St AntofcM Strttt, Coraw 2924 04f Columbia—Clifford THE DETROIT TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1941 PAGE NINE Stage ■ifliMii Screen =the Baritone Is TO APPEAR IN FILM VERSION OF HIS LIFE TOURIN’ BUSINESS LOOKS VERY GOOD JUMPIN’ JIVE RADIO WORLD by ulysses boykin Noted lb ISSAf JONIiS about Lecturer ire ready R> Just to swing into action with the fall nito life Maxine Sullivan . . . the big star ; ,m promising about the biggest In many moons. The Congo t 0 be Charles Stone that's pa' king 'em in at CTuh i nn- on "i! *i the famous Mills Brothers headlining Bset anew Leonard Iteid Holiday Visitor go, was gue.-t star on "Show , eduction. Hroad's Club Zombie is jumping with ’ Mush and Sugar” World.’ Auk 22. and wa tu*«:r- Willie, the boy who really does things vitwcd hy liiik 0.-good . . . the man and Rhythm with a harmonica, Theodore Charles Rtone, noted lights that program. . behind tin' nuke on . The are b«adlloars . still out at the Cozy Corner, but we Chicago baritone, Finnish resident The interview advanced beyond owner, Mac Ivey a visit to his for nine months, was in the city ,paying sec what fall plans are. Kor- Maxim- s am tea as a star of radio, the Charles Nay Is week-end as the guest of . . . she talked ir manager. singing at an ofay spot. over screen and hinge the eating is not all — largest night YMCA. about too—that the dub news to hit the |* gave recip. Atmnt streets the reopen, Stone, who spent of his she also h» r for niukiu:; much . . mayb-.- Paradise, this lainous di-lt . well, g of the Panre due around Sept. l!», as a theater Huh. some. time In Finland where he was in- n-aib eat now . something distinctly you're not to . . Ingnew.Htid different for the Motor < itj Mdrop. trigued by tlx* music of that coun- so let s K't ha. K. to farts brought try. made lasting friendships with Is, In fact the only one of Its kind here., Klutz Anderson and the out in this Show World Palmgren, Sibelius and others. He Mi's Sul 11tun goes from Octroi! spent the week-end scouting York < sign rs. >ew and Atlantic Ity to thorough to Vurl. . . . Inter this vein made rather excursions wood, opening show. , . . she will lo ad for lloll) italent for the Not only will Its name In* changed, but into the development of the music t \e», joii guessed .. . largest alii. ritrlit be the theater rluh outside of >ew York ( It going thu country and trill Ity. is of far-northern to make » picture Is u mii'i- recording h# operated on the Stork club plan, being the meeting place for returned to the States with much eal pieture. Her latest Is entitled, “If I Had \ Itflihon ge talent and Cuff Society. Jap Sneed will direct Its information. affairs. Heuu," I don’t think it has rose lied Asa delegate of the Chicago Mu- (herhesrd a girl say that she hoped I'nrle Ram would And some use the nirlanes jet, hut joii nuiy rest sic assoc iation to the NA.NM, Sing- assured that you will hear plenty material In making hats, so that some of the cats would find rthe er Stone delivered a lecture on the about it in the future because It’s fo a success Maxine puts wr brims drastically reduced r defense . . . Rowling season customs of little country. He always when \do|p|ie t Itoncli’s "Hoad the hilar* also the song. She pre- Menton anal arole lan* Show/’ her voice behind a imis comedy for It* pre* U underway with many new converts all ready to go. The l’.\\V-Clo has given many concerts in the dls jrrt looking so (aunty and slated fers to sinir to a nihiiret audience mien at the I cho Theatre on rd Local also has many teams to add to the already overcrowded I'nitcd States since his return, no- than to stand before a mike and eat lieeniise they are engaged in ’Sunday and .Monday, >eplemher table among then* being an appear- siiiK over the airwaves, earfinal in Hal 7 and sling sport. We hear both alleys—the Forest club and the Rotary S I II » the btisines* is. ance before hii exclusive tSfIRBX gjgggj enlargement white Maxim* jiassc-s t!ie time away be- i planning . . . The Joe Ixiuis Horse show at Rpringhill women's dub in Dallas, Texas. tween a< t» by catching a little air put Armstrong