April 22, 1995
July 26, 2015 NATIONAL BASEBALL HALL OF FAME things he used to like to do was take some rope, INDUCTION CEREMONY tie it around my waist and then tie it to the backstop while throwing me batting practice to try and keep me from lunging. It worked, but I came JANE FORBES CLARK: Craig, as home every day with rope burns around my waist. chairman of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, it My mother, never missed a game. Like is my honor to welcome you into the Hall of Fame most homes, she's the rock. We spent a lot of time family. together traveling around from field to field. I know CRAIG BIGGIO: Thank you. This is pretty she's happy today. I miss you so much, mom, and cool, I must say. What an incredible honor it is to I really wish you were here today. be standing in front of these great men. I played My brother Terry, my sister Gwen, we've against a lot of them, I admired a lot of them, but I been through a lot together. I love you guys. respected all of them. My in-laws, Joe and Yolanda Egan were Thank you, Jane, for this honor and all that tremendous help along with their three kids, Joey, you do for the Hall. I'd also like to thank Jeff Timmy, and Kevin. I took their daughter to Texas Idelson, Brad Horn, Whitney, and the Hall of Fame 25 years ago and we had three kids there. I was staff for keeping the integrity of the Hall of Fame.
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