ThcSmycms ,."..;4 ... 'UI.. ... ' h'th N.or l ~ eV<' r ~ ~ I nd ond pu'>'o yOlJ tOn tI1ln~ 0/, o/I.'i"g Q wide "9"""ion me"", PI"' "eok, r;hi<;Icon, ,,01 & ti<h dish .... E".ryone on joy< dinne, for 1- why no, treot Ir~nd'c:";,;~;";;ro:,;.;" 'ii'm,;m;;.;,;",~,,,;,, ;OC;~' . Gin .~ r.,.. J"h .1J,u.:. -&dnl ~ ..I !HJ Chrrh INJ n~ Edi~ b,,1> !icb!s £11(..1 £7""' ...... 95 Lo'~lO n POOd, [dlnt>o rQ~ ~.1 QAW Til: 01314.4 15844 l" ~ 0151 22'Hr8g supporting the HlV com",unlty tn ScotI;>nd Waverley SCOOO765 Care teapouring, neverboring cakebaking, friend making ribbon pinning, platespinning bucketshaking, recordbreaking helpgiving, goodliving mailsealing, swellfeeling boredombeating, peoplemeeting funloving fundraising volunteers needed Bryce or Karen 013 1 2 26 2 206 "The Bohemians" Lyric Opera ComP:acny'---_ _____ ______ Previous Shows I~IO ,., thu CIwI Chow 1977 Kiss Mo Ute ~- I~l1 uo .... uotte ,,~ TI>i> N.... Moon 1978 500J1Il P.xiIIc , 9'2 r~lka 19~I The G.i<h.I 1979 r_ on tho ~oor '911 N.I '''''Y~'''' 1 9~2 ....QYa r M.IOd~ "00 ",..... M.ldom 1914 PaulJonH 1953 Meme E"'l~ 1991 The P.I",,,,,, c.o"" ,,~ 1920 ~- ". ,., 1M Old GLlMlI 1955"" Tho Quo.k,f Got Igal Guy>""" ~nd Doll< ,,~ {.on{.'ln- Tho[l<!~y.. " ,., ,="" IIlp WIntle 1957 1985 V"" -~~ ill -- ,~ In4 U rile "" 1llmbour The NOw Moo" ,- """'"'"'~ ,m Leo ,m Ooches de ~ "",.- ,w 1916 u_ ,- ....'ll'.f M..oody ,~ ArInoo~-- Go( \'Our Gun ,m '.' MnIe Get \'Out Gun 'm ThoMusic .....
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