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CE_0226_EVCN_CPX_Events_Print_AD_5.375x8.375_v4.indd 1 2018-03-08 7:41 AM THE WILL TO BE FREE

We all want to be free. But finding true freedom within our communities, within our families and within ourselves is no easy task. Nor is easy to reconcile our own freedom with the political, religious and cultural freedoms of others. Happily, the conflict created by our search for freedom makes for great theatre... Shakespeare’s , in which I’m delighted to direct Martha Henry, is a play about the yearning to be released from

CLASSICCLASSI FILMS imprisonment, as revenge and forgiveness vie TM for the upper hand in ’s heart. Erin Shields’s exciting new interpretation of Milton’s Paradise Lost takes an ultra- contemporary look at humanity’s age-old desire for free will – and the consequences of acting on it. I’m very proud that we have the internationally renowned with us directing Shakespeare’s , a play about early Roman democracy. It is as important to understanding the current state of our democratic institutions as is Shakespeare’s play about the end of the Roman Republic, Julius Caesar. Recent events have underlined the need for the iconic story To Kill a Mockingbird to be told, as a powerful reminder that there can be no freedom without justice. Freedom is no less central to our two musicals: in The Music Man, freedom of expression through the arts brings joy and self-discovery into the hearts of young people, while the raucous fun of The Rocky Horror Show celebrates the joy of simply being oneself, without judgment. Sometimes freedom comes in finding our other half, as in Shakespeare’s or Oscar Wilde’s brilliant An Ideal Husband. Other times our families make our own individual dreams elusive, as in Eugene O’Neill’s great play Long Day’s Journey Into Night or Jordi Mand’s engrossing new work about three famous literary sisters, Brontë: The World Without. Finally, I’m thrilled to direct John Murrell’s new translation of Eduardo De Filippo’s comic masterpiece Napoli Milionaria!, in which a family faces the greatest threat to our freedom – our CINEPLEX EVENTS desire for money. The extraordinarily talented 2018 is eager to bring these stories to OPERA | DANCE | STAGE | GALLERY | CLASSIC FILMS vibrant life for you.

Antoni Cimolino Artistic Director For more information, visit @CineplexEvents EVENTS We acknowledge that the Stratford Festival is located on the traditional lands of the Huron-Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe. The territory was also the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. ™/® Cineplex Entertainment LP or used under license. 1

CE_0226_EVCN_CPX_Events_Print_AD_5.375x8.375_v4.indd 1 2018-03-08 7:41 AM 2018 SPONSORS WE ACKNOWLEDGE OUR CORPORATE AND INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS

INDIVIDUAL THEATRE SPONSORS Support for the 2018 season Support for the 2018 season Support for the 2018 season of the Festival Theatre is of the Avon Theatre is of the Studio Theatre is generously provided by generously provided by the generously provided by Daniel Bernstein & Birmingham family Sandra & Jim Pitblado Claire Foerster





SEASON HOSTS PERFORMANCE HOSTS The Aylmer Express Burgundy Asset Management Inc. Famme & Co. Professional Corporation Highstreet Asset Management Inc. Steed Standard Transport Limited Sylvanacre Properties Ltd. University of Waterloo Stratford Campus The Woodbridge Company Limited MEDIA SPONSOR


The Stratford Festival is a non-profit organization with charitable status.


“With all the magical qualities of the existing venue, the new Tom Patterson Theatre Centre will vastly expand our creative options while also providing facilities for our Forum, our Laboratory, and our education and digital media activities.

“We dedicate this new theatre to a citizen of Stratford who dreamed of creating art and economic growth by founding a . He succeeded beyond anyone’s dreams. Thank you, Tom.”

– Antoni Cimolino, Artistic Director

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COME FROM AWAY Book, Music and Lyrics by Irene Sankoff and Musical Staging by Kelly Devine Directed by Christopher Ashley





• OVER 150 EVENTS • AWARD-WINNING GUESTS THE REMARKABLE TRUE STORY • MESMERIZING CONCERTS • DYNAMIC DEBATES COME FROM AWAY Book, Music and Lyrics by Irene Sankoff and David Hein Musical Staging by Kelly Devine Directed by Christopher Ashley • INSPIRING SPEAKERS



CFA_2018_StratfordFestivalProgram_ad.indd 1 2018-03-02 11:47 AM Parental Warning!

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Please don’t be alarmed. We have a long track record of motivating boys and girls like yours. > 8 SHAKESPEAROES IN THE AGE OF TWITTER BY CRAIG WALKER

Uncompromising. If there were one word means of one mind. In the opening scene to describe the character Caius Martius/ of the play, when the citizens are gathered Coriolanus upon which we could all agree, to protest the patricians’ refusal to share that would be it. Beyond that, the questions the stores of grain with them, he has them begin. Is his refusal to compromise speak with two voices. A First Citizen admirable or deplorable? Deeply principled wants to kill Caius Martius as “chief enemy or profoundly undemocratic? In the most to the people.” A Second Citizen urges simplistic terms, is the protagonist of his fellows to “consider … what services Shakespeare’s last tragedy a hero or a he has done for his country” and exhorts villain? them to “speak not maliciously.” Yet there is no doubt that it is the belligerent First Perhaps put so baldly, the question is Citizen who is louder and ultimately more moot. In 1977, when I was sixteen years old persuasive. In such circumstances, is it and trying to decide what I thought of punk possible to be a hero? rock, one of the most promising bands, The Stranglers, released an album called No Naturally, there are fashions in heroic More Heroes. In the title track, they sang: virtues, like anything else. But in the Rome of Coriolanus, there is supposed to be Whatever happened to wide agreement on that point. Cominius, All of the heroes? the Consul and commander-in-chief of the All the Shakespearoes? army, speaking of the title character, tells They watched their Rome burn! the Senate: Whatever happened to the heroes? It is held No more heroes anymore! That valour is the chiefest virtue, and There, in a few lines, Coriolanus becomes Most dignifies the haver. If it be, Nero and the collapse of western The man I speak of cannot in the world civilization is implied. If I didn’t quite grasp Be singly counterpoised. the allusions at the time, I understood The use of the word valour has been in vividly the gap between my outlook and decline for over a century now. It is not that that of the punk rockers. Whereas I still we despise the trait it names, but perhaps had heroes, the punks were disinclined to as a people we are less warlike than our adulation. Cynicism seemed to them the forebears. So, while we still admire valour aptest attitude to the world as they knew it. when we see it, we no longer quite expect And they may have been prescient about it of most human beings. This is why so the matter of heroes. To have popular many modern armies train soldiers in much heroes, one needs a populace that is the same way as fighting dogs are trained: sufficiently trusting and of one mind about so as to instil a vicious disposition. We’re heroic virtues. tacitly admitting that it would be unrealistic As Shakespeare represents them in to expect most people to behave Coriolanus, the people of Rome are by no valorously as a matter of rational choice.


In the scenes that show us Caius Martius that Coriolanus’s lack of affability may earning his surname, Coriolanus, there have stemmed from insufficient formal can be no doubt that he is valiant. He education. The largely self-educated embraces seemingly impossible odds by Shakespeare wasn’t having any of that. In pursuing the Volsces back behind their Coriolanus, he has given us a protagonist own gate and stands “himself alone to whose confident use of language is answer all the city.” And then, incredibly, perhaps his most impressive weapon. But having emerged triumphant if bloody, unlike Richard III, he speaks no “honey he insists on immediately venturing words.” He expects the citizens to fight for into another part of the battle. His chief Rome if they want a share of the stores complaint with the people of Rome, of grain and sneers at their indignation apparently, is that they are unwilling to and rage. Few would call this behaviour do the same. While at some level, all this likeable, but for those who believe that may earn our awe and admiration, it is sometimes the thinking individual is morally difficult to feel entirely comfortable about obliged to stand in opposition to the such an excess of valour. Seemingly, popular will, the play if not the protagonist Coriolanus excels at the chief human has been greatly admired. , virtue by breaking rank with what is for example, drew inspiration from it for human in himself. Pretty much all other the exasperatingly uncompromising title human beings become despicable when character of his play Brand (1867) and for measured against this impossible standard. much of his play An Enemy of the People So duly, Coriolanus despises them, always (1882), including the title. excepting his mother. Like its title character, Coriolanus also That contempt for the common people has offers few concessions to popular led various critics to condemn Coriolanus expectations. Unlike Shakespeare’s other for his lack of populism and his excessive major tragic protagonists, Coriolanus is pride. Even Plutarch, the original source given no soliloquies through which the for the story, was less than sympathetic audience might gain access to his private toward his protagonist, suggesting thoughts and perhaps build sympathy. He

10 has plenty of speeches, but none of them have turned to the Internet and specialty are directed at us. Instead, he remains channels for public discussion, political stubbornly within the scenes, as if to say: I discourse has been increasingly dominated am what I am; take it or leave it. by a vicious argument between two camps, neither of which could be said to be made Anyway, if we decide that Coriolanus, up of great champions of democracy. despite all his accomplishments, is On one side we see great masses of excessively proud, what are we to say of the citizens? When they refuse to people who, furious with the perceived endorse Coriolanus as consul unless he inadequacies of the government that their humbles himself before them, flattering democratic systems have given them, seek them and begging their favour, is this not to vengefully disrupt the status quo, even petulant conceit? Of course, in taking this if it means electing a vulgar autocrat or stand, they are in part responding to the risking a resurgence of bitter tribalism. On machinations of their tribunes, Sicinius and the other are those who rage against the Brutus. Instead of advocating reasonably ignorance of those masses upon whom the on behalf of the starving masses as they viability of democracy depends. are meant to do, the tribunes prove To be sure, there are still reasonable themselves demagogues who promote moderates who call for reform while their own power by goading the people upholding the natural right of citizens to into reckless hatred of the city’s ablest express their frustration, but such are not protector. The problem with the common the voices that dominate call-in shows, people, Shakespeare seems to imply, Twitter, Facebook or Internet comment is that they are too impervious to virtue boards. And the awesome power of these if it lacks superficial appeal and too newer media to deliver public shamings easily made into a mob by unscrupulous or to incite a mob mentality is greater than manipulators. any we have known. We may not feel love Perhaps that seems a distastefully for the title character of Coriolanus, and undemocratic opinion. But in 2018, how yet we may still feel terror and pity at the many of us can declare sincerely that the thought of the swiftness with which he will of the common people must be held could be torn down in the age of Twitter. sacrosanct, whatever it may be? In the last few years, the growing presence of extremists and demagogues in elections Professor Craig Walker is Director of all over the globe has been unsettling, to the Dan School of Drama and Music at say the least. As more and more people Queen’s University in Kingston.

THE STORY Although renowned as a fearless military leader, Caius Martius is unpopular among the plebians, the common people of Rome, who resent his arrogance and equate him with the patrician elite whom they believe to be responsible for the current food shortage. Martius in turn despises the plebians as cowardly, fickle and untrustworthy. For his extraordinary heroism in defeating the Volsces, enemies of Rome, and capturing the Volscian city of Corioles, Martius is honoured with the name of Coriolanus; he is also prevailed upon by his friends, and by his strong-willed mother, to run for consul, Rome’s highest public office. But the warrior is no politician – and he faces unaccustomed enemies in the form of two tribunes of the people, Sicinius Velutus and Junius Brutus, who fan the flames of populism against him, with catastrophic results.


DP: You’ve staged this play in a very minds – but how do you use that freedom, distinctive way. What inspired your and what impact does it have on society? approach? And when you elect people to speak in your name, are they the right people? Are RL: Mainly, it has to do with the idea of they corrupt? What are their own agendas? media. Coriolanus’s antagonists in Rome are the common people – “the beast DP: How would you answer those with many heads,” as he calls them – and questions? the tribunes who represent them. So RL: For me, it’s a question of balance. A productions of the play have usually had a well-balanced society relies on freedom lot of people on stage to portray the rioters of expression but also on putting political and so on. But nowadays, public opinion decisions in the hands of specialists, is mostly represented not by tribunes and people who are educated. We should mass assemblies but by mass media and always be able to criticize those decisions, social media. If you want to know what but we’re in a world right now where the public feels, you count the number of it’s a bit out of whack. We talk about a likes on Facebook, or you look at people’s politician “playing to his base” – which tweets. It’s the Twittersphere that decides means making decisions based not on success or failure. Even the president of principle but on the opinions expressed by the United States communicates by tweets. the majority of his supporters. And those That’s how democracy expresses itself now. opinions may be formed by “fake news,” DP: So in today’s world, the role of the another expression we use all the time mob as depicted in Shakespeare’s play has now. For me, all this puts the discourse been taken by social media. What do you of Coriolanus in a different perspective. feel are the implications of that? Suddenly I seem to want to root for him more than I used to, even though he’s a RL: Social media presents us with a new complex and problematic character, and he problem in society: we want freedom of makes a lot of bad decisions that get him expression, yes, but the shape and form into trouble. But his integrity, I think, is not it has taken now makes Coriolanus sound well understood. like a prophet. He’s opposed to giving power to the people, because what do DP: In many ways, he’s the product of they know, what do they bring to a debate? the upbringing he’s had from his mother, Likewise, although you can encounter Volumnia. How does she fit into your view some very interesting opinions on social of the play? media, much of the time the opinions RL: Coriolanus depicts a society that’s expressed are ill informed. People in a changing – trying for the first time in its democracy need to be free to speak their history to establish a republican system. 12 These are people who have been ruled by kings; suddenly they have to deal with a new thing called democracy, the fact that people can have their say and elect representatives to speak in their name. One of the greatest scenes in the play is the one in which Volumnia convinces her son to go to the forum and try to reconcile himself with the people. She comes from the old establishment of how things used to be, the hierarchy, but she’s able to adapt to the new system. She represents compromise. But Coriolanus doesn’t understand compromise. He feels she’s asking him to betray the very principles she raised him to believe in. DP: The complexity of that mother-son relationship reminds us that this isn’t just a political drama. RL: There’s a whole layer of psychological motivations in the relationships between LEPAGE ROBERT the characters that are a microcosm of the political power struggle. That’s why it “NOWADAYS, PUBLIC OPINION was important for me to explore the more intimate parts of this play: Coriolanus’s IS MOSTLY REPRESENTED relationship with his mother, his wife and his son. And where does Valeria fit in? As NOT BY TRIBUNES AND MASS we were rehearsing, we discovered there ASSEMBLIES BUT BY MASS are many layers at the family level that illuminate the bigger social picture. MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA” DP: One notable member of that family is Young Martius, Coriolanus’s son. He seems another. Any system can work, if it’s in the set to become a soldier like his father. hands of the proper leader. If you read RL: What’s interesting about that is that The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius, you not only is there a warrior within the child, start out thinking the Roman empire was there’s also a child in Coriolanus. This is a a horrible system – then you get to the guy who reacts strongly to maternal love or life of Claudius, and it looks like a great ire. So you have two interesting forces: a system. And then it’s a disaster again child acting like a grown man and a grown when Caligula comes in and then Nero. man acting like a child. And then after that Vespasian comes in, and it’s an amazing system. So we have DP: What might we learn from this play to stop blaming the system; we have to about our own changing times? understand that what matters is the leader. RL: It’s a great political allegory, and an Who’s the king, who’s the prime minister, ideal one for the times in which we live. who’s the president – that’s what makes We’re at a time right now when you really a government good or not. It’s all ruled by can’t say that one system is better than human nature.

13 Great theatre lives here.

BMO is proud to be the presenting sponsor of 's Coriolanus, directed by Robert Lepage.


Born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, William Shakespeare was the eldest son of John Shakespeare, a glover and tanner who rose to become an alderman and bailiff of the town, and Mary Arden, the daughter of a wealthy farmer. The exact date of his birth is unknown, but there is a record of his baptism at Stratford’s Holy Trinity Church on April 26. Since an interval of two or three days between birth and baptism would have been quite common, tradition has it that he was born on April 23 – the same date as his death fifty-two years later. The young Shakespeare is assumed to have attended what is now King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford, where he would have studied rhetoric, grammar and ancient Roman literature in its original Latin. In 1582, when he was eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter who was eight years his senior. Anne was pregnant at the time, and the couple’s first daughter, Susanna, was born By 1595, Shakespeare was back in the a few months afterwards in 1583. Twins theatre, writing and acting for the Lord followed two years later: a son, Hamnet, Chamberlain’s Men. His income as one who died at the age of eleven, and a of London’s most successful dramatists second daughter, Judith. enabled him, in 1597, to buy a large house called New Place back in Stratford, and in Nothing further is known of Shakespeare’s 1599 he became a shareholder in London’s life until 1592, by which time he was newly built Globe Theatre. sufficiently established as an and writer in London to be the target In 1603, when James I had succeeded of a literary attack by a jealous fellow Elizabeth on the throne, Shakespeare’s playwright, Robert Greene. Soon company was awarded a royal patent, afterwards, an outbreak of plague forced becoming known as the King’s Men. the temporary closure of the , and Meanwhile, the playwright continued Shakespeare turned his attention instead his business dealings in Stratford and to his long narrative poems Venus and in London, where in 1613 he bought Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. He also a property known as the Blackfriars began writing the Sonnets, a series of 154 Gatehouse. He is believed to have spent complex and often ambiguous poems on increasing amounts of his time in Stratford themes of love, jealousy and mortality from around 1609 until his death on April that have aroused much biographical 23, 1616. He is buried in the town’s Holy speculation. Trinity Church.



IN SEARCH OF GLOBAL FREEDOM Studio Theatre, Saturday, June 23, 10:30 a.m.–noon. From $25 There are many places in the world where citizens’ freedoms are constrained; and citizens’ concerns about their ability to direct their future transcend national borders. Randall Hansen, Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs, is joined by Lama Mourad and Joseph Wong to discuss the global meaning of freedom.

MYTHOLOGIZING EMPIRE Studio Theatre, Saturday, August 25, 10:30 a.m.–noon. From $25 Through his Roman plays, Shakespeare mythologized the birth of a new Rome in Britain. But what of the actual Roman context is lost in that process? Join Artistic Director Antoni Cimolino, former National Post theatre critic Robert Cushman and others as they consider both Shakespeare’s texts and our knowledge of the Roman world.

THE NATURE OF LEADERSHIP Chalmers Lounge, Avon Theatre, Wednesday, September 26, 10:45 a.m.–noon. From $20 Julius Caesar and Coriolanus both challenge the role and responsibilities of political leadership. In a conversation moderated by CBC Ideas host Paul Kennedy, Samantha Nutt, founder of War Child Canada and War Child USA, Chief Ava Hill of the Six Nations of the Grand River and other successful women consider the relationship between leadership and power and what makes a good leader.




