November 1985 Vol. X No. 11

Department of interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Bulletin Endangered Species Program, Washington, D.C. 20240 1,623 taxa in Category 2. It is likely Revised Plant Notice that some will be found to be not in The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) need of Endangered Species Act pro- has published an updated and revised tection, while others could be deter- notice identifying the vascular plant taxa mined in greater peril of extinction native to the United States that are being than some taxa in Category 1. reviewed for possible addition to the Those taxa in Categories 1 and 2 are Federal List of Endangered and Threat- considered by the FWS as candidates ened Plants (F.R. 9/30/85). A major pur- forfuturelisting. Once again, Hawaii has pose of the notice is to solicit additional the largest number of candidate plants conaments on the status of these plants (747), followed by California (648), Flor- and the threats they face in order to ida (176), and Texas (124). Categories 1 assist in determining whether or not to and 2 also contain some taxa whose sta- propose listing them under the Endan- tus in the recent past is known, but that gered Species Act. may already be extinct in the wild. The identified plants are placed into Category 3 is made up of 1,414 taxa one of three categories: that once were being considered for Category 1 comprises those plants listing as Endangered or Threatened, for which the FWS has substantial but that are no longer under consid- data on biological vulnerability and eration. There are three subcatego- threats to support a proposal to list ries: 3A—60 taxa for which the FWS them as Endangered or Threatened. has persuasive evidence of extinc- Currently, there are 894 taxa in this tion; 3B—310 taxa that, on the basis category. Development and publica- of current taxonomic understanding, tion of proposed listing rules on these do not meet the Endangered Species plants are anticipated, but, because Act's definition of a "species"; and of the large number, could take years. 3C—the 1,044 taxa that have been Category 2 contains taxa for which found to be widespread and/or not the available information indicates subject to any identifiable threat. that proposing to list them as Endan- Until they are listed as Endangered or gered or Threatened is possibly Threatened, none of the plant candi- appropriate, but for which conclusive dates receive any kind of legal protec- data on biological vulnerability and tion; however, it is the policy of the FWS The fringed prairie orchid fPlatanthera threats sufficient to prepare listing to advise other agencies of these candi- leucophaea), which faces threats from proposals are not currently known to dates when inquiries are made on spe- developers and collectors, is one of the FWS. Further study will be neces- (continued on page 8) 2,517 plant taxa considered candidates sary to ascertain the status of the for listing. Eight Foreign Proposed for Listing as Endangered Eight mammals from various parts of min and kill it whenever present. food is considered the main threat the world have been proposed by the Consequently, it now is restricted to to the species' survival. are FWS for listing as Endangered underthe a relatively small part of south- driven into the water where they are U.S. Endangered Species Act central Pakistan, although a few slow and clumsy, and thus are easily (10/25/85). All occupy very restricted may survive in adjacent sections of captured. ranges, and are jeopardized by habitat Iran. Biologists estimate that fewer little earth (C. sanfelipensis)— disruption and/or direct killing by than 200 remain. Similar in appearance to the large- humans. Unless they receive adequate large-eared hutia (Capromys eared hutia, the little earth hutia also protection, the following foreign mam- aur/fL/sj—Relatively large for a is threatened by take for human mals could become extinct: , measuring approximately consumption. It is found in an area • Baluchistan bear {Ursus thibetanus 30 centimeters (12 inches) in body of low, dense vegetation on Cayo gedrosianus)—A small subspecies length, this has long, harsh Juan Garcia off southwestern Cuba, of the Asiatic black bear, this animal brown fur. It is arboreal, and occurs and may also occur on nearby Cayo is generally reddish brown in color. only in a mangrove swamp on Cayo Real. This species is considered Originally, it occurred throughout Fragoso, an island off north-central very rare, and no individuals were the mountainous parts of Pakistan, Cuba. The large-eared hutia was found on a 1980 expedition to Cayo but most of its forest habitat has not even known to science until Juan Garcia. been cut down for agriculture. 1970, and it is thought to be rare. dwarf hutia (C. nanaj—Somewhat Farmers that have moved into these Killing of this animal by fishermen smaller than the above , the cleared areas regard the bear as ver- and others who visit the island for (continued on page 6)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 1 worth of habitat that will become part of the Coachella Valley Preserve (CVP). The management agreement for the CVP is nearing completion and should be signed in the near future. Field work on lizard population levels is proceed- ing, and the first year's data indicate healthy populations. A recently completed rangewide trap- ping survey (August 1984-August 1985) for the Morro Bay kangaroo rat (Dipodo- mys heermanni morroensis) indicated that only one active population site exists: the Bayview area of Los Osos, California. After more than 4,800 trap- nights, the survey confirmed the species at only one other site when an adult male was captured near Buckskin Drive. The Buckskin site lies approximately 1 Vs to 2 miles east of the other. The two sites are separated by several blocks of dense Endangered Species Program regional permit for the Coachella Valley fringe- housing, a shopping center, and many staffers have reported the following toed Wzard (Uma inornata) was sent out small business developments. activities for the month of October: recently by the Fish and Wildlife Service Results of this survey further corrobo- (FWS) for review, and a public hearing to rate that the Bayview area supports the Region 1—The draft Environmental solicit comments on the document was largest and perhaps only remaining Impact Statement for the issuance of an held in Palm Springs, California. In mid- population of the Morro Bay kangaroo Endangered Species Act Section 10(a) August, the FWS acquired $4.7 million rat within its historical range. The single adult male captured at Buckskin is thought to be a lone individual moving U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service James Johnson, Endangered Species through remnant habitat; however, it is Washington, D.C. 20240 Specialist. still possible that small, transient popu- F. Eugene Hester, Acting Director Region 3, Federal BIdg., Fort Snelling, Twin lations exist in other remnant areas. (202-343-4717) Cities, MN 55111 (612-725-3500): Har- The number of known peregrine fal- Rolf L. Wallenstrom vey Nelson, Regional Director; John S. Associate Director and Popowski, Assistant Regional Director, con (Faico peregrinus) nesting pairs in Endangered Species Program Manager James M. Engel, Endangered Species California increased from 64 in 1984 to (202)-343-4646) Specialist. 77 in 1985. Sixty-two of these pairs pro- John L. Spinks, Chief, duced 106 young (29 captive-reared Region 4, Richard B. Russell Federal BIdg., Office of Endangered Species 75 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta GA 30303 nestlings; 77 fledged naturally). Twenty (703-235-2771) (404-221-3583): James W. Pulliam, additional falcons were released from Thomas J. Parisot, Chief, Regional Director-, John I. Christian, hack sites, and two fledged that were Federal Wildlife Permit Office Assistant Regional Director: Marshall cross-fostered to prairie falcons (FaIco (703-235-1937) P. Jones, Endangered Species Spe- mexicanus). A total of 128 peregrine fal- Clark R. Bavin, Chief, cialist. Division of Law Enforcement cons were fledged this year in Califor- (202-343-9242) Region 5, One Gateway Center, Suite 700, nia, and this population continues to Newton Corner, MA 02158 (617-965- recover, although pesticide-induced TECHNICAL BULLETIN Staff 5100): Howard Larsen, Regional Direc- eggshell thinning remains a chronic Michael Bender, Editor tor-, Stephen W. Parry, Assistant Re- problem. Denise Henne, Assistant Editor gional Director-, Paul Nickerson, En- * * * (703-235-2407) dangered Species Specialist. The FWS has entered into a Memoran- Regional Offices dum of Understanding (MOU) with the Region 6, P.O. Box 25486, Denver Federal Los Angeles Department of Airports and Region 1, Lloyd 500 BIdg., Suite 1692, 500 Center, Denver, CO 80225 (303-236- the California Department of Fish and N.E. H/lultnomah St., Portland, OR 7920): Galen Buterbaugh, Regional Di- 97232 (503-231-61 18): Richard J. rector-, John D. Green, Assistant Re- Game to protect and manage a preserve Myshak, Regional Director; William F. gional Director-, Barry S. Mulder, En- for the El Segundo blue butterfly ffup/?/- Shake, Assistant Regional Director; dangered Species Specialist. lotes battoides aiiyni) at the remnant Wayne S. White, Endangered Species sand dunes on the west end of the Los Region 7, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, Specialist. AK 99503 (907-786-3542): Robert E. Angeles International Airport. An exist- Region 2, P.O. Box 1306, Albuquerque, NM Gilmore, Regional Director-, Jon Nel- ing 80-acre parcel inhabited by the El 87103 (505-766-2321): Michael J. son, Assistant Regional Director-, Segundo blue, plus 35 to 40 adjacent Spear, Regional Director; Conrad A. Dennis Money, Endangered Species acres of restorable habitat, will be pro- Fjetland, Assistant Regional Director; Specialist. tected under the MOU. The remnant dunes also provide habitat for at least U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regions two other rare Lepidoptera that would Region 1: California, Hawaii, Idaho. Nevada. Oregon. Washington, and Pacific Trust Territories, Region 2: Arizona, New benefit from the El Segundo blue but- Mexico. Oklahoma, and Texas. Region 3: Illinois. Indiana. Iowa, Michigan. Minnesota. Missouri. Ohio, and Wisconsin, terfly preserve: the Lora Aborn's moth Region 4: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida. Georgia. Kentucky. Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina. Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Region 5: Connecticut, Delaware. Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, (Lor it a abornana) and Henne's New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. Region Eucosma moth (Eucosma hennel). Until 6: Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota. South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Region 7: Alaska. a 1984 survey, neither moth had been The ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN is published monthly by the U.S. observed for nearly 40 years. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. (continued on page 14)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 2 Endangered Species Act Protection Proposed for Four Plants

