2019 ANNUAL REPORT Mission

MACDOWELL'S MISSION IS TO NURTURE THE ARTS by offering creative individuals of the highest talent an inspiring environment in which they can produce enduring works of the imagination. The sole criterion for acceptance is artistic excellence, which MacDowell defines in a pluralistic and inclusive way. We encourage applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics, and who are investigating an unlimited array of inquiries and concerns. Edward and Marian MacDowell established the residency program in 1907 in Peterborough, New Hampshire to stimulate creativity and enhance expression in American culture. Since then, MacDowell has supported the work of more than 8,500 artists from around the world. Fellows have earned 93 Pulitzer Prizes and scores of MacArthur, Guggenheim, GRAMMY, Emmy, 1 Sundance, Tony, and National Book Awards. Artists who experience a residency at MacDowell cite the pivotal difference it makes not only in their work, but also in their ability to innovate and take creative risks. A registered National Historic Landmark, MacDowell was awarded the in 1997. MacDowell offers 32 studios to artists in seven disciplines: architecture, film/video, literature, theatre, music composition, visual art, and interdisciplinary art. Each year, more than 300 artists, both emerging and established, are awarded Fellowships that last between two weeks to two months to come to Peterborough to focus on their work. Accepted artists are provided with a studio, accommodations, and all meals. There are no fees and anyone may apply. To continue to provide an ideal working environment for gifted artists, MacDowell depends on public interest and generosity, and is grateful to the many who have given their support.

ON THE COVER: Composer and performer Moses Sumney worked on his third album, and started work on his first film script in Watson Studio in the summer of 2019. REPORTPRESIDENT + EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Two New Voices

Two new voices have been added at MacDowell in 2019, MacDowell’s 113th year. The voice of our executive director, the search for whom started in February of 2019, is now that of Philip Himberg. Philip assumed the role played by Cheryl Young with great judgement and selfless enthusiasm for 22 years. He began in June of last year and his voice has resonated from 23rd Street in Manhattan to 100 High Street in Peterborough. Last summer, Philip joined me in our search to fill the role of 2 chairman of the board. A role that Michael Chabon played with growing wisdom, grace, and creativity for the past nine years. That search concluded with an exhilarating late Sunday afternoon conversation in Eastman studio last November. The Fellow, a distinguished scholar and an accomplished visual artist, spoke with passion about the making of art and deep affection for MacDowell. Later that week, the exhilaration was greatly enhanced when best- selling author and visual artist Nell Painter agreed to chair the MacDowell Board of Directors. Many more things happened at MacDowell in 2019, and Philip describes them eloquently in the following paragraphs. And you will also hear from Nell Painter in the months to come. Adding these two unique perspectives marks a transition in the program’s remarkably stable leadership. A new dynamism has replaced the old dynamism. I can’t wait to see what happens. I believe that you will agree with me that so far it has been wonderful.

Andrew M. Senchak President, MacDowell Board of Directors REPORT 2019 Was a Banner Year

“A society must assume that it is stable, but the artist must know, and he must let us know, there is nothing stable under heaven.”

James Baldwin, MacDowell Fellow 1954, 1958, 1960

It is a curious challenge to share with you all the the ceremony was followed by a glorious picnic, after extraordinary highlights of MacDowell in 2019, as which we hosted Open Studios where guests could each of us sits isolated and cloaked in an ominous meet and interact with current artists-in-residence – a and precarious reality. Still, it’s vital that I do embrace rare and joyful opportunity. and honor our recent past. 2019 was a banner year for MacDowell, and we are eager to re-cap and celebrate Among the duties of my first six months, was initiating the accomplishments and triumphs of our artists, staff, a season of public engagement events at our New York and board. headquarters in West Chelsea. In October, an evening celebrating “The Art of Memoir” showcased the work The biggest change for the organization was my own of MacDowell Fellows Nell Painter (Old in Art School: A arrival. Cheryl Young, who had brilliantly guided Mac- Memoir of Starting Over) and Amanda Stern (Little Dowell’s mission for more than two decades, gracefully Panic). They were joined by entertainment icon Carol passed the baton to me on May 28, 2019. For several Burnett who shared an animated conversation and a months prior, Cheryl’s mentorship made this spirited reading of her own memoir about growing up in Holly- 3 transition possible, and every day I remain inspired by wood, One More Time. A week later, along with partner her luminous vision and management of the organiza- organizations Arte Easte and PEN America/Artists at tion. My initial responsibility was, of course, to thought- Risk, we hosted Syrian-born visual artist Khaled Barakeh fully listen to staff, board, and artists to learn all I could who was making his first voyage to the U.S. Mr. Barakeh about the heritage and mission of this pre-eminent shared his own work and his hopes for creating a future legacy organization. Syrian Biennale. Both of these live events commenced a full season of events in New York, with the aim of con- Just prior to Cheryl’s departure, the Drue and H.J. Heinz necting MacDowell artists with the public and exploring II Charitable Trust bequeathed a $2 million dollar gift to the impact of art on our culture and society. MacDowell with the purpose of permanently endowing our James Baldwin Library. This unprecedented grant, At our annual Chairman’s evening in December, host shepherded by Cheryl, will enable us to assure smooth Michael Chabon brought two remarkable artists together operations at our beloved library – a venue where our in conversation: author Margaret Atwood and musician, artists gather to research, read, work, or just gaze out- poet, and multi-media performer Laurie Anderson. This ward at the landscape and dream their new projects. would be Michael’s last Chairman’s Evening as he an- nounced his stepping down from that role. We surprised My first official public duty was to co-host Medal Day Michael by announcing the establishment of a Fellowship on August 11th, when conceptual visual artist Charles in his name as well as the naming of one of our Studios in Gaines received the 2019 Edward MacDowell Medal. his honor. More than 1400 people gathered on this perfect August afternoon to hear the wise and stirring words of Chair- The biggest news to close 2019 was the announce- man Michael Chabon and to bask in the glowing tribute ment that Michael’s successor would be Nell Painter. paid Mr. Gaines by Thelma Golden, director and chief Ms. Painter is not only an author, (The History of White curator of The Studio Museum in Harlem. As always, People), educator, and historian, but also a visual artist, who returned to art school post-retirement and wrote ways. Well before the current pandemic, the BLM the best-selling Old in Art School about that experience. social movement, and financial crisis, former surgeon A two-time MacDowell Fellow, Nell officially assumes general Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, spoke of a “loneliness the chairmanship this summer. We eagerly await our epidemic” across America. With the isolation that is partnership with Nell, and expect that her keen insights now upon us, and the unknowingness of these times, will inform and shape the years to come. we turn to one another for solace and enlightenment. Dr. Murthy advised that “we can be the medicine that From a fiscal perspective, the development depart- each other need.” As I navigate each day and week, I ment has exceeded our fundraising goals for 2019. find enormous comfort in this notion. We are poised to The generosity of our board and donors at this time of find innovative ways to support our artist family during transition and change has been uplifting and our devel- this crisis. Our Website (macdowell.org) has become opment staff, under the leadership of Stacey Bosworth, a dynamic portal for artists and the public, providing has significantly strategized and deepened our pool of resources, an ongoing feature focusing on our legacy support. In December, we were very pleased to receive of great artists, regular updates, and “Why MacDowell a grant from an anonymous funder that turned out to While the Now?”, a series of Fellow-penned, thought-provoking be one of the largest foundation grants in MacDowell’s essays aimed at continuing deep conversation through history, which will largely support our diversity, equity, empty spaces our 113th year, as we cultivate an historical narrative to inclusion, and access work, along with focusing on may engender embolden our plans for the future. evaluating and shifting our board governance practices. fear, I like to think they mostly inspire MacDowell has survived the Great Depression, two David Macy, resident director, once again has led our world wars, the pandemic of 1918, the assassination of New Hampshire staff in welcoming 295 artists during us, and that these presidents and political leaders, as well as 9/11. This is the year, a stunning 72 percent of whom were first-time times will lead ‘‘ how we know our future is assured. Fellows. Those 295 represent 9,090 artist days, a mile- our artists and all stone for us. Fifty-seven percent of our 2019 Fellows With the ongoing support of donors and friends, and 4 were women, four percent self-identified as non-binary, of us to beautiful hard work on the part of staff and board, the studio and 26 percent were Black, Indigenous, and people and unimagined doors of MacDowell are prepared to fling open – when of color. Among all artists, they were overwhelmingly creations.” science leaders deem it safe and secure to do so – and young (81 percent under 55 years of age), and 41 came to welcome the next cohort of MacDowell Fellows back from 16 countries. to Peterborough.

We also wish to acknowledge new board members It occurs to me that we are all living some version of who joined in 2019, including corporate strategist Fellows accomplished much in 2019: releasing films, other healthcare workers to rest and recharge between the mystery that our Fellows experience every day in Amelia Dunlop, composer and educator Ileana Perez plays, publishing literature, premiering musical com- shifts. This is only the second time in history that the their studios. The blank canvas, the empty page – all of Velazquez, and Fellows Rosemarie Fiore (as head of positions, opening new buildings, and performing new program has shuttered; the first was after the great which create tension and anxiety as artists experiment our FEC), Catherine Ingraham, and Julia Solomonoff. works. Their accomplishments in the last year are too hurricane of 1938. – has become our universal meter now. While the emp- New staff members who joined us in 2019 include Vir- numerous to list here, but we'll be keeping track on ty spaces may engender fear, I like to think they mostly ginia Podesta, Laura Hanson, and Stephanie Stafford. social media and in our newsletter. In June of 2020, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) move- inspire us, and that these times will lead our artists and Thanks are due to Leslie Robertson, Barbara K. Bristol, ment ignited a world-wide cry for racial justice and an all of us to unimagined creations and a world imbued Jason Van Nest, Trevor Weston, and Michael Young, all For me, to be welcomed and embraced by the Mac- undeniable and powerful anti-racist narrative – too with racial justice for every single human being. of whom retired from the board in 2019. Dowell family has been truly a lifetime highlight, and we long in coming. MacDowell will answer this clarion call breezed into 2020 with a new strategic plan and a great – to assure every artist feels that they have a home With gratitude and wishes for your safety and good On a sad note, we lost long-time board member and appetite to move forward with new initiatives. here, and that our decision making incorporates and health, Fellow William N. Banks on November 15. Mr. Banks values the widest diversity of voices. was in residence in 1958, twice in 1964, and in 1965, As I review this report today, unimagined changes have and served on the board since 1966. He served as taken place. On March 12, we closed our campus, and The board and staff are currently engaged in re- MacDowell’s vice president from 1974-1982, and was a helped our artists-in-residence get home to safety. We thinking many of our plans for the current year and vice chairman beginning in 1987. His wise counsel and subsequently turned our venue over to Monadnock beyond, and moreover learning to stand together Philip Himberg good humor will be sorely missed. Community Hospital as a place for doctors, nurses, and and support each other in heartfelt and significant Executive Director, MacDowell FELLOW FELLOW Rodrigo Martínez Torres Em Rooney

DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE Music composition Visual art

WORK AT MACDOWELL WORK AT MACDOWELL Wrote a piece for rock trio (guitar, Worked on the concept of bass, drum kit) and orchestra. gift giving in editions of two. The aim of the project was to Sculptural objects hold a copy write a piece that's easy to play by of a gift made twice, once for a any type of musician and without loved one, and another time, a conductor — a sort of social cast from the same mold, music experiment. for the viewer.


