Albany in the Following Manner, Conceiving It to Be More Convenient for a Ready Reference to the Citf ' Zens Generally
For the benefit of the public, the compiler has thought proper to arrange the offices of the various department • of the city of Albany in the following manner, conceiving it to be more convenient for a ready reference to the citf ' zens generally. Office of the Albany Water Works company,#(No. 1) 50 Office of the Inspector of flour, 180 Pier State st " Jefferson line canal boats, 64 Quay st, J.. » Albany Water Works company, (No 2) Hughes, agent, " ^Albany Insurance company, 58 State st " Mechanics' Insurance company, 430 n. M\ " Attorney General, State House, Lodge st ket st " Albany Daily Advertiser, 7 Webster's build's " Mayor's court, new City Hall " Albany Argus, 454 i. Market st " Mohawk and Hudson rail-road company, I " Albany Masonic Record, 63 State st Beaver st " Albany Microscope, 28 Beaver st " Merchants' line of canal boats. Pier, foo '• Albany Evening Journal, 71 State st State st, Piatt, Williams & Co. proprieti " Albany Observer, 5 Beaver st " Matilda steam boat for Troy, Pier, foot j " Albany Telegraph, and Christiah Register, Hamilton st 44 Dean st " North River steam boat line, opposite " Albany Freeman's Advocate, 16 Beaver st lumbian and National hotel, R. HSwJ " Albany Library, 371 n. Market st A. S. Groot, D. A. Hawley, agents " Albany justice's court, Centre market " New-York and Erie line of canal boats, c| " Albuny Savings Bank, 40 State st ner Hudson and Quay sts, up stairs, " Albany. Syracuse and Oswego line of canal H. Treat & Co. proprietor boats, 60 Quay st, C S. Olmsted, agent " New York and Ohio line of canal hog] " Albany and New Yonk line of tow boats, 64 Meach, Jackson & Co.
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