בעזרת ה יתבר ' ב עז רת

A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)



Keep Your Word The Torah states (30:3), “If a man takes a vow or swears an oath to G-d to establish a prohibition upon himself, he shall not violate his word; he shall fulfill whatever comes out of his mouth.” In relation to this passuk, the Midrash quotes from Tehillim (144:4), “Our days are like a fleeting shadow.” What is the connection? This can be explained, says Rav Levi Yitzchok, according to a Gemara (Nedarim 10b), which states, “It is forbidden to say, ‘Lashem korban, for G-d − an offering.’ Instead a person must say, ‘Korban Lashem, an offering for G-d.’ Why? Because he may die before he says the word korban, and then he will have said the holy Name in vain.” In this light, we can understand the Midrash. The Torah states that a person makes “a vow to G-d.” This is the exact language that must be used, mentioning the vow first. Why? Because “our days are like a fleeting shadow,” and there is always the possibility that he may die before he finishes his vow and he will have uttered the Name in vain. n Story The woodchopper had come to Ryczywohl from the nearby village in which he lived, hoping to find some kind of employment. But now it was already Friday, and he still had not

1  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] found any work at all. He was at his wits’ end. What kind of a Shabbos would there be in his home if he didn’t even have enough money to buy candles? Would they have to sit in the dark and think about the hunger in their bellies? On Friday afternoon, just as he was about to return home empty-handed, he found a job chopping wood for a few hours. The work earned him six coins. What could he get for six coins? Well, he could buy candles for two coins. For two more, he could buy wine for . And for the last two coins he could buy two challos. He was satisfied. This was better than he had expected only a few hours earlier. During this time, Rav Levi Yitzchok, still young and unknown, was the rav of Ryczywohl. As the woodchopper was walking back to his home in the nearby village, Rav Levi Yitzchok stepped out into the street. “Young man,” he called out, “please come over here.” The woodchopper saw Rav Levi Yitzchok and was impressed with his holy appearance. He walked over and said, “Yes? Can I help you?” “Actually, you can,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “If you would do me a favor and being me a glass of hot tea from the inn, I promise you a portion in the Next World.” The woodchopper considered the offer and decided to accept it. The rav did not seem like a man who made promises frivolously. He bought the tea with two of his six coins and brought it to Rav Levi Yitzchok, who drank it and thanked him. “You’ve given me strength and life,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “And now, if you bring me another glass of tea, I’ll give you many blessings for you and your family.” The woodchopper thought it over, and once again, he finally decided to accept the offer. Although he was leaving himself with only two coins, the prospect of blessings for himself and his family was too appealing to forgo. Rav Levi Yitzchok drank the second glass and said, “That was very good. If you bring me another glass of tea, I will bless you, your family and future generations.” The woodchopper was sorely tempted, but he could leave himself with no money at all. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I have only two coins left, and if I buy you the third glass of tea, I will not even be able to buy candles in honor of Shabbos. My family will have to sit in the dark.” Rav Levi Yitzchok nodded and smiled at him. “Tell me,” he said. “How do you earn your basic bread?” “I have a milk cow,” said the woodchopper. “Sell your cow after Shabbos, and come back here in your Shabbos finery with the money from the sale in your hand. Come to my house, and I will fulfill my promise to you. I will keep my word.” The woodchopper went home to his village and told his wife everything that had transpired. She was not happy that he spent most of his money on tea for the rav, but she was especially upset by the idea of selling the cow. “Did you agree to do that?” she asked. “I didn’t say that I wouldn’t.” “But that’s ridiculous. How can we sell our cow? How will we live? How will we feed

2  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] our children? And how do you know what he is going to tell you to do with the money? Maybe he’ll just tell to keep buying him one glass of tea after another.” “I’ll tell you what,” said the woodchopper. “I won’t go out to look for a customer for the cow, but if someone comes and asks to buy it, I’ll sell it to him.” On Sunday morning, a well-dressed man appeared at the woodchopper’s door. “Would you by any chance have a cow for sale?” he asked. “Yes, I do,” said the woodchopper. “How much do you want for the cow?” The woodchopper thought for a moment. The cow was not worth more than fifteen or twenty silver coins, but the man apparently wanted it. “Forty-two silver coins,” he said. “Forty-two? That’s a little too much. How about twenty-five?” The woodchopper stood his ground. If this man had been sent by Heaven to buy his cow, he would not be deterred by the higher price. “Forty-two,” he said, “and not a penny less.” “Very well. We have a deal.” The woodchopper dressed in his Shabbos clothes, took the forty-two coins in hand and set off for Ryczywohl. When he arrived, he searched for the rav, but he was nowhere to be found. In the meantime, his attention was drawn to an event that was taking place in the town square. A crowd had assembled for the auctioning of a piece of property. Some of the squires in the area were also there to bid. Suddenly, the woodchopper felt an urge to bid on the property. The registration fee was forty coins, which he paid, leaving him with only two coins in his pocket. Nonetheless, he was soon bidding vigorously against the merchants and squires who had come with pockets full of money. The squires grew concerned that the well-dressed young man would win the bidding. At first, they tried to dissuade him by offering him one hundred rubles to refrain from further bidding, but he refused to be dissuaded. He continued to bid the price up. Every time someone made a bid, he bid higher. Annoyed, they decided to put this young upstart in his place. They would bid the price up to stellar heights, and then they would stop, leaving him with the winning bid. The auctioneer would demand payment in full right away, and since he would certainly not be able to pay, he would lose the sale and forfeit his registration fee as well. They pushed the bidding up until the woodchopper bid ten thousand rubles, and then all bidding suddenly stopped. The auctioneer announced that the woodchopper had won the bidding and that the full amount of the money had to be delivered by that evening. The squires went off to the tavern to celebrate. Meanwhile, the woodchopper went to the Jewish inn where he could buy something to eat. As he sat there, he wondered if he had made a mistake in declining the squires’ offer of one hundred rubles to desist. But then he decided that he should continue to trust in the Almighty as he could see the hand of divine providence in the events that were transpiring. As he sat there, a priest came into the inn and asked the owner if he had seen the

3  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] Jewish man who had won the bidding at the auction. The owner pointed out the woodchopper, and the priest came over and sat beside him. “I have a confidential matter to discuss with you,” he said. “Can we talk here?” “Yes.” “Then discuss.” “I was actually interested in that property on which you were bidding, but priests are restricted from participating in public auctions. It would seem to me that you do not have the money to pay for it. Am I correct?” “You are.” “Then I have a proposal for you,” said the priest. “I will give you the money, and you sign over half the property to me. We will be partners.” The woodchopper stroked his chin. “You know, the property is really worth much more than I bid. The others stopped bidding against me only because they thought I couldn’t pay up. But it is a bargain at the price I bid.” “So what are you saying?” “I’m saying that I agree to your proposal … but on the condition that you give me an additional thousand rubles right now.” “Done,” said the priest. They shook hands and drew up a document commemorating their agreement. That evening, the squires were amazed when the woodchopper appeared with the entire sum he had bid for the property. They sighed in resignation. Somehow, the young Jew had managed to pull off the purchase, and there was nothing they could do about it. The sensation of the auction did not last long. A new sensation took its place minutes after the purchase was concluded. Apparently, the priest who had spoken earlier with the woodchopper has died suddenly. The doctors diagnosed a virulent contagious disease. The body of the priest was quickly removed beyond the city limits, where he was buried that very night in his clothes. The document of partnership in his pocket went to the grave with him. The woodchopper was in a daze. It was incredible. In one day, his fortune had turned completely around. He was now the sole owner of a very valuable piece of property, and he also had a thousand rubles in his pocket to boot. As he walked away, he met the young rav. “Congratulations,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok. “I am very happy for you. But I want you to know that had you brought me that third glass of tea, your success would have come much more easily. But you have passed your test well. Go home, and may you continue to prosper always.” n Dvar Torah – Massei Journeys of Extraction In describing the travels of the Jewish people upon leaving Egypt, the Torah begins

4  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] with a certain phrase and then reverses it (Bamidbar 33:2), “And Moshe recorded their exits and journeys (motza’eihem lemas’eihem) according to the word of G-d, and there are their journeys and exits (mas’eihem lemotza’eihem).” The posuk begins with exits followed by journeys and concludes with the two reversed, journeys and exits. Why the reversal? It can be said, explains Rav Levi Yitzchok, that the purpose of all those forty-two encampments on the way to Eretz YYisrael was to extract the nitzotzos, the sparks of holiness, trapped in the klippos, the contaminated husks, in those locations; the avodah that the Jewish people performed in those places had the effect of releasing the sparks from their captivity. That is why some encampments lasted for a long time, while others were comparatively brief. It all depended on the depth of the entrapment and the difficulty of the extraction. This is what the Torah is saying here. Moshe recorded their exits, motza’eihem, which can also be translated as their extractions, a reference to the work of extracting the sparks, which was the purpose of their journeys – to fulfill the word of G-d. Now the Torah goes on to enumerate their journeys, which were undertaken to effect the extractions. n Story

Without offering any explanation, Rav Levi Yitzchok hired a wagon and, accompanied by a group of his students, set out for an undisclosed destination. As they traveled, he gave the wagon driver directions, and several hours later they arrived at a village. Outside the village, there was an estate belonging to a German businessman on which there are a number of grain mills. The estate was managed by an overseer, a brutal and arrogant man. Many of the living in the area had been employed in the mills when they first opened, but when this overseer had taken over the management, he dismissed all the Jewish employees. When Rav Levi Yitzchok and his entourage entered the village, he directed the driver to a particular house. As they pulled up, a burly man with a mustache and long curly hair emerged to confront them. It was the overseer of the estate. He was accompanied by a large black hound that snarled and barked at the new arrivals. What are you doing here?” he shouted. “Get off my property.” “We need a place to pray,” one of the students told him, at Rav Levi Yitzchok’s direction. The overseer became enraged. He pulled a pistol from his belt and pointed it at the wagon. “Leave now,” he said, “or I will shoot.” Rav Levi Yitzchok indicated to the driver to remain there. The overseer pointed at the wagon and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. He tried again and again, but the pistol would not fire. Finally, he pointed it at the ground and tested it again. The pistol fired. The bullet whizzed from the barrel, struck a rock and ricocheted into the hound, killing him instantly. The overseer recoiled in shock. Rav Levi Yitzchok leaned forward and said, “Can we stop here to pray?” The overseer took one look at Rav Levi Yitzchok, and the blood rushed from his face. A terrible fear and trepidation such he had not felt in a very long time gripped his heart.

5  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] Many years earlier, as a soldier in the German imperial army, he had once had occasion to come into the presence of the Kaiser himself, and he had been overwhelmed by awe. The feeling he experienced when he saw Rav Levi Yitzchok was similar but much more intense. “Who is this man?” he whispered to one of the students. “This is Rav Levi Yitzchok, the rav of Berditchev.” “Oh, I’ve heard of him. He is said to be a very holy man.” “He is.” “What does he want?” “He wants to stop here to pray.” “Tell him that he is welcome,” said the overseer. “And tell him that he and his people are invited to stay overnight. I’ll send one of my men to take care of the driver and feed the horses.” Several Jews living in the next village came to the overseer’s house when they heard that Rav Levi Yitzchok was staying there. There was now a for Minchah. Night fell, and it was time for Maariv. Rav Levi Yitzchok began with the words “vehu rachum yechaper avon — for He is merciful and forgives sins.” He sang the words with an ethereal melody full of yearning and hope that gradually turned joyful and exhilarated. As Rav Levi Yitzchok sang, the overseer stood in the doorway, his face a tableau of turbulent emotions. It was as if he were struggling to control an inner conflict. Suddenly, as if a dam had burst, he began to weep and wail. He sat on the floor, his shoulders trembling, his eyes streaming with tears, and when Maariv was over, he approached Rav Levi Yitzchok with great timidity. “Holy rav,” he said in halting , “I am also a Jew. I grew up in Germany in a wealthy family with not much connection to my religion. After I enlisted in the imperial army, I completely turned my back on the religion of my ancestors. I married a German woman and had German children. I became quite German myself to the point that I even hated all Jews. But now I realize that I have gone far astray, and I want to return to being a Jew. No, it is more than that. I want to be fully Jewish, more Jewish than I have ever been.” Rav Levi Yitzchok nodded. “Come to Berditchev,” he said, “and I will help you.” n n n

הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula, which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha. Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______.

6  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying blessing, and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighting the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well. The author of the Pele Yo’etz, Rav Eliezer Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a tefilla. Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ #ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ ,צַ ת !ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ / הַ מָ גֵ ' מִ !ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹעֵ עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ כמוֹ ]ד"ד ]ד"ד כמוֹ א עָ צֵ יֵ ת וַ ַ רָ ל ָ

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נמְ חַ ת לְ ילעִ י נִ ְ *מַ ת בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹרָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/'!ֵ !ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' מִ לְ פָ י2נֶ 'ה אֶ קֵ ינ וֵאקֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ !ֵל, ֶ#ְ קַ !ְרַ חֲמִ י% !ְרַ חֲמִ י% ֶ#ְ קַ !ֵל, אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ י בְרָ צוֹ' (ָל מַ עֲ)ֶה הַ טוֹב ֶ ,נִי עוֹ)ֶה !ֵי', !ְמַחַ ָ בָה !ֵי', !ְדִ י!ר !ֵי', !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ (ֹ ל (ֹ ה הַ יֶ הְ יִ ה וְ !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ !ֵי', לִ כזְ ת לְ נמְ חַ ת לְ ילעִ י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ 2מְ יִ )ְ רָ לאֵ , !ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר חַ  נְ ָ מָ *ה ֶ ל בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ ל *ה ֶ מָ ָ נְ  חַ ר צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' ֶ #ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ % צְ ר רוֹ ת !ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י%יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a resting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of his teaching or writings. See more at:

n n n n n Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS MATTOS MASSEI Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and ssttst + 1 of Menachem AvMenachem ~ Begins Friday Night (Jul 9th)  Aharon HaKohen (b. 1395) [the only Yahrzeit mentioned in the Torah]. Aharon, who lived during the Exodus from Egypt, was the brother of Moshe and Miriam. He was chosen to be the first Kohen of the newly emerging Jewish nation. Aharon was known for bringing peace between husbands and wives and between neighbors and friends. It pained Aharon to see broken relationships and he, on his own, would do his best to repair any relationship on the verge of breaking. When he explained to one party that the other side regretted the misunderstanding and the argument, it caused that person to want to continue the relationship. Peace is a very important foundation of society. Without peace between man and his neighbor, society could not exist. Without peace between nations, progress and individual welfare cannot exist. Peace, whether between men or between Hashem and men,

