Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

To all my wonderful Year 11s,

Exam season is well and truly under way! Many have already completed part, or all, of their GCSE in certain subjects, but on Monday exams in the Hall start. You’ve all worked really hard this year, and although exams can be stressful, you CAN do this!

Good luck, keep revising, get enough sleep, and remember the end is in sight!

From Miss Walsh, a very proud Head of Year 11


Congratulations to 7.5A for making wonderful progress in English. Jess Ball, Tanisha Brannon, Kalvin Crossland, Roma Bowers, Luke Garrett, Nathan Guy, Megan Jones, Paul McGregor, Ellie Merryfield, Ethan Middleton, Tyler Owen, Dinas Vinciunas, Nicholas Whittaker.

From Mr Curtis.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018



Well done to the rounders girls who played against Greenbank on Tuesday. Despite the weather, our girls turned out in droves to play and as always handled themselves maturely and tried their best. The girls played 2 innings and the results were as follows:

Year 7 – won 1 game lost 1 game Year 8 – won 1 game lost 1 game Year 9 – drew across 2 days Year 10 – played with only 5 girls but did brilliantly. They lost overall 10 ½ - 24.

Well done girls, we are all very proud of you for training every week and playing against other schools. Our next match is on Monday 21st May 2018 away at Range after school. Training is on Monday after school, all girls welcome and we are looking at mixing up the teams for the next match against Range and the upcoming tournament.


The fixture was held at Calderstones High School against a very strong and more experienced team than us. The Handball Referees train with their team at the school and actually coach the team we were up against! As you could imagine we were not held as favourites before the fixture.

The game began and we quickly conceded 3 goals, our boys were a little shell shocked and needed time to settle into the game. We battled back strongly, scoring two goals before the break.

During the half time ‘team talk’ we addressed a few ‘issues’ and in the second half we were transformed. We quickly scored an equaliser and then took the lead. We began to dominate in every department and we finally settled into our ‘flow’ making excellent blocks on our ‘D’ and quickly counter attacking time and time again (very Liverpool esque) only to be stopped by the Calderstones’ goalkeeper.

Our boys scored another taking us two goals clear at 5-3. Calderstones attacked us back quickly and scored a good goal to bring them back into the game at 5-4. However our boys had other ideas, we continued to dominate possession and worked around their defensive line scoring another great team goal through some excellent passing and moving, restoring our two goal lead.

Calderstones broke again and scored another goal and once again our mighty boys responded once again with another quality team goal.

We ended up winning the final 7-5! Our year 8 boys are now officially the Merseyside Champions!

They, like our year 10 team, have qualified for the North West regional finals at Oldham.

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018


Sam Mawdsley Francesco Navarra Zak Day-Johnson Jude Amundsen Callum Harding Elijah Brown Nicholas Navarra Declan Hall Billy Tootle

This year’s Wally Cain is based on the theme ‘cultural or historical events. Meols Cop are performing a piece based on ‘Burkina Faso’s Festima’ Date: 20th June Location: Floral Hall () Time: 7pm start (doors open at 6.45pm)

Tickets are available and can be purchased from the box office at The Floral Hall; priced £8.00 each.

Any more information please see Miss R Pilling!

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

Ann Taylor

It is with great regret and sadness that I have to tell you that one of our parent governors, Ann Taylor, passed away at Queenscourt Hospice this week after a very sudden diagnosis and short treatment for cancer. She leaves her two daughters Rebecca and Susanna, Rebecca is in year 10 in our school.

Ann was also Chair of Governors at Holy Family primary and led the Sefton Parent’s Forum. She was a passionate supporter, defender and fighter for the rights of SEND students not only in our school but across Sefton and further afield and was a dedicated and committed governor for the past 2 years at our school.

Ann will leave a huge void in our SEND expertise at Meols Cop but an even greater one in her own family who will be devastated by their loss. The prayers and thoughts of all in our community are with them at this time. RIP and thank you. Ann Taylor

Police have raised concerns regarding the volume of traffic entering and leaving the school car before and after school. Please make alternative arrangements for your child when dropping them off or collecting them.

You may remember the Stranger Sagas creative writing competition from Young Writers that some of our students entered. I am delighted to be able to congratulate the following students on having their short stories printed in the new ‘Stranger Sagas The North West’ book!!