Tullus Aufidius, general of the Bartender, Reporter UNDERSTUDIES Volscians Nick Nahwegahbow Graham Abbey Wayne Best Tullus Aufidius, Old Junius Brutus, a tribune of Senator, Old Man Host, Doctor, Father, the people David Collins Menenius Agrippa Sentinel #1 Stephen Ouimette Martha Farrell Virgilia, Valeria, Wayne Best Volumnia, mother to Doctor Farhang Ghajar Cominius, Cominius, general against Coriolanus Lieutenant, Host the Volscians Lucy Peacock Alexis Gordon Daughter, Deaf Michael Blake Sicinius Velutus, a tribune of Woman Old Senator, Old Man the people Nick Nahwegahbow Caller, David Collins Tom Rooney Caretaker, Messenger, Waiter, Deaf Woman’s Husband, Daughter, Gentlewoman Caius Martius, Sentinel #2 Martha Farrell afterwards Caius Martius E.B. Smith Coriolanus, Sentinel #1 Young Martius, son to Coriolanus Johnathan Sousa Junius Brutus, André Sills Father, Surrogate Coriolanus Emilio Vieira Sicinius Velutus, Oliver Gamble (alternate) Surrogate Bartender, Reporter Waiter, Deaf Woman’s E.B. Smith Brigit Wilson Volumnia Husband, Sentinel #2 Lieutenant, to Aufidius Farhang Ghajar Johnathan Sousa Virgilia, wife to Coriolanus Caller, Messenger, Alexis Gordon Caretaker Menenius Agrippa, friend to Emilio Vieira Coriolanus Valeria, friend to Virgilia, Tom McCamus Deaf Woman Young Martius, son to Brigit Wilson Coriolanus Senators, Soldiers, Citizens Eli McCready-Branch played by members of the (alternate) company

THERE WILL BE ONE AUDIENCE ALERT Gunshots and e-cigarettes are 20-MINUTE used in this production. INTERVAL


Director and Set Designer Robert Lepage

Creative Director and Designer Steve Blanchet Assistant Director Adèle Saint-Amand Associate Set and Props Designer Ariane Sauvé Costume Designer Mara Gottler Lighting Designer Laurent Routhier Composer and Sound Designer Antoine Bédard Images Designer Fight Director John Stead ASL Coach Elizabeth Morris

Producer David Auster Casting Director Beth Russell Creative Planning Director Jason Miller

Assistant Director (Michael Langham Stage Manager Workshop) Brian Scott Mikaela Davies Assistant Stage Managers Assistant Costume Designer Katherine Arcus Laura Delchiaro Melissa Rood Assistant Lighting Designer Production Assistant C.J. Astronomo Grace Batten Associate Fight Director Production Stage Managers Anita Nittoly Michael Hart Assistant Fight Director Janine Ralph Geoff Scovell Maxwell T. Wilson Fight Captain Wayne Best Technical Director Elissa Horscroft

FOR EX MACHINA Producer Michel Bernatchez Production Manager Marie-Pierre Gagné Technical Director Catherine Guay Assistant to Mr. Lepage Christian Garon


Special thanks to Michel Bernatchez, Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, Peggy Zehr, ASL Interpreter, and Joshua Quinlan. Special thanks also to Jennifer Anderson, MD, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto; Sean Blaine, MD, Stratford; Shawn Edwards, MD, Stratford; Brian Hands, MD, FRCS (C), medical voice consultant, Vox Cura voice care specialists, Toronto; Simon McBride, MCISc, MD, London Health Sciences Centre Vocal Function Clinic, London; Laurel Moore, MD, Stratford; David Thompson, MD, Stratford; Thomas R. Verny, MD, DHL, DPsych, FRCPC, FAPA, Stratford; John Yoo, MD, London Health Sciences Centre, London. Pianos tuned and maintained by Stephenson Concert Group. Cover: André Sills. Photography by Clay Stang – The Garden.

18 MUSIC ORIGINAL MUSIC Director of Music RECORDED BY Franklin Brasz Keyboards Music Administrator Antoine Bédard Marilyn Dallman Administrative Assistant Janice Owens


Production responsibilities during the performance accomplished by: Head Carpenter Crew William C. Kraft Sean Poole Timothy Hanson Sherri Neeb Head Electrician Dan Hoodless Maxine Tubbe Greg Bride Scott King Swing Paul Levaque Caroline Broadley Alternate John Lowe Andrew Rabbets Wigs and Makeup Nancy McCune Show Head Head Property Michael Watters Julie Scott Michael Izma Christopher Wylie Wigs and Makeup Crew Head Sound Wardrobe Head Jessica Elsbrie Andy Allen Mary-Lou Mason Stanley Wickens Head of Automation Wardrobe Attendants Children’s Supervisor Chris Knarr Margie Bell Bruer Judith Williams


Director of Production Design Coordinator Transportation Simon Marsden Mary-Jo Carter Dodd Charlie Fox Production Administrator Technical Director Dirk Newbery Carla Fowler – Scenic Construction B.J. Shaver James Thistle Administrative Assistant Andrew Mestern Cindy Jordan Scene Shop Manager Electronics Technologist Chris Wheeler Associate Technical Directors Robbin Cheesman David Campbell Technical Management Eleanor Creelman Assistant Michael Besworth

A member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres, the Stratford Festival engages, under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of Canadian ’ Equity Association. Stage crew, scenic carpenters, drivers, wigs and makeup attendants, facilities staff and audience development representatives are members of Local 357 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). Wardrobe attendants are members of IATSE Local 924. Scenic artists are members of IATSE Local 828. The musicians, musical directors, conductors, and orchestra contractors engaged by the Stratford Festival are members of the Toronto Musicians’ Association, Local 149 of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada.

19 PROPERTIES Scott Schmidt Assisted by Mark Smith Karen Beames Head of Properties Cliff Tipping Michael Karn Dona Hrabluk Connie Puetz Assisted by WARDROBE Dyeing Eric Ball Linda Pinhay Karine Cusson Head of Wardrobe Assisted by Ken Dubblestyne – Festival Theatre Sylvia Minarcin Michelle Jamieson Bradley Dalcourt Costume Painting Kathryn Kerr Head of Wardrobe Lisa Hughes Shirley Lee – Avon Theatre Jennifer Macdonald Elizabeth Copeman Millinery Nina Mueller Kaz Maxine Interim Head of Wardrobe Dylan Mundy Assisted by Heather Ruthig – Studio Theatre Helen Flower Lisa Summers Linda Sparks Monica Viani Katelyn Vere Costume Coordinator Apprentice Milliner Properties Buyer Kimberly Catton Chantal Laurendeau Tracy Fulton Cutters Purchasing Coordinator Assistant Properties Buyer Johanna Billings Chevy Barlow Kathleen Orlando Kim Crossley Terri Dans Purchasing Assistant Melanie Farrar-Jackson Erin Michelle Steele SCENIC ART First Hands Toronto Wardrobe Buyer Head Scenic Artist Monica Berg Susan Rome Duncan Johnstone Krista Nauman Wardrobe Apprentice Assistant Head Scenic Artist Gina Schellenberg Hanna Litster Daniel McManus Sewers Warehouse Supervisor Assisted by Susy Arnold William Schmuck Denise Bott Kevin Kemp Warehouse Assistant Rachel Buhler Amparo Villalobos Michael Piscitelli Michael Wharran Caroline Broadley Steve Wiseman Victoria Bruer Blair Yeomans Rebecca Forsyth WIGS AND MAKEUP Sharon Gashgarian Head of Wigs and Makeup June Gunn Gerald Altenburg SCENIC CARPENTRY Shona Humphrey Construction Crew Head Carpenter Jordan Johnstone Teddi Barrett Ryan Flanagan Olga M. Kouzmina Debbie Kschesinski Anna Burton McEwin Assistant Head Carpenter Brigette Clark-Carmichael Paul Cooper Anna Lach Elisabeth Mastrandrea Erica Croft Head of Automation Karen Merriam Jessica Elsbrie Ian Phillips Emma Pawluk Lena Festoso Assisted by Cynthia E. Rusak Tracy Frayne Simon Aldridge Catherine Weber Dave Kerr David Bedford Silvia Widmer Angela Moncur Mark Card Sherri Neeb Bijoux/Decoration Barbara Newbery Gary Geiger Kathi Posliff Paul Hyde Mallory Reeves Scott King Assisted by Alana Scheel Cory Mielke Rebecca Dillow Julie Scott Stephen Morgan Liane Guttadauria Stanley Wickens John Roth Tami MacDonald Jody Satchell Boots and Shoes Joseph Saunders Sarah Cook

Funding for artisan apprenticeships is provided by the William H. Somerville Theatre Artisan Apprenticeship Fund, funded by the J.P. Bickell Foundation and by Robert and Jacqueline Sperandio.

20 NEW CHAPTER This is an exceptional moment in time for Canada as we explore our past and present – and shape our future. The arts – expressions of the hopes, dreams and stories of Canadians – play a vital role in our country. That’s why the Canada Council for the Arts created a special one-time program, New Chapter, to mark last year’s 150th anniversary of Confederation and launch a historic re-investment in the arts. Through this FOUHSE TONY PHOTO: $35-million investment, over two hundred exceptional projects will be presented in cities and regions across Canada and abroad, creating a lasting legacy for all Canadians. The Canada Council is proud to support the Stratford Festival, through the New Chapter program, in its production of Coriolanus, because art is essential in pointing us, together, toward a brighter future.

Simon Brault, O.C., O.Q. Director and CEO, Canada Council for the Arts

MARTHA HENRY THE TEMPEST Visually stunning fantasy




GRAHAM ABBEY MICHAEL LANGHAM WORKSHOP, 2015 2018: Antonio in The Tempest and Tullus Aufidius in Coriolanus. 20th Season. Stratford: Orgon (Tartuffe), Bolingbroke/Henry IV, conceiver, adaptor, associate director (Breath of Kings), Philip the Bastard (King John), Iago (), Posthumus (), , , Romeo, Henry VIII, Jaques, Prince Hal, D’Artagnan (Musketeers), Petruchio (Shrew), Aufidius (Coriolanus), Berowne (Love’s Labour’s Lost), Algernon (Earnest). Elsewhere: (Resurgence); Jeff Skilling (Enron) (Theatre Calgary); Sam Byck (Assassins) (Talk Is Free/Birdland); Charles (School for Scandal) (). TV: Series lead: The Border. Recurring: Degrassi, Murdoch Mysteries, Covert Affairs, Republic of Doyle. Guest star: Flashpoint, Lost Girl, Rookie Blue, Warehouse 13, Bomb Girls, Remedy. Film: Take This Waltz, Casino Jack, Defendor, Stealing Paradise, Angels and Ornaments, Milton’s Secret, Frontier. Radio: Afghanada (CBC). Awards: Dora, Monte Carlo Television Festival nomination. Directing: The Winter’s Tale, Measure for Measure, Lear (Groundling). Et cetera: Artistic Director, Groundling Theatre ( Artistic Director, Festival Players of Prince Edward County (

WAYNE BEST 2018: Master in The Tempest, Host in Coriolanus and understudy in Napoli Milionaria! 23rd season. Stratford: Friar Laurence (), The Prospector (The Madwoman of Chaillot), Duke of Gloucester, Worcester, Archbishop of Canterbury, King Charles (Breath of Kings), Antiochus, Simonides (Pericles), Surly (The Alchemist), Capulet (Romeo and Juliet), Axel Oxenstierna (Christina, The Girl King), Hubert (King John), Caliban (The Tempest), Don John (), Buckingham (Richard III), Macduff (Macbeth), Fluellen (Henry V), Gratiano (), Cornwall (), Leontes (The Winter’s Tale), Grumio (), Agamemnon (), Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet). Elsewhere: Brutus (Julius Caesar), Antonio (The Tempest), Captain Keller, Karl (Heaven), Abbott (Inexpressible Island), Anderson (Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Toward the Somme), Quinn (The Affections of May), Johnny (Balconville), Jacob Mercer (Salt-Water Moon), Taylor (K2), Billy (The Collected Works of Billy the Kid).

MICHAEL BLAKE 2018: Caliban in The Tempest, Cominius in Coriolanus and Errico in Napoli Milionaria! Seventh season. Stratford: Tartuffe, School for Scandal, Macbeth, All My Sons, , King Lear, Dream, Beaux’ Stratagem, Romeo and Juliet, The Three Musketeers, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado, Henry V, Merry Wives. Elsewhere: Lincoln, Topdog/Underdog (Arts Club); James, Superior Donuts (Coal Mine); Beast/Prince, Beauty and the Beast (Theatre Aquarius); MLK, The Mountaintop (Theatre Kingston); Edmund, King Lear (Theatre Calgary/Bard on the Beach); Simba, The Lion King (Mirvish/Disney); Othello, Othello (Bard on the Beach); Clybourne Park (Citadel); Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet; Eilif, Mother Courage; Nativity, A Christmas Carol (NAC); Gratiano/Morocco, The Merchant of Venice (SITR); Mitch, Spelling Bee (Belfry/Arts Club); Orlando, (Soulpepper); Rock and Roll (Canadian Stage); Wilbur County Blues (Blyth). Film/TV: The Expanse, Senior Trip, YTV Rocks, Degrassi Junior High. Training: NTS, Soulpepper Academy, St. Michael’s Choir School. Online: Twitter and Instagram: @samo_crown.

DAVID COLLINS 2018: Alonso in The Tempest, Old Senator in Coriolanus and Part-Time Priest in Napoli Milionaria! 10th season. Stratford: The Changeling, Timon of Athens, Macbeth, As You Like It, The Adventures of Pericles, The Alchemist, King Lear, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V, Richard III, , The Tempest, Caesar and Cleopatra. Elsewhere: Shakuntala (Premiere Dance Theatre); The Adventures of a Black Girl in Search of God (Mirvish); Twelfth Night, Donut City (Canadian Stage); Pusha Man, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Passe Muraille); Top Gun the Musical (Factory Theatre/N.Y.C.); Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare in Action); Founding Member of Obsidian Theatre Company. Film/TV: Assassin’s Creed Origins, Killjoys, Dark Matter, Watch Dogs 2, 12 Monkeys, Jean of the Joneses, Saving Hope, Murdoch Mysteries, Nikita, The Firm, ReGenesis, Owning Mahowny, The Incredible Hulk, MVP, Warehouse 13, Nurse.Fighter. Boy, XIII. Training: MFA, . Awards: Tyrone Guthrie Award. Dora nominations: Twilight Café, The America Play.

MARTHA FARRELL BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY, 2004 2018: Donna Peppenela in Napoli Milionaria! and appears in The Tempest and Coriolanus. Ninth season. Stratford: Highlights include The Misanthrope, Camelot, Peter Pan, Dangerous Liaisons, Don Juan, As You Like It, The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Birds, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet and The Winter’s Tale (Birmingham Conservatory). Elsewhere: The 39 Steps (Stage West); Romeo and Juliet (Atlantic Ballet Theatre/Theatre New Brunswick); The Graduate (Theatre New Brunswick); Somewhere in the World (Charlottetown Festival); Norwegian and Renaissance Cruises. Training: Sheridan College Music Theatre Performance Program, Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre. Awards: Jean A. Chalmers Apprentice Award, Mary Savidge Award (Stratford), Rosemary Burns Award, Greg Bond Award (Theatre Sheridan).



OLIVER GAMBLE 2018: Young Martius in Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: Wizard of Oz (Grand); Fun Home (Calithumpian); The Nutcracker: A Canadian Tradition (Ballet Jörgen); Nutcracker (Dance Steps). Training: Student at L. B. Pearson School of the Arts; company dancer at Dance Steps Studio; RAD grade three medal. Online: Instagram: 3gambleboys. Et cetera: Oliver would like to thank Mr. Lepage for this opportunity and the cast and crew of Coriolanus. Love to Mom and Dad and brothers!

FARHANG GHAJAR BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY, 2016/17 2018: Federico in Napoli Milionaria! and appears in The Tempest and Coriolanus. Second season. Stratford: The School for Scandal, Twelfth Night and understudy in Tartuffe. Elsewhere: Iago in Othello (McMaster Thespian Company); Hamlet in Hamlet’s Dorm (McMaster University); in The Last Judgement (). Film/TV: Man Seeking Woman (FXX); Dark Matter (Syfy); lead in Capture Kill Release, lead in Something to Hide, principal in Uncle Brian (independent feature films).Training: Advanced Shakespeare (Kristin Linklater, Orkney, Scotland), Strasberg Method Intensive (Tony Greco, N.Y.C.), scene study (Angela Besharah and Jimi Shlag, Toronto), scene study (Caymichael Patten, N.Y.C.), Actors Exchange (David Matheson, Toronto). Awards: Michael Mawson Award (Stratford 2017). Et cetera: Forever grateful for this good fortune.

ALEXIS GORDON 2018: Ceres in The Tempest, Virgilia in Coriolanus and appears in Napoli Milionaria! Fourth season. Stratford: Sarah Brown in Guys and Dolls, Anne Egerman in A Little Night Music, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Julie Jordan in Carousel, Sister Sophia in The Sound of Music, Clara in Passion. Elsewhere: Belle in A Christmas Carol (Grand Theatre); Celeste #2/ Elaine in Sunday in the Park With George (TIFT); Iris in The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble (Factory Theatre/Obsidian Theatre); Starbright Christmas, Canada Sings, Godspell (Victoria Playhouse Petrolia); Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Driftwood Theatre). Film/TV: Motives & Murders, The Worst Thing I Ever Did. Awards: Banks Prize for Emerging Artists (Musical Stage Company). Online: Twitter: @AlexisLGordon. Training: BFA Acting, University of Windsor. Et cetera: Love and thanks to my parents, fiancé, family, friends, mentors, the creative teams and the gang at TH.

TOM McCAMUS 2018: Stephano in The Tempest, Menenius Agrippa in Coriolanus and Gennaro in Napoli Milionaria! 16th season. Tom has spent 15 seasons with the Festival appearing in roles ranging from Richard III and King John to King Arthur and Captain Hook. He has performed in many theatres in Toronto and across Canada, most recently with the Groundling Theatre Company’s productions of The Winter’s Tale and Measure for Measure. Tom is also fortunate to have been a part of the Canadian film and television industry for many years, appearing in such films as The Sweet Hereafter, Long Day’s Journey Into Night and Room. Last summer he returned to the Shaw Festival after an absence of almost 30 years but is thrilled to be back at the Stratford Festival with his wife, Chick Reid, and their four dogs.

ELI McCREADY-BRANCH 2018: Young Martius in Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: Children’s Chorus in Honk!, Drayton Entertainment (2017). Et cetera: Eli is a student at Forest Hill Public School in Kitchener. He is also a student at Spot On Dance Studio, where he takes competitive ballet, jazz, tap and classes. Eli is thrilled to be here and excited to learn more about theatre. He would like to thank his brother, Brent, for introducing him to the world of theatre, and the Stratford Festival for giving him this fantastic opportunity. An additional sincere thank-you to Rae Crossman for his passion and encouragement. Enjoy the show!



NICK NAHWEGAHBOW BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY, 2016/17 2018: First Guard in Napoli Milionaria! and appears in The Tempest and Coriolanus. Second season. Stratford: Gregory in Romeo and Juliet, Tom Morgan, understudied/appeared as Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island and Qiluniq, Dufort in The Breathing Hole. Birmingham Conservatory: King Lear, Arden of Faversham, As You Like It, Dido: Queen of Carthage. Elsewhere: The Doctor in Vacuum, Laertes and Player Queen in Hamlet, Queen Elizabeth in Orlando, Dave in Total Liquidation (National Theatre School); Camp Follower in King Lear (National Arts Centre). Film/TV: Chat Ka in Canada: The Story of Us. Training: Advanced Shakespeare (Kristin Linklater, Orkney, Scotland), Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre under the direction of Stephen Ouimette, National Theatre School of Canada; BA in Theatre Studies, University of Guelph. Et cetera: Meegwetch/Nia:wen/Thank you to my parents for their undying love and support.

STEPHEN OUIMETTE 2018: Trinculo in The Tempest and Junius Brutus in Coriolanus. Director of the Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre. 24th season. Stratford: Shakespeare in Love, The Hypochondriac, The Alchemist, King Lear, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Waiting for Godot, Twelfth Night, The Homecoming, The Importance of Being Earnest, All’s Well That Ends Well, The Tempest, King John, No Exit, Hamlet, Richard III, Amadeus, Julius Caesar. Director: Timon of Athens (2004, 2017). Elsewhere: The Iceman Cometh (, 2012; BAM, 2015); The Alchemist (Yale Rep); Endgame (NAC); Troilus and Cressida, The Taming of the Shrew (Chicago Shakespeare); La Bête (Broadway/West End); leading roles across Canada. Film/TV: Cardinal, Slings and Arrows, Conspiracy of Silence, The Top of His Head. Awards: Gemini (Slings and Arrows), Blizzard (Heater), Doras (Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, Seven Stories, B Movie: The Play), Critics Circle (I Am My Own Wife), Sterling (La Bête), Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal.

