arXiv:0905.3187v2 [hep-ph] 7 Jul 2009 cie ataryo xeietlifrain The information. experimental of de- array it vast mixing, a and scribes masses neutrino incorporate to ∗ spans only 10 decay about beta than range, shorter radioactive interac- distances infinite weak for charged-current of responsible the tion of influence a field the quantum is while relativistic single a in theory. force weak the with n ecn rbte ymn esrmns Joined strong the the form measurements. of of to level many theory , the the by chromodynamics, at quantum better theory with or of field law percent quantum provisional a one a as to tested description nature, promising a the- from electroweak decades, ory the two elevated have past experiments the symme- precision Through gauge electromagnetism. the of to try broken gauge spontaneously electroweak is the com- that say in a We to different symmetry. ascribed gauge so are mon strength, interactions, apparent two and range The their radius. proton the lcrncaddress: Electronic h lcrwa hoy[ theory electroweak The hoeia hsc eatet em ainlAccelerat National Fermi Department, Theoretical hoypeee neaiaino hteprmna et h logic tests the experimental what of of summary examination compact an A precedes theory Collider. Hadron Large CERN’s fteUies.Teesotoig ru o hsc beyon physics for recalled. argue theory shortcomings are electroweak These the dark-m . And the co the including of symmetry observed. observations, u electroweak is astronomical a the by what or raised hide of scale excess to Planck in space the far of toward be th all it remain for pervade lift could or must to mass tend Higgs- and that the quarks corrections how the of unexplained leaves masses the for predictions mech specific a without of world Higg a properties the considering import by the the for illuminated and is assumed, search reviewed, is are the breaking mass inform symmetry electroweak its these scale Once and energy theory, TeV mass GeV. electroweak the the 200 Genera that on than suggest leptons. required less measurements the is electroweak and physics of quarks, new analyses the other or , exis electro of the weak agent is the the is to theory that electroweak particle spin-zero the interacting of prediction unconfirmed rbe,etnin otesadr model 1-T standard the boson, to Higgs extensions mig breaking, problem, knowledge how symmetry of Electroweak attempted questio Keywords: is The summary short found. a be and will review, questions outstanding important ntttfu hoeiceTicepyi,Universit¨at Teilchenphysik, f¨ur Theoretische Institut hsatcei eoe otesau fteeetoektheo electroweak the of status the to devoted is article This o l t rups h lcrwa hoyhsmn shortc many has theory electroweak the triumphs, its all For h ag arnClie oe xeiet qaeyit t into squarely experiments moves Collider Hadron Large The .INTRODUCTION I. [email protected] hoyGop hsc eatet EN H11 eea23, Geneva CH-1211 CERN, Department, Physics Group, Theory nnwrdQetosi h lcrwa Theory Electroweak the in Questions Unanswered tnadmodel standard 1 , 2 , 3 − on electromagnetism joins ] 15 m esta %of 1% than less cm, n augmented and , hi Quigg Chris h rpriso h ag bosons gauge the of properties predict the interactions, neutral-current weak of properties htispeitoshl vrapoiiu ag fdis- of range 10 prodigious about a from over tances, hold predictions its that a is science. of model history standard the the in of landmark validation and development rkni n ftems retadcalnigques- challenging answer and standard-model urgent The most physics. particle the before of tions one is broken model. uni- standard a the to excel- with in Fits agreement are lent measurements charm. precision electroweak flavor, of quark verse fourth the required an interactions, neutral-current and charged-current ate e tp nteeouinmyb rcdi [ in traced be may electroweak evolution Some GeV. the the hundred in few in steps a to key subsumed up energies now at is tested theory, which electrodynam- (QED), quantum ics elec- by classical superseded scale, suffices. was human trodynamics the the than massless limit, distances shorter a long-distance the At of by the distances electrodynamics In shorter classical experiment. and Coulomb’s of longer of progress to discovery Coulomb. stretched and the was Cavendish by It in experiments lie tabletop in theory law the of origins h lcrwa hoyatcptdteeitneand existence the anticipated theory electroweak The n esr ftesepo h lcrwa hoyis theory electroweak the of sweep the of measure One o h lcrwa ag ymtyi spontaneously is symmetry gauge electroweak the How alrh,D718Krsue Germany Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, eksmer raig h ie fmass of giver the breaking, symmetry weak ∗ rLbrtr,Btva lios650USA 60510 Illinois Batavia, Laboratory, or te rbe n h aynasymmetry the and problem atter Vsae ag arnClie,hierarchy Collider, Hadron Large scale, eV ns ohd h lcrwa symmetry. electroweak the hide to anism h tnadmdl oepossibilities some model; standard the d v salse ofr h outstanding The far. so established ave neo lcrwa ymtybreaking symmetry electroweak of ance saedvlpdi h oreo this of course the in developed are ns ftesadr-oe ig oo is boson Higgs standard-model the of oo.Atraiemcaim for mechanisms Alternative boson. s icto cl.TeHgsfil that field Higgs The scale. nification ec fteHgsbsn weakly a boson, Higgs the of tence iigaogdffrn aos It flavors. different among mixing e yo h v feprmnainat experimentation of eve the on ry epnsiaeutl ochallenges to inadequately responds tiue aumeeg density energy vacuum a ntributes o e ntefc fquantum of face the in TeV 1 low mns tde o aespecific make not does It omings. nietcntansfo global from constraints Indirect . ruet ml htteHiggs the that imply arguments l taccumulate. ht h ig oo olwfo the from follow boson Higgs the eTVsae hr nwr to answers where scale, TeV he n tutr fteelectroweak the of structure and FERMILAB–PUB–09/230–T − 18 Switzerland omr hn10 than more to m W ± and Z 0 4 , htmedi- that 8 5 .The m. ]. ed d 2 is an elementary scalar field whose self-interactions select The new era ushered in by the a vacuum state in which the full electroweak symmetry is the subject of VI. I pose a series of electroweak ques- is hidden. However, the , as the elementary tions for the LHC,§ and then note some possibilities for scalar is known, has not been observed directly, and we new physics motivated by the and the do not know whether a fundamental Higgs field exists or search for dark-matter candidates. I describe how new a different agent breaks electroweak symmetry. Finding knowledge might build up as the LHC data samples grow, the Higgs boson or its replacement is one of the great and remark on the continuing role of experiments at the campaigns now under way in both experimental and the- intensity frontier. A short summary concludes the article oretical . in VII. § The aim of this article is to survey what we know and what we need to know about the electroweak theory, in anticipation of the experiments soon to begin at the II. THE ELECTROWEAK THEORY Large Hadron Collider, a high-luminosity proton-proton machine that will reach 14 TeV c.m. energy. We begin in II with a short summary of the essential elements of the The electroweak theory, and the path by which it §electroweak theory. Next, in III, we will examine the ex- evolved, is developed in many modern textbooks, includ- perimental support that has§ helped to establish the elec- ing [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. Useful perspectives on the cur- troweak theory. The evidence includes the behavior of rent situation are presented in lecture courses, includ- the couplings at the Lagrangian level, along with signs for ing [12, 13, 14]. Here we give a quick summary of the weak-electromagnetic unification. A prominent feature of essential ideas and outcomes. the electroweak theory is the absence of flavor-changing We build the of particle physics on neutral currents. An important chapter in the weak in- a set of constituents that we regard provisionally as ele- teractions, just concluded, validated the picture of three- mentary: the quarks and leptons, plus a few fundamental family quark mixing that organizes a vast amount of ex- derived from gauge symmetries. The quarks are in- perimental information, including the observations of CP fluenced by the strong , and so carry color, the violation. Quantum corrections test the electroweak the- strong-interaction , whereas the leptons do not feel ory as a quantum field theory and give evidence for the the , and are colorless. We idealize the interactions of (something resembling) the Higgs boson quarks and leptons as pointlike, because they show no evidence of internal structure at the current limit of our with the weak gauge bosons. Low-energy tests of the −18 electroweak theory can be expressed as determinations resolution, (r . 10 m). The charged-current weak of the weak mixing parameter. The electroweak theory interaction responsible for radioactive beta decay and gives but a partial explanation for the origin of quark and other processes acts only on the left-handed . lepton masses, so I regard all the quark and lepton masses Whether the observed violation reflects a funda- as evidence for physics beyond the standard model. mental asymmetry in the laws of Nature, or a left-right symmetry that is hidden by circumstance and might be The Higgs boson, the missing ingredient of the stan- restored at higher energies, we do not know. dard model, is the subject of IV. There we describe the- oretical and experimental constraints§ on the Higgs-boson Like its forerunner, , the mass and outline the production and decay characteris- electroweak theory is a , in which interac- tics that will govern the search at the LHC. Alternatives tions follow from symmetries. The correct electroweak to the , beginning with dynamical sym- gauge symmetry, which melds an SU(2)L family (weak- metry breaking inspired by the microscopic theory of the isospin) symmetry with a U(1)Y weak- phase superconducting , are described. I devote symmetry, emerged through trial and error, guided by a brief passage to what the world would have been like, experiment. We characterize the leptonic sector of the SU(2) U(1) theory by the left-handed leptons in the absence of an explicit mechanism to hide the elec- L ⊗ Y troweak symmetry. This excursion underlines the impor- ν ν ν tance of discovering the agent of electroweak symmetry L = e L = µ L = τ , (2.1) e e− µ µ− τ τ − breaking for our understanding of the everyday world.  L  L  L V is devoted to the shortcomings of the standard § 1 L model, including the partial understanding of with I = 2 and Y ( ℓ)= masses and mixing among quark families, the challenge 1, and the right-handed weak-isoscalar charged leptons − of stabilizing the Higgs mass below 1 TeV in the face of quantum corrections, and the vacuum energy problem. Re,µ,τ = eR, µR, τR , (2.2) We take note of questions that lie beyond the scope of the standard model: the nature of , the mat- with weak hypercharge Y (Rℓ) = 2. The weak hyper- ter asymmetry of the universe, the of elec- charges are chosen to reproduce− the observed electric 1 tric charge, and the role of . Both sets of issues charges, through the connection Q = I3 + 2 Y . Here motivate more complete and predictive extensions to the we have idealized the neutrinos as massless. Very brief standard model. comments on massive neutrinos will be found in V A. § 3

