"THE DAY DIED" by JIM BISHOP Never Before Had Lyndon Johnson Told How He Felt and What Really Happened to Him on That Catastrophic Day When He Was Suddenly President
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LADIES' HOME JOURNAL BOOK BO NUS NOVEMBER, 1968 The. hands of The clock on the wall"at Park- 13, a hospital cubicle 35 feet Mari had come to Parkland with Aand Memorial Hospihil in Dallas were at rcx-im in which lianedy's the tragic Kennedy motorcade. 12:46 P.M, when Sere". Service agent Rey side that room; Dr. Kemp Clark t Service man hem Johns reached Kellerman came, ,into the emergency room death certificate and gave it to hi sPital he. kept asking people, "Are you where a team of doctors had been laboring to personal physician, Dr. George B Bag Man?" Finally, Johns located Gear- save the life of President John F. Kennedy. A an FBI man grabbed Parkland's rtand ordered him to hurry to the side of Sheet had been pulled up over Kennedy's head tor, Jack Price, and .said: "Don' Vice President. But during the• eight as he tay on a table..The sheet wasn't long body kmow what time the President mutes that elapsed between the time the enough. The President's Shinbones and feet security." cars arrived at Parkland and the moment gleamed under the overhead light. Keller- A few minutes before, -Kennedy aide Ken- Johns found Gearhart, no one knew where Ulan looked at Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, neth O'Donnell had peered in at the the Bag Man was—or who he was. And the who sat in the outer room. He looked at Johnsons. "It looks had," O'Donnell had Bag Man didn't know where the President the doctors, and at the white-shrouded body said, "perhaps fatal. I'll keep you in- was—or who he was. If there was ever a time on the table. K.-tiler-man went hack out into formed.- But Johnson had not been in- when the United States could not retaliate the hall and ordered a fellow agent, Clint Hill, formed. INciw, with KeiMedy dead, who instantaneously to a nuclear attack, these to telephone Gerald Balm, chief of the Secret commanded the power of the United States? were the minutes. Service's White House 'detail in Washington. For one thing, where was the Bag Man, U.S. The Bag Man hurried to Johnson in Booth Kellernian said, "tell Jerry that Army Warrant Officer Ira Gearhart? Gear- 13, but the Secret Service men didn't know this is not for release and not official, but the hart was never supposed to be more than a him and couldn't identify him. They saw man is dead." few seconds from the side of the President, him with the satchel, and shoved him into While Kennedy's death was known to a because inside his attache case with its safe Booth 8, where he remained under the watch- select few, it was not known to Kennedy's dial was the electronic apparatus with which ful eye of an agent until Emory Roberts of successor, ,Vice President Lyndon Baines the PreSident could call, in Code, for a nuclear the Secret Service came in- and verified hint • Johnson, seated with Mrs. Johnson in Booth attack. as the Bag Man. "THE DAY DIED" BY JIM BISHOP Never before had Lyndon Johnson told how he felt and what really happened to him on that catastrophic day when he was suddenly President. Now, he has confided in Jim Bishop, author of "The Day Christ Died" and "The Day Lincoln Was Shot." It was an anguished, historic confrontation: "I am grateful to President Johnson for a private interview on the assassination," says Mr. Bishop. "It was the first time he had discussed it and, from the manner in which it affected him, it may be the last." COPyriCht t964 by JS, bishes. From Ole hook u- r.. Dtl.y Kennedy Was Shot" to he published by Funk b Wagnslls. PhOlObeeplo by Mark Shaw 151 Had anyone told Johnson that the frightful Roberts and Youngblood. It had one patient. decision to launch a nuclear counterattack He was taken out at once. The room had a was now his? Had Major General Chester V. small window. The shades were drawn. It Clifton, Kennedy's military aide, told the would hardly be called a room. There were a Vice President that it was now within his dozen or more cubicles in one blue-tiled room. power—with that Bag—to dial any one of This was the one farthest from the door, and several types of attack? Did Johnson know? it was screened by sheets on poles. Roberts Had anyone ever briefed him on these awe- told Youngblood to remain with the Vice some and irrevocable decisions? President, and guards were posted at the door. No. The