COM11ITTEE OF EXPERTS ON THE 1RANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS GROUP OF RAPPORTEURS ON' THE Pl'..CKHTG OF DANGEilOUS GOODS Fifteenth session Fe bruary-lfarch 197 4 Geneva LISTING AJTD CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES Additional substances Proposal by the rapporteur of the United Kingdom Addendum 1

1. The rapporteur from the United Kingdom has sent the Secretariat the attached lis-t basecl on that circulated as J::;/CN.2/CO:NF.5/11.323 shoving the formulae, classification and hazard grouping of those substances 1rl1ich the United Kingdom considers should be inserted-in the UN List of Dangerous Goods.

2. In view of the number of substances involved, it may not prove possible for the Rapporteurs to deal with the list in depth at their fifteenth session but it is suggested that they be requested to submit any observations in time for discussion at the follmdng session so that the UN Committee of Experts can have before them a fully collated list consisting of the agreed entries as submitted by the various States and organizations.

GE.74-22766 . ~/cif. •2/C0NF.5/R.323/Add.l page 2.:

1 SUGGESTED SUCC;-;?.;~ ~ SureTANCE FOR!fULA CLASSIDCATIGN ,. · GRCu.2:Ir.C- ---., . , ... \•

.Acrylic Acid 8 +3 II Allyl glycidyl ether 3,+ 6.1 li! ·6.1 _: , II . . 2-Amino-4-chloro-phenol . Anisole 3 III

6.1 II Benzonitrile c6%CN III Benzene Sul·phony1: ~hloride · · · -c- :r·,:r.so -c1- ·· - 8 6J :;, 2- c ~-CG1 8 II Benzotrichloride 6 3 2 Bromoohlorodifluoromethane .BrCl.F2 C CH (~) CHO Sec UN 3/1129,Bu Qirl?,l d ehy d E Dltanal 3 2 c ~~C~o ccH 3, III lutyl glycol acetate 4 2 3 • C(CH c ~ 3 II lutyl methacrylate C~ 3)co2 4 • C ~ 6.1 Ill lhtyl phenols (liquid) HOC6H 4 4 HOC6Hf ~ · · · ·· 6.1 III . lhtyl phenols (solid-) 4 H •· c ~ ·J. ·. Ill Jbtyl toluene· CHf6 4 4 Ill 5-tert-Butyl-l, 3-xylene (<~:u3,· 3. See· mt" 3/1180, Eth rl J3utyrf':~ 1htyric acid ethyl ester c317co2c~cH3 Chlorinated anthraeene oil 6.1 II Ca:bcn dioxide .(compressed) 2 Chloroaoetaldehyde 6.1 II· p-Chloro-o-anisidine 6.1 II Chlorobanzotrifluoride 3 n p-Chlorobenzyl chloride G.l rr 6.1 II ·Chloroni troanilines 6.1 II II 3-chl.oroprop-l-ene 3 · Chlorotoluenes· 3; II ChlorotoluidL~es 6.1 n r) • Chromium trifluoride See UN f}1. 756 ,Chr J?iBo-:ria4 Chromosulphuric acid 8 I Cycloheptane 3 n Cyclobeptene 3 II Cyolohexyl acet~te 3 m Cyclopen'b¼n o J. · 3 Ill Cyclopentanona 3 n Cyolopentene 3. ' n: n-Deoane . ) Ill E/ON.2/coNF.5/R.323/Aaa.1 page 3


4-Decanol 3 ... nr..

- ~ - . -.. ' C~ 6.1 m . Di bromomethane :ar2 c ~~c~oc ~ 3. nr 1,-2-Di-n-butozj-ethane 4 4 (c ~) NH 3-. II Di-(n-btttyl)amine 4 2 Ootadiene _ C88i6 . 3 II · 8 · III ·11et~yl dichloroacetate ci2CHoo2cH3 CC~ + CJ.. F 2 Dichlorodifluoromethane +) mix;uri 2 c2 2 4 0 dichlorotetratluoroethane) · . cci 2 Dichlorodifluoromethane + ~ mix. t ur,i. CC1 2F2 + 3F trichloromononuoromethane of 6.1 + 3 , I (eym) Dichlorodimethyl ether O(C~Cl )2 ci H 0H 6.1 . · III niohlorophenols 2c6 3 H NCO 6.1 n Dichlorophenyl isocyanate ci2c6 3 · Dicycloheptadiene "14~0 · )'' II

1 . . -:::..,- I.

3 II 1,2-Dimetboxyethane CH] OCl!.i C~ OCH3 ) 6.1 III Dimethylacetaaide CHfON(CH3 2 ~N(CH ) 6.1 II N,N-Dimethylaniline c6 3 2 DimethyloarbamOYl · .chloride 6.1 II (cH3)~COCl CH --c:>-CH 3 3 ', II 1,4-Dim.ethylcyolohexane 3 · Dimethylcyclohexylamine (CH3)~ 061,_1 3 II J-:- II N,N-Dimethyl-2-amino-ethanol (~3)2NC~C~OH !f,.N-DimethyUormamide HC-N(CH3)2 , 6 + 3, n . (CH ) B c 3 II Dimethyl-N-propylamine 3 2 a, chloride (cH o) P~ci.1 6.1 II . D~etbyl th1ophosphoryl 3 2 I . oc:_N. c H Cltz c 6.1 III . Diphenylmethane-4-,4,-diieocyanate 6 4 6Hlco 35% H~ (35%)+ 6.1 llI : Diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (c6~)2Nc6 4 . + phenyl-J3-naphthylamine 65% c10~c6~ ,(65%) ItiNC H imc· H N~ 8 II Dipropylene triamine 3 6 3 6 ·n1thionites n. 0 • s. various salts Ca 4.2 II ...... I . . . l. I -- · -- Etbylaudne 50-70% Sain invr,ater ICH_fHl\112 3· II I -E/ON.2/coNF.5/R.323/Add.l page 4


3 III Ethyl amyl ketone CH3C~C~C~C~C~CHj 6.1 II N-Ethylanil!ne c6~HHC~CH3 6.1 II 2-Ethylaniline CHf~ • C6Hl~ ~l'I·· 6.1 II N-Ethy\benzylaniline . c ~N(Et)C~C6~ 6 · III C~CH(Et)C~OH 3: ._ 2-Ethylbutanol CH3 Ethylene chlorohydrin C~Cl.C~OH . r. $e&'UN )1135, 2-Chloroethanc

~ 6.1 nt 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate C~ m CHC02~CH{Et)c4 3· II ~ Ethylhexyl amine Cl9CH(Et)C~~ . . 6.1 IJI 2-Ethylhexyl methacrylate CitzC(CH3)co2c81,,7 )co Et J II Ethyl metha.crylate C~C(CH3 2 FeC1 8 III Ferrous·chloride 2 4.2 II- Aluminium a1k¥I halides, in solution 4.2 I Aluminium allcyl halides · ( pure ) ~ ·: .·

