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Eastern Progress 1928-1929 Eastern Progress

4-27-1929 Eastern Progress - 27 Apr 1929 Eastern Kentucky University

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■ EASTERN VOLUME VL RICHMOND, KY„ SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1929. NO. 14 CENTRE, TRANSY DENISTON IS INITIATED MAROONS LOSE TEXTBOOKS FOR MISS PEARL BUCHANAN DOWN MAROONS INTO PHI SIGMA PI AWARDEITFELLOWSHIP EASTERN GRID N. O. Deniston, head of the Indus- 2 TO WESTERN STATE CHOSEN Miss Pearl Buchanan, teacher of SCHEDULE STIFF Failure to Bunch Hits Accounts trial Arts Department of Eastern English and director of the Little for Second Defeat; Scares Teachers College, who Is away on a Diddlemen Pouna Out 16 to 2 Some Combination Texts Are in and "9 to 8 Victories at Theater Club, has been awarded a Eight Games Carded for Autumn Are 4-0, 5-3 leave of absence this year to further Hooks Chosen; Total fellowship at George Peabody College pursue his study In industrial arts and Bowling Green Cost $618,290 Sport; Play Four in for Teachers for the summer terms, Richmond - - HATTER HURL BOTH BOUTS manual training at Peorla, HI., was re- during which time she will complete cently initiated Into the Phi Sigma STATON, HATTER TWIRL PICK HIGH SCHOOL TEXTS her work for the M.A. degree. Miss PI, the national educational fraternity. MURRAY IS NEWCOMER Centre College handed the Maroons Coach G. N. Hembrec and his Ma- Buchanan has already completed a a 4-0 defeat and the Transy boys did Mr. Deniston was one of three in- Textbooks to be used In Kentucky thesis .entitled a "Study of Adult roon baseball squad went down to When "Turkey" Hughes and Frank likewise by a 5-3 count within the last itiated a few nights ago and one of public schools were adopted by the Reading Abilities," which she will sub- Bowling Green to do battle with Coach Phlpps past a call for football practice week. This was the first time either five that will be initiated this year. state textbook commission late Wed- mit as a partial fulfillment of the de- Diddlc's Hilltoppers a few days ago at Eastern Kentucky State Teachers team has been able to wallop.the Ma- Each year the five persons standing nesday. Selection of multiple lists for gree requirements. This study is and had to be contented with the College next September and take a roons for the past three years. The highest in scholarship at Bradley Tech high schools, which do not come un- based on an experiment In reading short end of a double count. look at the material and then at the local boys were able to take a 5-4 de- are invited to become members of this der the free list, were made later. conducted by Miss Buchanan in con- Coach Hembree was somewhat schedule they will probably take a leaf cision from the Transy boys earlier In fraternity, an honor that is coveted by handicapped in that two of his pitchers Combination books included in the nection with her courses taught here adoption were a civics and history for this year. from the notebook of the gridiron the season. those that attain It had to be left at home, leaving only mentor at then- alma mater, Harry eighth grades, geography and history On Thursday of last week the Cen- one regular pitcher. Staton had to Gamage ,of the University of Ken- for the fifth grades, speller and Eng'.i h be called in from short to pitch the tucky, and become gloomy indeed. tre Colonels came to town with the In- by grades, and a geography and history first game. He didn't do a bad Job. At this particular time the material tention of taking the Maroons Into EASTERN GIRLS for sixth grades. The total cost of the MANFATTEND His support was rotten. Some half is an unknown quantity, depending a camp and did, but only after a long books adopted was placed' at $618,290, dozen balls were dropped by members K. E. A. MEETING great deal on how many of last year's and hard scrap. Hatter, Coach Hem- AT "PLAY DAY" Under the present schedule of prices, e bree's star southpaw, held the visitors of the outfield and about as many freshmen return to Eastern, but even total of $1,634,930 is being paid for Students, Faculty Members Go this earl., i-he schedule is a stern real- to two singles until the eighth inning. Take Part In Activities Spon- allowed to lead thru the Infield. The similar texts, it was stated. sored By W. A. A. of Univer- hitting was nearly a minus quality, only to Louisville for Annual Meet- ity and a tuivey of it reveals onl> two A couple of dropped balls by the out- No official announcement was made ing Banquet Well Attended field and two more hits accounted for sity of Kentucky, April 20 four binglcs going for hits aid all of spots of medium softness and both of them coming after Smith had retired as to the companies who will be award- them aie at the start of the season. three markers. Then in the next ed contracts, but it is understood that STUDENTS TEACH CLASSES frame two hits accounted for another FIFTEEN GIRLS GO in favor of a portsider. The schedule as complete'! Uy A. B. The afternoon game started off to the following were chosen: Arithmetic Carter, chair, an of the Jwilctlc com- marker. More than fifty instructors and a be a different 'matter. Deaton, the Mcmillan arid Company; reader, Lyons mittee, contains eight games, five of The local boys were not able to solve Eastern girls has a chance to prove and Carnahan; geography, John C. large number of students from Eastern first man up, singled and Dial sacri- them with Kentucky S. I. A. A. mem- Shearer's slow curve and were able to that the boys aren't the only ones who Winston Company; grammar, Hough- attended the meeting of the Kentucky ficed him to second. Cornett got on bers, University of Louisville, George- get to him for only three stogies. One can win athletic honors, when on Sat- ton and Mlflin; civil government, John Educational Association held at Louis- one of the pitcher's offerings for a sin- town, Kentucky Wesleyan, Transyl- by Hatter In an early frame and one urday, April 20, fifteen girls from the C. Winston Company; physiology. Ly- ville April 17-20. During the absence of gle scoring Deaton. Gilbert laced out vania and Western Kentucky State each by Cornett and Dial near the Physical Education classes Journeyed to ons and Carnahan; speller, Hough ton the teachers classes were In charge of one that scored Cornett. But the Teachers College. end of the fray was the sum total of Lexington to participate In the Play and Miflin; history. John C. Winston students appointed to lead the discus- Western lads wouldn't s'»ay down. One newcomer appears on the East- base hits made by the teachers. Cen- Day activities sponsored by the Wom- Company; agriculture, the