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently published proposals to add the following four species of plants to the U.S. List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Three Florida Shrubs Protection was recommended on November 1, 1985, for three species of shrubs in the custard-apple family (Annonaceae). The beautiful pawpaw {Deeringothamnus pulchellus) and Rugel's pawpaw (D. rugelii), the only species in their genus, were proposed for listing as Endangered, while the four- petal pawpaw (Asimina tetramera) was proposed as Threatened. All three spe- cies are restricted to very small areas of the Florida peninsula, where they are jeopardized by habitat degradation and successional changes in the surround- ing vegetation. Both Deeringothamnus species inhabit poorly drained slash pine/saw palmetto flatwoods. They are low- growing shrubs with annual or biennial Both the beautiful pawpaw fDeeringothamnus pulchellus), iliustrated above, and stems that reach only 4 to 8 inches (10 to Rugel's pawpaw fD. rugeliij produce cylindrical berries that have pulpy flesh and 20 centimeters) tall. New stems resprout are yellow-green when ripe. In his 1926 description of the species, botanist J.K. from the stout taproots after such distur- Small gave the beautiful pawpaw the whimsical common name of "squirrel banana." bances as mowing or fires; in fact, the pawpaws are adapted to a natural ground fire cycle in which surface vege- feet (1 to 3 meters) in height, with one to implementing prescribed burning as a tation is burned back every several several upright stems. Most of its origi- management tool; however, this effort years. nal habitat has been urbanized, but sev- will benefit only part of the A. tetramera The beautiful pawpaw has pleasantly eral hundred plants survive on remnants habitat and none of the Deeringotham- scented flowers with creamy white of sand pine scrub in Martin and north- nus sites. Infrequent mowing or cutting petals that are straight when the flower ern Palm Beach Counties. could help to maintain the open areas opens, later becoming recurved. Now Essentially, the species is confined to needed by these species, although fre- extirpated at its type locality and over Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Hobe quent low mowing could be harmful. most of its former range, due at least in Sound National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Comments on the proposal to list the part to urbanization in the Fort Myers and several privately-owned tracts. three Florida pawpaws are welcome area, the beautiful pawpaw survives in Although the State Park provides pro- from all interested agencies, organiza- only two known populations. One is on tection, small areas are being used for tions, and individuals, and should be Pine Island in Lee County, and the other military navigation facilities, which sent to the Field Supervisor, Endan- is along a highway near Pirate Harbor in could be altered in the future and affect gered Species Field Station, 2747 Art southern Charlotte County. Both popu- the four-petaled pawpaw's habitat. Museum Drive, Jacksonville, Florida lations are on privately owned lands. Further, the species may occur at sites 32207 by December 31, 1985. Rugel's pawpaw has flowers with on or near the refuge where the U.S. straight, oblong, canary-yellow petals. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) holds Serianthes nelsonii Like the other species, it has declined in easements for disposal of dredge spoils S. nelsonii, a rare tree, is endemic to numbers and range, and currently it is from the Intracoastal Waterway. two of the Mariana Islands in the western restricted to an area of southern Volusia Asimina tetramera and both Deerin- Pacific, where it is known in the native County. In 1981, botanists found only 7 gothamnus species respond well to hur- Chamorro language as hayun lagu. populations, which contained a total of ricanes and fires, which control the Only two mature trees survive on the fewer than 500 plants. About half of the growth of dense overstory. Without such U.S. Territory of Guam, and 64 remain plants were in a pine flatwoods used for periodic disturbances, the surrounding on the island of Rota (which is part of the cattle pasture, and most of the rest were trees and other vegetation can eventu- Commonwealth of the Northern Maria- in a powerline right-of-way and a ally shade out the pawpaws. Occasional nas). The species was proposed for list- recently burned flatwoods. Real estate destruction of their stems may even ing as Endangered on October 25,1985. development is considered a severe rejuvenate the pawpaws by stimulating S. nelsonii reaches 60 feet (18m) or threat to this species. All of its popula- the production of new flowering shoots. more in height and can have a trunk tions are on private land near the grow- With urbanization, however, has come diameter of nearly 6 feet (1.8 m). Its ing town of New Smyrna Beach, and all increased fire suppression, which leaves are about 10 inches (25 cm) long, but one are within a mile of Interstate allows competing vegetation to grow composed of 20-30 small leaflets in a I Highway 95. and constitutes a threat to all three paw- doubly pinnate pattern. Younger parts The four-petal pawpaw is larger than paw species. Both Jonathan Dickinson of the tree, along with the inflorescence the other two species, reaching 3 to 9 State Park and Hobe Sound NWR are (continued on next page)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) protected by the territorial government's Under Section 7 of the Act, Federal Four Plants own endangered species legislation. In agencies are required to ensure that any (continued from previous page) December 1981, the Governor of Guam actions they authorize, fund, or carry out petitioned the FWS to place S. nelsonii are not likely to jeopardize the survival of and fruit pods, are covered with rusty- on the Federal Endangered Species List, listed species. The only potential Fed- brown "hairs." an action that would reinforce the exist- eral action known at this time that could Botanists do not l