Kieron Wilson 8LM Tia Amy 9CT Erin Carr 7ED Alanna Pearson 7GK Alisha Redford 7GK

Well done!! Mrs Burt

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

Sport Relief 2018

On the 23rd March 2018 MCHS took part in sport relief. Staff and students really got behind the event this year, activities ranged from the great sport relief bake off, penalty shoot outs, wet sponge the teachers, giant inflatable assault course, bake sale and indoor BBQ with JD vouchers for the winning raffle tickets. In addition to this, sport relief was integrated into lessons for years 7 and 8 and we saw geography building us a new multi million pound sports complex (we wish) and maths looking at sporting equations.

To top it all off as a school we raised an incredible:


Thank you to everyone involved, from parents/carers to students and staff and please enjoy the pictures below from Mrs Piearce-Swift and the PE Department 

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

The Science Department won the trophy for the best dressed department coming as the Sky Cycling Team, Well Done!

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

In March and July 2017 a cohort of our current year 10 students attended a pilot programme of training to increase their awareness and knowledge of Emotional Health and Well-being. Some of the sessions were led by practitioners Caroline Scott and Julie Rimmer from the Sefton ‘Well Young Person’s Project’. Students discovered how they could take better care of their personal health and well-being. They were also encouraged to consider ways in which they could promote better emotional health and well-being in school through activities, initiatives and leading well- being projects. An aim of this project is to create health & well-being ‘Champions’ who can help support their peers. A number of young people have contributed articles and materials to this, our first Health & Well-being newsletter, as well as a display board in school. One of our ‘champions’ has co-ordinated relaxation sessions before school a couple of mornings each week. He has used this service towards his Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘Address Your Stress’ Stress is everywhere, and it is directly linked to our mental health. 1 in 6 adults in Britain will experience depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress at any one time. The Mental Health Foundation, organiser of Mental Health Awareness Week, says: "By tackling stress, we can go a long way to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and, in some instances, self-harm and suicide. We will look at how we can tackle stress and help improve our mental health." Understanding what causes us stress and taking action to manage our stress levels is a key part of looking after our wellbeing. For lots of useful information:

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

Do you sometimes struggle with frustration, anxiety or stress? Then how about learning some techniques that might help you relax better?  Improvement in ability to focus  Improvement in sleep  Improvement in listening ability  Decrease in anxiety  Decrease in muscle tension  Decrease in fatigue  Decrease in depression

If you wish to find out more then please see: Mr Allen in the Mentors Office. Time slots are available for before school on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings from 8. 1 5am.

“If I’m feeling anxious or stressed I find doing YOGA helps me relax and calm down.” (Jude)

Support Groups? If you wish to receive some support to help you manage worry, anxiety or stress, then please see either your Progress Manager, or one of the Mentors. Catherine Brindle—our school ‘Emotional Health & Wellbeing Nurse’ will also be coming in to run some small group sessions during the next couple of months for all year groups!

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

The concept of WELL-BEING comprises two main elements: feeling good and functioning well. Feelings of happiness, contentment, enjoyment, curiosity and engagement are characteristics of someone who has positive perception and/or experiences in their own life. Equally important for well-being is the capability to function in the world. Experiencing positive relationships, having some control over life and having a sense of purpose are all important attributes of well-being.

“I really enjoy playing RUG- BY as it makes me feel happy. If I’m feeling angry I find do- ing SPORTS helps me relax and calm down” (Joe)

“I try to EAT HEALTHY because I like to stay fit.” (Charlotte)

SLEEP is vital to your well-being. It can help you eat better and manage the stress of being a teen- ager. (Source: Sleep foundation)

How Much SLEEP Should I Be Getting Each Night? 11 years old: 9 hrs 30 mins per night minimum 12-13 years old: 9 hrs 15 mins per night minimum 14-16 years old: 9 hrs per night minimum

To improve SLEEP: Turn off all TECHNOLOGY at least 30-60 minutes prior to going to sleep. Cut out drinks containing CAFFEINE in the evening.


Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018 To maintain a basic level of health, young people need to do at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous PHYSICAL ACTIVITY every day. (Source: NHS UK)

What Are ENDORPHINS? Your body produces its own pain-relieving substance called endorphins to help you cope with pain and stress. Endorphins also make you feel happier and more relaxed when their levels increase. Understanding the different ways to increase your endorphin levels may help you find effective ways of dealing with stress. You're likely familiar with the euphoria and relaxation you may feel after a good workout. People often call this a ‘runner's high. It occurs because your body releases higher amounts of endorphins when you perform sustained exercise. This is one of the reasons exercise can help you overcome stress. Exercise instead of spending more time worrying about what stresses you out. The endorphin boost from a good workout will help you feel better. Laughter provides one of the easiest ways to enjoy life and forget about stress. Your body releases endor- phins when you laugh, which makes it an enjoyable experience. Even expecting to laugh increases the levels of endorphins in your body. Higher endorphin levels may help reduce your stress and improve your mood. Source:

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

Find out more about local sport and leisure opportunities, including May half-term activities and swimming sessions at Dunes: There are lots of local amateur youth football teams. If you’re not in one, but want to be, then why not contact them to see if they are looking for new players?