soon be . . may rtna has been over to Oct. 4 and 5 In order to give the fight fans Prior to Ii is departure the artist I.ouls who will done In (lie “Mnrcli of Time,” . and il seems like Maxine taught music: in Chicago. Now that piny the lending role in the RhO teelinh|iie reports my. Among, he like the .song "i (lot teOICU oil opportunity to attend the fight in New York City, and also make the production by Hie he lias returned to America he lias to lie directed performers to lie used will be My Mind." because sin revea cd Li! Climbs From $8 To Per Week; shew. 5250 High w opened a private studio there. He Orson Welle* of “Cltlren Kane" the \n*tin gang nnd other that she w ~.j in Atlanta recently is fame, Orson’s story of jurr will Chicago stylists featured on their . saw a and fell *n lov<- with Marlowe ( raw ford, the young fellow who operates Marlowe's Flow- a native of Beaumont, Texas. lake be the life of Armstrong and will instruments. the beauty around it . . . results . . . Informs ns shop ont Oakland that people «re finding out more and not a marriage hut she plans to ore llowera are the Innguagc of love, and who are too buy here . . . build a home and set- Laud Billie For Revision that those *bj Os Solitude say It In person lire saying it with llowers. The biggest hamburgers JUMPIN’ FOR JOY tle down ‘’it hep "1 've-lake' 1 in a couple years, oh yea. hefon 1 T<»k:ng a perk at the doing* f town ten those yon get at Rig Top, !Hi |. of • er.'erta:ner for cents are the Yernor. Congo ipe ■ tn a Tiirht club. Lll Ensemble Held forget . . if you desire that rc< \ the Ins';' i• Is manager Weston, annus vej»,4 harm«n> U . < * w :-h her >-!nging two men, kink” Doyle and (iladys the owner. One bite, that Maxine j-*ve her radio aurti- ■ t,ons. xx • fir;d they an *M!I run* a »«,..♦,.*• end a guitarist. .. |)h say girls . . . 4 yooll “Wimpy'a Delight!!" . The think that Peggy eii'-e just address k Osgood, I if r I»uk. K stepped well In- c World. Station nnc • p. schedule.*’*on h*« the most beautiful eyes . . . Detective Henderson ca of Show Radio yfe (Ren) Tor- Mills , • tr,. fi.-’.d as a sort of muslc-rom- Over For a l«ou;s Armstrong • . . Quartet W\YZ . attach stamp ami a-K is *ho h> i, Hunt street Station, sponsors a baseball team flint l« ending the ■y l.os An*e>» has a for if and Mr. Osgood will gladly bad fi'.'.rt. It ipoi't t'ob. W ;u» is «< r- plenty of games won. Turpin A.t .’* • 1 ..n' • noxv to see and hear hit lion with The victories can be fill your st. tousiy iii in ii Brooklyn hnsp,:.i|. With the triumph of Maxine Sullivan still rinpinir in rciiu “Jump For Joy.” dlt*l to: Perry Brown, William Bell, centerlielder. William Tuff, lor 1 i:*» '. ’i. • bt :»K (.' - fur-' • the cash register and his cars. Slim .Jnnos settled down to This writer heard the Johnson Rasie Dliam Malone and Timothy Deberry, nil good ball players. 1 tutp Don U, cintan. Along the record wav haa *. « await the engagements of the four Mills Rrothers at hi< Fa in ily Ihurstlav the lir»t time ill j .■ f ‘a ‘'Tune Sbuffla” * 1 I Town bon know t onii is still goiii* t luxe ii year. Jimmy - Mose nitelifer and accountant, Club Conjro licfrinninp Friday, Sept. 5. Ia Von xx V h w ith popularity. Thompson popular returned from 22 li* angle for another :ri !i - -• . flic man with - Scribner V> < f Ha- • music has a touch making head -• l Windy City after his contribution to the medical conven- The Mills Brothers will a brand new Leonard voices is the big star behind oik. I.* .i ji.-• won’: he this '■ ’l;.v is hArd to imitate. r. is fourth for of Four, the Congo Dancettes furnish music for dancing a.s well ■ H.p . arity. That's strange. We v* [collection beer steins, has what be one Detroit’s Congo . that Has, eirty promises to of are still havlntr their troubles . . will cn into i .if. S Congo or- progress ' ‘ *n in IV'ro.