LUCY PEACOCK 2018: Juno in The Tempest, Volumnia in Coriolanus and Satan in Paradise Lost. 31 seasons at Stratford Festival including Agave/Bakkhai, Maria/Twelfth Night, Kate Keller/All My Sons, Mary Stuart/Mary Stuart, Gunhild/John Gabriel Borkman, Mrs. Hardcastle/She Stoops to Conquer, Judith Bliss/Hay Fever, Mrs. Sullen/The Beaux’ Stratagem, Elora/The Thrill, Masha/Three Sisters, Dolly/Hello, Dolly!, Anna/, Nana/For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again, The Blonde, the Brunette and the Vengeful Redhead, Rosalind, Viola, Portia, Lady Macbeth, Beatrice, Desdemona, the Duchess of Malfi, Late Night with Lucy. Elsewhere: Winnie/Happy Days (National Theatre School), Paulina/Winter’s Tale, Duchess/Measure for Measure (Groundling Theatre), Queen Lear (University of Northern Colorado). Training: National Theatre School. Et cetera: Author of Limericks by Lucy Peacock as the Duchess of Malfi: Written as She Lay Dead on the Stage.

TOM ROONEY 2018: Sicinius Velutus in Coriolanus and Riccardo Spasiano in Napoli Milionaria! 11th season. Stratford: Twelfth Night, The School for Scandal, Tartuffe in Tartuffe, Breath of Kings, The Taming of the Shrew, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Crazy for You, Man of La Mancha, Measure for Measure, Waiting for Godot, Wanderlust, Merry Wives of Windsor, As You Like It, Winter’s Tale, For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Midsummer Night’s Dream, All’s Well That Ends Well. Elsewhere: The Wedding Party (Crow’s Theatre/TIFT); Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Citadel); The Seagull, Someone Else (Crow’s); My Mother’s Feet (Munich); Hairspray (Toronto, Broadway); Hamlet (NAC); Roméo et Juliette (Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan). Film/TV: CBC’s This Is Wonderland; The Gilda Radner Story; The Day After Tomorrow; Flash of Genius. Awards: Two Gemini nominations; Dora Award, Outstanding Actor, 2013; Sterling Award, Best Actor, 2016.

ANDRÉ SILLS BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY, 2005 2018: Sebastian in The Tempest, Coriolanus in Coriolanus and Brigadiere Ciappa in Napoli Milionaria! Fifth season. Elsewhere: Pitts in The Madness of George III, BJJ/George/M’Closky in An Octoroon, Black Bearer in The Adventures of a Black Girl in Her Search for God (Shaw Festival); Sam in “Master Harold” … and the Boys (Shaw Festival and Obsidian Theatre); various roles in Kim’s Convenience national tour (Soulpepper); Othello in Shakespeare’s Nigga, Ruined (Obsidian Theatre); George in Intimate Apparel (Alberta Theatre Projects); Othello, Radio Golf (St. Louis Black Repertory Company). Film/TV: Double Crossed, Karma’s a B*tch, Suits, Sensitivity Training I and II. Training: Birmingham Conservatory, George Brown Theatre School. Awards: Dora Award and Toronto Theatre Critics Award for “Master Harold” … and the Boys (Shaw Festival and Obsidian Theatre). Online: Twitter: @andresills373. Et cetera: Resident Artist of ARC. 24 ACTING COMPANY


E.B. SMITH BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY, 2010/11 2018: Boatswain in The Tempest, Surrogate in Coriolanus and Doctor in Napoli Milionaria! Eighth season. Stratford: Orsino (Twelfth Night), Seyton (Macbeth), Dr. Jim Bayliss (All My Sons), Thaliard, Leonine (Pericles), Eilif (Mother Courage), Melun (King John), Bellievre (Mary Stuart), Abhorson (Measure for Measure), Cymbeline, Elektra. Elsewhere: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., The Mountaintop (Grand); Big Sam, Gone With the Wind (RMTC); Seyton, Macbeth; Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet (Chicago Shakespeare); Macduff, Macbeth ( Theatre); King, King Hedley II (Karamu); Moustique, Dream on Monkey Mountain; Junior, Before It Hits Home; Cleveland Play House; Idaho Shakespeare Festival; Theater Wit, Chicago; The Great Lakes Theater Festival. Film/TV: The Beast (Sony), Ask Gilby, Maybe By Then, Thunder Bay. Training: Ohio University, Birmingham Conservatory. Et cetera: E.B. would like to dedicate his work to his parents and grandmother, and to the memory of his Papa, who will always be in the front row.

JOHNATHAN SOUSA 2018: Francisco in The Tempest, Lieutenant in Coriolanus and Amedeo in Napoli Milionaria! Third season. Stratford: Hotspur in Breath of Kings: Rebellion, Valere in Tartuffe. Elsewhere: Charlie Breathing Corpses (Coal Mine Theatre). Film/ TV: Rookie Blue (Global TV), The Animal Project (principal), Relative Happiness (lead), What We Have (lead), Kidnap Capital (lead). Training: Ryerson Theatre School (2010), Norman Jewison Canadian Film Centre Actors’ Conservatory. Awards: Lou Taube Memorial Award, 2013 Toronto International Film Festival Rising Star. Online: Twitter/Instagram: @jsous29. Et cetera: Thanks to Alicia Jeffery, my family and friends, and my future wife, Brittany, for always supporting me.

EMILIO VIEIRA BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY, 2015/16 2018: Adrian in The Tempest, Caller in Coriolanus and Peppe “The Jack” in Napoli Milionaria! Third season. Stratford: Curio and understudied/appeared as Sir Toby Belch in Twelfth Night, Damis in Tartuffe, The School for Scandal, Macbeth, All My Sons, Bunny. Birmingham Conservatory: As You Like It, Dido: Queen of Carthage, Six Characters in Search of an Author, Richard III. Elsewhere: Andrew in Towards Youth: a cycle of plays on radical hope (Project Humanity/Crow’s Theatre); Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet (Guild Festival Theatre); Charles/Amiens in As You Like It, Lucius Andronicus in Titus Andronicus (Canadian Stage). Training: Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre under the direction of Martha Henry and Stephen Ouimette; BFA Specialized Honours in Acting, York University; Intermediate Actor-Combatant, Rapier Wit. Et cetera: It’s 2018: TIME’S UP!

BRIGIT WILSON 2018: Valeria in Coriolanus, Amalia in Napoli Milionaria! and appears in The Tempest. 13th season. Stratford: School for Scandal, Macbeth, As You Like It, Hypochondriac, Pericles, Alchemist, Swanne, All’s Well, Quiet in the Land, Hunchback, Count of Monte Cristo, The Triumph of Love, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Orpheus Descending (Stratford, MTC, Mirvish), Merchant of Venice, The Comedy of Errors, An Ideal Husband, Three Sisters, Bartholomew Fair, Peter Pan, Grapes of Wrath, King John, Christina, Mother Courage. Elsewhere: Agamemnon (Next Stage); Narcisse Mondoux (Grand); Come Back to the Five and Dime… (Grand/Five & Dime Productions – Dora nomination); Enron (Theatre Calgary); The Merry Wives of Windsor, Glorious, Man of La Mancha (TBTB); The Ballad of Stompin’ Tom, Another Season’s Harvest (Blyth); The Odd Couple (Segal). TV: Harriet Sims, The Campbells (four seasons). Film: Beyond Innocence, Anne of Avonlea, The Marriage Bed, Echoes in the Darkness, Lustre. Online: Twitter @HOOPOOHEART.




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KATHERINE ARCUS 2018: Assistant stage manager of The Tempest and Coriolanus. Ninth season. Stratford: The School for Scandal, Tartuffe, Breath of Kings, She Stoops to Conquer, The Last Wife, Mother Courage, Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline, Elektra, The Winter’s Tale, Three Sisters, Bartholomew Fair, production assistant for the TPT’s 2008 season. Elsewhere: Blue Remembered Hills U.K. tour (Northern Stage); Anne of Green Gables: The Musical, (Charlottetown Festival); Head à Tête (Theatre Direct); The Sound of Music (Mirvish); Cinderella (Ross Petty Productions); Homebody/Kabul (Berkeley Street Theatre). Film/TV: Writers’ assistant for Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town (CBC), story coordinator for Less Than Kind (HBO Canada), Picnicface (Comedy Network), Zerby Derby (TVO). Training: Technical theatre program at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Et cetera: Thank you to mom and dad for all your love and support.

C.J. ASTRONOMO 2018: Assistant lighting designer of The Rocky Horror Show, Coriolanus and Napoli Milionaria! Seventh season. Stratford (selected): The School for Scandal; HMS Pinafore; The Breathing Hole; The Komagata Maru Incident; All My Sons; Alice Through the Looking- Glass; Blithe Spirit; 42nd Street; Charlie Brown; Wanderlust. Elsewhere: Selected lighting design: Acha Bacha (Theatre Passe Muraille); The Crucible (Hart House); the marquise of O (the red light district); The Rocky Horror Show (Sudbury Theatre Centre); Post Eden (Suburban Beast); Oh, the Humanity… (Outside the March); Serious Money (Nightwood Theatre). Selected associate lighting: Alice Through the Looking-Glass (Charlottetown Festival); Gimme Shelter (Why Not Theatre); HER2 (Nightwood Theatre). Training: BFA – Ryerson Theatre School. Awards: 2015 SummerWorks Award for Design; T.H.E.A.T.R.E. Award (RTS 2009); Paul Eck Award (RTS 2008); Audit Stub Award (RTS 2008); C.J. has also been nominated for the Pauline McGibbon Award. Et cetera: “Mahal kita, Nanay.”

ANTOINE BÉDARD 2018: Composer and sound designer of Coriolanus. Second season. Elsewhere: Antoine Bédard is a composer and musician from . He is also known for his electro-pop solo music project called Montag, has released several albums and has toured internationally. He started working as a sound designer for theatre and dance in 2005 while living in Vancouver. Since moving back to Montreal in 2008, he has scored over 20 theatre and dance productions presented throughout Canada, and has worked with theatre directors such Chris Abraham and Serge Denoncourt. 2015 marked his first collaboration with Robert Lepage on Quills, a play by Doug Wright. Antoine is delighted to be working with him again on Coriolanus, as well as on Frame by Frame, a co-production of the National Ballet of Canada and Ex Machina, choreographed by Guillaume Côté.

STEVE BLANCHET 2018: Creative director and designer of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: Creative director at Ex Machina, Steve has worked in the artistic, cultural and advertising world for 20 years. Trained as a graphic designer, he completed his education at ÉFAP in France in 1994 and worked as a designer at the Carré Noir agency in Paris. From 1996 to 2013, he worked at Cossette, where several of his social campaigns received national and international awards. He began his collaboration with Ex Machina in 2005 with the creation of the architectural projection The Image Mill. He helped to create 887, Robert Lepage’s most recent solo show, and The Library at Night, an immersive exhibition using virtual reality inspired by Alberto Manguel’s work. His career is punctuated with various collaborations on numerous short films, shows, plays and publications.

MIKAELA DAVIES MICHAEL LANGHAM WORKSHOP, 2018 2018: Assistant director of Coriolanus. Third season. Stratford: Beatrice-Joanna, The Changeling; Irma, the Kitchen Girl, The Madwoman of Chaillot; ensemble, Timon of Athens; Katherine, Dauphin, Breath of Kings: Rebellion and Redemption. Elsewhere: Leonora in The Libertine (TIFT); Nurse Jane/Faith Matheny in Spoon River, Rossignol in Marat/Sade (Dora nominations, Best Ensemble); Gittel in The Dybbuk, Mary Warren in The Crucible, Flipote in Tartuffe, Mrs. Cherry in Idiot’s Delight, Natasha in The Thirst of Hearts, Molly Ivors in The Dead (Soulpepper Theatre). Other: Canadian Stage RBC Emerging Artist Program: Director Development Residency. Director: The Mess, How We Are, Earth 2.0 (Davies and Phokeev), Richard the Second (Secret Shakespeare), Seams (SummerWorks), Blackbird (Shadowbox), The Shape of Things (Xposed). Training: Soulpepper Academy, Dome Theatre. Awards: Tyrone Guthrie Award, Brian Cloutte Memorial Bursary. Online: @MikaelaLily. Et cetera: “Whether you think you can or you can’t – you’re right.”



LAURA DELCHIARO 2018: Assistant costume designer of Long Day’s Journey Into Night and Coriolanus. Second season. Stratford: Assistant costume designer for Tartuffe. Elsewhere: Costume design: Poison (Coal Mine Theatre), Romeo and Juliet (Lost & Gone), Spring Moon (Mixed Company Theatre), Little Thing, Big Thing and Don’t Misunderstand Me (Festival Antigonish), The Death of Mrs. Gandhi (Anything but the Bard, NSTF), The Wild Duck Project (Re:Current Theatre), This Play Wins (Shaker Secessionists/SummerWorks Festival), The Land of Promise (Theatre Doubletake). Laura has worked as head of wardrobe for theatres such as Crow’s Theatre, Obsidian Theatre, The Musical Stage Company, Factory Theatre, Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre, and Canada’s Ballet Jörgen; and as a stitcher for the , Canadian Stage, Young People’s Theatre, Tarragon Theatre, Neptune Theatre, and the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo. Training: Costume Studies Diploma, Dalhousie University; HBA, University of Toronto. Online:

MARA GOTTLER 2018: Costume designer of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: (Ex Machina/COC/Festival d’Aix/de Nederlands Opera); Pauline (City Opera); Così Fan Tutte (Pacific Opera Victoria);La Tempete (Ex Machina/la Nation Huron-Wendat); Studies in Motion, Brilliant (Electric Theatre Company); The Idiot, Old Goriot, Crime and Punishment (Push International Festival); The Last Wife, Romeo and Juliet (Regina Globe Theatre); Fall Away Home, Photog (Boca del Lupo); The King of the Yees (Gateway Theatre/NAC); Jitters, Baskerville (The Arts Club); The Romeo Initiative, Little Mercy’s First Murder, Unity 1918, Emphysema (Touchstone Theatre); A Christmas Carol, Dead Reckoning (Vancouver Playhouse). Awards: Numerous Jessie and Dora awards for outstanding costume design. Work showcased at World Stage Design, Cardiff.Et cetera: Founding member and Artistic Associate at Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival, Vancouver, B.C. Designed over 75 productions there since its inception in 1990.

MICHAEL HART 2018: Production stage manager of the Avon Theatre and stage manager of The Rocky Horror Show. 22nd season. Stratford: The Madwoman of Chaillot, Timon of Athens, The Adventures of Pericles, Blithe Spirit, Hay Fever, The Tempest (starring Christopher Plummer), The Importance of Being Earnest and King Lear (both starring Brian Bedford), The Taming of the Shrew, The Misanthrope, Fallen Angels, A Delicate Balance, The Duchess of Malfi, The Liar, The Swanne (all three parts), High-Gravel- Blind, Eternal Hydra. Elsewhere: Silence (Grand), Heisenberg, Liv Stein (Canadian Stage), Constellations (Centaur/Canadian Stage), Body Politic (Buddies), The Death of the King (Modern Times), The Winter’s Tale (Groundling 2016), Bombay Black (Factory), Manon, Sandra and the Virgin Mary (Pleiades), Saint Carmen of The Main (NAC/Canadian Stage), Romeo and Juliet (NAC), Mother Courage and Her Children (NAC/MTC), Wit (Centaur), Real Live Girl (MTC Warehouse), Hamlet (Neptune).

ROBERT LEPAGE 2018: Director and set designer of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Theatre (selected): Dragons’ Trilogy (1985), Needles and Opium (1991), The Far Side of the Moon (2000), The Andersen Project (2005), Lipsynch (2007), 887 (2015), Quills (2016). Currently: Kanata, Le Théâtre du Soleil. Film: Le Confessional (1995), Polygraph (1996), Nô (1997), Possible Worlds (2000), The Far Side of the Moon (2003), Triptych (2013). Multimedia: KÀ (2004), TOTEM (2010), Cirque du Soleil; The Image Mill (2008), The Library at Night (2012); ’s Secret World Tour (1993), Growing Up Tour (2002). Opera: The Damnation of Faust (1999), The Nightingale and Other Short Fables (2009), (2010), L’Amour de loin (2015). Training: Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Québec. Awards (selected): Légion d’honneur, Stanislavski Award, Prix Europe, Governor General’s Performing Arts Award, Eugene McDermott Award, , Compagnon des Arts et des lettres du Québec. Online: @ex_m;

ANITA NITTOLY 2018: Associate fight director of The Tempest, The Music Man, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, The Comedy of Errors, To Kill a Mockingbird, Brontë: The World Without, Coriolanus, Julius Caesar and Paradise Lost. Third season. Stratford: 2013: assistant fight director; 2017: associate fight director.Elsewhere: Outside the March/The Company Theatre, 2018: Jerusalem. Centaur Theatre, 2018: Successions; 2017: The 39 Steps. Film/TV: Lead stunt double in Dark Matter, stunt actor in KIN; other stunt credits include Teen Titans, 12 Monkeys, Murdoch Mysteries. Elsewhere: Fight director and stage combat instructor at the National Theatre School in Montreal.



PEDRO PIRES 2018: Images designer of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: After collaborating with François Girard and Robert Lepage, visual artist Pedro Pires directed the short films Danse Macabre, in 2008, which won 43 awards internationally, and HOPE, in 2010, which won a Telefilm Canada prize for outstanding Canadian short. In 2011 he collaborated with Cirque du Soleil, designing the video projections for the show TOTEM. In 2012, he partnered with Lepage to co-direct the feature Triptych. The film received an “Honourable mention of the Ecumenical Jury” at the Berlinale International Film Festival. In 2016, he designed the video projections for an MGM immersive show in Cotai, Macau.

JANINE RALPH 2018: Production stage manager of the Avon Theatre. 28th season. Stratford: Last season Janine was the production stage manager of the Tom Patterson Theatre and takeover assistant stage manager of The Changeling. Past Stratford Festival credits include stage manager of a variety of productions at the Festival, Tom Patterson and Avon theatres and the Masonic Hall. Elsewhere: Janine stage-managed at Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore and production-managed for Singapore Repertory Theatre. She has worked on the Asian Games’ ceremonies in Qatar; in various theatres in Ontario, including Young People’s Theatre; and for CBC TV in Toronto and BBC TV in .

MELISSA ROOD 2018: Assistant stage manager of An Ideal Husband and Coriolanus. 18th season. Stratford: More than 30 productions: favourites include Shakespeare in Love, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Last Wife, Christina, the Girl King, Tommy, Jesus Christ Superstar, Christopher Plummer’s A Word or Two and Henry V. Elsewhere: Rood stage-manages for theatre, dance and opera; on new translations and world premières; on one-woman shows to casts of thousands; in Inuktitut and Ummonian; from the Middle East to the Arctic to Southern California. Training: Sheridan College (Technical Production) and University of Waterloo (Social Development Studies). Awards: Proud recipient of the KP Hay Award.

LAURENT ROUTHIER 2018: Lighting designer of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Theatre (selected): Lucky Lady, La Bordée (2018); L’Avare, La Bordée (2017); Lapin Lapin, Trident (2016); Bousille et les justes, La Bordée (2016); 887, Ex Machina (2015); Norge, Théâtre Humain (2015); Les Fées ont soif, La Bordée (2014); Le Projet Laramie, Trident (2012); Les Enrobantes, Trident (2013); L’Odysée, Trident (2012). Circus: Oracle, Mysteract (2015); Luz, Mysteract (2014); Mana, Mysteract (2013); Delirium (automation), Cirque du Soleil (2005). Music/TV/Special Event: Petite Vallée, Videotron Centre (2017); Tribute to Joe Dasin, Sun Careno (2016); Skatemania, Alain Goldberg (2015); New Year’s Day, City, APGA (2009-2018); Où tu vas quand tu dors en marchant, Carrefour de théâtre de Québec (2010-2018); Vintage, Gregory Charles (2015).