The hadronic sector consists of the left-handed quarks where ℓ runs over e, µ, τ, and ′ (n) g u c t R µ R(n) L(1) L(2) L(3) quarks = u iγ ∂µ + i µY u q = ′ q = ′ q = ′ , (2.3) L 2 A d s b    L  L  L ′ (n) g R µ R(n) 1 + d iγ ∂µ + i µY d (2.11) with weak isospin I = and weak hypercharge Y (Lq)= 2 A 2   1 ′ 3 , and their right-handed weak-isoscalar counterparts (n) g g + L iγµ ∂ + i Y + i τ b L(n) , q µ 2 µ 2 µ q (1,2,3) (1,2,3) A · R = uR,cR,tR and R = dR,sR,bR , (2.4)   u d where the generation index n runs over 1, 2, 3. The ob- R 4 R 2 jects in parentheses in (2.10) and (2.11) are the gauge- with weak hypercharges Y ( u) = 3 and Y ( d) = 3 . The primes on the lower components of the quark dou-− covariant derivatives. blets in (2.3) signal that the weak eigenstates are mix- Although the weak and electromagnetic interactions tures of the mass eigenstates: share a common origin in the SU(2)L U(1)Y gauge sym- metry, their manifestations are very⊗ different. Electro- ′ d Vud Vus Vub d d is a force of infinite range, while the influence ′ s = Vcd Vcs Vcb s V s , (2.5) of the charged-current responsible for  ′      ≡   b Vtd Vts Vtb b b radioactive beta decay only spans distances shorter than −15         about 10 cm. The established phenomenology of the where the 3 3 unitary Cabibbo [15]–Kobayashi– weak interactions is thus at odds with the theory we have Maskawa [16] matrix× V expresses the quark mixing. See developed to this point. The gauge Lagrangian (2.9) con- 1 2 IIIC for further discussion. tains four massless electroweak gauge bosons, viz. bµ, bµ, § 3 The fact that each left-handed lepton doublet is bµ, µ. They are massless because a mass term such matched by a left-handed quark doublet guarantees that 1A 2 µ as 2 m µ is not invariant under a gauge transforma- the theory is free, so that quantum corrections tion. NatureA A has but one: the photon. Moreover, the respect the gauge symmetry [17]. SU(2) U(1) gauge symmetry forbids fermion mass L ⊗ Y The SU(2)L U(1)Y electroweak gauge group entails terms mff¯ = m(f¯ f + f¯ f ) in (2.10) and (2.11), be- ⊗ b R L L R two sets of gauge fields: a weak isovector µ, with cou- cause the left-handed and right-handed fields transform pling constant g, and a weak isoscalar µ, with its differently. ′ A own g . The gauge fields compen- To give masses to the gauge bosons and constituent sate for the variations induced by gauge transforma- fermions, we must hide the electroweak symmetry, rec- tions, provided that they obey the transformation laws ognizing that a symmetry of the laws of Nature does not b b α b (1/g)∂ α under an infinitesimal weak- µ → µ − × µ− µ imply that the same symmetry will be manifest in the isospin rotation generated by G = 1+(i/2)α τ (where τ outcomes of those laws. are the Pauli isospin matrices) and · (1/g′)∂ α Aµ → Aµ − µ The superconducting phase transition offers an instruc- under an infinitesimal hypercharge phase rotation. Cor- tive model for hiding the electroweak gauge symmetry. responding to these gauge fields are the field-strength To give masses to the intermediate bosons of the weak tensors interaction, we appeal to the Meissner effect—the ex- clusion of magnetic fields from a superconductor, which F ℓ = ∂ bℓ ∂ bℓ + gε bj bk , (2.6) µν ν µ − µ ν jkℓ µ ν corresponds to the photon developing a nonzero mass within the superconducting medium. What has come to (ℓ =1, 2, 3) for the weak-isospin symmetry, and be called the Higgs mechanism [18, 19, 20, 21] can be un- f = ∂ ∂ , (2.7) derstood as a relativistic generalization of the Ginzburg- µν ν Aµ − µAν Landau phenomenology [22] of superconductivity. for the weak-hypercharge symmetry. Let us see how spontaneous symmetry breaking oper- We may summarize the interactions by the Lagrangian ates in the electroweak theory. We introduce a complex doublet of scalar fields = gauge + leptons + quarks , (2.8) φ+ L L L L φ (2.12) ≡ φ0 with   with weak hypercharge Yφ = +1. Next, we add to the 1 ℓ ℓ µν 1 µν gauge = 4 ℓ Fµν F 4 fµν f , (2.9) Lagrangian new (gauge-invariant) terms for the interac- L − − tion and propagation of the scalars, P µ † † ′ scalar = ( φ) ( µφ) V (φ φ), (2.13) µ g L D D − leptons = Rℓ iγ ∂µ + i µY Rℓ (2.10) L 2 A where the gauge-covariant derivative is   g′ g ′ + L iγµ ∂ + i Y + i τ b L , g g τ b ℓ µ 2 Aµ 2 · µ ℓ µ = ∂µ + i µY + i µ , (2.14)   D 2 A 2 · 4 and (inspired by Ginzburg & Landau) the potential in- couplings that reproduce the observed quark and lepton teraction has the form masses range over many orders of magnitude, as detailed in IIIG. We do not know what sets the values of the † 2 † † 2 V (φ φ)= µ (φ φ)+ λ (φ φ) . (2.15) Yukawa§ couplings. They do not follow from a known | | symmetry principle, for example. We are also free to add gauge-invariant Yukawa interac- Three of the four scalar degrees of freedom that we in- tions between the scalar fields and the leptons (ℓ runs troduced to contrive a vacuum state that hides the elec- over e, µ, τ as before), troweak gauge symmetry have become the longitudinal + − † components of W , W , and Z. The fourth appears as − = ζ (L φ)R + R (φ L ) , (2.16) LYukawa ℓ − ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ a massive spin-zero particle, called the Higgs boson, H,a and similar interactions with the quarks.  vestige of the spontaneous symmetry breaking. Its mass is given symbolically as M 2 = 2µ2 > 0, but we have no Now we arrange the self-interactions of the scalars so H − that the vacuum state corresponds to a broken-symmetry prediction for its value. On the other hand, the interac- solution. The electroweak symmetry is spontaneously tions of the Higgs boson with gauge bosons and fermions broken if the parameter µ2 is taken to be negative. In are completely specified—after spontaneous symmetry breaking—by the Lagrangian terms and . that event, gauge invariance gives us the freedom to Lscalar LYukawa choose the state of minimum energy—the vacuum state— Given the mass of the Higgs boson, we may calculate its to correspond to the properties. Let us summarize how particle mass arises in the stan- 0 dard electroweak theory. Unless the electroweak gauge φ = , (2.17) h i0 v/√2 symmetry is hidden, the four gauge bosons and all the   constituent fermions are massless. Spontaneous symme- where v = µ2/ λ . try breaking, in the form of the Higgs mechanism, gives The vacuum− of| (2.17| ) breaks the gauge symmetry masses to the weak gauge bosons and creates the possi- p SU(2)L U(1)Y U(1)em. The vacuum state φ 0 is bility for the fermions to acquire mass. Once the weak ⊗ → h i 2 invariant under a symmetry operation corresponding to mixing parameter sin θW is fixed by the study of weak- iαG the generator provided that e φ 0 = φ 0, i.e., if neutral-current interactions, the theory makes success- G h i h i ± φ 0 = 0. Direct calculation reveals that the original ful quantitative predictions for the W - and Z-boson fourG h i generators are all broken, but electric charge is not. masses. Although the natural scale of fermion masses The photon remains massless, but the other three gauge would seem to be set by the , the spe- bosons acquire masses, as auxiliary scalars assume the cific values are determined by Yukawa couplings of the role of the third (longitudinal) degrees of freedom. fermions to the Higgs field. These Yukawa couplings are Introducing the weak mixing angle θW through the not predicted by the electroweak theory. Finally, the the- ′ definition g = g tan θW, we can express the photon as ory requires a scalar Higgs boson, but does not make an the linear combination A = cos θW + b3 sin θW. We explicit prediction for its mass. identify the strength of its (pureA vector) coupling to charged particles, gg′/ g2 + g′2, with the electric charge e. The mediator of the charged-current weak interaction, III. HOW THE ELECTROWEAK THEORY ± p W = (b1 ib2)/√2, acquires a mass BECAME A LAW OF NATURE . . . AND WHAT ∓ WE REALLY KNOW MW = gv/2= ev/2 sin θW. (2.18) The SU(2) U(1) electroweak theory was formu- The electroweak gauge theory reproduces the low-energy L ⊗ Y phenomenology of the V A theory of weak interac- lated in the context of extensive experimental informa- − −1/2 tion about the charged-current weak interactions. Cen- tions, provided we set v = (GF√2) = 246 GeV, −5 −2 tral elements included the parity-violating V A struc- where GF = 1.16637(1) 10 GeV is Fermi’s weak- − interaction coupling constant.× It follows at once that ture of the and the Cabibbo universality of leptonic and semileptonic processes. On the theoreti- MW 37.3 GeV/ sin θW. The combination of the I3 and Y≈ gauge bosons orthogonal to the photon is the cal front, a classic unitarity argument [23] made it clear mediator of the neutral-current weak interaction, Z = that Fermi’s four-fermion description could not be valid √ b cos θ sin θ , which acquires a mass above c.m. energy s = 620 GeV. Analysis of the reac- 3 W − A W tion νν¯ W +W − showed that the ad-hoc introduction of intermediate→ vector bosons, to make the weak interac- MZ = MW / cos θW. (2.19) tion nonlocal, had divergence diseases of its own [24]. The masses of the elementary fermions are not pre- The weak neutral-current interaction was not detected dicted by the electroweak theory. Each fermion mass before the electroweak theory was formulated. The pre- involves a new Yukawa coupling ζ (cf. (2.16)). When diction of this new phenomenon and the availability of the electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken, the high-energy neutrino beams spurred the search for ex- mass emerges as me = ζev/√2. The Yukawa perimental manifestations of the weak . 5