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 4 Final Protection Given to Four Plants

The following four plants, located in two succulent, cane-like stems that measure will be protected from further destruc- southern States, were recently given the from 3 to 16 feet (1 to 5 m) tall. Its noctur- tion of their habitats. protection of the Endangered Species nal flowers are scented, white or pink in D. frutescens is a strongly aromatic color, and 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) in Act: plant that grows up to I.Bfeet (0.5 m) tall diameter; Its orange-red fruits measure with erect non-woody shoots growing 2 inches (5 to 6cm) long. Endemictothe Hoffmannseggia tenella from a woody base. Its tubular flowers east coast of Florida, this cactus occurs are borne in pairs and are white or pale (slender rush-pea) in coastal hammock vegetation, which pink with purplish-rose dots. D. cornu- has largely disappeared as a result of Hoffmannseggia tenella, a perennial tissima is very similar in appearance to member of the pea family, grows to increasing urban development in the State. D. frutescens and exudes the same plea- about 3 to 6 inches (8 to 15 centimeters) sant, minty smell. Although D. cornutis- tall and has tiny orangeflowersthatusu- Based on recent field work by Florida sima was confused with D. frutescens ally appear from early March until June. botanists, the only population of the fra- for many years, the two are readily Historically, this plant was known from grant prickly-apple known toexisttoday distinguishable. D. cornutissima has two Texas counties, Nueces and Kle- is located within a limited area of St. narrower leaves, its flowers are borne in berg, but now only two populations are Lucie County. It has been extirpated groups rather than pairs, and the flowers known to exist, both of them in Nueces from its other historically known site are purple-rose with deep purple County. near Malabar in Brevard County. A markings. In 1982, a field survey located one of second population may exist north of the populations near Petronila Creek The scrub mint apparently has always Vero Beach in Indian River County, but been rare and confined to a small region and State Highway 70. Only three indi- its existence has not been verified. Atthe vidual plants were observed. On in the sand pine scrub community of time the species was proposed for listing Highlands County. Today, it is known November 21, 1984, the FWS proposed as Endangered (see BULLETIN Vol. X to list hi. tenella as Endangered in an from only two areas in the county, one No. 4), only 14 individual plants were near Lake June in Winter and the other attempt to rescue the apparently dimin- known to exist, but the subsequent dis- ishing species (see BULLETIN Vol. IX at the Archbold Biological Station, a pri- covery of an additional site increased vately funded research facility. The spe- No. 12). Since publication of the pro- the number to approximately 200. All of posed rule, approximately 25 additional cies has been extirpated from three the plants are growing on private land, other sites where it once existed. The plants were located at the Petronila although they are in proximity to lands Creek site, and about 10,000 others were population of D. frutescens in the Lake owned by the Florida Department of June in Winter area is surrounded by found at a second locality—a rural Natural Resources. cemetery in southern Nueces County. developments along U.S. Highway 27, These newly discovered individuals give While access to the Cereus eriophor- and its habitat is prime property for any the species a better chance for survival. ous var. fragrans sites is somewhat re- continued development. The popula- Both populations of the slender rush- stricted, an August 1984 survey showed tions that occur on Achbold Station are pea occur in the Blackland Prairie area tracks from off-road vehicles within 50 largely undisturbed by people, except of the Gulf Coast Prairie, where the feet of the cactus at one locality. for vehicular traffic on the fire lanes. A plants grow with native and introduced Because of the low number of plants and fire management plan in effect for a grasses. King Ranch bluestem (Bothrl- theirclumped distribution, this cactus is major portion of the station's approxi- ochloa ischaemum var. songarica) and very susceptible to any inadvertent de- mate 4,300 acres (1,740 hectares) Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), struction or modification of its habitat. should maintain sufficient open-type introduced into the area for roadside Also, because of its rarity and attractive- scrub habitat to ensure long-term survi- management and range improvement, ness, it could become subject to collec- val of the species there. have escaped into uncultivated areas tion. The prickly-apple produces The longspurred mint was formerly and severely limited the grassland habi- abundant seeds, and seedlings are now known from both Sumter and Marion tat that is suitable for H. tenella. In addi- being raised at a botanical garden in Counties, but now this species is known tion, agricultural development and Florida. With the protection of the from only a single area about 11 miles grazing have destroyed the natural char- Endangered Species Act recently auth- south-southwest of Ocala in Marion acteristics of the Texas Gulf Coast orized for the species (F.R. 11/1/85), its County. Much of this area is being deve- Prairie, which formerly provided more chances for survival may increase. loped, and there is a possibility that the widespread habitat for the slender rush- fewer than 4,000 plants there could be pea. Any further modification of the eliminated if the development plant's remaining habitat may com- Dicerandra frutescens (scrub continues. pletely eliminate this extremely vulnera- mint) and Dicerandra cornu- Both D. cornutissima and D. frutes- ble species. However, with the tissima (longspurred mint) cens are highly visible and occur in protection given to H. tenella authorized areas close to highways, where they are by the November 1, 1985, final listing These two members of the mint fam- easily collected or destroyed by road rule, the species may yet escape ily, restricted to very small areas in cen- maintenance. Woodlander, Inc., a extinction. tral Florida, were proposed for listing as nursery in Aiken, South Carolina, has Endangered on March 29,1985, because successfully propagated both species of threats to their survival from rapidly and has sold potted specimens in limited Cereus eriophorous var. fra- expanding commercial and residential quantities. Some of these plants are now in cultivation at a Florida botanical grans (fragrant prickly-apple) development (see BULLETIN Vol. X No. 4). Now, with the final listing rule in garden. Captive propagation may have a The fragrant prickly-apple is a colum- effect (F.R. 11/1/85), both Dicerandra role in restoring these two species to nar species of the cactus family with frutescens and Dicerandra cornutissima their native habitat.

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 5 Eight Mammals (continued from page 1)

dwarf hutia also is taken by people that visit its sole remaining habitat, the Zapata Swamp, about 100 kilometers (62 miles) southeast of Havana, Cuba. This species once occurred over a much larger part of the island. Draining and agricultural development is a threat to its remaining habitat. • Cabrera's hutia (C. angelcabreral) — Discovered only in 1974, the Cabrera's hutia has not been seen again since 1975. If any remain, they apparently are confined in low numbers to mangrove swamps on a few small islands in the Cayos de Ana Maria group off south-central Cuba. In appearance, this animal is similar to the dwarf hutia, and it also has been taken by people for food. Buffy tufted-ear marmosets are small primates characterized by unique white ear • Leadbeater's possum (Gymnobeli- tufts and black head markings. deus leadbeateri)—This marsupial is found in the coastal forests of mature mountain ash trees over 150 southeastern Australia. It appar- years old that contain hollows suita- ently requires habitat containing ble for nesting. Many such trees were killed by fire in the 1930's, and most of the possum's remaining range is within areas scheduled for logging.