The year has seen progress for all Fellows Executive Current FEC Committee (FEC) initiatives. Briefly: Membership OFFICERS: The 2019 NYC Reunion proceeds donated President: A winter vote saw more than half of the 2019 NYC Rosemarie Fiore, visual artist Fellows Reunion proceeds donated to MacDowell Vice President: (with reserves set aside to support 2020 Regional Paula Whyman, writer Liaison initiatives, and the Cocktail Hour at the NYC Secretary: Rosemarie Fiore offices). Dionne Ford, writer Treasurer: Regional Fellows Reunions held during the year with more reunions Michael Harrison, composer planned for the future CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT The 2019 Reunion: New Regional Liaison Barbara Trachtenberg is MEMBERS: CHRISTIAN HOLLAND planning a modest reunion at her Cambridge home on Sunday, May 19th of Scott Adkins, interdisciplinary artist this year. The event was restricted to 40 Fellows, given the limits of the venue. Brian Arnold, visual artist 6 CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT The 2019 Philadelphia Reunion: New Regional Liaison Kerry Dolan suc- Theresa Hackett, visual artist cessfully held a modest reunion at La Peg Bar, on Saturday, February 23rd Larry Krone, interdisciplinary artist of this year. Several dozen Fellows enjoyed a casual afternoon with NYC Frank Melendez, architect FEC members that traveled down in support. Zibuokle Martinaityte, composer CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT The Florida Reunion postponed: New Regional Liaison Meghan Moe Martha Mooke, composer Beitiks is planning a reunion for Fellows in the Gainesville area. Emily Noelle Lambert, visual artist Connect with MacDowell CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT The 2019 FEC Elections welcomed two new Fellows. February invita- Wendy Richmond, Instagram tions to nominate Fellows to the FEC netted six applications by mid-March. interdisciplinary artist  Follow for a window into MacDowell The committee elected one architect and one writer. (Names to the right.) Seamus Scanlon, writer in Peterborough and around the world. Officer elections are also recorded. Scott Wheeler, composer CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT The 2019 Elections welcomed two new Emeritus Members. The FEC Twitter created an Emeritus position in 2016 to maintain a way for experienced EMERITUS MEMBERS: Follow for the most up-to-date news  Fellows to continue their contributions to the committee. The bylaws were Brandon Neubauer, about MacDowell Fellows and events. crafted to accommodate more than one emeritus Fellow if necessary. New interdisciplinary artist SUE RAINSFORD emeritus members recorded at right. Jason Van Nest, architect Facebook Follow on Facebook for news and a CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT The FEC Podcast. FEC members worked with staff to fully document  REGIONAL LIAISONS: curated look at work created by Fellows. and catalog the three completed episodes for development use and archi- Boston Liaison: val purposes. We hope the initiative is picked up again in the future. Barbara Trachtenberg, visual artist YouTube / CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT Fellows Cocktail Hour at the MacDowell office. The first Cocktail Our videos offer a unique look at the CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT Clockwise from top left: Hope Gangloff (19) creat- Florida Liaison:  Hour was planned for April 16, 2020. The live event was cancelled due to biggest developments from MacDowell. ed this painting of Cheney Studio while in residence; Meghan Moe Beitiks, Nicole Dennis-Benn (15) discusses the novel she was COVID-19. We hope to schedule Cocktail Hours for Fellows in the future. interdisciplinary artist writing at MacDowell, Patsy, with U.S. poet laureate CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT 2020 NYC Reunion. We will plan the reunion during our spring and @MacDowell1907 Tracy K. Smith at the Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn Philadelphia Liaison: #MacDowell1907 late-summer meetings. in 2019; Sue Rainsford (19) photographed her desk Kerry Dolan, writer #MadeAtMacDowell inside New Jersey Studio while working on her forth- coming novel, Redder Days. ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE


Sharon Horvath at work in Firth Studio. ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE

MacDowell attracts the highest caliber of artists from a broad range of perspectives and demographics from among the seven disciplines practiced at the program. Of the more than 2,650 artists who applied from January to December of 2019, 295 received Fellowships. They included 17 architects, 27 composers, 23 film and video artists, 16 inter- disciplinary artists, 31 theatre artists, 43 visual artists, and 138 poets, fiction, and nonfiction writers. Forty-one arrived from 16 different countries, and the rest came from 38 states. Details about their MacDowell projects and oth- er work can be found at macdowell.org/artists.


Viola Ago, Houston, TX Charlotte Algie, New York, NY Matt Burgermaster, Brooklyn, NY Erik Herrmann, Columbus, OH Jane Hutton, Toronto, ON, CANADA Michael Jefferson, Milwaukee, WI Katherine Jenkins, Columbus, OH Aaron Jones, Grosse Pointe Park, MI FELLOW Accra Shepp Suzanne Lettieri, Bloomfield, NJ DISCIPLINE Ryan Ludwig, Cincinnati, OH Visual art Gregory Melitonov, New York, NY WORK AT MACDOWELL Large-scale cyanotypes that Kyle Miller, Syracuse, NY look at the collision between Robert Pietrusko, Somerville, MA contemporary subject matter and the historicizing effect of the Mark Shepard, Buffalo, NY medium. The subject matter is Rosalyne Shieh, Brooklyn, NY guns and violence where framing this subject matter within the Parker Sutton, Columbus, OH cyanotype might change the Christopher Woebken, Brooklyn, NY viewer’s relationship to the image. ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE

9 MacDowell looks both forward and back; one becomes a true Fellow over the course of the residency and the impact of this ‘‘on both future work and the creative process will unfold as naturally as the time in residence itself. It reminds us we are not alone but individually gifted with messages for the world that are vital to our cultural and ethical future.” —ELISABETH CONDON, VISUAL ARTIST ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE FILM/VIDEO Sam Ashby, Keighley, UNITED KINGDOM Tamar Baruch, Rishon LeZion, ISRAEL Andrea Bussmann, Toronto, ON, CANADA Leah Byrne, Dawson, CANADA Amelia Evans, Oakland, CA Hannah Gross, New York, NY Shon Kim, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA COMPOSERS Mitch McCabe, Ithaca, NY Philippe Bodin, Paris, FRANCE Kristen Nutile, Brooklyn, NY Tomás Brantmayer, Santiago, CHILE JP Olsen, Brooklyn, NY Olin Caprison, Catonsville, MD Juan Nicolas Pereda Rodriguez, Toronto, QC, CANADA Frank Carlberg, Brooklyn, NY Jenny Perlin, Brooklyn, NY Eric Chasalow, Newtonville, MA Sierra Pettengill, Brooklyn, NY Briay Conditt, Denver, CO Naima Ramos-Chapman, Brooklyn, NY Sebastian Currier, New York, NY Steve Reinke, Chicago, IL Caroline Davis, Brooklyn, NY Dani ReStack, Columbus, OH Christopher Dietz, Perrysburg, OH Sheilah ReStack, Columbus, OH Daniel Felsenfeld, Brooklyn, NY Alvaro Sarmiento, Lima, PERU Wally Gunn, New York, NY Albert Serra Juanola, Barcelona, SPAIN 10 Fred Hersch, New York, NY Joshua Solondz, Brooklyn, NY David Hertzberg, Van Nuys, CA Courtney Stephens, , CA Huck Hodge, Seattle, WA Leslie Tai, Bodega Bay, CA Pamela Madsen, Laguna Beach, CA Guinevere Turner, Los Angeles, CA Stefan Maier, Vancouver, BC, CANADA Victor Márquez-Barrios, Kirksville, MO Žibuoklė Martinaitytė, New York, NY It was great to Rodrigo Martínez Torres, Mexico City, MEXICO share space with Martha Mooke, Cranford, NJ many queer and Matthew Ricketts, Brooklyn, NY POC-identified artists Steven Snowden, Waltham, MA to chat about the ways Joshua Stamper, Collingswood, NJ that our identities inform Moses Sumney, Asheville, NC ‘‘our work. The multi- Dalit Warshaw, Forest Hills, NY disciplinary cohort also Anthony Wilson, Los Angeles, CA was amazing. I anticipate Ho Kwen Austin Yip, Hong Kong, HONG KONG Kit Yan and Melissa Li my work will be much collaborate on a new musical in Kirby Studio. more informed by other artistic points of view.” —KIT YAN, WRITER ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE

INTERDISCIPLINARY THEATRE ARTISTS Julian Maynard Smith, London, VISUAL ARTISTS Sharon Horvath, Ridgewood, NY UNITED KINGDOM Clay Jordan, Augusta, GA Sophia Allison, Durham, NC Jane Alexander, Dobbs Ferry, NY Beverly Acha, Miami, FL 11 Stevie Nemazee, Portland, OR Carol Keller, Shutesbury, MA Matt Bodett, Chicago, IL Annie Baker, Brooklyn, NY Becca Albee, Brooklyn, NY Terry O’Reilly, New York, NY Dan Levenson, Los Angeles, CA Michelle Boulé, Sugar Grove, IL Erin C. Buckley, Brooklyn, NY Kim Beck, Pittsburgh, PA Sylvan Oswald, Culver City, CA Cyriaco Lopes, New York, NY Cassils, Los Angeles, CA Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas, New York, NY Isidro Blasco, Brooklyn, NY Max Posner, Brooklyn, NY Bridget Mullen, Brooklyn, NY Mairead Delaney, Hinesburg, VT Sarah DeLappe, Brooklyn, NY Meghan Brady, Camden, ME Jonathan Spector, Oakland, CA Portia Munson, Catskill, NY Janice Duncan, Oakland, CA L M Feldman, Philadelphia, PA Barnett Cohen, Los Angeles, CA Gary Winter, Brooklyn, NY Itty Neuhaus, Fishkill, NY Jerome Ellis, Brooklyn, NY Dominic Finocchiaro, Brooklyn, NY Paul Collins, Nashville, TN Ed Woodham, Brooklyn, NY Chadwick Rantanen, Los Angeles, CA Michelle Ellsworth, Boulder, CO Peter Gray, Astoria, NY Elisabeth Condon, New York, NY Kit Yan, Long Island City, NY Em Rooney, Great Barrington, MA Katie Holten, New York, NY Stephen Gregg, Venice, CA Matthew Connors, Brooklyn, NY Zack Zadek, Brooklyn, NY Accra Shepp, East Elmhurst, NY Samantha Johns, Minneapolis, MN Kathryn Hamilton, New York, NY Pamela Council, Bronx, NY Laurel Sparks, Rhinebeck, NY Joseph Keckler, Brooklyn, NY Aleshea Harris, Sun Valley, CA Bruce Crownover, Madison, WI Mary Temple, Brooklyn, NY Sharon Mashihi, Ridgewood, NY Ella Hickson, London, UNITED KINGDOM Stuart Diamond, Providence, RI Victoria-Idongesit Udondian, Brooklyn, NY Neil Mendoza, Los Angeles, CA Len Jenkin, Accord, NY Yewen Dong, Jingdezhen City, CHINA Mark Dean Veca, Altadena, CA Corinne Spencer, Brooklyn, NY Candrice Jones, Dermott, AR Ellen Donnelly, Brooklyn, NY Derrick Velasquez, Denver, CO Leah Stein, Philadelphia, PA Hansol Jung, Mystic, CT Joshua Dorman, New York, NY Tenesh Webber, Jersey City, NJ Ziyang Wu, Brooklyn, NY MJ Kaufman, Brooklyn, NY Luba Drozd, Brooklyn, NY Anna Wehrwein, Columbia, MO Richard Kennedy, Brooklyn, NY Jane Fine, Brooklyn, NY Chris Wright, Bronx, NY Melissa Li, Baltimore, MD Marina Fridman, Grande Prairie, AB, CANADA Andrew Zimmerman, Maplewood, NJ Nigel Maister, Rochester, NY Hope Gangloff, New York, NY David Mallamud, Katonah, NY Heidi Hahn, Brooklyn, NY Deb Margolin, Montvale, NJ Nasim Hantehzadeh, Los Angeles, CA Emily Hass, New York, NY Clarity Haynes, Brooklyn, NY ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE Jennifer Down, Albert Park, AUSTRALIA Alex Espinoza, Los Angeles, CA Linda Rui Feng, Toronto, ON, CANADA Madeline ffitch, Millfield, OH Patrick Flanery, London, UNITED KINGDOM Cal Flyn, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND Dionne Ford, Montclair, NJ David France, New York, NY WRITERS Darcy Frey, Cambridge, MA Gbolahan Adeola, Philadelphia, PA McKenzie Funk, Ashland, OR Alfredo Aguilar, San Marcos, TX Juan Andrés García Román, Granada, SPAIN Sojourner Ahebee, Philadelphia, PA Amina Gautier, Chicago, IL David Aloi, Los Angeles, CA Rachel B. Glaser, Northampton, MA T. J. Anderson III, Roanoke, VA Emily Goldman, Ithaca, NY Omer Aziz, Mississauga, ON, CANADA Vincent Granata, Denton, TX Mia Bailey, Karlsruhe, GERMANY Rachel E. Gross, Arlington, MA Ari Banias, Berkeley, CA Janalyn Guo, Salt Lake City, UT Peter Behrens, Cambridge, MA Katie Hale, Penrith, UNITED KINGDOM Michelle Bowdler, Sudbury, MA Seth Harp, Austin, TX Coryn Brown, New York, NY Annie Hartnett, Providence, RI 12 Bliss Broyard, Brooklyn, NY Adam Haslett, Brooklyn, NY Jessica Bruder, Brooklyn, NY Sheila Heti, Toronto, ON, CANADA Rowan Hisayo Buchanan, London, UNITED KINGDOM Ladee Hubbard, New Orleans, LA Julie Buntin, Brooklyn, NY Genevieve Hudson, Portland, OR Rachel Cantor, Brooklyn, NY Swan Huntley, Los Angeles, CA Kristen Case, Temple, ME Joseph Cassara, Fresno, CA Victoria Chang, Torrance, CA I have experienced Harriet Clark, Oakland, CA MacDowell as Kim Coleman Foote, Brooklyn, NY Chairman of Kia Corthron, New York, NY the NEA in the 1990s Patty Crane, Dalton, MA as a grantor, and then Ashley Davidson, Flagstaff, AZ afterward as a MacDowell Jessica Dawson, Brooklyn, NY ‘‘board member for 10 Elizabeth de Souza, Sewickley, PA years, but nothing fully Caitlin Delohery, Portland, OR prepared me for the Amanda DeMarco, Berlin, GERMANY experience of being an Hernan Diaz, Brooklyn, NY artist in residence.” Kristin Dombek, Brooklyn, NY —JANE ALEXANDER, PLAYWRIGHT ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE

(Left) Composer Steven Snowden takes a break in Kirby Studio; (right) Fiction writer Ndinda Kioko worked in Calderwood Studio.

Frank Huyler, Albuquerque, NM Francesca Mari, Brooklyn, NY Ricardo Nuila, Houston, TX Sarah Schulman, New York, NY Hilal Isler, Saint Paul, MN Maya Marshall, Chicago, IL Sigrid Nunez, New York, NY Samira Shackle, London, UNITED KINGDOM 13 Naomi Jackson, Bronx, NY Andrew Martin, Brooklyn, NY Alexis Okeowo, Montgomery, AL Jeff Sharlet, Norwich, VT Janine Joseph, Stillwater, OK Lydia Martín, Miami, FL Tommy Orange, Oakland, CA Joshua Shenk, Los Angeles, CA Jason Katzenstein, Brooklyn, NY Aurora Masum-Javed, Spartanburg, SC Eric Orner, Larchmont, NY Emma Sloley, Palm Springs, CA Christopher Ketcham, Margaretville, NY Ben Mauk, Berlin, GERMANY Matthew Ortile, Brooklyn, NY Katy Simpson Smith, New Orleans, LA Suki Kim, New York, NY Edie Meidav, Amherst, MA Nell Painter, Newark, NJ Noah Sneider, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION Ndinda Kioko, Hamilton, NY Kimberly Meyer, Houston, TX Christa Parravani, Morgantown, WV Danielle Spencer, New York, NY Adam Klein, Cairo, EGYPT Lydia Millet, Tuscon, AZ Susan Penn, Brooklyn, NY Jodi Spotted Bear, Halliday, ND Mary Kosut, Brooklyn, NY Deena Mohamed, Cairo, EGYPT Alison Pick, Toronto, CANADA Farah Stockman, Cambridge, MA Raghav Krish, Beijing, CHINA Kamilah Aisha Moon, Decatur, GA Sue Rainsford, Mount Merrion, IRELAND Tess Taylor, El Cerrito, CA Catherine Kudlick, Berkeley, CA Michael S. Moore, Redondo Beach, CA Joanna Rakoff, Cambridge, MA Jackie Thomas-Kennedy, Kensington, CA Amitava Kumar, Poughkeepsie, NY Mihaela Moscaliuc, Ocean, NJ Victoria Ramírez Mansilla, Santiago, CHILE Brad Trumpfheller, Somerville, MA Amy Kurzweil, Brooklyn, NY Eileen Myles, New York, NY Nancy Reisman, Nashville, TN Vint Virga, Wakefield, RI Aryn Kyle, New York, NY Xavier Navarro Aquino, Lincoln, NE Robin Richardson, Toronto, ON, CANADA Esmé Wang, , CA Joan Larkin, Tucson, AZ Shira Nayman, Highland Park, NJ Iliana Rocha, Edmond, OK Tsering Wangmo, Ardmore, PA Sara Lautman, Livingston, NJ Pamela Newkirk, New York, NY Tricia Romano, Seattle, WA Amy Wilentz, Los Angeles, CA Sara Lefsyk, Ridley Park, PA Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Oxford, MS Kenneth Rosen, West Stockbridge, MA Chavisa Woods, Brooklyn, NY Maxim Loskutoff, Missoula, MT Hoa Nguyen, Toronto, ON, CANADA Mikkel Rosengaard, Brooklyn, NY Linda Yablonsky, New York, NY Jaime Lowe, Brooklyn, NY Danica Novgorodoff, Brooklyn, NY Patrick Ryan, New York, NY Amy Yee, Brookline, MA Stephen Macone, Medford, MA Anna Noyes, Fishers Island, NY Clarisse Baleja Saidi, Toronto, ON, CANADA EVENTS


Dinner for guests and Fellows was a festive affair at Gotham Hall in . Entertainment included singer-songwriter Meshell Ndegeocello and a showcase of works by MacDowell Fellows.

Photo by @scottruddevents EVENTS

Chevron-circle-downBelow from left: Throughout the year, MacDowell hosts Kendell Pinkney; fundraising events, free public presentations, and informal Fellows Jenna Wortham, Dennis Norris gatherings. It is also an enthusiastic partner in bringing II, Grace McLean, and Max Vernon; Somi; Chevron-Circle-LeftMeshell Ndegeocello, Chris Bruce, local students together with MacDowell artists to expand incoming Executive and Justin Hicks perform a tribute to art appreciation and inspire creative pursuits. The Director Philip Himberg; Fellow James Baldwin. Chevron-Circle-UpHost Susan and outgoing Executive Blackwell led an engaging night of following are the highlights from those events in 2019. Director Cheryl Young. performances and fundraising.

National Benefit Gathers Fellows, Supporters, and Friends to Celebrate Art Made at MacDowell and Raise Funds for Artists On Monday, May 6th, MacDowell Fellows, supporters, board members, and friends gathered at Gotham Hall in New York City to celebrate the power and influence 15 of art. Over the course of the evening, we showcased a selection of works created at, inspired by, or finished at MacDowell during an artist’s residency and raised more than half a million dollars for our program. All proceeds from the National Benefit support Fellowships for the more than 300 artists who come to MacDowell each year from all corners of the globe. Chevron-Circle-Up The evening’s honorary chairs were Barry Diller and Susan Bay Nimoy, Executive Director Philip Himberg, and Judith Light. Chevron-circle-downAdina Verson and Tiffany Villarin perform an Diane Von Furstenberg, Ava DuVernay, Baz Luhrmann, excerpt of Fellow Jiehae Park’s play Peerless. Anna Deavere Smith, and Sir Patrick Stewart.