An interview with another one of our Year 10 ‘Health & Wellbeing Champions’ about sport.

What do you do that helps with your health and well-being?  I go running about 3 x times a week and I’m in a football team. Why do you go running?  I started it because I wanted to improve my fitness for football. When do you do this?  On Saturday mornings between 8.45-9.30am I go to ‘Parkrun’ at Hesketh Park.  On Wednesday evenings I go to a running club which meets at Dunes Leisure Centre. Can anyone join ‘Parkrun’?  Yes. It is free to join.  You need to go on the Southport Parkrun website to register and get a barcode. You give the barcode in at the end of the race to get your time and position. The results get uploaded to the website. How many people go? Is it suitable for all abilities?  Some other people from Meols Cop go - students and staff!  They have an average of about 325 people every week.  It is suitable for all ages and abilities.  You can run on your own without adult supervision from 11years of age. How has this helped you?  A lot. I can run longer distances now and I’m a lot faster than I was.  Running keeps me calm. Would you recommend it and why?  Yes. It opens up more opportunities and helps you for most sports.  It also makes you really happy and improves your level of confidence.

For more info:

CREATIVE WRITINGMeols CLUBCop High School Weekly Bulletin Monday & Tuesday Lunchtimes (Library) Week Ending DRAMA CLUB Monday LunchtimeInclusive (Drama Excellence Studio) for ALL Friday 11 May 2018 GARDENING CLUB Every Lunchtime (Science Garden Quad) WARHAMMER CLUB Thursday After-School (Room H1)

“I find doing DANCE helps me if I’m feel- ing stressed, as it makes me hap- “I really enjoy playing BASKETBALL py.” (Natasha) as it makes me feel good.” (Dylan)

“If I’m feeling angry I find SPEAKING to peo- ple or doing CREATIVE stuff like DRAWING helps me relax and calm down.” (Jasmine)

“I go to a GYM because it makes me feel better. I also really enjoy playing FOOTBALL as it makes me feel good.” (Jake) “I really enjoy playing the GUITAR because it makes me feel calm” (Ellie)

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018 Many young people are passionate players of games consoles. However, do you have your games console usage under control or does it control you? Is it a healthy way for you to spend your spare time or could you be doing something even better? One of our year 10 ‘Health & Wellbeing Champions’ looks at some of the possible effects of games console usage….. DID YOU KNOW? It could cause…. 1. Aggressive Behaviour: The concentration needed in video games is very high, so to break it tends to make teens more aggressive to other people. First person shooters have been shown to make the anger erupt more than other genres. 2. Social isolation: As we play these video games, we spend more time indoors alone than outside with other people. 3. Teaches wrong values: Games with violence could encourage our minds to think that hitting or stealing is alright to do and that you can eas- ily get away with it. 4. Academic performance: Our games takes us away from learning and studying for upcoming tests and school. Long hours on video games can have an effect on your sleeping, make you tired and struggle to pay attention. 5. Effect on Physical Health: Too much gaming could take you away from fitness and sports, so we don’t do enough to be healthy. Summary: My opinion on all this is that playing video games is good but you should go outside after and hour or so. (Information Source:

Recommended Reading: Two great books by Nicola Morgan aimed at young people:

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

Are you a student currently in Year 9? Would you like to become one of this years cohort of health & well-being champions? You could be part of a team coming up with ideas and mini projects to support and develop the health and wellbeing of fellow students over the next twelve months. In your forms you will be given a ‘Student Ambassador’ application form where you could express interest in undertaking this role, amongst others. All applications will be considered by your Progress Manager and a member of the mentors team.

If you don’t normally have breakfast, try it Go to bed an hour for a week and see earlier than usual how it effects your every night for the Are you a student currently in Year 7? next 5 days. How many of the eight health & wellbeing morning. challenges described in the grid opposite can you complete between: Monday 14th—Friday 18th May? Try and get some evidence, then show your Learning Tutor what you have done, and the two best examples from each Do three random acts Write down ten things form will be forwarded to some year 10 of kindness for other you feel grateful for representatives from our current Health people this week. in life and why. & Wellbeing champion team. They will then decide on the overall Year 7 winner and runners-up who will receive prizes! From, Brendan, Keeley, Max, Rhys Undertake 30 minutes Go seven full days of physical activity at without playing on a least five times during games console. the next week.