Its discovery in 1973 [25, 26] marked an important mile- HERA I & II stone, as did the observation a decade later [27] of the 10 10 ) W ± [28, 29] and Z0 [30, 31] bosons. The early years were 2 H1 e+p NC 94-07 (prel.) marked by some inconsistent experimental results and - 10 H1 e p NC 94-07 (prel.) the invention of many alternatives to the SU(2)L U(1)Y ZEUS e+p NC 06-07 (prel.) ⊗ - theme. How physicists sorted out the correct electroweak (pb/GeV ZEUS e p NC 05-06 2 SM e+p NC (HERAPDF 0.1) theory is a fascinating story, but off our topic here. We - /dQ -1 SM e p NC (HERAPDF 0.1) shall concentrate instead on the evidence that now tests σ 10 and validates the electroweak theory. See [32] for a com- d pact authoritative rendering of the role of precision mea- surements in establishing the electroweak theory as a law 10-3 H1 e+p CC 03-04 (prel.) of nature. - H1 e p CC 2005 (prel.) ZEUS e+p CC 06-07 (prel.) ZEUS e-p CC 04-06 + A. Tree-level 10-5 SM e p CC (HERAPDF 0.1) SM e-p CC (HERAPDF 0.1) .. Following the discovery of neutral-current interactions, y < 0.9 the new phenomenon was taken up in a number of νN Pe = 0 10-7 and νe scattering experiments. Despite their statistical 103 104 limitations, the neutrino-electron scattering experiments Q2 (GeV2) helped guide the convergence to the SU(2) U(1) stan- L ⊗ Y dard model. Under modest universality assumptions, the FIG. 1: The Q2-dependence of the neutral-current (NC) and νe cross section measurements, combined with measure- charged-current (CC) cross sections measured by the H1 [40] ments of the forward-backward asymmetry that arises and ZEUS [41, 42, 43, 44] experiments at the HERA e±p col- from γ-Z interference in the reaction e+e− µ+µ−, lider. The curves represent the standard-model expectations → uniquely selected the SU(2)L U(1)Y chiral couplings of derived from the HERA parton distribution functions. Z to charged leptons [33]. Only⊗ a short time later, it was reasonable to proclaim that the chiral couplings to all the known quarks and leptons had been uniquely determined, direct-channel (qq¯ Z′) resonances in reactions such + − → in agreement with the SU(2) U(1) theory [34]. aspp ¯ ℓ ℓ + anything. Translating experimental L Y → Along the way, delicate observations⊗ of parity-violating sensitivity into limits on the mass of a new neutral phenomena in began to add complemen- gauge boson is complicated by the fact that Z′ couplings tary information. Studies of polarized electron-deuteron to fermions are model-dependent—in some cases, even scattering [35] confirmed that the neutral-current inter- generation dependent. For a representative collection actions are parity violating, also ruling in favor of the of examples, the searches imply that MZ′ & standard model. 789 GeV at 95% CL. For a heavy clone of the standard- This impressive progress, punctuated by the discover- model Z (its only virtue as an example is that it is easy ′ ies of W and Z, was prelude to the incisive experiments at to state), the 95% CL bound is MZSM > 1030 GeV [39]. the SLAC and CERN Z factories. Measurements of the Other searches look for evidence of Z′ W +W −. Z lineshape and a determination of the “invisible” width Global fits to electroweak parameters and neutral-current→ of the Z confirmed the hypothesis that three generations studies away from the Z pole are sensitive to a Z′. of neutrinos are present in neutral-current interac- The H1 [40] and ZEUS [41, 42, 43, 44] experiments tions. The current inference from the invisible width, at the e±p collider HERA compared the momentum- of 2.985 0.009 active light neutrino species [36] is not transfer dependence of neutral-current (e±p e± + ± ± → only consistent with the three observed neutrino species, anything) and charged-current (e p (¯νe, νe) + it leaves little room for decays of Z into exotic weakly anything) at c.m. energies of 820 and 920→ GeV. A recent interacting particles. summary compiled by H1 and ZEUS is given in Figure 1. The conclusion that only three active light species At low-values of Q2, the neutral-current cross section ex- exist does not rule out a fourth generation of quarks ceeds the charged-current cross section by more than two and leptons, provided that the neutral leptons are heavy orders of magnitude, because the electromagnetic inter- enough that their contributions to the invisible width action is much stronger than the weak interaction at long 2 2 2 would be negligible—if not zero! A fourth generation wavelengths. For Q & (MW ,MZ ), the cross sections is constrained, but not excluded, by what we know of roughly track each other. This behavior supports the charged-current and neutral-current interactions [37]. notion that the intrinsic strengths of the weak and elec- Many extensions to the electroweak theory predict the tromagnetic interactions are comparable. existence of one or more electrically neutral color-singlet The absence of right-handed charged-current interac- Z′ gauge bosons [38]. The most telling direct searches tions is one of the foundational observations on which the have been carried out at the Tevatron in searches for SU(2) U(1) theory is built, and also a question that L ⊗ Y 6 has lingered for more than fifty years. Is there a funda- 30 17/02/2005 mental left-right asymmetry in the laws of nature, or did LEP spontaneous symmetry breaking at some high scale give (pb) PRELIMINARY a large mass to a right-handed gauge boson, creating a low-energy preference for left-handed currents? This sec- WW ond possibility is the vision of left-right symmetric mod- m 20 els, based on SU(3)c SU(2)L SU(2)R U(1)B−L gauge symmetry [45, 46, 47⊗]. Searches⊗ for right-handed⊗ interac- tions, or for additional W ′± gauge bosons are important probes of the electroweak theory [48]. The direct searches at the Tevatron for W ′ eν, as- → suming standard-model couplings, give a lower bound 10 MW ′ > 1000GeV at 95% CL [49]. A fit to low- energy data bounds the mass of a right-handed WR as

MWR > 715 GeV at 90% CL, assuming that its gauge no ZWW vertex only exchange coupling is the same as the SU(2)L coupling, gR = gL [50]. ie Sensitive tests of the standard model are ongoing in µ de- cay [51] and in β-decay [52]. 0 A noteworthy achievement of the LEP experiments 160 180 200 is the validation of the SU(2)L U(1)Y symmetry for the interaction of gauge bosons with⊗ fermions and gauge 3s (GeV) bosons with gauge bosons in e+e− W +W −. This → reaction is described by three Feynman diagrams that + − + − 0 FIG. 2: Cross section for the reaction e e W W mea- correspond to s-channel photon and Z exchange, and sured by the four LEP experiments, together→ with the full t-channel neutrino exchange. For the production of lon- electroweak-theory simulation and cross sections that would gitudinally polarized W -bosons, each diagram leads to a result from ν-exchange alone and from (ν + γ)-exchange [53]. J = 1 partial-wave amplitude that grows as the square of the c.m. energy, but the gauge symmetry enforces a pattern of cooperation. The contributions of the direct- for evidence of flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNC). 0 0 + − channel γ- and Z -exchange diagrams cancel the lead- The branching fraction (KL µ µ ) = (6.84 ing divergence in the J = 1 partial-wave amplitude of 0.11) 10−9 [49] closely matchesB → the standard expec-± the neutrino-exchange diagram. The interplay is shown tation× for decay through the (real and virtual) γγ in- in Figure 2. If the Z-exchange contribution is omitted termediate state. The absence of strangeness-changing (middle line) or if both the γ- and Z-exchange contribu- neutral-current interactions motivated Glashow, Iliopou- tions are omitted (upper line), the calculated cross sec- los, and Maiani [58] to advocate adding the charm quark tion grows unacceptably with energy. The measurements c to the then-familiar u,d,s, so that quark doublets compiled by the LEP Electroweak Working Group [53] u c agree well with the benign high-energy behavior pre- , (3.1) dicted by the full electroweak theory. d cos θC + s sin θC s cos θC d sin θC  L  − L Tevatron measurements do not directly determine the W +W −invariant mass, because of the missing energy where θC is the Cabibbo angle, would mirror the then- carried by neutrinos, but reach beyond the highest en- known lepton doublets, ergy studied at LEP. The latest contributions, from the ν ν D0 [54] and CDF [55] Collaborations, are in agreement e µ . (3.2) e µ with standard-model expectations [56, 57], and tighten  L  L the bounds on anomalous couplings. The three-family generalization of the GIM mechanism banishes FCNC at lowest order, and greatly suppresses them at loop level [59]. Verifying the absence of FCNC B. Flavor-changing neutral currents therefore tests the structure—and the completeness—of the electroweak theory. The most sensitive experimental Strangeness-changing neutral currents were the object search has been carried out in the K+ π+νν¯ chan- of experimental searches even before the electroweak the- nel. Brookhaven Experiment 949 has→ observed three ory was conceived. It was recognized early on that flavor- candidates, leading to a branching fraction (K+ + +1.15 −10 B → changing neutral-current effects cannot be isolated in π νν¯)=1.73−1.05 10 [60]. This rate is consistent, nonleptonic decays. As an example, the transition s within uncertainties,× with the standard-model expecta- d(uu¯) would be entangled with the charged-current tran-→ tion, (K+ π+νν¯)=(0.85 0.07) 10−10 [61]. sition s u(du¯). Accordingly, decays of hadrons into TheB limits→ on FCNC involving± heavier× flavors are less pairs of→ leptons have been the favored hunting ground stringent, but nevertheless raise the question: if new 7 physics is to reveal itself on the 1-TeV scale, why have quarks are specified by we seen no sign of FCNC? (q) g µ + Within the standard model, the rate anticipated for CC = u¯Lγ dθLWµ + h.c., (3.3) L −√2 the decay D0 µ+µ− is very small: (D0 µ+µ−) & −13 → B → 0 4 10 [62]. The CDF Collaboration bounds (D where g is the SU(2)L gauge coupling and µ+×µ−) < 5.3 10−7 at 95% C.L. [63]. For a generalB re-→ view of charmed× meson decays, see [64]. The observation dθ = d cos θC + s sin θC. (3.4) of D0-D¯ 0 mixing [65, 66] has intensified interest in the The form (3.3) matches the charged-current interaction search for new physics in charmed-meson decays. Theo- among leptons, retical expectations are catalogued in [62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71]. (ℓ) g µ − = e¯Lγ νLWµ + h.c., (3.5) An informative introduction to FCNC phenomena in LCC −√2 B-meson decays is given in the BaBar Physics Book [72]. and so expresses the universality of the charged-current The current experimental limit on leptonic B decays, s weak interactions. Tests of the Cabibbo universality hy- (B µ+µ−) < 5.8 10−8 at 95% C.L. [73], ap- s pothesis relating the strengths of u d, u s, and Bproaches→ standard-model× sensitivity, (B µ+µ−) = s ν e transitions are reviewed in [86].↔ ↔ (3.6 0.3) 10−9 [74]. The correspondingB → limit for B0 ↔In a prescient paper, following the Glashow-Iliopoulos- is (±B ×µ+µ−) < 1.8 10−8 [73], to be compared d Maiani [58] call for a fourth quark that would be the withB the→ standard-model expectation,× (B µ+µ−)= d charged-current partner of the orthogonal combination (1.1 0.1) 10−10. B → ± × sθ = s cos θC d sin θC but before the discovery of charm, The world sample of top decays remains modest, and Kobayashi &− Maskawa [16] generalized Cabibbo’s hy- consequently the study of rare top decays is less advanced pothesis to three quark generations, in order to accom- than for K, D, and B mesons. From a search for single- modate CP violation. Quark mixing is expressed by the top production, the CDF Collaboration reports (t 3 3 unitary matrix defined in (2.5), colloquially called ug) < 3.9 10−4 and (t cg) < 5.7 10−3 atB 95%→ × × B → × the CKM matrix. Their key insight is that an n n uni- C.L. [75], improving earlier limits from LEP. The latter tary matrix can be parametrized in terms of n(n× 1)/2 is to be compared with the standard-model expectation, real mixing angles and (n 1)(n 2)/2 complex phases,− −10 (t cg) 10 [76]. A study of top pair production after the freedom to redefine− the− phases of quark fields Byields→ (t ≈ Zc) < 3.7% at 95% C.L. [77]. B → has been taken into account. The phase angle present In charm and top decays, plenty of room remains in the 3 3 case could, they suggested, account for CP to search for physics beyond the standard model, as violation.× experiments approach standard-model sensitivity. But This simple conjecture has far-reaching implica- the absence of FCNC at tree level is firmly established. tions [87, 88]. We now know of three generations of lep- What we already know about (the suppression of) flavor- tons (2.1) and quarks (2.3)—a good beginning. changing neutral current phenomena both challenges, A simple test for the completeness of the CKM picture and provides opportunities to uncover, many varieties of is to ask whether the magnitudes Vij are consistent with physics beyond the standard model, including dynamical the hypothesis that the matrix is| unitary.| Particular at- electroweak symmetry breaking [78, 79, 80] and super- tention has been accorded to the first row of the CKM symmetry without auxiliary conditions [81]. The existing matrix, looking for deviations from the unitarity require- constraints have stimulated conjectures about “minimal ment flavor violation” [82] and approximate generational sym- V 2 + V 2 + V 2 =1, (3.6) metries [83]. Su ≡ | ud| | us| | ub| The search for FCNC effects in heavy quark decays is 2 which would signal new physics. (Because V 1, an example of how high-sensitivity studies at low ener- ub this is essentially a test of the Cabibbo picture.)| For| ≪ sev- gies can complement direct discovery physics at the LHC. eral years, the sum lay a couple of standard deviations Experimental searches for lepton-flavor violation offer an- u below unity. RecentS kaon decay studies have raised the other window on new physics in the neutral-current sec- value of V , so that = 0.9999 0.0010 [89]. Ongo- tor [84, 85]. us u ing studies| of| neutronS decays should± resolve a persistent lifetime puzzle [90], and may lead to an improved deter- mination of Vud . Immense experimental| | effort has produced a rich li- C. Tests of the CKM Paradigm brary of information about decays (both common and rare) neutral-particle mixings, and CP violation (in K A generation ago, the Cabibbo hypothesis [15] brought and B decays) [91, 92, 93]. One application of that body clarity to a wealth of information about semileptonic de- of knowledge has been to probe in depth the unitarity cays of mesons and . Transcribed to modern lan- of the CKM matrix VV† = I, where I is the 3 3 iden- ∗ ×∗ guage, the charged-current interactions among the light tity, by examining i Vij Vik = δjk and j Vij Vkj = δik. P P 8