* ouite some time relleit rock gardens in her back yard. Flowers Just seem to grow for and the 12-pleca Club as the show. Their dur and I think anew character has tptown, to may there until the jit chestra. Two arts will he ing their first two weeks havr person of Mr. I>i|ke is able to i onto nlont 11 s . - ixx end rot once have we heard s other been ml.led In the * •• the entertainment bill- make e r, in her However. Herbert included In Hint ought to Detroiters that tins ole *• convinced Porilla is dofs a marveloua Because of n shortage of cloth, manufacturer* nre ’o-fare of which will most 22 From Kansa« City. I«ti* tievi Job with prohnble pmpos. one town can produce r musical unit Jimmy Scribner have about so: voices, remarkable, well c. tting h's heme t.»w n. .<• 'as th“ vocals. [even shorter skirts for women. Something to think about how likely he Ralph Hrown, clever and Its which, incidentally, i,- one as a» of own tn,i 1 a nanv for hi* < •,i '> s uy of your ari|iialntnnccH could stand none and two.|n<|i shorter sensational tap dancer. unusual tiling about this program *xi‘i■ I anew opus for Ril- nfter the fame and popularity en all And. n:th. iii!h b< <- •* . n ;. ,v . * w oee the Detroit case Is that Jimmy Scribner plays •»c -1! ' day peculiar styl# ht! The popular spot on Forest avenue, besides Nannie Wilson’* This will be first joyed bv McKinney nion or 1< s> }i,i K ix,s fun «• r, • the Cotton parts . . . writes the scrip! . . . tl O' s.-g Pf puts her. like 11l Green, Rar < Lodge appearance of famous quartet to nli.i ,ik< rktall mid the Charles Young Post, the Motor ity of . those h.rrt n mil* . ••* I* Pickers of ovcr a decade nen. plays nil characters . . does his help b' he -self. This number k’» Rathskellar where food mid drinks come on with the come on. j and their first Detroit hooking In own sound effects an.l also narrates (Jrer ’ that l.f'v xvnn ,\n of ' sn:d t , be bringing her back In* F! ti art in' when necessary. is song. x\ ho bid* xx !! e Ihike 111 on. klttir smooth several years. Whether or not they himself Thai to f aix 1 < : a* ■! ip' iVhting «rv>. «jnropntlon, whoso production are capable of equaling Miss Sul- what I call a “star of nil-parts." plane of the late* « st h:t« h. i!l 'III.* - <‘n York this of its extreme popularity with the missed a tr< it ...a jn Up Hotel Service Employes, full. lliirhliirht aonirs inrlutle: I patron*. That is the number where colored girl who live* New York Maid In Business beauty, . The busy blues Helena City, sang on this program . . Bus HEDGE INN HOTEL tint It llitil, I lint \iii‘t Good, the patrons Join In with the show Boys end Girls, and it was the biggest ten-year-old and do the La Conga all over the Home, who Is the mistress of cere- Mnvio . Maids, Bellmen, •• Hall Brown skinned toil in The Callro And Minot** from City .voice that I have ever h ard . . . Congo. Its fun and catches the monies of Case Society Downtown conpratulafM frr he Gown, llit-kory Slick. Nothin’, a with heire' Other Classifications, Phone 2364J-3 If fancy of even the most A and 1 mean it was voire Mt. Clemens timid. has been signed again by e\er way, benevolence hv oo| nmn b* f:•' • Mia* ( proprietor, year-old girl's voice sounds simi- member* Call CA. 9232 ream, t'hoeolale Shake, 81l- the Congo Four, sensational Jitter- ] phson for another 6 months. lar to Marian Anderson's. IP i Knave 11 recently fin;ir ■< r] H.ize! Isa liMtanraat Emplsyet SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN end STEAKS Blip, and .lump For Joy, hugs, round out Reeds fourth white became in Helena has had a phenomenal rise teacher Interested j "nvhinston. .Vc:r> maid, In n 4lllanre, Local No. 70S, MO . . gettiu. - singing . her in lawyer*’ BEER WINE DANCING since she joined Case Society, a por- her aided leatcr gnod* ehnp Mi*« \Ya-h •'in- Bide.. Dstrslt and . in n contest . . she won the fir*' Branch A SOd Adams Arenas ENJOY THE SHOW sonney April. tern 1* the sister of Kernv OUT-OF-DOORS In early prize . wa* Wavh- TO ALL . . . s2«m ra-li . and It CL. 0369 INDIVIDUAL SERVICE AT THE EAST SIDE First Josephson put her In stated that experts hearing her in*ton. foo*hn'l a'ar Case Society Concert at Carnegie voice by transcription judged h*r SPECIAL HOTEL FACILITIES he bout of Hall where she was a hit. Then to ii twenty-three year*

