82342 to 82358—Continued. 82342 to 82358—Continued. 82345. No. 1619. From the Chosen Im- No. 1611. A very viny legume grow- perial Grounds, Keijo, October 26, ing along the road near Ononara, Octo- 1929. ber 18, 1929. It makes a fairly abun- dant growth and may have value as 82346. VIBURNUM sp. Caprifoliaceae. green manure. No. 1553. From the Imperial Botani- 82358. (Undetermined.) cal Garden, Keijo, October 26, 1929. A variety said to be native to Chosen, with No. 1703. From the Forestry Experi- handsome foliage varying from green to ment Station of the Government Gen- deep maroon, and black fruits. eral of Chosen, Keijo, November 6, 1929. A small deciduous shrub about 5 feet 82347 to 82351. VIGNA SINENSIS (Torner) high. Savi. Fabaceae. Cowpea. 82359 to 82383. 82347. No. 1259. Near Kokato, Chosen, November 11, 1929. Tonbu. A From Nancy: France. purchased brown-eyed, small, white variety from Lemoine & Sons. Received Decem- used as food. ber 17, 1929. 82348 to 82351. Obtained in the Chosen 82359 to 82365. spp. Ranun- farmers' market, Keijo, October 31, culaceae. 1929. 82359. CLEMATIS CHRYSOCOMA Franch. 82348. No. 1697. Basage. A medi- um-small variety, white, with A woody up to 20 feet high, or brown eye ; used for food. often an upright shrub, with the young branchlets, leaves, and stalks 82349. No. 1698. Tongu. A medi- covered with dense yellow pubescence. um-small variety, white, with The leaves are made up of three ovate brown eye; used for food. to obovate 3-lobed or coarsely toothed leaflets, and the pink-tinged white 82350. No. 1836. Tonbu. A medi- , nearly 2 inches across, are um-small variety, white, with borne either in fascicles of one to brown eye. five from axillary buds or on the new growth, continuing to bloom through 82351. No. 1837. Tonbu. A medi- August and September. Native to um-small variety with brown eye; western China. used for food. 82352. VITIS sp. Vitaceae. Grape. 82360. CLEMATIS FARGESII Franch. No. 1548. Obtained along the railroad A woody climber up to 20 feet high, between Onohara and Kuraya, October with bipinnate leaves made up of five 18, 1929. A low vine with small com- to seven 3-foliolate or incisely serrate pact clusters of small deep-purple to ovate leaflets. The pure white flowers, black berries. 1 to 2 inches across, are solitary or in 3-flowered clusters and are borne 82353. ZELKOVA SBRRATA (Thunb.) Maki- on a peduncle 4 to 8 inches long. Na- no (Z. acuminata Planch.). Ulmaceae. tive to western China. Sawleaf zelkova. For previous introduction see No. No. 1565. From the Imperial Botani- 49935. cal Garden, Keijo, October 27, 1929. A handsome tree up to 90 feet high, with 82361 to 82363. CLEMATIS MONTANA a short trunk dividing into many upright Buch.-Ham. Anemone clematis. spreading branches and forming a broad, round-topped head. The sharply ser- 82361. Variety Perfecta. A variety rate leaves are ovate and are usually 2 bearing lilac-white flowers with to 3 inches long, or on young shoots up broad sepals. to 8 inches long. 82362. Variety Superba. A hybrid between Clematis montana rubens For previous introduction see No. and G. patens. It is a very vig- 79148. orous climber with large white 82354. (Undetermined.) flowers. No. 1209. From the Chosen Govern- 82363. Variety Undulata. A variety ment Forest Reservation near Keijo, No- bearing large flowers which are vember 6, 1929. A plant about 3 feet white flushed with mauve and high which may be of value for green have waved sepals. manure. 82364. CLEMATIS MONTANA LILACINA 82355. (Undetermined.) Lemoine. No. 1630. A shrub about 8 feet high A variety with large azure-lilac used as an ornamental in the Chosen Im- flowers. perial Grounds, Keijo. October 26, 1929. This somewhat resembles the tree lespe- 82365. CLEMATIS MONTANA WILSONII deza, but bears beanlike pods. Sprague. A hardy climbing clematis native to 82356. GREWIA PARVIFLORA Bunge. Tilia- western China. It often attains a ceae. height of 20 feet or more, and during No. 1517. From the Forestry Experi- June and July bears an abundance of ment Station of the Government of sweet-scented flowers about an inch Chosen, Keijo, November 6, 1929. long, which are white, occasionally yel- lowish, or rosy tinged. There is gen- For previous introduction see No. erally a second flower in the autumn. 71146. For previous introduction see No. 82357. (Undetermined.) 62705.