yet terribly restrictive. Global fits to the precision elec- troweak data allow mixing between the third and fourth families at the level seen between the first and second families [99]. Finally, the robustness of the CKM unitarity triangle does not mean that there is no new physics to be found. The unitarity triangle analysis is mainly sensitive to pro- cesses that change flavor by two units. Even in the well- studied rare K and B decays (flavor change by one unit), many examples of new physics that could have passed the unitarity-triangle screen—, little Higgs models with T -parity, and warped extra dimensions— FIG. 3: Constraints in the (¯ρ, η¯) plane as of March 2009. could give large departures [100]. New sources of CP The red hashed region shows the global combination at 68% violation and FCNC occur in models that do not enforce CL [95]. minimal flavor violation. As we saw in IIIB, there is ample space between current bounds and standard-model§ expectations in many rare decays. Since the unitarity tri- The six vanishing conditions may be represented as trian- angle is described well by the standard model, it will pay gles in the complex plane, each with an area proportional to examine CP violation in b s transitions and rare to Im[V V V ∗V ∗ ], a parametrization-independent mea- ij kℓ iℓ kj decays, where standard-model→ contributions are small. CP sure of violation [94]. Comprehensive analyses have One specific scenario, involving extra U(1)′ interactions, been carried out over a number of years by the CKM is presented in [101], and a claimed sign of new physics Fitter [95] and UTFit [96] Collaborations. in b s transitions is given in [102]. The most commonly displayed unitarity triangle, The→ ability of the electroweak theory incorporating shown in Figure 3, is constructed from the constraint, CKM mixing to account for—and predict—a vast num- ∗ ∗ ∗ ber of observables in flavor physics is highly impressive. VudVub + VcdVcb + VtdVtb =0. (3.7) We must remember, however, that experiments have vali- It is conventional to normalize the triangle, dividing dated a framework, not an explanation. Just as the stan- the complex vector for each leg by the well-determined dard model makes no predictions for quark and lepton ∗ VcdVcb. The vertices of the triangle are then (0, 0), (1, 0), masses, it has nothing to say about the mixing angles and (¯ρ, η¯). Among the tests available in this formal- and the Kobayashi–Maskawa phase. These can arise in ism are whether the triangle closes and whether differ- the electroweak theory, but we don’t know how. If quark ent data sets yield a common vertex, (¯ρ, η¯). The plot in and lepton masses and mixings are indeed generated by Figure 3, which is representative of recent work, shows the Higgs mechanism, then (in the words of Veltman) the consistency among many experimental constraints. That Higgs boson must know something we do not know [103]. the imaginary coordinateη ¯ differs from zero shows that the Kobayashi–Maskawa mechanism is at work. A cru- cial prediction, that CP violation in K physics is small D. Loop-level because of flavor suppression but CP violation should be appreciable in B physics, is fulfilled. More detailed anal- We have just recalled some of the ways in which exper- ysis shows that the Kobayashi–Maskawa mechanism is iment has tested the consequences of the spontaneously the dominant source of CP violation in meson decays. broken SU(2)L U(1)Y gauge theory of the electroweak As we have seen in IIIB, new physics contributions are interactions, and⊗ probed with increasing acuity the infer- extremely small in s§ d, b d, s b, and c u tran- ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ences from earlier experiments on which the electroweak sitions. For summaries of tests of the CKM paradigm in theory was founded. The major predictions for elec- flavor physics, see [97] for an experimental perspective troweak phenomenology have been confirmed—among and a look ahead, and [74] for a theoretical perspective. them, the existence of neutral-current interactions, the three- A global fit [98], within the framework of the existence and mass scale of the W ± and Z0, and the generation magni- standard model, yields the following need for the charm quark. The idealizations that shaped tudes V for the CKM matrix elements: | ij | the structure of the theory—including the absence of 0.97419 0.00022 0.2257 0.0010 0.00359 0.00016 right-handed charged currents and the absence of flavor- ± ± ± +0.0010 changing neutral-current interactions have proved to be 0.2256 0.0010 0.97334 0.00023 0.0415− .  ± ± 0.0011  exceptionally robust. Only the idealization that the neu- +0.00026 +0.000044 0.00874− 0.0407 0.0010 0.999133− trinos are massless has required revision, and that is for  0.00037 ± 0.000043   (3.8) many purposes an inessential change. The consistency of the CKM picture does not yet ex- The electroweak theory is a quantum field theory. clude a fourth generation of quarks. Direct constraints Once the elementary interactions have been set by hy- on V are consistent with a value near unity, but are not pothesis or by experimental determinations, we have the | tb| 9 opportunity to compute quantum corrections to observ- ables and subject the theory to precise experimental tests. An accessible introduction to the basic techniques can be found in [104]. The program is straightforward in principle, but very demanding in practice. The mount- ing precision of experiments has inspired waves of de- tailed theoretical calculations that are heroic in propor- tion [105]. If all the parameters of a theory are known (and the theory is presumed complete), then a measured observ- able may be compared with the calculated value to test the theory. The electroweak theory has been a work- in-progress over the period when precise measurements became available, because several key parameters have been unknown. Before the top quark was discovered in 1995, FIG. 4: Indirect determinations of the top-quark mass quantum corrections to electroweak observables from fits to electroweak observables (green circles) and 95% confidence-level lower bounds on the top-quark mass inferred gave indications that the weak-isospin partner of + − b would be much more massive than the other from direct searches in e e annihilations (solid line) and quarks. For example, the quantum corrections inpp ¯ collisions, assuming that standard decay modes domi- nate (broken line). An indirect lower bound, derived from the to the standard-model predictions (2.18) for M W W -boson width inferred frompp ¯ (W or Z) + anything, and (2.19) for MZ arise from different quark loops: is shown as the dot-dashed line. A→ selection of direct mea- surements of mt by the CDF (blue triangles) and D0 (in- verted red triangles) Collaborations are plotted. The Teva- tron average from direct observations is shown as magenta squares. The most recent indirect determinations are from t¯b for MW , and tt¯ (or b¯b) for MZ . These quantum Refs. [53, 107, 108]. The evolution of knowledge of mt may corrections alter the link between the W - and Z-boson be traced through the current Review of Particle Physics [49] masses, so that and previous editions.

