Ian Stuart Black | 1 pages | 01 Nov 2016 | BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House | 9781785293870 | English | , United Kingdom The Macra Terror (novelisation) | Tardis | Fandom

In the far future a group of humans is living an idyllic existence on a distant planet. Their colony is run like a gigantic holiday camp and nothing seems to trouble their carefree existence. When one of them claims that the colony is being invaded by hideous monsters, no one takes him Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation. But 's suspicions are immediately aroused. What is the terrible menace that lurks at the Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation of this apparent paradise? Why are the colonists unaware of the danger that lies before their very eyes? And what is the Macra Terror? The cover blurb and thumbnail illustrations were retained in the accompanying booklet with sleevenotes by David J. Music and sound effects by Simon Power. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. . . Mission to the Unknown. The Mutation of Time. The Massacre. . The Power of the . Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation Who and the Deadly Assassin. Doctor Who and the Keeper of Traken. Planet of Fire. The Caves of Androzani. The Novel of the Film. The Christmas Invasion. The Time of Angels. The Lodger. The Day of the Doctor. Categories :. Cancel Save. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. . SusanBarbaraIan. Barbara, Ian, . Barbara, Ian, Vicki, Steven. Vicki, Steven, . Steven, Katarina, Sara. Steven, Dodo. Dodo, BenPolly. . BenPolly. Ben, , Jamie. Jamie, Victoria. . . SarahHarry. Leela, K9 Mark I. Adric, NyssaTegan. . AdricNyssaTegan. Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough. Turlough, Peri. . . . . Tenth Doctor. . AmyRiver. AmyCraig. . Doctor Who Target Novelisations : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. In the far future a group of humans is living an idyllic existence on a distant planet. Their colony is run like a gigantic holiday camp and nothing seems to trouble their carefree existence. When one of them claims that the colony is being invaded by hideous monsters, no one takes him seriously. But the Doctor's suspicions are immediately aroused. What is the terrible menac In the far future a group of humans is living an idyllic existence on a distant planet. What Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation the terrible menace that lurks at the heart of this apparent paradise? Why are the colonists unaware of the danger that lies before their very eyes? And what is the Macra Terror? Get A Copy. Mass Market Paperbackpages. Published December 1st by Target Books; W. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Doctor Whoplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Feb 01, Ken rated it liked it. A human colony that appears to be happy and tranquil holds a sinister secret. Hopefully the DVD release will help to reappraise this story. Feb 11, Daniel Kukwa rated it liked it Shelves: doctor-who. This is one of my favourite stories from 's 2nd Doctor era, but the author doesn't quite push the strangeness and anarchy as hard as he can in print. It's a very readable novelization, but Ian Stuart Black is still traveling the road that will lead him to his last and best developed book, "The War Machines". This is the second stop on Black's prose journey through his own "Doctor Who" stories, and while you can see him deepening his adaptation skills, he's not quite reached the This is one of my favourite stories from Patrick Troughton's 2nd Doctor era, but the author doesn't quite push the strangeness and anarchy as hard as he can in print. This is the second stop on Black's prose journey through his own "Doctor Who" Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, and while you can see him deepening his adaptation skills, he's not quite reached the pinnacle just yet. Sep 05, Mel rated it it was amazing Shelves: audio-book. I bought the newly released audio book read by Anneke Wills. She does a fantastic job bringing the story to Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, using different voices for all the main characters. I often forgot I was listening to one woman. The Macra Terror is a great 60s science fiction adventure. A holiday camp space colony, where everyone has to conform is, unsurprisingly, actually evil! This is a very subversive adventure with the Doctor saying things like, Laws are meant to be broken, and how you shouldn't believe thing I bought the newly released audio book read by Anneke Wills. This is a very subversive adventure with the Doctor saying things like, Laws are meant to be broken, and how you shouldn't believe things you are told but investigate everything for yourself! Fantastic story with a great message. Definitely recommended! Oct 22, Tim King rated it liked it. Back in I was just nine-years-old and fascinated by Doctor Who. I absolutely loved the show and at that time Sylvester McCoy was wrapping up his tenure as the Doctor. Nothing would excite me more than coming home after school, flipping on the TV to ABC and watching The Doctor saunter around the screen, dealing with evil aliens, strange Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation and more. Often it was through the lens of Back in I was just nine-years-old and fascinated by Doctor Who. Often it was through the lens of Ace that we get to learn some of the dark secrets that The Doctor contains. Nothing will ever replace my memories of the terrifying, yet entertaining classic episode series like Paradise Towers, The Happiness Patroland of course The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. Ian Stuart Black was also the author of the original four television episodes first aired in on Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation this novelisation is based. I finally remembered to do exactly that. When they encounter a member of the camp attempting to escape from the local police-force, the foursome travel to the camp and are welcomed with open arms and relaxing spa