inches easily & To the Men of Sigma Pi, I had a affordably. All natural & safe. For great time at Founder’s Day. It is details 258-6536 or 232-5611, such an honor to represent you as Terry. MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM BY MIKE PETERS your sweetheart. Have a great ______2/10 semester. Love, Erica. Original Rock Band Seeking ______2/10 Keyboard/Piano Player and Male Ryan Struebing of Delta Sigma Vocalist. Influences Include: Phi, thank you for the candy. We Phish, 311, The Beatles... Contact hope you have a great Valentine’s Aaron 345-2919 Day. Love, the ladies of Alpha ______2/10 Sigma Tau. Remember your Valentine at ______2/10 Calliope Court. 25% off red & The Ladies of Kappa Delta would pink candles and valentine soaps. like to congratulate Dave “Tank” ______2/15 Laurinaitis on his Sigma Phi PEACE Peer Education Epsilon activation. Information Meeting to be held ______2/10 tonight at 8:00p.m. in the Advertise with the D.E.N. Effingham Room. Bring a Friend! ______OO/HA ______2/11 DDaily EEastern NNews 10 Wednesday, February 10, 1999 The Daily Eastern News Veteran leadership will be missed Three seniors contribute more than just points to basketball teams Amanda Jack Michael Garretson Owens Shaver This year This year This year She scored a career high 14 points He has started every game while He has played in all but one game, against Murray St ...she is averaging averaging 12.3 points a contest ... has averaging three rebounds and four 6.1 points and five rebounds a game turned the ball over only 71 times points a game ... leads the team in ...recorded eight blocked shots. while dishing out 138 assists. blocked shots with 16. Career highlights Career highlights Career highlights Averaged nearly 10 minutes a game While at Howard (TX) Community As a freshman, he averaged 14 min- as a freshman, scoring 2.5 points a College, he averaged 12.3 ppg and 4.6 utes a game and was second on the contest and pulling down 2 rebounds ... last season she made her sec- assists ...last season was named to the OVC All-Newcomer team and team in blocked shots with 18 ...missed 13 games in 1996-97 with an ond career start and played in 26 games ... was selected as Eastern’s outstanding defensive player. injury before returning to record 10 blocked shots. By Matt Wilson “Mike understands the game and knows Garretson’s playing time has increased as the one of two Panthers to start in all 27 games last Staff writer what we’re accustomed to doing,” the 19-year years have gone on. In her freshman year she season. head coach said. “He demonstrates that well to appeared in 23 games, sophomore year that He was rewarded for his efforts last season, Even though there are only three of them, the young players.” number increased to 25 and junior year she as he was named to the OVC All-Newcomer both Panther basketball teams will miss the Owens is only one of the three seniors not to appeared in 26 games. team and chosen the team’s Outstanding leadership and veteran play of their seniors. have gone to Eastern for all four years, as the Her junior year she averaged more than 10 Defensive Player. Women’s head coach John Klein will only well traveled point guard started at Murray minutes in those 26 games and only four times “It was obvious from the very get go that have to suffer the loss of one senior, forward State, then traveled to Howard (Texas) was held without a rebound. Jack was somebody we needed to play min- Amanda Garretson, but that is still a big loss for Community College where he was discovered No matter how much Garretson playing time utes,” Samuels said. “He grasped the concepts his team. by former Panther assistant Scott Painter and has been, she has still enjoyed her four years at quickly.” “Most seniors get to the point in their