BETH RUSSELL 2018: Casting director of the Stratford Festival. 10th season. Elsewhere: Beth Russell’s varied career spans more than 30 years. In addition to casting, she has been an artists’ agent, co-producer of CBC-TV’s Triple Sensation, Senior Vice President: Casting and Creative Development for Livent, National Casting Director for CBC Radio Drama and Artistic Associate for Toronto Arts Productions (now Canadian Stage). As casting director, Ms Russell has been responsible for Broadway and West End premières of productions including Parade, Ragtime, and Kiss of the Spider Woman, as well as productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Show Boat, Sunset Boulevard, Aspects of Love and The Phantom of the Opera in Canada, the United States, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong.



ADÈLE SAINT-AMAND 2018: Assistant director of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: Os – la montagne blanche (Théâtre Jésus, Shakespeare et Caroline), 100% Montreal (Rimini Protokoll and Festival TransAmérique), Far Away (Théâtre Blanc), Frame by Frame (National Ballet of Canada and Ex Machina), Quills (Ex Machina), 887 (Ex Machina), Viande à chien (Théâtre des Fonds de tiroirs), Needles and Opium (Ex Machina), Hamlet | Collage (Theatre of Nations, Moscow, and Ex Machina), Tout ce qui tombe (Théâtre des Fonds de tiroirs), Les trois exils de Christian E. (Théâtre Sortie de secours), C.H.S. (Théâtre Péril), Vie et mort du roi boiteux (Théâtre des Fonds de tiroirs), Shopping and F**king (Théâtre Péril). Training: National Theatre School of Canada. Et cetera: Adèle wishes to thank her best friend, Frank, with whom she has shared many pies.

ARIANE SAUVÉ 2018: Associate set and props designer of Coriolanus. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: Sets and properties for Félicité, The Impostures of Scapin, Feydeau and À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou, and property designer of Endgame and Servant of Two Masters (Théâtre de la Bordée); property designer of 887 (Ex Machina); circus set and properties for Transit (Flip Fabrique); set and properties for Venir au Monde (Théâtre du Trident); set and properties for Mourir tous les jours and le désordre (Les Écornifleuses, both presented during the Carrefour international de théâtre in ); set designer of L’Emmerdeur and Les Visiteurs (Théâtre Petit Champlain); L’Gros Show and Hôtel-Dieu (Théâtre Périscope); Charme (Théâtre Premier Acte). TV: Property designer of Complexe G (TVA). Upcoming: Co-associate designer of Kanata with Robert Lepage (Ex Machina, Le théâtre du Soleil, 2017-2018 season). Training: Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Québec.

BRIAN SCOTT 2018: Stage manager of Coriolanus. 24th season. Stratford: 26 productions including The Who’s Tommy, Jesus Christ Superstar (Stratford/La Jolla/N.Y.C.) and the Miller-Plummer King Lear (Stratford/N.Y.C.). Et cetera: It’s been an amazing experience working with Robert Lepage and Ex Machina here at the Avon. Brian would like to thank and acknowledge assistant director Adèle Saint-Amand and technical director Elissa Horscroft for their stellar work, both seen and unseen, on this production. Stratford: 26 productions dont The Who’s Tommy, Jesus Christ Superstar (Stratford/La Jolla/N.Y.C.) et le King Lear de Miller et Plummer (Stratford/N.Y.C.). Et cetera: Travailler avec Robert Lepage et Ex Machina ici à l’Avon était une expérience incroyable. Brian veut reconnaître et remercier Adèle Saint-Amand, metteur en scène adjoint, et Elissa Horscroft, directeur technique, pour leur travail remarquable, visible et invisible, sur cette production.

GEOFF SCOVELL 2018: Assistant fight director of Coriolanus. Eighth season. Stratford: Associate fight director (selected): Macbeth, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Shakespeare in Love, A Little Night Music, Breath of Kings: Rebellion and Redemption, Hamlet, The Physicists, Pericles, The Taming of the Shrew, Oedipus Rex, King Lear, Crazy for You, King John, Man of La Mancha, Romeo and Juliet, The Three Musketeers, Othello. Elsewhere: Fight director: Peter and the Starcatcher, Sweet Charity (Shaw); Don Giovanni, War and Peace (COC); The Godot Cycle (Yes Let’s Go); Romeo and Juliet (ShakespeareWorks). Film/TV: Stunts (selected): X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Titans, Umbrella Academy, Impulse, The Expanse, Designated Survivor, Suicide Squad, Dark Matter, Killjoys, 12 Monkeys, Bitten, The Strain, Pompeii, Robocop, Reign, Orphan Black, , Total Recall. Training: BFA, Ryerson University. Awards: Paddy Crean. Online: @GeoffScovell. Et cetera: This season is dedicated to the memory of Peter Scovell.

JOHN STEAD 2018: Head of Stage Combat. Fight director of The Tempest, The Music Man, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, The Comedy of Errors, To Kill a Mockingbird, Brontë: The World Without, Coriolanus, Julius Caesar and Paradise Lost. 25th season. Stratford: Fight director, 200+ productions. Elsewhere: 600+ productions, including 20 seasons with Shaw Festival. Film Director: Cyborg Soldier, Troubled Waters, Good Morning Tomorrow, The Waking, The Hot Flash, End Game, Charon’s Obal. TV Director: Designated Survivor, Dark Matter, Bitten, The Bobby Buck Show, XIII, Lost Girl, Earth: Final Conflict, Tracker, Mutant X, The Dresden Files, The Adventures of Sinbad. 500+ film/TV credits as stunt coordinator/action director. Awards: Award of Excellence (Canadian International Film Festival); Genre Award for Best Suspense (BNFF); Derek F. Mitchell Artistic Director’s Award, Tyrone Guthrie Award (Stratford); Judges’ Choice Award (15 Minutes of Fame International Film Festival); Best Short Award nominee (Directors’ Guild of Canada).Online:; IMDB:



MAXWELL T. WILSON 2018: Production stage manager of the Avon Theatre and stage manager of An Ideal Husband. 20th season. Stratford: Selected productions: Treasure Island, The Breathing Hole, Breath of Kings: Rebellion, Carousel, Man of La Mancha, The Three Musketeers, Taking Shakespeare, Henry V, Hosanna, Peter Pan, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Cabaret, South Pacific, My One and Only, The Winter’s Tale and Death of a Salesman. Elsewhere: Max’s career spans over 30 years, including work with Citadel Theatre, Edmonton Opera, Opera Ontario, Opera Atelier, the Canadian Opera Company, Canadian Stage, Young People’s Theatre and on The Who’s Tommy. Training: BA, University of Lethbridge. Awards: 2012 Guthrie Award. Et cetera: For a change, Max works with a leading purveyor of orchid-growing supplies at

THE SECOND TRACK In 2018, with the permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, 13 members of our acting company are devoting part of their season’s work to a program of artistic exploration known as the “Second Track.” This program is conducted under the auspices of the Laboratory, the Stratford Festival’s research and development initiative. THE BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY FOR CLASSICAL THEATRE Stephen Ouimette leads this intensive professional training program that nurtures talented young actors for a future in classical theatre. Selected by audition, participants are usually graduates of an accredited theatre training program who have at least two years’ professional experience. Upon completion of the program – which includes, among other activities, classes in voice, movement and text with Festival coaches and distinguished guest instructors – participants are offered places in the following season’s acting company. Twenty-seven members of this season’s company are past participants. The Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre is made possible by the support of the Birmingham family, the Stratford Festival Endowment Foundation and the Department of Canadian Heritage. The 2018 in-season work of Conservatory participants is supported by the Marilyn & Charles Baillie Fund, by the Chicago Associates of the Stratford Festival and by John & Therese Gardner.

THE MICHAEL LANGHAM WORKSHOP FOR CLASSICAL DIRECTION Overseen by Antoni Cimolino, Artistic Director, and Martha Henry, Director of the Michael Langham Workshop, this program offers an unparalleled opportunity for directors in the mid-stages of their careers to develop their craft within the rich artistry of the Stratford Festival. Each participant works as the assistant director on one production in the season, as well as being offered classes focused on the classics. In the fall, selected participants direct a short piece of classical theatre performed for an invited audience. Participants and alumni this season: Graham Abbey, Mikaela Davies, Andrew Kushnir, Carson Nattrass, Ron Pederson, Tyler J. Seguin, Jennifer Stewart, Laura Vingoe-Cram, Lezlie Wade, James Wallis, Ted Witzel We extend our thanks to the Department of Canadian Heritage, Johanna Metcalf and the George Cedric Metcalf Foundation and the Philip and Berthe Morton Foundation. The Michael Langham Workshop for Classical Direction is sponsored by

31 A SALUTE TO OUR DONORS The Stratford Festival truly appreciates the generosity and commitment of our donors. Gifts made by these extraordinary individuals, corporations and foundations guarantee the excellence that patrons have come to expect from the Festival.


Honorary Campaign Chair: The Honourable Michael Meighen Campaign Co-Chairs: Ophelia Lazaridis and Dr. M. Lee Myers

Steering Committee: Campaign Cabinet: Dr. M. Lee Myers, Steering Committee Chair Daniel S. Bernstein Daniel S. Bernstein, Past Chair, Board of Governors Sylvia D. Chrominska Sylvia D. Chrominska, Chair, Board of Governors Robert H. Gorlin Tim MacDonald, Building Committee Chair Beth Kronfeld Antoni Cimolino, Artistic Director Dr. M. Lee Myers Anita Gaffney, Executive Director Rick Orr Rachel Smith-Spencer, Director of Advancement Dr. Cecil Rorabeck Carol Stephenson Donald Woodley

As we embark on this remarkable journey to build the new Tom Patterson Theatre Centre, we pay special tribute to those listed below who have made campaign gifts. This listing reflects gifts made up to January 31, 2018.

$10,000,000 to $500,000 to $999,999 Tom & Rosemary Logan Rita Healey Grave $19,999,999 Sylvia D. Chrominska The Maranger Family David Kew Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster Tim & Alexandra MacDonald April Oakes & Kevin Turner* Ontario Media Development Ophelia Lazaridis Martie & Bob Sachs* Barbara & John Schubert* Corporation John & Arlene Lewis* The Schubert Family* Dr. Philip & Mrs. Maureen Price $5,000,000 to Donald & Janice Woodley Christina & Paul Ross* $9,999,999 $250,000 to $499,999 Stratford & Area Bed & Breakfast Kelly & Michael Meighen and Dr. Desta Leavine $25,000 to $49,999 Association the T.R. Meighen Family Dr. M.L. Myers Mary Winton Green* Foundation Carol Stephenson OC Mary Stowell* *Gifts received through the Anonymous (1) $2,500,000 to $100,000 to $249,999 Festival of America $4,999,999 John & Judith Grant $10,000 to $24,999 Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Brent & Marilyn Kelman Breen Bentley $1,000,000 to Cathy Riggall & Keith Potter Peter & Mary Calamai Esther & Sam Sarick Ann Fairhurst & Mark Cipra* In addition, the Stratford $2,499,999 Chip & Barbara Vallis Janet & Ellsworth Levine* Parnassus Foundation, courtesy Festival would like to thank In memory of Shawn Misener of Jane & Raphael Bernstein* $50,000 to $99,999 both the Government of Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin* Colin Baxter & Ruth Harris Up to $9,999 Canada and the Government Janet & Richard Lint Antoni Cimolino & Brigit Wilson Bill & Cecilia Davies of Ontario, which have each Andy & Helen Spriet Dr. Dennis & Dorothea Hacker Linda Medland Davis & Jeff Davis contributed $20 million to Jane Fryman Laird* Diane & Rob Fried* this project.

32 CUMULATIVE GIVING victoria playhouse

We are grateful to the many individuals and foundations PETROLIA who support our work and are honoured to acknowledge the cumulative gifts and pledges of a very special group of LET YOUR SPIRIT SOAR committed donors whose contributions over the years have Artistic Directors: David Hogan & David Rogers truly made a difference. Good Ol' Country Gospel Commitments received by January 31, 2018

$20,000,000+ Sandra & Jim Pitblado Ophelia & Mike Lazaridis The Schulich Foundation Robert & Jacqueline Sperandio* $10,000,000 to Mary Winton Green & the late $19,999,999 David Green* Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster* Kelly & Michael Meighen and $1,000,000 to April 24 - May 13 the T.R. Meighen Family $2,499,999 Foundation Sylvia D. Chrominska Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin* Willy Russel's Shirley Valentine starring Nora $5,000,000 to Rita & Rudy Koehler McLellan $9,999,999 Janet & Richard Lint The Birmingham Family The J.W. McConnell Family Robert G.E. Murray & the late Foundation Marion Murray Dr. M.L. Myers & the late W.P. Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Hayman $2,500,000 to Martie & Bob Sachs* $4,999,999 Andy & Helen Spriet The Marilyn & Charles Baillie Fund Matilda R. Wilson Fund* Jane & Raphael Bernstein and the Anonymous (2) May 22 - June 10 Parnassus Foundation* Estate of Mona Louise Campbell *Gifts received through the ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH Estate of Estelle H. Cohen* Festival of America. THE SONGS OF JOHN DENVER

PLEDGES AND GIFTS IN SUPPORT OF DESIGNATED ANNUAL PROJECTS June 19 - July 8 THE ANDREWS BROTHERS FOR THE 2018 SEASON By Roger Bean Commitments received by January 31, 2018 A MADCAP MUSICAL COMEDY $1,000,000 to The Slaight Family Foundation $2,499,999 Sylvia Soyka Ophelia & Mike Lazaridis Riki Turofsky & Charles Petersen The Westaway Charitable $250,000 to $999,999 Foundation Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster* Catherine & David Wilkes July 17 - Aug 3 The Schulich Foundation Anonymous (1) Anonymous (1) $25,000 to $49,999 The POWER of SONG $100,000 to $249,999 Karon C. Bales & Charles E. Beall with DAVID ROGERS & Friends The Birmingham Family Sylvia D. Chrominska The John & Myrna Daniels John & Therese Gardner* Charitable Foundation Nona Macdonald Heaslip The Fred A. & Barbara M. Erb The Philip & Berthe Morton Family Foundation* Foundation Sandra & Jim Pitblado Drs. M. L. Myers & the late W. P. Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Hayman Robert & Jacqueline Sperandio* Dr. Robert & Roberta Sokol* August 14 - 26 Anonymous (1) Alice & Tim Thornton* $50,000 to $99,999 Diana Tremain Larry Enkin & Family in memory of John H. Whiteside MARK PAYNE'S East Coast KITCHEN PARTY Sharon Enkin $10,000 to $24,999 M. Fainer Estate of Frederick John Bradley Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin* The Hitz Foundation* The Harkins/Manning Families in The Richard A. Huntley Trust* memory of Jim & Susan Harkins Sandra Rotman in honour of Louis The Henry White Kinnear Applebaum Foundation Dr. Desta Leavine in memory of $1,000 to $9,999 Sept 4 - 23 Pauline Leavine S. M. Blair Family Foundation The Catherine and Maxwell The Bruce Hotel Meighen Foundation Robert & Phyllis Couzin 1.800.717.7694 Jane Petersen Burfield & Family The Muriel Kassimatis Fund Season Sponsor Martie & Bob Sachs* Tom & Rosemary Logan Barbara & John Schubert* Anonymous (1)*




$1,000,000 to Foundation Cecil & Linda Rorabeck The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation* $2,499,999 The Catherine & Maxwell The late Bunny Skelly George & Nancy Taylor Ophelia & Mike Lazaridis Meighen Foundation Dr. Robert & Roberta Sokol* Rheo Thompson Candies The late Frank & Mrs. Nancy Alice & Tim Thornton* Albert M. Williams $250,000 to $999,999 Moore* Diana Tremain Anonymous (1)* Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster* Drs. M. L. Myers & the late W. P. John H. Whiteside Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Hayman Dr. Louis & Mary Jane Zako, $1,000 to $9,999 The Schulich Foundation Jane Petersen Burfield & Family in celebration of our 60th The Morris & Beverly Baker Anonymous (1) Martie & Bob Sachs* wedding anniversary Foundation Estate of Mrs. Mildred Joan $100,000 to $249,999 Esther & Sam Sarick Barbara & John Schubert* $10,000 to $24,999 Beckley The Birmingham Family Richard & Mona Alonzo* The Bruce Hotel Estate of Mona Louise Campbell The Slaight Family Foundation Riki Turofsky & Charles Petersen Chicago Associates of the Canada Council for the Arts - The John & Myrna Daniels Stratford Festival* Vida Peene Fund Charitable Foundation The Westaway Charitable Foundation Donner Canadian Foundation Robert & Phyllis Couzin The Fred A. & Barbara M. Erb Estate of Frederick Charles Farr David B. Edney Family Foundation* Catherine & David Wilkes Anonymous (2) Judy Godfrey & Sheldon Godfrey, The Muriel Kassimatis Fund M.E.H. Foundation C.M. Estate of Alan Richardson Burnett Sandra & Jim Pitblado $25,000 to $49,999 Estate of Thomas Michael Laing The Estate of Stanley Shaw Caitlin Adamson & The Estate of Hammond Hall John & Arlene Lewis* Robert & Jacqueline Sperandio* Richard Costley-White The Joan & Clifford Hatch Tom & Rosemary Logan Anonymous (1) Lloyd & Marie Barbara Foundation In loving memory of Barbara $50,000 to $99,999 Karon C. Bales & Charles E. Beall Martha Henry F. Plate* The Frederick C. Dixon & Sharon Sylvia D. Chrominska Estate of Marjorie Jack Anne D. & Robert W. Plyler* A. Dixon Trust* The Peter Cundill Foundation In Memory of Ethel M. Janes Elinor Gill Ratcliffe C.M., O.N.L., M. Fainer John & Therese Gardner* Estate of Edith Mary Marr LLD (hc) Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin* Dr. Dennis & Dorothea Hacker The McLean Foundation Owner & Staff of Rundles The Harkins/Manning Families in Nona Macdonald Heaslip Don & Jane Mitchener Restaurant memory of Jim & Susan Harkins Estate of Michael Hermiston The Philip & Berthe Morton The Louis & Nellie Sieg Fund* The Henry White Kinnear Max & Helen Jacobs* Foundation Ben, Jennifer & Stanley Foundation Estate of Donna Kathleen Louise April Oakes & Kevin Turner* Silverman* Dr. Desta Leavine in memory of Lunau Onex Corporation Anonymous (1)* Pauline Leavine Johanna Metcalf & the George Estate of Patricia A. Osborn* The Brian Linehan Charitable Cedric Metcalf Charitable Sandra Rotman in honour of Louis Foundation Applebaum