Lippencott sion. They soon evened the count and went ern schedule, the Murray'State Teach- tre's infield worked to perfection and an's Athletic Association of the Uni- Company; penmanship. C. T Dearing The annual banquet held in the versity of Kentucky. The girls were ac- one out front. But when the regular ers College, filling the October 19 date, stopped what threatened to be more Company; drawing. Augsburg, a sub- Crystal ballroom of the Brown hotel companied by Miss Gertrude Hood, in- batting order started again things the third on the schedule, with a game than one rally. Eastern's Infield sidiary of the John C. Winston Com- Friday evening attracted some 250 structor in Physical Education here. changed. Deaton was on again from a to be played at Murray. Eastern has worked better In this game than any pany. alumni, students, faculty members and single. Dial hit a double to right, not played Georgetown for some time Representatives from Transylvania. Costs of the books adopted were le friends of Eastern. President H. L. game to date and but for one low scoring Deaton and then scoring him- on the gridiron. Western, K. C. W., of Danville, and ported as follows: Reading, eight Donovan acted as announcer from sta- throw by Hatter to Dial at first there several other Kentucky colleges were self from a bad throw to second. grades, $235,480; arithmetic, six grades, tion EKTC and introduced the speak- The schedule is well arranged, games were no errors In the inner works. present, as this is a state activity. The The game continued to change leads $88,480; English, six grades, $88,480; ers who were Miss Mabel Pollitt, Rob- with Union College, Morris-Harvey and On Monday of this week the local girls were divided Into "color teams" often. At the beginning of the ninth health, four grades. $49,200; speller, ert K. Salyers, Professor Kearney Ad- Murray coming on successive Satur- boys went to Lexington to give the each one made up of girls from dif- Inning the Maroons were leading by a seven grades. $194,000; combined his- ams, and Dr. A. L. Crabbe. of Peabody. days and then a rest of one week be- Transy boys a return game. The ferent colleges, to eliminate Inter-scho- one count margin. In the last half tory and civics, one grade. $43,650; Music was furnished by the Eastern fore swinging into the final games Transy boys started off with a one- lastic rivalry . Individual challenges of the frame Hatter was a little ner. combined history and geography, two orchestra. with the S. I. A. A. opposition. run lead early In the fray," the run were also permissible, the challenger vous and over anxious, walking the grades. $83,200; combined history and At a business meeting held Friday Four of the eight games will be play- coming off Leonard. In the third having the right to state the activity first man. The next man up singled, geography, one grade, $28,800. afternoon at the Brown, approximately ed in Richmond, the season opening frame the Maroons were able to push to be engaged In by herself and the sending the runner to third. Then The combined speller and English fifty alumni of Eastern met and ap- here with Union on October 5. Louis- over two runs. Lea started the works challenged, and the challenges ranged another single, after the runner at first books, adopted by grades, have six proved plans for more efficient alum- ville will come here on November 2, by smacking out a single and then! a11 the wav from Playing Jacks to had advanced to second, scored the star books each which, when combined, are ni organization, which included yearly Kentucky Wesleyan on November 16 stealing second. He advanced to third I *ding_ on one's head, winning run. The fielding and hitting The said to be not so large as the com- membership fee, and active alumni and Transylvania here on November on a passed ball and then scored on winning team was the "ro;e was good behind Hatter, but the op- iplete speller now in use. participation. All of those present be- 23. The Thanksgiving Day battle with M Deaton's Infield hit. Deaton took team." Eastern's representative on this position's hitting seemed to come when Supplemental texts on Kentucky his- came at once members of the organi- with Western will be played at Bowl- second son a hit and run and play and team was Miss Elizabeth Hord. Some zation. they needed it most. • ■ tory are to be adopted at the same ing Green on November 28. then scored from there on Dial's hit. of the games engaged in by the teams Deaton, with four hits out of five Several members of the Eastern fac- were cage baU> bat bal1 1 rela time the high school texts are selected, The schedule follows: Little later the local boys were able to a*" y races. times up, Gilbert with three for five ulty participated in the section meet- October 5—Union College at Rich- push over another run, but the Transy On Saturday evening, the association it is understood. The supplements are and Dial, with two for two official to be used In high school grades. ings, and A. J. Lawrence, head of the Richmond. boys had already scored two markers gave a banquet for the participants times at bat, lead the attack in the commerce department at Eastern, was which was very well attended and was — O October 12—Morris-Harvey at Bar- on an error at second while trying to afternoon game. Hatter struck out I elected head of the commerce section bourvUle, W. Va. cut off a man and at third in trying to a fitting ending for the day. Read the ads carefully. eleven men. | for the second year. Numbers of stu- October 19—Murray Teachers at Mur- cut the same man down. Those attending from Eastern were O . dents also attended the sectional meet- M ,ollows: o ray. Hatter niteh«v4 o „i„ L I Misses Thelma Wagoner j ings. which are a feature of the meet. October 26—No game. • Show For Student Madison Hi Golfers During the absence of the adminis- £Z.*2r^r£Z££ line?