college finished up his final two years at Eastern. Eastern. career where they become good leaders and role “The whole system has been beneficial to models,” Klein said. “They’ve endured the four me both as a player and a person,” Garretson Michael Shaver said. “I have enjoyed my experience here and I years and had their ups and downs and have Amanda Garretson After injuries have hampered Shaver for the wouldn’t trade it for anything.” grown as people. I believe Amanda has gotten to While Garretson might not be the major past two season, Shaver was just happy to be that point her senior year where she’s a good point scorer for the women’s team, she has been playing for his final year at Eastern. leader and role model.” able to help her team in other ways. A good “It’s great I’ve had the opportunity to play,” Klein said Garretson had proved to be a example of this is how Garretson has been able Jack Owens Shaver said. “The last few years have been hard, leader for her senior year. to average 2.9 assists this season, which is sec- Of the three seniors, Owens was the only and it’s great I’ve been able to play at full Men’s head coach Rick Samuels will be los- ond best on the team. one not to play all four years at Eastern. Even speed.” ing two starters due to graduation, with point “She does a lot of things that people really though Owens went to community college, The last time Shaver was able to play a sea- guard Jack Owens and center Michael Shaver. don’t see,” Klein said. Owens said he had no trouble getting to know son at full strength was his freshman year, when Samuels said these two seniors have helped start One way Garretson, an elementary educa- the Panther offense. he appeared in 27 of 28 games and averaged 14 some chemistry on a team with eight new play- tion major, has shown her senior leadership is “We ran almost the same offense in junior minutes a game. ers. with her work ethic and attitude. college so it was just a matter of me getting used His sophomore year was when the injury “I’ve said all along that the upper classman “It’s as good as it gets, she’s been positive to playing with the guys,” the senior point guard bug hit the 6-10 center. After appearing in the this year were great leaders,” Samuels said. throughout her four years,” Klein said. “There’s said. first two games of the season, Shaver was ham- “They’ve stepped up and have been the key to been some situations where she’s had chances And Owens took care of the problem of get- pered by a stress fracture and missed the next 13 this team being competitive and responding to to play in games and she’s only come in on a ting to know his teammates when he stayed in games. game situations.” limited role off the bench and there’s cases Charleston and played basketball with them Junior year, Shaver found himself with While Samuels said Owens’s play has where she’s played a lot. Whatever the case may throughout the summer. injury problems again, this time he had foot shown his senior leadership, he said Shaver has be, she’s been a player on the team that has The coaching staff must have had confi- injuries. Because of the injury, he appeared only done other things to show his leadership. come out and practiced hard every day.” dence in the native, as he was only briefly in four of the Panthers final 15 games.