7  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] is of paramount importance, (2488/1272 BCE);  Elozor ben Aharon HaKohen;  Rav Chaim of Krasna, (5553/1793);  Rav Yaakov ben Rav Attar, a Sefardi Sage. He wrote the sefer Bais Elokai Yaakov;  Rav Shmuel ben Rav Dovid Tzvi Ehrenfeld (b. 1805), mechaber of Chasan Sofer, and Rav in Mattersdorf. He was also known as the Deer of Arnaflid and grandson of the Chasam Sofer, (5643/1883);  Rav Yaakov Moshe Shurkin, Rosh Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim , student of the Chofetz Chaim, (5723/1963);  Rav Yehoshua Heschel ben Rav Elozor (niftar early 1700s). He was the Rav of Dubna after Rav Yosef Yoska, the Yesod Yosef;  Rav Nosson Nota ben Rav Yosef of Averitch, a talmid of the Ba’al Shem Tov and father-in- law of the Bas Ayin. He did not sleep on Shabbos because it says Veshomru Vnei Yisrael es HaShabbos – “You should watch the Shabbos", (5545/1785);  Rav Osher Ginzburg, son of Rav Arye Leib, the Shaagas Arye, (55o2/1742);  Rav Aharon ben Rav Moshe Goldstein, Rav of . He was one of the main students of Rav Nachman of Breslov. Rav Nachman said that he used his ancestral merits to bring Rav Aharon to Breslov and that Rav Aharon went to his chuppa with a "clean garment". He and Rav Naftoli were the two witnesses to Rav Nachman's famous promise to pull out of Gehinnom anyone who gives tzedoka and says Tikkun HaK’lali at his kever. His son, Rav Tzvi Arye, succeeded him. Rav Tzvi's son was Rav Nachman of Tcherin, (5605/1845);  Rav Aharon ben Rav Chaim Halberstam of , son of the Divrei Chaim, (5663/1903);  Rav Menachem Nachum ben Rav Yehuda Leib of Kobrin-Bialystok, a talmid muvhok of the Yesod Ho’Avoda of , (5678/1918);  Rav Shlomo Halberstam (b. 1908), son of Rav Ben Zion, grandson of Rav Shlomo, founder of the dynasty. At the outbreak of World War II, he and his father escaped to Lemberg. On the 4thv of A 1942 his father was killed, and Rav Shlomo escaped to the Bochnia Ghetto. In Bochnia, the Rav lost his and two children. He managed to escape with his only surviving child, Rav Naftoli Tzvi, to Budapest, and then to Bucharest. Rav Shlomo is believed to have been the last remaining Chassidish Rav to have survived the Holocaust. He remarried after the war and rebuilt Bobov into one of the largest Chassidish communities in the world. Born in the Galicia region of central , Rav Halberstam arrived in the United States in 1946, alone and indigent, after his group was largely obliterated by the Nazis. During the war, Rav Halberstam dressed up as a nun in order to rescue other Jews, hiding them in the false bottom of a coal truck. Rav Halberstam is widely credited with rebuilding the Bobover community in the United States. There is a book, Nor the Moon by Night, about his experiences during the Holocaust. It was mentioned many times after his passing that it was no coincidence that his Yahrzeit is the same as Aharon HaKohen's because he was the consummate ohev sholom v'rodef sholom and was loved by all, (5760/2000). nnddnd + 2 of Menachem AvMenachem Av ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Jul 10th)  Rav Aharon ben Rav Moshe Tumim (b. 1630). A Rav in Prague from 1659 to 1672, Rav Aharon became Rosh in Worms in 1672. He wrote Mateh Aharon on the Haggoda. In 1687, he accepted a position as Rav of Cracow, but because of political circumstances, he delayed his departure until 1690. Shortly after he left Worms, the city was destroyed by the

8  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] troops of King Louis XIV. He served in Cracow for four months before a Polish nobleman, while visiting another region, had him arrested for no reason, and placed on a horse to bring him to jail. On the way, he fell off many times. They put him right back on until, as a result of the torture, he died from his wounds, (5450/1690);  Rav Aharon Yosef Baksht, known in mussar circles as Reb Archik (b. 1863). Born in Iyola, (near Vilna), an only child to Rav Yeshayohu Baksht, he left home to study in Volozhin when he was fourteen. After studying under Rav Yitzchok Blazer at Halvoyas HaMeis Yeshiva in Slabodka for three years, he transferred to the Bais HaTalmud in Kelm and became one of Rav Simcha Zissel’s most outstanding talmidim. After his marriage, he took his first rabbinical post in Bisgola, near Shavli. Thereafter, he served at Simiatitz (1896–1901), Volgograd (later known as Stalingrad), Shadova, Suvalk, and eventually, in 1926, in Lomza, where he also founded a . In 1937, he moved to Shavli to replace Rav Meir Atlas and founded a Yeshiva. He was shot and murdered by the Nazis. Sadly, his many chiddushim and commentary on the Yerushalmi were also destroyed, (5701/1941);  Rav Gedalia Silverstone. Born in Eastern Europe in 1871, he studied in the Yeshiva of Telshe under Rav . In 1901, Rav Silverstone became chief Rav of Belfast, Ireland. In approximately 1906, he moved to Washington, D.C., where he served several congregations, including Tifereth Yisrael (which was then Orthodox) and Ohev Sholom. During the 1930s he settled in Eretz Yisrael. His works include Bais Meir; Yeshua Gedola; Pirchei Aviv; Sukkas Sholom and a Haggoda commentary entitled Korban Pesach, (5704/1944);  Rav Moshe ben Rav Avrohom Stern, the Debrecziner Rav, mechaber of Be’er Moshe. Born in 1914 in Neuhaizal, Slovakia, on Hoshana Rabba, his father, Rav Avrohom, was the Rav of Neuhaizal, a historian and mechaber of the seforim Gapei Eish on the Shas; Shulchan Eish and Melitzei Eish. After learning with his father and grandfather, Rav Moshe left Neuhaizal to study in Pressburg, headed by the Chasam Sofer's great-grandson, Rav Akiva Sofer, the Daas Sofer. Rav Moshe married a daughter of Rav Mordechai Nissan HaKohen Strasser, a grandson of the Chasam Sofer. After his marriage, he moved to Debrecen, 's second largest city, where Jews had been barred from living until 1840. Debrecen had served as the capital of Hungary twice, once in 1849, and a second time, in 1944. In Debrecen, he was appointed a Posek and Dayan. By 1941, 9,142 Jews lived in Debrecen and comprised about 7 percent of its population. After the war, about 4,640 Jews returned to Debrecen, making it the largest Jewish community in the area. Rav Moshe restructured the kehilla. Together with the Admor of , he even founded a Yeshiva in Budapest. In about 1950, Rav Moshe was invited to be the Rav of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he stayed for a year. Soon afterward, Rav Moshe moved to New York and established his Kahal Yesodei HaTorah, whose congregants were mostly immigrants from Hungary. In 1969, Rav Moshe began publishing his sefer of responsa Be'er Moshe. Another of Rav Moshe's seforim is his Kuntrus Ha'Electric where he discusses the dozens of shailos involved with electricity, such as accepting testimony over the phone and setting up alarms to work on Shabbos, (5757/1997). rrddrd + 3 of Menachem AvMenachem Av ~ Sunday Night (Jul 11th)  Rav Shimshon ben Rav Pesach of Ostropoli Hy"d, respected by both Ashkenazi and Sefardi Rabbonim for his explanation of the Ari HaKodosh commentary on Pesach and the Ten Plagues in Egypt. There is a famous promise in his commentary on Pesach that anybody

9  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] who reads the commentary even once each year and on Erev Pesach will be saved from any accident or strange death for the whole year. Rav Shimshon, along with ten thousand Jews of Polana, died al kiddush Hashem, in the Chmielnicki massacres, (5408/1648);  Rav Shimshon Bachrach of Nicholsburg, son of the Chavos Yair, (5481/1721);  Rav Gedalia Aharon ben Rav Yehoshua Rabinowitz of Monastrich Hy"d, killed in a pogrom in Uman with seven hundred others, (5679/1919).;  Rav Dovid Shapira ben Rav Pinchas Leib, (5694/1934);  Rav Chaim Yechezkel Taub of Ozorov ben Rav Yisrael of , (5698/1938);  Rav Yehoshua Heschel HaLevi ben Rav Chaim Shmuel Horowitz Hy"d, a descendant of the Chozeh (Seer) of , (5703/1943);  Rav Moshe Sitrin, a known Sefardi sage. He wrote the Sefer Be'er Moshe. He lived in the city of Medabartzin, (5757/1997);  Rav Yaakov Landau, son of the Noda BiYehuda, (5582/1822);  Rav Shmuel Bornstein (also known as Rav Shmuel Salir), mechaber of Shem Mishmuel and of Sochaczev (Sochochow) (b. 1855), son of the Avnei Nezer, (5687/1927);  Rav Yitzchok ben Rav , the first Skverer-Kishinev Rebbe in America. Known as Reb Itzikel Skverer, he left and came to America, arriving in 1923. Eventually he settled in the Boro Park section of , (5701/1941);  Rav Eliyohu Moshe Shisgal [Schisgal]. Learned with Rav at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. He married Faye Gittel Feinstein, daughter of Rav , (5633/1973). tthhth + 4 of Menachem AvMenachem Av ~ Begins Monday Night (Jul 12th)  Rav Menachem Azaria ben Rav Yitzchok Brechya deFano (from Pano) (b. 1548), Italian Mekubol, known as the Rema MiPano, (5380/1620);  Rav Tzvi Meir HaKohen Rabinowitz, Av Bais Din of . His father was the Tiferes Shlomo, Rav Shlomo HaKohen of Radomsk, (5662/1902);  Rav Efraim ben Rav Yechezkel Taub of , (5664/1904);  Rav Refoel ben Rav Mordechai Ankawa (also spelled Ankavah or Encouau) of Morocco, (1848–1935) was the chief Rav of Morocco and a noted commentator, Talmudist, Posek, and mechaber. Born in Sale, Morocco, in 1848, he was known to the Jews of North Africa as Malach Refoel (the Angel Refoel). In 1880, he became president of the Bais Din in Sale and founded a Yeshiva there. In 1918, he was appointed the first president of the high rabbinical court of Rabat, Morocco. He published numerous works on jurisprudence, including Karne Re’em (Yerushalayim, 1910); Hadad Vetema (Yerushalayim, 1978); Paamonei Zohov (Yerushalayim, 1912) and Paamon Verimon (Yerushalayim, 1967); some of them continue to be regarded as authoritative. His funeral, on August 2, 1935, was attended by over fifty thousand followers. His grave became a place of Jewish pilgrimage. Rav Ankawa is survived by hundreds of descendants today, mostly in Eretz Yisrael, France and the United States. Leading Rabbonim refer to his books as sources for contemporary Jewish legal works, (5695/1935);  Rav Refoel ben Rav Mordechai Ankawa  Rav Benzion Halberstam of Bobov, Hy”d, mechaber of Kedushas Tzion, a commentary on the Torah. He was born in the year 1874/5634 in Bokovosk, Galicia, to Rav Shlomo Halberstam, a grandson of Rav Chaim of Sanz. In 1893, Rav Shlomo moved to Bobov and appointed his son, Rav Benzion, Rav of the town. His father’s work with youth was sadly

10  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] cut short when he passed away suddenly in 1905, at the age of fifty-eight. On the following Shabbos, Rav Shlomo’s brothers appointed Rav Benzion the Bobover Rebbe at the age of thirty-one. He followed in his father’s footsteps by focusing on the youth. He was murdered with twenty thousand Jews after being forced to dig a mass grave in a forest outside Lvov (Lemberg). Rav Benzion was survived by two sons – Rav Shlomo Halberstam, the Bobover Rebbe (niftar 2000) [who rebuilt Bobover Chassidus in the United States], and Rav Yechezkel Dovid (niftar 1978), as well as seven daughters, the oldest of whom was Devora Lea Twerski of Milwaukee, (5701/1941);  Rav Eliyohu Glucksman (b. 1921), Dayan of the Washington Heights (New York) community, teacher at Bais Yaakov and Rika Breuers Teachers Seminary. Born in Berlin, he escaped to England in 1938, where he studied under Rav Eliyohu Dessler. He later immigrated to Eretz Yisrael, where he learned at Bais Yosef, Petach Tikva, and then ten years in at Kollel Chazon Ish (5764/2004). tthhth + 5 of Menachem AvMenachem Av ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Jul 13th)  Rav Yitzchok Luria Ashkenazi from Tzefas, the Arizal (b. 1534), born in Yerushalayim, son of Rav Shlomo Luria Ashkenazi, who is believed to be descended from Rav Yechiel Luria, Av Bais Din of Brisk and mechaber of Chochmas Shlomo on Shas and Yad Shel Shlomo. His father passed away shortly after his birth, and Rav Klominus taught him. He and his family moved to Egypt when Rav Klominus passed away. There he learned with Rav Dovid ben Zimra, the Radvaz, from age fourteen. Among the other talmidim was Rav Betzalel Ashkenazi, mechaber of Shita Mekubetzes. He moved to Tzefas at age thirty-six, in the same year that the Ramak, Rav Moshe Cordovero, was niftar. He was niftar two years later, (5332/1572);  Rav Gedalya Chiyun. Born in Turkey, he founded Yeshivas Bais Kel (in 1732), whose talmidim studied Kabbola according to the approach of the Arizal. His teacher was the great Mekubol Rav Chaim Alfandari. His greatest student was Rav Sholom Sharabi (Rashash) of Yemen (5th of Av, according to Yated 2007), (5510/1750);  Rav Meir Berabi, Rav of Pressburg and mechaber of Chiddushei Maharam Berabi, (5549/1789);  Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky of Vilna. Born in Ivye in 1863, a small town near Vilna where his father (a talmid of Rav Yisrael Salanter) was Rav for forty years, preceded by his grandfather who had also served as Rav there for forty years, Rav Chaim Ozer was gifted with an infallible memory, never experiencing “forgetting”, as he himself remarked, until his old age. At fifteen years of age, he went to the Yeshiva of Volozhin and was immediately accepted into Rav Chaim Brisker's select group. He married the daughter of the Vilna Dayan, Rav Lazer, son-in-law of Rav Yisrael Salanter, at the age of twenty. Two years later, his father-in-law passed away, and he then took the position of Dayan in Vilna, and over the next fifty-five years, became the unofficial Rav of Vilna. His only child, a girl of seventeen, became ill, was bedridden for three years, and passed away at twenty. Rav Chaim Ozer was one of the founders of Agudas Yisrael and was the pillar of the movement throughout his life. One of the Gedolei HaDor of his time, he was very close with the Chofetz Chaim. He was a great Tzaddik and an absolute genius, with a reputation for, among other things, being able to write two separate things at a time using his right and left hands simultaneously. He authored Sheilos Utshuvos Achiezer. With his petira, the Jewish people lost three giants in ten months, the others being Rav , in Telshe for twenty-five