PLAYWRIGHT’S Michael, Jennifer, Kira & Juliet Michael Barnstijn & Louise Diamond Stage Members Stein* MacCallum $6,500 to $13,999 CDN CIRCLE Carol Stephenson OC Nani & Austin Beutel $5,500 to $12,499 USD Philip Terranova & Audrey Allen Stephanie & Fred Bishop* Artistic Director’s Circle Dr. Robert Close David L. Adams Sapphire Stage Members Nicole C. Eaton Bob & Judy Astley Members $22,000 to $24,999 CDN $100,000+ Margaret & Jim Fleck Charles L. Babcock IV & Nancy W. $20,000 to $24,999 USD The late Judge Thomas P. Griesa* * The Schulich Foundation Jane & Raphael Bernstein and the Dr. Desta Leavine Robert Badun & Justice Eileen Platinum Stage Members Parnassus Foundation* Janet & Ellsworth Levine* Gillese $50,000 to $99,999 Jennifer Birmingham Arlene & John Lewis* Charles & Marilyn Baillie James R. & the late Mrs. Margaret Dr. Richard Mackler Colin Baxter & Ruth Harris Ruby Stage Members Bridgeland* Margaret & Lawrence Marsland Kaye & Paul Beeston Delia M. Moog John & Heather Bennett $25,000 to $49,999 Michael & Kelly Meighen April Oakes & Kevin Turner* Louise Morwick & Lynn Miller Lee & Paul Blizman* Sheila & Don Bayne Cecil & Linda Rorabeck Noel Mowat Mark Boyle & Carole Ann Antoni Cimolino & Brigit Wilson Carmi & Chris Murphy* O’Connell Miles Gilburne & Nina Zolt* Emerald Stage Members Pitblado Family Foundation Susan & Hans Brenninkmeyer Robert & Mary Ann Gorlin* $14,000 to $21,999 CDN Denis Schuthe & Lynne Dubeau Ed Brice & Vita Weir* Hartman & Brenda Krug $12,500 to $19,999 USD Shaukat Mangalji & Nargis John W. & Rosemary K. Brown* Tarmohamed George & Martha Butterfield Sandra & Jim Pitblado Richard & Mona Alonzo Family Peter & Carol Walters* William Chapman Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Fund* Robert & Jacqueline Sperandio* Anonymous (1) Barbara Crook & Dan Greenberg

35 through the Danbe Foundation Dr. David Bach & Judy Hoenich Joan F. Ivory Helen & John Scott Carl Cucco & Blythe Lee* Peter & Marilyn Balan Trisha Jackson & Ramsay Derry Marilyn & Wes Scott William Dillane & Rena Bedard Laurie Barrett Norman Jewison Kenneth G. Shelley* John & Debbie Erb* Elin & Barry Becker Dr. Donald & Christina Jolly Sandor & Mary Shoichet* Geoffrey & Keenie Fieger* Margret A. Beekel* George H. Jones & Vivienne Lee* A. Britton Smith Glenna & George Fierheller Carole Belcher Douglas & Mary Kahn* Bradbrooke & Renée Smith Donald & Cathy Fogel* The Bennett Family Foundation in Mark Kamstra & Lisa Kramer Dr. Robert J. & Roberta Sokol* Gloria Friedman* memory of Avie Bennett Martin Katz* Dr. Diane M. Soubly* Anita Gaffney & Kevin Misener Breen Bentley Danette Gentile Kauffman & Sylvia Soyka John & Therese Gardner* Michael Bernstein & Nandini Diane Adams* Karen & Frederick Spaulding* Heather V. Gibson DasGupta Julia A. Keim* Sandy Stark & Michael Rowlands Dr. David S. Goldbloom & Ron & Elaine Billings Kimberly Kelley* Deirdre Stevenson Dr. Nancy E. Epstein The Birks Family Foundation Ross & Ann Kennedy Janet E. Stewart John & Judith Grant Drs. Sean & Kirsten Blaine Donald W. Kilpatrick Jeanne Sullivan* Dr. Thomas Gray & Linda Bob Boltz* Jim & Diane King Jennifer Surridge MacDonald Terry Boyle & Jim Lawlor Chris & Tom Kujawa* Gerald & Margaret Sutton Ron Gustafson* Bradshaws - Jeremy & Carrie Lee & Susan Lane* Drs. David & Susan Tamblyn Dr. Dennis & Dorothea Hacker Wreford Betty Larkworthy Dr. David Taylor Dan Hagler Family Dr. Deborah Bray Preston & The Lawrason Foundation Nancy & George Taylor Ethel Harris Dr. Daryl K. Heasley Susan Layard Herm & Laurie Thomas* Dr. Jules E. & Josephine Harris* Lynn & Bob Burt* Mrs. Beverley Leaman Dave & Kim Thompson Jane G. Hill Peter & Mary Calamai Donald Lee & Robert De Hoog Anne Toal & Paul Brisson Deanna Horton Craig Campbell Reverend Robert & Mrs. Emily Douglas Trojanowski* Archie & Jean Hunter Kathy & Bernie Campbell* Leland Bettie & Mark Tullis Dick Hurckes & Family* Ellen & Brian Carr Frank Lester* Brady Twiggs* Mrs. Karlene Hussey & Louis Charpentier & Robert Gary Levene & Deborah Eisenberg Douglas & Beverly Valentine Dr. Andrew Hussey Wakefield Susan & Stew Liechti* Jane & Robert Van der Kraan Julie & David Jacobson* Earl & Claude Cherniak The Linden-Fraser Family James van Raalte & Natasha Nancy Jamieson & Bruce Amar Choksi Dr. Jeffrey Loo & Diane Kautz* Pateman Anderson Jean & Joe Chorostecki J. Joseph MacDonald Rick & Virginia Walker Kathleen & David Jerome* Jim & Edna Claydon Nona Macdonald Heaslip Janet K. Welch* Ann & Tom Johnston Charitable John & Pattie Cleghorn James & Connie MacDougall Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Winn Fund* George & Edna Clemans* Paul Maranger & Robert Brown Linda R. Winter* Doug Kennedy Robert A. & Susan E. Cochran* Frederick J. Marker & Anne Dupré James D. Witmer* Margaret D. King Marilyn E. Cook Ken & Diane Marley Dr. Krystyna Wojakowski & Beth L. Kronfeld & Matthew D. Priscilla Costello Dr. Marilyn Marshall Dr. Bruce Murray Means* Cathy & Paul Cotton David & Susan Matter* Donald & Janice Woodley Alexandra & Joe LaCombe* Robert & Phyllis Couzin Richard Matthews & Ann Stasiuk John & Leslie Wright Jane Fryman Laird* Jacqueline Crosby & George Helen McArthur Sylvia Wright Paul & Anne Lake Kerhoulas Don & Marion McDougall Wenda Yenson & Ken Hurdle Peter Letko & Debbie Josephson Robert J. & Janet A. Daniels* Ross & Fran McElroy Mrs. & the late Mr. W. H. Young Dr. Harlan L. Lewis & Doris F. H. John Davidson & Cathay George & Anne McFadyen Martha Altschuller Zaritsky* Wittenburg* Weston Graeme & Charlotte McIntosh Jane & Eb Zeidler Tom & Rosemary Logan Patricia G. Debrusk Bob Meinschenk Anonymous (7) Susan & Lawrence Luck* Carol DelZotto Florence Minz Cynthia & Malcolm Macdonald* Patricia Dinsdale Turner* Joan E. Moeller* Silver Stage Members Tim & Alexandra MacDonald Marilynn Scott Doscher* Dr. John Mogan $1,500 to $3,249 CDN Dr. Mario L. & Mrs. Barb Malizia Joseph D. Driskilll & Leslie Bryant Allan Murray & Nancy Caldwell $1,250 to $2,749 USD Kathleen Minor Janet L. Ecker & Derek Nelson The Kitchener & Waterloo The Aaron Family The late Frank & Nancy Moore* William & Nancy Edmunds* Community Foundation - Lewis & Urve Abbott The Northpine Foundation Barbara Evans Ken Murray Fund Abramson/Torrens Family Ellen M. Pearson Ron Farmer & Kathryn Stanley Edward & Judith Narens* Nicola Adair & David Howard Charles Peters* Mark Feldman & Alexandra Hoy Toshi Oikawa Judith M. Adam & Marc Zwelling John & Jackie Porter Arthur & Shirley Fergenson* Elena, Toni & Cecelia Oliveri* Stephen & Ruth Adams Bonnie & Kenny Resinski* Elaine Fieldman* Tom & Connie Orr Linda Adler & Rob Green* Peter & Susan Restler* Tina Filoromo* Jonathan F. Orser* Lorne & Donna Albaum Margaret A. Riggin Mrs. William Clay Ford* The Ouellette Family Foundation George & Frances Alderson* Randall B. Ripley & Grace A. Don & Ruth Franks Oxford Sand & Gravel Ltd. Pamela & John Alexander Franklin* Rhoda Jean Fraser Woodstock Rodger & Diana Alexander* Barrie D. Rose, Karen Solomon Dick Furnstahl & Terri Stankiewicz* Clare & Mary Pace Clive V. Allen & Family Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gaines* Sunny & Nini Pal George & Jean Alpervitz* Pam & Paul Rowcliffe Mary Winton Green* Dr. David Parratt & Dr. Janis Mary P. Anderson* Martie & Bob Sachs* Stanley I. Griffin MacNaughton Peter & Doreen Anderson Larry J. Santon* James & Brenda Grusecki* Jean Scales Pataky* Robert C. Anderson* Arthur & Susan Scace Ted & Pat Hagan* Richard & Kayla Pechter* Katie & Dave Andrea* David & Cheryl Simpson Lorna & Adrienne Harris Erica Peresman & David Jaffe* D. L. Anthony, Ph D.* Gloria & Steve Smith Dr. William E. & Dr. Gretchen Harris Hon. David & Shelley Peterson Dalia & Jurgis Anysas* Rachel Smith-Spencer Doris Hausser* Anna & Julian Porter Caroline Archer Andy & Helen Spriet Patricia Hays Forsythe* Mary & Guy Pratte Marc Armstrong & Lynn Logie Mary Stowell* The Hon. & Mrs. Paul T. Hellyer Peggy & Vic Ptasznik* Robin & Karen Armstrong Dom Tassielli & Elena Pastura Glynis A. Henry Steve & Carolyn Rae Thomas Ashwell Chip & Barbara Vallis Richard & Sandra Hess* Dr. Reza Rastegar & Sheryl Gail Asper O.C.,O.M., LL.D & Peter Varty & Patricia Martin Mary E. Hofstetter & R. David Armstrong Michael Paterson Diane Walker & Rob Bell Riggs M. Rosie Rees & Gene Servillo* C. E. Atkin-Phillips Paul Warun* Geoffrey Hole Linda K. Rexer* Dona & Cass Atkinson Peter & Kathleen Wege* Paul Holewinski & Mrs. Susan Gordon & Jean Riedlinger Margaret Atwood Max & Mary Wisgerhof* Cole* Cathy Riggall & Keith Potter Margaret E. Auer* Anonymous (6) Bernard Holicky* Alan Rowe & Bryan Blenkin Dr. Judith Axelrod* Gold Stage Members Michael Homer Jerry & Judi Rudnisky Ted & Carol Aziz Dr. Ronald & Carol Horowitz* Garry Ruttan & Sheila Hannon Evelyn & Brian Babineau $3,250 to $6,499 CDN Mr. & Mrs. W.B.G. Humphries Marion Saunderson & Victoria $2,750 to $5,499 USD Dr. Ian & Mrs. Janet Baggs John Hunt Saunderson James C. Baillie Don & Nancy Allen Peter & Alexandra Hutchins Carolyn Schiff & Noah Millman* Marjorie Baillie Mr. & Mrs. Gregory James Aziz Richard M. Ivey Dr. H.G. Schwarz Cynthia Baine De Maagd*

36 Andrew & Cornelia Baines Buck & Eileen Carter* Dilenschneider* Russell & Carol Finch Jeannie Baird Jeff & Harriet Carter* Charles & Margaret Dingman Dann Finn & Roxanne Henderson Lori Baldwin* Deborah J. Carver Michael Dingman & Susan Peter & Jean Fleche* Richard J. Balfour Pat Cassidy* Sumner-Dingman* Karen Fleming & Kathryn Fleming Mona Blair Bandeen, C.M. Tom Cavalier & Cecille Lindgren* Dan & Penny Dodge Mary Pat & Lou Flores Sarah & Jason Bandey David Ceksters Stuart & Heather Dombey* Dr. Michael Flores & Dr. Alan Helga Barenberg Beverly Chapin* George & Corinne Donald Grigg* Grant & Judi Barker Karen Lynn Cheah Bradley Douglas & Tong Zhou Sandra L. Flow* Mary & John Barker Dr. Elisheva Chernick & Paul Terry & Becky Douglas Patricia Forbes Calvin Barrett Forster Sharon E. Dowdall Karen Ford* Arlene M. Barris* Joan & the late Ernest Chilcott Catherine Dowell Craig Foster & JoAnna Gordon Lee & Floy Barthel* Austin & Gillian Chinn* Diana R. Drouillard* Drs. Charles & Patricia Foulks* Pam M. Baxter & Gordon T. Law* Olia & Bohdun Chodoriwsky Jean E. Dryden Pete & Libby Fowler Bishop John & Mrs. Joan Baycroft Roberta Christianson John Duffy & Jill Presser Michael & Susan Fox David & Rebecca Bean David & Valerie Christie Carol Duncan & George Oleske* Robert & Diane Fox* Larry Beare Molly Copus Christie Robert Dunigan & Robert Al & Lois Fraser Karen Beazley Doug & Terry Clark McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Fraser William & Mrs. Irene Beck* Diane & Dick Clarke* Mr. & Mrs. John E. Dyble* Harriett & Morton Freedman* Claire Beckermann Greg Clarke C. A. Eierman* Nuala Freund & Bob Verdun Patti & Dave Beckett Carol Class Dr. Janice L. Elder Ted Frey & Merle Fast Ruthanne Beighley & Patrick Sharon & Stanley Clavir Dr. Thomas Elsdon & Mary Mr. & Mrs. James R. Fugitte* O’Toole* Frank Clayton & Jackie Orange Dagenais James C. Funk* Clive & Susan Bennett Paul H. Cocker & Trish Fulton La & Philip Engel* Dr. & Mrs. Ian Furst Janis D. Berg* Clive & Fiona Cohen Donald & Marjory Epstein* Patricia Fyfe Michael & Sherle Berger* Dr. & Mrs. Robert Colcleugh James & Mona Ermatinger* Susan & Henry Gabriels Joseph & Roza Berkowitz Ellen T. Cole Elizabeth A. Evans* Mrs. Oliver Gaffney Harriet Berlin & Judith Miller* Earlaine Collins Kelley Fairbank & Daniel Rev. Thomas George Gajdos* Rick & Kaila Bingen* Vivienne Collinson Rombough Paul Gaspar & Celia Zanatta Jeffrey R. Black Mike Connelly & Meg Mahoney* Allan & Renee Falconer* Anne L. Gautreau* Timothy John Blahout Judith Connor Franklin & Stephanie Famme Marie Gear & Larry Cerson Jim & Lorna Blair Charles & Carol Contrada* Howard & Donna Famme Greg George & John Mountain Marilyn Blatnikoff* Rhon & Jennifer Cooke Averil Farlow Mr. Hope & Libby Gibson Christine Bloch & Guy Chadsey Susan Cooper-Twiss Lou & Merle Fazzini* William Gilkey* Brian Blowes Ruth & Barry Corbin & “Friends, David Feather & Lily Chow-Feather Penny Gill & Christopher Pibus Robert & Judith Blowes Romans & Countrymen” Robert Feeney Lucie Gingras Anne Bode Terence Corcoran Harriet Feinstein & Joe Freedman M.A. Glover Ruth Bolt Katherine Robb Corlett Barbara Feldman* Bryan Gloyd & Clark Bryan Barbara Bolton Constance & Ron Corrigan* Denise Fergusson Dr. Alexander Gluskin & Shauna Dawn & Carm Bommarito Dr. Lesley S. Corrin George & Roberta Ferkins* Sexsmith Michael & Jane Bondy Tyson & Amanda Coughlin Daniel Ferrier* Martin & Joan Goldfarb Ted & Michele Boniface Dorothy Courtnage Festival City Dairy Sonny Goldstein & Betty Ruth-Ann Boos Dr. Joanne Coutts Sara & Karl Fiegenschuh* Rozendaal Dan Borengasser & Sally Joanne & Tom Cowan McCluskey* John & Helene Crabb Michael & Michele Boucher In memory of Hazel Crago Sandra Boucher & Kathy Larkins Mr. & Mrs. David & Kathleen Bob & Donna Bourne Cranmer Walter M. Bowen & Lisa Balfour Elizabeth T. Crawford* Bowen Dianne & Bill Cross Donald & Mary Boyd* Bill & Morven Crothers In loving memory of Joan Boyle, John & Ruth Crow from her grateful daughter* Allen Croxall Michael & Kate Bradie* John & Laurie Currie Mr. T. J. Branton* Carole Curtis Elaine L. Brickman* In memory of Roy & Betty Dahmer John M. Bridgeland & Maureen Ken & Yan Dakin Fallon Bridgeland* Don & Libby Dal Bianco Mary Lou & Doug Brock David Daniels & Kate Alexander Elizabeth & Reuben Bromstein Daniels Rita & Charles Bronfman Dr. Barry H. Davidson Lynn & Jack Brooks Elizabeth & Ted Davidson Alex & Trish Brown Fund at Elaine & Michael Davies The Kitchener & Waterloo Ronald & Heather Davies Community Foundation Barbara F. & Dale G. Davis* Stephen Brown Michael & Honor de Pencier Fund Ellen A. Brubaker* at Toronto Foundation Drs. Mary & Chris Bruckschwaiger Michael & Christine De Santis James & Victoria Bruni* Dr. Donald De Sulis* Chris Bucko & Eva Wu* Dr. A. Barry Deathe & Susan Brown Marjorie & Bill Buhlman Dr. Charles Deber & Dr. Raisa Patrick & E. Jane Burk* Deber E. Burke Sandra Ragland Demson Dr. & Mrs. M. Burnell Paul Dengel & Paula Morency* Larry & Joyce Busch* Charlene & Gene Denzel Paul Butler & Chris Black David desJardins* Dr. & Mrs. John L. Butsch* Sheila Dever Dr. John & Mrs. Deborah Button Reva Devins & Steve Goudge Richard & Janice Caloia* Julie Di Lorenzo Sharon & Howard Campbell George Dickey Maxine & Byron Canvasser* Joe Dickstein Dr. Janette Caputo* John F. Diebel* Albert Carr & Mary Anne Miller Thomas A. Dieterich* Sue & Ron Carroll* Subhash & Jayashree Dighe Wayne Carswell John & Rose-Marie

