P I Multimedia Richness and Variety of Business Models

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P I Multimedia Richness and Variety of Business Models Chapter 17 P I Multimedia Richness and Variety of Business Models RAMÓN SALAVERRfA, JAVIER DfAZ NOCI, XosÉ lÓPEZ Sr Ma BELLA PALOMO El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia are three of the most important newspapers in Spain. They are nationalleaders in the print as wel! as the online market for general information paid-for newspapers. Judging from the front pages of these newspapers on 8 October 2003, al! of them update frequently the news on the Web, and at the same time, keep a c10se reference between their print and online contento Al! three online newspapers also paid special attention to hypertextual, interactive and multimedia content in 2003, and increasingly do so since. This might be considered one distinctive feature of the Spanish online press. Another peculiarity of the main Spanish online newspapers has been the coexistence of very different business models, from total!y free to fuI! payment models, even though these newspapers have very similar news offers. A Country of Paradoxes Spanish people like to talk abollt themselves by saying that 'Spain is different!'. They use this widely known expression to make reference to such diverse fields as politics, culture or traditions. And it could also be suitable to describe the Spanish media. During years, for instance, Spain has been the only European country whose written press comprised only compact newspapers, even though there is not a single sensa• tionalist daily. In addition, Spain has traditionally been a country where the newspa• per reading indexes were among the lowest of the continent, in spite of the fact that the number of newspaper titles per capita is one of the highest (Nieto & Mora 1989). The arrival ofInternet during the nineties, once again, confirms that Spain is a coun• try of paradoxes. Even though Spain has lower Internet penetration indices than other countries in Europe, there is a vigorous online press. Mter just a decade of life, the number of media on the Web - including online-only news sites, newspapers, magazines, radio Ramón Salaverría ([email protected]) Department of Journalism, University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain Javier Díaz Noci ([email protected]) University of the Basque Country, Spain Xosé López ([email protected]) Department of Communication Sciences, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain María Bella Palomo ([email protected]) School of Journalism, University of Málaga, Spain PRINT AND ONLlNE NEWSPAPERS IN EUROPE 1J¡f¡eh~: , 'JutofJofníos ~ SlJpll?ícP?ni'os Inte rn acion aI Espaf1a Opinión Schwarzenegger gobernará Sociedad California y promete hacer Tecnologfa ":l " Economfa granl es cosas n El candic:jato republicano P,.rnoldSC::T"lwarzeneggerya :3 Gh~fl,la rze n € g g 8 r, Deportes ila cumplÍljo su suefío de ser ~lobernador de Qob-ernadof Cultura California, el estado rnás rico y pol:dado de EE UU. Oente C:on el 2S':i:, de los l/oto s escrutados, más de la mitad de los electores se ha mostrado a favor de destituir all'lasta a 1'1 ora gobernador, Oray Davis, que ya 1'101 CON rSIíL.fS MíJ ¡¡AY EE UU sospecha que los admitido su derrota y 1101 felicitado al actor. Sg-¡¡PREf;AS. traductores de Scr¡'¡VARIENEGGEfi: Un conservador en lo Guantánamo sabotearon econólnico 12.¿- los interrogatorios 07·10.2003 Soldados \dgH.3fl a presos de: TEMA.: Elecciones en California 2003 (:'uantáoamt), en 2002, en una imagen otre.eida p-Or EE UU, ,I!.,fondo FLJTBOL I L6I Copa se tiñe de luto (AP) Multime,jia ~arílpl¡-3r Fallec,e un seguidor del Depor tras Participación Chat una pelea con hinchas del SOUDA.PlC1:::: M30 subasta En(;lJestas L,!!"SITUACiÓN EN EL PAís VASCO For()$ Conlpostela .~~ cuadros I)n ilombre ,je 31 afíos murió anoche tras recibir una Entrevistas La policía detiene a pintados con un sindicalista del paliza durante los enfrentamientos entre seguidores chapapote del Deportivo y el Compostela que se sucedieron al Servicios L<\B y a otra persona Cartelera final del encuentro ,je Copa del Rey que ambos TEMA Horóscopo en una operación equipos di:3putaron aver en Santiago, en el estadio La Europa de los 25 P anilla 1\1 antitelToristaa de San Lázaro. La ConvenGi6rl presenta su Agresión al ál'bitro en Castalia ~a_ provecto de Cúnsl:ituüión Pos1:.31es Tiempo Medio millón de TradlJcb)f CONFLICTO EN ORIENTE PRÓXIMO funcionarios tendrán en t!J1egan3utas irrafat sufrió un ataque cardiaco la OTE!rraS ~fl tu man enero el mayor plan de (;U"!.3 te!e:tóníe:a semana pasada, según la prensa pensiones colectivo "a Movílí,jcid blitánica"'¿:Z Jue~ws El presidente de la ,A,utoriljad Naci[lnal Palestina, Ciasificados Yaser Arafat, sufrió un ligero ataque cardiaco la Tienda Detenidas 29 personas de semana pasada, según el,jiario ~)rit§nico The una red de facturas falsas \/iaj8~: Guardian. El incidente no fue ¡lecho público para no (¡ue defraudó a