M 2 = M 2 1 sin2 θ (1 + ∆ρ) , (3.9) W Z − W where  2 were decisive in testing and refining the electroweak the- (quarks) 3GFmt ∆ρ ∆ρ = . (3.10) ory [111]. Global analysis projects that have been dis- ≈ 8π2√2 tinguished for their thoroughness and continuity include 2 the LEP Electroweak Working Group [53, 107], incorpo- The strong dependence on mt is characteristic, and ac- counts for the sensitivity of electroweak observables to rating the ZFITTER [112, 113] and TOPAZ0 [114, 115] the top-quark mass. codes, and the Particle Data Group [36]. These have If all other parameters were known, one could choose been joined recently by the Tevatron Electroweak Work- ing Group [116] and the Gfitter initiative [108]. for any measurement the value of mt that gave the clos- est agreement between calculation and experiment, test for consistency among various measurements, and aver- What has been achieved overall is a comprehensive age over different observables, to estimate mt. In prac- test of the electroweak theory, as a quantum field the- tice, the global fits allow for variations in a number of ory, at a precision of one part in a thousand for several parameters. The top mass favored by simultaneous fits observables. A representative comparison of best-fit cal- to many electroweak observables is shown as a function culations with observations is shown in Figure 5 [108], of time in Figure 4. By the end of 1994, the indirect which displays for each observable the difference between determinations favored mt (175 25) GeV, success- fitted and measured values, weighted by the inverse of fully anticipating the masses≈ reported± in the discovery the experimental standard deviation. [See [53, 107] for +19 papers: 176 8 10 GeV for CDF, and 199−21 22 GeV the corresponding information from the LEP Electroweak for D0. Today,± ± direct measurements at the± Tevatron Working Group and [36] for the Particle Data Group’s determine the top-quark mass to a precision of 0.75%, version.] For only one observable out of twenty—the + − mt = (173.1 1.3) GeV [106], far more precise than the forward-backward asymmetry in the reaction e e b¯b indirect determinations.± on the Z resonance—does the difference exceed two stan-→ Measurements on and near the Z0 pole by the LEP ex- dard deviations. The global fits yield excellent deter- periments ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, and OPAL [109] and by minations of standard-model parameters, including the the SLD experiment at the Stanford Linear Collider [110] weak mixing parameter. 10 Mar 09 G fitter SM MZ 0.1 Γ Z 0.2 March 2009 mLimit = 163 GeV σ0 6 had -1.7 Theory uncertainty 0 (5) Rlep -1.0 ∆α had = A0,l -0.9 FB 5 0.02758±0.00035 A (LEP) l 0.2 0.02749±0.00012 A (SLD) l -2.0 incl. low Q2 data lept 4 sin2Θ (Q ) -0.7 eff FB A0,c 0.9 FB 2 0,b AFB 2.5 3 ∆χ Ac -0.1

Ab 0.6 0 2 Rc 0.1 0 Rb -0.8 (5) ∆α (M2) -0.2 1 had Z

MW -1.3 Γ Excluded Preliminary W -0.1 0 m c 0.0 30100 300

mb -0.0 m [ ] t 0.4 mH GeV

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (O - O ) / σ fit meas meas 2 2 2 FIG. 6: ∆χ = χ χmin from a fit to an ensemble of elec- troweak measurements− as a function of the standard-model FIG. 5: Pull values comparing Gfitter complete fit results with Higgs-boson mass. The solid line is the result of the fit.The experimental determinations [108]. blue band represents an estimate of the theoretical uncer- tainty due to missing higher-order corrections. The regions shaded in yellow denote the 95% CL lower bound on MH > E. Evidence for Higgs-boson interactions 114.4 GeV from direct searches at LEP [117] and the Teva- tron exclusion at 95% CL between 160 and 170 GeV [118]. The dashed curve shows the sensitivity to a change in the An important asset of global fits to many observables is 2 their sensitivity to virtual effects, and thus to parameters evaluation of αem(MZ ). (From the LEP Electroweak Work- that have not been measured directly. The successful ing Group [53].) inference of the range of top-quark masses is a prime example. Now that mt is measured at high precision, it becomes a fixed parameter in the global fits, which may in Figure 6. Imposing the exclusion MH > 114.4 GeV probe for the next unknown quantity. from the LEP searches leads to an upper bound of Figure 6 shows how the goodness of the LEP Elec- MH . 191 GeV [53]. The Particle Data Group [36] and troweak Working Group’s Winter 2009 global fit depends Gfitter [108] analyses lead to similar conclusions. upon MH . The fit is evidently improved by the inclusion The Higgs-boson masses favored by the global fits of quantum corrections involving a Higgs boson that has of the LEP Electroweak Working Group, MH = +36 +30 standard-model interactions with the electroweak gauge 90−27 GeV [53], Gfitter, 83−23 GeV [108], or Particle ± +28 bosons W and Z. A satisfactory fit does not prove Data Group, 70−22 GeV [36], lie in the region excluded that the standard-model Higgs boson exists, but offers by direct searches at LEP. Chanowitz [119, 120] has cau- guidance for the search and sets up a consistency check tioned that the values of MH preferred by fits to differ- when a putative Higgs boson is observed. The inferred ent observables are not entirely consistent. The scatter range is consistent with the conditional upper bound, is illustrated in the case of the Gfitter analysis in Fig- MH . 1 TeV, derived in IV A. It is important to note ure 7. In particular, the forward-backward asymmetry § that, while the global fits give evidence for the effect of in e+e− b¯b on the Z resonance (A0,b ) is best repro- → FB the Higgs boson in the vacuum, they do not have any duced with MH 400 GeV. This is the observable most sensitivity to couplings of the Higgs boson to fermions discrepant1, at &≈2.5σ, with the overall fits (cf. Figure 5). free of the assumption that Higgs-Yukawa couplings set the fermion masses. The precision electroweak measurements on their own argue for MH . 163 GeV, a one-sided 95% confidence 1 For the purpose of this discussion, I set aside the anomalous level limit derived from ∆χ2 = 2.7 for the blue band magnetic moment of the muon [121], for which the standard- 11 Mar 09 A (LEP) G fitter SM +148 l 104 -64 A (SLD) +25 l 26 -16

0,b 371 +295 AFB -166 M +56 W 42 -22

+30 Standard fit 83 -23 6 10 20 102 2×102 103

MH [GeV]

FIG. 7: Determination of the Higgs-boson mass excluding all the sensitive observables from the Gfitter standard fit, except for the one given [108]. 2 FIG. 8: Evolution of the weak mixing parameter sin θW in ms Omitting it (on the hypothesis that it is particularly sen- the scheme [125] (dotted curve). The minimum occurs at Q = MW , where the β-function for the weak mixing param- sitive to new physics) would improve the global fits, but eter changes sign as the influence of weak-boson loops drops lead to a small Higgs-boson mass that would coexist un- out. The selected data are from atomic parity violation [126] Gfitter comfortably with the LEP exclusion: the best-fit (APV), Møller scattering [127] (QW (e)), and deeply inelastic +30 range moves to 61−26 GeV. Whether the spread of Higgs- νN scallering [128, 129]. Also indicated (open circle) is the boson masses preferred by different sensitive observables uncertainty projected for the Qweak experiment [130]. points to physics beyond the standard model or repre- sents insignificant scatter is a tantalizing question. where αU is the common value of the SU(3)c, SU(2)L, and U(1) couplings. At the SU(5) unification scale, F. The weak mixing parameter at low scales 2 3 2 sin θW(U)= 8 . How does sin θW evolve? In leading logarithmic approximation and at high scales [124],

The extraordinary precision of measurements on the 2 3 5 2 2 0 sin θ (Q)= (b b )α(Q)log Q /U , (3.13) Z pole has given them a decisive weight in our assess- W 8 − 8 1 − 2 ment of the electroweak theory. They are, however, blind where the beta functions 4πb = 4n /3 n /10 to new physics that does not directly modify the Z0 prop- 1 g H and 4πb = (22 4n )/3 n /6 determine− the− evolu- erties. A heavy Z′ that does not mix appreciably with Z0 2 g H tion of 1/α and− 1/α , with− n the number of fermion is an important example. For this reason, experiments 1 2 g generations and n the number of Higgs doublets. off the Z0 pole, even of lower precision, command our H The weak mixing parameter decreases as Q decreases attention—particularly in the search for physics beyond from the unification scale U. At the Z-boson mass, the standard model. sin2 θ (M ) 0.21, near (but not near enough) The weak mixing parameter is defined in terms of (run- W Z SU(5) ≈ 2 ning) couplings, to the measured value, sin θW(MZ ) exp = 0.23119 ms ± 0.00014 in the scheme [36]. 2 α(Q) 1/α2(Q) sin θW(Q)= = , (3.11) In the range of scales directly accessible to experiment, α2(Q) 1/αY (Q)+1/α2(Q) the evolution of the weak mixing parameter is predicted so its value depends on the scale at which it is measured. within the electroweak theory itself. The expectations of A familiar illustration occurs in unified theories of the a higher-order group analysis [125] are strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions, which depicted in Figure 8. A detailed comparison with exper- predict the value of the weak mixing parameter at low iment is given in [36]. Here are some of the main points. The parity-violating left-right asymmetry observed [127] scales. The prototype is the SU(5) unified theory [123]: − − − − 15 in polarized Møller scattering, e e e e , at SLAC At the unification scale U 10 GeV, the running cou- → 2 plings are simply related: ≈ establishes the low-energy running of sin θW at more than six standard deviations, and is in reasonable agree- 2 2 1/α2 =1/αU ment with the prediction at Q = 0.026 GeV . After 5 1/αY = 3 1/αU , (3.12) important improvements in the connection between the 8 ·  measured quantity and sin2 θ , the most telling mea- 1/α = 3 1/αU  W · surement of atomic parity violation [126] agrees with the  electroweak theory within about one standard deviation. The Qweak experiment [130], to be mounted at Jefferson model prediction remains somewhat uncertain. See [122]. Laboratory at the beginning of 2010, aims for a 0.3% 12