3 · II n-Heptene C71i,4 __ . 6.1- II HexQ.Chlorobutadiene C~C.=CCl. C1C=CC12 8 n HeY..amethylenediamine (solid) ~N{C~)6~ 6.1 II Rexamethylenediiaocyanate OCN(C~)6NC.0 Hexamethylenetetramine (~)6N4 . See UN4..1/1328, Hex.rrtiine 3 ·. Ill He;xanols- c6Hi. 30H

C~C(CH3)C0 c ~ 3 .... n- Isobutyl methacrylate . 2 4 6.1 + 3 I Isobutyronitrile CH3(C~)2CN · OCNC H CF 6.1 n Isocyanatobenzotrifluoride 6 4 3 3 III Ieododecane(Pentamethylheptane) C12~6 c i;_ 3 II Isoheptene 7 4 3 JI Isohexene C68i2 o H.e A,..." 6.1 -III Isophorone t-4i . Isophoronediamine -8 III II Isophoronediisocyanate 6.1 6.1 III Lead residues III Lead tetraa.cetate 6.1 8.1 II.I Maleio acid 6.1 m llaleic anhydride E/CN.2/coo.5/R.32;/Add.l page 5


l -. ~... . I 4-Methoxy-4-methyl-pent0:,n-2-one _ caA~~cocu 3 3 Ill l (:H.3 N-Methyl afliline jca3~6~ . 6.1. II Methyl-n-buty\_.methacrylate 3.2 II j C~C(OHJ)co o Hi_ solution 2 5 1 6.1 III Methyl chl.oroacetate ·6.1 :+ 3 Methyl cyclohexane n Methyl cyclohexanone 3 II 3 II Methyl cyclopentane · Methyl diphenylamine l II Methylene-bie(J,,-phenylieocyanate) 6.1 · III 2-Methyl-5-ethyl p_yrid1ne "',6.1 · Ill 2-Methylfuran 6.1 Ill 5-Methylhexan-2-one 3 II 2-Picoline } .. II ~ -Methylstyrene J II Naphthalene 3 II (molteti) ~ Nit:robenzenesulpho~io 4.1 III acid lo c H so H 2 6 4 3 8 II . •Nitrobenzotrifiuoride s·- Nitrochlorobenzene II See UN 6/1578, C ~loro-· 3-Nit.ro-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride · . _ni tro 8 ben7..enes Nitrosylsulph4ric acid II~ 8 II Pentan-2i4-dione 3 _:. Phenetid ine III 6.1 II I - ..i Phenol (mol te.11) 6.1 II.. Phenylenediamine 42% + ~ !T.ixture 8 II Cumenediamine 581' , of

K-Phenyl-naphthylamine fl 6.1 o{ Hon-hazardous /J III (if free /3 ) · ,JGN.2/con.5/R.;23/Add.l page 6'


~)lo .in o a,oH 3 II - Triieobutylphosphate in propanol (c4 4 3 POCl. See UN. c/1810, Phosphoryl chloride Phosphorus oxychloride 3 PSC1 8 'n Phosphorus sulphochloride 3

6.1 lll Polychlorinated biphenyls

See UN ~~/1383, Pyrophoric rrietal.s Seif-igniting metal powders Al,Mg, 2'n 6.1 I Sodium cuprocyanide (solid) Na0u(CN) 2 6.1 I Sodium cuprocyanide,(sln) NaCu(CN)~ .---,- .. ., --· ·- 4.2 ' II Sodium hydrosulphide INaSH

.;.·f 8 Ill Sul.phamic acid ~so3H various 8 II Aryl sulphonic acids 3 llI Terpene hydrocarbons (C5Hg)n ' 8 m Tetraethylenepentamine ~(C~~NH)3c¾~112~ -·

III: T.richlorobenzene, mj_xed isomers 6.1 6.1 II Trichloro butene III Triethyl phosphite 3 ·Triisobutylene 3 II. II l, 3, 5-Trimethylbenzene 3

Ill Trimethylcyclohexylamine

C ) Cll:! CH( CH 8 III · 3_, 3! 5-'l'rimethylhe~ethy lenoditine ~ ( C~ )2 (;;'n3 2 3 )~~ II Truethylhe~methylenediisocyanate 6.1 II Trimethyl phosphite . (CH]O)l 3 3 III Undeoane CHiC~)fH] Ill (CH ) n oH 6.1 Xylenols 2c6 3 3 III 2nCl. 8 Zino Chloride {anhydrous) 2· E/mI.2/colU!.5/R.32;/Add.l page 7

· SU'$TANCE FORMULA SUGG!STED SUGG:&'STED CLASSIFICATION GROU?!NG Acetaldehyde oxime CHfHNOR 3 II Allyl acetate C~CHC~co 2cR3 3 + 6.1 I Allylrunine C~CH~~ 3~ . + 6.1 I Allyl ethyl ether C~CHC~~CH) 3, + 6.1 I Allyl r ormate HC029~CHC~ 3 + 6.1 I Benzene thiol ( Thiophenol) c6~sH 3 II Benzotrifluoride C61½CF3 3 II I .

2-Bromobutane CHfHBr C¾CH 3, 3 . n l-Bromo-2~3-epoxypropane c11i :arct-'c~ 3 .: II 2-Branoethyl ethyl-ether BrC~C~OC~CH 3 3- Il l-Bromo-3-methylbut..l:\ne BrC~~CH(CH )cH 3 3 3 II 1-13romo-2-methylpropane :BrC~CH(CH ) 3 2 3 II 2-13romo-2-m.ethylpropane (CH3)fBr 3, .. II 2-'.Bromopentane CHiC~)2CHBrC~ 3. II 1-Bromopropane CHf82C~Br 3. II 2-llromopropane 3 .. CHfHBrC~3 II 3-Bromopropyne Hc=cc~Br -3 , II Dltanedione CHfOCOCH 3 ·_ 3 II lbtane-1-thiol c4~SH 3 II lbtan-2-ol CH 3~CHOHCH 3. II Rttanone 3 C4ffaO See UN 3/ .. 193, Ethyl methyJ ketcne lht-J.-ene-3-one ~ • CHCOCH 3 ') .. II

Butyl ethyl ether C2HsOC4~ 3 II Isobutyl formate .Hco2c4~ L::· II B.ttyl methyl ether c4~oc~3 3 ·II Jhtyl nitrite CH (c~ ) CNo. 3 3 3 · II Isobutyl propionate C2IfsC02C 4~ 3 II lbtyl vinyl ether ~ ~ a CH-_.004~ 3· •II .,I B.tt-2-yne CH 3C=CCHJ 3 I Isobutyraldehyde (ca ) CHC?O 3 2 3 II lhtyro.pi trile CH (~) 3 2CN 3 : + 6.1 I Bltyryl chloride c3a,c0Cl 3- II Isobutyryl chloride (CH ) CHC001 3 2 3 II l-Chl.01.v CH Cl Sec l ~ 3/11?,7, Butyl c1 lor:tt1e 4 9 ,E/CN.2/coNF.5/R.323/Add.l page 8 -

SUJ£TANCE FORMULA SUGGESTED s OCGl..~ 1F8) CLASSIFICATION GROUPmG · 2-Chlo:robutane CHf~CHClCH 3 3 II 1-Chloro-.,,...lfothyl butane c~Cl c~ CH ( CH) )2 2-Chloro-2-methylbutane 3 n CH CCl(CH )c~cH 3 Chloroni

4-Mathylpentan-2-ol CH CHOH~CH(CH 3 ) 3. !Il Diethyl carbonate 3 2 (C21½)2C03 3 II ·c;,l.. -Methyl val eraldehyde CH (c~) CH(CH )CHO c:i.. 3 2 3 3 II -Pinene 0 101\6 ·3. II .

