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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-40426-7 - The Standard Model: A Primer C. P. Burgess and Guy D. Moore Index More information Index 2π counting, 156 Anomalous magnetic moment of a proton, 322 1 ∆I = 2 Rule, 356 Anomaly matching, 365 ∆ baryon, 302 Anti-fundamental representation, 491 Λ baryon, 302 Antiparticles, 14 Ω baryon, 302 Antisymmetry of the baryonic wave function, Σ baryon, 302 301 Σ∗ baryon, 302 Asymmetries, left-right, 199 Θ3, and electric dipole moments, 464 Asymmetry, forward-backward, 200 Ξ baryon, 302 Asymptotic freedom, 454 Ξ gauges, 506 Atmospheric neutrino oscillations, 402 Ξ∗ baryon, 302 Axioms of field theory, 7 γ5, convention for, 518 Axion, 459 ΛQCD, 278 Axion potential, 467 ρ parameter, 236 Axions, as cold dark matter, 468 SUc(3) SUL(2) UY (1), 54 × × B-L conservation, 104 A terms, Supersymmetry breaking, 450 B-L symmetry, gauged, 108 Abelian Higgs model, 41 BaBar experiment, 229 Accidental conservation laws, in the standard Barn, 197 model, 96 Baryon masses, 300 Accidental symmetries, 239, 241 Baryon masses, and chiral symmetry breaking, Accidental symmetries, and the Fermi theory, 316 241 Baryon number, 96, 286 Accidental symmetry, 68 Baryon number, anomalies, 102 Action, 12 Baryon number, of QCD bound states, 287 Ademollo-Gatto theorem, 324, 361 Baryons, 71, 281 Adjoint Higgs models, 107 Baryons, and flavor symmetry, 300 Adjoint representation, 490 Baryons, defined, 281 Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) equations, 347 Baryons, octet and decuplet, 302 Angular momentum operators, 497 Baryons, valence quark content of, 302
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