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wants his nine schools to boy- cott Auburn in every sport as national punishment for canceling a Scoreboard Sept. 2 football game against Florida State. , LB Terry Wooden. Morehead State 6-9 9-14 Lambda Chi Alpha Green 63, sports EIU CALENDAR PHILADELPHIA – WR Jeff Graham, NHL Tenn–Martin 4-10 7-15 Leroy Scruggs 48 In a letter to Auburn athletic DB Tim McTyer, WR Freddie Solomon, Eastern Ky 2-12 3-19 Hot Diggity Doggers 56, Squad 53 director David Housel, ACC Today C Morris Unutoa, LB James Willis. Today’s Games NLS 64, Delta Chi Red 48 PITTSBURGH – WR Jahine Arnold, No games scheduled Sigma Pi Gold 82, The Legacy 59 No scheduled events. EASTERN CONFERENCE commissioner John Swofford TE Harold Bishop, DE Rod Manuel, Thursday’s Games Sigma Chi Gold 50, Pi Kappa Alpha 31 Atlantic Division DB Jason Simmons, T Will Wolford. Eastern at Tenn-Martin 7:30 p.m. Men’s Basketball B called it “absolutely reprehensi- Pts GF GA Thursday ST. LOUIS – C John Flannery, RB Bulls 63, Delta Chi Black 50 Philadelphia 68 159 100 SE Missouri at Murray St. 7:30 p.m. inbrief ble that a university the stature 5:30 p.m. – Women’s basketball at Jerald Moore, C Tom Nutten, DT Joe Pursuit 64, P.F.Allstars 39 New Jersey 64 150 130 TennSt at Middle Tenn, 7:30 p.m. Tennessee-Martin Phillips, QB . Out of Shape 60, Grandpa’s Breath 47 of Auburn would ever consider Pittsburgh 61 154 129 Austin Peay at Tenn Tech 7:30 .,m. 7:30 p.m. – Men’s basketball at SAN DIEGO – LB James Burgess, TE Delta Chi Buff 59, Thundering Herd 39 N.Y. Rangers 47 137 140 canceling a contracted football Tennessee-Martin John Burke, TE Frank Hartley, T Women’s Basketball N.Y. Islanders 38 130 166 , DB Gerome Williams. Sigma Kappa 47, Alpha Sigma Tau 18 Northeast Division game that has been scheduled SAN FRANCISCO – C Steve Gordon, OVC Leaders Kappa Delta 40, Booters WH 30 Pts GF GA C-LB Randy Kirk, DB Antonio SCORING Men’s 5’-10” Basketball A Browns make Pyne for national television less than NFL Toronto 63 165 149 Langham, RB Chuck Levy, LB James G PTS AVG SAL Food Stamps 47, McKinney 38 Ottawa 64 149 111 seven months prior to kickoff.” (AP) – The 150 players Williams. 1. E. Brown (MORE) 23 441 19.2 Men’s 5’-10” B Buffalo 57 136 110 first pick made available for the Cleveland SEATTLE – RB Steve Broussard, C 2. Jamie Roberts (TSU) 22 414 18.8 Climax 69, Sigma Nu 32 The Seminoles are scrambling Boston 51 130 120 Browns’ expansion Feb. 9 as Kevin Glover, LB Jason Kyle, TE 3.T.Hassell (APSU) 22 399 18.1 CF 77, Ruff Riders 68 Montreal 48 122 142 CANTON, Ohio (AP) – With to find a new opponent. announced by the NFL: Deems May, DB Eric Stokes. 4.W. Robinson (EKU) 22 374 17.0 Men’s Indoor Soccer Southeast Division ARIZONA – WR Fred Brock, DB J.B. TAMPA BAY – DT , QB 5. Isaac Spencer (MUR) 25 408 16.3 Delta Chi Red 4, Sigma Pi Gold 3 bronzed Hall of Fame busts of Pts GF GA Brown, DE Jerry Drake, RB-TE Jarius , DB Charles 6. Josh Heard (TECH) 22 354 16.1 Pimcoolada 11, Delta Chi Buff 3 Carolina 55 132 129 Jim Brown, Lou Groza and Hayes, LB Terry Irving. Mincy, LB Mitch Palmer, DB Anthony 7. Kyle Hill (EIU) 25 391 15.6 GDI 11, Sig Ep Gold 9 Florida 51 129 137 ATLANTA – S-DB Chris Bayne, RB Parker. 8. R. DeMichael (UTM) 22 335 15.2 Atomic Fireballs 7, Guiness 6 Leroy Kelly reminding them of Depressed Tyson Washington 46 130 132 Harold Green, TE Ed Smith, LB Ben TENNESSEE – RB , WR 9. Bud Eley (SEMO) 22 333 15.1 Women’s Indoor Soccer Tampa Bay 26 102 187 their rich NFL past, the new Talley, G . Willie Davis, LB Lenoy Jones, DB 10. C. Hemphill (TECH) 22 331 15.0 Alpha Gamma Delta 5, WESTERN CONFERENCE seeks permission BALTIMORE – DB , G George McCullough, G Erik Norgard. REBOUNDING Alpha Phi Bordeux 0 Central Division began build- Ben Cavil, WR Michael Jackson, DB WASHINGTON – RB Terry Allen, DB G TOT AVG Alpha Phi Silver 11, For Kicks 1 Pts GF GA , LB Tyrell Peters. Jesse Campbell, DB Cris Dishman, 1. Bud Eley (SEMO) 22 223 10.1 ing with no-name players. Detroit 54 150 134 ot return to ring BUFFALO – C Bill Conaty, WR Quinn QB Gus Frerotte, T Paul Wiggins. 2. T. Hassell (APSU) 22 199 9.0 St. Louis 49 133 127 Priming for their return this Early, DB Ray Jackson, QB Alex Van 3. C. Williams (TSU) 22 191 8.7 TRANSACTIONS WASHINGTON (AP) – Mike Nashville 41 117 162 Pelt, RB Clarence Williams. 