—' Graham, ■""* Margaret — —-^ Rlley. Ruth November 8—University of Louisville with the hits, making only seven, and, trative force and many of the faculty Wilson, Frances Blackwell, Ruth Fra- Fund Well Received Meet Winchester Hi members, a plan of student participa- at Richmond. excepting in the third when three of zer, Betty Sexton, Lonona Sexton, Oma November 9—Georgetown College at them came together, not being able to tion was adopted, with students ap- Creech, Maude Stidham, Martha Gar- "Alias Jimmy Valentine," a picture Georgetown bunch them, accounted for the defeat. The first lnterscholastic golf match pointed to teach the classes. Fred Dial, rett, Elizabeth Hord and Estelle Col- adapted from the story by O. Henry, ever played in central Kentucky and a junior, associate editor of the Prog- November 16—Kentucky Wesleyan at -O lins. These girls were chosen by Miss and starring William Halnes, was pre- probably in the entire state will be ress, served as president during the Richmond. Hood for physical ability and indi- sented to a record crowd at the Opera held over the course of the Richmond three-day period. Indications were that NoNvember 23—Transylvania at Rich- Cumberland Club vidual sportsmanship. House under the auspices of the East- Golf Club Saturday morning when the the success of the plan would lead to mond. —C Enjoys Outing ern student loan fund Thursday eve- four-man teams of the Madison High its continuance in future years. November 28—Western Teachers at A SUGGESTION ning. A special musical program was School of Richmond and the Winches- O Bowling Green. This issue of the Eastern Progress given by the Eastern orchestra, and ter High School meet at ! O On April 13 Mr. and Mrs. Engle contains the advertisements of pro- by Robert Davis, who sang several old This unique experiment came as the AN APOLOGY chaperoned the members of the Upper gressive merchants in Richmond. Stu- mountain ballads. result of a challenge to the local team Due to the act that the editor and Canterbury Club several members of the staff ere ab- Cumberland Club on a very enjoyable dents will find that they can fill their The house was packed for the per- by the Winchester team. The Win- sent for several days at K. E. A., and picnic. The members met in front of wants quickly and economically by re- formance and during the musical pro- chester team sent challenges to several Holds April Meet University building at 4 o'clock and ferring to them, especially at the gram numbers of people filled the en- high schools in the state, out tne >ocai that the associate editor and others have been busy with their duties as hiked about two miles out Lancaster spring season when new and varied trance. Arrangements were In charge high school was the only one which The Canterbury Club held its regu- pike to the grove. There were aboul items suggest themselves to the stu- of the Open Forum committee and ad- accepted " challenge. acting president and instructors, the Progress returns in this issue to the lar monthly meeting Tuesday after- forty-two present, including the visi- dent mind. vance ticket sales were large. Madison High's four-man team will regulation four-page size. As a result noon, April 23. The program com- tors. Each member was allowed to in- It Is thru the cooperation of these The musical program presented by be composed of Marshall Robinson, several departments have been omitted mittee brought forward an Interesting vite a friend, provided he or she pay merchants that the Progress Is en- the orchestra under the direction of Scudder Pearson, Harry Hanini and and school news limited. program, one enjoyed very much by an extra twenty-five cents. After able^ to continue to serve the student Miss Jane ampbel llncluded several Ernest Young, all of whom have been The next Issue of the Progress will all present. Several student papers reaching the destination the clup body at Eastern; they merit your full numbers by the entire orchestra, a vio- at the local golf club at one ^^ ^ all were read by members. One by Willie played several games, which everyone consideration. Read the ads carefully lin solo by Eunice Dunn, and a cornet dUrlDg PMt flCV neWS many Griggs Moore ,one by Mildred White, seemed to enjoy. A camp fire was and then visit the stores. It pays. solo by Ray Wright. Between num- erTMr " ^ -i - ^ Matures wa^n and Bob Salyer's poetry was read by made and everyone was very busy bers Robert Davis sang "Come All Ye — 0 Ten men tried out for the local! £^1^ ^ "* ""*" °' "" Mrs. Farris. Prof. Keene then gave Fair and Tender Ladies," and "Bar- team and In a qualifying round played raiting bacon, toasting welners and Inspiration to embryo authors by his Hit Conditions bara Allen." The stage was decorated several days ago Robinson shot a 76, marshmallows. Soon ater supper the talk, "Why Should Students Write?" with ferns. Pearson an 85, Young an 86 and "Ttv started for home. Although Business affairs occupied the re- In State Prisons Hamm an 89 for 18 holes to qualify Maroons Will Meet feme of the party were tired, every The picture »as well received and mainder of the session. Election of for the team. In a practice round «*ne reported an enjoyable evening. was all that could be expected of a officers for next year was discussed, The club Is planning to have another A report cnarglng state of Kentucky v yesterday Robinson had a 37-36-73 for Cardinals Saturday William Halnes picture and an O. and a nominating committee composed the 18 holes. Pearson has shot a 34 ruling this semester and hopes that S^m^JSS^SLtMing rovlde W£*i£ Henry story. Lelia Hyams was espe- of Prof. Clark, Mossie Stocker and nil the r,™ «.„,•*« „,„, i ,.._, ! *° P adequate quarters for nine holes on the local cou.se. Saturday the University of Louis- nil the new members will be on hand. cially good In the supporting role. Mildred Owens was appointed to re- for its prisoners," and cacrying a rec- ville come to town to meet the Ma- O , Play, will be on the same system as port names of nominees at the next ommendation that the^vtatelplirchase tlve that the number of prisoners roons In the first encounter of the two used in the Central Kentucky Oolf meeting. Stella Ward made a motion a penal farm and erect *MF reforma- should be reduced, if the reduction can schools this spring. The Maroons have American Golfers League last year—one point on the for an amendment to the constitution tory, was submitted to ihe state board be effected with safety to the commu- always been able to about break even first nine, one point on the second providing for the combination of pro- of charities and corrections Thursday nity. There are reasons to believe with the Cardinals In baseball and Leading Britishers nine and one point on aggregate. The gram, reading and selection commit- by committee on school of citizenship that even with a modern plant fully with the right sort of hitting they ?