11  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] years and in Grodno (9th of Cheshvan) and Rav Boruch Ber Levovitz of Kamenitz (5th of Kislev), (5700/1940);  Rav Ezriel Hildesheimer, Rav of Adas Yisrael of Berlin (b. 1820), the first Rosh Yeshiva of the Berlin Rabbinical Seminary, and formerly Rav of Eisenstadt, Hungary. The Berlin Seminary, which was created in response to the growth of Reform in Germany, continued in existence until the late 1930s under the leadership of such figures as Rav Dovid Zvi Hoffman (until 1921), Rav Avrohom Eliyohu Kaplan (until 1924) and Rav [another source claims 4th of Tammuz], (5659/1899);  Rav Chaim of Krasna, a talmid of the Ba’al Shem Tov, (5553/1793);  Rav Binyomin Paler (b. 1908), a talmid muvhok of the Brisker Rav, Rav Yitzchok Zev HaLevi Soloveitchik. His mother was a direct descendant of the Rema. Born in Brisk, Rav Binyomin studied in Toras Chessed of Rav Moshe Sokolovski, mechaber of the Imrei Moshe. In 1931, he transferred to the Yeshiva of Rav Velvel Soloveitchik, the Rav of Brisk. He traveled with the to , where he drew close to the mashgiach, Rav Yechezkel Levenstein. After the war, he arrived in the United Sates and founded the Bais HaTalmud Yeshiva in Brooklyn. Soon afterward, he married the daughter of Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld of Mattersdorf. In 1967, he founded the Mekor Chaim Yeshiva, where he taught for over thirty years, (5760/2000);  Rav Shimon Nosson Nota Biderman. Born in Teverya in 1930 to Rav Yaakov Yitzchok, the Admor of , a descendant of the first Lelover Rebbe, Rav Dovid, who himself was a talmid of the Chozeh of Lublin. When his father was niftar in 1981, Rav Shimon Nosson Nota became Admor and opened Mosdos Ohr Yaakov in his father’s memory; these included kollelim and chessed organizations, (5764/2004);  Rav Yechiel Michel Dorfman. One of the leaders of Breslov, he married the granddaughter of Rav Avrohom Sternhartz. He used to risk his life to take people to Rav Nachman's tziun in Uman. He spent time in Russian prisons and Siberia, and was the guardian of Rav Nachman's kever during the post-World War II Communist regime. He was instrumental in building the new kloiz (shul) in Uman. He had a rigorous schedule of Torah and Avoda until the end of his life, (5766/2006);  Rav Aharon Shakovitzky. Born in 1911 to Rav Binyomin Shakovitzky, the Maggid of Minsk, Rav Aharon traveled alone to Eretz Yisrael at the age of twelve to study under Rav Leib Chasman at Yeshivas Chevron. He survived the Chevron Massacre of 1929 and later lived in the home of Rav Yechezkel Sarna. After marrying, he and his wife lived in Tel Aviv and later in Bnei Brak. He studied with hasmoda and yegia his entire life, never wanting to take on the burden of the rabbinate, (5765/2005). tthhth + 6 of Menachem AvMenachem Av ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Jul 14th)  Rav Yaakov Cohen Yonoson, a Sefardi sage. He wrote the sefer Seed of the Peace, (5696/1936);  Rav Yehoshua Greenwald, Av Bais Din of Chust. After suffering the horrors of World War II, he followed the Rambam’s advice and wrote that “strolling in beautiful gardens, looking at pleasing works of architecture, and being surrounded by beautiful objects alleviate depression and expand one's mind, (5729/1969);  Rav Arye Finkel, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir-Brachfeld, (5776/2016);  Rav Shlomo Zalman HaKohen (Hanau) Katz of Frankfurt-on-Main, mechaber of Binyan Shlomo, a work on Hebrew grammar, (5506/1746).

12  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] + 7th of Av ~ Begins Thursday Night (Jul 15th)  Rav Moshe ben Amram Greenwald (or Grunwald) of Chust, the Arugas Habosem (1915). A disciple of Rebbe Yehoshua Rokeach of . His son, Rav Yaakov Yechezkiya, became the Rebbe;  Rav Pinchos of Sokolivka Hy"d (1919 / 5679) ben Rav Gedalia Aharon of Linitz. Rav Pinchos'l was both uncle and father–in–law to the Maonstrishter Rav Yehosua Heshil Rabinowitz. Along with other Jews, he was killed by the Ukranians during the Russian Revolution in a pogrom in the streets of Uman;  Rav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld of Mattersdorf, son of Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld. Rosh Yeshiva of the Chasan Sofer yeshiva. Mechaber of Ma'aneh Simcha, (1926);  Don Yosef Hanasi;  Rav Shmuel, son of Rav Yitzchok Isaac Yankowitz, Rishon LeZion Rebbe, (1999);  Rav Shalom Noach Brazovsky, the Slonimer Rebbe (1911-2000/5760). Born in Baranovich (today in Belarus), where his father, Rav Moshe Avraham, was the Rosh Hakahal. Baranovich was the home of the Slonimer Rebbe, Rav Avraham Weinberg, and his yeshiva, Toras Chessed. (Rav Weinberg, known as the Bais Avraham, was a great-grandson and namesake of the first Slonimer Rebbe, known as the Yesod Ha'avodah. Rav Brazovsky's mother was a granddaughter of Rav Hillel, a brother of the Yesod Ha'avodah.) The future Rav Brazovsky studied in Yeshivas Toras Chessed under its rosh yeshiva, Rav Avraham Shmuel Hirshovitz (a grandson of Rav Eliezer Gordon of Telz), and its mashgiach, Rav Moshe Midner (a grandson of the Yesod Ha'avodah and a student of Rav Chaim 'Brisker' Soloveitchik). He thus absorbed Talmudic studies in the Lithuanian style with traditional chassidic teachings. Shortly before his own passing in 1933, the Bais Avraham recommended to his cousin, Rav Avraham Weinberg of Teveryah that he take Rav Brazovsky as a son-in-law. (Rav Avraham's brother was the father of Rav Yaakov Weinberg, the late rosh yeshiva of Ner Yisrael, and Rav Noach Weinberg, founder of Aish HaTorah.) His father-in-law was the Birchas Avraham. On Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, 1941, Rav Brazovsky opened the Slonimer yeshiva in Yerushalayim. With the exception of the Yesod Ha'avodah, none of the Slonimer or their predecessors, the rebbes of Lechovitch and Kobrin, committed their teachings to writing. As part of his effort to rejuvenate Slonimer chassidus, Rav Brazovsky was responsible for collecting the oral traditions ascribed to these leaders in works such as Divrei Shmuel and Toras Avos. Rav Brazovsky also authored many volumes of his own teachings, including the seven-volume Nesivos Shalom – one of the more popular chassidishe seforim of our time. Rav Brazovsky served as the Slonimer Rebbe from his father-in-law's petira in 1981.  Y HILLULA DE’THILLULA DE’TZADDIKAZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Maharil, in Hilchos Taanis, teaches us that the reason why there is a custom to visit the Bais hachaim on a fast is because “this place is the resting place of the Tzaddikim and is therefore sanctified, pure and holy and our tefillos are more readily heard, accepted and

13  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] answered when davened on holy ground. When you daven there, do not make requests of the dead who are buried there; rather ask Hashem to answer you mercifully in their merit. Then circle around the graves and donate charity before reciting tefillos.” בית הקברות הוא מקו מנוחת הצדיקי ומתו כ הוא מקו קדוש וטהור התפילה נתקבלה ש יותר, א אל ישי מגמתו נגד המתי , א יבקש מהשי“ת שית עליו רחמי בזכות הצדיקי שוכני עפר הקברות, ויקי , וית צדקה קוד שיאמר התחינות. The Zohar in VaYeira page 71 teaches us that if we suffer any calamity or tragedy we have the custom to go and daven at the kevorim of Tzaddikim. The reason for this is that we approach them with fasting, remorse and repentance, and we have in mind that the departed souls ask and daven for us before Hashem on High, as opposed to the prohibition against speaking to the dead which is an idolatrous practice where the idol worshippers sought out the impure dead souls and bodies using sorcery and witchcraft. Instead, beseech our Tzaddikim who, in gan eden, are truly alive, and ask through tefilla and fasting and teshuva alone.   

Y GEDOLIMGEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES RRavav Aharon HalberstamHalberstam,, 1, 1st of Menachem Av Rav of Sanz, son of the Divrei Chaim Rav Aharon Halberstam was born in to Rav Aharon being imprisoned for six 5586/1826, in Rudnick. His father was Rav weeks. Chaim, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. Rav Aharon wrote down many He was a talmid of his father, and chiddushei Torah, but shortly before his would also travel to the courts of other passing, he burned all his manuscripts. leading Rebbes, among them Rav Tzvi After taking ill, Rav Aharon traveled Hirsh of Rimanov, Rav Dovid of Tolna, the to Vienna to meet with doctors. He was Sar Sholom of Belz and Rav Avrohom of niftar as he made his way home, on Rosh . Chodesh Av 5663/1903, at age seventy- Rav Aharon married the daughter of seven. He was buried in the ohel with his the nogid Rav Yaakov Weinberger of father, in Sanz. Dukla. Rav Aharon’s sons were Rav Shmuel In 5617/1857, Rav Aharon was Shmelke; Rav Shalom, who served as Rav appointed Rav in the city of Sanz. in Pikli and Sanz; and Rav Aryeh Leibish of Following his father’s petira (25th of Sanz-Gribov. His son-in-law was Rav Nissan 5636/1876), Rav Aharon was the Moshe Halberstam of Bardiov. only son who was not appointed Rebbe. He Some of his Divrei Torah were refused to accept the Chassidim who came published in Megged Eretz, by Rav Aharon to his house. Halberstam of Biale-Bilitz (a great- During his tenure as Rav, Rav nephew) and in other seforim as well. Aharon applied a cherem against one of the Zecher tzaddik livrachah. residents of the city, who refused to accept the ruling of his Beis Din. This incident led

14  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] RRavaavv Yaakov Moshe Shurkin,Shurkin,,, 111st of Menachem Av Rosh Mesivta of Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin Rav Yaakov Moshe Shurkin was the but he couldn’t get the right papers, so he younger son of Rav Michel Zalman, born in went first to Eretz Yisrael. In Yerushalayim, 5662/1902. He was born in Podobranka, a he became close with Rav Isser Zalman small village deep in White Russia. His Meltzer. original surname was Shur, which was later Two years later, he went on to changed, most likely to evade the Russian America. There, he married the daughter of military draft. Rav Yaakov Kantorovich. Rav Yaakov, an He was descended from a prominent uncle of Rav Moshe Feinstein, had been family in Podobranka. His Rav of Timkavitch in Russia. When the maternal grandfather was Rav Zalman communists took over, all Rabbonim were Freidin, son-in-law of Rav Zalman Chaikin in danger. Rav Yaakov and Rav Moshe of Podobranka. escaped to America, and Rav Kantorovich Rav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson was became a Rav in Trenton, New Jersey. He also a grandson of Rav Zalman Chaikin; he authored Tzilusa DeShmaatsa on the Shev and Rav Yaakov Moshe’s mother were first Shmaatsa, Chiddushei HaGra and other cousins. His son, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, seforim. At his petira he was buried in and Rav Yaakov Moshe, were second Trenton; later, with a psak from his cousins. nephew Rav Moshe, the aron was moved to When Yaakov Moshe became bar Chelkas HaRabbonim in . mitzva, Rav Michel Zalman was suddenly Rav Yaakov Moshe was a Rosh niftar. Now a young orphan, Rav Yaakov Mesivta in Yeshiva U’Mesivta Rabbeinu Moshe decided to go to Radin, where he Chaim Berlin from its founding in learned with extraordinary hasmada under 5698/1938 until he was niftar on Rosh the Chofetz Chaim for the next fifteen Chodesh Av 5723/1963, at sixty-two. He years. During his years in Yeshiva, his was buried in Beth David cemetery in mother also passed away. Elmont, Long Island. Rav Yaakov Moshe was zocheh to be Several volumes of his shiurim on one of those who took part in the tahara of masechtos have been published as Shiurei the Chofetz Chaim. Many years later Rav Rav Yaakov Moshe. Mendel Zaks, son-in-law of the Chofetz His son, Rav Michel, shlit’a, is a Chaim and Rosh Yeshiva in Radin, wrote Rosh Yeshiva in Toras Moshe in the nusach for the matzeiva of Rav Yerushalayim. Shurkin. Zecher tzaddik livrachah. In 5693/1933, Rav Yaakov Moshe tried to leave Europe and go to America,  AhAharonAharonaron HaKohen,HaKohen, 1, 1st ofofof Menachem Av Born: Egypt, 1406 BCE. / Niftar: Hor Sephirah of Hod. HaHar, 1283 BCE. The Arizal says that Aharon Prophet, brother of Moshe Rabbeinu HaKohen, was Haran (brother of Avraham and Miriam the Prophetess, the first Kohen Avinu) in his previous life. Haran (same Gadol (High Priest). The chariot for the letters as Aharon, without the Alef) had to

15  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] correct an element of idol worship when they fell on their faces, as it is committed by Adam, but he failed. As written, Moshe and Aharon fell on Aharon he should have also sacrificed his their faces (Bamidbar 14:5), and life, like Chur ben Miriam did, in order to whereas Yehoshua and Calev were stop the sin of the Golden Calf from taking answered when they rent their place, in order to do a correction garments (Ta'anis 14b); concerning idol worship. Mistakenly, he  He loved peace and pursued it, loved thought that Chur's death accomplished people and drew them close to the that. (Sha'ar HaGilgulim page 95, 114) Torah (Avos 1:12); Though all of his intentions had  Aharon never said to a man or been pure, trying only to hold off the Erev woman, "You have sinned". Moshe, Rav (Mixed Multitude) long enough to give however, rebuked them (Sifra Moshe a chance to return to the camp and Shemini 1). When Aharon went on restore order, still, it had been his hand his way and a wicked person that had worked the gold. Aharon HaKohen encountered him, Aaron greeted was punished for his mistake, to lose all his him. The next day, that man wanted four sons. Moshe prayed for him and to commit a sin, but thought, "Woe succeeded in saving two of them. is to me! How will I raise my eyes afterwards and look at Aharon? I am Aharon was later reincarnated as ashamed before him, for he greeted Yaabetz HaShofet (another name for me" (Avos d' Rav Nasan 12:3). Othniel ben Kenaz), he returned again as

Tula ben Puah HaShofet, he reincarnated again in Shmuel HaNavi (Samuel the When two people quarreled Aharon Prophet), reincarnated again in Aviyah son went and sat down with one of them and of King Yerovam, reincarnated again in said to him, "My son, know that your friend Uriah HaKohen (who was killed by King has said, 'I am ashamed before him because Yehoyakim, and by that was atoned for I have sinned against him.' "Aaron would having to be killed in the Golden Calf sit with him until he had dispelled the ill incident) and reincarnated again in feeling from his heart. Then Aaron would Zechariah HaNavi. (Shaar HaGilgulim, go and sit with the other one and say to Hakdama 33). him, "Know that your friend is saying, 'Woe is to me! How shall I raise my eyes and look Aharon's wife Elisheva was later at my friend? I am ashamed before him reincarnated as Batsheva, the soul mate of because I have sinned against him.' Dovid HaMelech. (Kisvei HaAri - Shaar "Aharon would sit with him until he had HaPsukim, Shmuel II) dispelled the ill feeling from his heart.