Bl tylacrylate 3 •.. II

Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether ·3 III

'?( -Picoline ,VQ-'-!13 3 II Hox-1-ene ~ • CH(C~) 3cH3 3 II Is op entone (cH ) cmm. 3 2 c~ 3 I 2-Methyl~ut~n -2-ol CH CH C(CH) (OH) see ( 3/11( Amyl :1lco1':0J_s 3· 2 3 2 rn ,'5, E/CN.2/oou.5/R.,23/Add.l page 9 -


3· . II N~:phth.~ (coal tar, crude and solvent)

3, IT· Petroleum ra!finate

3, III '1\.u~entine (sulphate wood) 3 II C~ ClCHCl CH) ~ 2-Dichlorop:ropane III ) 3 (CH ) NC~C~N(CH3 2 1, 2-Bis(ciimethylamino )ethane 3 2 A ~etal (Et0) CHCH iSee UN 3/1088, ~1-Diethoxyethane 2 3 3, ·I (Eto)2c~ Diethoxymethane 3 II (EtO ) CHC~CH 3,,3-Dietho:cyJJropane 2 3 + 6.1 IT _ Et S 3 Diethyl sulphide 2 3 - II c 8ao II . 2,3-Dihydropyran 5 3 (CH o) C-.tICH l~l-D1methoxyethane 3 2 3 See UN 3/1234, rtrethylal (CH o)2~ I Dlmethoxymethane 3 3 + 6.1 · '+ n (CH ) N~CN 2-Dimethyl~oacet~n~trile 3 2 3, II (CH )c~CI~(CH )NRi 1~3-Dimethylbntylamine CHf~ 3 3

3, . II ( CHJ ) (EtO ) Si Dimethyldiethoxysilane 2 2 ., II J CHi~CH . Dlmethyl disulphide 3

3 + 6 .. 1 ·I . ' t . 1 CH?NHNHCH_3 nime. t'I,.uy l'I,. .1!yoraz1n ~ _e, syrnme r1ce. 3. ' ♦ II pipropylamine 3 II Diiaopropylamine 3, II Dipropyl ether

3 rr. Ethyl isobutyrate 2 Ethyl nitrite 3 II 1-Ethyl piperidine 3 II ,(_,tA.3 II .@-F 3 2-Fluorotoluene 3. II. 3-Fluorotoluene ' ' E/CN.2/aoNF.5/R.32j/Add.l page 10

SU13STANCE FORMULA SUGG:ESTED SUGGF.STED CLASSlFICATION GROU?.lNG Furan c4H4° ). I 2-Iodo rutane CHf~CHICH 3 l-Iodo-2-methylpropane 3 II C~ICH{CH ) 3 2-Iodo-2-metbylpropane 3 2 II CBfI(CH3)2 3 1-Iodopropane II CH C~C~I ) , 2-Iodopropane 3 n CH CH~CH 3 3 3: . . II

Methacral dehyde C~ • C(CH )CHO . - ). · . ·4- 3-Methylbutane-l-thiol 3 6.1 II (CH ) cc~cH SH See U ! 3/1111, 2-Methylbutan-2-ol 3 2 2 · Amyl mer ~e!)tan (CH3)2C(OH)C¾CH3 ~See UN 3/1105, k1'~1 3-Yethyl but_an-1-ol (CH alco 10ls 3)2CC~C~OH · 3-Methyl butan-2-one (cH ) ccocH Methyl 3 2 3 3 II tert.butylether CH30C4~ I 3. II ,. !.. •

N-Methylformamide HCONHCH 3_· 2-Methylpentan-2-ol 3 II' CHf~C~C(OH)(cH ) 4-Methylpentan-2-one 3 2 3,.- Ir CHf0C~CH(CH3)2 See UN 3/. 245, Methyl 1-Methylpiperidine <::)J-<- isobu .,y1· ket.one ~~ 3. . ·2-Methylpropan-2-ol II (CH )fOH 3 See UN 3/1122, tert-B·1tanol Methyl isovalerate (CH ) CHC~co 2 cH 3 . . Pentan-2-ol 3 2 3 II CHf~(OH)CH See UN Pentan-2-one 3 3/1105, Amyl alco· iOl's CHfHzC~C02CH3 See Pentan-3-one UN 3/1249, Methyl prop ,1 ketone CRf~CO~cH See UN 3/1156, Dfethyl Isopentyl acetate 3 ke ,one (CH ) CHC~Co cH See UN Pentylamine 3 2 2 3 : /1104, Amyl aceta ~es CHiC~ ) /~ Isopentylamine 1 a~e UN 3/1106, Amy ?..mine . -(CH )~fH(C~) ~ / Pentyl nitrite 3 2 3 II CH (c~)f90 Set UN Iaopentyl 3 2 3/1113, _Amyl tli trite nitrite (CH3){HC-c~)2NOz 3 - II 1-Phenylpropane-l~_ _g-dione C 1fsCOCOCH Piperidine 6 3 3 II C R:i_ NH J. -1-thiol 5 0 II ca ~C~SH Propane-2-thiol 3 ). II CHfHSHCH) 3 II Propan-2-ol CHfHOHCH See UM 3/1219, Isopropa.noll_,_ Isopropenyl 3 acetate ~ • C(CH )co2cH 3 n Propionitrile 3 3 CHf~CN 3 + 6.1 I E/CN.2/coNF.5/R.32;/Add.i page 11

-----,------t °''""""M'f" 't~ tr. - If' ... ------or------.-.. SUGG:::sTED ' V '-.lt.)'\,..'t..-.:J _;.,..,_J ,· ..... r~- -··c., FOIDmLA CLASSIFICATION I \_.. _~ ,,..... v!" J...._t SUFSrl'ANCE n---~-•· ------+------~------

n (CH ) CRco (c~) cH 3 Iaopropylbutyrate 3 2 2 2 3 rr. ) CHC0 CH(CH ) 3 bu ty-ra. te (CH 2 2 3 2 lso:propyl in'o 3 + 6.1 + 8 I (CH ) co cct 3 . Iaopropylchl o':'Oformate 3 2 2

II (cn ) CH0 CH 3 Isopropyl fonnate 3 2 2 II !I

3. > IX (cH J CHC0 CHzCH propionate 3 2 2 3 II Isopropyl 0 3 ~ 2, 3, 6-Tetrahydropyridine j, II' <.~ Totrahydrothiophene :r u· (c317)4 Ti04 Tetrapropylorthotitanate 3 n CHf~ 'lhioacetic acid 3. II [;;)~ 'Ihiophene 3 II B(oc ~) Triethyl borate 2 3 3 !I B{OCH ) Trimethyl borate 3 3 3 II (cR ) cH_C~CHO Too-Valeraldehyde 3 2 2 COF Carbonyl ~luoride 2 2 CNCl. Cyanogan chloride a:ptan CH SH See UN 064, r;rethylmer Mathanethiol 3 2 SF4 Sulphur tetra.fluoride 2 BrFC"" CF Bromotrinuoroethylene 2