/ and moral training in penal institu- play will be by twosomes with the tees Into one committee of five mem- American professional golfers equipped, it may be better in some captains of the two teams arrang'ng stand an even break of coming thru tions. The committee, composed of cases to keep the offender out of pris- tomorrow. bers. After much discussion it was de- took a one-point advantage In the Dr. Charles J. Turck, Centre College; their men as they see fit. cided that it should be voted upon at foursomes of the "play to- on, at least get him out as soon as It Dr. H. L. Donovan, Eastern State appears that he will In all probabUltj The board of directors of the club Coach King's men dropped two to the next meeting. day, winning two matches, halving one Western a few days ago, and by a Teachers College; Miss Elinor Nims, not be a further menace to society," agreed to allow the high school stu- Everybody's having picnics, so Can- the report said. and losing one. The advantage was Lexington; Paul Benjamin, Louisville; dents to use the course for the match larger margin than the Maroons did terbury Club's having one, too. We not decided.until the final foursome and Rev. Dr. Klostermann, Frankfort, The fact that a paroled prisoner without charge since one member ot a few days earlier. If this can be haven't quite decided yet just when it returned a two up victory for Walter taken as an Indicator the Maroons will kas appointed by Gov. Plem D. Samp- later commits a crime does not prove the team Is a member of the club and will be, but Friday, May 3, was settled Hagen and John Golden over Ernest the others caddy there occasionally. be battling or* about even terms. son several months ago to Investigate the system is bad, but merely that the upon as a tentative date, liable to Whltecombe and . The first twosome will tee off at 10 conditions at the state penal institu- parole board guessed wrong In a par- The Infield will likely start as it has change' at short notice. Prof. Keene The Americans will enter the singles ticular instance, it Is asserted. Con- o'clock Saturday morning and will be In most of the games, with Hatter on tions. and Mossie Stocker are to look after matches tomorrow leading 2 1-2.points the mound. The report, covering an investiga- tinual incarceration of the prisoner, followed at two-minute Intervals by transportation problem*. By the way, to 1 1-2. and Al Esplnosa the other three pairs. tion of the Frankfort reformatory, de- especially under such conditions of -O- I (nUig we're going out, to the hfr> placed the Americans ahead by win- scribed "crowded and antiquated con- over-crowding as exist In Frankfort, -O- Altdn: What are these tilings? ning their match to score the first Now envy us, you fellow students—or, ditions" as "Insanitary, inhuman and was said In the report to lead to much Flapper: I would like to try on that Sarah: Biscuits. I made them my- point, only to have the British level it better yet—come and join the Canter- almost Intolerable." greater harm to his mental and moral rose frock in the window. self. —. . bury Club! when and The over-crowded condition of the outlook than an early release could Salesman: I'm sorry, that Is a lamp Alton: All right then. You eat |,i defeated and . present reformatory makes It impera-1 do. shade^-but we could copy It for you.— them yourself. Have you read the ads carefully? - 4

1 : _',- -'." •«, fe• J Aft.' SL.L« it±fi?J?Z£Uism 'A1 »** '-'^■-^x^jsauiM'ju^^^iJ^asimt r "ftjiTTIfc 1 ill to iy~r- »rfir>7- „K. ^rf>-" BB *-■-■:' T-*»»ag » J-A-MHT tiffed «:■ -1 t^u .rs.'- ..-i.'iirvfrai',:^'..,^ 'a,yj'1.&i,X±. 9SHI .? ■£•;. THE EASTERN PROGRESS proved my undoing—I am now very Dear Mrs. Mix: The Eastern Progress abundant vegetation provides a much taken with another yong lady What do you look like? Somehow setting which for effectiveness Advice to Lovelorn I met in Louisville; strange to say, I have a feeling you are a Woman of Published by the students of Hastern leaves little to be desired. by she has brown eyes and a lovely dark Mystery. I have read every word of Kentucky Btote Teachers -College and MRS. MARGERY MIX curly bob—for, my dear Mrs. Mix, I your wise advice and y_et'I picture you It should be gratifying to every the world's lowest paid woman Normal School, Richmond, Kentucky. must not be a real gentleman as I to myself as Young and Charming. person interested in Eastern to writer Someone told me you were not mar- NOTE: It is the purpose of this have found I prefer brunettes. Can ried, but an Auburn-haired Beauty of Entered at second-class matter at, note the program of landscape column to give adviee and assistance you help me out of this embarrassing gardening now being carried out, to all those In the Eastern .student situation? You see, my former sweetie twenty? Won't you still my palpitat- Richmond postoffice. body or faculty who have problems ing heart by slipping me a little pic- PUSHINS has no idea of this change in my af- a program which seeks, by filling (particularly those of the heart) ture of yourself—I want it so much— ■ ■■ i Member of fections and Is Just as-er-friendly up otherwise barren spaces, to en- which are In need of solution. Ad- and am adding my address to this Kentucky Intercollegiate Press dress letters to Mrs. Margery Mix, as ever (If you get what I mean). " . Association hance the natural beauty of the care Eastern Progress. Meantime my new girl keeps sending note. ARDENTLY THINE, XYZ. Me- campus. Nooks and corners me special delivery letters and calling morial Hall. Fashion Shop EDITORIAL STAFF have been filled with shrubsr me up on the long distance phone, Ans.—(Please forward to Mr. Henry Robert K. 8alyers Editor-ln-chlet grass has been sown where need- Dear Mrs. Mix: and I am afraid some one will find Mix, Podunk, Ky.) I am a young teacher-to-be who out and tell on me. Did you ever pred Dial News Editor ed and in many instances the Mary Alice Salyers Feature Editor has just returned from K. E. A. Be- know anybody who had an experience walks lined with plants. In the fore starting I thought I was in love Old Friend: Congratulations! Heard Susan Helm 8odety Editor like this—or am I unique? you have joined the Benedicts. How Mary Boxley Chapel Editor space back of Roark the fourtn with a very pretty young co-ed, an at- DISTRACTED DANNY. tractive blonde, too. But my trip has long have you been married? Minnie Lynn Evans Clubs Editor grade in the training school has Prof. Rumbold: Long enough to Ruth Boxley Exchange Editor planted a flower garden as a Dear Danny: learn that there are some things you BUSINESS STAFF careful to give the newly planted grade project. You are now an apex In an eternal can't say with flowers. David McKinney....Business Manager flowers and shrubs every oppor- Cy Green Advertising Manager Although much has been ac- triangle, and many men before you tunity to become established. REPORTERS complished there still remain have attempted to solve just such a Silk The project is one which requires Clarissa Hicks many things which can be done problem. The only advice I can give o ■ V o years of effort and cooperation is keep ;em apart and all will be well- Lucy Montjoy along these lines. It has been DEPARTMENT STORE ., Sarah Tanner on the part of every student, but maybe. suggested that each county, or WHERE SAVINGS ARE