2 determination of sin θW in parity-violating scattering of polarized on protons at Q2 =0.03 GeV2. The NuTeV experiment at Fermilab determined 2 sin θW by measuring neutral-current and charged- current cross sections for deeply inelastic νN andνN ¯ scattering [128, 129]. Their result, which lies some three standard deviations above the electroweak-theory expec- tation, has been subjected to intense scrutiny. For the moment, enough ambiguity attends the dependence on fine details of parton distribution functions, the influ- ence of nuclear targets, and various isospin-violating ef- fects that the significance of the NuTeV anomaly is under debate. A catalogue of some “new physics” interpreta- tions is given in [131]. Many of these (new Z′ gauge bosons [132], leptoquarks, etc.) can be tested at the LHC. New low-energy experiments can test the NuTeV measurement and constrain interpretations. The Nu- SOnG concept put forward for the Tevatron [133] would supplement deeply inelastic νN scattering with high- √ statistics measurements of νe andνe ¯ elastic scattering, FIG. 9: Yukawa couplings ζi = mi/(v/ 2) inferred from the masses of the quarks and charged leptons [49]. to test for new physics [134, 135] in the neutrino sector. The LEP 2 measurements at energies between the Z- pole and the top energy of 209 GeV were broadly in point merits closer examination. agreement with standard-model expectations [53, 136]. The observation of a nonzero fermion mass (m = 0) Measurements by the CDF [137, 138] and D0 [139] ex- i implies that the electroweak gauge symmetry SU(2)6 periments of the forward-backward asymmetry in the re- L U(1) is broken (cf. II), but electroweak symmetry⊗ actionpp ¯ (Z,γ∗)+ anything e+e− +anything agree Y breaking is only a necessary,§ not a sufficient, condition for with leading-order→ predictions in→ the standard model over the generation of fermion mass. In the standard-model the range of invariant masses 50 GeV . (e+e−) . framework, some new physics (at an unknown scale) must few hundred GeV. With the 10 fb−1 of dataM expected give rise to the Yukawa couplings. The logical division by the end of Run II, a measurement of the running of of labor between a mechanism for electroweak symmetry of sin2 θ at an interesting level of precision might be W breaking and an origin of fermion masses is made ex- achieved before the LHC experiments pronounce on this plicit in the simple models [141, 142] that we subject. For a prospectus of low-energy tests of the weak shall discuss in IVD3). In the sparest versions of such interaction, see [140]. models, electroweak§ symmetry breaking is driven by a gauge interaction that becomes strongly coupled on the electroweak scale. The gauge bosons acquire masses, but G. The scale of fermion the fermions remain massless. “Extended technicolor” models [143, 144, 145] invoke additional interactions at It is no exaggeration to say that the origin of the a much higher scale, of order 100 TeV, to explain the quark and lepton masses is shrouded in mystery. Within light-quark masses. the standard electroweak theory, the overall scale of the Within the framework of the SU(2)L U(1)Y gauge fermion masses is set by the vacuum expectation value theory, partial-wave unitarity sets a model-independent⊗ v/√2 174 GeV of the Higgs field, but each fermion upper bound on the energy scale of fermion mass genera- ≈ mass mi = ζiv/√2 involves a distinct Yukawa coupling tion [146]. The strategy is to simply add explicit fermion ζi, as we saw in (2.16). The Yukawa couplings that re- mass terms to the electroweak Lagrangian, rather than produce the observed quark and charged-lepton masses the Yukawa terms of (2.16). Explicit Dirac mass terms range over many orders of magnitude, from ζ 3 10−6 link the left-handed and right-handed fermions, and thus e ≈ × for the electron to ζt 1 for the top quark, as shown in violate the SU(2)L U(1)Y gauge symmetry of the elec- Figure 9. Their origin≈ is unknown. In an important troweak theory. If⊗ they persist to arbitrarily high ener- sense, therefore, all fermion masses involve physics be- gies, such hard masses destroy the renormalizability of yond the standard model. the theory. On the other hand, it may be overly ambi- In fact, although the electroweak theory shows how tious to demand that a theory make sense at all energies. fermion masses might arise, we cannot be sure that find- Accordingly, we consider the explicit fermion masses in ing the Higgs boson, or understanding electroweak sym- the framework of an effective field theory valid over a metry breaking, will bring clarity about the origin of finite range of energies, to be supplanted at higher ener- fermion masses. This is because we do not know that gies by a theory that entails a different set of degrees of fermion masses are set on the electroweak scale. This freedom [147]. 13

Because the gauge symmetry is broken in a theory s M 2 ,M 2 ,M 2 , ≫ H W Z with explicit fermion masses mi, at lowest order in per- turbation theory, scattering amplitudes for the produc- 1 1/√8 1/√8 0 2 tion of pairs of longitudinally polarized gauge bosons GFMH 1/√8 3/4 1/4 0 (a0) −   . (4.2) in fermion-antifermion annihilations grow with c.m. en- → 4π√2 · 1/√8 1/4 3/4 0 ergy roughly as GFmiEcm. (In the standard electroweak  0 0 01/2    theory, this behavior is cancelled by the contribution   of direct-channel Higgs-boson exchange.) The resulting Requiring that the largest eigenvalue respect the partial- partial-wave amplitudes saturate partial-wave unitarity wave unitarity condition a0 1 yields | |≤ for the standard model with a Higgs mechanism at a 1/2 critical c.m. energy [146, 148, 149], 8π√2 MH 1 TeV (4.3) ≤ 3GF ! ≈ 4π√2 8πv2 √si = , (3.14) ≃ √3ηi GFmi √3ηi mi as a condition for perturbative unitarity. If the Higgs-boson mass respects the bound (4.3), weak where ηi = 1(3) for leptons (quarks). As usual, the pa- interactions remain weak at all energies, and perturba- rameter v sets the scale of electroweak symmetry break- tion theory is everywhere reliable. If the Higgs-boson ing. If the electron mass were hard, the critical energy mass exceeds 1 TeV, perturbation theory breaks down, as 9 ± would be √se 1.7 10 GeV; the corresponding energy weak interactions among W , Z, and H become strong ≈ × for the top quark is √st 3 TeV. The fact that a hard on the 1-TeV scale. This means that (within the standard electron mass would only≈ imply a saturation of partial- model) the features familiar in strong-interaction physics wave unitarity at a prodigiously high energy means that at GeV energies would characterize electroweak-boson while the behavior of σ(e+e− W +W −) shown in Fig- interactions at TeV energies. More generally, the im- ure 2 validates the gauge symmetry→ of the electroweak plication is that something new—a Higgs boson, strong theory, it does not establish that the theory is renormal- scattering, or other new physics—is to be found in elec- izable [146, 150]. troweak interactions at energies not much larger than 1 TeV. Tighter constraints—in the form of upper and lower bounds on the mass of the Higgs boson—follow from the IV. THE AGENT OF ELECTROWEAK demand that the electroweak theory be a consistent (and SYMMETRY BREAKING complete) quantum field theory, up to a specified energy scale Λ.2 For a light Higgs boson, the ttH¯ Yukawa cou- A. The significance of the 1-TeV scale pling introduces quantum corrections that may destabi- lize the Higgs potential (2.13) so that the electroweak vac- uum state characterized by (2.17) is no longer the state of The electroweak theory does not give a precise pre- minimum energy. The perturbative analysis is explained diction for the mass of the Higgs boson, but a thought carefully in [152]. For a specified value of the top-quark experiment leads through a unitarity argument [151] to mass, the requirement that the broken-symmetry vacuum a conditional upper bound on the Higgs-boson mass that of the electroweak theory be the absolute minimum of sets a key target for experiment. the (radiatively corrected) Higgs potential gives a lower ± 0 Consider two-body collisions among W . Z , and H. bound on the Higgs-boson mass. For a cutoff Λ = 1 TeV, It is straightforward to compute the scattering ampli- the lower bound is [153] tudes at high energies, and to make a partial-wave M decomposition, according to (s,t) = 16π (2J + M & 50.8 GeV+0.64(m 173.1 GeV), (4.4) M J H |Λ=1TeV t − 1)aJ (s)PJ (cos θ). Most channels “decouple,” in the sense that partial-wave amplitudes are small at all energiesP (ex- already surpassed by searches at LEP, while for Λ = cept very near particle poles, or at exponentially large MPlanck, the lower bound rises to energies), for any value of the Higgs boson mass MH . M & 134 GeV. (4.5) Four neutral channels are interesting: H |Λ=MPlanck Only noninteracting, or trivial, scalar field theories + − Z0Z0 HH W0 W0 HZ0 , (4.1) make sense on all energy scales. With restrictions, such √2 √2 theories can make sense up to a specified scale Λ at which new physics comes into play. By analyzing the where the subscript 0 denotes the longitudinal polar- ization states, and the factors of √2 account for iden- tical particle statistics. For these, the s-wave ampli- tudes are all asymptotically constant (i.e., well-behaved) 2 The substantial literature on this topic may be traced from the 2 and proportional to GFMH . In the high-energy limit state-of-the-art papers cited here. 14

2 12 χ ∆

10 Mar 09 G fitter SM 3σ 8

6 LEP exclusion at 95% CL

4 2σ Theory uncertainty Fit including theory errors 2 Fit excluding theory errors 1σ Tevatron exclusion at 95% CL 0 FIG. 10: Metastability region of the standard-model vac- 100 150 200 250 300 M [GeV] uum in the (MH ,mt) plane [158]. The hatched region at H left indicates the LEP lower bound, MH > 114.4 GeV. The 2 horizontal band shows the measured top-quark mass, mt = FIG. 11: ∆χ as a function of the Higgs-boson mass for the (173.1 1.3) GeV [106]. Gfitter complete fit, taking account of direct searches at LEP ± and the Tevatron. The solid (dashed) line gives the results when including (ignoring) theoretical errors. The minimum 2 2 ∆χ of the fit including theoretical errors is used for both Q -evolution of the running quartic coupling in (2.13), it curves to obtain the offset-corrected ∆χ2 [108]. is possible to establish an upper bound on the coupling, and hence on the Higgs-boson mass, at some reasonable scale accessible to experiment. A two-loop analysis leads B. Experimental constraints on the Higgs boson to the bounds [154]

We have seen in our discussion of evidence for the vir- MH . 180 GeV; (4.6) |Λ=MPlanck tual influence of the Higgs boson in IIIE that global M . 700 GeV. (4.7) § H |Λ=1TeV fits, made within the framework of the standard elec- troweak theory, favor a light Higgs boson, and exhibit The electroweak theory could in principle be self- some tension with direct searches. The LEP experi- consistent up to very high energies, provided that the ments, which focused on the e+e− HZ0 channel, → Higgs-boson mass lies in the interval 134 GeV . MH . set a lower bound on the standard-model Higgs-boson 180 GeV. If MH lies outside this band, new physics will mass of MH > 114.4GeV at 95% CL [117, 159]. The intervene at energies below the Planck (or unification) Tevatron experiments CDF and D0 also search for the scale. standard-model Higgs boson, examining a variety of pro- It is of considerable interest to use the techniques of duction channels and decay modes appropriate to dif- lattice field theory to explore nonperturbative aspects ferent Higgs-boson masses. The most recent combined of Higgs physics. What has been learned so far can be result excludes the range 160 GeV < MH < 170 GeV traced from [155, 156]. at 95% CL [118, 160]. See [161] for an overview of past An informative perspective on the lower bound (4.5) searches. can be gained by relaxing the requirement that the elec- The disjoint exclusion regions from LEP and the Teva- troweak vacuum correspond to the absolute minimum of tron make it somewhat complicated to specify the re- the Higgs potential. It is consistent with observations for maining mass ranges favored for the standard-model the ground state of the electroweak theory to be a false Higgs boson. A useful example is shown in Fig- (metastable) vacuum that has survived quantum fluctu- ure 11 [108]. In the Gfitter analysis, at 2σ-significance ( ations until now. The relevant constraint is then that the 95% CL), the standard-model Higgs-boson mass must lie≈ mean time to tunnel from our electroweak vacuum to a in the interval 113.8 GeV



electroweak symmetry breaking must show itself.