treatments. That said, I found the story quite enjoyable, and quite typical of the standard Doctor Who fare. Ian Stuart Black has written quite a readable short story, with great visual descriptions of the setting, antagonists, and alien creatures alike. One thing I did notice, especially toward the final crescendo of the story, was the continual head-hopping. Chapters often started with a singular character perspective and shifted to include Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation perspectives. May 10, Peter rated it liked it Shelves: read. You can imagine my excitement on the recent release of the animated reconstruction on DVD, which partly explains why I selected this to be my next choice of Doctor Who related reading matter. Ian Stuart Black's novelisation is a slightly perfunctory effort, with no attempt to capture or describe the Second Doctor's traits or mannerisms, nor those of his companions. Back stories are taken as read. Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, no attempt is made to examine the inner thoughts of any of the characters, which seems a wasted opportunity. Why, for example, do we not get to experience Ben's thoughts as he adapts to and struggles against the Macra's insidious mind-control? Depending on your point of view, the fact that we learn nothing about the Macra's origins and motivations is either frustrating or else adds to their mystery. I incline to the latter, and I think it is more effective that their actions remain malevolently motiveless beyond deliberately subjugating the colonists for their own selfish ends. I also enjoy the story's Orwellian undertones, and it is abundantly clear in the novelisation the influence of 'Animal Farm' and 'Nineteen Eighty Four' on the story's themes. Despite some of the shortcomings of Black's novel, the quality of the story shines through, even if the ending, even more so than in the televised episodes, is a rather rushed and anti-climactic affair. Nov 30, Sarah M. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Unfortunately, I wasn't a fan of this novelization, which is tragic to me because the episode itself is long-gone though I have heard that they're animating it. It was a big simple, and characters did things for weird, random reasons -- that is, for example, Ben easily fell under the effects of the "gas" -- why him more than the others? Why was Jamie able to pull himself out of it? We are probably meant to assume that Ben's military background made him more susceptible to obeying orders, or th Unfortunately, I wasn't a fan of this novelization, which is tragic to me because the episode itself is long-gone though I have heard that they're animating it. We are probably meant to assume that Ben's military background made him more susceptible to obeying orders, or that Jamie's simple world becoming suddenly much bigger made him more suspicious, but these lines are never drawn. It's a shame! Jun 26, Ivana Richards Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation it liked it. A faithful adaptation to the Troughton tv story, judging by the animated version. The main problem with the novel stems from a production alteration - as I understand Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, originally the Macra were going to be more like insects but they were changed to be crabs. It would have been easy for Black to just stick with the latter but rigidly sticking to the script frequently gives us references to insects alongside descriptions of claws and hard shells. Jan 05, Anna Marie rated it liked it Shelves: 0-book-to-movie, 0-non-usa-authors. The Doctor and his companions arrive at a human colony in the far future. Shortly they become suspicious of what is going on. Why is everyone upset with Medok and what is the Macra? Jun 20, Kerry rated it it was Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation Shelves:childrensmediasf5. Sorry for the lack of review. I'm catching up on posting my reading, but don't feel up to comments. Nov 13, Denis Southall rated it it was ok. The Macra Terror | Doctor Who | Doctor Who

The Macra Terror is the completely missing seventh serial of the fourth season in the British science fiction television series Doctor Whowhich was first broadcast in four weekly parts from Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation March to 1 April It focuses on the Second DoctorBenPolly and Jamie unravelling a mystery on a human colony planet in the future, and introduces the alien race known as the Macra. Although audio recordings, still photographs, and clips of the story exist, no episodes of this serial are known to have survived. Upon landing, they subdue a half-crazed colonist named Medok, who is promptly arrested by Security Chief Ola. The travellers are escorted by Ola to a colony which refines a poison gas they are mining for unknown reasons. The Doctor is troubled by the colony's forced festivities, remaining unconvinced by the promises of the Colony's Pilot and the well wishes of the mysterious Controller who appears on a monitor as a still image to welcome the colony's guests. After Medok is paraded before the colonists as an example, he escapes from his cell when the Doctor visits him to learn about the creatures that he sees infesting the colony at night. The Doctor weasels out of being arrested and Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation to labour in the mine since he and his friends captured Medok in the first place before slipping away to find Medok, learning more of the colony's infestation by giant insects and the fact that those who see them are then hospitalised and reconditioned. The night curfew begins and the other time-travellers retire to their rest quarters. The Doctor and Medok use the opportunity to investigate, and find the giant crab-like Macra roaming the colony. The pair are soon captured and brought Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation the Pilot, but the Doctor is released when Medok claims the Doctor was convincing him to turn himself in. Later, the Pilot is told by the Controller to