37 James & Eva Good James & Lori Haralson* Dr. John Howard & Dr. Nicole Richard Layden Harvey & Clara Gordon* Jim Harbell & Pat McQuaid le Riche Lynda E. Leaf Murray Gordon & Judith Gravdal* Dena & Felda Hardymon* Susan A. Howard* Dominique & Neal Lee Michael & Jean Greenough* Robert, Pam, Catherine & Hannah Sally & John Hoyles Ethel & the late Fred Lee* Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gordon Hart* Chris Huband & Gwen Naomi & Dave Lee Dr. Peter & Sheila Gorman Ronald & Franziska Hart* Chamberlain John & Lynne Leitch Sarah & John Gosling* Barbara A. Hartley* John & Karen Hueston Barbara Lent & Robert Solomon Lynn & Robert Gould Muhammad & Sharon Hassan Donald & Pattice Hughes Robert S. Leon & Maureen Peter G. Gould & Robin M. Potter* Michelle & Chris Hatch & Family Garry Humphreys, M.D. MacDonald Eleanor Gow The Hay Foundation Jill Humphries Dr. Charlene Leonhardt & Dr. Charles & Barbara Graham In honour of Mildred Hedrick* The K. M. Hunter Charitable Robert Mathieson Dorothy Graham Dr. J. Daniel Heilman* Foundation Dr. Renee S. Lerche* Neil Graham & Jeanie Nishimura Judy & Lee Helperin Reg Hunter David James Lester - The Three Sherrill L. Gray* Glenna Hemphill Darryl & Colleen Huras Houses Inn Brian & Sandie Green Dr. Maureen B. Henderson Wilma M. Hysen Mona Levenstein David & Dulie Greer* Gregory & Margene Henry* John Inciura Dr. David & Susan Lewis Heinz Gregor, in memory of Jutta Gloria Heppner* Dr. Frederic L.R. Jackman John Liddle Lily Gregor Lawrence & Beatrice Herman Alex & Shirley Jackson John M. Lindley Julius H. Grey & Lynne-Marie Leona M. Herzog Bonnie & Tom Jackson* David & Charmaine Lindsay Casgrain Rev. James M. Higgins Brenda Jackson Sandy Linver & Buddy Kornman* Michael G. Grey Ronald Hikel & Patricia O’Malley Michael J.B. Jackson Anthony Lisanti Art Grierson Roger Hilderley & Normande Roy Helen & Max Jacobs* Mary Lister Alan & Julie Griesinger* Donald & Jean Hillis The Jaquith Family Foundation* Michael Charles Litt* Katherine Grimsdale In memory of Pauline Hinch Shirley & Ted Jeffrey Anthony & Betsy Little Milo R. Guisti* Wendy & Joe Hirschegger William & Janet Jentes* Ken & Clare Livak* Blair Gunhouse & Jennifer Knox Norma & the late Jim Hiscock Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jesionowski* Nancy Lockhart Julie Gustafson* Patti & Peter Hnatiw Brenda & Len Jewitt Elizabeth Longfield & John Dr. & Mrs. Don Gutoski Nigel & Bridget Hodges Kent & Amy Jidov* Gagnon David & Jackie Haas* Stuart Hoegner Arlene Jillard Gideon & Carmela Loran Roland Haines & Joan Smart Sarah Hoffman Steve & Irene Johnson* Dean & Gwen Louis* Jane Hair Ronald Holgerson Dr. & Mrs. Greg Johnston Barbara & Alan Low Sue & Cliff Haka* Susan Holick-Bade* Donald Jones & Joan Rannie Jeff & Marg Low Clifton & Carolyn Haley* Ronald & Susan Holliday Harry Joosten & Kathleen Murphy Dr. Scott Lowrey Lois & Vern Hall Joan & Ron Holmes Richard Joyrich* Prof. John T. Lucas Jack & Nancy Hallam Warren Holmes & Lucille Roch Jacob & Grace Jutzi Patricia Lumsden Paul & Anne-Marie Halliday Jane Homan & Kevin Silver Lorraine Kaake Mrs. John Lynch & Mrs. J. William Jody & Debbie Hamade Penelope A. Hommel & James A. Dr. & Mrs. H.P. Kafka Holland* Don & Moyra Hamilton Bergman* Dan & Catherine Kaloutsky James MacCallum & Carole James Hammontree & Alexander John & Leni Honsaker Fund Ellen & Nick Kammer Lindsay Parr* at Edmonton Community Eleanor Kane & Marion Isherwood Angus & Joan MacDermid Tom & Sarah Hamza Foundation Jared Kaplan & Maridee Rory Macdonald & Nancy Harbour Kirsten Hanson & J. Alexander Grant & Lily Hopcroft Quanbeck* Doug MacDougald & Barbara Houston Richard & Susan Horner In memory of Thomas Kaska* Green Marcia Katz Slotnick* Mrs. Hartland M. MacDougall Thomas Kay & Bryan Kaufman Barbara MacDowall & Robert Marla R. Kaye* Hanlon* Patrick & Barbara Keenan Michele Machowicz & Thomas Foundation Becvar* Margaret Kelly & David Crombie R. Susan MacIntyre Brent & Marilyn Kelman Dr. & Mrs. Angus Maciver Nancy Keppelman & Michael Alistair W. MacLean & Gail B. Smerza* MacAllister Judge James W. Kerr, Jr.* K. MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kidd* MacLeod’s Scottish Shop Dorothy O. Kirsch* James & Gladys MacPherson Mary Kirtz Van Nortwick & Janice & Swaminathan Madhu* Thomas Van Nortwick* Drs. Phoebe & Harris Mainster* J. Hans Kluge Ted & Nancy Maitland • Cycle • Dine John & Marge Knebel Todd & Susan Makler* Lois Knepflar & David Cramton Maureen Mancuso & Kevin Porter John & Merl Koegler Elaine & Mervyn Manning* • Hike • Fish Cindy L. & Timothy J. Konich* Cheryl Elisabeth Manny Dr. Haruo Konishi & Janet Phillipps Wendy Mansbridge Sharon Koor Leor Margulies & Seval Alkin • Relax • Shop Gary & Mary Margaret Koreen Terry Marklevitz Dr. Ralph Krebs & Dr. Christina Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Marquis Heidinger-Krebs Keith & Chris Masterman • Swim • Tour Barry Kropf* Dan & Carolyn Mathieson Donna Krucik Marcia E. Matsui & Roger A. Cotton Phillip Kunce* Alan & Debbie May Whatever your taste, Dr. Terry Kuras & Sharon Nelson* Chris McAlpine & Maggie Mulhall Anthony La Marca & the late Dr. D. Frances McCordic experience it Thomas Dolan* Jane McCruden all in Christine R. Laing* William McCullough Dr. Rekha Lal & Dr. Parvesh Anand Basil McDonald & Linda Ratcliffe Angelo & Rosalinda Lamberty* James McDonald & Michelle Joanne Lang* Arsenault Goderich Kathleen & Stephen Lang* Vern & Nora McDonald Kim N. Lang & Marion Bischoff Margo McDonell 1-800-280-7637 Nora Langley McDormans Bruce & Judy Langstaff Mary McDougall Maude Keith Laushway Elda L. McDowell Bonnie L. Lawrence* Nancy & John McFadyen John & Ruth Lawson Joan C. McGeachy

38 Jean & Paul McGrath Thomas W. & Susan F. Palmer* Patricia A. McKanna* John & Janet Panabaker Bob McKay, Nancy Pope & Judy Pam & David Paradis Faucett Tom & Donna Parisi Michael & Ernestine McKenna Neil & Sharon Parkinson Andrew & Sharon McKenzie Jenny, Matt & Finn Parr C. Anne McKenzie Graham & Janette Parsons Dr. Murlene E. McKinnon* Curt & Jody Passafume* LONDON, CANADA 2018/19 SEASON Dianne McKnight Hilary Pearson & Michael Sabia Bruce & Ellen McLaren Christie Peck & Buck Baker* Howard & Janet McLean Douglas & Sandra Peers Jean Anne McLeod & David Stones Dave & Liz Pelletier Milton & Joan McManus Mary Ann Peppard* Heather McMartin & David Lillian & Rae Perigoe Lightheart Louise Perkins & Jeff Glans* John & Esther McNeil B. A. Petepiece Nancy McPherson Victor & Esther Peters Leanne McPhie Dr. Catherine Petrimoulx Gloria & James McSherry Dr. Michael Pharoah & Dr. Don Melady & Rowley Mossop Dr. Linda Lee Dr. Wayne Melchior* Jan Piesciuk* A. James Memmott & Cynthia Robin B. Pitcher Schmitt* Diane Plotek The Mersol Family* Polk Family Charitable Fund* Gladys E. Miller Scott Pollard & Suzannah Patmios Lois & Eugene Miller* Laurette Hilborn Pond Valerie & Jim Milostan Ann Posen Jean Misener Maria Angelique Poulos* Marg Misener Cheryl & William Povalla* Dr. Marilyn Mitchell* Wallace & the late Diane Pretzer* Bert & Kathy Moberg* Frances Price Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Monaghan* Richard & Mary Price* Patricia Monger & Ralph Pudritz David Prosser & Barbara Dunn- Deirdre & Dennis Moore* Prosser Mary Elizabeth & Ron Moore M. Elizabeth Prower & Eleanor Thomas Moore Waldie Colleen Moorehead PSC Public Sector Corporation Patrick & Dot Morgan* Gary & Merle Quart Sally & John Morris Paul & Ruth Rab* AN UNDISCOVERED SHAKESPEARE Scott & Kelly Morrison Cecil & Robert Rabinovitch Margaret Motz Paul Rainsberry TIMOTHY FINDLEY’S Paul & Catherine Motz Katharine Rajczak Law Michael Mouritsen & Dr. Lucille Miss Elissa Rastegar THE WARS CABARET Covelli Mira Ratkaj Gary & Margaret Mousseau Patricia Reavy & Denis Beatty Michael & Margaret Mueller In memory of Bonnie Reberg NATIONAL Julian Mulock John & Judith Reed* BARBER SHOP THEATRE (UK) Peter & Karin Mussen Virginia J. Reese* Robert & Carol Myers Anthony L. Reffells* EXCLUSIVE NA Engineering Associates Inc. Donald Regan & Elizabeth CHRONICLES ENGAGEMENT Drs. Roger & Chris Nash Axelson* Deborah A. Nathan Rodney & Helene Reid Charles & Judy Nave* Justice & Mrs. Robert Reilly CROW’S THEATRE’S THE BOY IN THE MOON Wayne & Dot Nelles Arline & Allan Rein* John V. Nelson & Carol Ann K. Reynolds Oldenburg* John Rheaume Deane & Mary Nesbitt Carol & the late Martin Ribar* A CHRISTMAS CAROL Dr. Glen Newell & Mr. David Tran Paul Rice & Karin Dahl* Rev. Richard Newland Lynn K. Richardson & Jay E. Brant* MARGARET John & Dorothy Nigh Tom & Susan Richey* Margaret Nish Heather & David Ring ATWOOD’S THE PENELOPIAD Marilyn Nolte* Ken & Kate Roberts Ian V. B. Nordheimer Lloyd & Nancy Robertson PROM QUEEN Rosemary Norman Dale Robinette & William Neish THE MUSICAL/HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT MAMMA MIA! Claude Normandeau & Mrs. Verna Gloria & the late Honourable Cuthbert Sydney Robins Ron Northrup* John M. Robinson AUGUST WILSON’S Dr. Roy Norton Mickey Robinson & Catherine MAGGIE AND Sheila O’Donovan Ladnier* Thomas H. & Ellen J. O’Flaherty* Gerry Rocchi & Kathie Drummond Kathy O’Hara Brian Rolfes & Brad Berg PIERRE Edmund & Carol Ronan* FENCES Emile Oliana & Alvin Iu Lawrence Olszewski, PhD* John Ronson & Nancy Martin- Dr. Michael & Janet O’Mahony Ronson J. & S. Ondercin Reverend Henry Roodbeen* CATALYST Larry Onions Judith & David Rose THEATRE’S Corinne K. Opiteck Larry Rosen & Susan Jackson VIGILANTE Rick & Jane Orr Dr. Lisa Rosenkrantz & Michael Daniel R. Ortiz* Walsh Ruth Ostrower Drs. Bill & Ruth Rosenthal* SUBSCRIBE TODAY SEASON Peter Overing Carolyn & Don Rosenthal SPONSOR Nancy K. Owens* Helen & Ken Rotenberg Mrs. Ina Pakkert Migneron Lillian Roth Sandra J. Palinka Rainer & Sharyn Rothfuss

39 David & Jacqueline Rowles* Keith & Nancy Smith Bill & Mary Todt* Dr. & Mrs. Mark Wilkinson Prof. Alan Miles Ruben & Judge Montagu J. Smith Gail Tolley & Mark Yakabuski Brian D. Williams Betty Willis Ruben* Nancy & Leonard Smith through Torcor Management Jim & Susan Williams* Norm & Jo-Anne Russell the Flinn Foundation* James Toy* John Williams & Maureen Leila & John Ryan Robin A. Smith & William F. Ballam* Wayne & Nancy Treitz Atkinson Lorraine & Richard Rzepka* Alma Smitheringale & Ron Durand Deborah Turnbull Jim & Nadine Williamson Paul & Janice Sabourin E.M. Smyth Vernon G. Turner Nila Wilson* Margaret & Mark Salmonowicz* John & Donna Sobura Esther Ullman & Morley Witus* W. Barrie Wilson Susan & Peter Salomonsson Evelyn K. Sommers Frank Uniac Mark Wilton Philippa G. Samworth Virginia Sory Brown* Sandra & Guy Upjohn Nandita & Julian Wise Andy & Patti Santoloce Francesca & William Sosnowsky* Gregory Uss Dr. Valerie N. Wise* Mary & David Saunders Renate & Richard Soulen* Reverend Martin A. Vallely Stan & Ros Witkin William & Meredith Saunderson David Southen & Susan Carlyle Brenda van den Horn & David Bernard & Elene Wolfe Robert Paul Savlov Cecil Southward Frechette Diane Wolfenden Jerome Sawchyn & Marianna Carolyn R. Spencer* Gary & Marie Van Graafeiland* Durhane Wong-Rieger & Fritz Schroeder Christine & Jim St. Lawrence Marcel & Edith van Hulle Rieger Schaljo Family Catherine St. Louis Mr. & Mrs. John T. Joseph Wooden & Linda Girard Frank J. Schauerte* Estate of Helen Allen Stacey VanBrandeghen* Nancy Woods & Huntly Christie Bonnie L. Schepers Drs. John Stanley & Helmut Sharon Vance & Edward Johnson Meredith Woodwark & Tristan David & Judy Schiffman* Reichenbacher Beth Vanderhoeden in memory of Walker Carol & Lionel Schipper Gordon & Elaine Steed Hans Vanderhoeden Lillian & Ronald Wosilait* Dr. Anne Schneider* Apollonia Steele Dr.& Mrs. Philip Vandewalle Dr. Don Wright Jean Schneider & Daniel Hoban* John & Cindy Steep Edmond & Sylvia Vanhaverbeke Bettyjane Wylie Drs. Brynah & Clive Schneider- Andrew Stephens in memory of In memory of Anne Marie Varitek* Stephan Young & Cindy Friedman Margaret Stephens Thomas Verny & Sandra Collier Schoenborn-Young* Monica Scholz John & Norma Stickler* Cathy Vitkauskas Sheralyn E. Yundt The Schreuder Family* Douglas Stinson & Janet Feller Dr. Louise Vitou Ruth Zales & Kenneth Greenfield* Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schubert* Jeff & Tondra Stoller* Kim & Henry Vos Dr. David & Terri Zander* Andre Schuh & Catherine Eustace Doug & Joan Storrey James & Michal Wadsworth* Geoff & Ellen Zeiss The Schumacher Family* Molly & Roger Stotts Henry & Mary Frances Wagner* Walter & Marie Zelasko* Michael & Jane Schwenger William & Janice Stover Drs. William & Bonnie Waldrop* Mary Anne & the late George Zinn* Dave & Jan Scislowicz* Arlo & Judith Straight* Dr. & Mrs. J.R. Walker Carole & Bernard Zucker Dr. Brian D. & Brenda Scott Joyce & Gordon Strauss Norris & the late Marilyn Walker Ted & Lily Zurbrigg Heather & Peter Scott Styles Family Foundation Joyce & Bill Wallace Anonymous (48) Dr. Lisa & Mr. Tom Scott Danielle & David Susser* Leo J. Walsh Thomas & Maryellen Scott* Jean & the late Robert Sutherland Edmund Ward Larry & Lynn Scoville* Jan & Rick Sutin Judy & Kevin Ward Cindy Scratch Louise & Bill Sutton Joan & Jean Waricha* Christine, Richard, Victoria & Vesta Svenson* Dr. & Mrs. James D. Watson Elizabeth Seip Janet C. Swaine Peter Webb & Joan York Gregory Sendi & Kristina Hiatt* Joan & Graham Sweeney Cheryl Weeks-Rosten* Harry & Lillian Seymour Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sweet* June & David Weind Richard & Janet Shantz H. Bruce & Nancy Sykes Mrs. Mary Weingarden Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Short Denis Sykora Daniel Weinzweig & Nancy Bev Shugg Barbeito & Peter Melinda Szilva & Jeffrey Fila Nightingale Barbeito Tom & Sally Tanton* Paul & Martha Weir Nan L. Shuttleworth Beth & Graham Taylor* Lyman & Deana Welch* Debbie Siegel & Bob Altman* Lynne Taylor June & Michael Welsh Sarane & Bruce K. Siewerth* William & Carol Taylor Mary L. Wermuth* Elizabeth V. Sifton Don & Janet Templeton Katie & Doug Wheeler* Mary Anne Silverthorn Bruce & Gayle Thomas Roger & Sharon Wheeler* Pamela Simmons Bertha Thompson Drummond White & Norah Love Cheryl & Paul Simpson Douglas & Valerie Thompson Ian White John & Marjorie Sinclair Gary & Judy Thompson Mr. & Mrs. R. J. White Drs. Artaj & Judy Singh Gordon & Mary-Anne Thompson* Gerri Whiteley Dr. Shiva Singh & Dr. Cathy George Dr. & Mrs. John Thompson Leslie Clare Whitfield* Dr. Linda Sinnaeve & Andrew George Thomson & Judith Beaman Robert & Marina Whitman* Willburger Wendy & John Thorpe Brian Whittaker & Marieken John & Jill Skinner Dr. M. Lynne Thurling & the late Molenaar Gayle & John Smallbridge Dr. John Treilhard Lois & Terry Wichman Mr. & Mrs. David R. Smith* Edith M. Timken* Dr. Blossom Wigdor C.M. & Dr. The late Doreen M. E. Smith Ron & the late Jacky Tiplady Clayton Switzer