 Three good leaders arose for Bnei When the two friends later met, they Yisrael, Moshe, Aharon, and Miriam embraced and kissed each other (ibid. (Ta'anis 9a); 12:3);  There were seventy small courts  ei over which Aharon was appointed There were thousands in Bn Yisrael who were called by the name (Zohar 3:20:1);  The merit of Moshe and Aharon was of Aharon, for if not for Aharon, they enough to redeem Bnei Yisrael would not have come into the world. (Shemos Rabbah 15:3); Aharon made peace between  Not all are answered when they fall husband and wife so that they came on their faces in prayer, and not all together, and they named the child when they rend their garments. that was born after him (ibid. 12:3); Moshe and Aharon were answered 16  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

 Aharon tied a rope of iron about his In one year three righteous people were waist and went around to all the niftar – Moshe, Aharon, and Miriam. houses of Bnei Yisrael. To whoever Three precious gifts that had been given was ignorant he taught Krias Shema through them were canceled: the manna, and prayer, and whoever could not which was in the merit of Moshe, the pillar learn Torah he taught Torah (Tanna of cloud, which was in the merit of Aharon, d'Bei Eliyahu Rabbah, ed. Meir Ish and the well, which was in the merit of Shalom); Miriam. All of them were removed in the  When Moshe spoke, Aharon would same month (Sifri Devarim 305). bend his ear to listen in awe, and May the merit of the tzaddik Aharon Scripture considers it as if he heard HaKohen protect us all, Amen. directly from the Holy One, Blessed is He (Mechilta Bo 3).  RRavav Shlomo HalberstamHalberstam,,,, 111STSTST of Menachem Av Bobover Rebbe Remembering the Bobover Rebbe: 2 relive the image of my father, it is definitely Articles (Edited for Length) the enthusiasm and bren that comes to Rav Shlomo Halberstam, the mind,” said Rebbetzin Sara Meislish, Tzaddik that rebuild the Chassidic sect of daughter of Rav Shlomo Halberstam, the Bobov, and made it again into a dynasty previous Bobover Rebbe. “It was a privilege after World War II. He saw a world in its for him to do a mitzvah. He lived from devastation and presided over its mitzvah to mitzvah.” renaissance, teaching the new generation Rav Halberstam the lessons that had sustained the old. “He lost his wife and most never forgot where he came from, never of his children during accepted the American way,” recalls one of the Holocaust. Yet his chassidim. when he came to “Someone once said something that America with his eldest he disagreed with, and he argued son, Rav Naftuli, to vehemently. ‘How can you express such an rebuild his life and the opinion? It must be because you grew up life of Bobover here, in the land of Coca-Cola! How can Chassidus, his you understand the way things ought to dedication to mitzvos be?’ ” never wavered. “Whether he was lighting He strove to create a Bobov that Chanukah licht, baking on Erev would match the Bobov that had been Pesach or shaking a lulav and esrog on destroyed, working assiduously to build, Succos, thousands of people were that his father would have been proud of. inspired,” she recalled. The Jewish He once jokingly commented that “I strive Observer wrote: ‘His simcha and fervor to preserve my father’s minhagim, but I do were the same whether he was making have one tradition that I haven’t received Kiddush before thousands of people or at from my father: my father never owed his own table with two guests.’ millions of dollars for his mosdos." “Once, when he was in his eighties, “When I close my eyes and try to he was in Florida for a vacation and had to have a cataract removed. Never had he had 17  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] any medical procedure done on him, and earth. Man can be killed, but his soul is he was frightened. My sister flew down to eternal, and no murderer or evildoer in the be with him. The doctor saw his fear and world can harm the soul. said, ‘Rebbe, don’t worry. I’ve been doing “Today, Naftoli, I am your father this operation for so many years that I can and you, my son, can still fulfill the do it with my eyes closed.’ mitzvah of kibbud ov, which is one of the “My father turned to my sister and most stringent laws in the Torah. his gabbai and said, ‘Did you hear that? Tomorrow, apparently, both of us will be I’ve been putting on tefillin for seventy-two sacred souls in Shomayim. My son, how years, and I still can’t do it with my eyes great is the merit of a Jewish soul that closed.’ Each time he put them on, it was fulfills the mitzvah of, ‘I shall be sanctified like the first time.” among Bnei Yisrael.’ Tomorrow, if such is Rebbetzin Meislish also described the will of Hakodosh Boruch Hu, both of us her father’s love for the mitzvah of tzedaka, will merit fulfilling the mitzvah of which had him give away hundreds of ‘Venikdashti Besoch Bnei Yisrael. thousands of dollars in charity. He taught Tomorrow we will fulfill this great mitzvah. her the proper use of money at a young age. In these last minutes of our lives I have one Once he took her to the home of a wealthy request of you, my son. I want you to fulfill benefactor. “Ooh, Tatte, what a house,” the yet another mitzvah of kibbud ov vo’eim little girl whispered admiringly. “Does it before they kill me. I want Naftoli to obey help?” the Rebbe replied. “Does it help our me. Do you promise to obey me?” avodas Hashem? The Eibishter should “Yes, my father,” Naftoli answered, save me, my children, my grandchildren and the and all our generations from such a house!” Bobover The Bobover Rebbe miraculously Rebbe survived the horrors of the Holocaust. He continued: was confronted with death on many “Naftoli, my occasions, and was prepared to sanctify dear one, Hashem’s Name with his own death. He recall experienced obvious miracles which could Simchas fill volumes, teaching how the hand of Torah in Hashgocho accompanied him throughout Bobov and the entire Holocaust, helping him renew the the Bobover dynasty after the war. tremendous simcha we felt when we An astounding chapter of his life danced during hakofos with the Torah in during the Holocaust focuses on his rescue our hands, or the simcha of the baking of of Jewish children. In superhuman ways, matzos on erev Pesach, and all of the with enormous mesiras nefesh, he saved simcha with which a Jew should observe Jewish lives, hiding people at the risk of his every single mitzvah, especially that of own life. kiddush Hashem. We have only a few more hours in which to live—a few more hours Once the Rebbe was caught along until morning. The only mitzvah we can with his son, Rav Naftoli, and was certain still fulfill is that of kiddush Hashem with that he they would be killed in the morning. all our heart. The murderers will torture He approached his beloved son, and with me with bitter and harsh torments because einayim kedoshos welling with tears, he they will want to know the identities of the said: “Naftoli, my dear son, know that the smugglers and those who make counterfeit body of a Jew is corporeal—dust from the affidavits. I won’t say a thing. I will only

18  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] shout ‘Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu was like a father to them, instilling them Hashem Echod’ until my soul departs from with new spirit and drawing them close to my body. When you see my tremendous him as if he were their father. suffering, don’t pay attention to it. Just In time, he traveled to London to shout, ‘Shema Yisrael’ too, and don’t fear participate in the Agudas Yisrael Knessia anything in the world. Strengthen yourself and from there continued to America. and don’t cry then, because if you cry you Immediately upon his arrival in the United might confuse me at this great, sacred States he sent visas to his students and son, moment. Naftoli, that is my final request to and brought them to America. you. Will you listen to me?” The Bobover Rebbe's purpose in Naftoli burst into uncontrolled tears, going to London was to revive the Torah and in a choked voice said: “Tatte, I will world and the Chassidic Bobov community. ask the murderers to kill me first, because I The Bobover Rebbe, who agreed to fill the surely won’t be able to watch you suffer.” place of his father as Admor because his They prepared themselves for the Chassidim begged him to do so, began to mitzvah of kiddush Hashem. On the way to lead his flock. Masses of survivors from the scaffold they were saved at the last Bobov began to stream to him, impressed moment, and returned to the camp in by his sichos, which they felt were Bochnia. comparable to those delivered by his A Hungarian affidavit in hand, the illustrious forbears, the founders and Admor managed to escape from the camp, leaders of Bobover Chassidus. and in roundabout ways he reached Kashoi Under his leadership, Bobover and Budapest. After the Nazi Invasion, he Chassidus gradually grew and thousands of went on to Grosswardein. During the days families numbered themselves among his of wrath he truly drank the bitter cup until followers. He established a new generation its last dregs, losing his wife and two of his of avreichim and Torah scholars imbued children. with exalted spiritual aspirations. He led When he reached he, his flock with compassion and endless together with a representative of the Red mesiras nefesh, influencing them in Armada headed by a Jew disguised as a ruchniyus and helping them with priest, made valiant efforts to save Jews. gashmiyus. They helped save hundreds of children. Jews from all sects and circles During the period in which the Bobover streamed to Borough Park to his large Beis Rebbe was in Bucharest he helped HaMedrash. He was a talmid chacham, thousands of Jews who had arrived in and his gift of speech and humility, he Romania after the Holocaust: in both resolutely succeeded in reviving the spirits ruchniyus and gashmiyus. While he was in of many Jews after the Holocaust, drawing Romania he managed to obtain a certificate them closer to Hashem. stating that he was an Italian citizen, and thus received a permit to go to Bari, a city legacy-and-life-of--shlomo-halberstam-zt%E2%80%9Dl-the- in northern Italy. -that-rebuild-the-bobov-dynasty-in-america/ In the camps in Italy, scores of  orphaned children and lone young men who had lost their families clustered The Rebbe was known for his around him. He arranged for a G-d fearing tremendous concern to preserve shalom shochet to come from Rome and took care and avoid machlokes, as can be seen by the of their material and spiritual needs. He following stories.

19  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

One time, in the middle of the night, help Yidden in whatever way possible. a person who fixed glass professionally Many stories are told of his mesiras nefesh received a call from the Rebbe. The Rebbe to save as many people as possible during explained that someone had smashed his the Holocaust. window in the middle of the night. (The One such story took place when the person did it because he didn’t agree with a Rebbe was in the relative safety (at least at policy of Bobov.) If the window was not that time) of Romania. He knew that his fixed immediately, in the morning, people relatives were still in Hungary and were in would see it and be upset, and they would grave danger. He received money from get involved in machlokes. To avoid this, Mrs. Shternbuch, which helped him pay the Rebbe felt that it was necessary to have someone to take him into Hungary and the window fixed right away. attempt to save his family. This person said The glacier at first thought it was a that he would go into Hungary on prank phone call. After several calls of condition that they would leave the very which he hung up the phone on the Rebbe, next day. As it turned out, one family he ascertained that it was the Rebbe. After member was missing and the Rebbe completing the work during the night, the wanted to stay another day to try to locate Rebbe wanted to pay him. The glacier her. The person helping the Rebbe said that refused payment from the Rebbe – just he wouldn’t do this and that he would leave requesting that the Rebbe attend his without them. While the family was simchas. The Rebbe agreed – on condition discussing what to do, the missing family that the glacier vow never to reveal the member showed up, explaining that her story of the broken window. father, the Kedushas Tzion, had come to For the rest of the Rebbe’s life, he her in a dream, telling her to join with the attended the simchas of the glacier (even rest of her family. though he wasn’t even a chassid). After the Holocaust, the Rebbe Chassidim always wondered why the Rebbe continued his mesiras nefesh, helping attended the glacier’s simchas while he many Yidden rebuild their lives, both wasn’t so meticulous with other people’s physically and spiritually. On the West Side simchas. After the Rebbe’s petira, the of Manhattan, where his kehillah was glacier came to be menacham avel – and located for a while, he would even clean the said that now that the Rebbe was niftar, he mikvah himself, if necessary, in order to is released from his vow and proceeded to make sure that it would be available for tell the whole story. use. Another time, someone had One Shavuos night, people noticed published pashkevillin (flyers condemning how the Rebbe left the Beis HaMedrash others) against the Bobover Rebbe. The every hour for a couple of minutes. He later Rebbe was afraid that this would lead to explained that this enabled those who felt machlokes and he therefore gave the they had to leave not to be embarrassed, as following message at a Rosh Chodesh tish: the Rebbe wasn’t in the Beis HaMedrash. “I have been mochel the one who spread Even when the Rebbe had to give these pashkevillin. However, if anyone tochacha, rebuke, it was done in a way that decides to start fighting with those it was clearly coming from ahava, love. spreading them, I will not be mochel them One time, a person did work on the in this world or in Olam Habah.” Of course, kitchen of one of the Rebbe’s chassidim after this shmuess, nobody continued the and wasn’t paid. When the Rebbe heard machlokes and eventually it died down. about this, he called in the chassid to speak The Rebbe was also moser nefesh to 20  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] to him, explaining that he (the Rebbe) in-laws had already honored a different needed advice about construction on his rebbe with this kibbud. When the family own kitchen. The Rebbe asked if he could met with the Rebbe and apprised him of see the chassid’s kitchen. When the Rebbe the situation, he said that he would be came to this person’s house, he saw that happy with the bracha of Sos Tosis the work was done properly and that the Vesageil Ha’akarah (the barren one should chassid didn’t have any complaints against rejoice, referring to Eretz Yisrael and the one who did the work. At this time, the Yerushalayim). One of the family members Rebbe mentioned that he had heard how didn’t have any children and answered a the chassid didn’t pay, and that if he loud Amein. About a year later, he had wanted Hashem to bestow on him good children. things, he should treat other people The Rebbe also exemplified the properly by paying them for a service middah of umekarvan laTorah, bringing rendered. Shortly afterwards, the chassid people close to Torah. The menahel in a paid up. This episode showed how the certain large yeshiva once spoke to the Rebbe looked at both sides of the story Rebbe and the Rebbe mentioned that he before deciding what had to be done, and was planning on giving a certain amount of he delivered his tochacha in a way that it money to the yeshiva. When the menahel would be accepted. came back at a later time, he said that he Someone once asked him how a was there to collect the chov (debt). The rebbe spends his vacation. The Rebbe Rebbe said that to give money to a yeshiva answered that in the city, he must limit the is a zechiya (opportunity) and not merely amount of time he davens so as not to an obligation. impose on others who are waiting for him When he was building the Bobover to finish. When he goes on vacation, kehillah after World War II, the Rebbe however, he can daven as long as he wants. went to South America to raise money. On The Rebbe was once visiting Shabbos, he expected to see one of his someone and was served food. After he acquaintances, but the person didn’t show finished eating and making brachos, the up. On Motza’ei Shabbos, this person came, Rebbe was asked to give a bracha to the and when he was asked where he was on one who gave him the food, as that person Shabbos, he explained that he went to his hadn’t had any children yet. The Rebbe company to work on Shabbos. said, “I had you in mind when I said Borei Embarrassed, the person excused his Nefashos (which means creating souls). conduct by saying that the company’s The Rebbe’s gabbai then asked if he could equipment was very old and he therefore also get a bracha, as he also didn’t have any couldn’t afford to close on Shabbos. The children. Again, the Rebbe answered that Rebbe asked how much money it would he had him in mind when he said the word cost to purchase new equipment and was rabbos (meaning many) in the bracha of told an amount that was exactly the same Borei Nefashos. A year later, one of these as all the money he had raised during the chassidim had a boy and the other had a previous couple of days. Immediately, he girl. Eighteen years later, they married each turned over all the money to this person. other, fulfilling the bracha of Borei This man became a shomer Shabbos and Nefashos Rabbos. raised a wonderful Torah’dike . One of the Rebbe’s chassidim was a His home in Brooklyn, New York, yasom and he mentioned to the Rebbe that was a beacon where he received everyone he wanted him to be mesader kiddushin at with a special glow and with unusual his wedding, not knowing that his future nobility of spirit. His pleasantness had a