• buffy tufted-ear marmoset {Calli- thrix jacchus aurita)—Found in very low numbers in an extremely small area in southeastern Brazil, this pri- mate depends entirely on forest habitat, nearly all of which already has been cleared for agriculture, logging, and industrial purposes. • southern bearded saki (Chiropotes satanas safanasj—This primate occurs south of the Amazon River in east-central Brazil. It depends on tropical rain forests, and seems par- tial to undisturbed habitat. Due to the region's rapidly growing human population, the saki's range is dis- .Q appearing. Exploitation is another O threat to this species; primates in O r: general historically have been heav- Q- ily exploited for commercial and Chiropotes satanas satanas, a rare Braz- scientific purposes. Further, the tail ilian subspecies of the bearded saki of the southern bearded saki is used (above), is threatened by destruction of by some people as a duster, and was its tropical rain forest habitat and com- being commonly sold in the city of mercial exploitation. Belem, Brazil, in the late 1970's.

gered in The lUCN Red Data Book. If the listing proposal becomes final, these mammals will receive the protec- The listing proposal was based upon tion authorized for foreign animals data gathered by the International underthe U.S. Endangered Species Act. Union for Conservation of Nature and It is illegal for any person under U.S. Natural Resources (lUCN), whose Con- jurisdiction to take, import or export, or servation Monitoring Centre in the Uni- engage in international or interstate ted Kingdom draws upon authorities trade in Endangered species without an Leadbeater's possum ("Gymnobelideus from around the world. All eight mam- FWS permit. Further, it is illegal to pos- leadbeateri) mals are already classified as endan- (continued on next page)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 6 Fauna and Flora (CITES), meaning that Eight Mammals people w/anting to import these species Diseases Strike Site (continued from previous page) into the U.S. first must obtain an import of Only Known sess, sell or transport any such wildlife permit from the U.S. CITES Manage- that has been taken In violation of the ment Authority (the FWS Federal Wild- Black-footed Ferret Act. life Permit Office) and an export permit Section 8(a) of the Act authorizes from the country of origin. The southern Population limited financial assistance for pro- bearded saki is on CITES Appendix II, grams that the Secretary of the Interior which means that imports must have an determines to be necessary or useful for export permit from the country of origin. the conservation of Endangered species All eight mammals will be evaluated by Region 6 Endangered Species Office in foreign countries. Sections 8(b) and the FWS to determine whether or not 8(c) authorize the Secretary to encour- they would benefit from additional pro- age conservation programs for foreign tection under CITES or other interna- The black-footed ferret (Mustela endangered species, and to provide tional conservation treaties. nigripes) once ranged over much of the assistance for such programs in the Comments on the proposal to list western United States, but currently is forms of personnel and training. these eight foreign mammals as Endan- known to survive in only one small popu- The buffy tufted-ear marmoset and gered are welcome, and should be sent lation near Meeteetse, Wyoming. The the Baluchistan bear are on Appendix I to the Director (OES), Broyhill 500, U.S. ferret's primary food is the prairie dog. In of the Convention on International Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, June 1985, dead prairie dogs from the Trade in Endangered Species of Wild D.C. 20240, by December 24, 1985. Meeteetse prairie dog population were collected and analyzed by the Plague Branch of the Centers for Disease Con- trol (CDC), in Fort Collins, Colorado. Tinian Monarch Flycatcher They were found positive for sylvatic plague. Apparently Thriving Insecticide application to control fleas began July 6, 1985, and continued The Tinian monarch flycatcher bird will no longer receive direct Endan- through September 13. At the recom- (Monarcha tal, intensified when spotlight surveys con- control this snake on Guam and prevent o ducted during last August's field season its spread to other islands in the region. ° indicated the presence of only 58 ferrets. If the proposal to delist the Tinian This was fewer than were observed in monarch flycatcher becomes final, this Tinian monarch flycatcher (continued on next page)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 7 Department to discuss the ferrets' Attendees agreed that, to preserve the Blackfooted Ferret decline and plan a course of action. At species, additional ferrets must be (continued from previous page) this meeting, Wyoming Game and Fish brought into captivity. As of November Department personnel announced that 18, four ferrets (one healthy and three either 1983 or 1984. During the fall one of six ferrets then in captivity at a sick with canine distemper) were iso- capture-recapture studies, estimates of research center in Sybille, Wyoming, lated at the original research facility and the population showed a further drop to had died of canine distemper and that a six were in individual isolation at 29 animals by September 13, not count- second ferret was sick. (This second another location in Wyoming. Efforts to ing two that had been taken into captiv- sick ferret later died.) Both animals survey for additional ferrets are cur- ity. Although sylvatic plague was showed signs of the disease 1 to 3 days rently planned through November. considered a possible cause for the after capture. The incubation period for The Wyoming Game and Fish Depart- decline, no supporting evidence or liter- the virus ranges from about 7 to 14 days, ment and the FWS are committed to a ature could be found. which means that they contracted the long-term captive propagation effort as On October 22, 1985, a meeting was disease in the wild. the best alternative for creation of a new held at the Wyoming Game and Fish ferret population in the wild.

Endangered Wild- America's Desert Fishes: Increasing flowers Calendar Their Protection Under the The 1986 Endangered Wildflowers Calendar, now available for purchase Endangered Species Act from the American Horticulture Society (AHS), features color photographs and by information on some of our nation's Jack E. Williams' vulnerable plants. It is designed to and increase awareness of the problems fac- Donald W. Sada' ing these rare taxa and to promote their survival. Proceeds from the calendar "This little fish occurs in the shallow cialized species, such as pupfish, can sales will support AHS plant conserva- pools along the (Owens) river. It survive and reproduce in small springs tion efforts, including the Wildflower abounds In the bog pastures and tale where the salinity is many times that of Rediscovery Awards Project, which swamps, and enters the Irrigation seawater. rewards individuals and organizations ditches in large numbers..." Desert fishes often are highly re- that provide confidential information on stricted in distribution. As the western any plant previously thought to be -John Otterbein Snyder on the distri- United States has been developed, the extinct. bution of the Owens pupfish in 1917. By already limited habitats of many desert To order, send $6.95 (postage and 1960, this pupfish had been reduced to fishes have been drained, diverted, handling included) to AHS, P.O. Box about 200 individuals in asingle, marshy dammed, channelized, or even pumped 0105, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121. pool in Fish Slough, Owens Valley, dry. This loss of habitat is reflected in the (AHS members can purchase the California. number of desert fishesthat are listed by calendar for $6.25.) For a listing of plants the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) as thought to be extinct, send a self- Threatened or Endangered. Of the 54 addressed, stamped (39

8 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 8 Desert Fishes (continued from previous page)

including an undescribed genus, are endemic to springs in Ash IVIeadows, Nevada. (See the Ash Meadows feature in BULLETIN Vol. VII No. 6.) Although not currently listed as Endangered or Threatened, these snails receive protec- tion through the listing of the Warm Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon nevaden- sis pectoralis), Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish (C. n. mionectes), and Ash Meadows speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis) that inhabit the same springs.