40 GENERAL Montgomery Evert* In Honour of Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Anthony & Norma Segreto Glenna J. Fair Levy* Gerard H. Seijts MEMBERSHIP Ann Fairhurst & Mark Cipra* Peter & Noreen Little Marc & Naomi Shaberman* Greg Farano & Linda Dvali Sarah Lloyd* Harvey & Barbara Shifrin* Sustainer Members N.J. Farrell Velda Lloyd* Lawrence Shoffner & Joanne $1,100 to $1,499 CDN Sharon Feldman & Louis Porter* The Rev. John Lockyer Burns* $900 to $1,249 USD Anna Lynn Ferguson Esther Loth* Cheryl Shook & Peter Stevens Carol & Burke Fossee* David & Ann Love Maggie Siggins & Gerald Sperling Joy & Tony Abbott Ann & Alan Frank* Nick Marentette Leslie Sinclair Eleanor Abra Jim & Jayne Gall* Kerry Marshall Michael & Sharon Sloan* Douglas & Dr. Lavonne Adams* Marek & Ann Gawel Joanna Martin Robert Sloan Elpida A. Agathocleous Sandra & Robert Gay Arthur James & Pauline McDonald Ken & Marybeth Slonneger* Sam & Jessie Albanese Bruce Gillespie Lois & Ken McFarquhar Bryan Smale & Sherry Dupuis Ann & Brian Arnold Joan Gilroy Kandice McKee & Desi Elizabeth A. Smith* Ellen E. Atkinson Shelley & Ken Glick Brownstone Terrence L. Smith* Gregory & Karen Aurand* Stanford & Ann Dudley Goldblatt* Patrick & Patricia McKeever* Arthur & Adrienne Smith-Windsor Karin Barthel Danyse Golick Dr. Andrew & Alison McLeod W.D. Stockard & B.A.I. Bryan* Dr. Thomas Bartlett-Walters & Douglas Goodman & Debra Breuer Margaret A. McQuiston* Randal Sutton Eric Bartlett Jerry & Regina Goodwin* Mary Melady Richard Tazik* Carol Beaven John & Claire Goosey* Dr. Paul Mercer & Dr. Nina Mercer Dr. Eric Thomas & Pamela Zabel Kathryn & Michael Berry* Ron & Birgitte Granofsky The Very Reverend James D. Mary & Kirk Thornton Joseph Bielawski Robert & Judith Gray Merrett Ria Tietz Maurice S. & Linda G. Binkow* Gilles Grenier & Juliet Howland Tom & Marilyn Merryweather* Rev. Gary Tyman* Lynda & David Bowen Dr. & Mrs. Richard O. Griffith* David & Amanda Meyen* Brian & Susan Urquhart* Ann & Phil Bowman Betty A. Gropp Cedric R. Miller Ann Kathryn Usher David & Patti Bragg Dale & Kurt Grossen Carmel & Glen Mitchell Henry & Lykke Van Drunen Bruno & Pamela Bragoli Rhonda Hallberg J.A. & Marilyn Mitchell* Martha Vander Kolk* John & Irene Briedis* Dr. John Hambley & Elizabeth Ruth Molzan William & Sarah Vasse* Ivan & Judy Buchan Hambley Fred & Tina Monreal* Dennis & Joan Vollmershausen Sharon & Martin Butler E. Hamilton Dagmar Moore* Bruce Westlake & Linda TerHaar* Charles Campbell William & Kathleen Hanson* F. G. Moore & D. E. Arsenault Dianne & Gary Westlake Beverley Chernos Jane & Ralph Heintzman Gail T. & Berrien Moore III* Alan Wheable Gerry & Carol Chrisman* Karin Henderson Andrea Morningstar & John Lucier Lawrence Williams & Virginia George D. Chulig* Vic & Marion Hepburn Katherine L. Morrison Daniels* Alan & Marlies Clark Lauri & Jean Hiivala Jim & Linda Murray Larry Willis & Robyn Ellis* Hilda Clark Laurie Hoffman-Goetz & Wendelin Richard Myers Blythe Wilson & Mark Harapiak Rod & Mary Coates Goetz Gordon & Ellen Naylor Michael & Susan Wilson David & Pat Cole Ms V. Hopton Leisha Nazarewich Nancy Winters Elaine Conn & Dr. Mark Quigley Judith Horner & Hammond Bentall Carol & Jerry M. Nesker David & Carol Wishart Rev. Keith & Dr. Lee Ann Conover* The Hon. Peter H. Howden Karen Pancost* Brenda & Murray Wivell Dr. Paul E. Cooper & David J. Nancy Howe-Wright Ilene Patty & Thomas Terpstra* Judge & Mrs. Theo Wolder Hiebert Celine Huot & Richard Comtois John & Carolyn Pawley Neil & Jan Wood Nicholas Crawford Susan & Paul Hyman* Patricia Peloso Robert Woodley Gordon & Janet Crompton Wayne & Leslie Ingram Wally Pieczonka Dr. & Mrs. Walter Yaworsky Lydia Danylciw John Jacobson & Carol Mary Poss Honey & Larry Zelle* Margaret De Koyer-Watson* Hargreaves* Christopher J. Price* Annonymous (12) Patricia Dehaan* Kent & Pat James Brian J. Provini Lia Del Duca-Howie Frances Johnson Dr. Dennis Quinn & Christine Harry Delea, H.H. Delea & Pat & Bob Johnson* Lewis-Quinn* Company Pamela Jones & Rainer Paduch Elinor Gill Ratcliffe Darlene Ann Demars Robert & Beatrice Kahn* Catherine Re* Dr. & Mrs. Guy DeRose T. M. Kelly Candy A. Renard* Dr. Caroline Despard June Kendall* Kirk & Penny Rintoul Mearle & Elizabeth Doucet Kathleen & Paul Kett Keith Ritchie Kathy & Guenter Draudt Verla Killer Phyllis Robinson & Morley Brown In Memory of E.I. D’Souza Sharyanne & Dr. Arnold Kollin* Dr. Thomas B. Robson Keith Dulmage Dr. Edward & Dr. Laima Kott Arthur & Andrea Rosen* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duvin* Wendy Lawson Anthony Rubin Jim & Pati Ericson* Anne Louise Layton & Jamie Ruth & Joseph Rudner Helen Etkin* Isbister Mark Scandling* Brenda L. Evans Bill & Jeanne Leaver* Dr. Peter & Mrs. Jody Schuringa Herbert Evert & Jeanette Alexander & Anna Leggatt Sandy & Alan S. Schwartz*


Chair: Robert H. Gorlin, Northville, MI Ex-Officio:Anita Gaffney, Executive Director Vice-Chair: Gloria Friedman, Chicago, IL Treasurer: Linda Rexer, Ann Arbor, MI Chair, Stratford Festival of Canada: Secretary: Carl Cucco, Barrington, IL Sylvia Chrominska, Toronto, ON Fred Bishop, Glencoe, IL John Gardner, Mishawaka, IN John Lewis, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI Christie Peck, Birmingham, MI Kevin Turner, Birmingham, MI

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We thank our generous supporters who have contributed to the Endowment Fund over the past 19 years. Your gifts help ensure the Stratford Festival’s future for all time, and for this we are truly grateful.

Eternity Level The Loris & Theodore Birnkrant James & Florence Gibson Fund Norton & Lucille Wolf $5,000,000+ Fund* Estate of Mary-Jane D. Givens* Donald & Janice Woodley Estate of Helen N. Bradburn* Muriel Goodbrand Anonymous (2) Bruce & Betty Birmingham Cathy & Paul Cotton The late Wilfrid P. Gregory Department of Canadian Heritage Barbara M. & Fred A. Erb* The Dr. Dennis & Dorothea Donations received Hon. Michael A. Meighen & Kelly Gatfield Family Foundation Hacker Fund between November 2016 Meighen Heather Gibson & Allan Dr. Jules & Josephine Harris* and January 31, 2018 Province of Ontario - Arts Massingham The Hay Foundation Gay Allison & Geoff Hancock Endowment Fund Program Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation Desmond Heeley Design Ellen E. Atkinson The Stratford Shakespearean Estate of Joan Ferriss Hatch Internship The Nicholas Barakett Fund Festival of Canada Carol & Ronald Horowitz* Michael Homer & Ann Hébert Frederick & Stephanie Bishop* Epoch Level David Horowitz* Estate of Peter Kilburn The Fred C. & Eileen F. Calabrese $2,000,000 to $4,999,999 Margaret D. King Raj & Shaila Kothari Fund* Jane Fryman Laird* Shraddha, Akshara & Shruti Karen Lynn Cheah The Marilyn & Charles Baillie Fund The Elizabeth Lang Fund Kothari The Tom & Joanne Cowan Fund Estate of Mrs. Estelle H. Cohen* John & Arlene Lewis* Beth L. Kronfeld* Department of Canadian Heritage David Green & Mary Winton Estate of M. Lenore Mackie Janet & Ellsworth Levine* Friends of the Festival Green* Marcia Matsui & Roger Cotton The Anne Linden Fund Gatfield Family Foundation Dr. Robert G. E. Murray & Marion Dr. Ross & Fran McElroy Fund Sandy Linver & Buddy Kornman* Heather V. Gibson I.N. Murray Fund Dr. E. Duncan McEwan & Dr. Joan Estate of Mary Kathleen Lyle Bill & Bridget Harrison Bursary Robert & Jacqueline Sperandio* C. McEwan Mathers Desmond Heeley Design Legacy Level Dr. Murlene McKinnon Fund, The Michael Mawson Fund Internship dedicated to the memory of Marg Misener Wayne & Leslie Ingram $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 Elizabeth Massey* Drs. M. L. Myers & the late W. P. Raj & Shaila Kothari Rita & Rudy Koehler The R. Samuel McLaughlin Hayman Jane Fryman Laird* The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Thomas & Ellen O’Flaherty* The Elizabeth Lang Fund Foundation Hymie & Roslyn Mida Tom & Connie Orr Janet & Ellsworth Levine* Education Initiatives Fund, in Eugene A. & Lois A. Miller* Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Estate of Lorna Jean Loomis honour of Richard Monette The Mosaic Foundation (of the Phillips, Hager & North Dr. Murlene McKinnon Fund, Sandra & Jim Pitblado late Rita & Peter Heydon)* Investment Management Ltd. dedicated to the memory of Estate of Michael Murray Laura Pogson Elizabeth Massey* Millennium Level Edwin A. Parsons Cecil & Robert Rabinovitch Hymie & Roslyn Mida $500,000 to $999,999 Kayla & Richard Pechter* Estate of Helen Leonore Roszell The Geoff & Marion Neigh Fund Estate of Dr. Viera Barta Dr. Emma Plattor Carolyn Schiff & Noah Millman* The Estate of Diane Pretzer Frederick & Stephanie Bishop* The Florence Richler Education The Jack Segal Memorial Archival Estate of Myrtle Jean Rose In memory of Susan Harkins Fund Fund The Sachs Family Fund Beryl Ivey & Richard Ivey Martie & Bob Sachs* Estate of B. Julian Sibold The Jack Segal Memorial Archival The Richard Ivey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William J. Saunderson John & Jill Skinner Fund Janet & Richard Lint Estate of Mary Campbell Smith The Marcia Katz Slotnick Fund* Cheryl & Paul Simpson The late Frank & Nancy Moore* Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sokol* Gordon & Elaine Steed The Marcia Katz Slotnick Fund* Michael V. & Wanda Plachta Fund William H. Somerville Theatre Estate of Nancy G. Steen* The Mary Helen Stoetzner Fund* Deirdre Stevenson Artisans’ Apprenticeship Fund The Mary Helen Stoetzner Fund* The Watson/Osborn Fund* funded by the J. P. Bickell Robert Summers-Gill The David Zussman & Sheridan Century Level Foundation Estate of Dr. Clarke Dewey Wells* Scott Educational Fund $250,000 to $499,999 Andy & Helen Spriet John H. Whiteside Fund Anonymous (1) The Summertime Fund* Max & Mary Wisgerhof* Karon C. Bales & Charles E. Beall Estate of Caroline Hamilton Tate* Family Fund George & Nancy Taylor Elaine & Michael Davies Mary & George Turnbull The Horace W. Goldsmith William George Vivian Fund STRATFORD SHAKESPEAREAN Foundation The John & Renata Walker Fund Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin* Leslie Clare Whitfield* FESTIVAL ENDOWMENT Estate of Marjorie Elizabeth Matilda R. Wilson Fund* Hamilton George & Pearl Zeltzer Family* FOUNDATION Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hurckes* The David Zussman & Sheridan 2018 Lawrence & Margaret Marsland Scott Educational Fund The Philip & Berthe Morton Foundation Lifetime Level OFFICERS Dr. R.G.E. Murray & the late Mrs. $50,000 to $99,999 Chair: Janet Ecker, Ajax, ON Marion Murray The Geoff & Marion Neigh Fund Hope Abelson* DIRECTORS Parnassus Foundation, courtesy J. P. Bickell Foundation of Jane & Raphael Bernstein* In Memory of Frances Wells Robert Badun, Toronto, ON Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Biddinger & Gretchen A. Paul Brisson, London, ON Cecil & Linda Rorabeck Gentile* Sylvia Chrominska, Toronto, ON Butch Blake Fund Estate of J. M. B. Smith* Michael Homer, Toronto, ON The John & Renata Walker Fund Estate of William Earl Boettger The Watson/Osborn Fund* Estate of Charlotte Maud Brown Tim MacDonald, Stratford, ON The Helen & Joseph Weinberger The Fred C. & Eileen F. Calabrese Peter G. Restler, Brooklyn, NY Fund* Fund Cathy Riggall, Stratford, ON The late M. Joan Chalmers, C.C., Dynasty Level O. Ont. Kim Shannon, Toronto, ON $100,000 to $249,999 The Eve Cork Fund Chip Vallis, Stratford, ON The Tom & Joanne Cowan Fund Mr. & Mrs. G. John Adamson Bob & Jan Daniels* Address: c/o Corporate Secretary, Stratford The Avalon Fund Charles & Margaret Dingman Festival, P.O. Box 520, Stratford, ON N5A 6V2 The Nicholas Barakett Fund La & Philip Engel* Margret A. Beekel*


In Honour of… Sharon McCue Joseph Garlock Marge McKillican 2018 Stratford Festival Staff & Mary Mogford & Tom Campbell Christine Goad Ann E. McPhee Company Stephen Ouimette Nuala Goldberg Franklin H. Moore Jr Elin Becker Victoria Parkinson Maurice Good Marion & Geoff Neigh Greg Borotsik Lucy Peacock Sybil Hagerman Phyllis Neilson Sharon Butler Valerie Pinder Judith Harper Virginia Offen Sara Farb Kathi Posliff Bill & Bridget Harrison Dorothy M. Oliver Elizabeth Gaffney David Prosser Brenda Ingratta Betty Paxson Rob Gorlin Bob & Martie Sachs C. Arlene Innes Nicholas Pennell Margaret Hayes Esther & Sam Sarick Winnifred Lachman Johnson Robert J. Potters Martha Henry Christine Seip Sheila & Barry Katz John Henry Rogers Donald Hughes Rachel Smith-Spencer Donald Keim Betty Paxson Stephanie Johns Rena Tallis Donna Jean Baker Carol & Edmund Schofield Cathy Kemp Scott Wentworth Eleanor Kenney Jay A. Siegel Jane Laird Antoine Yared Jay Klassen Steve Tatrallyay Rev. Robert K. & Mrs. Emily Hans Kohlund VaDeene Titus In Memory of… Dr. Thomas Lofft Helen Wake Leland Donna Jean Baker Arlene Lewis Brenda Louws Louise Wheatley Brooks Davis Peter Dean Marlatt Henry Wiseman Heather Martin Mary Dyment


Gala Co-Chairs: Barry Avrich, Robert Badun, Wendy Pitblado

Thank you to our generous sponsors and table hosts. Platinum Table Borden Ladner Gervais VIP Single Tickets Robert & Mary Ann Gorlin* Ophelia & Mike Lazaridis BT/A Advertising Barbara Crook Nancy Jamieson & Bruce Sylvia Chrominska/Deanna Eleanor Daniels Anderson Gold Table Horton/April Oakes & Kevin Dr. Desta Leavine John & Arlene Lewis* Burgundy Asset Management Turner*/Cathy Riggall/Carol Robert & Martha Sachs* Joe & Lucie Pal Silver Tables Stephenson Brian Rolfes The Garden Single Tickets Alan Shepard BMO Financial Group Earlaine Collins Daniel Bernstein & Claire Dr. David Goldbloom & Dr. Nancy Epstein/Dr. M. Lee Myers/Chip Jeffrey Latimer Official News Media Foerster* Andy & Helen Spriet Sponsor Wendy Pitblado & Barbara Vallis The Brian Linehan Charitable Union Gas Limited The Globe and Mail RBC Ruth Watts-Gransden Russell Investments Foundation Tim & Alexandra MacDonald Special thanks to Aylmer John & Barbara Schubert* Donors to the 2017 Express, print supplier Kelly & Michael Meighen Stratford Festival Gala Bronze Tables David & Shelley Peterson David & Patricia Adams Robert Badun & Justice Eileen Hariri Pontarini Architects Charles Beall & Karon Bales Gillese The Slaight Family Foundation M. Fainer Jennifer Birmingham Anonymous (1)


FOUNDER M. Lee Myers, London, ON Tom Patterson Rick Orr, Stratford, ON David R. Peterson, Toronto, ON BOARD OF GOVERNORS Peter G. Restler, Brooklyn, NY Brian J. Rolfes, Toronto, ON OFFICERS Richard Rooney, Toronto, ON Chair: Sylvia Chrominska, Toronto, ON Martha Sachs, Juno Beach, FL Vice Chair: Carol Stephenson, London, ON Esther Sarick, Toronto, ON Treasurer: Cathy Riggall, Stratford, ON David Simpson, Chatham, ON Secretary: Joy Wishart, Stratford, ON EX OFFICIO GOVERNORS Artistic Director: Antoni Cimolino David Adams, Montreal, QC Executive Director: Anita Gaffney Charles Beall, Stratford, ON Past Chair: Daniel S. Bernstein, Westport, CT Barbara E. Crook, Ottawa, ON Mayor of Stratford: His Worship Dan Mathieson Francine Dyksterhuis, Waterloo, ON Chair, Stratford Shakespeare Festival of America (also Franklin H. Famme, Stratford, ON on the Board of Governors): Robert H. Gorlin, Northville, MI Robert H. Gorlin, Northville, MI Julie Jacobson, Chicago, IL Nancy L. Jamieson, Ottawa, ON Pamela Jeffery, Toronto, ON Address: c/o Corporate Secretary, Stratford Festival, Jaime Leverton, Toronto, ON P.O. Box 520, Stratford, ON N5A 6V2


