APRIL 2019 VOL 137 PART 2 Permanent Way Institution The Institution for Rail Infrastructure Engineers PWI Practical Trackwork Challenge GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY LEICESTERSHIRE Richard Spoors, Malcolm Pearce and Andy Packham TECHNICAL ARTICLE PAGE 12 CALIFORNIA: FROM DOUBLE AN EXPLORATIVE CASE STUDY INNOVATIVE APPLICATION OF RAIL TRACK TO TRIPLE TRACK COLLABORATIVE WORKING AND FASTENINGS FOR HS2 INTEGRATED DATA MANAGEMENT IN TRACK RENEWAL PROJECTS AS PUBLISHED IN Page 16 Page 22 Page 42 PWI Journal APR 2019.indd 1 25/04/2019 14:41 The Journal April 2019 Volume 137 Part 2 If you would like to reproduce this article, please contact: Kerrie Illsley JOURNAL PRODUCTION EDITOR Permanent Way Institution
[email protected] PLEASE NOTE THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS JOURNAL ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE EDITOR OR OF THE INSTITUTION AS A BODY. TECHNICAL Stobart Rail & Civils and Network Rail’s partnership delivers far reaching track improvement in the far north For the last three years, Stobart Rail & A range of interventions were delivered, approach also reduced ongoing maintenance Civils have been hard at work delivering an including replacing expired rails and requirements to deliver far-reaching whole-life innovative new approach to track maintenance sleepers, correcting track defects and many cost savings of at least £1m annually. across 300 route miles in Scotland. The other improvements that reduced future Far North Plain Line Workbank was an maintenance, enhanced safety and increased On a major site at Thurso on Scotland’s north £11m programme in some of the UK’s most passengers’ ride quality. The high standard coast, the challenge was to re-rail more challenging access and environmental of work handed back resulted in little, if any, than six miles of track during a twelve-week conditions.