2 CFfOCF Rexafluoroacetone 3 2 N0 Nitrogen trioxide 3 2 • CFCF Octafl.uorobut-2-ene CFfF 3

- ~ - ,. ..,."',,"

2 Chlorotetrafluoroethylene hH·Fll - 2 Fl uo:rometha.."le l(JJ!l ; I ,. E/CN.2/coNF.5/R.323/Add.l page 12

SUGG~'-T ED Slili·,, : .::) 1 ;:..,.,. SUB3TANCE FOBMULA CLASSD'ICA'l'IOM GHOD?T:: G

Cota.fl uo ropropane 2

Potassium, metal·· K 4.3 II

Ammonium nitrate (liquor) NH No (aoln) 5.1 II" 4 3 I ...... • .. . Nacio {aoln) 5.1 I! Sodium chl:erate (solution) 3

4--tartBu tyl toluene, (<..H!)).} <:...-0-<.. ti ~ 6.1 III 6.1 ru· Alkyl phenols ~c61½-x. OH Ortho-.Anisidine ~~ 6.1 II 0.,1.1 N,N-Diethyl aniline (C2~)2NC6~ 6.1 II

Chloro-ortho-nltrotoluene C.M3.C:~k2> .' 6.1 II NC~

ero c1 See UN 8/l.75~ Chrornium oxyc!IJ_o:rif. c Chromyl chloride 2 2 C1 Si 8 IT Dibenzyldichloroeilane ·(c6Rsc~ )2 2 phenyl dichlorosilane (Et) (c )SiCl. 8 1I Ethyl 61½ 2 4-Hydroxybenzenesulphonic acid 1-10 _,/~SQJti See UN 8/ ... 803, fllenolsulphc ni·c 2.ej_(

Mercaptoacetic acid HS~co2n See tTN ~/1940, Tbioglycolf· c acid 'lhioacetic acid CH) COSH , 8 III Methylphcnyldichlorosilane (CH )(c ~)s1m . 8 n 3 6 2 Pantyltrichlorosilane R:i_ S1C1 See UN 8/17?8, Amyl trichlor silc.ne c5 1 3 Phosphoryl bromide See UN Phosphorus oxyb:itomide POBr3 8/1939. Pivaloyl chloride (CH3)fC0C1 8 I II Potassium hyd:ro·gen fluoride KHF2 See UN 8/181'"' Pot2ssium biflt,oric.e ) NaHF II Sodium hydrogen difluoride 2 8

Stannic chloride pentahydrate SnCl. 4 • 5~0 8 III dichloride s c1 .See Ul'T 8/18 28, .-sulphur chlor.:· deE Dieulphur 2 2 Ti taniwo trichloride TiC13 8 III Trichloro8.Cetyl chloride ClfCOCl 8 rr· Vanadium oxytrichl.oride VOC13 8 II

Ve.nadium tetrachloride VC14 8 II E/CN.2/ooNF.5/R.;23/Add.l page 13


See ~ 3/1202 Diesel oil 0 rn·- Heating oil (Flash point above 55 <:) 3 I thiurn alkyls·, n o s CH} 4.2 Li ke)'"f 6 II p-Nitro-o-cresol .. ~.- HOi. 6 III Oxalic acia HOOCCOOH 4.2 ·r~ Fbosphorus (molten) p 4.1 .III Sulphur (molten) s 8 III !:=lonium sulphide solns (NH4)2S 3 II ?ropyl enediamine CH CH(~)C11:zN~ 3 8 II Tri.ethylene tetramine ~UC~(C~NHCH2)2C~~ 3 II Tripropylamine





.,,, Q'Clom retrised iJJU. ted l.':-~!11:; .. l. - . Ul' o:f the -The Secretar~at has received from :nnnenda.tions. the futpporte f .tne neco · · proposals for ists 0 inclusion of new oubsta.nces in tbe l 2 •. ~hese proposals. are in three pnrts: :· Annex A·. Additional substances Anne~ B. Comments on atldi t~onal substances , Annex C. List of common names and cross reference_s

GE. 74-29017 :. _:·--~/ON '!·2/coNF. 5/R. 323/Add.I/Rev .1 • _ 1_page ·2

---,------·------r-F-:l_a_s_h-~ 1-LD_5_0_"""':-"'"_C"::""l_a_s_s---:-:'"ip_a_c_k_ag_1"':"'·ng-i No. Substance point oral and Group of r2.t subsid- ( closed (mg/kg) -iary cup) risk

Acetaldehyde oxime 1 ,,-...... 72 3 II 2 *Acrylic acid, inhibitedY 125 2520 3+8 II 3 Alkyl phenols, n. o. s. ~;i" 6 III 4 Allyl acetate <.70 130 3+6 I 5 Allylamine -20 110-280 3+6 I 6 Allyl ethyl ether 13 250 _ 3+6 I 7 Allyl formate <72 124 3+6 I 8 ~~Allyl glycidyl ether 135- 1600 3 III 9 ➔:-Aluminium alkyl halides in solution 4.2 II 10 ➔:-Aluminium alkyl halides, p1u·e 4.2 I 11 2-Amino-4-chlorophenol 6 III 12 Ammonium nitrate liquor (hot concentrated solution) 5.1 II 13 Ammonium sulphide solutions 8 III 14 o-Anisidine (o-methoJcya.niline) 6 II 15 ➔~Anisole (methyl Dhenyl_ether) 125 oc 3700 3 III 16 ➔:-Aryl sulphonic acids, n.o.s. 8 II 17 Benzene sulphonyl chloride (benzosulr,ho­ chloride) 1960 8 III. 18 Benzenethiel (thiophenol) (phenyl mercaptan) <::::::.70 3 II 19 ➔:-Benzonitrile (phe11;jrl cyanide) 167 305 6 II 20 ➔:-Benzotrichloride 260 6000 8 II 21 Benzotrifluoride 54 3+lJ II 22 1,2-Bis(dimethylamino)ethane (tetramethyl-ethylenediamine) -.:::::::.73 3 II 23 2-Eromobutane ( sec-butyl bromide) <72 3 II 24 l-Bromo-2,3-epoxy:propane (epibromohydrin) <72 3 II 25 2-Bromoethyl ethyl ether <72 3 II 26 l-Bromo-3-methyl butane (iso-amyl bromide) 70 3 II • 27 l-Bromo-2-methyl propane (iso-butyl bromide) <.75 3 II