Members of The Prospero Society have provided a bequest by will, or a future gift through a trust, life insurance policy, charitable gift annuity or the beneficiary designation on an RRSP/RRIF or IRA/401(K). If you have remembered the Stratford Festival or Stratford Festival of America in your will or in your estate planning, or would like information on how to do so, please contact Kathryn McKie, Planned Giving Manager, at 519.271.0055, ext. 5640, or 1.800.561.1233, ext. 5640. Eleanor Abra Dr. James H. Dunn* David Horowitz * Bob Meinschenk Debbie & Ian Adare Audrey Durst Deanna Horton Kevin & Tania Meldrum William W. Aitchison Dr. Gloria J. Earl* Susan A. Howard* Pennie A. Meyers* George & Frances Alderson* Marshall & Judi Egelnick Archie & Jean Hunter Alan C. Middleton Meredith Alston The late Dr. John C. & Mary F. Anne M. Hurley Kathleen Minor Richard C. Alter & Eric D. Johnson* Elder* Wayne & Leslie Ingram Marg Misener Luther & Diane Aman* Roger & Janet Emery Marion Isherwood Joan Moeller* Carla Anderson* La & Philip Engel* Cheryll L. Jarolimek* Mark Monette & Judy F. Lane* Edward & Jane Anderson Barbara Evans Kathleen A. Jerome Inheritance The late Franklin H. Moore, Jr. & Alicia Annas* Daniel Evans & Rosa Munoz* Trust* Mrs. Nancy Moore Callie Archer M. Fainer Glenn & Joan Johnson Mary Elizabeth & Ron Moore Ellen E. Atkinson Ann Fairhurst & Mark Cipra* Dr. & Mrs. Kerry Johnson F. Daniel Moreau* Sandra & James Bade* Lois Farber* Monika H. Johnston Catherine & Paul Motz Renee Badertscher* Judy Faucett* Ron & Nancy Johnston Richard C. Mulock Drs. Andrew & Cornelia Baines Dr. Rynaldo & Marilyn Fedorenko Scott & Beth Jorgensen Dr. Robert G. & the late Mrs. Jeannie Baird Robert Feeney Carol & Gilbert Kachmar* Marion I. Murray Laurence R. & Barbara K. Baker* Wilma Ferguson Douglas & the late Mary Kahn* Dr. M. L. Myers & the late Dr. W. Susan Baker-Bidgood Denise Fergusson Eleanor Kane P. Hayman Larry T. Beare Fred & Eleanor Fether* Martin Katz* Trish & Jim Nicholson* Margret A. Beekel* James L. Fiegehen Danette Gentile Kauffman* Jeffrey & Peggy Norton Michael & Sherle Berger* Sherri Fillingham* Kimberly Kelley* Carole Ann O’Connell & Mark Joanne Berrigan Russell C. Finch & Carol Nancy The late Kip Kelley & Family* Boyle Helen L. Beuker* Finch T. M. Kelly Thomas H. & Ellen J. O’Flaherty* Stephanie & Frederick Bishop* Douglas L. Flanders Max Kenney* Lawrence J. Olszewski, PhD* Jeffrey R. Black Karen E. Fleming Judge James W. Kerr, Jr.* Tom & Susan O’Neill Timothy John Blahout Kathryn M. Fleming David Kew Jonathan F. Orser* Marilyn Blatnikoff* Mary Pat & Louis Flores Marjory & James W. Kilgour Harold Pankrac Elizabeth C. Bogner* Gail Fricker & Blair Yeomans Marie E. Kingdon* Deborah Pantoni* Bob Boltz* Gloria Friedman* Merl & John Koegler Elizabeth Papps* Charles & Kathleen Bonneau* James C. Funk * Beth L. Kronfeld* Terrence Paris Monique Boulanger* Patricia J. Fyfe Anthony La Marca & the late Curtis L. & Jody A. Passafume* In Loving Memory of Joan Boyle, Dr. J.M. Gaal & Mr. B. Aravandino Thomas A. Dolan* William P. Pavlov* from her grateful daughter* Jane Gale Jane Fryman Laird* Richard & Sandra Pearse* Margaret A. Bretschneider* Ted & Sheila Gale Marilyn R. Laughlin* Todd R. Pepper Jerry & Carol Brown* James & Jayne Gall* John & Ruth Lawson Catherine Perkin K. Joanne Brown Barbara Garland* Anne Louise Layton Allan & Kel Pero Philip & Judith Brown Dr. & Mrs. Walter C. Gates Jr.* Desta F. Leavine Sandra & Jim Pitblado Schuyler Brown & Margaret Heather V. Gibson Dr. Richard W. Lee* Robin B. Pitcher Meredith Steve & Lauran Gilbreath* Rev. Robert K. & Mrs. Emily Leland Michael V. & Wanda Plachta Stephen Brown Alexander Gluskin & Shauna Dr. Renee S. Lerche* Laura Pogson Michael & Lynn Burshtin* Sexsmith Janet & Ellsworth Levine* Keith Potter & Cathy Riggall Jean Busch Alan L. Goldberg (and Whitney)* Linda M. Levine* Cheryl & William Povalla* Rita & Ted Button Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin* Harlan L. Lewis & Doris F. Wallace & the late Diane Pretzer* Dr. Daniel & Marshelle Caccamise* Barbara & Charles Graham Wittenburg* Heather & John T. A. Proctor Fred C. & Eileen F. Calabrese* M. L. Sam Grant Maury & Leslie Lieberman* Nira Pullin* Mary & Peter Calamai Judith Gravdal, M.D. & Murray Cathy Lindsey Raymond P. Quinlan Barbara R. & Samuel D. Caldwell* Gordon* Janet & Richard Lint Sondra C. Rabin* Christine R. Campitelle* Susan Green & Martin Foster W.H. Loewen William & Isabelle Radock* Thomas A. Caster Heinz Gregor, in memory of Jutta Ann & David Love Carol Rankmore Betty & Franco Catanzariti Lily Gregor John T. Lucas Mira Ratkaj Guy & Alison Chadsey Marilyn Gropp Joanne Luchuk Larry & Sally Rayner* Ann Christie Ronald Gustafson* Patricia Lumsden Patricia Reavy & Denis Beatty Molly Copus Christie Dr. Don & Mary Jane Gutoski Earl K. & Theresa A. Lundy* The late Douglas S. & Marcia Mary F. Christner* Dr. Dennis E. & Dorothea Hacker James & Connie MacDougall J. Rector Greg Clarke Kathlyn Hagerman Polly K. A. MacFarlane Anthony L. Reffells* George & Edna Clemans * David G. Hallman Michele A. Machowicz & Thomas Ann K. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clemens Margot & Jerry Halperin* J. Becvar* Wayne & Wendy Rider Janice Coles Jody & Deborah Hamade Peter D. Mackey* Hannah Ridge* Lacey & Bill Collins* Janis Hancock Thomas A. MacWilliam Sharon & Cameron Ridsdale Donald L. Combe Carol & the late Roger Haverfield* Cheryl Elisabeth Manny Margaret A. Riggin Constance & Ron Corrigan* Gebadia Haverkamp Mel Marsh & Rick Rutan* Les Ringer Beverley & Robert Corsini Ellen L. Hawman Nina Martin Dr. Forrest & Cynthia Ann Priscilla Costello Dr. Robert & Mrs. Diana Heard* Keith & Chris Masterman Riordan III* Joanne & Tom Cowan Barbara Heggie Marcia Matsui & Roger Cotton Joseph & Cynthia Ripley* Joyce Crago Estates of Grace & Sandra Heggie Cynthia May* Randall B. Ripley & Grace A. Ann & David Cram Dr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Heilman* Mr. & Mrs. W. Ronald McCallum Franklin* Cynthia M. Crane* Jay Helms & Terry O’Loughlin* Sharon & Harvey McCue Peter S. Roberts Mary C. Crichton* Glenna Hemphill Paul & Margo McDonnell Jim Robertson & Jim Scott Dennis Cusack Miss Rosanne Herold Dr. Ross & Fran McElroy Lisa & Paul Rohrbaugh* Elizabeth & Ted Davidson Andrea & Dr. Edward Herzig* Dr. Murlene E. McKinnon* Susan Pfaff Rojas* Susan & Vernon Davies Robert A. Hetherington* Sylvia M. McPhee Richard Rooney & Laura Dinner Jeffrey Davis Lauri & Jean Hiivala Marcia L. Meier & Dr. Klaus V. John Rosten & Cheryl Weeks- Janet Davison Martha J. Hines* Meier Rosten* Drs. Helen R. & Patrick H. Deese* Joan & Ron Holmes The late William A. Meiers* Lillian Roth Diana B. Dorken* Lori Ann Horley Hon. Michael A. Meighen & Kelly Sharon S. Ruble* Patti Doyle* Dr. Sharon Horlick Meighen Martie & Bob Sachs*

45 Sandra & Paul Sales Barry & Sharlyn Stare* Gary & Judy Thompson Leslie Clare Whitfield* Larry J. Santon* Dennis & Rhea Steffler Merilyn & Jim Thompson Violet L. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Schilke* Carol Stephenson Dolly Tiger Nancy Winters John & Barbara Schubert * The late Dr. Florence Stevens Bill & Mary Todt* John Wirtz IV* Elizabeth Ann Scott Gordon & Joan Stevenson Riki Turofsky & Charles Petersen Mary & Max Wisgerhof* Helen & John Scott Jayne Stewart* Marie & Peter Van Der Gulik Stan & Ros Witkin Christine & Richard Seip William R. Stewart Jane & Robert Van der Kraan Duncan & Claudia Wood Michael & Joann Sharrow* Glen & Sandra Strawsburg* Hermine J. van Nuis* Donald & Jan Woodley Dr. Cathy J. Siebert Kerry W. Stuckey Valerie Van Reenen Maggie Woodley Pamela Simmons Robert Summers-Gill Peter Varty & Patricia Martin Walter & Elizabeth Work* Father Earl F. Simone* Danielle & David Susser* William & Sarah Vasse* Deirdre Wright Karen & Jonathan Slater* Randal & the late Nancy Sutton Dina Vaz* Dr. Gerald & Nancy Wright Marcia Katz Slotnick* H. Allen & Valerie R. Swanson Nancy Johnson Vazzano* Dr. Louis & Mary Jane Zako* Dale W. Smith Ronald P. Swenson & Susan L. Dr. Nancy J. Vivian Bernice & Peter Ziegler Doug & Maggie Smith Daniels* Anne Walsh Suzanne & David Zimmerman* Gloria & Steve Smith Nargis Tarmohamed & Shaukat Susan H. Warren* Roger & Carol Zinnecker* Russ Smith* Mangalji Deana & Lyman Welch* and anonymous donors as of Terrence L. Smith* Lynne Taylor Estate of Dr. Clarke Dewey Wells* January 31, 2018 Rachel Smith-Spencer Nancy Theisen* Andy Werner & Barb Hoyle-Werner Sperandio Family Foundation* Christine Thomas Drummond White & Norah Love






Artistic Director Speech-Language Gloria Bates Groups & Schools Amelia Darling Antoni Cimolino Pathologist & Voice Elin Becker Administrator Lynne Dewys Executive Director Coach Ian Bennet Jane Bex Sydney Fuhrman Anita Gaffney Lori Holmes Gregory Borotsik Customer Service Arrianne Fulig Singing Coach Karen Brooks Coordinator Brianna Glosner DIRECTORS’ OFFICE Jennie Such Malcolm Browne Bev Nicholson Aden Green Director of the Text Coach Michele Buchanan Guest Accommodation Tania Harvey Birmingham Ian Watson Brad Carew Coordinator Sean Hood Tidman Conservatory for Joyce Chappel Maureen Vankesteren Kayla Jantzi Classical Theatre Professional Jen Culligan Tameka Jenner Stephen Ouimette Development Program – Charmaine Cummings Special Orders Aveleigh Keller Movement Coach Coordinator Director of the Michael Elsie Dahm Stephanie Kropf.Untucht Langham Workshop for Brad Cook Jessica Darling Colleen White Greg Loren Classical Direction Guest Coaches Emily Datema Box Office Supervisors Penny Moss Martha Henry Annette av Paul Sarah Elliot Darlene Harrison Candy Neumeister Producer Frank Bach Lisa Eusebi Sarah Newton Lori Noon Ginette Hamel Barbara Feeney Debbie Steinacker Isaac Page David Auster Marilyn Holmes Christine Teeple Creative Planning Beth Fischer Cassandra Sargent Music Hayden Fischer Revenue Fulfillment Megan Schaff Director Representatives Jason Miller Jeanne Ford Bev Shea Director of Music Ben Fortin Gay Allison Rodrick Spence Casting Director Franklin Brasz Peter Friesen Myrtle Baker Ariana Sprott Beth Russell Director of Music Barry Gammon Cindy Bissell Cameron Sprott Director of New Plays Emeritus Keagan Goforth Anna Burton Melissa Tuer Bob White Berthold Carrière Mindy Gough Jason Colliver Sean Yates Associate Producer Music Administrator Maureen Gratton Elysia Cucksey Connor Zink Bonnie Green Marilyn Dallman Miriam Harrison Christine Darragh Executive Chef Associate Producer, The Administrative Assistant Terry Hastings Susan Davis Kendrick Prins Forum and Laboratory Janice Owens John Hawtin Connor Delaney Sous Chef Geena DeWeerd Keira Loughran ADVANCEMENT Linda Hughes Jason Love Assistant Producer, Deborah Jones Paul Duncan Director of Advancement Teresa Loren Frank Etwell Culinary Team Forum Rachel Smith-Spencer Amanda Boemer Julie Miles Dawson Lott Martin Fielding Major Gifts and U.S. Marlene Macke Nicole Ford Cristobal Franco Presa Company Manager Patron Manager Julio Martinez Miranda Kimberley Grandy Dianne Gingerich Paul Shaw Christine Seip Carol Mason Suzanne Grandy Carol Grasby Taylor Rolston Head of Stage Combat Major Gifts Manager GTA Diana Matheson Lori Hicks John Stead Jill Merner Jennifer Hord Kristin Roth and Campaign Manager Sasha Sharpe Corporate Secretary & Heather McMartin Beverley Meyer Marianne Hord Executive Assistant to the Karen Mills Yvonne Hord Joe Walsh Membership Manager Greenroom Hostesses Artistic Director Ceairy Free Igor Morin Samareh Jones Joy Wishart Cathy Mowbray Janice Kastner Micheala Coddington Planned Giving Manager Donna Kerfoot Meghan Fritch Executive Assistant to the Kathryn McKie Manuel Muncaster Executive Director Glen Oliver Christopher Kokot Kristina McCann Marion Burr Playwright’s Circle Wendy Orchard Anna Kowalchuk Corinne Montgomery Manager Nancy Patterson Donna Lawley Assistant to the Producer Sharon Butler Stratford Festival Susan Lemenchick Valerie Pinder Maria Loghrin Research Manager Mary Rankin Jane Mallory Shop Casting Assistant Shannon MacDonald Shop Manager Jennifer Emery Pat Ranney Aislinn McCauley Research Officer Dale Ratcliffe Meredith McCauley Chaslyn Stevenson- Directors’ Office Cathy Lindsey Terry Raymond Savannah McIntyre Hastings Coordinator Pat Reavy Ruth Ann Miller Avon Supervisor Shira Ginsler Membership Coordinator Susan Mavity Dolores Riehl Janice Mitchell Cindy Ramier Producer Mentee Judy Robinson Geri Morley Merchandise Coordinator Andrea Scott Membership Administrator Oriana Roulston Cheryl Moses Jennifer Hord Metcalf Foundation Deb Sager Lenore Neeb Donna Hyde Sales Associates Intern in Artistic Direction Dove Schade Tara Nimmo Dawn Bell Ted Witzel Program Administrator Carol Schlemmer Julie Ostien George Bertwell The services of Andrea Scott and Cathy Kemp Kathy Partridge Ted Witzel were made possible Judy Smith Madison Burrows through Theatre Ontario’s Stewardship & Event Paul Smith Barbara Redden Allison Erb Professional Theatre Training Coordinator Eliesha Richardson Program, funded by the Ontario Thelma Smith Theresa Gleadall Arts Council; and by the Ontario Mary-Ann Reid Judy Stuart Rod Rychliski Karen Johnston Arts Council, an agency of the Ben Thomas Joanne Schalk Government of Ontario. Ted AUDIENCE Sherry LeSouder Witzel’s internship is also funded Larke Turnbull Raphe St. Pierre Camella Ohler by The George Cedric Metcalf DEVELOPMENT Lois Tutt Jen Temple Charitable Foundation and The Director of Audience Janice Pavelin Chalmers Family Fund. Sharon Twamley Chloe Weir Kaitlyn Rietdyk Development Victoria VanDenBelt Sylvia Weir Sarah Hamza Shireen Sasani Coaches Milton van der Veen Katie Simons Head of Voice & Associate Director of Marilyn Wells Distribution Centre Mailroom Coordinator Dan Stacey Coaching Audience Development Elizabeth West Kim Switzer Janine Pearson Krista Swetman Faye Wreford Candy Neumeister The Head of Voice & Coaching Susan Wright Receptionists COMMUNICATIONS position at the Stratford Festival Front of House is generously endowed by David Caroline Yates Carol Brown Literary & Editorial Green & Mary Winton Green Senior House Manager Parking Lot Attendants Janet Wilson Director Kris Bernard Head of Voice Emerita James MacKinnon Cafés & Catering David Prosser Ann Skinner Associate House Ardeshir Sasani Manager Catering Events Manager CORPORATE Alexander Technique & Gavin Stevenson-Jackson SPONSORSHIP Movement Coach Sam Skowby Victoria Parkinson Kelly McEvenue House Manager – Avon Revenue Fulfilment Events Coordinator Associate Director of Mark James Box Office Manager Nadine Skinner Sponsorship Voice, Text & Dialect Lorraine Patterson Coaches House Manager – Studio Jo-Anne Hood Tidman Cafés & Catering Staff Nancy Benjamin Alexis Rowlinson Revenue Fulfillment Laurie Ash Corporate Sponsorship Paul de Jong Manager Sue Bidgood Coordinator Ushers Susan Bidgood Jane Gooderham Louise Allard Jessica Klumper Sara Brown Kennedy C. MacKinnon Jared Armstrong Don Campbell Matthew Armstrong Lisa Campbell Virginia Copeman

47 ADMINISTRATION John Koperski Groups and Schools GUEST SERVICES Administrative Director Senior Developer Sales Manager Shelley Stevenson Rick Crawford Heather Martin Groups and Schools FOR ASSISTANCE AND Archives Developer Bryan Richardson Officer ACCESSIBILITY Archives Director Joanne Schalk Liza Giffen Facilities Marketing Manager - We’re here to help. If you require Archives Coordinator Facilities Manager Direct Marketing assistance, please ask the House Christine Schindler Jeff Heggie Christi Rutledge Manager or any other member of Cataloguing & Assistant Facilities Graphic Design Manager Digitization Archivist Manager Krista Dodson the Stratford Festival team. Stephanie Vaillant Val Bielecki Graphic Designers Archives Assistant Facilities Coordinator Shelby Boyd Nora Polley Lesley Spencer-Cooper Jessica Dill CAMERAS, CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES Education Carpenters Reporting Coordinator Micah Hussey Leanne Herbert Malvern We welcome your photo memories Director of Education Chief Engineer Lois Adamson Digital Marketing John Luesink Coordinator of your Stratford Festival Associate Director of Shift Engineers Stephanie Leger experience; however, all cameras, Education Richard Arnold Edward Daranyi Interim Digital Marketing audio and video recorders must be Paula Burns Coordinator turned off during the performance. Education Administrative Lewis Pellar Jordan Worsell-Collins Manager Electrician In addition, please turn off all Katherine Laing Tessitura Administrator Tony Iacobellis Michele Keutsch mobile devices, as their sounds Resident Teaching Artist Head Gardener Luisa Appolloni HD Coordinator and lights will disturb actors and Anita Jacobsen Jenn McCaw Education Coordinator Gardeners other guests. Stephanie Johns Analytics & Modeling David Kittmer Coordinator Human Resources Shelly Paulocik Adrienne Steer FOOD AND DRINK Director of Human Head of Maintenance Marketing Coordinator Resources Ron Brown Melinda Timmins We offer auditorium-friendly cups Anne Kircos Maintenance Staff Interim Marketing for our beverages and invite you Human Resources Dar Del Chiaro Coordinator to bring your drink to your seat. Manager Blair Holden Laura Moore Nancy Altenburg Thomas Lemenchick Bottled water is also permitted; Myrna Lewis PUBLICITY however, all snacks are to be Health & Safety Manager Publicity Director Krystal Holmes Larry Shurrie Art Tucker Ann Swerdfager enjoyed outside the auditorium. Payroll Manager Gord Wilson Publicity Coordinator Heather Marriott Housekeepers Amy White LATE ARRIVAL AND Payroll Coordinator Lori Adcock Kathy McKellar Paul Bossence READMISSION Payroll/HR Assistant Jeff Daigneault If you arrive late or leave the Kira Heppes Diane Dench Company Catherine Dishman auditorium during the performance, Accommodations Patti Hinz we will make every effort to seat Supervisor Mandy IlIman you at a suitable break. Please Andy Mark Christine Koehler Company Shawn Larder be advised that this may not be Accommodations Robert Lee the seat you are ticketed for, Assistant Marjorie Lundrigan depending on its location in the Cindy Cnockaert Janet McFarlane Larisa Orlova theatre. In the interim, or in the FINANCE, FACILITIES, Nancy Plummer event we cannot reseat you & INFORMATION Sherry Priestap TECHNOLOGY Jane Rowcliff safely, we invite you to watch Director of Finance, Justin Ruller the performance on our lobby Facilities & Information Clare Stockley monitors. Technology Glen Sutherland Darryl Huras Sandy Thistle Finance Manager David Wick FIRST AID Leanne Atkinson Stage Door Guards Senior Accountants Trevor Bannon We take patron health and safety Todd Bridges Ryan Cleveland seriously. Any member of our team Dianne Matt Kyle Llewellyn will coordinate first-aid assistance Accounting Administrator Darlane Payne for you if required. Automated Joanne Jordan Fred Sinko Finance Assistant Casual Stage Door external defibrillators (AEDs) Shelley Assayag Guards are located in the lobbies and Paul Jamieson balconies of all our theatres. Information Ihor Orenchuck Technology and Application MARKETING Director of Marketing IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Development & Digital Associate Director In case of an evacuation, please Gursharan Flora follow the instructions of Stratford of IT and Application Associate Director of Development Marketing Festival staff, who will escort you to Darren Worswick Trudy Watson safety. If you discover a fire, please Manager of Information Digital Media Producer activate the fire alarm and notify a and Technology Jason Clarke Paul Muncaster Marketing Manager Stratford Festival team member. Office Administrator Carly Douglas Nora Walden Marketing Manager - PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY Systems Administrator Digital Andrei Martchenko Aaron George Please visit Help Desk Technicians Tristan Hughes privacy for our patron and donor privacy protection policy.

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