Supersymmetric extensions of the electroweak theory

entail considerable model-dependence, but yield high-

¼º½ quality fits to the precision data [162, 163, 164]. Bounds

inferred from searches for the lightest CP-even Higgs bo-

son h of the minimal supersymmetric standard model


À µ are somewhat less restrictive than for the standard-model Ê´ Higgs boson. The tension between fits that prefer light masses and direct searches that disfavor a light Higgs

boson is not present in the supersymmetric world. On ­­


the other hand, in its simplest form, the minimal su-

persymmetric standard model would be challenged if Mh

exceeded about 135 GeV. A thorough discussion appears ­


½¼¼ ½¿¼ ½¼ ¾¼¼ ¿¼¼ ¼¼ ¼¼

in 7.1 of [165]. A recent 25-parameter fit to the “phe- ½¼¼¼

℄ nomenological§ minimal supersymmetric standard model” À concludes that 117 GeV . Mh . 129 GeV [164]. If new strong dynamics—rather than a perturbatively FIG. 12: Branching fractions for prominent decay modes of coupled elementary scalar—hides the electroweak sym- the standard-model Higgs boson, from [170]. metry, then the mass of the composite stand-in for the Higgs boson can range up to several hundred GeV. The same is true for standard-model fits that allow an extra W +W − pair is generation of quarks and leptons [166, 167]. It is prudent that we plan to search for the agent G M 3 Γ(H W +W −)= F H (1 x)1/2(4 4x +3x2) , of electroweak symmetry breaking over the entire mass → 32π√2 − − range allowed by general arguments, and this is what (4.9) 2 2 the LHC experiments will do. As an illustration, we where x 4MW /MH . Similarly, the partial width for next consider some elements of a broad search for the decay into≡ a pair of Z0 bosons is standard-model Higgs boson. This is a point of depar- ture for more exotic searches. The search for the Higgs G M 3 Γ(H Z0Z0)= F H (1 x′)1/2(4 4x′ +3x′2) , boson is now the province of the proton accelerators. The → 64π√2 − − 2-TeV proton-antiproton Tevatron Collider is operating (4.10) now, its integrated luminosity having surpassed 6 fb−1, ′ 2 2 where x 4MZ/MH . The rates for decays into weak- and the 14-TeV Large Hadron Collider at CERN will pro- ≡ 3 boson pairs are asymptotically proportional to MH and vide high-luminosity proton-proton collisions beginning 1 3 2 MH , respectively. In the final factors of (4.9) and (4.10), in 2009. 2x2 and 2x′2, respectively, arise from decays into trans- versely polarized gauge bosons. The dominant decays for large MH are into pairs of longitudinally polarized weak C. Search for the standard-model Higgs boson bosons. Branching fractions for decay modes that may hold The search for the Higgs boson has been a principal promise for the detection of a Higgs boson are displayed goal of particle physics for many years, so theorists and in Figure 12. In addition to the ff¯ and V V modes that experimentalists have explored search strategies in great arise at tree level, the plot includes the γγ, Zγ, and two- detail. The techniques in use at the Tevatron may traced modes that proceed through loop diagrams. from [118], while the protocols foreseen for experiments The Higgs-boson total width is plotted as a func- at the Large Hadron Collider are detailed in the AT- tion of MH in Figure 13. Below the W -pair threshold, LAS [168] and CMS [169] performance documents. the standard-model Higgs boson is rather narrow, with Because the standard-model Higgs boson gives mass to Γ(H all) . 1 GeV. Far above the threshold for decay → the fermions and weak gauge bosons, it decays preferen- into gauge-boson pairs, the total width is proportional to 3 tially into the most massive states that are kinematically MH . As its mass increases toward 1 TeV, the Higgs bo- accessible. Decays H ff¯ into fermion pairs, where f son becomes highly unstable, with a perturbative width → occurs in Nc colors, proceed at a rate approaching its mass. It would therefore be observed as an enhanced rate, rather than a distinct resonance. 3/2 G m2 M 4m2 Cross sections for the principal reactions to be studied ¯ F f H f at the LHC are shown in Figure 14. The largest cross sec- Γ(H ff)= Nc 1 2 , (4.8) → 4π√2 · · − MH ! tion for Higgs production at both the LHC and the Teva- tron occurs in the reaction p±p H + anything, which 2 → which is proportional to Ncmf MH as the Higgs-boson proceeds by gluon fusion through heavy-quark loops. mass becomes large. The partial width for decay into a [The shoulder in that cross section near MH = 400 GeV 16

½¼¼¼ ing standard-model backgrounds. At higher masses, the

À ℄ Tevatron experiments have exploited good sensitivity to

½¼¼ the gg H W +W − reaction chain to set their exclu- sion limits→ [118→ ].

½¼ At the LHC, the multipurpose CMS and ATLAS detec- tors will make a comprehensive exploration of the Fermi

½ scale, with high sensitivity to the standard-model Higgs boson reaching to 1 TeV. Current projections suggest

that a few tens of fb−1 will suffice for a robust discov- ¼º½ ery [168, 169]. Once the Higgs boson is found, it will be of great inter- ¼º¼½ est to map its decay pattern, in order to characterize the

mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. It is by no


½¼¼ ½¿¼ ½¼ ¾¼¼ ¿¼¼ ¼¼ ¼¼

½¼¼¼ means guaranteed that the same agent hides electroweak

Å ℄ À symmetry and generates fermion mass. In the following IVD1, we shall see how chiral symmetry breaking in § FIG. 13: Total width of the standard-model Higgs boson vs. QCD could hide the electroweak symmetry without gen- mass, from [170]. erating fermion masses. Indeed, many extensions to the standard model significantly alter the decay pattern of the Higgs boson. In supersymmetric models, five Higgs bosons are expected, and the branching fractions of the lightest one may be very different from those presented in Figure 12 [172]. Precise determinations of Higgs-boson couplings is one of the strengths of the projected International Linear Col- lider [173, 174], but the LHC will supply crucial clues to the origin of fermion masses. For example, a Higgs-boson discovery in gluon fusion (gg H), signalled by the large production rate, would argue→ for a nonzero coupling of the Higgs boson to top quarks—an important qualita- tive conclusion. In time, and by comparing with other production and decay channels, it should be possible to constrain the Htt¯ coupling. With the LHC’s large data sets, it is plausible that Higgs-boson couplings can even- tually be measured at levels that test the standard model and provide interesting constraints on extensions to the FIG. 14: Higgs-boson production cross sections in pp colli- electroweak theory. sions at √s = 14 TeV, computed at next-to-leading order using the MRST parton distributions [171]; from [170] D. Alternatives to the Higgs mechanism reflects the behavior of the top-quark loop.] A fourth 1. How QCD would hide electroweak symmetry generation of heavy quarks would raise the gg H rate → significantly, increasing the sensitivity of searches at the An analogy between electroweak symmetry breaking Tevatron and LHC. and the superconducting phase transition led to the in- For small Higgs-boson masses, the dominant decay is sight of the Higgs mechanism. The macroscopic order pa- into b¯b pairs, but the reaction p±p H + anything fol- rameter of the Ginzburg-Landau phenomenology, which lowed by the decay H b¯b is swamped→ by QCD produc- corresponds to the wave function of superconducting tion of b¯b pairs. Consequently,→ experiments must rely on charge carriers, acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation rare decay modes (τ +τ − or γγ, for example) with lower value in the superconducting state. Within a supercon- backgrounds, or resort to different production mecha- ductor, the photon acquires a mass Mγ = ~/λL, where nisms for which specific reaction topologies reduce back- the London penetration depth, λL, characterizes the ex- grounds. Accordingly, the production of Higgs bosons clusion of magnetic flux by the Meissner effect. In the in association with electroweak gauge bosons is receiv- particle-physics counterpart, auxiliary scalars introduced ing close scrutiny at the Tevatron. The rare γγ chan- to hide the electroweak symmetry pick up a nonzero vac- nel is seen as an important target for LHC experiments, uum expectation value that gives rise to masses for the if the Higgs boson is light. Fine resolution of the elec- W ± and Z0. tromagnetic calorimenters is a prerequisite to overcom- A deeper look at superconductivity reveals an exam- 17