21  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] profound influence on all who visited him Torah. The Admor of Bobov, his tradition and was the source of the tremendous and legacy, left a deep impression on the admiration people displayed for him. entire generation in America. He was deeply attached to all of the Gedolei Yisrael, Roshei Yeshiva and his-11th-yahrtzeit Admorim, who held him in high esteem. Yated Ne'eman - He maintained close contact with them in all the battles for Kodshei Yisrael and  RRavav Aharon Tumim of Cracow,,, 222nnddnd of Menachem Av Rav Aharon Tumim of Cracow was from Worms by a few years, leaving in born in 5390/1630. His father, Rav Moshe 5450/1690. Shortly thereafter, the city was Tumim, was Rav in Mehrin. His paternal destroyed by the troops of King Louis XIV grandfather was Rav Shimon Tumim of France. Lemil, one of the Gedolim of Vienna. Rav Aharon was Rav in Cracow for Rav Aharon married the sister of barely four months when a Polish Rav Eliezer HaLevi Ettinger, of Holleschau, nobleman had him arrested. He was killed Austria. on Shabbos Parshas Mattos Masei, second From 5419/1659 to 5432/1672, Rav of Av, 5450/1690, in Chmielnik, and buried Aharon was Darshan and Maggid in in Pintchov, where the local Rav was his Prague. Later, he became Rav and Rosh brother-in-law (his sister’s husband), Rav Yeshiva in Worms, Germany. He was an Yehudah Leib Tzintz of Holleschau. acknowledged Talmid Chochom with a Rav Aharon wrote two seforim: phenomenal memory. Matteh Aharon on Haggada shel Pesach, After the petira of Rav Mordechai and Bigdei Aharon on Torah. Deitches, Rav of Cracow, Rav Aharon was Hashem yinkom damo. chosen to take his place. He was to move there in 5447/1687, but because of political circumstances, he delayed his departure  Rav Shimshon of OstropoliOstropoli,,,, 333rdrdrd ofofof Menachem Av Based on Rav Bumbach’s biography on Rav fortified walls. The murderous hordes Shimshon in Sefer Nitzotzay Shimshon headed straight for the shul. Rav Shimshon On the bitter day of the 3rd of Av in was in the shul with three hundred the year 5408/1648, the Cossacks and followers, all of whom are said to have been Tartar forces conquered the fortified city of Chachomim Gedolim. They were all Polnoa with the help of the Ukrainian dressed in burial shrouds and wrapped in guards who were supposed to be guarding talleisim; they were butchered Al Kiddush the cities from the invaders. According to Hashem in the midst of davening. the testimony of Rav Nosson Nota There is a Matzeiva for Rav Hanover, Rav Shimshon was in the city of Shimshon in the center of Ostropoli and it Polnoa at the time, since many Jews had seems that his coffin was transferred to fled there seeking protection within its Ostropoli once calm returned to the area. About the murder of Rav Shimshon, 22  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] the Chozeh of Lublin writes that Rav became one of the foremost Mekubolim of Shimshon was Moshiach ben Yosef and was his time. therefore killed, as we know will happen to Ostropoli, a town situated in the Moshiach ben Yosef. (The neshoma of plains of Eastern Ukraine, became Rav Moshiach is found in every generation.) Shimshon’s home when he was appointed The Chozeh even writes that since as the town’s Maggid. He was fondly known Moshiach ben Yosef (Rav Shimshon) was by all as “Rav Shimshon Maggid” (the killed, this misfortune will not repeat itself preacher). Rav Shimshon also headed a when Moshiach finally comes. His words Yeshiva in Ostropoli in which he taught his are quoted by Rav Tzodok HaKohen of Talmidim both the revealed and hidden Lublin and the Damesek Eliezer of parts of Torah. A few of his Divrei Torah Komarna. The truth is, that even while Rav that are printed today are thanks to the Shimshon was alive, it was known that he notes of his Talmidim. possessed the neshoma of Moshiach ben Rav Shimshon’s greatness in both Yosef. Had his generation only merited… the revealed and hidden parts of Torah, Many of Rav Shimshon’s desendants coupled with his exalted levels of Kedusha were great Rabbonim in their own rights. and his brilliant mind, caused his fame to Some of the more well-known ones include: spread across Europe. We can catch a Rav Yoel Ba’al Shem of Zamotch; Rav glimpse of his greatness by seeing some of Leiber HaGodol of Berditchev; Rav Yaakov the unparalleled praises the Gedolim of his Yosef of Polnoa, one of the greatest time wrote about him. They testified that talmidim of the Ba’al Shem Tov; Rav he learned with, and merited many Yaakov Shimshon of Shpotivka; and Rav revelations in the secrets of Torah from, Shlomo Eliyashiv known as the Leshem Eliyohu HaNovi. He also learned with (Rav Eliyashiv’s grandfather), to name just Malochim and Maggidim, who taught him a few. many secrets. Some Gedolim even wrote: Rav Shimshon of Ostropoli, born in “All of his words are prophecy”. He also approximately the year 1599, was one of merited many revelations of the secrets of the greatest Torah giants and Mekubolim the Torah in dreams. In one place, Rav of his time. He was named after his Shimshon writes how the Megaleh grandfather, Rav Shimshon of Kremnitz, Amukos, Rav Nosson Nota of Krakow, one of the four brothers who were all appeared to him in a dream and explained Gedolei HaDor, the most well known of to him a difficult piece of liturgy. whom was the Maharal of Prague.  During the forty-eight short years that Rav Shimshon lived, he reached levels His Torah in Torah and Kedusha that were nothing Rav Shimshon’s ability to explain short of legendary. As a youngster, he the most cryptic passages of Gemora and began studying Torah under his father’s Zohar gained him unique recognition tutelage. He is also assumed to have worldwide, and many Talmidei learned under Rav Nosson Nota of Austra, Chachomim sent him letters asking him to the author of the Tzon Kodoshim on Seder enlighten them on difficult passages they Kodshim. had come across. The majority of Rav Rav Shimshon’s entry into the study Shimshon’s writings that exist today are of the hidden parts of Torah began when he derived from the many letters Rav was relatively young, as he himself writes Shimshon wrote to those who entreated (Don Yodin): “I began learning Kabbola at him to explain difficult passages in the a young age and toiled immensely to Torah. The most famous of all Rav master the ‘Chochma’. Eventually, he Shimshon’s writings is his letter called 23  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

“Ma’amar Sod Etzba Elokim” that many of the Torah luminaries of that time acted study on Erev Pesach. (This letter will be passively toward his find. discussed shortly.) Many seforim use Rav Shimshon’s Aside from his many letters, Rav Torah as an example of the wondrous Shimshon authored many works, which secrets hinted to in every word of Torah (as include: Don Yodin, Machaneh Don, Ben can be seen from the Ma’amar Sod Etzba Mano’ach, Nezer Elokim, Shemesh Elokim). Wherever there is a vort from Rav U’Mogen, Shemesh Nogah, VaYizrach Shimshon, all the Torah greats after him HaShemesh, Mincha Shelucha, and Ateres expound on them and use his words to Paz. Sadly, only the small work Don Yodin explain many other concepts, as his words survived the pogroms of 1648-49. Rav always open new worlds. These Gedolim Shimshon’s magnum opus was his include the Chida, the Vilna Gaon, the commentary on the Zohar, Machaneh Don. Chasam Sofer, the Bnei Yissoschor and While this sefer is reported to have been many others. Today, the majority of Rav printed once, the writes Shimshon’s Divrei Torah on the parshi’os that there is a tradition that it mysteriously have been collected into one volume called vanished off the face of the earth, and all Nitzotzei Shimshon by a descendant of Rav those people searching for it have all Shimshon, Rav Avrohom Yaakov Bumbach turned up empty-handed. The B’nei of Yerushalayim. Yissoschor writes that the reason Rav  Shimshon’s Torah was lost was due to the generation’s inadequate worth to receive Tach VeTat such revelations. The Ba’al Shem Tov As the years tragically referred to as (1698-1760) said that the mere study of the Tach VeTat (5408-09/1648-49) Machaneh Don has the power to bring the approached, Rav Shimshon repeatedly Final Redemption closer; many Gedolim preached that the year 5408 (1648) was went to great lengths to try to find it, but very apropos for the Final Redemption. In were unsuccessful. fact, the Zohar (Toldos 139b) clearly speaks It is worthwhile to quote one excerpt about this year as the year of the Geula. that does exist from Sefer Machaneh Don. However, the Gemara (Sanhedrin 97a) Rav Shimshon writes, almost prophetically teaches that the Final Redemption will only (Machaneh Don 295b), based on an Arizal come with teshuva and therefore, and a series of gematrios, that in the regardless of how appropriate a given year seventh century of the fifth millennium may be for redemption – if the Jews do not (sometime in the 5600s/1840-1940) a repent, the Geula will not come. Moreover, certain Rav will claim to have rediscovered the seforim write that if a year is fitting for the long-lost techeiles but his claims will Moshiach to come and the opportunity is not be so quickly or unanimously accepted. missed, that year becomes one of This find will ultimately hasten the Final catastrophe for the Jewish people. This is Redemption. Rav Shimshon ends off by what Rav Shimshon preached during the writing: May Hashem forgive me for years preceding 1648, begging the Jews to revealing this. These almost-prophetic do teshuva. Rav Shimshon found sources words were written some time before the for this year in the Torah (see Nitzotzei year 1648! Amazingly, during the year 1888 Shimshon, Vayikra 16:3) and even said that (5648), after extensive research, the Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews was Radziner Rebbe claimed to have found pushed off to the year 5408 (1648) – and techeiles resulting in many people wearing should the Jews not do teshuva, the year the newly found techeiles. But, as Rav would be catastrophic. This too Rav Shimshon wrote many years earlier, most Shimshon found hinted at in the Megilla 24  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

(see Nitzotzei Shimshon, Beshalach 17:16). the testimony of Rav Nosson Nota Unfortunately, even with the awakening Hanover, Rav Shimshon was in the city of that Rav Shimshon’s impassioned Polnoa at the time, since many Jews had preaching brought about, the years 1648- fled there seeking protection within its 49 became known in the annals of history fortified walls. The murderous hordes as one of the bloodiest times for the Jews headed straight for the shul. Rav Shimshon since the destruction of the Bais was in the shul with three hundred HaMikdosh. followers, all of whom are said to have been The Ramchal writes (Derech Eitz “Chachomim Gedolim”. They were all Chaim) that Rav Shimshon asked the Soton dressed in burial shrouds and wrapped in why the Jewish nation is more persecuted talleisim; they were butchered Al Kiddush than any other nation. The Soton answered Hashem in the midst of davening. that if the Jews would give up the Mitzvos There is a Matzeiva for Rav of Shabbos, Mila, and the study of Torah, Shimshon in he would leave them alone. Rav Shimshon’s the center of response was that thousands upon Ostropoli and it thousands of Jews would die and not one seems that his word of the Torah would be nullified. coffin was Although it seems that Rav transferred to Shimshon’s sermons did not arouse the Ostropoli once people enough, or perhaps the decree had calm returned already been approved by the Heavenly to the area. Court (there seems to be an agreement About about this in the seforim), Rav Shimshon the murder of was informed in a dream that if four of the Rav Shimshon, Torah giants of that generation would allow the Chozeh of themselves to die, each one would atone for Lublin writes one fourth of the number of Jews who were that Rav supposed to be killed. The story goes that Shimshon was one of the Gedolim refused, saying that he Moshiach ben still had a major contribution in Halacha to Yosef and was give to the Jews. Some of the names of the therefore killed, four Gedolim mentioned have been proven as we know will by historians to be highly improbable for happen to many reasons (Shach); others, deemed Moshiach ben simply impossible (Rav Lieber HaGodol of Yosef. (The Berditchev). Thus, although the legend is Neshoma of believed to be true, it remains unknown as Moshiach is found in every generation.) to who these Gedolim were and who The Chozeh even writes that since actually refused. Moshiach ben Yosef (Rav Shimshon) was  killed, this misfortune will not repeat itself when Moshiach finally comes. His words The 3rd of Av are quoted by Rav Tzoddok HaKohen of On the bitter day of the 3rd of Av in Lublin and the Damesek Eliezer of the year 1648 / 5408, the Cossacks and Komarna. The truth is, that even while Rav Tartar forces conquered the fortified city of Shimshon was alive, it was known that he Polnoa with the help of the Ukrainian possessed the Neshoma of Moshiach ben guards who were supposed to be guarding Yosef. Had his generation only merited… the cities from the invaders. According to Many of Rav Shimshon’s desendants 25  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] were great Rabbonim in their own rights. In fact, the Ga’avad of Erloi, Rav Some of the more well-known ones include: Yochonon Sofer, attributes his salvation Rav Yoel Ba’al Shem of Zamotch; Rav from the concentration camps to the merit Leiber HaGodol of Berditchev; Rav Yaakov of learning the Ma’amar. He tells how, on Yosef of Polnoa, one of the greatest Erev Pesach in the year 1944, due to the disciples of the Ba’al Shem Tov; Rav panic and confusion that reigned, he and Yaakov Shimshon of Shpotivka; and Rav his grandfather, Rav Shimon Sofer, then Shlomo Eliyashiv known as the Leshem the chief Rav of Erloi, forgot to adhere to (Rav Eliyashiv’s grandfather), to name just their yearly practice of reciting the a few. Ma’amar. Rav Yochonon remembered on  Erev Rosh HaShana and immediately recited the Ma’amar. His grandfather did Ma’amar Sod Etzba Elokim – The not remember – and was murdered by the Erev Pesach Letter Nazis. Among the letters that survived In the year 1891, Rav Choviv Chaim from Rav Shimshon’s correspondence is Dovid Sutton, the Av Bais Din of Teveria the well-known “Ma’amar Sod Etzba and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Eliyohu Elokim”. This lengthy and complex, yet HaNovi, published a sefer called Shemesh enlightening, Ma’amar (exposition) was U’Mogen on this wondrous letter of Rav written to explain a cryptic passage written Shimshon, written solely to explain the by the Arizal concerning the Ten Plagues. deep concepts discussed by Rav Shimshon. The Ma’amar was revealed to Rav These explanations are necessary to fully Shimshon in a dream. At the end of the understand the depths of Rav Shimshon’s Ma’amar, Rav Shimshon writes: “After this words in his Ma’amar. This work has (the revelation of the Ma’amar), I was recently been translated into English. informed of the following secret: anyone  who studies this Ma’amar properly at least once a year and especially on Erev Pesach, Stories will merit great things. He will be saved The Shivchei HaBa’al Shem from all misfortunes and will not die a Tov relates how the Ba’al Shem Tov one strange death. No man will dominate him, passed through Ostropoli and kept on all his enemies will fall before him, and he looking intently at a certain garbage heap. will tread in all of their high places. In He later explained that that site was the every direction he turns, he will be place where Rav Shimshon’s Bais Medrash successful and will prosper in all of his once stood and he was able to see the pillar endeavors, until the coming of Moshiach.” of Rav Shimshon’s Torah, which he said Learning through this letter on the rose from the ground to the very heavens. Erev Pesach has become a custom of many, as Rav Shimshon prescribes, and many Rav Yosef Shaul Natanzon (the attest to having merited blessings and Sho’el U’Meishiv) of Levov would tell the salvation owing to its study. following story: It was revealed to Rav In an astonishing testimony, the Shimshon that in the World to Come, he individual who reprinted this Ma’amar would be next to the not-yet-famous Rav after the Second World War testifies as Hershele of Krakow. Rav Shimshon wanted follows: “I, the one printing this, witnessed to see exactly what Rav Hershele was like, with my own eyes, how in the year 1944 in so he disguised himself as a simpleton and Hungary, the times were very dark because made his way to Krakow. When he arrived of the Nazis. However, all those who said at Rav Hershele’s house, he told Rav this Ma’amar were saved.” Hershele that he was not well and 26  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] proceeded to throw himself on Rav to show him what a Talmid Chochom he Hershele’s bed with his dirty and mud- was. splattered clothes. Without showing any signs of being upset, Rav Hershele tended When he came to Rav Shimshon’s to all the “sick” man’s various needs. At house, Rav Shimshon asked him who he midnight, Rav Hershele began to recite was. He answered that he was the son-in- Tikkun Chatzos with such devotion and law of so-and-so, the town’s gevir, and he amid such tears that Rav Shimshon wanted to speak to Rav Shimshon in realized what a worthy individual Rav learning. Rav Shimshon understood what Hershele was; Rav Shimshon then revealed the man’s real intention was and excused his true identity. himself for a minute, saying he would be back shortly. The Brisker Rav would tell the The young man waited and waited following story: Rav Shimshon of Ostropoli for Rav Shimshon to return – but Rav decided to write a commentary on Shimshon simply did not come back. The Chumash (some say Shas) based on young man decided to go for a walk in front Kabbola. After modifying the first few of Rav Shimshon’s house. Lost in thought, pieces a number of times, he realized that he walked until he entered a forest. Before what was staring back at him was none he knew it, he was lost. He tried retracing other than Rashi’s commentary on the his steps but every turn he made just took Torah. In fact, there are a few instances him deeper and deeper into the forest. As where Rav Shimshon explains Rashi’s night fell, he reached the edge of the woods words based on Kabbalistic ideas. and entered a large town that seemed to host a large Jewish population. A Jewish There was a rich man from the man approached him and asked where he city of Ostropoli who had an only daughter. was from. He answered that he was from When the time came to marry her off, her the nearby town of Ostropoli. The man had wealthy father searched for a worthy Torah never heard of Ostropoli and invited him to scholar whom he would enable to continue eat something and sleep in his house for his Torah studies, undisturbed by financial the night. Having nowhere to go, and not worries. Soon enough, such a young man remembering that he was married, the came along; the couple married and settled young man accepted the offer of this in Ostropoli. The young Talmid Chochom, generous individual. The next morning, he who was blessed with a sharp mind, woke up and went to learn in the local Bais studied Torah diligently day and night. His Medrash. At night, his host invited him proud father-in-law wanted to show him again to eat and sleep in his house. This off to Rav Shimshon and asked his son-in- continued for close to a month until his law to strike up a conversation in learning benefactor, who had taken a strong liking with Rav Shimshon to show him the extent to this young man, offered him his of his Torah knowledge and his deep grasp daughter in marriage. Having forgotten his of everything he learned. The son-in-law, past, our young friend readily agreed and however, was not willing to do so, since he married his benefactor’s daughter. He lived held that Rav Shimshon was not a Lamdon happily near his in-laws and soon his wife (learned person), and the conversation gave birth to a son. A few years later, would not bring his proud father-in-law another son was born to him. Time passed any honor. The father-in-law, though, did and this young family once went on an not relent, and eventually this young man outing near a river. The two boys were agreed, making his way to Rav Shimshon, playing near the water and before their parents could do anything, they were