4. R. DeMichael (UTM) 22 188 8.5 season after a three-year Chicago 36 112 164 Tyson can resume his boxing CAROLINA – NT Mike Fox, G Corbin NBA 5. J. Johnson (TSU) 22 176 8.0 BASEBALL Northwest Division absence, the Browns selected Lacina, RB Winslow Oliver, LB Tarek 6. W. Whitehorn (TECH) 22 157 7.1 National League Pts GF GA career while in jail, but he’ll need Saleh, DB Tony Veland. 7. I. Spencer (MUR) 25 172 6.9 CINCINNATI REDS – Agreed to terms Detroit center Jim Pyne with Colorado 62 143 124 CHICAGO – DB Ricky Bell, LB Andre 8. Duane Virgil (MUR) 25 147 5.9 with OF Michael Tucker on a one-year the permission of the judge who Edmonton 48 140 130 their first pick in Tuesday’s Collins, DB Marlon Forbes, T Andy EASTERN CONFERENCE 9. Darick Mattox (EKU) 22 124 5.6 contract. Calgary 42 131 157 sentenced him. Heck, LB . Atlantic Division 10. R. Johnson (SEMO) 22 123 5.6 HOUSTON ASTROS – Agreed to Vancouver 42 135 161 NFL expansion draft. Pyne, 27, CINCINNATI – LB James Francis, WR W L Pct GB ASSISTS terms with SS Ricky Gutierrez on a The former heavyweight Pacific Division , NT Mike Thompson, C Philadelphia 2 0 1.000 – G ASS AVG one-year contract. started all 16 games for the Pts GF GA champion can begin training at a Greg Truitt, LB Tom Tumulty. Boston 1 2 .500 1 1. A. Reese (MUR) 25 140 5.6 ST.LOUIS CARDINALS – Traded RHP Dallas 68 141 99 Lions last season after DALLAS – DT Antonio Anderson, WR Miami 1 1 .500 1 2. Jack Owens (EIU) 25 138 5.52 Sean Lowe to the Chicago White gym outside jail if he behaves dur- Phoenix 64 133 103 Bill Davis, RB , DE Orlando 2 1 .500 1 3. Andrae Betts (UTM) 22 114 5.18 Sox for RHP John Ambrose. spending his first three years Anaheim 49 130 125 ing the first two months or so of Hurvin McCormack, C Clay Shiver. Washington 1 2 .500 1 4. C. Hemphill (TECH) 22 107 4.86 FOOTBALL San Jose 46 113 120 with Tampa Bay. His versatility DENVER – WR Justin Armour, DB New Jersey 0 1 .000 1 5. R. Duncan (MTSU) 25 113 4.52 Los Angeles 42 122 137 his one-year sentence for assault- , WR Willie Green, DT New York 0 2 .000 2 6. Darius Acuff (EKU) 22 99 4.5 – Named made him attractive to the Monday’s Results , DE Neil Smith. Central Division 7. Brian Williams (TSU) 21 88 4.19 John Garrett coach. ing two motorists, Montgomery St. Louis 5, Florida 4 Browns, as did his salary cap DETROIT – DB Robert Bailey, WR Atlanta 2 0 1.000 _ 8. T. Hassell (APSU) 22 88 4.0 – Waived T Calgary 2, Edmonton 1 County, Md., officials said Tommie Boyd, RB Jerris McPhail, C Detroit 3 0 1.000 _ 9. Kahn Cotton (SEMO) 18 70 3.89 Jamie Brown. San Jose 3 Phoenix 0 number of $1.885 million. Jim Pyne, DT Marc Spindler. Milwaukee 1 0 1.000 1 10. R. DeMichael (UTM) 22 63 2.86 WASHINGTON REDSKINS – Named Tuesday. But if Tyson wants to Tuesday’s Results GREEN BAY – RB , WR Indiana 2 1 .500 1 Rich Olson coach. The NFL required the Vancouver 4 New Jersey 3 travel out of state to fight, he Robert Brooks, WR Roell Preston, DE Toronto 1 1 .500 1 League Washington 2 N.Y. Islanders1 Browns to take 30 to 42 players Reggie White, T Matt Willig. Chicago 0 1 .000 1 – Named would have to be cleared by Pittsburgh3, Montreal 2 Women’s Basketball INDIANAPOLIS – LB Elijah Alexander, Charlotte 1 2 .000 2 coach. or spend 38 percent ($21.77 Buffalo1 Ottawa 1. Tuesday’s Results District Judge Stephen Johnson. WR Aaron Bailey, DB Robert Cleveland 0 3 .000 2 League *Detroit at Nashville, 8 p.m. Louisiana Tech 80, Florida International 65 million) of their salary cap Blackmon, DE Al Fontenot, G Tom WESTERN CONFERENCE ALBANY FIREBIRDS – Signed WR- *Calgary at Colorado, 9 p.m. Connecticut 107, Boston College 77 “If he wanted to have a fight, Myslinski. Midwest Division DB Greg Williams. ($57.288 million) on players *Boston at Edmonton, 