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Material & Methods.Pdf Supplementary Materials and methods Yeast strains Yeast strains harboring an endogenous GFP tag at the C-end of CTF19, OKP1, MCM21, AME1, NNF1, DSN1, MTW1, NSL1, SPC105, or YFR046C were made by PCR amplifying the 65 65 GFP(S T)-TADH1-HIS3MX6 cassette from plasmid pFA6a-GFP(S T)-HIS3MX6 (Longtine et al. 1998) followed by transformation and selection on complete supplement mixture (CSM) minus histidine (Qbiogene). Expression of the tag was confirmed by microscopy. Spindle pole bodies and chromosomes were tagged as previously described (He et al. 2001). NDC80 was C- terminally tagged with GFP in stains AMC52 and AMC48 as described previously (He et al. 2001). For strain AMC49, a 500bp C-terminal fragment was PCR amplified and GFP linked at the C-terminus in the integrative vector pRS306 (pAMC55). The endogenous gene was replaced in a one-step integration. Yeast strains containing a C-terminal TEV-ProA tag (TEV cleavage site and protein A) at CTF19, MCM21, OKP1, AME1, MTW1, NSL1, DSN1, NNF1, MCM22 or NKP1 were made by PCR amplification of the TEV-ProA-TADH1-KANMX6 cassette from plasmid pYM8 (Knop et al. 1999), followed by transformation and G418 (200µg/ml, Sigma)-based selection. Yeast strains containing a C-terminal 3FLAG tag at OKP1, AME1, MTW1, NNF1 or MCM21, were constructed by PCR-based amplification of the 3FLAG-TADH1-KANMX6 cassette from plasmid pDam278 (D'Amours and Jackson 2001) followed by transformation and G418- based selection for integration. Correct integrations were confirmed by PCR using a gene- specific primer and a primer specific for the KANMX6 sequence. Yeast strains containing a C- terminal TAP tag (calmodulin binding peptide, TEV cleavage site, and protein A in tandem) were made either by cloning the entire open reading frame (MCM21, AME1, NDC80, and CSE4) into the GatewayTM (Invitrogen) entry vector pDONOR201 followed by an in vitro recombination of the open reading frame into plasmid pAMC11, which contains a TAP tag. 1 Alternatively, the CTF19, OKP1, SLK19, and STU2 open reading frames were cloned into pRS305, which contains the TAP, tag. The endogenous gene was replaced with a one-step integration and correct integrants confirmed by anti-PAP western blotting against protein A. Ame1p-TAP or Ame1p-GFP tagged yeast strains deleted in CTF19 or MCM21 were made by PCR amplifying the ctf19::KANMX6 or mcm21::KANMX6 open reading frames from deletion strains BY2810 and BY3677 (Research Genetics), followed by transformation of the deletion fragments, and G418-based selection for integration. The Ame1p-TAP tagged yeast strain deleted in NKP1 was constructed by amplifying the PTEF-KANMX6-TTEF cassette from plasmid pFA6a-KANMX6 (Longtine et al. 1998) followed by transformation and G418-based selection. Deletion strains were confirmed by PCR using two primers that flank the open reading frames. Proteomic analysis For LC-MS/MS data a Pearl program was written that subtracted the no-tag purification data from the bait data. Single-peptide hits and multi-peptide hits with protein coverage below 10% and known ribosomal proteins (plus other common contaminants (Ho et al. 2002)) were subtracted from the dataset. This filtered dataset was then analyzed using the Yeast Genome project ( and the Yeast Bioknowledge Library ( to identify enriched proteins (see Supplementary Table 2). Chromatin immunoprecipitation Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of GFP- or ProA-tagged proteins was performed as previously described with some modifications (He et al. 2001). Specifically, formaldehyde crosslinking was done for 20 min at 24oC, and quenched with glycine (final 125mM) for 5 min at 24oC. Following cell breakage, extracts were sonicated (3x10sec), centrifuged (20 min; 13,000 2 rpm), and 200 µl of the clarified extract then used in each immunoprecipitation (IP) and 20 µl used as an INPUT. For ProA-based ChIP, 100µl of a 50% slurry of IgG-sepharose (Amersham Biosciences) was used for each IP. IPs were incubated for 2 h at 4oC. Primers 5’- CACCGCCAAGCTTCCAATATCACG-3’ and 5’-GGAGGCATTATGGCTTTGTTACGC-3’ were used to amplify a 400bp product 0.6kb from the TG repeat of telomere VI-R (Martin et al. 1999). Primers 5’-GCGCAAGCTTGCAAAAGGTCACATG-3’ and 5’- CGAATTCATTTTGGCCGCTCCTAGGTA-3’ were used to amplify a 200 bp fragment from CENIV (He et al. 2001). Primers 5’-GGCTGTGGTTTCAGGGTCCATAAAGC-3’ and 5’- CTGGGCAATTTCATGTTTCTTCAACACC-3’ were used to amplify a 200bp fragment of URA3 which is 35kb from the centromere of chromosome V. Microscopy and image Analysis Microscopy and image analyses were carried out on a 3D Deltavision deconvolution microscope as previously described with some modifications. (He et al. 2001; Rines et al. 2002; Rines et al. 2003). For live cell movies a 3D image stack (20 sections of 0.2µm spacing and 0.04 second exposure) was taken every 5 seconds for a total time of 300 seconds. GFP spots were tracked as described in (Thomann et al. 2002) and graphs assembled in MatLab 