Emcee Susan Blackwell welcomed the crowd and intro- duced a musical tribute to James Baldwin by Meshell Ndegeocello; Jiehae Park introduced an excerpt of her play Peerless performed by Sasha Diamond, Tiffany Villarin, and Adina Verson; and Rodney Evans shared a section of his film,Vision Portraits. After dinner, Tom-

@SCOTTRUDDEVENTS (5) my Orange read from his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel There There with actress Kyla Garcia. The crowd heard speeches from MacDowell Executive Director Cheryl Young, Board President Andrew Senchak, and incoming Executive Director Philip Himberg. The evening ended with a paddle raise and a performance by Grace McLean from her musical In The Green. EVENTS

Medal Day Honors Conceptual Artist Charles Gaines Before 1,400 About 1,400 art lovers from New England and across the U.S. gathered under sunny skies on Sunday, August 11th to watch as conceptual visual artist Charles Gaines accepted the 60th Edward MacDowell Medal during a free public event. The crowd converged on MacDowell’s grounds in Peterborough and were welcomed by MacDowell Chairman, Fellow, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon to begin the day. Those in attendance then heard from MacDowell Board President Andrew Senchak, incoming Executive Director Philip Himberg, and Resident Director David Macy, before Gaines was introduced and profiled by Director and Chief Curator of The Studio Museum in Harlem Thelma Golden.

This year’s selection panel was chaired by Ann Philbin, director of The Hammer Museum at UCLA. Joining Philbin on the selection panel were Hilton Als, The New Yorker writer and critic; Naima Keith, new vice Visual artist Charles Gaines addresses a Medal Day president of education and public programs at the Los Angeles County 16 2019 crowd of about 1,400, saying he was humbled to Museum of Art; Barbara Kruger, conceptual artist and educator; and Arthur be chosen as a member of the pantheon of artists that Simms, visual artist and member of MacDowell's board of directors. includes jazz great . Gaines said Rollins’ music led him to other musicians and, ultimately, to After the presentation ceremony, attendees enjoyed a picnic lunch and his love of patterns and systems in art. then toured MacDowell’s 32 studios, speaking with artists-in-residence and getting a peek at new art works as they were being made.

Chevron-Circle-Left Picnickers enjoy the afternoon following the ceremony. After lunch visitors tour our 32 open studios to see where art is made. chevron-circle-right Clockwise from left: Board President Andrew Senchak, Ann Philbin, Thelma Golden, Resident Director David Macy, Board Member Arthur Simms, Executive Director Philip Himberg, Medalist Charles Gaines, and Board Chairman Michael Chabon in front of the James Baldwin Library. EVENTS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

The New Hampshire Benefit Offers Intimate Performances, Dinner, and Conversation on the MacDowell Grounds Our New Hampshire Benefit, this year on October 19th, is held annually on the MacDowell grounds and brings JONATHAN GOURLAY together artists-in-residence, MacDowell supporters, and business leaders for an intimate community celebration of art and artists. Hosted by MacDowell Fellow and Board Member Dan Hurlin, the benefit featured a stirring performance by composer Martha Mooke in The James Baldwin Library, followed by Chevron-Circle-Up Dan Hurlin, Martha Mooke, and Sigrid Nunez in dinner in Bond Hall. After dinner, novelist Sigrid Nunez conversation about their work. read a selection from a work in progress that was both funny and touching before Dan, Martha, and Sigrid chatted informally about their creative experiences and the impacts of their residencies. Our 2019 New Hampshire Benefit raised nearly $50,000 to benefit our residency program.


Ed Woodham hosted Peterbrorugh Elementary School 4th graders who showed off their ripped-paper collages outside Adams Studio Chevron-Circle-Up Michael Chabon spoke with Laurie Anderson Chevron-Circle-Up Fellow Ayelet Waldman with Ira Glass and Courtney in September of 2019. and Margaret Atwood at the December Chairman’s Evening in Hodell at Glasshouse Chelsea. Manhattan. Chairman’s Evening Brings Three Icons Together for Interdisciplinary Conversation On Monday evening, December 9th, Michael Chabon, Each year, MacDowell artists engage members of the local MacDowell’s outgoing chairman of the board, sat community in numerous programs and venues that offer a way to meet down with multimedia artist, composer, and performer @SCOTTRUDDEVENTS (3) our Fellows and experience the art created at MacDowell. In 2019, 58 Laurie Anderson and best-selling novelist, poet, and educator Margaret Atwood at Glasshouse Chelsea for MacDowell Fellows volunteered to share their work at various locations. a witty and incisive conversation about creativity. This These efforts reached more than 3,400 adults and children throughout intimate event exemplifies our mission to shine a light the Monadnock Region. In addition to the programs outlined below, on the impact that art can have on society. Hosting the MacDowell Collection at the Peterborough Town Library is a 125 people, the evening provided a warm year-end gathering, rounding out a season of arts and literature compilation of donated works by Fellows and offers additional access to Chevron-Circle-UpPeter Rostovsky, Vijay Seshadri, Resident Director David events in New York. Watch the full conversation on our Macy, and Sara Reisman catch up at the 2019 Chairman’s music, films, books, and other media created by artists-in-residence. website at macdowell.org. Evening. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

MacDowell Downtown Launched in 2002, MacDowell Downtown is a series of free presentations by MacDowell artists that take place on the first Friday of the month from March through November in downtown Peterborough. Each season of MacDowell Downtown features a wide array of programming, including film screenings, readings, visual presentations, performances, talks, and more. The

following artists shared their work with the Chevron-Circle-Up Fellows Jerome Ellis and Joseph Keckler joined forces in May to present public at MacDowell Downtown in 2019: to a delighted and standing-room-only audience. visual artists Portia Munson and Hope Andy's Summer Playhouse producing artistic director ANN HAYASHI Gangloff; writer Michael Scott Moore; Jared Mezzocchi (17) brought a group of young actors to MacDowell to assist playwright Stephen Gregg in photographer Clay Maxwell Jordan; reading his play-in-progress Carina Comes Out. composer-performers Jerome Ellis and Joseph Keckler; magazine writer Ben Mauk and essayist Elizabeth de Souza; writer Janalyn Guo and interdisciplinary Events at MacDowell NYC . In February, Macy hosted journalist Nat artist Neil Mendoza; collaborating Monthly events – both free to the public and ticketed Segnit at MacDowell as he researched a book project. 18 filmmakers and interdisciplinary artists – including gatherings small and large, public and For the month of April, Firelight Theatre Workshop Sophia Nahli Allison and Janice Duncan; private, were held at MacDowell’s New York City space staged Annie Baker’s play Body Awareness. writer Jeff Sharlet; and composer Rodrigo to engage artists and the larger public in dialogue Mary Ruefle, Arielle Greenberg, Rage Hezekiah, and Martínez Torres with help from fellow about important issues across artistic disciplines Iliana Rocha read from their works at the Toadstool artists-in-residence Em Goldman and and to expand appreciation of the arts. On October Bookshop in Peterborough during The Thing in the Huck Hodge. 10th the annual Young Friends Cocktail Party was Spring 2019. Bestselling author Ann Patchett read from held gathering our supporters under the age of 45 for The Dutch House. Monadnock Music presented works, MacDowell in the Schools drinks, music, snacks, installations, and performances. including Queen of Hearts by MacDowell Fellow Kati Since 1996, this program has been Hosted by Jenna Wortham, this year’s Young Friends Chevron-Circle-Up Ed Woodham hosted Peterbrorugh Elementary School 4th graders and Agocs, and Spin Bird and Lucidity: Eyes of Hands by Kate bringing the creative process to the Cocktail Party featured work by Arisleyda Dilone, Alexis had them create colorful ripped-paper collages. Moore at a free concert at the Hollis Congregational classroom, and inviting the classroom Okeowo, and James Anthony Tyler with installations Church. Monadnock Music also performed Stories into the studio. Students in grade school, Chevron-circle-down Writer Christy Payne visited ConVal Regional High by Jess Johnson and Kambui Olujimi. On October School and shared her sketchbooking practice with about 35 of art for Strings by Dalit Warshaw in Westmoreland. Andy’s high school, and college in the Monadnock 24th, icon and author Carol Burnett joined teacher Ben Putnam's students. Summer Playhouse in Wilton staged Ripe Frenzy by Region all benefit from the time and Nell Painter and Amanda Stern for an intimate reading Jennifer Barclay in July with Jared Mezzocchi directing, expertise of MacDowell Fellows. The and conversation titled the Art of Memoir. Finally, on and won a NHTA award. following Fellows volunteered their time October 28th, MacDowell partnered with ArteEast and during their residencies in 2019: PEN America for a conversation on art, activism, and Aurora Nealand performed a free outdoor concert at Composer Victor Marquez-Barrios; visual migration between Syrian artist Khaled Barakeh and JONATHAN GOURLAY (3) the Dublin School in July. Writers Harriet Clark and artist Paul Collins; writer Vint Virga; writer Dahlia Elsayed, hosted by Eileen Myles. Lydia Martín read from their work at a meeting of the Chavisa Woods; playwright Stephen Gregg; Monadnock Writers’ Group. Nonfiction writer Vince composers Philippe Bodin and Martha Amy Beach doc, Thing in the Spring, Andy’s and more Granata read an excerpt from his book in progress to Mooke; performance artist Ed Woodham; In January, Resident Director David Macy hosted a visit members of Leadership Monadnock. Poet Rebecca visual artist Yewen Dong; playwright Sarah from John Gfroerer, a documentary filmmaker working Kaiser Gibson’s poem “Or Part Of” was installed on the DeLappe; and writer Christi Payne. on a project about composer and MacDowell Fellow exterior of the Toadstool Bookshop. DONORS Growing up, I wanted to be an artist but wasn’t encouraged to. I didn’t believe that there was a space for me in the world. ‘‘I didn’t know a place like MacDowell existed. To be shown that there are people that will care for you like family so that you can have the space and time and inspiration to make a painting is overwhelming.” —BRIDGET MULLEN, VISUAL ARTIST 19 DONORS MACDOWELL FELLOW Sharon Mashihi Contributors Michael and Jenny Krinsky Andrea Cohen $50,000 or more Robert and Sylvia Larsen Ann and George Colony As an artist, and a woman of color, The Calderwood Charitable Foundation Monica and Michael Lehner James D. Dougherty I struggle with self-judgment. When Drue and H.J. Heinz II Charitable Trust Ed and Kathy Ludwig Betsy Gardella I am in my daily life doing my work, The DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Memorial Kollin Min and Katja Shaye Dr. and Mrs. Norman and Ramsay Goldstein I often chide myself for wasting Fund Susan Nimoy Cheryl Henson Anonymous Pew Center for Arts and Heritage Michael Hoeh time, or not moving swiftly enough. Todd and Christine Fisher The Pollock- Krasner Foundation, Inc. Lewis Hyde and Patricia Vigderman When I got accepted to MacDowell, Sarah Garland-Hoch and Roland Hoch Peter and Suzanne Read Waltraud Ireland understanding it as a prestigious Nion McEvoy Walter M. Robinson Ed and Ann Kania residency, I worried that when I The MacDowell Colony Fund of the New The Rona Jaffe Foundation Jenji Kohan arrived my sense of inadequacy Hampshire Charitable Foundation Harry Sherr and Cynthia Strauss Mark Ladner and Julie Ross would only be heightened. Tom and Babs Putnam Rick and Terry Stone Judith Light and Robert Desiderio Andrew and Barbara Senchak Szilvia Szmuk-Tanenbaum Kenneth Lipper But during my residency, I was Anne Stark Locher and Kurt Locher The Jesse and Dorothy Hartman Foundation Dr. Lorincz and Ms. Shulman / The Lorincz surprised to find that the culture The Leon Levy Foundation The Walbridge Fund, per Mary Stewart Family Fund at MacDowell was in fact very Hammond and Arthur Yorke Allen MacDowell Colony Fellows gentle. That the administration and Benny Andrews Contributors RiverMead artists alike encouraged a sense $25,000 or more Contributors John Cetra and Nancy Ruddy of freedom while working, and a Anonymous $5,000 or more Joshua Wolf Shenk Amy and David J. Sorkin 3Arts Philanthropies, Inc. kindness to oneself. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc. Frank Sorrentino I learned from the other artists Debevoise & Plimpton LLP Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Jessica Stern to let myself be more luxurious in The Ford Family Foundation David Baum and Terry Reeves Marsyas Fund my process. I learned that I didn’t 20 Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation William and Helen Beekman John Taylor need to calculate the productivity National Endowment for the Arts Bobbie Bristol Catherine Tenney quotient of every moment, but that Robert and Stephanie Olmsted Marcy Carsey Welch + Forbes LLC Diane Posnak Evan Chambers and Suzanne Camino Francis H. Williams and Keris Salmon instead, if I allowed myself to go on Patricia Brown Specter Arthur D. Clarke and Susan P. Sloan Cheryl A. Young and Robert I. Carswell long ponderous walks, or to spend Peter Wirth Ann and George Colony Mary N. Young entire afternoons reading inspiring Darrell Crawford novels, that all of that amounted Thornton Wilder Contributors Amelia Dunlop and Andrew Krivak Galway Kinnell Contributors to a different kind of productivity, a $10,000 or more Nicholas and Edmée de M. Firth $1,000 or more productivity that ultimately would While at MacDowell, I was These are the kinds of Amazon Literary Partnership Lisa Gilligan Alchemy Foundation The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Gregory Goeckner in honor of Judith Light Alpha Chi Omega Foundation. Inc. contribute more to my work. working on an audio series called, explorations I have often found Bloomberg Philanthropies Adele Griffin and Erich Mauff Martha Bennett I make heavily sound designed "Appearances," which I am happy it hard to do in my daily life Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Jane and Gerald Katcher in honor of Anne Ellen and Ed Bernard audio stories. My background and to say, is almost finished, and soon because of time constraints, and Eleanor Briggs Stark Locher Brenda Barry career has been mostly in public will be out in the world. I came to frankly because of my own close- Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman Carol and Robert D. Krinsky Stacey Bosworth radio, a field where it is common for MacDowell with an outline in mind mindedness about what it means to Ann Clarkeson Samuel K. Lessey, Jr. and Christine Joosten Ken Burns the work-week to be 70 or 80 hours for the series, ready to begin my work productively. I felt so nurtured The Fortunata Foundation of Fidelity Michael Rosenfeld Gallery Deborah Butler and Alex Savard Charitable Mollie Miller and Robert Rodat Elizabeth Cafferty long. We are taught to spend hours writing. But MacDowell gave me the at MacDowell. I felt the permission First Republic Bank Olivia Parker Peter Cameron upon hours in front of our computer time to try out several other options to allow my process to be whatever Flora N. Beggs Trust Penguin Random House, Inc. Carnegie Corporation of New York screens, trying to make our stories for outlines, to re-imagine what the it was. The greatest gift MacDowell Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaudreau Les Robertson and Sawteen See Charles F. Christ work. It was useful to me to be around work could be. I had the time to re- gave me was an infinitely more The Gramercy Park Foundation Phyylis and Jim Rogers William and Amy Conway painters, novelists, and composers. watch films and re-read novels that expansive idea of what it means to John Hargraves and Nancy Newcomb Michael Stamm Lehman Patty and Tim Crane Fund of Berkshire Artists who taught me that taking a were inspirations for my show and be productive, and how to live out a HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. P. Coleman & Susan Townsend Taconic Community Foundation Eric and Anne Harrison Stuart Davidson and Wendy Webster short nap in the afternoon or having then ask myself, “What would be the fulfilling creative day. Robin and Darrell Harvey Milton and Sally Avery Contributors Delta Omicron Foundation, Inc. a long luxurious lunch could be Scenes From a Marriage version of Hauser & Wirth $2,500 or more Tom and Ellen Draper generative forms of rest that would this outline?” “What would be The Sharon Mashihi, Barry and Connie Hershey Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forbes allow me to be all the more creative. Great Gatsby version of this outline?” Interdisciplinary artist DONORS