9 p.m. Ohio Valley Conference JACKSONVILLE – DB Kevin Devine, W L Pct GB ARIZONA RATTLERS – Signed OL- they would petition the judge,” *Late games not included they take in the expansion draft. DB Deon Figures, LB James Hamilton, San Antonio 2 0 1.000 _ Standings DL Seamus Murphy. prosecutor Douglas Gansler said. WR Will Moore, DT Jose White. Utah 2 0 1.000 _ Conf. Overall BUFFALO DESTROYERS – Acquired So Cleveland had to equally SE Missouri 12-3 17-6 ``It’s not atypical. People do it KANSAS CITY – T Jeff Criswell, LB Houston 1 1 .500 1 OL-DL Vince Marrow from Nashville weigh a player’s character, Ron George, WR Danan Hughes, TE Minnesota 1 1 .500 1 Tenn–Martin 10-4 15-7 for future considerations. Placed OL- all the time for weddings, funerals Ted Popson, G Pete Swanson. Vancouver 0 0 .000 1 COLLEGE Middle Tenn 10-4 14-8 DL Junior Ili on the retired list. expense and potential before MIAMI – T Jeff Buckey, LB Larry Izzo, Dallas 0 1 .000 1 Tenn.Tech 10-4 14-8 NEW ENGLAND SEA WOLVES – or sometimes for work-related Eastern Ky. 8-7 11-11 making him part of its future. TE Henry Lusk, RB Ronald Moore, DE Denver 0 1 .000 Acquired OL-DL Al Noga from San business.” Daniel Stubbs. 1 Men’s Basketball Tennessee St. 7-7 12-10 Jose for FB-LB Andy Chilcote. MINNESOTA – G Orlando Bobo, QB Pacific Division Murray St. 6-8 7-15 HOCKEY Tyson had been scheduled to Todd Bouman, S Duane Butler, LB Phoenix 1 0 1.000 Tuesday’s Results Austin Peay 4-10 5-17 , QB Jay Fiedler. – Purdue 86, Indiana 81 OT Eastern 3-12 5-18 – Reassigned fight an undetermined opponent NEW ENGLAND – WR Vincent Brisby, Seattle 1 0 1.000 _ St. John’s 80, W. Virginia 68 Morehead St. 2-13 4-18 F Steve Washburn to New Haven of ACC commissioner April 24 in Las Vegas. Tyson, who DE Ferric Collons, T Scott Rehberg, G L.A. Lakers 2 1 .500 1 Ohio St. 74, Michigan 69 Today’s Games the AHL. Todd Rucci, RB Sedrick Shaw. Portland 0 0 .000 1 No scheduled games International Hockey League pleaded no contest stemming from NEW ORLEANS – LB Ink Aleaga, WR Golden State 0 1 .000 1 Thursday’s Games – Recalled urges boycott of the August fender bender, has Brett Bech, DB Chris Hewitt, WR L.A. Clippers 0 1 .000 1 Ohio Valley Conference Eastern at Tenn-Martin4:30 p.m. LW Olaf Kjenstad from Columbus of Qadry Ismail, QB Heath Shuler. Sacramento 0 1 .000 1 Standings SE Missouri at Murray St, 4:30 p.m. the CHL. been in the Montgomery County Austin Peay at Tenn Tech, 4:45 p.m. – DB Kory *Late games not included Conf Overall Western Professional Hockey League Auburn Tenn St at Middle Tenn, 4:45 p.m. jail since Friday. Shelly Finkel, Blackwell, C Derek Engler, G Jerry Monday’s Results Murray State 13-1 21-4 ALEXANDRIA WARTHOGS – Morehead St at Belmont, 4:45 p.m. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Reynolds, DB Brandon Sanders, DB Miami 91, Charlotte 94 SE Missouri 12-2 15-7 Suspended RW Brent Scott. Traded D Tyson’s adviser, said those who Tito Wooten. Boston 90, Orlando 107 Eastern 8-7 13-12 Mike Torkoff to Lake Charles for LW The commissioner of the have visited the boxer describe – G Jim Bundren, Washington 103, Detroit 106 Tennessee St 7-7 10-12 INTRAMURALS Chris Low. QB Glenn Foley, C Mike Gisler, S-CB Indiana 95, Cleveland 89 Austin Peay 7-7 9-13 AMARILLO RATTLERS– Signed D Atlantic Coast Conference him as “depressed.” Jerome Henderson, C John Hudson. L.A. Lakers 80, San Antonio 75 Roland Monilaws to a five-game tryout. Tenn Tech 6-8 10-12 Men’s Basketball A OAKLAND – DE Aundray Bruce, DB Houston 99, Denver 80 Middle Tenn. 6-8 8-17 Placed C Steve Ferranti on injured , T Rick Cunningham, WR Portland 95, Vancouver 76 Green Wave 53. Sig Ep Gold 38 reserve, retroactive to Feb. 6.

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Basketball teams will miss senios. Page 10 Wednesday 12 Women’s basketball notebook. Page 9 Sports February 10, 1999 Not a bad gig Let the