E o Increasing Legal Protection The past 3 years have witnessed con- siderable progress in listing proposals ii for desert fishes. Twenty-two fishes Devils Hole pupfish have been proposed during this time for official Endangered or Threatened sta- tus, and final action has been taken on 15 species. In addition, final listing rules sis), desert dace Eremichthys acros), extinct species and the increasing are expected to be publishedforten rare Foskett speckled dace (Rhinichthys number of species recognized as being desert fishes within the next year. These osculus ssp.). Fish Creek Springs tui imperiled. By the time that the Endan- fishes are shown on Table 1 and on the chub (Gila bicolor euchila), and Rail- gered Species Act was passed in 1973, accompanying map. By comparison. road Valley springfish (Crenichthys more than 10 fish taxa historically Table 2 includes a total of 22 desert nevadae) also have been damaged by known from the Southwest had become fishes listed prior to 1983. Much of the overgrazing. extinct, and 19 others were listed by the recent listing action was precipitated by Water diversions for agricultural or FWS as Threatened or Endangered. an April 4, 1983, petition by the Desert municipal purposes also threaten many Conservation laws may be slowing the Fishes Council to add 17 desert fishes to desert fishes. Many spring habitats in rate of extinction, but the number of the U.S. List of Endangered and Threat- Ash Meadows, Nevada, for example, listed fish species is rapidly increasing ened Wildlife. have been diverted, drained, and chan- and has made the number of proposed nelized for the benefit of short-term and listed fish species greater for the Why are Desert Fishes farming programs that eventually failed Southwest than for any other part of the Vanishing? because of the area's highly alkaline U.S. soils. Table 3 summarizes the recently Despite the increased listing activity, The warm climate and relatively stable extinct fish species within the South- desert fishes and their habitats are dis- temperatures of many desert springs west. These species generally suc- appearing faster than we can protect provide an opportune environment for cumbed to factors that continue to them. The reasons for these losses vary. non-native, tropical fishes. When intro- threaten many aquatic organisms in With the majority of land within most duced into desert springs and creeks, desert regions. Habitat alteration result- western States in public ownership, these exotics often flourish and soon ing from the development of water proper management of aquatic habitats greatly outnumber the native species. resources is to blame for most of the might seem a relatively simple matter. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) have liter- extinctions. This type of development However, since most lands with a per- ally taken over Big Warm Springs from includes depletion of groundwater, manent water supply were recognized the Railroad Valley springfish. Convict which causes springs and creeks to dry. by early settlers as valuable, most water cichlids (Chichlasoma nigrofasclatum) Groundwater depletion, for example, sources are in private ownership. Even now are abundant in several Pahranagat eliminated populations of the Raycraft when land is publicly owned, manage- Valley (Nevada) springs, including Ranch and Pahrump Ranch poolfishes ment often has been focused on priori- those of the White River springfish (Cre- (Empetrichthys latos concavus and E. I. ties other than the maintenance of a nichthys baileyi baileyi) and Hiko White pahrump). Diversion of spring outflows viable ecosystem. Many streams occu- River springfish (C. b. grandis). Mosqui- into earthern or concrete canals elimi- pied by the Lahontan cutthroat tofish CGambusia affinis) also have been nated the Pahranagat spinedace (Lepl- ( clarki henshawi), for example, widely and indiscriminantly introduced domeda altivelis), and the Shoshone, have suffered from overgrazing by cat- into many western U.S. waters, purport- Tecopa, and Monkey Spring pupfishes tle. In arid or semi-arid environments, edly for mosquito control. Ironically, (Cyprinodon nevadensis shoshone, C. cattle are attracted to water sources and mosquitofish have often replaced native n. calidae, and C. sp.). The construction the surrounding riparian vegetation. If pupfishes, which are equal to or better of dams impounded large sections of overgrazed, these riparian habitats are for control of the aquatic mosquito rivers and adjacent areas, eliminating denuded and become subject to soil larvae. habitats occupied by the Amistad gam- compaction and erosion. In recognition busia (Gambusia amistadensis) and Rio of this problem, most Critical Habitat Grande bluntnose shiner (Notropis areas for desert fishes include the adja- Too Little, Too Late Sim us Sim us). cent riparian habitat. Habitats of other The establishment of predatory rare desert fishes, particularly the Concern for desert fishes has grown and/or competing exotic species is the Warner sucker (Catostomus warneren- in response to the large number of (continued on next page)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 9 127" 125' 123" 121" 119" 117° 115" 113* III" 109* 107' 105' 103' lOl' 99' 97* 95'