GREATEST Edith Goldman one which will pay big dividends For reference allow me to refer you Stella Ward various groups of students, should RICHMOND, KV. Dresses in future years. to that very excellent treatise on "The Lucille Derrick collect from their homes various Do your part to beautify the Ladies" by Rudyard Kipling. Alma Florence types of flowers and plant themj M. M. Ruth Praser in designated spots; another sug- campus. gestion is that each class as it| THE PROGRE88 PLATFORM graduates plant trees or flowers as FOE EASTERN the class contribution to the! CITY TAXI Beautfy the campus. school. Sidewalks are badly Better sidewalks to and across the needed in many places, especially PHONE 1000 V &*, AJioJJUy- campus. since shorter routes through the i A stadium In the natural bowl back campus have become desirable; of the gymnasium. Closed Cars—Courteous and Careful A new gymnasium' we believe a cinder path through More student lobs. the middle of the ravine, with a jOtfS (WL Student government. bridge at the bottom would take Drivers Styles Shown for the Extension of extra-curricular activ- care of much traffic between the V i' ities. Administration building and the sha> hioJs First Time cafeteria and eliminate many of The Progress Platform tkxxr the paths which mar the beauty EXPERT REPAIRING WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD SHOES Ensemble Some months ago the Eastern of the grass. " Short cut walks progress adopted its platform for should also be provided in other RICHARDSON'S SHOE SERVICE SiJUUAMifiA-y Dresses Eastern, a platform embodying places, especially back of the those principles which the editors Training School, and between OF QUALITY & PROMPT SER^ICEf ©fvurwvuj tt believe to be essential to the Roark and Administration build- Pastel growth and development of the ings, . JOHN OSBORN Agent ) school, and which from time to Georgettes All members of the Eastern ROOM 133 MEMORIAL HALL dime will be stressed in the col- community can cooperate with ums of the paper. Such has SOUTH 2ND. ST. STANIFER BUILDING RICHMOND, KY. Printed Chiffons , those in charge by refraining been the practice of many of the from making paths and by being best papers of the country, and Crepe Jacket Frocks college publications are rapidly accepting the idea. Polka Dotted Since the platform is self-ex- planatory it seems unnecessary to Crepes do more than call attention once W. more to the various points which Sleeveless Flannels it contains. While an attempt has been made to make it as com- 3*7 prehensive as possible, it will fT doubtless become necessary from time to time to change or to add r new planks, and in this the stu- .fl Styles For dent body may materially assist the staff by making known their Street opinions on various matters. More than that—they can lend Sports their support to the attainment of the aims set forth in the instru- MM Graduation w< - ment, and contribute thus to the a-o. ■4&!>- lip constant betterment of the school. *\t Party 7>»* Help make it a "Progress Platform for Eastern" in the full- Evening est sense of the term. m o — Business Beautify the Campus As spring merges into summer, Wear and the beauties of nature become more and more manifest, even the 2> most casual observer can hardly help but be impressed with the To Be Smart One Must Be Printed. A Fashion Forecast beauty of Eastern's campus. Sizes The grouping of the various <• buildings in a semi-circle about Choose a 16 to 48 the natural ravine containing

GLYNDON BARBER SHOP fy^*& Pastel Colors for FROCK WIND BLOWN BOBS The most critical eye and the most fastidious taste will be appeased with these delightful frwk%we are presenting Colorful Prints for your anpioval. They are of the breath of spring-so fresh and crisp in then-daintiness. A modem print of ittle birds and trees, a gay red polka dot, a tailored check or stripe and many other pleasing designs ini prints All Hi-Shades Straight 'iifcor JStod; shirred; pleated or circular skirts ; plains and collared necks and novelty pockets make these . SPECIAL dr2es

TO ■•


l*£k^£Li^i*a> 11. iV ...I's-o^bi? ¥..£&:•.; I..;.1; *,~edv"«z-*i- Wm VK..V. ^^D^HH . <"'.\i' >'- V "frA ■i.^-a^itf'ii'HfT i« ' tr^'*,u..-iW&'&t^wrfnff&sliilsii*^;'-ii.- »^,:* 1 (1 . H —.


HORACE MANN SOCIETY .the ralnpipes at the edge of the roof. Social & Personal The society was favored by another Here they seemed to pause for a la^t NOTE: Social items; particularly tAoeptionaUy good* program at, the last stand, for they were pUed in a solid Chapel Notes those concerning out of the ordi- meeting, it was a musical program. mass of fragrant color which scented nary occasions, will be appreciated. Mr. Prank Rose played on the har- -JUST IN- Drop them In the window of the the air far out across the countryside. monica, Upperland and Muscle Shoals Progress office or see Susan Helm, Mrs. Kellogg graciously showed the Superintendent Leo F. OUligan, of Blues. By request Misses Irene Taylor Society Editor. young ladies her flower garden which the Bellevue schools, was the speaker New Sweaters and Sweater Suits and Frances BlackweU sang "In a was also a delight. Her greit beds of at chapel Monday. Woodland Shady" and another -num- tulips, jonquils and violets seemed to Tuesday Dr. Frasler, president of the ber. The "Old Fiddlers" w.re w.th us vie with each other in their efforts to THE LATEST AND MOST POPULAR SPORT COSTUME. Miss Ellis Raybu'rn had' as guests Colorado State Teachers College at again and played many numbers in- make the world beautiful, if only for last week end Misses Mary Crider and Greeley, Colo., addressed the students cluding Little Brown Jug, -Arkansas a few summer days. After wandering Hazel Burkhardt, of Western. and faculty of Eastern on the subject A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SUMMER TUB FROCKS Traveler, and Dixie. We hope these about the grounds for an hour or more Miss Cllvis Sawyers was the guest "Student Participation." of Miss Grace Sawyers last week. musicians, Virgil Fryman, Claud Ad- the party was taken through the his- Wednesday, ciass meetings were held $1.95, $2.95, $3.95. Miss Mildred White went home thjs kins and Charles McOriff. will appear toric house where the hostess has col- at the chapel period. All classes met in week because of illness. „ on our program again. lected many bits of period furniture their regular places and discussd prob- We are always glad to welcome Rob- and many lovely old paintings of much THE ELITE SHOPPE Miss Lena Lovett spent last week end lems of their own. in Danvula. ert Davis, who told about contests and value. The latter were especially inter- esting to Art student.