MC/15/99 Methodist Council Appointments, October 2015
MC/15/99 Methodist Council Appointments, October 2015 (Underlined names indicate new committee members. Reasoned statements as received are set out at the end of the committee listings.) PART I: COMMITTEES APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL FOR 2015-16 (1) All We Can (Methodist Relief and Development Fund) Trustees (SO 245) Mr David Lewis (Chair), Mrs Sian Arulanantham, Ms Claire Boxall, Mr Paul Cornelius, Ms Ria Delves, Mr Andrew Dye, Mrs Karen Lawson, Mr Jim Marr (Vice Chair), Dr Richard Vautrey. Link person from Methodist Council: The Revd Graeme J Halls Link person from Irish World Development and Relief Committee: The Revd David Nixon (2) Authorisations Committee (SO 011) The Revds Andrew J Lunn (Chair), J Keith Burrow, Stephen J Lindridge, Samuel E McBratney, Janet E Preston, Andrew M Roberts, Deacon Andrew Carter (3) British Methodist-Roman Catholic Dialogue Commission The Revds Dr Neil G Richardson (Co-Chair), Dr David M Chapman (Co-Secretary), Marian J Jones, Dr Timothy S Macquiban, Ian S Rutherford, Neil A Stubbens, Peter G Sulston, Dr Stephen D Wigley; Mr David Bradwell (4) Candidates’ Appeals Committee (SO 326A) The Revds R Graham Carter (Chair), Christopher J Cheeseman, David S Cruise, Antony F McClelland (Retired Presbyters); the Revds Sylvester O Deigh, Dr David Dickinson, Doreen C Hare, Andrew J L Hollins, Vindra Maraj Ogden, Colin A Smith, Philip S Turner, Nicola Vidamour (Serving Presbyters); Deacons Kathleen Barrett, Gwynneth Bamford, Allyson Henry, Gwenllian R Knighton, Jane S Middleton, G Peter Ogle; Dr Stewart Barr, Mrs Stella Bristow, Mr David Hulse, Mrs Ann P Leck, Mrs Helen Martyn, Mr David E Morgan, Miss Ann Pardoe, Mrs Joyce Powell From April 2016: The Revd Sheila Foreman, The Revd Margaret P Jones, Deacon Andrew C Packer, Mr Terry Ayres (5) Cliff College Committee (SO 341(1)) The Revd Rachel D Deigh (Chair), the Revd Canon Yvonne Richmond (Vice Chair), the Revd Dr Christopher Blake (Principal), Mrs Lesley Barrick, Mr Neil Fell, the Revd Prof James Grayson, Mr Stephen Judd, a person nominated by the Network Committee (TBA).
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