Asia Forest Network supports the role of communities in protection and sustainable use of natural forests. AFN is comprised of a coalition of Asian planners, foresters, and scientists from government agencies, universities, and non-government organizations. Solidarity of AFN members is based on a common commitment to exploring alternative management strategies for Asias natural forestlands. AFNs research emphasis includes the ecology of natural regeneration, the economics of non-timber forest product systems, and the community organizations and institutional arrangements that support participatory management. Lessons stemming from this research are used to inform field implementation procedures, reorient training, and guide policy reform. For more information or comments about Asia Forest Network and its publications, please contact: Asia Forest Network 2/F Gallares Main Bldg., Gallares Court Graham Avenue cor Maria Clara Street Tagbilaran City, 6300, Bohol, Philippines Tel/Fax: (63-38) 235-5800 Email:
[email protected] This document has been produced with the assistance of the Asia Forest Network and Community Forestry International through funding provided by the European Community and the East-Asia and the Pacific Environmental Initiative funded through the United States Agency for International Development. The views expressed herein are those of Asia Forest Network and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of any of the funding agencies. Edited by Dr. Mark Poffenberger and