10 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) Table 1. Summary of rules to add desert fishes to the List of Endangered and (Empetrichthys I. latos) was rescued Threatened Wildlife during the past two years. Dates refer to publication of pro- from its sole locality in Manse Spring posed and final rules in the Federal Register. (Pahrump Valley, Nevada) shortly before nearby groundwater pumping caused the spring to fail. It survives in Map three refugia within Nevada, but is Symbol Species Classification Proposed Final extinct in its native habitat. A *Warner sucker T 5/21/84 9/27/85 Conservation Needs Catostomus warnerensis B *Modoc sucker E 1/31/84 6/11/85 The extremely localized distribution Catostomus microps and small populations of many desert C * Desert dace T 5/29/84 pending fishes often make the establishment of Eremichthys acros refugia an important aspect of conserva- D *Hutton Spring tui chub T 4/17/84 3/28/85 tion programs. Refugia populations are Gila bicolor ssp. not intended to replace native popula- E 'Foskett speckled dace T 4/17/84 3/28/85 tions within their natural habitats, but to Rhinichthys osculus ssp. serve as necessary backup genetic F *Fish Creek Springs tui chub T 6/06/84 pending resources that provide a source for rees- Gila bicolor euchila tablishing extirpated populations. G *Owens tui chub E 3/28/84 8/05/85 Unknown aspects of a species' life his- Gila bicolor snyderi tory, along with land use changes near H 'White River spinedace E 5/29/84 9/12/85 the refugia, often make it difficult to Lepidomeda albivallis maintain these artificial populations. 1 *Big Spring spinedace T 11/30/83 3/28/85 Difficulties in constructing and reha- Lepidomeda mollispinis bilitating quality habitat were encoun- pratensis tered during efforts to establish a J 'Little Colorado spinedace T 5/22/85 pending refugium population of the Devils Hole Lepidomeda vittata pupfish, and during efforts to reestab- K 'Pecos bluntnose shiner T 5/11/85 pending lish the Moapa dace (Moapa coriacea) Notropis simus pecosensis within portions of its native habitat on L 'June sucker E 7/02/84 pending the Moapa National Wildlife Refuge in Chasmistes llorus mictus Nevada. Initial translocations of both M 'White River sprlngfish E 5/07/84 9/27/85 species were unsuccessful. Success Crenichthys b. bailayi was achieved only after field investiga- N 'Hlko White River sprlngfish E 5/07/84 9/27/85 tions revealed how these environments Crenichthys b. grandis must be constructed in order to provide 0 'Railroad Valley sprlngfish T 4/17/84 pending the habitat requirements peculiar to Crenichthys nevadae each species. P 'Desert pupfish E 5/16/84 pending The degree of a species' vulnerability Cyprinodon macularius frequently is of primary influence in the Q Sonora chub T 7/06/84 pending design of specific conservation pro- Gila ditaenia grams. For example, the southwestern R Ash Meadows speckled dace E 1/05/83 9/02/83 U.S. fish fauna includes a number of Rhinichthys osculus species that occupy single springs. nevadensis These taxa are highly susceptible to S Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish E 1/05/83 9/02/83 extirpation from single episodes of van- Cyprinodon nevadensis dalism or unexpected habitat alteration. mionectes Providing maximum protection in these T 'Yaqui chub E 6/15/83 8/31/84 instances usually can be accomplished Gila purpurea only by purchase of the habitat through U Yaqui catfish T 7/15/83 8/31/84 fee acquisition or by conservation ease- Ictalurus pricei ments. In the past, such acquisition has V Yaqui beautiful shiner T 7/15/83 8/31/84 been conducted by both private organi- Notropis formosus zations and the Federal Government. In w Loach minnow T 6/18/85 pending some cases, the acquired habitat can Tiaroga cobitis accommodate multiple use if compati- X Spikedace T 6/18/85 pending ble with the conservation of listed Meda fulgida species. Y Chihuahua chub T 12/15/80 10/11/83 Gila nigrescens Reversing the Slide Toward Extinction *Taxa petitioned for listing by the Desert Fishes Council. Substantial progress has been made second largest factor in the extinction of (Micropterus salmoides), and the Grass toward preventing further extinctions of native desert fishes. The Ash Meadows Valley speckled dace (Rhinichthys desert fishes. The first step toward con- poolfish (Empetrichthys merriami) dis- osculus reliquus) could not survive servation comes in recognizing the appeared following establishment of introductions of (Salmo precarious status of a declining species. aquarium fishes, crayfish, and bullfrogs gairdneri) and ( This occurs when the FWS learns of the in its thermal spring habitats. The Inde- fontinalis) into its sole spring habitat. problem and determines that a species pendence Valley tui chub (Gila bicolor Other species, however, were more should be included on the U.S. List of isolata) could not withstand predation fortunate, and were rescued from Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. from intoduced largemouth bass extinction. The Pahrump poolfish (continued on page 12)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 11 Table 2. Desert fishes included in the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Listing of a species initiates considera- prior to 1983. ble effort directed toward preventing extinction and enhancing a species' sta- tus. Among the conservation measures Species Historical Status When that go with a listing are prohibitions on Range Listed take (with some exceptions), posses- AZ T 1967 sion, and interstate or international traf- Salmo apache ficking in listed species without an FWS NM E 1967 permit. Listing also obligates Federal Salmo gilae agencies to ensure that any actionsthey Lahontan CA, NV T 1970 fund, authorize, or carry out are not Salmo dark! henshawi likely to jeopardize listed species or CA T 1967 adversely modify their Critical Habitats. Salmo clarki seleniris Another important benefit is the require- Borax Lake chub OR E 1982 ment for the FWS to develop and imple- Gila boraxoblus ment recovery plansforall listed species Mohave tui chub CA E 1970 in the U.S. These recovery plans are Gila bicolor mohavensis intended to enhance the status of a Humpback chub AZ, CO, UT, WY E 1967 vulnerable species so that it is no longer Gila cypha Threatened or Endangered and, there- Bonytail chub AZ, CA, CO, NV E 1980 fore, may safely be removed from the Gila elegans UT, WY list. Pahranagat roundtail chub NV E 1970 The Dexter National Fish Hatchery in Gila robusta jordani New Mexico is one FWS facility aimed at Moapa dace NV E 1967 preventing the extinction of desert Moapa coriacea fishes. It is operated as a large refugium Woundfin AZ, NV, UT E 1970 and production facility for some of the Plagopterus argentissimus rarest species. Individuals of the 15 taxa Colorado squawfish AZ, CA, CO, NM E 1967 currently being maintained at Dexter not Ptychocheilus lucius NV, UT, WY only provide security against extinction, Cui-ul NV E 1967 they are a "pool" of stock for reestablish- Chasmistes cujus ing populations where conservation Pahrump poolfish NV E 1967 efforts have successfully ensured long- Empetrichthys latos term protection of native habitat. Devils Hole pupfish NV E 1967 Private and public acquisition of habi- Cyprinodon diabolls tat for rare fishes has increased during Comanche Springs pupfish TX E 1967 the past 10 years. The Nature Conser- Cyprinodon elegans vancy (TNC) has led purchases of habi- Warm Springs pupfish NV E 1970 tats that include Ash Meadows, Nevada Cyprinodon nevadensis (for the Ash Meadows Amargosa, Warm pectoralis Springs, and Devils Hole pupfishes, and Owens pupfish CA E 1967 the Ash Meadows speckled dace); Con- dor Canyon, Nevada (for the Big Spring Cyprinodon radiosus spinedace, Lepidomeda mollispinis pra- Amistad gambusia TX E 1980 tensis)-, and Borax Lake, Oregon (forthe Gambusia amistadensis Borax Lake chub, Gila boraxoblus). Big Bend gambusia TX E 1967 TNC also has been involved in discus- Gambusia gaigei sions regarding protection of many Pecos gambusia NM, TX E 1970 other habitats. In many instances, TNC Gambusia nobilis acts as an intermediary landowner that Gila topminnow AZ, NM E 1967 purchases unique habitats for eventual Poeciliopsis occidentalis resale to appropriate public agencies at original purchase cost. In others, TNC manages the land itself or cooperatively with another entity. The FWS manages three national wildlife refuges (NWRs) for the protec- tion of endangered desert fishes and their ecosystems. Moapa and Ash Mea- dows NWRs are in southern Nevada, and San Bernardino NWR is in southeastern Arizona. Purchase of Ash Meadows and the San Bernardino Ranch was assisted by TNC. Moapa and Ash Meadows are thermal spring areas that also support a variety of other rare plants and animals. San Bernardino NWR is a Sonoran desert cienega (wetland) purchased to conserve the Yaqui topminnow ('Poec/7/- opsis occidentalis sonoriensis) and Yaqui chub (Gila purpurea) that still occupy the area. The Yaqui sucker Pahrump poolfish (text continues on page 14)

12 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 12 Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish

Outflow of Big Warm Spring, Railroad Val- ley, Nevada, before and after the Railroad Valley springfish (Crenichthys nevadae) population was virtually eliminated by con- version of the spring for channel catfish propagation. The facility was installed dur- ing January 1982.

