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[email protected] T WEEKLY “The theoryR of a free press is that the truth will emerge from reporting and free discussion.” —Walter Lippman Volume ?,38, Number Number ? 11 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 NovemberMonth Day, 4, 2003Year Inside Advocates Against Violence Loses Funding SHIRA HELETZ AAV is an organization that pus and have been given state cation for continued funding was Retriever Weekly Staff Writer gives counseling to young recognition as a model organiza- denied. Recently, the two full- women and men who are victims tion. The reporting of crimes has time staff leaders, Heather “Stop the violence, stop the of sexual crimes and stalking. It gone up since the program start- Brantner and Casey Miller, were hate. Fund the advocates, before provides a 24-hour phone ed, not because there is more vio- forced to leave. The organization it’s too late,” the Advocates helpline, counseling, and educa- lence, but because students know had to look elsewhere for money. 1 Against Violence (AAV) chanted tional programs for the campus that there is a place for them to One place they looked to was the The ANGELS are as they walked down the aca- community. The Advocates have go. university itself. However, with back on campus demic corridor to protest their achieved great success in AAV ran on a fund from the the troubled fiscal situation fac- and the police are lack of funding from the univer- increasing the awareness of Department of Justice.