27  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] suddenly swept away by the current. Their teshuva of the Jewish people only father jumped in to try to save them but intensifies during these days! The Soton could not find them! After much fruitless explained that not being one to sit back and searching, he found himself on the other let his endeavors go to waste, he filed a side of the river, standing in front of a complaint in the Heavenly Court that it familiar-looking house. wasn’t fair that the Jews could get away so Looking up at the window, he saw easily; he was thus given permission to none other than Rav Shimshon knocking cause the ship that was carrying their on the glass and calling him inside to Esrogim to sink, not allowing any of the discuss the topic he had come to talk about. Jews to fulfill the precious Mitzva of the Glancing at his watch he realized that no Arba Minim. Needless to say, the Soton was more than a few minutes had passed, and very pleased with himself. this whole vision that seemed to span a few During Sukkos, Rav Shimshon met years was, in reality, the doing of Rav the Soton a third time – this time, the Shimshon. Embarrassed, the young man Soton looked gloomy again. When Rav realized that he should not have tried Shimshon asked the Soton what the matter belittling Rav Shimshon, and left without was this time, the Soton explained to him saying anything. The Ba’al Shem Tov is said that his plan had backfired. Now that there to have commented that he was able to were almost no Esrogim in the whole accomplish such a feat while someone was country, the Jews had paid astronomical asleep but to cause someone to envision amounts of money to buy the few Esrogim something while he was awake – that, he that were available. Not only that, but was unable to do. people were standing on line waiting for Rav Shimshon once met the hours every day to get a turn to shake the Soton during the month of Elul and the Arba Minim for a few seconds. The Soton Soton was not wearing a happy expression. ended by saying that each shake “broke his Rav Shimshon asked him what the matter bones”. was and he responded that business was at Rav Shimshon was once asked a standstill, with all the Jews repenting for via a heavenly agent if he would prefer all the bad things he had made them do meriting children who would be world- throughout the year. All his hard work was famous in their greatness, or that his merit going up in smoke. be divided throughout the generations to protect the Jewish people until the coming Rav Shimshon met the Soton again of Moshiach. He chose the latter. May his during the Asseres Yemei Teshuva, but this merit indeed serve as a shield over all of time the Soton seemed excited. Confused, Klal Yisrael until the coming of Moshiach, Rav Shimshon inquired about the change speedily in our days. of the Soton’s mood; if anything, the  RavRav Ephraim Taub of KuzmirKuzmir,,,, 444tthhth ofofof Menachem Av Rav Ephraim Taub was the son of Rav Rav Ephraim lived in Shenenah, then Yechezkel of Kuzmir and the son-in-law of later in Kuzmir. Later, he moved on to Rav Nosson Dovid Rabinowitz of other cities. He lived in Bloina, Nadrazin, Shidlovtza. Yablona and Prague. After the petira of his father on the 15th Some of the Divrei Torah of Rav of Shevat 5616/1856, Rav Ephraim was Ephraim were published in the seforim of appointed Rav. his father. 28  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

Rav Ephraim was niftar on the 4th of Shenenah. Av 5664/1904. Zechuso yagen aleinu. His sons were Rav Menachem Dovid, Rav in Prague; Rav Eliezer Shlomo, Rav in Walmin; and Rav Yerachmiel Tzvi, Rav in  RavRav Meir BerabiBerabi,, 555ththth of Menachem Av Rav of Pressburg Rav Meir was born in 5485/1725 in was for one year. Afterward, Rav Meir Berabi, near Halberstadt in Germany. His became Rav of Pressburg, Hungary, a parents were Rav Shaul and Rebbetzin position he held for the next twenty-five Yentlichi. years, until his passing in 5549/1789. At a young age, his father sent him Rav Meir was zocheh to teach many to learn under Rav Tzvi Hirsh Charif, Rav talmidim in all the communities where he of Halberstadt, who put immense efforts was Rav. Many of them went on to become into this talmid. leading Rabbonim and Gedolim. From there, Rav Meir continued on Rav Meir was close with many of the to the Yeshiva of Rav Yaakov Paprish, Rav generation’s Gedolim and frequently of Frankfurt-am-Main. He stayed in this discussed with them she’eilos, most notably Yeshiva for two years, advancing in Torah. with the Noda B’Yehuda. After a two-year stay in Frankfurt, he Rav Meir was known as a Rav who returned to Halberstadt. always sought peace and harmony in all the At the age of thirteen, in 5498/1738, communities where he officiated. It is Rav Meir married Rebbetzin Elkeli, the related that one year, on night, daughter of Rav Michel of Halberstadt. He the inhabitants of the city were waiting for dedicated himself solely to learning Torah, Rav Meir to arrive in shul for davening. In thanks to the support of his brother-in-law, the meantime, he was standing outside, Rav Nosson. trying to make peace between two long- Even at this young age, Rav Meir time enemies, telling them that davening was already known as an outstanding wouldn’t begin until they made peace; they Talmid Chochom. Eventually, he was heeded his words and Kol Nidrei appointed Dayan in the city, and in commenced. 5517/1757, when Rav Moshe Brisk, the local In 5549/1789, Rav Meir took ill. He Rav, was niftar, Rav Meir was asked to fill was niftar on the 5th of Av 5549/1789, at his place, which he did for the next six the age of sixty-four. years, until 5523/1763. Zechuso yagen aleinu. In 5523/1763, Rav Meir was accepted as Rav in Hali, Germany, but this  Rav Yitzchok Ben Shlomo LuriaLuria,,,, 555ththth ofofof Menachem Av Ari HaKodosh - AriZal “Rav Elozor of Bartosa used to say: Give Him what is His, for you and whatever

29  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] is yours are His” (Avos 3:8). headed to the local grocery, where he When Rav Ovadia Yosef used to purchased food and provisions. He took teach Pirkei Avos he would illustrate the these and the rest of the money and went above Mishna with the following story: off to find Rav Yaakov Altretz lying on the Once, when the Arizal was studying floor in misery and hunger. Rav Yaakov the secrets of was a water carrier by trade and that Torah morning his clay pails with which he would together with draw water from the well had fallen and his talmidim, broken. He was left with no means to all of a purchase new ones and no means of sudden he support. He had no money and no food, paused and and had not eaten that day. recited the Rav Yitzchok grasped Rav Yaakov by blessing over the hand, helped him get up and sat him at bad news, “Boruch Dayan HaEmes – the table. He revived him with food and Blessed is the True Judge.” drink and presented him with provisions to “I hear a heavenly voice that a sate his hunger and slake his thirst. He also decree has been proclaimed in the Heavens gave him the rest of the money so that he above,” he said, quoting Doniel 4:14. “‘By could now purchase new pails to draw the decree of the wakeful ones is the matter water from the well and continue to earn a and by the word of the holy ones is the living. Finally, he asked him to daven to edict.’ It has been decreed that a swarm of Hashem for forgiveness for Tzefas that the innumerable locusts will overrun the city of decree should be canceled. “Because of you Tzefas and devour all vegetation and all a terrible decree has been cast against fruits and trees, as well as all the plants Tzefas that a plague of swarming locusts growing in the fields. The residents will devour our food. Now ask Hashem to have starve and be left without sustenance! This mercy. Please, from now on, be careful how will all come to pass because of one poor you complain Tzaddik, a Talmid Chochom named Yaakov and what you Altretz, who is fasting and wallowing on the say against ground with complaints against Hashem Hashem’s that he is left bereft of all livelihood and ways,” Rav means of support and no one has any Yitzchok said to mercy on him. Hashem cannot bear to Rav Yaakov. He remain silent because of this pauper’s accepted the rebuke and promised to never prayers and sufferings, and His anger has do it again. He got up and tearfully been kindled against the residents of davened, asking Hashem to annul the Tzefas, his neighbors, since no one is doing decree and remove His anger from the anything to help the pauper and no one people of Tzefas. pays attention to him or his plight. This is Afterward, Rav Yitzchok Kohen the decree, and now, my brothers and returned to the Arizal and related what he friends, I ask you to make a collection for had done and what had happened and the tzedoka and send one of us to purchase Arizal said, “Know now that your tzedoka food and provisions; the rest of the money, for the poor man has canceled the decree of give to this poor man immediately to ease the locust plague. Thank goodness for his pain and suffering and end his hunger.” Hashem’s mercy and kindness!” They Rav Yitzchok Kohen quickly got up, resumed their study once more, when all of gathered money from the chevraya and a sudden the sky darkened. All the 30  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] talmidim became worried and terrified at But the original meaning is the correct one, the sight of clouds of innumerable locust and to this day Rav Yitzchok Luria is swarms flying over the city, darkening the universally referred to as the "Holy Ari". skies of Tzefas.  “Do not be alarmed, and don’t worry,” the Arizal reassured them. “As I The Ari was born in Yerushalayim in said, the decree has been annulled. The 1534. By the time he was eight, he was locusts just haven’t yet received the recognized as a wonder-child, a prodigy message.” As soon as he had said this, a who already outshone the greatest minds of great gust of wind came from the sea and Yerushalayim. At this tender age, he had cast the entire swarm of locusts into the already mastered the intricacies of the depths of the ocean, where they all and committed dozens of volumes drowned; not one of them set foot in to memory. Tzefas. Hashem saved the residents of The Ari's father passed away while Tzefas in the merit of the tzedoka and he was still a child. Under the pressure of chessed that they did for Yaakov Altretz. poverty, his mother went to Egypt, where Rav Shlomo Shlumiel they lived with her brother, Mordecai was an eyewitness who Frances, a wealthy tax agent. The Ari's testified as to the brilliance continued to shine. The young veracity of these events prodigy was placed under the tutelage of and was personally Rav Betzalel Ashkenazi (1520-1592), best acquainted with the known for his important Talmudic pauper, who was a commentary, the Shita Mekubetzes Tzaddik and Chassid (Embracing System). There is also evidence and well versed in the that the young lad also studied under the Torah by heart. great Radbaz, Rav Dovid ben Zimri (1480- Afterward, he was 1573), who was then the chief Rav of Cairo. appointed Av Bais Din in By the time he was fifteen, his expertise in Tripoli. Thus was Talmud had overwhelmed all the sages in fulfilled the dictum of Chazal in Avos: Egypt. According to a reliable account, the “Whoever fulfills the Torah in poverty shall Ari himself also wrote a large Talmudic in the end fulfill it in wealth”. (Anaf Etz commentary around this time. Had he Avos p. 181–182) remained nothing more than a Talmudic  scholar, he would have joined the ranks of the greatest of all times. Rav Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572), The Chida said on him that the way renowned as the greatest Mekubol of he reached such a high level was that modern times, is commonly known as the Eliyahu HaNavi purified him with ashes of ARI, an acronym standing for Elohi Rav a Parah Adumah. The Arizal is respected Yitzchok - the G-dly Rav Yitzchok. No other and accepted by all the great Rabbonim of master or sage ever had this extra letter, the Ashkenazim (chassidim and non- standing for Elohi, prefaced to his name. chassidim), Sefardim and Teimanim. This is a sign of what his contemporaries Besides Kabbalistic Seforim, the Arizal is thought of him. Later generations, very often quoted in halachic works, such fearsome that this appellation might be as the Magen Avrohom, Be'er Heitiv and misunderstood, said that this alef stood for Mishna Berura. He is the foremost Ashkenazi, indicating that his family had Kabbalist of the last five-hundred years and originated in Germany, as indeed it had. was a Gilgul (reincarnated spark) of Rebbe