Try a new activity Undertake a 15 minute that you haven’t done mindfulness or before and take meditation activity a yourself out of your couple of times this comfort zone. week. Lots more wellbeing challenges and great ideas can be found on:

Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY TUESDAY MONDAY FRIDAY

For more For information see the m Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Danceyears all Danceyears all Danceyears all Danceyears all Danceyears all * For For * detailsabout fixtures the see weeklybulletin or teacher the charge in of your team GirlsFootball TableTennis TableTennis TableTennis TableTennis TableTennis

All Years All Years All Years All

Year7 year 8 year LUNCHTIME MeolsCop High School

- - - - - – – – – –

Dance Studio (RP) Dance Studio (RP) Dance Studio (RP) Dance Studio (RP) Dance Studio (RP)

Boys Boys Gym Boys Gym Boys Gym Boys Gym – GirlsGym (ST) –

– – –

Girls Boys

Hall Girls Girls Girls

Gym Gym (TE)

Gym Gym Gym

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GCSEDance Intervention KH) (RP/ 11 11

WallyCain GCSETrampolining Boys - Year Rounders


Cricket 7 -

- Dance



Fie –

- Field


( Theory(RP) BL)

– (OutsideCompany)

4:30 –





Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending

Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018 YEAR 11 REVISION SESSIONS YEARREVISION 11 Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish name and topic in advance topic name and name and topic in advance topic name and Business Business Science with HS (H with only) HS (H Science After school After Lunch time IT room IT room Geography Geography Science with MC Science – – (any tier) (any Monday Monday

– must sign up with with sign up must must sign up with with sign up must History

– GCSE and BTEC and GCSE Art

IT any subject any

groups –

Miss Walsh’s room available every lunch for for lunch every available Walsh’s room Miss

Revision café available every nig every available café Revision

Spanish Spanish name and topic in advance topic name and Food Preparation and and Preparation Food IT room IT room Geography Geography Resistant Materials Resistant Resistant Materials Resistant – Nutrition Tuesday Tuesday must sign up with with sign up must Science –

any subject any


ht for ht Spanish Spanish Spanish Science (H or F) with PJ and PJ (H with or F) Science Filson Famous Five (Maths) Five Famous Filson name and topic in advance topic name and in advance topic name and English Language Lectures Language English GCSE PE Table tennis and tennis and PE Table GCSE IT room IT room Geography Geography Resistant Materials Resistant Materials Resistant

trampolining independent independent Wednesday Wednesday – –

must sign up with with sign up must with sign up must Maths – MC Art

IT any subject any independent independent


study study

study Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish name and topic in advance topic name and name and topic in advance topic name and

English drop in with HJ in with drop English IT room IT room Geography Geography Resistant Materials Resistant Resistant Materials Resistant GCSE PE PE Theory GCSE

– – Thursday Thursday

must sign up with with sign up must must sign up with with sign up must – Art

IT any subject any


Spanish Spanish name and topic in advance topic name and IT room IT room Geography Geography –

must sign up with with sign up must Friday Friday Dance –

any subject any


Meols Cop High School Weekly Bulletin Week Ending Inclusive Excellence for ALL Friday 11 May 2018

E E R H T K E E W NEXT WEEK NEXT y l i a D e l b a l i a v A 1 l a e M n i a M s e l b a t e g e V n a i r a t e g e V


Vegetable& Chickpea MixedGarden Salad Freshly Made Curry served Y A D N O M

Baked Beans Baked Sandwiches Pulled Mixed Rice

Pork with


FilledJacket Potatoes, AssortedSnacks, Various Filled Sandwiches, Rolls Wraps, & Fresh Salads.

Red Red Oven Baked Oven Salmon MixedGarden Salad FreshOven Baked & Lemon & Crunch Y A D S E U T Baked Beans Baked Onion Cheddar & Fishcakes HotSweet of Quiche

the Day the or Fresh Salad, Fruit Hot and ColdDrinks

Roast of Roast the Day with Y A D S E N D E W MixedGarden Salad Accompaniments Mediterranean Baked Beans Baked Traditional Traditional Lasagne

FreshSpicy MixedGarden Salad Smothered Chicken Y A D S R U H T withTangy BBQ Style Style Baked Beans Baked Quesadillas Sauce Vegetable


DeepFried Fish with MixedGarden Salad Vegetable Chili CarnieServed with LemonTartare &

Baked Beans Baked Braised Rice Y A D I R F MushyPeas Sauce Chips Chips