hypnotize their guests so that they can work in the mines. Jamie resists but Ben succumbs to the brainwashing, the Doctor arrested alongside Jamie when he disables the hypnosis equipment after snapping Polly out of her trance. Polly ends up encountering the Macra while running from Ben, with Ben momentarily freed from his conditioning long enough to save her and bring her to the Pilot's office where the Doctor and Jamie are. The Pilot is forced to request the Controller reveal his true face at the Doctor's insistence after being revealed to be hypnotised himself, with the group seeing an aged and terrified old man killed by the Macra: the Controller's true identity. The briefly disturbed Pilot regains his composure and orders the immediate arrest of the Doctor's group, with the Doctor, Polly and Jamie sentenced to hard labour in the most treacherous part of the mine. Medok has also been sentenced to life there after his reconditioning failed, and warns them of the area's Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation mortality rate. The Doctor is left topside while the others venture into the deeper workings. Jamie and Medok escape, but the latter is seized by a Macra claw and dragged away to his death. Jamie comes face-to-face with a giant Macra, which seems to be sleeping until a burst of the deadly gas rejuvenates the creature. Other Macra soon appear and advance on Jamie. The Doctor uses his guile to sow seeds of doubt regarding the truth of the planet in the minds of the colonists and of Ben, whose conditioning is weakening. The Doctor has worked out the gas flow seems to be the key to the situation and cleverly reverses it from the mine control area. Polly has reached the surface, and the Doctor calculates that he can buy Jamie time to escape from the mine as well. The improved oxygen flow weakens the Macra, enabling Jamie to escape. The Doctor and Polly infiltrate the control area and find it overrun with Macra, the Doctor realizing the Macra need the gas to survive and have brainwashed the colonists into serving their needs. Ola demands that the travelers be punished for disobeying Control, but the Doctor persuades the Pilot to accompany him to Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation Control center. With their Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation on the Pilot broken, the Macra give Ola full authority to place the Doctor, the Pilot, Polly and Jamie in an area of the mine where a mixture of combustible gasses will shortly explode. Ben, who has finally broken his conditioning, frees them, and some manipulation of the gas pipes sends the combustible mixture to the Control Centre. When the gas explodes, the Macra are all killed. The Doctor's group remain a bit longer as the members of the colony celebrate their freedom while declaring a holiday in their heroes' honour. The new sequence was created by original titles designer Bernard Lodge and engineer Ben Palmer on 9 December For the first time, the face of the lead actor, Patrick Troughton, was incorporated into the "howl-around" patterns but the titles used the original theme music until Episode 1 of The Faceless Ones. Anneke Wills wore a short wig for the majority of this serial, after Polly receives a makeover at the Colony. Various brief clips on 8mm cine film recorded by fans at home survive from episode 3, including a reprise of the Controller's demise and various scenes set Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation the mine. The bulk of the animation used Toon Boom Harmony's master controller. Gertan Klauber had previously appeared in After playing the part of Chicki in the first episode, Sandra Bryant asked to be released from her contract so that she could accept another job. Karol Keyes took over the part for the final episode. Paul Cornell, Martin Day and Keith Topping summed up the story as "A flawed, but interesting examination, of a peculiarly 60s psychosis. David J Howe and Stephen James Walker gave the serial a positive review although they thought that some of the more serious aspects of the story were "somewhat undermined by the presence of the Macra themselves, which tends to take it into traditional monster mayhem territory. As with all missing episodes, off-air recordings of the soundtrack exist due to contemporary fan efforts. In these were released on audio cassetteaccompanied by linking narration from the Sixth DoctorColin Baker. Inthe soundtrack was remastered and re-released on CDagain with the Baker narration. The DVD and Blu-ray also contain a tele-snap Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation, restored surviving footage and photos from the version, both the Baker and Wills narrated audio, footage of the Macra prop being built at Shawcraft Models, pre-production content from the animation and an audio commentary with the original cast. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Doctor Patrick Troughton Second Doctor. Doctor Who. BBC Studios Distribution. Retrieved 5 December Doctor Who News. Retrieved 28 May Outpost Gallifrey. Archived from the original on 18 June Retrieved 30 August Doctor Who Magazine. Nothing at the End of the Lane. Retrieved 13 July Toon Boom. The Wrap News Inc. Retrieved 2 December The Guardian. Retrieved 4 March Digital Spy. Retrieved 6 September Doctor Who episodes. Stories Episodes 97 missing Original series —, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Film Revived series Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation 1 2 3 4 — specials Doctor Who: The Macra Terror: 2nd Doctor Novelisation 6 7 specials 8 9 10 11 Doctor Who missing episodes. 2, 4. Hidden categories: Use dmy dates from December Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Pages using deprecated image syntax Episode list using the default LineColor CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Doctor Who serial. The Controller is killed by the Macra surviving footage from episode 2. List of Doctor Who episodes — Doctor Who book: Target novelisations. Wikiquote has quotations related to: Second Doctor. Season 4 cont'd.