·1/ N.enyl phenol and higher h~molog1.1.es may be regarded as non-dangerous. :./ The Group decided at its sixteenth session to add the substan~e in the list. E/ CN. ?/ COlffi'. 5/R.'323/Acld. l/Rev ~1 page -3 ~-~------·----·------~"'~-·----- Flash LD50 Class . Pe.ckaginG' . No. Substance J_Joint ortl and Group__ of rat subsid­ (closed ( mt/l:c;) ia:i..--y I-•!------...------cup) --~·------·-•-··l"isk _,______, 20 2-Bromo-2-meth;yl propai.ie (tert-butyl 1:n·omide) <.70 3 II 29 2-Bromo~entane (sec-amyl bromide) 69 :; II · 30 1-Dromopropane (propyl bromide) ~72 3 II 31 2-Bromopropane (isopr9pyl bromide) <72 3 II 32 3-Eroroopro}.)yne (proparg"'Jl brqmide) 60 3 II

,33 Bromotrifluoroethylene c."') 34 Butanedione (diacetyl) 80 15c.o 3, II 35 Buta.ne-1-thiol (n-bu·~yl mercaptan) 71 3 II Eutyl acrylate 110 3750 III 37 Butyl ethyl ether (1-etho:;~r ~~1.tane) 40 3 II 30 Butyl glycol acetate 3 III 39 ~}Butyl methacrylate 126 oc <:.20000 -III 40 . _Butyl methyl ether (1-oetho::~ybu.tane) 65 3 II 4J. Butyl nitrite 50 3+6 II . 42 •::•nutyl phenols (liQttid) 235 6 III 43 ➔(-,Butyl phenols (solid) 6 III 44 Butyl toluenes, n.o.s. 3 III 45 4-tert-Butyl toluene 152 1000 G III 46 Butyl vinyl ether 30 3 II 47 5-tert-Butyl-l,3-Jcy1ene 3 III 48 Butyroni trile (pro:9yl cyanide) 50-100 3+6 I 49 Eutyryl chloride !I 50 ~}Carbon dioxide, compressed 2 1050 Carbonyl fluoride 51 360 2+6 52 ~:Chlorinated anthracene oil 6 II 53 -!{·Chloroacetaldehyde 190 50-400 6 II 54 *~Chloro-o-anisidine 6 · III 55 -::·Chlorobenzotrifluorides 117 II E/CN:.2/COfil.'..5/R. 3_23/Add •.l/Rev .1 page 4 · · · ·

f . Flc1.sh-...-- · Class Packaging i-LD50I - I No. •Substance point oral and Grou.p of rat subsid- (closed (mt/kg) iary cup) risk ~ ·, ! ----' 56 ➔:•p-Chlorob enzy1 chloride 4-60 6 II 57 2-Chlorobutane .(sec-butyl ohloride) <71 ·3 II 1 I 58 l-Chloro-3-methyl butene (i-~o-amyl chloride) ~10 I 3 II I· I 59 2-Chloro-2-methyl butane ( t ert-e.myl I ! chloride) <_72 l ·3 ·II 60 Chloromethyl ethyl ether ~66- · i 3+6 I 61 Chloromethyl methyl ether < 66 3+6 I 62 -~-3-Chloro-4-methylphenylisocyana-te 6 II 63 l-Chloro-2-methyl propane (isobutyl I chloride) < 70 , ,_ 3 ·. II 64 2-Chloro-2-methyl prop3ne ( tert-butyl chloride) <70 3 II 65 3-C-hloro-2-methyl prop-1-ene (methaJ.lyl chloride) -10 3' '- 66 ➔ ~chl ·oroni troanilines 6 III 67 Chl-oro-o-ni trotoluene (see 11.Allyl 11 chl;oride ) 6 I~I 68 2-Chloropropane (isopropyl chloride) -26 3 I 69 :, · 'Chlorotetr2,fluoroethylene 2 70 ➔E-Chlorotoluenes 117-123 3 II 71 ➔}Chlorotol uidines 1500 6 III 72 •;:-chromosulphuric acid 8 I 73 Cyanogen chloride 2+6 74 -::-cyclohepta.ne <70 3 II 75 ➔:-cyclohep-cene 3 II 76 Cyclohexene <.20 3 II 77 ~:-cyclohe?CYl e,cetate 136 3 Ill 78 Cyclohexylamine 70 600( 57;) 3 II 79 Cyclo-octat·.etraene <72 3 II 80 ➔ t·Cyclope11.tanol 124 3 III 81 ~:-cyclopentanone 79 2950 ' -3 II 82 ➔ E-Cyclopentene -20 3 II E/CN.2/co1w.5/R.323/Add.l/Re;.J page .5

- ' . ' . - ' ,, -.: . .. ' . __,.,~ ,, ~ ..._,..... : Flash LD50 Class PackaginB' No. Substance poi~1t or~1 and G1"0Up of rc1:t subs.id- ( closed ( r:1t/kc;) iary cup) risl: _ ~ . ~ _ ...... _ .... -..... -...... _ -...... -... ~----- ..... --~ ...... _ - . . ..- ..... __ ....,,.______.____ 8 3 -~:-n-Dec2ne 1 5 3 · }. III . Diallylam.ine <..73 530 3+6 I I 85 Diallyl ether (allyl ether) 20 250 3+fr I 86 Dibensyl dichlorosilane 0 II 07 Dibrom methane (mel hylene bromide) 6 III , I 88 1, 2-Di-n-butoxyetl12ne . 3 III [ 89 ➔t-Di-(n-butyl)a1~1ine ,. 106 500 II \ 3 90 Dichlorodifluoromethane and Dichlorotetrafluoroe~hane, mixture of 2 91 Dichlorodifluorometha.ne 2nd Trichloromonofluoromethru1e, mi::cture of 2 92 1:-sym-Dichlorod_~methyl ether 108 210 6+3 I 93 1,1-Dichloroethane (ethylidene chloride) 22 14100 . 3 II 9 4 Dichlorophenols ( see i: qhlornph~nols ,i) 237 5co 6 III r 95 ➔:•nichlorophenyl j_socyanates 254 6 II 96 -i:•DicyclohE?ptadiene -6°C 3 II 1 97 Diesel oil (flash poin-6 <141°F) :) III 98 ~:-Diethoxymetha1;1e ~70 3 II 99 3, 3-Diethox~Jropeno <73 3 II 100 1'T ,H-Die-'Ghylaniline 185 6 III 101 · Diethyl cai--oonate 77 ,-, II 102 Diethyl sulphide (ethyl sulphid~) .c=12 '3+6 II ! 103· 2,3-Dihydropyr211 4 :) II

I 104 Di-isobutylamine 69 3 ! II ·l 105 1,1-Dime-/.;hoxyethane ~10 6500 J II 106 ;:-1, 2-Dimethoxyethane ~-0°C 3 II ,,,. 107 Dimethyl acetB.:mide 152 3040 0 III 108 Dimethyl amino2,cetoni trEe .-::::73 50 . :5+6 II 109 ::•H ,U-Dimethylanilj_ne l~-5 1200- 6 · III 2000 110 1, 3-Dimetb.ylbutylti,mine ( 2-e..mino-4- methylpentcine) 55 3 II E/CN.2/CONF.5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.l PMe 6 \ ------·-.. ~ ...... -.....-....------·--,.,,,---...... ------•·---- Flash LD50 Class No. Substance Packag:iJlg \ point oral and of rat subsid­ Group \ ( closed (mt/1~) iary cup) risk 111 Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride 6 II 112 1,4-Dimethyl cyclohexane 52 3 II 113 Dimethyl cyclohexylamine 110 300 3 II 114 Dimethyl diethor

- ~ .._ . ~ -· . ,..., .' ... .