6.5. Size-exclusion chromatography Size-exclusion chromatography was performed with a 150 ml HiPrepTM 16/60 SephacrylTM S-500 HR column (Amersham Biosciences) that was run (0.3ml/min) at 4°C in connection with the ÄKTAFPLCTM system (Amersham Biosciences). The running buffer was composed of 150mM KCl, 10mM EDTA, 50mM β-glycerophosphate, and 100mM bis-tris-propane pH7.5. To determine the diffusion coefficients of epitope-tagged kinetochore proteins, a calibration curve 3 (R2: 0.91) was generated by plotting the elution volumes (Ve, ml) of a set of standard proteins against the reverse of the diffusion constant (1/D) of each standard protein (High Molecular Weight Gel Filtration Kit, Amersham Biosciences; Boeghringer Mannheim): bovine thyroglobulin (molecular mass: 669 kDa, Stokes radius a: 82.55 Angstrom, D: 2.49x10-7cm2s-1), equine ferritin (440 kDa, 61.8 Angstrom, 3.61x10-7cm2s-1), bovine catalase (240 kDa, 52 Angstrom, 4.1x10-7cm2s-1), rabbit aldolase (158 kDa, 46.15 Angstrom, 4.63x10-7cm2s-1), and bovine serum albumin (68 kDa, 34.6 Angstrom, 6.8x10-7cm2s-1). The diffusion coefficients of the standard proteins (Horiike et al. 1983; Salmon et al. 1984) represent values determined in water at 20°C. Cell extracts of protein-tagged yeast strains were made from cells grown in YPD until an OD600 of 1.0-1.2. The cells were spun down and grinded in liquid nitrogen with mortar and pestle. The protein concentration of each extract was measured using the Bradford assay, and 0.5-1.0mg of total protein was loaded onto the size-exclusion column. The overnight elution was monitored by absorbance at 280nm, and 1ml fractions were collected (FRAC-900 system). The proteins in each fraction were then precipitated with 1M of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and rinsed with acetone. The protein pellets were finally resuspended in SDS-loading buffer and analyzed using SDS PAGE. Western blotting against the tagged protein ultimately revealed its elution position, and consequently its diffusion constant. Glycerol-density gradient ultracentrifugation Glycerol-density gradients (2ml) ranging from 5 to 40% glycerol were prepared in 11x34 mm Ultra-ClearTM tubes (Beckman Instruments) by gradually layering eight 250µl aliquots of gradient buffer (150mM KCl, 10mM EDTA, 50mM β-glycerophosphate, and 100mM bis-tris- propane pH7.5) containing decreasing concentrations of glycerol. After layering, the gradients were equilibrated in stationary mode at 4°C for 4h. Cell extracts expressing an epitope-tagged 4 protein were obtained by grinding as described above, and 150µg of total protein was loaded onto the gradients, which were spun for 13h (55.000 rpm, 4°C) in a TLS-55 swinging bucket rotor (Beckman Instruments). The gradients were then fractionated by removing 20 equal fractions from top to bottom. The proteins present in each fraction were precipitated with TCA (final 1M), rinsed with acetone and resuspended in SDS-loading buffer for SDS PAGE analysis. Subsequent Western blotting against the affinity tags revealed the gradient fraction position of the tagged protein. In parallel, a mixture of standard proteins (3µg each, Boeghringer Mannheim) consisting of cytochrome C (12.5 kDA monomer, Svedberg sedimentation constant S: 1.9x10-13s), chymotrypsinogen A (25 kDa monomer, 2.58S), hen egg albumin (45 kDa monomer, 3.55S), bovine serum albumin (68 kDa monomer, 4.22S), aldolase (158 kDa tetramer, 7.4S), and catalase (240 kDa tetramer, 11.3S) was run, fractionated, precipitated and resuspended as described above. After analysis on 12% SDS PAGE followed by coomassie staining, the position of each standard protein was plotted against its Svedberg constant, yielding a calibration curve (R2: 0.97) that gives the sedimentation constant for a given protein based on its position within the gradient. Hydrodynamic calculations The diffusion coefficient D (107cm-2s) for a kinetochore protein was derived from the calibration curve (R2: 0.91) between the elution volume (Ve, ml) of the protein and the reverse of its diffusion constant 1/D. The Svedberg sedimentation coefficient (S, 10-13s) of a protein was calculated from the relationship (R2: 0.97) between the gradient fraction in which the protein was identified and its Svedberg sedimentation coefficient S. The molecular mass “M” (kDa, 103g mol-1) of a protein was calculated using the equation M = RTS/D(1-νρ), where R is the ideal gas 5 constant 8.314 J K-1mol-1;T the absolute temperature 295.15K (20°C); S the Svedberg sedimentation coefficient; D the diffusion coefficient, ν; the partial specific volume 0.71 cm3g-1; and ρ the solvent density 0.998gcm-3. The Stokes radius “a” (Angstrom, 10-8cm) was calculated from the calibration curve (R2: 0.91) between the elution volume of the standard proteins (see above) and their Stokes radii. The friction coefficient f/fo was calculated from the equation: f/fo= a/[(3νM/4πN)]1/3, where a is the Stokes radius, and N Avogadro’s number 6.022x1023 mol-1.
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