age . . Wmtlona— Sapor Gratiot to Road, turn rbfit MHo. So . this columnist is wish- Qnlin Artie Shaw asked hed to sing the ing her all the success. vocal PUBLIC ADDRESS for some sound recordings “Wings Over EQUIPMENT Iliil you miss Jor- lntrr-t ommunlcafion* Loud Sp nki :•*—Microphone* he had scheduled. On top of that. dan's” day time program! Well, It Henry "Hot Lips" l.avlne of NBC’s faded with the Thursday broadcast

"Basin Street' chose her to sing . . . and will be heard Sundays a* hand in making the RCA-- In the past. K.L.A, LABORATORIES with his INTO RI’OR A TKI) You Hair SUN., MON., TUES., WED., Victor "Birth of the Blues’’ Album YOI MAY I*l I\TF.RI.STFI> IN Con Have Beautiful SEPT. 7,8, 9, 10 of G. Handy’s songs. Evtnbllfhed 1979 V. h NOW INO Til \T: “LOVE BEFORE A few years ago Helena began a BREAKFAST” coast-to-coast scries over Prescott Presents Is a program through “ GOES LATIN” \VEAF-NBC--Red, "Strictly From heard Monday Friday over MICHIGAN'S LARGEST SOUND DISTRIBUTORS WX .. . !»: Starring I’enny Singleton and Dixie," In which she is featured Y V. I."» to l:l.i am. t ha- Arthnr l.akn 4 dllInc 3«.V» .Mo I . I. u;\ n> Detroit. Mkli. with Lawton's Dixieland band. A will take away your worries. It t« j< packed with slapstick . . . kind Ki (av vlm FREE CONSTANCE BENNETT new film out tit, H. \V. Pictures, the specializing in shorts, Is stmt- that burst your heart with laugh

. COSMETICS . . ln Its career by featuring Helena t. r listen ami see if it doesn't TO EACH LADY PATRON with the boogie-woogie presents help make your day a little briglr Every Monday and Thursday F tenloir Alhert Armour and Peie er. Burton of '< Case Society Cptown. Indeed, I util next week* "IdlllD LIS- OPENING FRIDAY, SEPT. STH THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPT. 4. 5, 6 Helena is the busy girl. TI N I NO." Burhiirn Stnnwyek and Robert Tat lor In

ffj' * “THIS IS MY AFFAIR” 90< kND rKK? MILLS BROTHERS Boh in HEADING A NEW nnd Crosby ECHO THEATRE AVENUE BRAND SHOW “LET’S MAKE MUSIC” Beantffnl Theatre for Partlrnlar People All Seats Ue LEONARD REED'S Ks; -,Af ftlfll Snnday nrnl Monday, Sent. ", and h Open I :.tO I'.M. Sunday Adolph Meninu mid I'ilm Kelly In “LET’S HAVE MUSIC” h>: Visit the Popular “ROAD SHOW” ft Knlph Ryrd nnd Carol Hughe* In “DESPERATE CARGO” Congo Orchestra H Brendel Comedy “lumpin Ylinntinr** Club yjj^ Cartoon “Twinkle Tor« Cet* the Bird** BLACKHAWK Plymouth Rock Crystalware Kipp to All I.adlea Mon Night Only. SUNDAY BLUE HOUR snip nn. W tiiir beauty dependa fir* upon the proper 4800 McGRAW Tuesday, Wednesday «. that l» h'RMyNUJHAIR«oam- and Thnr*day. Sept. 10 and 11 TUESDAY TWILIGHT HOUR BtSCRO FORMULA it • Scientific Preparation Hnmphry Itnirurt and Syltla Sldnet In 4K »««■* obninato eaaet. Entertainment ’Til Closing Judy Kelly In HAIR graw! loiter “THE HOUSE and hair ia OF MYSTERY” J?."»"» In.tance* where cracking, dry brittle Special F.stra 2 Keel Cartoon “Rngedy 4011" Olte* proper treatment will remote dead haira ao ihet h»e ««» *"* Bennett Cosmetics and Beauty >"• Try and aee how Constance Aids Free to All f""’* Nt' HAIR BESCRO FORMULA lutunanf. I.adiea Wednesday Night Only. baaulilul your hair will be. Satch the ugliness disappear! For W,w direel.ona Riven with your Smart 'W. youthful the eimple A hair follow and 1.1 1 :!U» treatment. Friday Saturday, Sept, 12 and ttpen P.W. satnrday of Juel>le Cooper and June Wither* In Hu’HAIR Complete Holr Seolp treatment consist* OFFER “HER FIRST BEAU” Hu-Halr Betgro SPECIAL New Show 411-Star Ca*f In RtoHalr Stratener ALL FOR ONLY “THE SILVER STALLION” Ni I artonn ‘•Pork)** spotter Heel'’ *Holr Special Shampoo FpNode 11 “The Spider Return*" - Patent Paramount Sen* M.C. Free! Free! Free* Free to All Dailies Fi Iday Night and Dickie Barrow* jAf* Satin day Matinee Only. SEND NO CASH *l°° The Greatest of All Free (Sift!* for the Toadies: Sweetheart Beaut'- fijaw "sstsjs. ware and Dresaerware. Flrat Item' A fjtrge Metal entered Crmh. WELCOME If You Wish Somethin* That la Different tlet a Complete Set of NU-HAIR PRODUCTS EVERYBODY Thla Dreaaerware. Yon nil! never Regret It , *133 Broadway Now York, N. Big Midnight Show Sal.-4 Big Feature* shown nfter t>»HB P.M. | Dine in Cool Comfort Have Your Fun kb!