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 13 ning of this article. Although far from office, located a new colony of MacFar- Desert Fishes recovery, thousands of these pupfish lane's four o'clock (Mirabilis macfar- (continued from previous page) now exist in three separate populations. lanei) along the Salmon River near (Catostomus bernardini), Yaqui catfish With responsible land management and Whitebird, Idaho. With the confirmation (Ictalurus pricei), and Yaqui beautiful a greater public awareness of vanishing of this new colony, there will be a total of shiner (Notropis formosus) are other desert resources, threats to fragile habi- nine known extant colonies (six in Idaho species native to the San Bernardino tats can be minimized and further and three in Oregon). ecosystem that will be reintroduced in extinctions prevented. However, the the future. continuing potential for groundwater depletion, river impoundment, and pre- Region 2—Ninety-eight Endangered dation and/or competition from con- Gila trout (Salmo gilae) were success- On September 17, 1984, the FWS tinued introductions of exotic species fully moved from Spruce Creek to Big approved the recovery plan for the indicate that long-term security for Dry Creek in the Gila Wilderness in New Owens pupfish mentioned at the begin- many species still is far from certain. Mexico. The transfer marked the com- pletion of a 2-year effort to reestablish the Gila trout in Big Dry Creek, and it brings the species one step closer to Table 3. Recently extinct fishes in U.S. deserts. recovery. In June 1984, a 1.9 kilometer (1.2 mile) Species State reach at the headquarters of Big Dry Alvord cutthroat trout NV, OR Creek was treated with a fish toxicant to Salmo clarki ssp. rid the stream of exotic trout species. Pahranagat spinedace NV Approximately 3,716 exotic rainbow Lepidomeda altivelis trout (Salmo gairdnerl irideus) and Las Vegas dace NV (Salmo trutta fario) were Rhinichthys deaconi killed. However, this treatment was not Grass Valley speckled dace NV totally successful, and a second treat- Rhinichthys osculus reliquus ment was conducted in June 1985. Natu- Independence Valley tui chub NV ral waterfalls will prevent exotic trout Gila bicolor isolata species from reinvading the treated seg- Phantom shiner NM, TX, Mex ment of stream. Notropis orca Rio Grande bluntnose shiner NM, TX, Mex Notropis simus simus The whooping crane (Grus ameri- cana) that struck a powerline in Idaho June sucker UT Chasmistes liorus liorus during September died in early October as a result of the injuries (see Regional Ash Meadows poolfish NV Empetrichthys merriami Briefs section of last month's BULLETIN). Raycraft Ranch poolfish NV Empetrichthys latos concavus The first whooper of the season Pahrump Ranch poolfish NV arrived at Aransas NWR in early Empetrichthys latos pahrump October, 2 days earlier than any pre- vious record. By the end of October, at Tecopa pupfish OA Cyprinodon nevadensis calidae least three whoopers were at Aransas and sightings were being reported in Shoshone pupfish OA many of the Great Plains States. Cyprinodon nevadensis shoshone The Federal-State Cooperative Plan Monkey Spring pupfish AZ to protect whooping cranes is opera- Cyprinodon sp. tional in 13 States within 3 FWS regions. Amistad gambusia TX The plan's main emphasis is to protect Gambusia amistadensis or recover whoopers during migration Utah Lake sculpin UT whenever they might be sick or injured, Cottus echinatus or subject to some hazard such as dis- ease, chemical contamination, or shooting. ventris). Despite having sponsored a salt The year's first hunt for snow geese Regional Briefs marsh harvest mouse trapping study for (Chen hyperborea) at Bosque del (continued from page 2) a proposed golf course/condominium Apache NWR in New Mexico was held at project, which resulted in the discovery the end of October. A single whooping of an extraordinarily large population crane present elsewhere on the refuge The Sacramento Endangered Species (41 mice), the developer disturbed this was not disturbed by the hunting. An Office (SESO) staff coordinated with habitat with caterpillar tractors pulling objective of the hunts is to encourage personnel from the San Francisco disks. The COE responded quickly, continued southward migration of the National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), FWS issuing a cease and desist order the snow geese wintering flock, which has law enforcement division in San Fran- same day. After subsequent discussion increased rapidly in recent years. A dim- cisco, Environmental Protection with the COE, EPA, and FWS, the devel- inished flock would mean less food Agency (EPA), and U.S. Army Corps of oper has agreed to cease any "weed competition for the cranes and a Engineers (COE), and agents of a devel- abatement" on the property. reduced hazard of diseases, like the oper, to stop illegal disking and blading avian cholera outbreak of 1984-85, that (filling) activities in diked historical bay- are associated with dense bird lands that support a substantial popula- Craig Johnson, a Bureau of Land populations. tion of the Endangered salt marsh Management (BLM) biologist who harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys ravi- works closely with the FWS' Boise field (continued on next page)