No. Substance Flash LD50 Class Packaging point oral and Group of rat subsid­ (closed (mt/1~) iary cup) risk


141 Fluoromethane (~ethyl fluoride) 2 142 2-Fluorotoluene 3 II 143 3-Fluorotoluene 3 II

7 144 Fuel oil (flash point <141 °1! ) (heatinG . oil) ' · 3 III lLl,5 Furan -32 250 3 I 146 n-HeJ.)tene 27 3 II 147 Hexachlorobutadiene 300 6 II 148 Hexafluoroacetone 2+6 149 Hexamethylenediamine, solid D II 150 Hexa.methylene di-isocyanate 266 710 6 II 151 Hexanols, n.o.s. 140 3 III 152 Hex-1-ene 3 II 153 · 2-Iodobutane (sec-butyl iodide) 70 3 II 154 l-Io?o-2-methY;l propane (isobutyl iodide). 72 3 II 155 2-Iodo-2-methyl propane (tert-butyl iodide) .: ...._--71 3 II 156 -l-Io4opropane , (n-propyl iodide) __..72 3 II 157 2-Iodopropane :(iso-propyl iodide) -·~69-100 · 3 II 158 Isob_utyl form~te 70 .3 II 159 Isobutyl methacrylate 120 3 ·III 160 Isobutyl propionate <72 II - ~ 161 Isobutyronitrile (isopropyl cyanide) <69 100 · 3+6 I -.J 162 Isob~tyryl cl½oride 3+8 II 163 IsocyanatobenJotrifluoride 6 II 164 Isodod~cane (~entamethylhe1)tane) 110 3 III 165 Iso~eptene 3 II 166 Isohexene 3 II 167 Isopentene 3 I 168 Isopentylamine (iso-amyl~rnine) 3 II II . 1~9 Iaopentyl nit:ri~e(i~~-a~y~ ~it:1'.'.i~~) ...... 50~. 3 170 Isophorone 184 2330 6 III . E/CN.2/coNF.5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.l page _8 · ·

.. Flash LD50 Class Packa.ging J No. Substance point oral and Group \ of rat subsid­ (closed (mt/leg) iary \ cup) risk • I

171 Isophoronediamine 8 ·III 172 IsoP,horonedi-isocyanate 6 . II Isopropenyl 173 acetate 60 3 n; 174 Isopropyl butyrate 76 3 II- 175 Isopropyl chloroformate 52 1070 3+6+8 I· 176 Isopropyl formate 22 3 II· 177 Isop~opyl i~obutyrate <70 3 II · 178 Isopropyl proplonate <68 3 II 179 Isozaleraldehyde (iso-arnyl aldehyde) ~7 3 II: 180 Lead residues III 181 Lead tetra-acetafo ur 182 Lithium alkyls I 183 Lithium alkyls solutions in inflammable ligID:ds 3+4.2 I 184 11aleic acid 600-850 8 III 185 Maleic anhydride 215 850 e III 186 MethacraJ.dehyde (methacrolein) 28 111 3+6 II 187 4-Methoxy-4,-methyl-pentan-2-one 141 3 III 188 N-Methyl aniline 300 6 III 189 3-Methylbutan-2-one (isopropyl methyl ketone) <72 3 II t· 190 -Methyl tert-b1.dyl ether ,73 3 II' 191 Methyl 'dlloroacetate 90 3+6 II 192 Methyl cyclohexane 25 3 II 193 Methyl oyclohexanone 118 . 3 II 194 Methyl cyclopentane <20 3 II 195 Methyl dichloroacetate 176 8 III 196 N-Methylforrnamide <71 3 II 197 2-Methylfuran -· 22 3 II 198 5-Methylhexan-2-one (methyl iso-amyl ketone) 110 oc . i' II E/cu .2/cmrr. 5/R. 323/Add.1/Rev .1 page 9

. ; . . - . . . l No. . Substance .. Flash LD50 Class Packaging point oral and Group of rat subsid- (closed (mth:G) iary cup) risk .. 199 MethJ'.°l isovalerate <}2 3 II . ~ - -.. - • · . 200- · 2~Methylpen~an-2-ol 70 3 II 201 4-Methylpentan~2-ol 106 3 III . . ·r, 202 Methyl phenyl dic1'J.orosilane 0 II 203 1-Methyl piperidine (N-methyl piperidine) <..73 3 II ~04 alpha-~ethylsty:rene 110 4900 3 III 205 alpha-Methyl valeraldehyde 135 3 III 206 lfaphtha, crude 107 3 II ~07 Naphthalene, molten 174 4,1 . III 208 ,.., Nitrobenzene sulphonic acid 0 II 299 Nitrobenzotrifluoride 214 3 II

210 0 3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzotri_;fluoride 265 V II I 2]) p-Nitro-o-cresol 6 II 212 Nitrogen trioxide (dinitrogen trioxide) : 2+6 213, Nitrosyl sulphuric _acid e II : ; 214: Octadiene 3 II 215 Octafluorobut-2-ene 2 216 Octafluoropropane 2 217 Oxalates, \-Tf.tei-- soluble 6 III - ; 218 Oxalic acid·.- ... 6 III 1 219 Pentan-2,4-dione (acetyl acetone) 93 1000 3 II 220 Petroleum raffinate 0-14 3 II

, . 221 Phenetidine 240 6 III 222 Phenol, molten 172 300-500 6+0 : II 223 l-Phenylpropane-1,2-dione <.69 3 II 224 Phosphorus, molten 4.2+6 I 225 ·Phosphorus qulphochloride 8 II 600- -. 226 2:...Picoline (2-methyl pyridine) 104 II 14-00 3 227 4--Picoline (4-methyl pyridine) 104 000 3 II I :EiCN~2/CONF.5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.l ,•_ .. page 10

- . Fla.sh LD50 ciass Packaging No. Substance poin~ oral and Group of rat subsid­ (closed (mt/kg) iary cup) risk

- - - . - . - I . - - ·- 228 alpha-Pinene 94 J III -229 Piperidine 37 520 . 3 II , 230 Pi valoyl chlorid·e 0 II -231 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 9 III 232 Potassium metal 4.3 II 233 Propa.ne~l-thiol (n-propyl :mercapta.n) II. - \ <65 3 234 Propane-2-thiol (iso-propyl nercap_tan) -5 3 II , 235 Pr6pionitrile -(ethyl cyanide) · 36 3+6 L 236 :?ropyl benzene : 86 3 - .- II - " 237 Propylene diamitje 75 2230 3 : II i 238 Sodium chlorate :solution 5.1 .: II 239 Sodium cuprocyanide, solii 6 I 240 Sodium cuprocy~ide, solution 6- I 241 Sodium hydrorren -difluoride (sodi~~ - bifluoride) '. 200 0+6 - II 242 Sodium hydrosulph.ide 498 8 II 243 Stannic chloride, pentahydrate III 244 Sulphamic acid . o -III . I 245 Sulphur molten 335 4.1 III 246 Sulphu~ tetrafluoride 2+6 : 247 Terpene hydrocarbons, n.o.s. 90-120 3 III 248 Tetraethylene pentamine 310 - 3990 u("\ III 249 1,-2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine 61 3 II 250 Tetranydrothiophen (tetramethylene sulphide) · ' II' ~72 3 . - 251 Tetrapropyl orthotitanate ~72 3 II 252 Thioacetic acid· <73 200 3+6 II 253 Thiophen <30 3 II 254 Titanium trichloride 4.2+8 III 255 T,rich19roacetyl chloride 600 8 II 256 Trichlorobenzene 230-235 756 6 III

