Festival season is finally here! ummertime has finally Underground, Granger Smith, feat. Earl Austin, Texas singer/songwriter Kyle Park, for children under age 16. An anonymous arrived, and there are several Dibbles, Jr., with Clint Black headlining. Shotgun Rider, and Lexi Wyman will play. donor will match 50% of the qualifying por- incredible music festivals Tickets are $60 for one day general admission, The Main Stage Concerts will be held tion of each ticket sold. Proceeds from the coming to southwest $155 for two days, and $350 for all three days. under the Festival Tent in the American Legion BBQ support the free concert and the festival. Montana! To learn more, visit parking lot on Anderson Street between 2nd For information on purchasing barbeque tick- Headwaters Country headwaterscountryjam.com. and 3rd Street on Friday and Saturday nights ets please contact the Bozeman Symphony at Jam: Start your festival sea- Sweet Grass Fest: This Friday, June 26th and after the Big Timber Rodeo performances. To (406)585-9774 or
[email protected]. S son right, and come out to Saturday, June 27th, come out to Big Timber, learn more, go to bigtimber.com. Last Best Country Fest: On Friday, July Headwaters Country Jam at Montana for the Sweet Grass Fest. Festival of the Fourth: On the 4th of July, 10th and Saturday, July 11th, 2015, South Park The Bridge near Three Sweet Grass Fest is a community festival the Bozeman Symphony and Gallatin Empire in Billings will host the Last Best Country Fest! Forks, Montana on Thursday, June 25th held in conjunction with the Big Timber Lions Club present the Festival of the Fourth at Friday’s lineup includes Big & Rich feat.