14 ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 14 buffer zone would have to be modified. more States hope to have their agree- Regional Briefs At the presenttime, a reduced horizontal ments finalized soon. (continued from previous page) and vertical buffer has been agreed upon to protect the nests and ensure Region 6—Two members of the A recent survey conducted by the that public health is maintained. Gray's Lake, Idaho, whooping crane FWS, Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- flock spent considerable time this fall ment, and the University of Texas indi- The Jacksonville Endangered Species roosting and feeding near Ft. Collins, cates that the Attw/ater's greater prairie Field Station has received a draft final Colorado, an area located east of the chicken (Tympanuchus cupido report on a status survey for the rose- Rocky Mountain Front Range and east attwateri) currently occupies 46,000 mary wolf spider (Lycosa ericeticola), a of the cranes' previous migratory path acres, which represents an 81-percent Category 2 invertebrate listing candi- (see last month's Regional Briefs sec- reduction In habitat since 1967. If this date. The spider was previously known tion). Public interest in these birds was trend continues, it is estimated that the only from the type locality near Interla- impressive. After observation by many population could decline to 800 birds on chen in Putnam County, Florida, where of the local citizens, a large number of 37,000 acres by the year 2000. Currently, it occurred in an area with extensive avid birdwatchers, and some out-of- the prairie chicken is being successfully rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides) stands. State visitors, both birds were reported managed on the Attwater Prairie The status survey, conducted in 1984- gone from their sites on the morning of Chicken NWR; however, this population 1985 by the FWS' Florida Cooperative October 29. is susceptible to being extirpated by a Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, located natural disaster ordisease. Protection of the species at twelve additional sites in Region 7—Recoveries of two Ameri- additional habitat is being considered. Putnam County in turkey oak/longleaf can peregrine falcon (Faico peregrinus pine/rosemary habitat. anatum) nestlings banded along the Region 4—Continued bald eagle Although rosemary is widely distrib- Yukon River in Alaska this summer have (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) activity in uted throughout Florida, the spider has been reported. One of the birds was the North Carolina area during the not been located at rosemary sites out- found dead in western North Dakota on summer and early fall of 1985 was high- side Putnam County. Longleaf pine September 30, and the other bird was lighted by the development of a summer communities are threatened throughout live-trapped in good condition at Dry roost. The roost, located near Durham, the Southeast, so the limited distribution Tortugas near Key West, Florida. Both North Carolina, on the recently com- of the rosemary wolf spider makes it are the first Alaska birds recovered in pleted Jordan Reservoir, has had up to vulnerable to eventual habitat loss as these States. With a band recovery rate 42 bald eagles, the majority of which suburban development continues in approaching 5 percent (1,621 birds were immature and juvenile birds. A Putnam County. Fortunately, the spe- banded and 78 returns), the banding great deal of public interest was gener- cies occurs in part on the University of program in Alaska continues to provide ated by this roost, so the Wildlife Florida - Florida State Museum's Ord- valuable information on survival rates, Resources Commission designated a way Preserve, and thus some of its habi- migration routes, and wintering habits public viewing point along one of the tat is protected. of peregrines. adjacent State highways. The origin of these birds is thought to be Florida. The Aleutian Island Unit of Alaska Region 5—The Region 5 Endangered Maritime NWR carried out recovery Species Office staff attended The efforts for the Endangered Aleutian In 1980, the first recorded green sea Nature Conservancy's (TNC) eastern Canada goose (Branta canadensis leu- turtle (Chelonia mydas) to come ashore regional conference at Shelter Island, copareia) again this summer. One to nest on a North Carolina beach was New York, on October 28-30. One pur- hundred and thirty-six geese were cap- tagged after carrying out her nesting pose of the meeting was to assess the tured on Buldir Island, and 124 were duties. The event occurred on Onslow results of this year's cooperative field transported by vessel and released on Beach, part of the Marine Corps Base at studies. Personnel from eastern Amchitka Island. Bad weather, capture Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. This regional offices of TNC and individual paralysis, and bald eagle predation summer, the same female green sea tur- State heritage programs have been somewhat hampered the transplant tle, now weighing about 500 pounds, working with the FWS to systematically effort. Observations of these geese, returned to Onslow Beach and nested determine the rangewide status of 32 marked with yellow leg bands and black again. In 1980, this particular turtle plant listing candidates and other inver- numerals, can be reported to Dr. Paul nested four times and laid a total of 819 tebrate species that may qualify for Fed- Springer, Humboldt State University, at eggs. This year, it again nested four eral protection. As a result of this 707/826-4759. times and laid a total of 728 eggs. season's field work, the status of many species has been clarified, andexcellent Region 8 (Research)—The black- The Jacksonville Endangered Species information is now available to support capped vireo (Vireoatricapillus), a Cate- Field Office recently became involved in listing proposals for several plant spe- gory 1 listing candidate, has declined in a plan to protect active bald eagle nests cies. This FWS/TNC project is sched- numbers in recent years throughout its during a mosquito control operation for uled to continue for at least another historical breeding range from Kansas Culex nigripalpus, a carrier of St. Louis year. to Coahuila, Mexico, primarily due to encephalitis (SLE), in a coastal Florida nest parasitism by cowbirds and de- county. The county was recently placed Region 5 personnel hosted an instruc- struction of its favored brushland habi- on a SLE alert by the State. tional workshop on October 25 for State tat from overgrazing by sheep and Due to the heavy rainfall experienced agencies having approved cooperative goats. A spring 1985 census by Denver recently in south Florida, there is a great plant agreements with the FWS under Wildlife Research Center biologists deal of standing water, even under the Section 6 of the Endangered Species revealed 275 adult birds in the State of eagle nests. Several years ago, buffer Act. State representatives were briefed Texas, including about 164 breeding zones were established to protect these on administrative procedures, the Fed- pairs in 30 sites. A pilot experimental territories from low-level helicopter eral aid application process, funding removal of cowbirds from three areas spraying. The FWS realized that when priorities, and other aspects of the coop- increased production from 2 young (by these buffers were established, control erative agreement program. Seven of 24 pairs) in 1984 to 24 young (by 33 of the Culex mosquito would be neces- the 13 States in the region now have pairs) in 1985. These results suggest sary from time to time, and the 750-foot cooperative plant agreements, and 5 (continued on next page)

ENDANGERED SPECIES TECHNICAL BULLETIN Vol. X No. 11 (1985) 15 Regional Briefs (continued from previous page) BOX SCORE OF LISTINGS/RECOVERY PLANS ENDANGERED THREATENED SPECIES that cowbird control in selected areas of Category U.S. U.S. & Foreign U.S. U.S. & Foreign SPECIES* HAVING adequate vireo habitat may be a viable Only Foreign Only ' Only Foreign Only TOTAL PLANS recovery method. If the population in Mammals 25 19 234 11 4 0 22 304 23 potentially large breeding areas, such as Birds 60 13 141 11 3 1 0 218 54 Big Bend National Park, could be Reptiles 8 6 60 1 4 13 99 18 increased to the carrying capacity of its 1 8 Amphibians 5 0 0 0 16 6 habitat, this species, which disperses 8 11 3 Fishes 37 4 3 0 74 39 readily into available habitat, might rec- ^^ 11 Snails 3 0 0 ognize parts of its former range. 1 0 9 7 Clams 23 0 0 0 25 19 3 0 0 0 4 1 The Patuxent Wildlife Research Cen- " 1 Insects 8 0 0 0 0 13 10 ter reports that a California condor Plants 86 5 1 1 23 2 2 119 43 (Gymnogyps californianus), the female TOTAL 258 47 458 11 71 10 37 881 member of the Santa Barbara pair and 220" one of only six individuals remaining in 'Separate populations of a species, listed both as Endangered and Threatened, are tallied the wild, was captured with a cannon net twice. Species which are thus accounted for are the gray wolf, bald eagle, American alligator, on October 1 and fitted with two new green sea turtle, Olive ridley sea turtle, and leopard. radio transmitters. The attending veteri- **More than one species may be covered by some plans, and a iew species have more narian drew blood from the condor for than one plan covering different parts of their ranges. contaminant analysis and indicated she appeared to be in good health. The bird Number of Recovery Plans approved: 185 was alert upon release and was Number of species currently proposed for listing: 27 animals observed the following day with her 29 plants mate near the capture site. Number of Species with Critical Habitats determined: 91 Number of Cooperative Agreements signed with States: 42 fish & wildlife The Seattle National Fishery 17 plants Research Center (SNFRC) initiated a 3- November 1, 1985 year project in Fiscal Year 1984 to obtain life history and ecological information on the Moapa dace (Moapa coriacea). Descriptions of some major accom- plishments follow: Data from a baseline inventory of population there was estimated at 3,000 supervised its construction, saving the stream ecosystems on the Moapa NWR individuals—over three times the FWS about $46,000 in contractor fees. in Nevada suggest that, in terms of water number of dace than had been thought Other information is currently being chemistry, benthic communities, and to exist. gathered on Moapa dace reproduction available drift items, the mainstem and Studies of habitat requirements indi- biology, emigration behavior, food hab- tributary stream (the only place where cated that adult dace habitat was limited its, and growth and mortality rates. The successful Moapa dace reproduction is on the Moapa NWR, so a 400-foot sec- SNFRC is confident that a large, self- known to occur) are comparable. A sta- tion of stream was constructed and sustaining population of Moapa dace tus survey of the species was conducted added to the refuge. The research team can be established on the refuge within a in the Warm Springs area, and the dace designed the new stream reach and few years.


TA^IimI^'^I Di iIIa^Im department of interior. U.S. Fish and wildlife Service 1 CwnniVal DUIIdlll Endangered Species program, wasnington, D.C. 20240