~ , .... , ...... - .. - - - - - . . . . - - .~ . E/CN.2/coNF.5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.1 pa.ie 11 .----,...------· Flash LD50 Class Packaging Subst2nce No. :point oral and Group of :re.t subsid­ (closed (mt/kg) iar:{ cup) risk

257 Trichlorobutene 6 III 258 Triethyl borate 52 3 II 259 Triethyl phosphite 130 3 III 260 Triethylene tetramine 275 4340 8 II 261 Tri-isobutylene 50-114 3 II 262 Tri-isobutyl phosphate in propenal 59 3 II 263 1,.-3, 5-Trimethyl benzene (mesi tylene) 112 3 .III 264 Trimethyl borate ·<80 3 II 265 Trimethyl cycloherJlamine 6 III ,,.., 266 3,3,5-Trimethylhexamethylenediamine 0 III · 267 Trimethylhexamethylene di-isocyanate 307 6 II 268 Trimethyl phosphi ·ce 120 3 III 269 Tripropyla.mine 105 96(10%) 3+6 II 270 Turpentine (sulphate wood) 95 3 III

271 Undecane 149 OC J . III 272 Vanadium o:xytrichloride 140 8+6 I 273 Vanadium tetrachloride 160 8+6 I 27 4 Xyl enols 150-600 6 III . 275 Zinc chloride, anhydrous 8 III E/CN. 2/CONF. 5/R. 32 3/Add. 1/Rev ~ 1 page 12 ·

Annex B - Coriiril.erits ori ·addi tiona:.l ·substances · ·· ·- .. ·

Acrylic acid - class 3, with class 8 label. Flammability has precedence in UN list. Disagree with F.rench suggestion for class 6, class 8 label covers skin cor-rosion-hazard

Alkyl phenols higher homologues not hazardous

Allylamine class 8 label not necessary

Allyl glycieyl ether - - toxicity too low for additional lab~l

Aluminium alkyl halide_ - should concentration limit be specified? does solution it apply to non-flammable solvent?

2-amino-4-chlorophenol - toxicity thought to be within group III criteria

,, . .9.-anisidine · - skin absorption hazard

Benzenesulphonyl chloride - not hydrolysed to HCl by cold water

Benzotrifluoride - susp~ct hydrolysis with water

Bromochlorofluoromethane - . UN No. ·2/197 4 3utanedione - not sufficiently toxic for class 6 label Butan-2-ol _ - .UN No. 3/1121 sec-butanol But-l-ene-3-one - UN No. 3/1251 methyl vinyl ketone

:Butyl acrylate - not sufficiently toxic for group II

Butyl glycol acetate could not find the flashpoint

Butyl methacrylate - not sufficiently toxic for group II

Butyl nitrite - toxic hazard

Butyl toluene - could not find the flashpoint 4-tert-butyl toluene - group III oral toxicity, skin irritation

5-~-butyl-l, 3-xylene - flashpoint unknown But-2-yne - UN No. 3/1144 crotonylene Butyryl chloride - should have class 8 label because it is easily hydrolysed to HCl

Carbonyl fluoride toxic, class 6.1 label

Chlorinated anthracene oil - no evidence but suspect E/CN.2/COHF.5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.l page 13

Chloroacetaldehyde - strong lachrymator

~-chloro-2.-anisidine - toxicity consider to be within group III

Chlorobenzotrifluoride - suspect hydrolysis in water

Chloromethyl ethyl ether) class 6.1 label because of suspect Chloromethyl methyl ether) carcinogenicity

Chloronitroanilines - no data su~porting group II

Chloro-.2,-nitrotoluene - no data supporting group II

3-chloroprop-1-ene - UN No. 3/1100 allyl chloride

Chlorotoluene - 1D 50 is the minimum toxic dose

Chlorotoluidine - no data supporting group II

Chlorotrifluroethane - already covered by UN No. 2/1983

Chromosulphuric acid - strongly oxidizing, dehydrating acid

Cyanogen chloride - is a gas

Cyclohexylamine amines with similar hazard already in the , list do not have a subsidiary label

n-decane . - flashpoint 115°F

4-decanol - flashpoint 180°F

Diallylamine - class 8 label not necessary

1, 2-di--:~-butoxyetha.ne - no flashpoint data

Dichlorodifluoromethane - is it necessary to list them? 1:1ixturcs

2:vm-dichlorodimethyl ether class 6 be-cause toxicity is a serious hazard

1, 2--di chloropropane - UN No. 3/1279 propylene dichloride

IJiesel oil - should it go in as synonym for gas oil 3/1202? - ✓

3, 3~d.iethoxypropene - not 1 ane'

N,N-diethylaniline - evidence does not support group II

Diethyl sulphide - no data but high toxicity suspected

Difluoroethane - covered by UN No. 2/1030

Di-iso-propylamine UN No. 3/1158 E/CN~2/coNF.5/R.323/~dd.1/Rev.1 page 14 · · \ 1Dimethyl acetamide - skin irritant .

N-N-dimethylaminoethanol - UN No. 3/2051 N,N-dimethylaniline - evidence does not support group II

Dimethylforma.mide not very toxic but if not in class 3 would justify cl~ss 6.1 group _III

Dimethyl thiophosphoryl - no toxicity data but suspect could be more chloride serious than corrosivity

Diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine not sufficiently toxic + Phenyl naphthylamine ~

Ethylamine solution -· class 8 label not necessary, but group I ·because of high vapour pressure and toxicity N-ethylaniline - ·, ·ev1dence does not support group II . 2-ethylaniline evidence does not support group II '\, - N-ethyl-N-benzyl aniline - ~vidence does· not · support group II Ethylene glycol monobutyl - not sufficiently ·toxic for label ether

2-ethyl hexyl acrylate not sufficiently toxic for control

2-ethyl hexylamine - · if not classified as class \ 3, would justify class 8 gTOUp III

2-eteyl hexyl methacrylate - not _sufficiently toxic for control

Ethyl mercapta.n - clas.s 6 label due to .high tox~city

Ethyl nitrite - very hazardous

Ferrous chloride - suspect some corrosive effect

Fuel oil - should it be a synonym under gas oil?