United States of America stood, Revolvers were drawn there and outside. for a little time, naked. The men around Roberts convinced Youngblood and the Vice Kennedy had kept the secrets'of power from President that, at the moment, no one knew Lyndon Johnson. He knew there was a Bag. whether this was a widespread plot to assassi- He knew there was a man several booths nate the leading men in the United States away, with a Bag. But, if the assassination Government. If it was, they would be after was part of a larger threat to the security of Johnson as well as Kennedy. The Vice Pres- the United States, Johnson had neither the ident was entreated to please do as he was combination to the Bag nor the exact knowl- told, promptly, until the matter could be edge of what to do with it. And all day long cleared up. He said: "Okay, partner." He on November 22, 1963, the Bag Man would began to understand that this could be a be lost and found and lost again. broad plot. Youngblood and Roberts agreed Kennedy had been summed up in a sentence The confusion had begun the moment the that perhaps it would be best to get Johnson years before: "She was a girl who was born ..Presidential motorcade had reached Parkland. out of the hospital at once and hurry him to wear white gloves." Mrs. Kennedy's opin- At the little emergency overhang, the cars off to Air Force One, the Presidential jet, ion of Mrs. Johnson had also been summed skidded to a stop and men began to tumble which was waiting at Dallas Love Field. up long ago: "If Lyndon asked, I think Lady out, all running toward the Kennedy auto- The smooth continuation of government Bird would walk down Pennsylvania Avenue mobile. Secret Service agent Emory Roberts depended on Johnson. They had to keep him naked." No one spoke. There was nothing ran from the follow-up car to the Kennedys'. alive. The Republic was in his hands, and, no worth saying. No miracle could repair the He opened the door on Mrs. Kennedy's side, matter how, the Secret Service had to protect personal wound. saw the President face down on her leg, and hint and get him back to Washington safely. Mrs. Johnson began to weep. She grabbed said: "Let us get the President" Mrs. Ken- Johnson's guards told him little. He kept Mrs. Kennedy and said: "Jackie, I wish to nedy, bending over her husband's head, said asking for President Kennedy, asking if it was God there was something I could do." Then "No." It was firm and final. Roberts turned all right to go see him, and he received sug- Lady Bird Johnson walked away, looking to agent Kellerman, nominally his superior, gestions in reply. Emory Roberts said, "I do back and shaking her head and wiping her and said: "You stay with the President. I'm not think the President can make it. I suggest eyes. taking some of my men to Johnson." we get out of Dallas," Youngblood asked With President Kennedy's press secretary, Three Secret Service agents hustled John- Johnson to "think it over. We may have to Pierre Salinger, away on a diplomatic mission son through the emergency door. He was swear you in." The Vice President held his to the Far East, Salinger's duties had been flapping his arms, and tryirig to get back to wife's hand, trying to infuse her with courage. taken on by his assistant, Malcolm (Mac) the Kennedy car. One of the agents, Rufus Only she and Cliff Carter, his Executive Kilduff, who walked dazedly through the Youngblood, said "No," and kept pushing. Assistant, knew that Johnson had never really hospital until he met Kenneth O'Donnell. "We are going to another room, and I would aspired to be President. "Kenny," said Kilduff, "this is a terrible like you to. remain there . ." Other agents Now Lyndon Johnson was President, but time to approach you on this, but the world surrounded Mrs. Johnson, who was looking he did not know it. To keep him safe in that has got to know that President Kennedy is at the Kennedy car and saw a blur of pink and little hospital cubbyhole, Congressmen and dead." O'Donnell looked stirprised. "Well, the edges of some red roses. Secret Service agents kept reminding Johnson don't they know it already?" To him, Pres- The moment was hectic, hysterical and his- that the assassination attempt could well be ident Kennedy seemed to have died a long, torical. The nation had a new President, but part of a much bigger day of terror. Johnson long time ago. he did not know it, although the men around began to believe it. "Well, you are going to have to make the him did.