Time at Franklin Pierce University Sheri Warshauer-Riskind Nell Painter MacDowell opened Sandra S. Furman Young Bo Whang Christie Posnak Sarah Jane and Trevor Gibbons The Kirchman Wiedman Giving Fund Donna Raftery a fresh creative Hansi and Bill Glahn The Wilder Family Leslie Riedel space I haven’t had in Elaine Goldman Amy Wilentz Nancy B. Roberts Patricia Green Tracy Winn in memory of Sylvia Canfield Rachel Rock years. Allowing myself to Vartan Gregorian Winn Deborah Roody enter a clean sanctuary Bob and Tori Haring-Smith Alan Yuspeh Jeff and Kellye Rosenheim in honor of Cheryl of making without the Harrisville Designs, Inc. Young ‘‘ Fred Hersch in honor of Blake Tewksbury Wendy Wasserstein Contributors Gerhard and Evelyn Salinger burden of past work Cecily and Kenneth Houston $500 or more David Schneider in honor of Anthony IAC Kathryn Agarwal Schneider forced me to confront iStar, Inc. Jane Alexander Shell Oil Matching Gift Program ideas I knew were Emily G. Kahn Anonymous (2) Katy Simpson Smith Maira Kalman in honor of Charlotte Sheedy Atkins Callahan, PLLC John Sopher important but never had Benjamin and Katrina Kelley Andi Axman and Mark Goldstein Craig Stockwell and Sarah Mustin the courage to tackle.” Debbie Kim Cecily Bastedo Jamie and Laura Trowbridge —DERRICK VELASQUEZ, SCULPTOR Ed Kim Beate Becker / The Boston Foundation Billie Tsien and Tod Williams Tom C.H. Kim Bellows-Nichols Agency Inc. Guinevere Turner Iya Labunka Friederike Biggs Stephanie Wallach in honor of Tommy Robert MacNeil James Boorstein Wallach Scott Manning and Frank Guerra Philip and March Cavanaugh Thomas Wallach John and Gail Marshall CGI Employee Benefits Group Tsering Wangmo Sabrina McGuigan Lucy Chung Elaine Weiss and Julian Krolik Peter McKown Krissie Darr David Wertheimer 21 McLane Middleton Susan Davenport Austin and Kenneth Austin Bess Wohl Anne Meistrell Deborah Burke Partners Elaine and Irving Wolbrom in honor of Philip Robyn Michaelson Tatiana Golovnya Himberg Dr. and Mrs. Heunki Min Yukap Hahn Rolf Yngve Suk-Kih and Kung-Hie Min Jennifer Haley Yungwha and Kongki Min Aleshea Harris Helen Farnsworth Mears Contributors Rick Moranis Kit Henry and Henry Sanders Up to $500 Sarah Nedwek and Greg Stevens Jane Hirshfield Mujtaba Ahmed Northeast Delta Dental Priscilla P. Hurlin Becca Albee Virginia Nyhart Linda Wesselman Jackson Elizabeth Albert Jesun Paik Cathy Kaplan in honor of Anne Stark Locher Candace Allen Phi Beta Fraternity Carol Keller Elizabeth Allen Larry Praeger Mrs. Poog Mee Kim Lee Natalia Almada Frederic and Penny Putnam Ickjohn Kim Iota Upsilon Iota Alumnae of Alpha Chi Marylou and Joe Quinlan in honor of Robin Yuran and Che Myong Kim Omega MacNeil The Kingsbury Fund AmazonSmile Foundation David Rakowski Starling Lawrence Kyung An Sarah Schulman Katherine Lou Idris Anderson Brian Selznick and David Serlin Sharon and Brad Malt Margaret Anderson Vijay Seshadri and Suzanne Khuri Lydia Martín Clay Andrews Mr. William and Dr. Fay Shutzer Steven Maughan Kayla Andrews Jeremy T. Smith Robert Miller Anonymous (20) Sarah Nedwek and Greg Stevens Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. Mary K. Armstrong James M. and Isabelle Storey in honor of Carrie Moyer Andrea Artz Mary Carswell† and Cheryl Young Dan Mullin in honor of Betty Gaudreau Michael and Joyce Askenaizer Jurriaan Strobos Eileen Myles Toby Atlas Surdna Foundation Bonnie Newman Richard E. Auger Robin Swartz Julie Orringer Eleanor Aversa and Peter Zabierek Practically speaking, I was able DONORS to complete editing on a feature, The American Sector, co-directed with Pacho Velez, who was at Temme Barkin-Leeds Diane Cook Rosemarie Fiore MacDowell in 2017 at the start Jennifer Barth Kia Corthron Sally Fischer of the film’s creation. I reached a Lynn Bassler Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas Abby Flam rough draft of the mid-length film I Ritesh Batra Deirdre Coyle Chip Fleischer mentioned, shot a short film (filmed Brian Bauman Calvin Craib Liza Folman by fellow artist Joshua Solondz, of Lara Bazelon Don Creighton Nan Fornal Kim Beck Corinne Croce Jim Frame another artist, Jerome Ellis) which I Belletetes, Inc. Bruce Crownover David France have nearly completed editing, and John and Shelley Benjamin Megan Cump Joslin Kimball Frank initiated other collaborations for the John Bennet Sebastian Currier Sally Franson future. It was a very rich experience. Bruce Bensetler Jack Damer Sallyanne French More difficult to articulate, but Zeke Berman Alice Dark Tom and Leslie Freudenheim equally valuable for me, were Sally Bevan Caroline Davis Peter and Kathy Frid Hayes Biggs Nicholas Dawidoff and Kaari Pitkin Jonathan Friedman changes I experienced personally, Liza Birkenmeier Philip Dawkins Francesca Fuchs and what being at MacDowell gave Sophie Cabot Black Anissa Dehamna Mr. and Mr.s Robert Gabriel, Jr. to me emotionally. What I realized Janet Bloom Lou DeRose Carlton Gamer over my two months there was that Jennifer Taub and Steve Bloom Neal Desai Caitlin Gangi the security that I was afforded Goldie Blumenstyk in honor of Scott Manning Uday Dhar Leah Garnett through the constant quiet care of David Lang and Suzanne Bocanegra Stuart Diamond Joseph Gartner Kathleen and Ray Bollerud Katy Didden Sarah Gatzke staff whose daily concern built a Nancy Bowen Heidi Diehl Dr. Amina Gautier space for me to work was in fact Hayg Boyadjian Denise Doleac James Gaylord very different than what one might Sebastiaan Bremer Katherine Donahue Janie Geiser imagine as creative solitude. This Geoffrey Brock Michael Downs Madeleine George 22 MACDOWELL FELLOW in thinking through the emotional was different from solitude, it was Brenda Brown Eleanor Drury Tony Gerber components of the project, but so an environment of consistent but Lee Ann Brown Corinne Duchesne Sara and Edward Germain Courtney Jessica Bruder Judith Dupre Andrew Gillis too did my walks to and from Colony unobtrusive support; daily respect Susan Brynteson Jemila Dwyer Anne Gilman Stephens Hall, the ability to observe the shifting that was, astonishingly, being Fritz Buehner Bruce Earnley Ken and Shelley Gliedman seasons; that direct access to the given entirely to support the work I Victor Bumbalo W. Dean Eastman Neil Goldberg The two months I spent at natural intervals of the landscape at was doing. This gave me a feeling Walter and Barbara Burgin Richard T. Ebner David Goldes MacDowell were very precious MacDowell. My experience of time of such value, and made me feel Julia Butler Jeremy Eichler William Goldstein and transformative for me for shifted during my time there, as did deeply responsible both to this gift David M. and Marian B. Call Carly Eiseman in honor of Tricia Romano Arthur Gottschalk Ariadne Calvo-Platero Amy Ellingson Alice Greenwald many reasons, some of which I my thinking about cycles of lived life. and to my own intentions during John Voss and Sheila Canby Lex and Helen Haris Leah Griesmann anticipated, and many of which The unimpeded spaciousness of my time there. I feel in retrospect Virginia Cannon Kevin Richard and Mark Engelter David Groff were mysterious to me even at the time, in which successive days and that MacDowell is set up to quietly Rachel Cantor Sandra Claudia Englert Jennifer Grotz time. It has taken me a little while weeks could be given to thought, encourage sensitivity, to lift so Angela Cappetta Katherine Erbeznik Joan Grubin to understand what it was that this reading, and tinkering, allowed many of life’s daily concerns that Leo Carey Rodney Evans Daron Hagen time meant for me. ideas and impulses to open up the space to be sensitive is cleared, Maria Providencia Casanovas Galit Ezekiel Jamie Hager Joseph Cassara Peter Falion and Elizabeth Tannenbaum Dennis Hahn Most directly, MacDowell gave me and deepen, leading the project and to give Fellows the confidence Catherine Castellani Laurel Farrin Judson D. Hale, Sr. the time to concentrate and generate in directions I could not have that that sensitivity is exactly what Eric Chasalow and Barbara Cassidy Chris Farrow-Noble Annie Han / Lead Pencil Studio new (and finish ongoing) work. foreseen. The experience felt a little is wanted in that time – such a rare Ronald Chase Dr. Stanley and Cecelia Feld Philanthropic Jimin Han The project I gave the most time like existing temporarily outside and radical gift. It changed the work Jean M. Choe Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Simon Han to while I was there was in its very of time, which was exhilarating I was making, and it changed me Catherine Chung Foundation Don Hannah infancy when I came – a medium- and creatively interesting. I also personally as well. For me, this was Philip Clark Lewis Feldstein Diane Hanson Jim Coates and Michele Gagnon Lucy Ferriss - The Ferris Moon Family Fund Adam Haslett length film about female itinerancy, benefited from my conversations a very moving gift that I received in Douglas Cohen Michael Fiday Kathy Hatab geologic time, and the question of with many brilliant fellow artists. All my time at MacDowell. Tom and Tricia Coleman Ruth P. Fields Richard W. Hayes motherhood. Being away from my of these elements of my stay were Mrs. Abrams Collier Jim Findlay Eva Heisler normal life helped me enormously deeply fulfilling on a creative level. Courtney Stephens, Filmmaker Martha Collins Sheri Fink Kyle Helmstetter FELLOW Brice Crownover