-, and a fitting cli- Thursday, Fred Dial presided at Miss Evelyn Minter was the guest programs in which he had participat- ed. Mr. Davis sang Come All Ye Fair max to an afternoor. .-pent among so chapel In the absence of President of her sister, Miss Edna Minter, dur- Donovan. Two contestants- In the ora- and Tender Ladies, a ballad Imported much charm. * ing last week end. torical contest gave their orations. from , written by a lady ba- O Miss Ruby Davis spent last week end April 19, Mr. Oscar Graham, who is fore America was discovered. I wish to » HOME EC PLAY with Miss Mildred Richards at her a student assistant in the science de- heme in Russell Springs. thank all who helped to render this The Home Eodbomlc Club will give program and feel sure that I express their play,, "Dollars and Cents," at the partment, gave a demonstration of Miss Hilda Marsh was in Erlanger some of the facts In chemistry. J.C.PENNEYCQ last week end. the sentiment of the Horace Mann So- Madison High gymnasium on Wednes- MAIN STREET. RICHMOND. KY- ciety. day, May 8. This play Is under the Monday morning echoes of the K. Miss Geneva Meadows, of Corbln, E. A. were given by both the student We extend a very •x>rdial invitation direction of Mrs. Mary Crump. The was the guest of Miss Alice Young a body and the faculty. to everyone to attena our programs oh orchestra will .'urnlsh the music. part of last week. O Miss Edna Kelly went to Lexington Thursday evening at 6:30 in University ■O Suspicious Husband: Who called Color and Quality auditorium. . -s^^t^ Sugar Baby Wednesday to take the U. S. Civil this afternoon? Service examination. Bag: Do you love me? Sophisticated Wife: Only Aunt So- Are of Particular Importance The Interior Decoration class in ART STUDENTS ENTERTA.NED Candy: I'm all wrapped up in you phie. Bag: In Your Silk Hosiery Home Economics went to Lexington A few days ago Mrs. la. c. Kellogg You sweet thing! Husband: Well, she left her pipe. and Nicholasville Thursday In connec- invited a party of Art students out to tion with some work In "Better Home" her residence, The Evergreens, to week. see them flowers on a fine old wis- Miss Lillie Owens, of Maysville, was teria vine which grows all over the the guest of her most devoted sister, end of the building and then climbs up GLORIETTE BEAUTY SHOP Miss Mildred Owens. to clasp its tendrils about the tall red Miss Prances B. McCoy spen» .last LELA SPEAKS. Manager. chimney on the roof. Upon this occa- week end at hefTiome In Oreenup. sion the blooms were at their best, Miss Mary Frances Bellwood was in AH Kinds of Beauty Culture which was maginiflcent indeed. Great Cropper a part of last week. clusters of pink, purple and white were Among those students who attended draped in heavy tesU^as over windows Permanent Waving K. E. A. were: Misses Mildred Weaver, and doors, across brick walls, on up to Stella Ward, Emily Peele, Elizabeth DIXIE HOTEL PH0NE 921 Golden, Edith Goldman, Susan Helm, From the top of her head to the tip of her"toes, the and Noel the chief attorneys. The RICHMOND, KENTUCKY. smart woman or miss plans her costume as an ensemble. Mrs. Claude Parley, Messrs. Bob Smth, Defendant attorneys tried to prove by Clear, evenly knit, pure silk hosiery is essential in the Bob Davis, David McKlnney, Elm:r their witnesses that Mr. Little, was as color scheme—it must blend with the frock or coat and Whitehouse ad Otis Amis. pure as an Angel, dressed in white; probably match the accessories. Our numbers are helps to smartness, inexpensively 1 SIGMA LAMBDA MEETS with wings suitable to fly to the Heavenly Home *and dwell among the The Foreign Language Club held a Angels forever, and to be a character No. 449—Pure Silk, Liale Top brief business meeting Monday after- H. E WHITTINGT0N helper to all mankind. While the noon, April twenty-second. Interesting No. 447—Pure Silk-to-the-Top prosecuting attorneys and their wit- plans for future club activities were JEWELER discussed. nesses tried to prove Little to be as a No. 455—Chiffon Silk-to-the-Top One of the most interesting soc al af- thief in the night and a drawback to Three numbers to take care of three distinct needs—pure fairs that the club has given was the humanity. And the man that would Jillc with lisle top and medium weight pure silk to the top for indulge In the type of religion that "Gifts That Last" pneral wear and lovely sheer hose for dress-up. You cu Italian dinner at Joe Giunchiglianl's a '^uy tbem here for only, pair, few weeks ago. The members had just Little does was very far from an Angel. finished a tour of Italy at their meet- The final result was, a hung Jury. Phone 756 - ing, so. this dinner was very appropri- There was a large crowd present. West Main St. ate. It is rumored that some of the la- dies present ate nine plates full of DR. J. B. FLOYD spaghetti. Perhaps Dr. Perrell can ver- ify this statement. $1.49 PHYSICIAN O Concentrating on WILSON BROTHERS Haberdashery ROARK NEWS Phone 401 Second Street The Roark Literary Society gave a Silk Hose Every Day! very interesting program Thursday No. 444 Makes Sucb night, April 14. The meccing was call- DR. RUSSELL I. TODD ed to order by Delmer Dalton, acting Luxury Possible president. "A Mock Trial," was pre- DENTIST Pure silk hose every day is no longer sented in which BUI Little was charged with stealing chickens from the College Phone 7.1 Richmond. Ky. an extravagance—it is a smart neces- farm. Mat Chaney acted as Judge. sity that well-dressed women and mis- The Attorneys were as follows: ses can all-afford now I See our num- Prosecuting—Howard Noel, Delmer GLYNDON BEAUTY ber 444 at Dalton, Assistant, George Carroll, As- sistant; Defendant—Arland Chaney, PARLOR Fred Bullock, Assistant. Witnesses for for the Commonwealth—Mrs. Falrchild, PERMANENT WAVES Miss Hatfield, Miss Fannie Sparks, Miss 98c Delta Mayfield. Witnesses for the De- fendant—R. E. Mulllns, Roy Hlgglns, Tansan—Even Glow—Misty Alvin Kelly. DON'T BE A WALLFLOWER Among others who participated were LEARN TO DANCE Morn—Honey Beige— For Lessons Lloyd Wilson, Sheriff and Miss Ethel Other Smart Shades Lawson, as Jailer. Some very Inter, CALL ANNE ENRIGHT esting speeches were made by Bullock PHONE 402 A wide selection of modish colors to harmonize with every costume—full fashioned with mercerized sole and toe. This is worth $2 to you Fine Rayon Lingerie !HttI Read Every Word Featured from Our Complete Harmony In Blue Stocks for Rayon Underwear Week or Green, or Grey, or Tan These are only a few of the typical values you will find You Can Now Afford to in our stock of superior quality rayon undergarments Rayon Own a Shaeffer Life- is the choice of millions-of well-dressed women because it Showing the new colors in correctly ii so Serviceable practical and comfortable—and