Hacienda "c::rear pánico", de acuerdo una fuente del entorno de 15 millones de euros't6 ,I!.,rafatcitado por el periódico TEMA: Oriente Próximo Online front page of El País on 8 October 2003, SPAIN 233 and television stations - rises above a thousand (PereÍra et al. 2004), and the main Spanish newspapers are among the most popular sites of the continent (Cerezo & Zafra 2°°3:6). In the same way, it is worth mentioning certain peculiarities, such as the excellent quality of multimedia infographics or the multiplicity ofbusiness mod• els of the main online newspapers analysed in this chapter, which range from totally free to almost full-payment models. In 2003, Spain had a population of 43 million inhabitants, out of which iYo were foreigners. The officiallanguage is Spanish, although Catalan, Basque and Galician are also recognized at a regionallevel. That year, GDP was 16,185 Euro per capita, out of which 66% of the total corresponded to service sector. In addition to online media, the media landscape included 135dailies (all of them morning newspapers), around 7,000 magazines, 3,881 public and private radio sta• tions, and 6 national televÍsion channels which shared the market with 13 regional and 897 local television stations. From the legislative point of view, there are no spe• cific laws for the press sector. 100+ n.a.n.a. TABlE 1:1,042,3014,173,00020031351314 1999Basic20°34,200,0001,198,883indicators131294135Circulationfor newspapers in Spain Internet national regional 1999 Newspapers online newspapersNumber of titles Share in advertising revenue (%) 1999 2003 29·9 26·9 0.3 1.0 a Notes: a. Estimate for 2002. Source: WAN 2004:330-333; OJD 2005 During the nineties, the Spanish daily press has been feeling the effects of the eco• nomic crisis. This period has been characterÍzed by a declÍne in advertÍsÍng investment in the newspapers and a rise in the price of paper. To offset this, there has been a strÍct control of expenditure within the media companies. The circulation index contÍnues to fall Ín recent years, and in 2003 it was below the mínimum set by the UNESCO: 99-4 newspaper copÍes per 1,000 inhabitants. And although there are big differences Ín consumption between the north of the country - with a higher percentage of readers - and the south, none of the regÍons was above the European average. In spite of its low readership index, Spain is one of the few European countries with over one hundred daily newspaper titles. This places the country amongst the twelve principal world press producers, although the average circulation of the newspapers barely surpasses 30,000 copies (WAN 2004). In 2003, only twelve pa• pers, which Íncluded four sports papers, exceeded 100,000 copÍes sold daily ('La publicidad ... ' 20°3). 234 PRINT AND ONLlNE NEWSPAPERS IN EUROPE Miér,)c,jes.08 de Octubre d" 2003, Actualizado a las 08:53¡CET)· Inlernettime @332 by SUlQtdi~1 llEVAN A CABO 40 REGISTROS 28 detenidos en una operación contra ETA ncia y España Un total de 28 personas han sido detenidas esta madrugada en País Vasco, Navarra y la localidad francesa de Sayona} en el transcurso de una operación antíterrorísta efectuada por la Polida por orden del juez de la Audiencia Nacional Baltasar Garzón. También se han realizado 40 registros. ¡Sigu,,] ¡g¡¡ET A. Ladictadl,radelterror víCTIMA DE LA VIOLENCIA EN El FÚTBOL Muere un afici(:mado en lU10S at•.••s buscadores disturbios entre hinchas del t;¡ii¡i:~!;(DeportivoLa Copa se tíñóy delde negroCompostelaen Santiago de Maclrid~?4h()ras Compostela. Un seguidor del Deportivo de La Coruña} M.RoS.} de 31 años" ha fallecido tras M.11;n:hi*IUljlr·»W recibir un fuerte golpe en el hígado durante " elmundodinero unos graves disturbios registrados en el último Victoria de Amold " elmundolibro tramo del partido de Copa del Rey entre el Arnold Schwarzenegger y su " elmundouiajes compostela y el Deportivo. La víctima trató esposa, Maria Shriver -miembro " elmUlldod~J)orte de medíar en la pelea. ¡Sigue] del clan Kennedy- se felicitan por " elmundollino lI! DosafiCionadosdelEspanyoly unodelaReal los resultados de las elecciones Sociedad,enlahi&1orianegramásreciente en California: Gray Davis ha sido " elmundomotor '" Suspendido el Castellón·Valencia por una expulsado y el actor es el ;; Emisión Digital agresión al árbitro candidato más votado. (AP) " Metrópoli " ElIf)ansión&Emplel}. CON El 25% DE lOS VOTOS ESCRUTADOS " tJ~II~.Qa!rtt: " elmundouniversida( El actor Amold Schwarzenegger, " mundofree " IDmundo personal .. elegido gobernador de California ;; elmundom611ii ... El gobernador de California, Gray Davis, ha " elmundotienda admitido su derrota en el plebiscito sobre su continuidad al frente del estado más rico y poblado de EEUU,y ha reconocido la victoria de Arnold Schwarzenegger. ¡Si\1ue] 1Il Unactorbajolasombradelpasado ENcuaUROS Magazine S Álbum: LacarreracinematográficadeArnolcl "CarlosO"Reígosa-'12h crÓnica' - MónicaAlí f17h) Onlíne front page of ElMundo on 8 October 2003.
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