258 Case Report / Olgu Sunumu

Eosinophilic Pneumonia Due to : An Adult Case Report Erişkin Bir Hastada Toxocariasis’e Bağlı Eozinofilik Pnömoni Olgusu

Mustafa Demirci1, Mehmet Ünlü2, Fatma Fidan2, Selçuk Kaya3

1Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Turkey 2Department of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe University, İstanbul, Turkey 3Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey

ABSTRACT Toxocara is a roundworm, a common parasite of dogs (T. canis) and cats (T. cati). Toxocariasis or (VLM) are diseases caused by the larvae of Toxocara sp., which may involve many organs, but pulmonary symptoms such as coughing and wheezing and aller- gic symptoms are seen in more than 80% of patients. It is known that, although the risk of is present, the worldwide diagnosis of toxocariasis is difficult since clinical and laboratory data provide insufficient evidence for the diagnosis. Nowadays, the diagnosis of toxoca- riasis is performed by serologic methods. We describe herein a case of toxocariasis with eosinophilic pneumonia that was diagnosed using serologic methods. (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2012; 36: 258-9) Key Words: Toxocariasis, , pneumonia Received: 12.08.2012 Accepted: 09.11.2012

ÖZET Toxocariasis veya visseral larva migrans, birçok organ tutulumuyla birlikte olguların %80’inde alerjik akciğer semtomların geliştiği, dünyada yaygın olarak kedi ve köpeklerin paraziti olan veya T. cati larvalarının neden olduğu hastalıktır. Dünyada hastalık riskinin yaygın bulunmasına karşın, klinik ve laboratuvar verilerinin hastalığın tanısında zaman zaman yetersiz kalmaktadır. Günümüzde, toxocariasis tanısı geliştirilen serolojik metodlar sağlanmaktadır. Burada eozinofilik pnömoni gelişen ve serolojik metotlar ile toxocariasis tanısı konulan bir olgu sunulmuştur. (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2012; 36: 258-9) Anahtar Sözcükler: Toxocariasis, eozinofilia, pnömoni Geliş Tarihi: 12.08.2012 Kabul Tarihi: 09.11.2012

INTRODUCTION Severe are rare but may cause respiratory distress or myocarditis (1, 2). Blood hyper-eosinophilia, which is a frequent Human infection with toxocariasis occurs following ingestion of sign of tissue invasion by parasites, is inconstant in toxocariasis, embryonated eggs from the environment. The larvae penetrate and the most reliable diagnostic method is an ELISA which has the gut wall and begin a migration through the tissues. This can 98% specificity, since larvae are hardly ever found upon patho- continue for several years. Sero-prevalence studies suggest that logical examination (3, 4). schoolchildren are infected more often than adults. Most disor- ders consequent to Toxocara infection are due to the damage CASE REPORT caused by an inflammatory immune response. Infected sub- The patient is a 52 year-old male with no other significant jects often are asymptomatic, but infected children may display characteristics except diabetes mellitus, which was con- , fever, abdominal pain, , and skin lesions. trolled by an oral agent for the previous 3 years, and a his-