DISCIPLINE Visual artist

WORK AT MACDOWELL Completed two reductive color woodcuts for an upcoming fine art book project, Sentinels, about the migrating western juniper and pinon trees of Southern Utah. Each print was editioned and a series of related paintings were completed in preparation for additional prints. Bruce also began work on a book about the effects of on the glaciers of Baffin Island, Canada.

23 DONORS Jeanne Henriques Dean Klingler Steve Marston Will Hermes Tom Knechtel Jane Martin Roland Charles Hershey Karla Knight John Martin Paul and Robbie Hertneky Lindsay Knowlton Ziboukle Martinaityte Hendrik Hertzberg Kent Koth Cate Marvin Elana Herzog Arthur V. Kreiger Alice Mattison Philip Himberg Lisa Kron Arielle Matza Catherine Hinrichsen Catherine Kudlick Mitch McCabe Isabelle Hoch Amitava Kumar Gardner McFall Rolaine Hochstein Saul Kupferberg in honor of Szilvia Szmuk- David and Janice McKenzie Having time Patricia G. Hoffman Tanenbaum Charlotte Meehan to think is Shane and Lisa Hoffman Marie Kwang Hi Chang Erika Meitner Home Box Office, Inc. Micki Kwon James Mendelsohn significant. I am Philip Tabas and Helen Hooper R.O. Kwon Shari Mendelson used to squeezing my Sharon Horvath Paul LaFarge Mia and Oliver Merrill G. Duane Howard the lakes gallery at chi-lin Paul Merrill and Gail Carroll work in to my life, making Bror Hultgren Joan Larkin Bonnie Metzgar art despite the crush of Samantha J. Hunt Jules N. LaRocque David Meyer capitalism. Here I had Dan Hurlin Stephen R. Lawson Elisabeth Meyer ‘‘ Anonymous Tracy Leddo Jane Miller room to breathe.” Simeon Hutner Chai Jin and Mija Lee Ken and Linda Miller Tae Ihm Dae Lee Mary Miller —CASSILS, PERFORMANCE ARTIST Debra Jo Immergut Tong-Nyong and Mee-Hoy Lee Tanya E. Miller Catherine Ingraham Melissa Leidl Bo and Alice Min Jack Daniels Motor Inn Alma Leiva Kent Min and Mimi Yum Julia Jacquette Michael and Marjorie Lennon Martha Mooke James Howell Foundation Tania León Honor Moore Maya Jasanoff Mr. and Mrs. E. Deane Leonard Caroline Morris and Jon Wei Katherine Jenkins Jeffrey D. and Ottilie Levine Marge and Bob Mueller 24 Melanie Jennings Ann Deborah Levy Portia Munson Dr. and Mrs. Michael Joh Cressida Leyshon Carlos Murillo David Johnson David Licata BettyJoyce Nash Ruth Johnson Janet Lin and Christian Holland Shira Nayman Sue Johnson Tod Lippy Richard Nelson Jane Johnston Melina Lito Itty Neuhaus Gabriel Kahane Elizabeth Lloyd-Kimbrel New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Gus Kaikkonen and Kraig Swartz Benjamin Lorr Clubs of GFWC Bruce Karlin Colette Lucas Pamela Newkirk Dan Kaufman Mary Lum Morgan Newman Karen Keenan Erik Lundborg Shaun Newport Susan Keizer Jennifer Lunden Aimee Nezhukumatathil Brian Kellman Lilla Lyon and Hank Drury Susan Nisenbaum Becker Sarah H. Kelly MacDowell Club of Allied Arts, Oklahoma Danica Novgorodoff Preston Trombly and Margaret Kelly-Trombly City, OK Tom Nussbaum Katrina Kenison Lewers MacDowell Music Club of Chattanooga Kristen Nutile Ms. Vesta Kent MacDowell Ensemble, Ogden Chapter Gina Occhiogrosso Nancy Keystone Nathalie MacGill Abigail Ogilvy Gallery Jennifer Khov James Magruder Morgan O’Hara James J. Killerlane Tim Main Marc Ohrem-Leclef Coon Ja Kim Nigel Maister Jeanine Oleson Seungkyung Kim Anne Makepeace Jena Osman Soloman Kim Emily Maloney Margaret Palmer Sun Ha and Kui Nam Kim Sarah Mantell Jiehae Park Starlee Kine James Marcus Keija Parssinen Daniel Kirschen Deb Margolin Anonymous Perri Klass David and Martha Marsh in honor of Aryn Richard M. Pendleton and Sage Wheeler Adam Klein Marsh Ronald Perera DONORS