31  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

Shimon Bar Yochai. brief stay there, he had assembled a group At this time he married his uncle's of approximately a dozen disciples, with daughter. At age seventeen, he discovered Rav Chaim Vital at their head, and they the Zohar, obtaining continued to review his teachings. For the his own manuscript most part, it was Rav Chaim who put them copy. Later, he spent into writing. The main works are: Etz fifteen years Chaim (Tree of Life) and Pri Etz Chaim meditating, at first with (Fruit of the Tree of Life), as well as the his master, Rav Betzalel Eight Gates, which deal with everything Ashkenazi, and then from Bible commentary to divine alone, reaching the highest levels of inspiration and reincarnation. kedusha. Eventually, he spent two years The Ari also authored the liturgical meditating in a hut near the Nile, utterly poems "Azamer Bishvachin", "Assader isolated, not speaking to any human being. Lis’udossa" and "Benei Heichola", sung at The only time he would return home would the three Shabbos meals respectively and be on Erev Shabbos, just before dark. But included in nearly every Chassidic and even at home, he would not speak. When it Sephardi Siddur. was absolutely necessary for him to say The teachings of the Ari have been something, he would say it in the fewest afforded status as a primary authority, on possible words, and only in Loshon the same level as the Zohar itself. Every HaKodesh. custom of the Ari was scrutinized, and It is accepted that the Ari became many were accepted, even against previous worthy of Ruach HaKodesh. At times, practice. The great Polish codifier, Rav Eliyohu HaNovi revealed himself to him Avrohom Gombiner (1635-1683), author of and taught him the mysteries of the Torah. the Mogen Avrohom (Shield of Avrohom), Every night his soul ascended to heaven. takes the Ari's personal customs as legally Angels would escort him, asking which binding precedents. In deciding disputes academy he chose to visit. Sometimes it that had remained unresolved for would be that of Rav Shimon bar Yochai. centuries, he often cites the Ari's custom as He also visited the academies of Rav Akiva the final authority. The fact that the Ari and Rav Eliezer HaGodol, and on occasion had acted in a certain manner was enough the academies of the Nevi’im. to convince this tough-minded legalist that At the end of this period, he received this was the correct opinion. a command from Eliyohu HaNovi to go to There are a select number of Eretz Yisrael. He arrived in Tzefas during individuals who live on a plane so high the summer of 1570, and began by above the rest of humanity that it seems concealing his gifts completely. He was that they are a completely different, higher only there a short time when the Ramak species of being. They teach, yet we grasp (Rav Moshe Cordovero, 1522-1570), head but little, and from the few crumbs that we of the Tzefas Mekubolim, died on June 26, catch, we can build mountains. Such a 1570 (23rd of Tammuz, 5330). By person was Rav Yitzchok Luria, the holy identifying the heavenly pillar of fire that ARI, the Lion of Tzefas. followed the great Mekubol’s funeral (Compiled from Meditation and Kabbalah procession, the Ari established himself as by Rav Aryeh Kaplan and from other the new leader. sources) The Ari passed away on July 15,  1572 (5th of Av, 5332), barely two years after he had arrived in Tzefas. During his 32  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

There is a famous story about his people's thoughts, often before the thought birth. The Arizal was born in Yerushalayim even entered their minds. He knew future to Rav Shlomo Luria who was a very pious events, was aware of everything happening individual. It is said that Eliyahu HaNavi here on earth, and what was decreed in used to reveal himself to him. His mother Heaven. was also extemely pious. When the Arizal He knew the mysteries of gilgul was born, Eliyahu HaNavi appeared to his (reincarnation), who had been born father and instructed him not to perform previously, and who was here for the first the Milah (circumcision) till he sees him in time. He could look at a person and tell him the shul. On how he was connected to higher spiritual the eighth day, levels, and his original root in Adam. The the father did Ari could read wondrous things [about not see Eliyahu people] in the light of a candle or in the HaNavi in the flame of a fire. With his eyes he gazed and shul and would was able to see the souls of the righteous, not proceed. both those who had died recently and those The who had lived in ancient times. With these congregation departed souls, he studied the true did not understand why there was a delay, mysteries. but he would not be rushed. Eliyahu From a person's scent, he was able HaNavi deliberately delayed coming, in to know all that he had done (see Zohar, order to see if the father would follow his Yenuka volume III page 188a). It was as if instructions. When he finally arrived he the answers to all these mysteries lay instructed the father to sit on the chair with dormant within him, waiting to be the child in his hands. Eliyahu HaNavi sat activated whenever he desired. He did not on the father and took the baby into his have to seclude himself to seek them out. own hands. No one, not even the Mohel could see Eliyahu HaNavi, except the All this we saw with our own eyes. father. When the Milah was completed, he These are not things that we heard from returned the baby to the father and told others. They were wondrous things that him that a great light would shine forth had not been seen on earth since the time from this child which would illuminate the of Rav Shimon bar Yochai. None of this whole world. was attained through magic, Heaven forbid. There is a strong prohibition against  these arts. Instead, it came automatically, as a result of his saintliness and asceticism, Rav Chaim Vital writes in the after many years of study in both the Introduction to Sha’ar HaHakdomos: ancient and the newer Kabbalistic texts. He The Ari overflowed with Torah. He then increased his piety, asceticism, purity was thoroughly expert in Scripture, and holiness until he reached a level where Mishna, Talmud, Pilpul, Medrash, Eliyohu would constantly reveal himself to Aggada, Ma'aseh Bereishis and Ma'aseh him, speaking to him "mouth to mouth", Merkova. He was expert in the language of teaching him these mysteries and secrets. trees, the language of birds, and the speech (Translated by Rav Moshe Miller) - of angels. He could read faces in the bin/ascent.cgi?Name=Ari manner outlined in the Zohar (vol. II, p. 74b). He could discern all that any  individual had done, and could see what Arizal Rav they would do in the future. He could read The To Chaim Vital - Stop

33  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

Looking At Me so much honour towards Rav Shmuel, Rav Shmuel Hominer in Olas something that he had never done on HaTamid brings the following story about previous occasions when he would come the Arizal's kavanos HaTeffila. One and go. Shabbos, Rav Chaim Vital had a terrible The Arizal replied that he had not pain in his eyes. He went to ask his Rebbe stood up for him (i.e. Rav Shmuel) but the Arizal why this was happening. rather that he had stood for Rav Pinchas The Arizal told him that one of the ben Yair (the father-in-law of Rabi Shimon reasons is because Rav Chaim davened in bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar who the same Shul as the Arizal and always sat had lived some 1,500 years before!) The on to the Arizal's right side. He would stare Arizal explained that Rav Pinchas ben Yair at the Arizal to learn all his hanhagos in had entered together with Rav Shmuel great detail. The Arizal would have Holy because of a Mitzvah that he had done. It kavanos during his teffila which brought was a Mitzvah that Rav Pinchas ben Yair down on him a great light from above, was accustomed to do. which Rav Chaim Vital should not have When Rav Chaim Vital heard this, looked at. he ran to greet him (Rav Shmuel) and The Arizal told Rav Chaim Vital that created a friendly atmosphere and repoire he should not look at him during Shema, with him. Said Rav Chaim Vital, "By my when he bows by Modim, and when he life, my master, tell me what Mitzvah did answers Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh by you do today, that which the Rav spoke Kedusha. These were the three most about?" Rav Shmuel responded, "I arose awesome kavanos. Rav Chaim Vital early in the morning to go to shul (the followed his Rebbe's instructions and his ) as is my custom - to be counted eyes became better. as one of the first of the first ten to arrive. I heard a voice crying greatly coming from Looking-At-Me/4161 one of the houses. And so I turned towards there to know what was happening. I  entered and saw that everyone was crying, since it had happened that thieves had Chessed True come that past evening, and they stole all It happened once that Rav Shmuel their clothes and everything that they had Ozeida entered before the holy Arizal. The owned, and my mercy was aroused. And so Rav (the Arizal) stood up in front of him I removed my very own garments and I and then seated him to his right. He spoke gave them to them - and the proof of this is with him about all his needs, to such a that I am currently wearing my festive degree that the events happening were Shabbos clothing." rather astounding in front of all those When Rav Chaim Vital heard this, present. When he left, Rav Chaim Vital (the he kissed him upon his hand and blessed student par excellence of the Arizal) asked him! him what was special  about the The students of the Arizal discover a day, that unique household the Arizal When the Maharshal heard of the had given wonders that the Arizal was performing in

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Tzfas, he feared these miracles were black were picked up by a passing cloud that took magic and seriously considered them all the way to Lublin and deposited excommunicating the Arizal and his them - not surprisingly - at the entrance to disciples. The Arizal became aware of this the synagogue where the Maharshal development and decided to send his two prayed. They arrived exactly on time for the most important students to Lublin to afternoon mincha prayer. present his teachings to the Maharshal and The sudden appearance of these two prevent such a terrible mistake. The Jews of holy countenance dressed in the disciples were great righteous men in their impressive garments of 16th century Tzfas own right, none other than Rav Chaim Vital caused quite a stir. As a result of a certain (who was later to become the chief incident which then took place in the shul disseminator of the Arizal's teachings in (a long story in itself), the Maharshal North Africa and the Mideast) and Rav understood that these were very special Yisrael Srug (who would be the major and holy visitors indeed. exponent in Europe). The two men introduced themselves [The "Maharshal", Rav Shlomo and their mission. They told the Maharshal Luria, was one of the leading Torah that only that morning had they left Tzfas scholars of the sixteenth century. His and, as proof, their Israeli food was still writings are studied and venerated still warm. The Maharshal asked them to reveal today. He served as rav and head of the the teachings of their master, the Arizal, so rabbinical court in Lublin, one of the most that he could judge for himself. "So secret important centers of Jewish life at that and holy are the teachings," explained the time. He was a relative of Rav Yitzchak visitors, "that we can reveal them only in an Luria, probably his great uncle.] isolated location, away from over-sensitive  ears." They went down to the Maharshal's As a reward for your efforts, you may dark basement. As soon as the tzaddikim visit the Moshiach of our time… began to relate the teachings of their As "payment" for the trip, the Arizal master, the whole room lit up. Afterwards, revealed to them a deep secret: the name the Maharshal declared that his attitude and whereabouts of the Moshiach ben had changed. He promised them that not Dovid of their generation. In every only had he given up any idea of declaring a generation, the Arizal explained, a ban, but from then on he would consider Moshiach descended from Dovid and a himself to be one of the Arizal's great Moshiach descended from Yosef is born. If admirers. In desperation, they revealed to the generation is undeserving, they pass the rav the true nature of their mission… from the world without revealing The Arizal's two disciples went on to themselves. "The current candidate to be Tisavitch to claim their reward. Upon Moshiach ben Dovid is called Rav Eliyakim arriving, however, they found Rav ben Shmuel and lives in the village of Eliyakim's whereabouts to be unknown. Tisavitch which was not far from Lublin. Indeed, his very existence was seriously After finishing your mission, as a reward doubted by even the most informed elders for your efforts, you may visit the Moshiach of the town. The Tzfas Kabbalists of our time," said the Arizal to his students proceeded to the house of the local rav and as he blessed them on their departure. asked him about Rav Eliyakim, the son of Rav Chaim and Rav Yisrael set out, Shmuel, but to no avail. In desperation, taking with them special delicacies of Tzfas, they revealed to the rav the true nature of hot from the oven. Shortly thereafter they their mission. 35  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

After much effort on the part of After the funeral, Rav Chaim and many different people, they finally Rav Yisrael went to visit the widow in her succeeded in tracking down the elusive Rav mourning. They questioned her about the Eliyakim. Needless to say, the two visitors deeds of her husband. wasted no time making their way to his "I married very young," his wife home, along with the Rav of Tisavitch who replied. "All those years my husband was insisted on accompanying them. very ill. I myself provided whatever living Once at the house of the acclaimed we had. Most of the time he lay in bed. Moshiach ben Dovid of the generation, to However, right before Shabbos there would their surprise they found only one small always be a drastic change - the house room, two broken down beds, and one would become wider and longer, and a fully table ready to fall apart and a chair. Rav set table with the best of Shabbos dishes Eliyakim himself lay in bed, and his wife would appear. Then a group of very holy was at the stove which stood in the middle looking visitors would arrive, always of the house. bringing with them a Torah scroll. My After being greeted by the hosts, husband would become strong and healthy who were surprised but excited to have and together with the guests, would spend visitors, especially the rav and such holy the entire Shabbos in prayer, study and looking travelers, the guests introduced eating the three traditional meals. After the themselves: "We are the students of the Motza’ei Shabbos prayer …the house would holy Ari, from the holy city of Tzfas, in the shrink back to its weekday size… holy land of Eretz Yisrael, and we have "After the Motza’ei Shabbos prayer been told that you are our generation's and Havdala, the house would shrink back candidate for the task of Moshiach ben to its weekday size, the guests would Dovid." disappear and my husband would return to  his bed. This was the schedule every week since our marriage." As a result of this secret becoming "Why didn't you ever tell anyone uncovered …I must depart from the about this wondrous miracle?" she was world… asked. Seeing how amazed everyone was by "Oh! The Ari and his revelations! He what she had so innocently told, she has done me and himself great damage," explained, "I know that a bride is like a Rav Elyakim exclaimed. "As a result of this queen and the groom is like a king. secret becoming uncovered," he continued, Therefore, I assumed that this happens in "I must depart from the world. My last every Jewish household, on every Shabbos request is that you personally take charge after the wedding!" of the funeral and all involved. On the The author notes that as of the time gravestone please write: Here lies a truthful of his writing, a gravestone with the above and honest man. 12 Elul 5332." inscription could still be found in the With these words, Rav Eliyakim ben Jewish cemetery of Tisavitch! Shmuel passed away, leaving behind him a Translated by Yehuda Rubin of Elon Moreh, rewritten by Rav Yerachmiel Tilles world unworthy of Moshiach. (There are Hidden-Mashiach.htm some who say that this revelation had such a tragic end because of the presence of the  rav of the town; had the Arizal's pupils come by themselves, the result would have An Accompanying Soul been different.) It happened on the 29th of the