Todd Schreiber Staff writer search email: [email protected] TV’s begin McDuffie wants for the basketball coach picked by April dogs By Chad Merda Sports editor

an oh man, sports A day after his resignation television is not what announcement, the plan is very simple it used to be... last in finding women’s basketball coach Myear. John Klein’s replacement. I used to love the NBA, now it is “We’re going to start (the search) just a bunch of teams that can bare- as soon as possible; within the next ly shoot 40 percent from the floor. two weeks,” Eastern Athletic Director And now the crushing blow came Rich McDuffie said. “It just takes a lit- last night when my favorite tle time to get all the paperwork wrestling program was preempted together. by a DOG SHOW???!!!!! “We will facilitate the search as Not just any dog show, but the quickly as possible but still be as thor- Westminster dog classic. I have to ough as possible.” say that this was a great program- While no definite timetable is set, ming change by USA... for me to McDuffie wants to have the new poop on!!! coach identified sometime during the So what do we have left to month of April. watch on television, I guess I’ll set- The players know the earlier they tle for a watered-down version of get a new coach, the better. college basketball. Since almost “That definitely has to be a priori- every sub-20 year-old is in the ty,” junior guard Angie Patzner. “It’s NBA, college basketball is more important to have time to get used to spread out and balanced than any having a new coach.” other year in recent memory. The search committee is tentative- There are several interesting ly set with six members and Senior stories coming out of this year’s Associate Athletic Director Deb Polca basketball season. Since Eastern’s Photo courtesy of Ken Baker will chair the committee. Other repre- chances of making the national sentatives include men’s basketball tournament are slim, we need to At age 34, Ken Baker was the youngest official in the Big Ten. Since then, he has moved on to the NFL where he has become a side judge, along with working many other positions. coach Rick Samuels; Athletic Trainer look at happenings from around the Ellen Epping, Intercollegiate Athletic nation. Board member Ollie Moshtagh; one Let me first start by saying what Eastern physical education instructor women’s basketball player and one in the good god’s name of Harvey member of the physical education and Horace Grant is going on at department. Auburn? This team came out of stays connected to sports as NFL official The pool of candidates, which virtually nowhere to be ranked McDuffie said will ultimately be nar- third in the nation. By Kyle Bauer the staff – and was also the youngest. When he left rowed down to three or four, probably The team had a record of 22-1 Associate sports editor the Big Ten six years later, he was still the “kid.” will not be limited to Division I before Tuesday night’s game Baker left the Big Ten to join the pros, and has coaches. against Mississippi. Now the It just seems natural for someone who grew up enjoyed about as much success as an official can “We’re open; Klein came from an Tigers only loss is against around sports to find some way to stay connected have. NAIA school,” McDuffie said. “We Kentucky, which is about the only with the games. He is also one of the most versatile officials in the haven’t decided if we’re looking for a good competition they have faced Ken Baker, a physical education instructor at league. Baker has worked all three deep positions, particular type of experience, but a all season. Eastern, moonlights as an official in the National spent time as a referee and is now a side judge. person