Ileana Perez Velazquez Jeff Sharlet Liesl Tommy Kathleen Perron Vicki Sher Monique Truong Rachel Perry Doe Shinn Benjamin Tuchman Anthony Phillips Ann Shipley Memye Curtis Tucker Diane Pieri James Shrosbree Nan Tull Kala Pierson Marilyn Shrude Abbie Van Nostrand Debora B. Pignatelli Kimberly Siebert MacPhail Peter Van Zandt Lane Barbara A. Pike Fred and Julie Silverman Rachel Vass Michelle Pirret Arthur Simms Derrick Velasquez Harry Pollock Derek Simonds Frances Von Mertens Jessie Pollock Alvin Singleton John Voss and Sheila Canby Pedro Ponce Rachel Smith Susan Waldrop Mimi Pond Rheta Smith Anna Mary and David Wallace Jami Porter Lara and Kathryn D. Brown Brett Evan Solomon Lindsay Walt Marjorie Portnow Sorosis, Inc. Tenesh Webber Sarah Pringle Justin Sowa Jill Weber Judith Graeff and Douglas Proops Louise Spence Sarah Weinman Raul Quines Deepak Gupta and Molly Springfield The David Weir Fund of the New Hampshire Marylin Quint-Rose Peggy Stafford Charitable Foundation Lawrence Raab James Stearns Roger Wells Emily Rafferty Donald Steele Lawrence Weschler Benita Raphan in honor of the Raphan / Rock Stacey Steers Scott Wheeler Family Maggie Stein Leah and Ian Whitehead Ruth Reichl Joni Sternbach Thomas Whitman and Mira Rabin Nancy B. Reisman Caroline Stewart Paula Whyman 25 The Rho Family Stanley Stocker Dorothy Wickenden Wendy Richmond Brittain Stone Joan Wickersham Sally Heath Rives Judith Stone Leslie Wilkes Ann S. Robinson Eve and Lewis Stone Cari Winkler Lisa Robinson David Storey Amanda Wojick Sigma Alpha Iota Lambda Mu Jessica Stradley Howard Wolf MACDOWELL FELLOW became increasingly significant conversations I had, which often Ellen Rockmore Matthew Strassler Dee Wolff to me. I felt an appreciation not began at dinner and continued long Bertha Rogers James Sturm Meg Wolitzer Gbolahan just for its charm, but also for its after, the enduring friendships that Sonny Rollins Pitchaya Subanthad Linda Wong Adeola simultaneous sense of isolation came out of these interactions, Anonymous Jeffrey Sugg Amy Wood and boundlessness, both of which and the fresh perspectives I gained Karla Rothstein Gail Sullivan Mickey and Jasmine Wu Ariel Rudolph Kunal J. Suryavanshi Jenni Wu One of the many memorable did encourage a kind of freedom. from hearing about how others Eva Ruutopold Parker Sutton Deborah Wyman aspects of my residency was the I felt unusually free to write and approached their art. Patrick Ryan Glen and Annagreta Swanson Joshua Yaffa in memory of Michael Yaffa walk I took every day between rewrite, free to explore and find I value the routine I was able Lynne Sachs Sam Swope Yankee Publishing Incorporated Pan’s Cottage and my studio, or new pathways in my work. With to develop at MacDowell. I valued David Sampson in honor of Craig and Ellen Susan Takemoto Christopher C. York otherwise simply wandering and the abundance of time and space, the opportunity to prioritize not Anderson Robert and Maryann Taraskiewicz Virginia Young in honor of Nicky Dawidoff exploring the grounds. The walks I felt a renewed confidence just work and solitude, but rest, Robin Sanders Benjamin and Katherine Taylor James Yu Diana Santana Susan May Tell Mark and Susan Zankel were a chance to plan and reflect. and excitement for the creative recreation, and community. It is Joan Harris and Ed Sarath Mary Temple Susan Zielinski But also, there was almost always process. admittedly a difficult routine to Benjamin Savard Lenore Tenenblatt Andrew Zimmerman something exciting to stumble There was a similar sense of maintain elsewhere — with the Annita Sawyer Mark Thompson Andrew Zimmerman upon: new foliage emerging as boundlessness to the interactions demands of everyday life — but Adam Schwartz Louisa Thoron, MD Helene Zindarsian in memory of Earl Zindars winter changed to spring; a herd I had with other Fellows. My several months after my residency, Les Robertson and Sawteen See Lynne Tillman of especially bold deer one night, residency at MacDowell was my I’m still benefitting from the lessons Courtney Sender Sally Tittmann BEQUESTS Nicholas Seshadri The Toadstool Bookshops The Estate of Mary Carswell materializing first as glowing first experience being around so I learned about my use of time. Ravi Shankar Vincent Todaro Olga B. Fryer Irrevocable Trust pairs of eyes in the dark. Over many artists outside of my own time, the landscape of MacDowell discipline, and I cherished the Gbolahan Adeola, Fiction writer DONORS

Mary Teal Garland† and Family Sally Bevan Robert Miller The Estate of Pamela Joy Johnson The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bo and Alice Min The John and Anna Laynor Family Trust Geoffrey Brock Dr. and Mrs. Heunki Min Louise Dieterle Nippert Trust Lee Ann Brown Kent Min and Mimi Yum The Arnold T. Schwab Living Trust Rachel Cantor Kollin Min and Katja Shaye Hildreth H. Spencer Trust in memory of Jean M. Choe Suk-Kih and Kung-Hie Min James Houston Spencer Catherine Chung Yungwha and Kongki Min Marilyn Ziffrin Trust Douglas Cohen Honor Moore Katy Didden Caroline Morris and Jon Wei STUDIO MAINTENANCE Heidi Diehl Tom Nussbaum Elizabeth Allen Katherine Donahue Jesun Paik Alpha Chi Omega Foundation. Inc. Michael Downs Kathleen Perron Iota Upsilon Iota Alumnae of Alpha Chi Corinne Duchesne Pedro Ponce Omega Jemila Dwyer The Rho Family Delta Omicron Foundation, Inc. Rodney Evans Lisa Robinson Delta Omicron Foundation, Zeta Zeta Chapter Galit Ezekiel Ellen Rockmore New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Madeleine George Gerhard and Evelyn Salinger Clubs of GFWC Leah Griesmann Doe Shinn Phi Beta Fraternity David Groff Ann Shipley Sigma Alpha Iota Lambda Mu Yukap Hahn Stanley Stocker Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. Jimin Han Jessica Stradley Sorosis, Inc. Simon Han Gail Sullivan Charles Hershey Surdna Foundation IN-KIND DONATIONS Catherine Hinrichsen Annagreta Swanson Betsy Anderson Simeon Hutner Susan Takemoto Anonymous Tae Ihm Monique Truong 26 Counterpoint Press Dr. and Mrs. Michael Joh Peter Van Zandt Lane Debevoise & Plimpton LLP Karen Keenan David Wertheimer Joshua Dorman Jennifer Khov Young Bo Whang Peter Edlund Coon Ja Kim Linda Wong

Jane Fine and Pierogi Gallery Debbie Kim Jenni Wu FELLOWS Charles Gaines Ed Kim Amelia Evans and Harriet Clark Hope Gangloff Ickjohn Kim Cecily Bastedo in memory of Bill Banks DISCIPLINE Hachette Book Group Seungkyung Kim Anonymous in memory of Tom Hart Filmmaking and Fiction writing Reed Isbell-Hobbs Soloman Kim Anonymous in memory of George Olsen Clay Jordan Sun Ha and Kui Nam Kim Anonymous in memory of William Corbett WORK AT MACDOWELL Gloria Karefa-Smart - The Estate of Tom C.H. Kim James D. Dougherty in memory of Nancy Amelia worked on a nonfiction James Baldwin Yuran and Che Myong Kim Decker Dougherty first-person film about travelling Penguin Random House, The Modern Library Mrs. Poog Mee Kim Lee Joslin Kimball Frank in memory of Jane across the U.S. living with three Dani and Sheilah ReStack Kent Koth Kimball Mitchell self-identified “law-abiding Mrs. Evelyn Rothschild Marie Kwang Hi Chang Linda Wesselman Jackson in memory of pedophiles” in an attempt to Accra Shepp Micki Kwon Mary Carswell voice, understand, and question Josh Siegel Tracy Leddo Ruth Johnson in memory of Dr. Daryle the individualized psychologies Simon & Schuster, Inc. Chai Jin and Mija Lee Gardner-Bonneau of pedophilia. It is driven by her Sulloway & Hollis, PLLC Dae Lee James Howell Foundation in memory of belief that better understanding Chin Chih Yang Tong-Nyong and Mee-Hoy Lee James Howell and support will help reduce Dr. Lorincz and Ms. Shulman / The Lorincz Jane Johnston in memory of John J. Ryan sexual offenses against children. IN MEMORIAM Family Fund Jane Johnston in memory of Richard Rulon GIFTS in memory of KATHERINE MIN Jennifer Lunden Starlee Kine in memory of Haruko Tanaka Harriet completed final revisions Clay Andrews John and Gail Marshall Saul Kupferberg in honor of Szilvia Szmuk- on her first novel, You Won't Kayla Andrews Mitch McCabe Tanenbaum Go Alone If You Go, which she Anonymous (6) James Mendelsohn Elizabeth Lloyd-Kimbrel in memory of William originally drafted during an earlier John Bennet Mary Miller Kimbrel MacDowell residency. DONORS CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT Public Funding CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT New Hampshire Benefit Supporters CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT Fellowship and General Operating Support

CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT Medal Day Corporate Sponsors



Medal Day Benefactors

Interdisciplinary artist Michelle Boulé working CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT Fellowship and General out the intersection of her creative dance Operating Support practice with healing modalities in Nef Studio. 27 The Alchemy Foundation CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT National Benefit Corporate Sponsor Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation The Calderwood Foundation Colette Lucas in memory of Carolyn Saari GIFTS IN HONOR OF MICHAEL CHABON United Talent Agency Debevoise & Plimpton MacDowell Club of Allied Arts, Oklahoma These generous gifts will support the Ayelet Waldman Delta Omnicron City, OK in memory of Dr. Peggy Guthrie creation of a Permanently Endowed Jacqueline Woodson The DuBose & Dorothy Heyward Shira Nayman in memory of Doreen Nayman Writing Fellowship and Named Studio. Michael Zilkha Memorial Fund Robert and Stephanie Olmsted in memory of Emerson Collective Ruth Feder The Miner Anderson Family Foundation ENDOWED FELLOWSHIPS CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT National Benefit Corporate Supporters The Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation Julie Orringer and Ryan Harty in memory of Steven Barclay THE KATHERINE MIN FELLOWSHIP for John & Anna Laynor Trust Joyce Harty William and Helen Beekman Asian-American writers The John Wesley Foundation Phyllis and Jim Rogers in memory of Bill Chris Doyle The Friends and Family of Katherine Min Estate of Pamela Joy Johnson Banks Rosemarie Fiore Flora N. Beggs Trust Benjamin Savard in memory of Mary Louise Akiva Goldsman THE NION MCEVOY FELLOWSHIP for IAC Hancock Lisa Brown and Daniel Handler Journalists Istar Inc Louise Spence in memory of Camille Billops Harper Collins Publishers Nion McEvoy Jesse and Dorothy Hartman Foundation and Barbara Hammer ICM Partners New Jersey State Federation of Joni Sternbach in memory of Joelle Shallon Rachel Kaplan ROYALTIES The Gramercy Park Foundation Women’s Clubs Amy Wilentz in memory of Ben Sonnenberg Alex Kurtzman A-R Editions, Inc. Newcomb-Hargraves Foundation The Pine Tree Foundation of New York Tracy Winn in memory of Sylvia Canfield Sarah and James Manyika Aevitas Creative Management LLC The Rona Jaffe Foundation Winn Arla and David Manson ASCAP CHEVRON-CIRCLE-RIGHT National Benefit Notable Supporters Surdna Foundation Joshua Yaffa in memory of Michael Yaffa Nion T. McEvoy ConocoPhillips The Walbridge Foundation Helene Zindarsian in memory of Earl Zindars Ann Patchett Kenneth W Cory, LTD The Wright-Ingraham Institute Michael Pollan and Judith Belzer, the Pollan- Sabalo Operating LLC Belzer Charitable Fund Sealaska Corporation Resnick Foundaton Seaport, Inc. Joshua Wolf Shenk Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly Putnam Studio Renovations Reveal Brighter, More FACILITIES Efficient Creative and Live-In Space Now a live-work space for visual artists, the David and Rosamond Putnam Studio was fully renovated by T. Tolman Builders in 2019 with funds from the Putnam Family Foundation and MacDowell board member Tom Putnam and his wife Babs Putnam. In addition to adding a cozy bedroom with en suite bath, the improvements to the building increased the floor and wall space and added custom-built lighting.