Address for Correspondence / Yazışma Adresi: Dr. Mustafa Demirci, Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, İzmir, Turkey Phone: +90 506 472 12 98 E-mail: [email protected] doi:10.5152/tpd.2012.61 Turkiye Parazitol Derg Demirci et al. 2012; 36: 258-9 Eosinophilic Pneumonia in Toxocariasis 259 tory of cigarette smoking (20 packs per year). The patient was index was strongly positive at 2.597. The patient developed a admitted to the outpatient clinic with complaints of malaise, rapidly progressive respiratory failure requiring mechanical ven- dyspnoea, purulent discharge of sputum and a cough. He had tilation. Intravenous corticosteroid therapy produced a rapid experienced these symptoms for 10 days and a bilateral bron- improvement. Roig et al. (6) reported diffuse pulmonary infiltra- cho-pneumonic appearance was present in the middle and tion and 64% eosinophilia in the BAL fluid in a toxocariasis lower zones of the chest x-ray, therefore he was hospitalised. In patient who had dyspnoea. They suggested that the routine the physical examination, blood pressure was 120/80 mmHg, performance of the ELISA test for Toxocara in the diagnostic pulse was 92/min and body temperature was 37.3°C. The respi- approach to pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia can reveal ratory sounds were bilaterally similar and he had bilateral fine an undetermined, sometimes unsuspected, number of cases of rales and an expiratory rhonchus. All other systemic observa- adult toxocariasis with pulmonary involvement. Bouchard et al. tions were normal. Laboratory investigations were as follows: (7) reported a case of acute severe eosinophilic pneumonia the leukocytes 13970/mm3, eosinophil 3160/mm3 (22.6%), sedimen- existence of positive T. canis whose outcome was rap- tation rate 73 mm/hr, and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) idly favourable following steroid therapy. 204 U/L. The rest of the routine blood analyses and urine analyses Although toxocariasis is a frequent disease in children, the were within the normal limits. Moderate obstruction was detected severe clinical manifestations are rarely reported in the literature with the pulmonary function tests. No colonisation was present in (diffuse interstitial pneumonia with hypoxaemia and acute the sputum culture and direct microscopy for tuberculosis was severe asthma). In adults, toxocariasis is unusual and infections negative. USG was normal. Endo-bronchial appear- appear to be mild or subclinical, provoking positive serological ance was normal on bronchoscopy. Broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) tests and sometimes, persistent eosinophilia (occult toxocaria- was performed through the superior segment of the lower lobe of sis). Eosinophilic pneumonia seems to be rare in adults with the right lung. BAL cell ratios were as follows: macrophage 46%, toxocariasis, but there are eosinophilic syndromes that do not eosinophils 42%, lymphocytes 8%, and neutrophils 4%. Cytological have a determined aetiological agent in the literature. However, analysis of BAL fluid did not reveal any neoplastic cells. as described in this case report, this aetiology should be kept in Microbiological investigations for bacteria, mycobacteria, and mind when dealing with a case of eosinophilic pneumonia in fungi were negative. In the computerised tomography of the tho- adults, and serological diagnosis should be considered. Although rax, an appearance reminiscent of pneumonic infiltration was parasite examination in stool samples has been widely carried present in the superior lobe, posterior segment of the right lung out in patients with eosinophilia, tissue parasites are paid insuf- and the superior segments of the lower lobes of the right and left ficient attention in diagnosis (3). lungs. Parasitic analyses of the faecal specimen, sputum, and BAL were negative. IgE level was 2034 u/mL following the serological CONCLUSION tests performed in order to detect a (toxocaria- The present case established that ELISA for toxocariasis can sis, fasciolosis, and cystic ). Toxocara serology was remove the difficulty of the diagnosis of toxocariasis. If serologi- positive by ELISA method (The ELISA absorbance value was cal methods use routine diagnosis, physicians must understand 2.760). Later, a positive Toxocara specific IgE value was deter- the advantages of serological diagnosis in the diagnosis of para- mined also using the same homemade ELISA method. sitic diseases and the ability of the laboratory performing them With these findings, the case was diagnosed as a case of as standard. Eosinophilic pneumonia due to toxocariasis; 0.75 Conflict of Interest mg/kg/day and 15 mg/kg/day was added to the No conflict of interest was declared by the authors. bronchodilator agent the patient had been using. On the third day of the treatment, the pathological physical signs of the REFERENCES patient were diminished, his dyspnoea disappeared and radio- 1. Nash TE. Visceral larva migrans and other unusual helminth infecti- logical regression was observed with the chest x-ray. In the con- ons. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Principles and trol after six month, eosinophilia was decreased to a level of 340/ Practice of Infectious Diseases. 5th ed. 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