Addresses of Surviving Alumni of Union College
LD 5481 .U71a 1892 o 1 JLD 5481 .U71a 1892 Copy 2 1 iU . ADDRESSES OF SURYIYING- Alumi of Dnion College. 1892. Q>j^ ^ / ADDRESSES OF SURVIVING Alumni of Union College •f 1892. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE, MDCCCXCIl. U^ Every Alumnus is requested to inform the Librarian of Union College of any change of Tesidence or of the decease of any of our number. Corrections of errors in this Catalogue, or the supplying of omissions of either names or ad- dresses, will be appreciated. In Exchange. OEC 2 1 191i ADDRESSES. (new YORK STATE UNLESS ANOTHER STATE IS INDICATED.) Names below line ( ) are those oT Non-Graduates. 1831 Ruggles, Philo T., 59 Liberty St., New York. 1836 Hun, Thomas, M.D., Albany. 1839 Banks, Hugh S., Newburg, Jenkins, Charles M., Albany. Judson, Sam'l W., 114 Nassau St., New York. Proudflt, Alexander, Rev., Saratoga. 1830 Blake, Benson A., Vicksburg, Miss. Brown, George B. Campbell, James C. Carpenter, Justin, New York. Fuller, Edward L. Halsey, John Condit, M.D., 156 Reid Ave., Brooklyn. Hapgood, George G., D.D. Harriman, William Henry, Riverdale-on-Hudson. Lockwood, John A., M.D., Napa, Cal. Maghie, William. Piatt, Obadiah H., Seneca Falls. Preston, Stephen H., Marshall, Mich. Ramsey, A.Clarke. Robertson, Archibald, Rev. Roland, William B., M.D., Rowlandsville, Md. Sheldon, Giles J., M.D., Holland Patent. Shumway, Columbus, Rev., Petersham, Mass. Stansbury, James W. Stump, Samuel. Tullidge, Henry, D.D., Smyrna, Del. Hammond, Carlos, Claverack. 1831 Barney, Eliam E., Dayton, O. Burnham, Dyer N., Chicago, 111. Conde, Daniel T., D.D., Beloit, Wis.
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