Bachelor of (BEc)






Since the academic year 2010-2011, the School of Business and Economics at the Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) offers an International Program of official Bachelor in Economics (BEc) under the Spanish Royal Decree 1393/2007, which implements the Bologna Declaration for a European space of higher education.

Scope 1. These rules shall apply to the organization, study plans and governance of the International Programs offered by the School of Business and Economics at the Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) located in Pamplona, Spain. 2. The International Program of BEc has been designed with the purpose of educating students in their ability to reach out high standards of excellence in academic and professional work developed in foreign countries. To pursue this objective, the students receive at least 50% of courses taught in English and they must also participate in at least a one-year international exchange program. 3. The academic system, the course sequence, the students performance and, in general, all aspects of the International Program of BEc will be governed by the provisions contained herein. In matters not covered by the UPNA general, provided they do not oppose the special scheme considered for the International Programs.

Admission 1. The Academic Committee shall propose to the Board a limit number of seats for admission in the International Programs offered by the School of Business and Economics. 2. The admission of students shall be in accordance with the general rules governing the procedures for admission to Spanish , with the same procedure and deadline as to other official Bachelor degrees at UPNA. 3. The Academic Committee will require admitted students to demonstrate knowledge of English at B2 level or above in an English as a second language test. Shall be exempt from this test English-native students and those students who have either completed the TOEFL with score above 79 (iBT) or 550 (PBT), or passed the First Certificate of Cambridge University, or passed the Advanced Level of English at the Official School of Languages of Pamplona.

Academic performance 1. A special academic performance is required to all the students of the International Program of BEc, as a condition to continue in such programs. 2. At the end of the first academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), students can only continue in the International Program of BEc if they have fully passed at least eight core courses. 3. In addition, students must pass each of the core courses in the semester in which they are included in the study plan, or with a maximum delay of two consecutive semesters, excluding those semesters in which students take part in the exchange program.

4. Students who fail any of these conditions must leave the International Program of BEc, and may continue their studies as part of the regular Bachelor degree in Economics. 5. Under exceptional circumstances, duly informed by the student, the Academic Committee may propose to the Executive Director that some student who does not pass the required academic performance may continue in the International Program of BEc. 6. The required academic performance does not release from enforcement of the general permanence criteria established by UPNA.

European Diploma Supplement. The European Diploma Supplement shall contain the following information in paragraph 6 of the Additional Information:

"The student has completed his/her studies, with at least 50% of the teaching provided in English, in the International Program of Bachelor Degree in Economics."

Study plan

FISRT YEAR (Core courses) Course Semester Language

Introduction to Economics Fall English

Business Economics I Fall English

Introduction to Private Law Fall Spanish

Mathematics I Fall English

Quantitative Methods for Fall Spanish

Accounting I Spring English

Statistics I Spring English

Microeconomics I Spring English

Applied Economics I Spring Spanish

Mathematics II Spring Spanish

SECOND YEAR (Core courses) Course Semester Language

Macroeconomics I Fall English

Statistics II Fall Spanish

Accounting II Fall Spanish

Microeconomics II Fall Spanish

Optimization Theory Fall English

Macroeconomimics II Spring English

Economic History I Spring English

Econometrics I Spring English

Financial Markets Spring Spanish

Applied Economics II Spring Spanish

THIRD YEAR (exchange program in a foreign university) Course Semester Language

Economic History II Fall English

Applied Economics III Fall English

Microeconomics III Fall English

Public Economics I Fall English

International Fall English

Econometrics II Spring English

Economics of the European Union Spring English

Public Economics II Spring English

Business Economics II Spring English

Macroeconomics III Spring English

FOURTH YEAR Students may choose one of the following specialization tracks:

Economic Analysis. - Industrial Economics (Fall) - Labor Economics (Fall) - (Fall) - (Fall) - (Spring) - Advanced Econometrics (Spring) - History of Economic Thought (Spring) - Final project (Spring)

Public Economics - (Fall) - Economic Policies (Fall) - Public Finance (Fall) - (Spring) - Public (Spring) - Public Accounting (Spring) - Public Economics III (Spring) - Final project (Spring)

Development and Cooperation - Economic Development (Fall) - Environmental Economics (Fall) - Economic History III (Fall) - Economic Institutions (Fall) - History of Economic Thought (Spring) - Economic Policies (Spring) - and Economics (Spring) - Final project (Spring)