Furan - group I, toxic label not necessary

Hexachlorobutadiene - no data, structure suggests toxicity

Hexafluoroacetone toxicity justifies class 6 label

Hexamethylenediamine, solid - data for packaging group required

Isobutyl methacrylate - toxicity too low for group II ·

Isobutyraldehyde . 'UN No. 3/2045

Isobutyronitrile flammability is given precedence E/CN.2/CONF,5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.1 page 15

Isobutyryl chloride - class 8 label, because it is easily hydrolysed to HCl

Isocyanatobenzotrifluoride no data, suspect. it is toxic

Isophorone - class 6 group III because of irritant properties

Lead residues - is the proposed entry too vague?

Lithium alkyl solutions. - should be added in inflammable solvent

Maleic anhydride - class 6 does not provide appropriate warning

N-methylanil~ne toxic data do not support group II

Methyl ,!!-butyl methacrylate - hazard due to solvent only solution

Methyl chloroacetate - class 3 given precedence

Methyl cyclohexane - was UN No. · 3/1246 in 1964 edition

Methyl cyclohexanone - group II because of irritant properties

Methyl cyclopentane - was UN No. 3/i24i in 1964 edition

N-methyldiphenylamine - not sufficien:tly... toxic for control

2-methyl-5-ethylpyridine - not sufficiently.toxic for control

alpha-methylstyrene - not· ·sufficiently toxic for group II

alpha-methylvaleraldehyde - not sufficiently toxic for group II

Naphtha coal tar oil solvent are UN Nos. 3/115a · and 3/1256

Nitrogen trioxide - highly toxic

Nitrosyl sulphuric acid - might justify group I

Octadiene - flashpoint unkno.wn

Octafluorobut-2-ene - b. pt. 1.2°c at 760 mm

Oxalic acid - was . UN.No • . 6/1666 in 1964 edition, not sufficiently corrosive for class 8

Oxalates - low solubility salts are not sufficiently hazardous fer control, -in 1964 edition as 6/1667 .. --~E/C~. 2/CONF. 5/R. 323/Add.1/Rev .l · . page_16 · -. . - -: . . . - ··• . ', . , .

.Pentan-2,4~ione - group II .because of slight toxicity,· but class 6 label not necessary

· Phenol, molten - class 8 label justified

· Phenylenediamine/ - controlled by phenylenediamine entry_, ' Cumenediamine 6/1673 -. N-phenylnaphthylamine - not sufficien~ly dangerous for control

--- Phosphorus, molten class: 6 label as in present entry .

Picolines (methyl pyridines) - group II bec·ause of ~oxicity .

alpha-pinene ~ toxicity too low for group II

Polychlorinated biphenyls - environmental -·hazard

Propylenediamine - subsidiary label, as for other a.mines

Sodium chlorate solution - ·not· sufficiently toxic for l~bel

Sodium hydrogen fluoride - the potassium salt has a class 6 label

Sodium hydrosulphide - ~uphides are corrosive

Sulphamic acid - ~ strong acid

Sulphur tetrafluoride - class 6 label, i.e. poison gas label

Thioacetic acid toxi9 label

Trichloroacetylchloride - not exceptionally hazardous

Trichlorobutene - not toxic enough for group II

Triethylene tetramine not very toxic

1,3,5,-trimethylbenzene - flashpoint sufficiently hi_gh for group III

Trimethylcyclohexylam.ine ) flashpoint must be taken into account, not 3,3,5-trimethylhexamethylene) found diamine )

Trimethylphosphite - toxicity not high enough for group II. .·

Tripropylamine toxic -labe1 · justified

Undecane - closed cup flashpoint not known.

Vanadium oxytrichloride highly toxic

Xylenols - group III considered adequate

Amines - no comment has been made for the individual amines · ( unless specially hazardous), the guest ion of subsidiary labels should be considered for this group as a whole E/CN.2/CoNF.5/R.323/Add.l/Rev.l page 17

names and cross references Annex C - List of common CROSS REFERENCE COMMON NAME See Pentan-2,4-dione Acetyl acetone See Diallyl ether Allyl ether ,.See 1, 3-Dimethylbutylamine 2-Amino-4-methylpentane See 2-Bromopentane sec-Amyl bromide See 2-Chloro-2-methylbutane tert-Arnyl chloride See Benzene sulphonyl chloride Benzosulphochloride See sec-But,anol, UN 3/1121_7 IJ3utan-2-ol UN 3/1251_7 ~ See Methyl vinyl ketone, [But-l-ene~3-one See 2-Bromobutane sec-Butyl bromide · See 2-Bromo-2-methylpropane tert-Butyl bromide See 2-Chlorobutane sec-Butyl chloride See 2-Chloro-2-methylpropane tert-Butyl chloride See 2-Iodobutane sec-Butyl iodide See 2-Iodo-2-methylpropane tert-Butyl iodide See Buta.ne-1-thiol n-Butyl mercaptan See Crotonylene, UN 3/1144_7 [But-2-yne See Allyl chloride, UN 3/11oq_7 L-3--Chloroprop-l-ene See Butanedione Diacetyl UN 3/1279J See Propylene dichloride, Ll,2-Dichloropropane See l-Bromo-2,3- epoxypropane Epibromohydrin See Ethyl mercaptan Ethanethiol See Butyl ethyl ether 1--Ethoxybutane See Propionitrile Ethyl cyanide See 1,1-Dichloroethane Ethylidene chloride See 1-Ethylpiperidine N-Ethylpiperidine See Fuel oil Heating oil See l-Bromo-3-methylbutane Isoa.myl bromide See l-Chloro-3-methylbutane Isoamyl chloride See Isopentyl nitrite Isoainyl nitrite See Isovaleraldehyde Isoamyla.ldehyde See Isopentylamine Isoamylamine See l-Bromo-2-methylpropane bromide Isobutyl See l-Chloro-2-methylpropane chloride Isobutyl See 1-Iodo-2-methylpropane iodide Isobutyl See 2-Bromopropane Isooropyl bromide E/CN.2/coNF.5/R.323/Add.l/Re~.1· page 18

Isopropyl chloride· . ... , •--'•• ...... · - ··· · See 2-Chlor.oprqp~~ .. ,. See 2-Iodopropane Isopropyl cyanide See Isobutyronitrile Isopropyl mercaptan See Propane-2-thiol Isopropyl methyl ketone See 3-Methylbutan-2-one Mesitylene See 1,3, 5-Trimethylbenzene Methacrolein See Methacraldehyde Methallyl chlor~de See 3-Chloro-2-methylprop-l~ene 1-Methoxybutane : See Butyl methyl ether Methylene bromide See Dibromomethane Methyl fluoride See Fluoromethane Methyl isoamyl ke~one See 5-Methylhexan-2-one N-Methylpiperidine See 1-Methylpiperidine Pentamethyl~eptane See Isododecane Phenyl cyanide See Benzonitrile Propargyl bromide See 3-Bromopropyne - ~. . .. ~.,. n-Propyl bromide ~ See 1-Bromopropane Propyl cyanide· See Butyronitrile Propyl ether See Dipropyl ether n-Propyl iodide See 1-Iodopropane n-Pro~r.l mercapta.n See Propane-1-thiol Tetramethyle~~ ..sulphide See Tetrahydrothiophen Thiophenol See Benzenethiol