Constructed in 1911 to serve as a pump house for irrigation, the former farm outbuilding was converted to serve visual artists in 1972–1974 through a grant from the Putnam Family Foundation. Historically, water had been drawn from a stone cistern and pumped uphill to a greenhouse and gardens, Marian MacDowell’s home, Hillcrest, and other buildings on the south side of what are now the MacDowell grounds. Within the pump house, a stationary engine powered a planer, saw, corn shellers, and a grinding 28 wheel. Three wooden arches that once framed a firewood storage shed remain a distinguishing feature of the studio’s eastern ell. The studio’s west end offers lithography and intaglio plate printing presses as well as sinks and ventilation for all manner of printing. JONATHAN GOURLAY (4) David and Rosamond Putnam were the parents of Built as a pump house for the farm in 1911, Putnam Tom Putnam and had a long history of supporting Studio was first converted for artist use in 1972. The new renovation, completed in the summer of 2019, added a MacDowell. Around the time of the studio’s cozy bedroom with en suite, increased the floor and wall inauguration in the early 1970s, David drove from space, and added custom-built lighting. New Hampshire to the Charles F. Brand factory on Manhattan’s Lower East Side to pick up the presses.

Chevron-Circle-Left When the renovation was finished, the result was a more useful creative space with lithography and plate printing presses as well as sinks and ventilation for various printing processes. There's also more wall space, and all of the renovation was done while keeping the unique architectural features of the structure. (Bottom center and right) Staff, MacDowell board members, and renovation contractor Tom Tolman toasted Tom Putnam, and the generosity of his parents, on Medal Day weekend in 2019. Board of Directors (as of June 2020)

Nell Painter, Chairman William B. Beekman Carol Krinsky Josh Siegel Andrew M. Senchak, President Eleanor Briggs Michael Krinsky Arthur Simms Ken Burns Lisa Kron Alvin Singleton Vartan Gregorian, Peter Cameron Robert M. Larsen Julia Solomonoff Chairman Emeritus Michael Chabon Monica Lehner Amy Davidson Sorkin TEAM Lane Czaplinski Tania León Charles F. Stone III Thomas P. Putnam, Vice Chairman Nicholas Dawidoff Anne Stark Locher Robert Storr Helen S. Tucker, Vice Chairman Amelia Dunlop Robert MacNeil Jamie Trowbridge Rosemarie Fiore Scott Manning Helen S. Tucker Gerald J. Gartner, Edmée de M. Firth Terrance McKnight Mabel Wilson Interim Treasurer Christine Fisher Mollie Miller Peter Wirth Robert M. Olmsted, Secretary Sarah Garland-Hoch Paul Moravec Philip Himberg, Elizabeth F. Gaudreau Carlos Murillo Philip Himberg, Executive Director Assistant Secretary Adele Griffin Julie Orringer David Macy, Resident Director David Macy, Assistant Secretary John A. Hargraves Olivia Parker Larry Harris Ileana Perez Velazquez Darrell Harvey Peter C. Read Susan Davenport Austin Dan Hurlin Paul Reyes In memoriam: David Baum Lewis Hyde Leslie E. Robertson William N. Banks Robert Beaser Catherine Ingraham Barbara Case Senchak Anne Cox Chambers Julia Jacquette Vijay Seshadri

Staff (as of June 2020) Philip Himberg Julia Tolo Ellen Gordon Betty Gray Executive Director Institutional Giving Manager Housekeeper Steve Gray David Macy Jenni Wu Anna Lyons Ilan Harris Resident Director Development Database & Direct Housekeeper Ben Haubrich Appeals Manager Blake Tewksbury Robin Haubrich ADMINISTRATION Brett Evan Solomon Fellows’ Services Coordinator Brooke Hubner Ann Hayashi Manager of Special Events Devon Hubner Assistant to the Resident Director Gina Hsu MAINTENANCE & GROUNDS Rick Lesser 29 Jody Garnick Development Assistant John Sieswerda Paul Lucas Technology Coordinator Maintenance Foreman Lara Matthias Colette Lucas KITCHEN James Sargent Tim Matthias Librarian Scott Tyle Assistant to the Maintenance Patricia Neff Virginia Podesta Chef Foreman Clare Pollock Executive Assistant & Board Liaison Jeannine Wegmueller Jeromy Brett Arthur Pope Laura Hanson Cook/Baker Maintenance Assistant Deborah Roody Administrative Assistant Robin Cherof Jackie Lundsted Joseph Sawyer Dan Millbauer Sous Chef Gardener Sonia Sawyer Program Assistant Jan Kingsbury Mary Ann Shea Ryan Khan Cook FINANCE Lori Shepard Office Assistant Mary Gotovich Andrew Zimmerman Ross Taylor Cook & Kitchen Assistant Finance Director Charlotte Thibault ADMISSIONS Dan Thayer Tammy Lester Doug Ward Courtney Bethel Kitchen Assistant Assistant Financial Administrator Susan Westaway Admissions Director Randy Thaing Stephanie Stafford Karen Keenan Kitchen Assistant Financial & Human Resources Editor: Jonathan Gourlay Admissions & Scheduling Magnus Carlton Administrator Design and Production: Melanie Coordinator Kitchen Assistant deForest Design, LLC Ann Putnam Jillian Karlicek COMMUNICATIONS INTERNS All photographs not otherwise Admissions & Library Services Kitchen Assistant Noah Jacobs credited: Joanna Eldredge Morrissey Assistant Kelley Akerley Haleigh Patch Proofreaders: Leah Ritterband, Donna Crane Kitchen Assistant Tatum Wilson Emma Vorfeld Library Circulation Assistant Sarah Kingsbury Evans Kitchen Assistant VOLUNTEERS For more information, go to I’ve been all over the world, played massive shows COMMUNICATIONS Finn Wegmueller Allie Baker www.macdowell.org. Jonathan Gourlay Kitchen Assistant Wayne Bartels with some of my closest friends and met amazing Communications Manager Isabelle Laskey-Rigrod Laura Bedard MacDowell is a member of the artists, but I haven’t ever felt that I was a part of the Christian Holland Kitchen Assistant Marsha Campaniello Alliance of Artists Communities, a Engagement Editor Rebecca Lee DeCenzo Carlo nationwide consortium and profes- kind of community that I got to experience here.” HOUSEKEEPING Tyler Comeau sional organization for the field; and DEVELOPMENT Deb Marsh Bruce Dennis ResArtis, a worldwide network of —OLIN CAPRISON, COMPOSER Stacey Bosworth House Manager Joanne Donoghue DeCenzo artist residency programs. Director of Development Andrea Kierstead Laura Gourlay Dean Klingler Lead Housekeeper Sally Graf Director of Individual Giving ‘‘ TREASURER'S REPORT


Financially, MacDowell remains very healthy thanks leadership team has pledged to support the ongoing to the dedication of our staff and directors, and the financial health and sustainability of the organization. support of our benefactors. In 2019, total investments Number of artists-in-residence 295 CY19 EXPENSES % of total grew $8.3 million to $40.0 million. Total support and Operationally, our new space in Chelsea has proven expenses revenue was $5.8 million, an increase of $2.7 million. to be a valuable working asset in terms of efficiency, Total number of artists days 9,090 Program 3,188,838 62% Meanwhile, total expenses came in at $5.2 million, community engagement, and public relations. The Administration 1,003,689 19% virtually the same as in 2018. As a result, net assets facilities in Peterborough, under the leadership of Investments at Fair Value 40,034,359 Development 972,521 19% increased to $49.7 million. David Macy, have never been in better shape. A Total Assets 52,470,811 Total expenses 5.165,048 100% second solar array was installed in the final months Total Liabilities 2,749,721 For well over a quarter century, financial focus has of 2019 and when operational in 2020, will renewably Total Net Assets 49,721,090 CY19 SUPPORT and REVENUE remained a strong priority. Involvement by many generate 100 percent of our electrical needs for the Total Support & Revenue 5,763,909 Contributions 5,860,366 113% members of the staff and board is key. Elements Peterborough property. Total Expenses 5,165,048 Application Fees, Royalties and (96,457) 2% include: long-range planning, a highly detailed and Other painstakingly prepared annual budget, managerial The residency program welcomed 295 artists in 2019, Difference Before Investment Return 598, 861 Total support and revenue 5,763,909 12% control of budget variances, and professional 21 fewer than 2018, but on average artists stayed Net Investment Return 8,269,753 Excess (Deficiency) 598,861 management of the portfolio by a team of directors. longer, driving artist-days up 385 to a new high water Change in Total Net Assets 8,868,614 Net Investment Return 8,269,753 mark for MacDowell: 9,090. Change in Total Net Assets 8,868,614 2019 also saw change in the management of MacDowell, with Philip Himberg replacing Cheryl Young as executive director and Nell Painter replacing Michael Gerry Gartner Chabon as chair of our board of directors. This new Interim Treasurer A Gift to MacDowell

AS A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION, MacDowell relies on gifts to sustain the excellence of its residency program and its leader- ship among artist communities. We gratefully accept donations of cash, property (such as securities and real estate), and gifts- in-kind from individuals, foundations, and corporations. Gifts may be left unrestricted for general operating use or designated for a specific purpose, such as a studio endowment or a Fellowship. Unique naming opportunities are available for studios, rooms, special equipment, landscaping elements, Fellowships, stipends, and endowment funds. Each year, a significant portion of our operations is funded by planned giving, including cash bequests, stocks, real estate, the 31 rights to and royalties from works of art, and useful items such as books, equipment, and furnishings. The Marian MacDowell Society is a group of artists, patrons, and board members who have chosen to remember MacDowell in their wills or other estate plans. The legacies created by these gifts help guarantee that the residency program can offer the same transformative experience to future generations of artists. Please consider expressing your commitment to MacDowell through an annual contribution, endowed gift, or planned gift. We Your bequest to MacDowell would be pleased to assist you and your legal or tax advisors. To will help to guarantee that discuss ways in which your gift can help artists and to learn future generations of artists about possible significant tax savings in planned giving, please Angle-right continue to have an ideal place in call Director of Development Stacey Bosworth at 212-535-9690. which they can create enduring MacDowell is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation founded in 1907 under the laws of the state of New York “to promote the arts.” works of the imagination. The has certified that MacDowell is not a private foundation, as defined in section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as revised in 1969. MacDowell is an organization MacDowell MacDowell NYC described in Code Section 509(a)(2), therefore, all gifts and 100 High Street 521 West 23rd Street, Peterborough, NH 03458 2nd floor bequests to the organization are fully deductible to the extent Telephone: 603-924-3886 New York, NY 10011 provided by law for income and estate tax purposes. Fax: 603-924-9142 Telephone: 212-535-9690