NOVEMBER 15 - NOVEMBER 28, 2014 32 SME News Room for improvement By Kenneth Joseph
[email protected] Logistics industry need to collaborate, ensure effi ciency and reach regionally alaysia emerged as the top performing nation among the world’s upper-mid- Mdle income nations in the World Bank’s 2014 Logistics Performance Index. This is an outstanding achievement; however, more is needed to breach the world’s top ranks. The logistics industry in Malaysia is a highly competitive one with over 4,000 logistics services pro- viders operating in Malaysia. Col- laboration among these logistics service providers is paramount in pushing the nation forward into the next level. Thambiah Logistics Executive chief oper- Judd ating offi cer Darryl Judd shared with MALAYSIA SME®, “Though practical insights into the industry, laysia. If local players are able to do Malaysia, it could prove to be a labour costs,” Thambiah said. we are all competing in the same which they otherwise would not this, they will gain a huge strategic huge win-win situation for every- However, Malaysia does pos- space, collaboration and learning is have been able to gain. It also helps advantage after the implementa- body,” he added. sess some inherent streng ths that fundamental in helping players in newer employees improve their tion of the AEC in terms of logistics MHE-Demag Malaysia Sdn Bhd stand to benefit logistics provid- the industry overcome issues which skills very quickly.” services,” Judd said. regional product manager Andrew ers, as Judd pointed out, “The fact are essentially common issues that Although the outlook of the in- “In order for this to be successful, Thambiah shared with MALAYSIA that we have neighbours such all players are facing.” dustry is generally positive, it is not industry–government collaboration SME®, “In the coming years ahead, as Thailand and Indonesia with Recognising this, MiceVision all bright skies ahead, as there are is necessary.