with a proven record of suc- Auburn has managed to defeat Football League. For Baker, this is his way of stay- “Very seldom do you change positions,” Baker cess and one who understands the role Wofford, Florida A&M, UNC ing connected. said. “I have moved around a lot so either they are of intercollegiate athletics at Eastern. Asheville, Bethune-Cookman and Throughout his entire life Baker was raised with trying to find something that I can do or they think I “It’s great to win games but we Southeastern Louisiana all in one sports in mind. He was a three-sport athlete in high am pretty versatile.” have a strong commitment to helping season!!!! Wow, they are tough!! I school had a father who was a coach and now a Hall It is pretty safe to assume that the league is satis- students graduate.” have to give them credit, they are of Famer at Eastern. fied with the job Baker has been doing. Since start- However, that’s not the only quali- 10-1 in the Southeastern Baker continued his athletic career at Eastern by ing with the pros, Baker has gone to the playoffs ty that McDuffie and the search com- Conference, one of the nation’s playing on the baseball team and participating in every year as well as working the American Bowl in mittee want the candidate to possess. toughest. intramural football. London, the , an NFC championship game “We’re looking for someone sensi- To properly scout this team out Picture an intramural football team coached by and the 20th Anniversary of Monday Night Football. ble to getting along with others,” though, I need to skip my geogra- coach Mike Shannahan, and had This past season, Baker worked every week of the McDuffie said. “We have 22 sports phy class and watch them on ESPN Baker as a quarterback passing to Denver assistant regular season except one, as well as fulfilling his and they’re all important and the Tuesday night. Sorry the game is . It happened. duties here at Eastern. coaches need to work together. over now and I can’t give my opin- With Baker’s background in sports, it just seemed “I worked 15 out of 16 regular season games and “We just want to find the best per- ion on the team, but give me a natural to pick a sports related career, but things do four preseason games. I worked every weekend from son we can.” break, I’m writing this on Tuesday not always work out that way. July 31 until after Christmas,” Baker said. “Eastern With that idea, also comes the issue afternoon. “Everyone just assumed I would coach someday, has been very good to me in class scheduling and my of compensation, and McDuffie Another interesting story is that and I did for a few years but then I became an colleagues have covered for me. I very much appre- knows the greater the salary paid out, of the Cincinnati Bearcats. Another optometrist for a while. I missed sports and started ciate that.” the better the coach. team that has risen out of nowhere officiating high school games.” Baker also finds it hard to go around the league “I’ve always believed that people to be a top five team. The Bearcats After a few years of working high school games, without running into people associated to Eastern. are the most important thing,” he said. have lost two games this season, Baker decided he wanted to go a step further. On “Eastern is well thought of around the league,” he “If a person was interested and it was both on controversial calls by the New Year’s Eve in 1980, he made a resolution to be said. “Everywhere you go, people connected with a person we really, really wanted, a officials. an official in the Big Ten by the age of 40. matter of a couple of thousand of dol- At 34, Baker did his first Big Ten game and one lars is not enough to turn them away.” See SCHREIBER Page 9 year later, he was hired as a permanent member of See GIG Page 9