our prices related groups of Shirts, Neckwear, represeni worthwhile savings Purchase for immediate and time Pen Hose, 'Kerchitfs, and Accessories. i future needs A pen that is guaranteed for life, with An unusual service —Haberdashery ready- unequalled writing qualities and never Women's Tailored Rayon Vests, 49c a seconds worry about expense or re- grouped in complete Ensembles or specially Women's Regular Length. Yoke Front pairs or new parts. grouped to your own ideas. Designed by i Rayon Bloomers, 98c We will make you a liberal allowance Wilson Brothers Style Committee. Shown for your old pen on the purchase of a in tones for easy assembling around the SHAEFFER LIFETIME PEN. It wearer's personality. Learn the conven- makes no difference what make your old pen is or what it's state of health may ience, the economy our service gives you. a be we will make you a trade in value ML according to the schedule printed below. I $5.00 $2.00 for Old Pen on $10.00 Shaeffer $3.00 to $8.00 $1.75 for Old Pen on $ 8.75 Shaeffer i Watch our windows for New Blend Supge*iron.' $1.50 for Old Pennon $ 8.50 Shaeffer $1.25 for Old Pen on $7.50 Shaeffer LEEDS & EDWARDS Perry's Drug Store CLOTHTNG CO. The Rexall Store ^ SECOND STREET )> NEJi RICHMOND, KENTUCKY. ILITIESCO. ,i ye AVAVAVAYAVA^AVA^AVA^A^ASi

i ! i '.^-•r-.'.... I ^>^«^«^^.>*i&tft^-.*hljrii4^ i&ua^t^ ■ «i k.*^ikjtfrf*.<*»ifti i^t ti*4£iisS£« at* kv.&££lLa"i^i THE EASTERN PROGRESS A REPORT FROM THE NORTHERN K. I. P. A. News KENTUCKF EASTERN TEACHERS' College Fashions CLUB, COVINGTON, KENTUCKY GEORGETOWN COLLEGE A most interesting meeting of the The following floats for the parade Northern Kentucky.Eastern Teachers' For the Collegian that will be given May 8 as a part of Club was held In the club' rooms of the Goldsmith's specialize in new and correct fashions for Col- Scott county's observance of National Fourth Distric School on the evenelng lege minded men and women. Here you wdl always find Child Health Week, have been an- of April 9th. It was a called meeting \ the unusual, the smart, the new in college togs. Always nounced by the committee on arrange- with Mr. Goodman, chairman of the ments for floats: Civic department, committee, presiding. THE MARGARET BURNAM SHOP priced at a saving. Georgetown Woman's Club, of which On account of the inclement weather, Bare-Leg Filk $1 f Mrs. R. D. Prewltt Is chairman; Wom- not so large a number as was expected, N. SECOND ST. 5 DOORS FROM MAIN l an's Association, Georgetown College; was present, however, it was a very en- Hosiery pr \ Newtown school, L. A. Stephens, thusiastic group that met. They show- chairman; Great Crossings, John T. ed that it would take more than rainy New Summer Dresses $16.00 Sheer all silk from top to toe chiffon j Neal, chairman; Stamping Ground weather to dampen their spirits. hose without seams or spliced heel in school, W. B. Ray, chairman; Girls exactly the shades to match the skin of Speeches were made by several of the NEWEST MILLINERY $3.00 to $15.00 blond or brunette. They're the craze. Reserve Garth public school," Miss members. The first speaker Introduced Wear a pair. Elizabeth Wiley, chairman; seventh was Mr. Hubbard—the president of and eighth grades. Mrs. S. M. Chinn, The Northern Kentucky Eastern Club. Fancy Novelty Heel $1.55j chairman; grades of city school, Mrs Mr. Hubbard's speech was clear cut f Cox, chairman; Rotary Club. W. V. and to the point. By his sincerity and All-Silk Chiffon Hose * Featherstone, chairman. Other or- deep earnestness of purpose Mr. Hub- All silk chiffons, full fashioned, fancy ganizations that have been asked to bard always Inspires his audience to PHOTOGRAPHS assorted novelty heels. Regular $2.00 provide floats will make definite an- higher ideals and worthy ambitions. grades. All new shades. nouncements after meetings of the or- The next speaker ntroduced was pro. 6 Application Photos ganlzatlons have been held. The com- fessor H H MUls of Holmes Hlgh New Silk Dresses $A-95; mlttee on arrangements for floats was Scnool who spoke on "Loyalty". If appointed from the Woman's Assocla-1 there gxe tQOSe ^ the club who ^^ for $1.00 For the College Girl * tion of Georgetown College. Mrs. Jack prone to wander away after other • * Prints, pastels high shades,-Flat Dycus. chairman, and from the ^ their duty to East- crepes, georgettes crepe de chines. ldols and negtect C Smartest new models. Rare values George Woman's Club, Mrs, Carl em Teeachers' College—if such there Price, chairman. Three trophies have, bare THE M GAUGHEY STUDIO all. • • be could these errmg ones been offered by the three banks in | heard this stirrmgi ^ at,iy delivered by Georgetown, one fon the most appro- Mr. Mills, one of Northern Kentucky's Women's Two- Piece $ 1 priately decorated float; one for the l favorite sons and one of Kentucky's Fancy Crepe Pajamas school in the county having the larg- keenest most progressive educators, we BYREE SHOE HOSPITAL est number of blue ribbon children, are sure there would be a change of Fancy cotton pajamas of permanent and one for the grade in the city ALL KINDS OF HIGH GRADE SHOE crepe or fancy striped broadcloth; heart; allegiance to Eastern would be trimly attractive. school having the largest number of pledged and their loyalty would be REBUILDING blue ribbon children. Mrs. B. O. shown by never again being absent Smart Togs for the College Man Graves is general chairman. from these Club Meetings. t Miss Bess White spoke next on Novelty Cricket Sweaters—Special |J-98 An entertainment was given by Pro- STUDENTS' PATRONAGE APPRECIATED All-Wodl New Spring Caps JJ-O;. "Love for Eastern." Some of the rea- fessor and Mrs. L. W. Meyer to the sons she gave for her devoton to Men's white or fancy Broadcloth Shirts |1.5J Men's Novelty Silk Hosiery. Pair 25c and 39c members of the International Rela- Eastern weXe—The ability and char- tlons Club of Georgetown College on acter of the members of the faculty. Cor. Second & Water Streets. Richmond, Ky. Monday night. April 8. at 8 o'clock. "The fact that Eastern Is equipped for The members of the club were in- training teachers—this being its ulti- SotdAmttfto vited to Mr. Meyer's home to a social, mate purpose—teachers in this section Cor. 2nd & Main Streets. Richmond, Ky. which had been planned by Mrs. oi the state should attend this college," Meyer and Miss Hazel Cubbage, presi- she said. dent of the club. The following mem- In mentioning things of wnich we all CANFIELD TAXI bers of the club were present: Misses should feel proud, Miss White went T. Ashley, H. Cubbage, E. Porter, E. back to the beginning of the School, Barlow, H. H. Sherwood; Messrs. D. as it was in the days of Dr. Roark, PHONE 700 Your Money's Carmo, R. Myer, G. Woodall, C. V. and pointed out how it has Improved Cochran, P. H. Nunnelley. J. H. Owen, in equipment, in buildings, in faculty Closed Cars—Careful and cour- E. M. McCracken, and R. Purlm. members etc., bringing us on down to Four members were unable to attend ^ ff— ^pped oonege of the pres. Worth because of previous engagements.; ^g^Hg and efficient leader, teous drivers. .