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Jewish month of Menachem Av, Erev Rosh could no longer contain himself and asked, Chodesh Elul, 5331 (1571). "I want you to go "What have I done to deserve this unusual to Kfar Avnis," said Rav Yitzchak Luria, the show of respect and welcome?" holy Ari, to his main disciple, Rav Chaim "My dear disciple," Rav Yitzchak Vital, "to pray at the graves of Abaye and replied, "The deference I showed you was Rava," He taught him the special yichudim in respect for Benayahu ben Yehoyada who ('Unities') which were necessary, what he accompanied you when you entered." had to learn and the prayers he was to say, Rav Chaim was surprised and asked, so that his soul would become bound up "But I only visited the tombs of Abaye and with two of the greatest Talmudic sages, Rava. Their spirits should have escorted thus enabling him to understand the me. How did Benayahu's spirit become secrets of Torah which they were then entwined with mine?" discussing in the Heavenly yeshiva. The Ari explained, "The souls of Rav Chaim went to Kfar Avnis. The these two Talmudic greats are sparks of the sun beat down upon his head and he soul of Benayahu, the chief sage and stopped to rest on a mound of stones just general at the time of Dovid HaMelech, and outside the village of Biriya. While sitting the order of study and prayer which I told there, he reviewed all the things his master you to go through at their grave is fitting had taught him so that they would flow for his soul also. Tell me, did you, smoothly when the time would come to somewhere on your way to Kfar Avnis, stop prostrate himself on the grave. to review what I had taught you?" When he arrived, he fulfilled his Rav Chaim nodded his head. "Then," master's instructions. He prayed, said the Ari, "surely the spot where you prostrated himself and concentrated upon stopped off must be the precise location of all the esoteric words which the Ari had the tomb of Benayahu ben Yohoyada. That prepared for him. Suddenly, he felt his is how his soul came to be bound up with heart open up within him and deep secrets yours!" became clear which he would never have understood by his own efforts. Some time later, the Ari and his disciples visited many tombs. Along the Rav Chaim returned to Tzfas in way, between Kfat Biriya and Kfar Avnis, excellent spirits and went at once to tell his Rav Chaim saw the mound of stones where master what he had succeeded in learning he had rested on his previous trip. As the since last seeing him. When he knocked group passed this spot, the Ari stopped and upon the Ari's door and entered, he found said to his followers, "See, this is the grave him surrounded by the group of people of Benayahu ben Yehoyada. Let us pray who always attended his lectures. The Ari here, for we will then merit the revelation looked up at Rav Chaim standing in the of profound things from him." doorway and rose in his honor, exclaiming aloud, "Baruch haba! Blessed is he who has Only then, did Rav Chaim fully come. Welcome!" He made a place for Rav understand what his master had told him Chaim right next to his own seat. Rav on that Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul. Chaim realized that this betokened [Adapted by Rav Yerachmiel Tilles from: something, for his master had never shown "The Arizal - The Life and Times of Rav him such deference before. Yitzchak Luria" (Mesorah).] When the listeners had gone, he 

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RRavaavv Shalom Noach Brazovsky,Brazovsky,,, 777tthhth of Avof Av Slonimer Rebbe – Author of Nesivos Shalom Through his voluminous writings, course) the Torah lessons that he (the Rav Brazovsky was among the most Rebbe) delivered every Shabbos. These influential of contemporary Chassidic notes later became the book Bais Avrohom. Rebbes, and his impact was felt among Shortly before his own passing in 1933, the Chassidim and non-Chassidim alike. A Bais Avrohom recommended to his cousin, leading Lithuanian (i.e. non-Chassidic) Rav Avrohom Weinberg of Teveryah to take Rosh Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael reportedly Rav Brazovsky as a son-in-law. (Teveryah referred to Rav Brazovsky's work Nesivos was home to many Slonimer Chassidim, Shalom as the Mesillas Yeshorim of our including Rav Avrohom's brother, the times. (Mesillas Yeshorim is a classic father of Rav Yaakov Weinberg, the late mussar work written in the eighteenth Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisrael, and Rav century.) Noach Weinberg, the late founder of Aish Rav Brazovsky was born on the 14th HaTorah.) of Av, 5671 (August 8, 1911) in Baranovichi In 1940, Rav Brazovsky was (today in Belarus), where his father, Rav appointed Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitcher Moshe Avrohom, was the Rosh HaKohol Yeshiva Achai Temimim in Tel Aviv. On (president of the Jewish community). Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 5702 (October 21, Baranovichi is best-known to many as the 1941), he opened the Slonimer Yeshiva in home of Rav and his Yerushalayim with five students. As had Yeshiva, but it was also the home of the been the case in Baranovich, the Yeshiva Slonimer Rebbe, Rav Avrohom Weinberg, offered traditional Chassidic teachings and his famed Yeshiva, Toras Chessed. alongside Talmudic lectures, using the (Rav Weinberg, known as the Bais Lithuanian style of analysis. Rav Brazovsky Avrohom, was a great-grandson and also could be found sitting with the namesake of the first Slonimer Rebbe, students for hours on end, especially on known as the Yesod Ha'Avoda. Rav Friday night, teaching them the traditional Brazovsky's mother was a granddaughter of Slonimer melodies. Rav Hillel, a brother of the Yesod Rav Brazovsky's Yeshiva served as Ha'Avoda.) the kernel for the rebirth of Slonimer The future Rav Brazovsky studied in Chassidus after the group's near- Yeshivas Toras Chessed under its Rosh destruction in the Holocaust. The last pre- Yeshiva, Rav Avrohom Shmuel Hirshovitz war Slonimer Rebbe, Rav Shlomo Dovid (a grandson of Rav Eliezer Gordon of Telz) Yehoshua Weinberg, was killed in 1944, and its mashgiach, Rav Moshe Midner (a and for ten years, no successor was named. grandson of the Yesod Ha’Avoda and a In 1954, Rav Brazovsky's father-in-law student of Rav Chaim Brisker agreed to assume the mantle of Rebbe. (His Soloveitchik). With such leaders, the teachings are collected – again, by Rav Slonimer Yeshiva was virtually unique in Brazovsky – in the work Birkas Avrohom, combining Talmudic studies in the and he is known by that name.) Lithuanian style with traditional Chassidic With the exception of the Yesod teachings. Ha'Avoda, none of the Slonimer Rebbes or In approximately 1930, the Bais their predecessors, the Rebbes of Avrohom appointed Rav Brazovsky to Lechovitch (Lyakhovichi) and Kobrin, commit to writing (after Shabbos, of committed their teachings to writing. As

38  Mattos - Massei / [email protected] part of his effort to rejuvenate Slonimer Rav Brazovsky served as the Chassidus, Rav Brazovsky was responsible Slonimer Rebbe after his father-in-law's for collecting the oral traditions ascribed to petira on the12th of Sivan 5741 (1981). He these leaders in works such as Divrei was succeeded by his son, Rav Shmuel. Shmuel and Toras Avos (in addition to the (Sources: Hamodia, August 18, 2000, page works already mentioned). Rav Brazovsky 24; Marbitzei Torah Me'olam also authored many volumes of his own Ha'Chassidus Volume I, page 177; ibid, teachings, including the seven-volume Volume III, page 167) Nesivos Sholom and many smaller works Sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Irving Katz in on educational topics, marital harmony memory of father Moshe Aharon ben and other issues. One distinguishing Menashe Reiss a"h feature of those works is Rav Brazovsky's practice of deriving practical, moral and Copyright © 1998 by Shlomo Katz and ethical teachings from pesukim, using Project Genesis, Inc. traditional Chassidic methods of interpretation.  אמנולזכר נשמת החשוב , ה נפש יקרה ועדינה אשה יראת ה' ובעלת מדות טובות מרת זיסל ל''ז מו"בת הרה "ה ה מאיר זאב הכה כ " ע הי" ד"ה מעיר נירעדהאז יע א" א" "ונכדת הרה ק רבי אהר צבי טערקלטויב זי"ע מבריד מו"אשת הרה "ח ה אברה חיי ה"ע גאלדענבערג She was a Holocaust survivor who never let that period of time define her life. Although she lost most of her family - she claimed that Hashem gave her an amazing life. She had a unique knack of making everyone who encountered her feel like they were the most important loved person. Her inimitable smile never left her face. She transmitted a strong value system stressing Emunas Hashem and Tzaddikim. Her love for stories of tzaddikim gave her chiyus and she conveyed that chizuk to anyone who met her. In her eighty-nine years of life, there wasn’t one person who had an untoward word or adverse feelings about her. She loved her family deeply and immensely. May Hashem console her family and may she be a .אמ ,constant melitza yeshura (מתו אמונה טהורה המס) בדר (ורה והתנהגה כאשה כשרה) לכל משפחתה, היא הודה היא הדרה  נקיה וטהורה היוצר וצר צורה (וקיבלה הגזירה) "נפטרה בש ט בת תשעי שנה ביו ד"כ לחודש כסלו ( )ערב חנוכה )ערב חנוכה שנת ח"תשע ק"לפ תמלי" טוב בעד משפחתה היקרה ותקי לתחיה לק" הימי מהרה 'ה'ב'צ'נ'ת 


39  Mattos - Massei / [email protected]

לווה וא לא אויב לה( )'כג' ZeraZeraZera ShimshonShimshonShimshon0 And he was not his enemy (35:23)

 (The passuk speaks about the inadvertent killer who must run to exile. Mattos Only if he killed entirely by accident is he considered an inadvertent killer and gets the atonement of being exiled to the city of refuge.) Massei The Mishna (Avos 5:10), lists four different ways that people deal with The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon anger. 1) Quick to anger and quick to be appeased. 2) Slow to anger and slow to Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel be appeased. 3) Slow to anger and quick to be appeased. 4) Quick to anger and Nachmani, was born in 5467 (1706/1707) into an illustrious slow to be appeased. Regarding being quick to get angry and slow to become family with great Rabbinical appeased, the Mishna calls such a person a Rasha, a wicked individual. lineage. He studied the revealed and concealed parts of the Torah by the The Zera Shimshon has a unique interpretation to one being referred to as a Torah greats of his day. He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, Rasha for being quick to become angry and slow to become pacified. Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was The halacha is that if someone kills another person by mistake he must run recognized as a holy and pious individual, as well as a tremendous to a city of refuge and live there until the Kohen Gadol passes away. The Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. Rambam rules (Hilchos Rotzai’ach 6:10), based on the Gemara, that someone who He passed away on the 6th of Elul 5539 (1779). kills inadvertently but also happens to hate the individual he killed, is not His Seforim were named, Toldos considered as one who killed inadvertently. He is deemed as being close to an Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera intentional killer and does not get the atonement of being exiled to the city of Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of refuge. Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the Torah. In his introduction, he The way it is decided that one hates someone else is if he has not spoken to explains that since his only son had the person he hates for a duration of three days. Such a person, should he died during his lifetime, he wrote his Seforim to perpetuate his own accidentally kill the person he hates - it would be considered as though he killed memory after his passing. him almost intentionally and he would not go to the city of refuge. The following is his passionate request to learn his works. “I implore of you with ten terms of A person who gets angry quickly and takes a lot of time to become pacified supplication to choose from my will almost always have some people that he is not on talking terms with for at Chiddushim (novella) the piece that least three days. Based on the abovementioned halacha, should such a person finds favor in your eyes, for your learning will sooth my soul etc… accidentally kill one of the people he is not on talking terms with due to his trait “This righteousness will stand by of anger, he would be considered a Rasha. Halachically, it would be considered you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, and be satiated in the next. In this as though the murder was not totally accidental. This would earn him the title merit, Hashem will repay you with Rasha. children, health and sustenance. “…and now my brothers and Meaning even if the facts are that the killing was entirely an accident, friends etc. do a true kindness, and with your eyes you will see children nevertheless, because of his trait of anger he would be considered as someone and grandchildren surrounding who killed almost intentionally. your table, houses filled with all that is good, wealth and honor will not cease from your children…” From here we learn how bad it is to always be angry. The Mishna doesn't necessarily mean that one who is quick to anger and slow to be appeased is לזכר נשמת automatically a Rasha (if he at least tries to work on himself). The Mishna is רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז מיכאל ב רב נחמ trying to show how bad the trait of anger is. That through always being angry, in בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז

"ויה ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק a case of a total accident, the halcha would be different between him and someone who does not get angry as quickly. The latter would be deemed לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה ,innocent and would be able to run to the city of refuge and he, the angry person לשוב בתשובה שלימה בקרוב would be given the status of a Rasha and would not be able to go to the city of לזכות רפואה שלימה משה refuge since he would be considered an almost intentional murderer. All due to שניאור זלמ ב רחל .his anger ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב לאה זכות רבינו ימלי טוב בעד רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה זכות רבינו יעמוד לר' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא מרובה לזכות כל ע ישראל לזכות כל ע בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני שהבכל מקו שהב

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Parshas Ma’asai

These are the travels of Bnei Yisroel when they left the land of Egypt.

In the holy seforim, we are told that the Torah and its messages are eternal and therefore each and every one of us will also have to travel through 42 stations during our lives - each of us goes through many journeys, trips and travails in life and our primary avodah is to be strong in avodas Hashem in every situation.

Perhaps, we can hint at what Chazal teach us that when a pasuk says Eleh - these - it means to disqualify anything that was previous, so that when our pasuk states "these are the trips and travels" - that means to disqualify any other previous ones. This teaches us that a person needs to always know that in every situation when he has not yet reached his full potential and he needs to rise higher and higher to still succeed, he should ask himself - when will my deeds reach those of my forefathers? He therefore needs to work on himself on a daily basis, to desire to rise up and succeed, and not to make do with and accept that small baby steps of progress he has made so far, instead to constantly desire and wish for higher levels of advancement and success.

This is what our pasuk means when it says, "these are the travels of Bnei Yisroel", that we need to always use the eleh - to disqualify the previous effort, what we did before was not enough, we need to strive for higher and higher degrees of success. And the emphasis is on the concluding words of this pasuk - "when they left the land Egypt," which means that we need to ascend higher and higher and leave behind us the symbolic land of Egypt, those lands where we find ourselves in. As the seforim teach us that every one of us contain within ourselves a microcosm of the entire universe and all of Jewish History, so that in every man there is an aspect of Eretz Mitzraim (and a Pharoah = yetzer hara and a Moshe = yetzer tov) and our evil inclination is always trying to distance us far away from Hashem and in every situation, we need to see ourselves on an Exodus leaving that land of Egypt behind, and drawing nearer and closer to Hashem. This is achieved by Torah study, mitzvah observance and good deeds.

Now that we are coming to the month of Menachem Av, and this Rosh Chodesh is an opportunity for a redemption of the soul, since man's soul is also likewise exiled in galus, and by asking Hashem to draw us near, we merit a redemption of the soul. Regarding this, we ask in Lecha Dodi - karva el nafshi geala - draw redemption near to my soul. May we merit to be redeemed from the evil clutches of the yetzer hara within us and be able to defeat him and do the Divine will, and may Hashem help us to merit the final full redemption, a redemption of both body and soul, with the revelation of the honor and glory of Heaven, speedily in our days, Amen.

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