-,'.'.-. new Mrs. Merritt Owen attended the enter- Df jjQjjQygjj Value for the Price is Our Slogan tainment as a visitor. Refreshments! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ interestlng were served to the members of »«: t8lks were made, ail^ them Frtndpd We ask Your Inspection of Our club and visitors. Scott's of the Tenth District. In his talk on "Purpose of the Club" inspired CENTRE COLLEGE us to a deeper feeling and love for The members of the sophomore class Merchandise Eastern. Values that Save had as their guests at a luncheon at the Kopper Kettle Inn on Saturday committee consisting of Mr. SILK DRESSES, *Q QC the members of their sister class, the Goi iman, Miss Riley and Miss Lane Special 9<9* seniors, Miss Mildred McAfee, the was an unusually good one, and deser- You Money senior sponsor, and Miss Jessie Keep, ves praise for the efficient way In WASH DRESSES QC< the sophomore sponsor. The rooms which it banned and directed the Lerman's great buying power gives you the singular oppor- Special — *° meeting. * tunity of purchasing real style and quality at the minimum and tables were charmingly decorated price. Come in and enjoy this great feast of bargains. SMOCKS, all colors, $1 A A In the senior colors, blue and gold. The regular meeting «f the club will Special l.W Blue vases filled with daffodils, blue be held at the Fourth District, on candles and blue and gold place cards Wednesday, May 15. At this meeting Stylish Millinery RAYON TEDDYS and BLOOMERS $1 AA very effectively carried out the color Dr. Kennamer, of Eastern Teachers ltVV Every new style and color combination forSpring Special scheme, together with fancy dolls of College, will be the chief speaker. We •I similar hues, which proved to be are expecting an interesting, enthus- WISCOTT MODE MODEL SILK HOSIERY QCc iastic meeting at this time. Guaranteed 90 favors for the guests. The three course luncheon was quite delicious Eastern Kentucky State Teachers' SILK SCARFS, $1 A A thru its own merit, and it was made College and Normal School is now a Straws in beautiful Off-the-face styles Special I.VU especially enjoyable by the pleasant full member of both the national and braids, and brimless In the newest spring conversation and good fellowship southern Association of College and models. shades. LADIES' HATS 7Qc $0 J£ which accompanied it. secondary schools, a member of the Special III to 0«tiJ Kentucky Association of Colleges and Tne regular annual wetA of voca- Universities and holds equal rank with Men's Clothing tional study which is sponsored by the any teachers college In America as far college will begin here on next Mon- as rating and transfer of credits are day, the speaker being Mr. Frederick concerned. Men's College Suits A. Wallls, of New York. In order to It has been said that "The future accommodate the speaker the adminis- of our race marches forward on the Chic Dresses for the Collegiate Miss tration will extend the study over a feet of little children". These child, Suits $14.95 period of two weeks instead of com- ren should be taught by trained tea- Finest all-wool cloth tailored to pleting It in one week as has been the chers, teachers of unquestioned scholar- wear, to fit, to satisfy. practice in previous years. The presi- ship. Teachers actuated by purest mo- Suits $16.95 dent has also announced that a tives, and deepest feeling of love for change will be made in the chapel I right, love for home, love for country. $15.00 service hour effective Monday and ■ Broad choice of pattern, color, Suits $22.95 continuous until April 26, at which | are essential, in addition to willingness / fabric. time the addresses of Mr. Wallls will to accept responsibility: • Filmy georgettes—printed pat- be concluded. 1. Knowledge of the sources and terns—street dresses. Suits $29.95 The hours for chapel will be 11:00 meaning of the religion of Jesus. a. m. at Centre and 12 noon at the 2. Knowledge of the basic-founda- Woman's Department. At Centre the tions underlying this religion. P.95 first period will meet from 8:00 to 3. Familiarity with the processes Bewitching colors in these 9:00, the second period yill meet from for the releasing of dynamic Christian smart styles. 9:00 to 10:00, the third will meet from personalities, and development of 10:00 to 11:00, the fourth period will skills in analyzing the needs of a Extra Trousers All Prices. meet from 11:30 to 12:30, chapel will campus and organization of forces to be held from 11:00 to 11:30. meet those needs. The President's Hose At the Woman's Department' the Training School—fourth season, June Ladies' full-fashioned, chiffon hose in the new Qftf Hats first period will meet from 800 to 6-July 17—is specifically planned to suntan shade and other entrancing colors. „ •/OK* FELT AND STRAW HATS 9:00, the second Irom 9:80 to 10:00, help association officers fceoome ef- Special —— l.UUandup the third from 10: X) to 11:00, the fective leaders. Shoes for Spring fourth from 11:00 to 12:00. The The Glee Club Is working hard on MEN'S BLACK AND BROWN SHOES, that are $0 AC chapel period will be from 12:00 to made of real leather LJJO IS... 95V2.00 12:30. a concert to be gievn some time in May, the approximate date being the UNDERWEAR, TIES, Etcv WOMEN'S PUMPS, STRAPS, TIES, OXFORDS, $0 AO KENTUCKY WESLEYAN COLLEGE 15th. Quite a varied program will be every style and shade ■ _ £ttDO Ladies' and Men's OXFORDS, PUMPS', etc. Low The Student Young Men's Chris- offered, with a number of surprises. tian Association is a. fellowship of all The time of practice has been changed Fancy Scarfs Rayon Slips prices for the quality. Pay Us A Visit. those persons on the campus, students from 3 until 4 o'clodk. and faculty, who are vitally interested O Triangles, Squares and Chemises, Stepins in the Christian enterprise. The suc- Oblongs. Attractive colors. Special cess or failure of this enterprise de- MADISON BARBER 89c 79c Hamilton Bros^ pends largely upon the training of the SHOP officers of the association. To become COR. MAIN & 1ST. STS. RICHMOND, KY. an effective leader In this voluntary, For Students LERMAN BROTHERS "Most of the Best for the Least" student, Christian undertaking, At OPEN AFTER SUPPER least the following three conditions

; -.■■ju*^&MJ***t^>L •y;i*.r- j.-m-^ifr.;..Vftivlim»^^ asLti. J^'ii)J&3MJ^£B!j^i®U^^j^i£?2i