′ 2 ′2 2 ple of a gauge-symmetry-breaking mechanism that does boson Z = ( g + gb3)/ g + g obtains MZ = not rely on introducing an ad hoc order parameter. In (g2 + g′2)f 2/4.− TheA ratio, π p the microscopic Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory [175], 2 2 2 ′2 2 2 the order parameter arises dynamically, through the for- MZ /MW = (g + g )/g =1/cos θW , (4.14) mation of correlated states of elementary fermions, the where θ is the weak mixing parameter, reproduces the Cooper pairs of electrons. Part of the beauty of the BCS W standard-model result. The would-be massless pions dis- theory is that the only new ingredient required is in- appear from the physical spectrum, becoming the longi- sight. The elementary fermions—electrons—and gauge tudinal components of the weak gauge bosons. Here the interactions—QED—needed to generate the correlated symmetry breaking is dynamical and automatic; it can pairs are already present in the case of superconductivity. be traced, through spontaneous chiral symmetry break- This suggests that the electroweak symmetry might also ing and confinement, to the asymptotic freedom of QCD. be broken dynamically, without the need to introduce Electroweak symmetry breaking determined by pre- scalar fields. Indeed, can be existing dynamics stands in contrast to the standard elec- the source of electroweak symmetry breaking. troweak theory, in which spontaneous symmetry breaking Consider an SU(3) SU(2) U(1) theory of mass- c L Y results from the ad hoc choice of µ2 < 0 for the coefficient less up and down quarks.⊗ Because⊗ the strong interaction of the quadratic term in the Higgs potential. Despite the is strong and the is feeble, we structural similarity to the standard model, the chiral may treat the SU(2) U(1) interaction as a pertur- L Y symmetry breaking of QCD does not yield a satisfactory bation. For vanishing⊗ quark masses, QCD displays an theory of the weak interactions. The masses acquired exact SU(2) SU(2) chiral symmetry. At an energy L R by the intermediate bosons are 2 500 times smaller than scale Λ ,⊗the strong interactions become strong and QCD required for a successful low-energy phenomenology; the quark∼ condensates of the form W -boson mass is only [177] MW 30 MeV, because its scale is set by f . Moreover, QCD≈ does not give masses qq¯ uu¯ + dd¯ (4.11) π h i ≡ h i to the fermions: the up and down quark and the electron appear. The chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken to all remain massless. We have already remarked on the the familiar flavor symmetry, isospin: logical separation between electroweak symmetry break- ing and fermion mass generation in IIIG. § SU(2) SU(2) SU(2) , (4.12) L ⊗ R → V because the left-handed and right-handed quarks com- 2. If no Higgs mechanism shaped the world . . . municate through qq¯ = q¯RqL +q ¯LqR . Three Gold- stone bosons appear,h i oneh for each brokeni generator of Having recalled that QCD induces the breaking of elec- the original chiral invariance. These were identified by troweak symmetry through the formation of qq¯ con- Nambu [176] as three massless pions. densates, it is worth pausing for a moment toh aski how The broken generators are three axial currents whose different the world would have been, without a Higgs couplings to pions are measured by the pion decay con- mechanism or a substitute on the real-world electroweak stant fπ 92.4 MeV [49], which is measured by the scale [178]. Eliminating the Higgs mechanism does not charged-pion≈ lifetime. When we turn on the electroweak alter the strong interaction, so QCD would still confine interaction, the electroweak gauge symmetry is broken colored objects into hadrons. In particular, the gross fea- because the left-handed and right-handed quarks, now tures of derived from QCD—such as coupled through the qq¯ condensate, transform differ- masses—would be little changed if the up and down ently under SU(2) U(1)h i gauge transformations. The quark masses were set to zero. L ⊗ Y electroweak bosons couple to the axial currents and ac- In the real world, the small md > mu mass difference quire masses of order gfπ. The mass-squared matrix, overcomes the electromagnetic mass shift that would ren- ∼ der the proton heavier than the neutron, and results in 2 g 0 0 0 Mn Mp 1.293 MeV, so that the neutron is unstable 0 g2 0 0 f 2 − ≈ 2 = π , (4.13) to β decay and the proton is the lightest nucleus. This M  0 0 g2 gg′  4 contribution is absent if the quarks are massless. ′ ′2  0 0 gg g  However, the fact that electroweak symmetry is bro-   ken on the QCD scale means that the strength of the (where the rows and columns correspond to b1, b2, b3, and “weak” interactions would be similar to the strength of ) has the same structure as the mass-squared matrix for A the strong . The analogue of the Fermi con- gauge bosons in the standard electroweak theory. stant, GF, is enhanced by nearly seven orders of magni- Diagonalizing the matrix (4.13), we find that the pho- tude. This has many consequences, including the accel- ton, corresponding as in the standard model to the com- eration of β-decay rates and the amplification of weak- ′ 2 ′2 bination A = (g + g b3)/ g + g , emerges massless. interaction mass shifts that tend to make the neutron A ± Two charged gauge bosons, W = (b1 ib2)/√2, ac- outweigh the proton. Because the theory lacks a Higgs 2 p2 2 ∓ quire mass-squared MW = g fπ/4, and a neutral gauge boson, scattering among weak bosons becomes strongly 18 coupled on the hadronic scale, following the analysis we accounting for the quark and lepton masses, which re- reviewed in IV A. quires not only an understanding of electroweak sym- Should the§ proton be stable, or compound nuclei be metry breaking but also a theory of the Yukawa cou- produced and survive to late times in this alternate uni- plings that set the scale of fermion masses in the standard verse, the infinitesimal electron mass would compromise model. the integrity of matter. The Bohr radius of a would- To endow the quarks and leptons with mass, it is neces- be atom would be macroscopic (if not infinite), valence sary to embed technicolor in a larger extended technicolor bonding would have no meaning, and stable structures framework [143, 144, 145] containing degrees of free- would not form. In seeking the agent of electroweak sym- dom that communicate the broken electroweak symme- metry breaking, we hope to learn why the everyday world try to the (technicolor-singlet) standard-model fermions. is as we find it: why atoms and chemistry and stable Specific implementations of these ideas face phenomeno- structures can exist. logical challenges pertaining to flavor-changing neutral currents, the large top-quark mass, and precision elec- troweak measurements, but the idea of dynamical sym- 3. Dynamical symmetry breaking metry breaking remains an important alternative to the standard elementary scalar. For reviews and a summary The observation that QCD dynamically breaks elec- of recent developments, see [78, 79, 80, 181]. troweak symmetry (but at too low a scale) inspired the Other suggestive work in the area of dynamical sym- invention of analogous no-Higgs theories in which dynam- metry breaking also builds on the metaphor of the BCS ical symmetry breaking is accomplished by the formation theory of superconductivity, but attributes a special of a condensate of new fermions subject either to QCD role to quarks of the third generation or beyond. A itself, or to a new, asymptotically free, vectorial gauge in- rich line, based on the notion that a top-quark con- teraction (often called technicolor) that becomes strongly densate drives electroweak symmetry breaking, was ini- coupled at the TeV scale. tiated in [182, 183, 184]. The idea that condensation Within QCD, hypothetical exotic (color 6, 8, 10, ...) of a strongly coupled fourth generation of quarks could quarks would interact more strongly through than the trigger electroweak symmetry breaking is a lively area of normal color triplets, so the chiral-symmetry breaking contemporary research [185, 186]. in exotic quark sectors would occur at much larger mass scales than the standard chiral-symmetry break- ing we have just reviewed. If those mass scales were 4. Other mechanisms for electroweak symmetry breaking sufficiently high, exotic-quark condensates could break SU(2)L U(1)Y U(1)em dynamically and yield phe- Very informative surveys of new approaches to elec- nomenologically⊗ viable→ W ± and Z0 masses [179]. No troweak symmetry breaking are given in [187, 188]. exotic quarks have yet been detected, either by direct Much model building has occurred around the proposi- observation or in the evolution of the strong coupling tion that the Higgs boson is a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone constant, αs [180]. boson of a spontaneously broken approximate global Technicolor theories posit new technifermions that are symmetry, with the explicit breaking of this symmetry subject to a new technicolor interaction. The tech- collective in nature, that is, more than one coupling at nifermion condensates that dynamically break the elec- a time must be turned on for the symmetry to be bro- troweak symmetry produce masses for the W ± and Z0 ken. These “Little Higgs” theories feature weakly cou- bosons. Choosing the scale on which the technicolor in- pled new physics at the TeV scale [189, 190]. When teraction becomes strong so that the technipion decay supplemented with a new symmetry called T -parity, un- 2 constant is given by Fπ = GF√2 reproduces the gauge- der which new heavy particles are odd and standard- boson masses of the standard electroweak theory. Tech- model particles are even, the Little Higgs theories can nicolor shows how the generation of intermediate boson survive precision electroweak constraints and proffer a masses could arise without fundamental scalars or un- dark-matter candidate [191]. natural adjustments of parameters. By replacing the ele- New ways of thinking about electroweak symmetry mentary Higgs boson with an object that is composite on breaking arise when we contemplate the possibility that the electroweak scale, it also offers an elegant solution to spacetime has more than the canonical four dimensions. the naturalness problem of the standard model presented Among the possibilities are models without a physical in VB. Higgs scalar, in which electroweak symmetry is hidden However,§ simple technicolor does not explain the ori- by boundary conditions [192, 193, 194]. The unitar- gin of quark and lepton masses, because no Yukawa cou- ity violation (cf. IV A) that would other be present in plings are generated between Higgs fields and quarks or a theory without§ a Higgs boson is softened—deferred leptons. Consequently, technicolor serves as a reminder to energy scales well above 1 TeV—by the exchange that particle physics confronts two problems of mass: ex- of Ka luza [195]–Klein [196] (KK) excitations [197] of plaining the masses of the gauge bosons, which demands standard-model particles such as the W . In this case, an understanding of electroweak symmetry breaking; and the KK recurrences constitute the new physics on the 19

1-TeV scale required by the general argument. eters. As tokens for the coupling parameters of the three Suppose instead that the electroweak gauge theory is factors of the gauge group, we may choose the strong cou- itself formulated in more than four dimensions. From our pling constant αs, the fine structure constant αem, and 2 four-dimensional perspective, components of the gauge the weak mixing parameter sin θW. Two parameters fields along the supplemental directions will be seen are required to specify the shape of the Higgs potential as scalar fields with respect to the conventional four- (2.15). Then there are six quark masses and four param- dimensional coordinates [198, 199]. eters (three mixing angles and the CP-violating phase) of It is even conceivable that the electroweak phase tran- the CKM matrix (2.5). The charged leptons and (mas- sition is an emergent phenomenon arising from strong sive) neutrinos add six more mass parameters, three more dynamics among the weak gauge bosons [200]. If we take mixing angles, and one more CP-violating phase. Adding the mass of the Higgs boson to very large values (be- the (QCD) vacuum phase implicated in the strong CP yond 1 TeV in the Lagrangian of the electroweak theory), problem brings the total to 26. Two more CP-violating the scattering among gauge bosons becomes strong, in phases enter if the neutrinos are their own antiparticles— the sense that ππ scattering becomes strong on the GeV Majorana particles. At least 20 of these parameters are scale, as we saw in IV A. In that event, it is reason- related to the physics of flavor. § able to speculate that resonances form among pairs of The operational question, “What determines the gauge bosons, multiple production of gauge bosons be- masses and mixings of the quarks and leptons?” can comes commonplace, and that resonant behavior could be restated more evocatively, “What makes a top quark hold the key to understanding what hides the electroweak a top quark, an electron an electron, and a neutrino a symmetry. neutrino?” It is not enough to answer, “The Higgs mech- anism,” because the fermion masses are a very enigmatic element of the electroweak theory. Once the electroweak V. INCOMPLETENESS OF THE symmetry is hidden, the electroweak theory accommo- ELECTROWEAK THEORY dates fermion masses, but the values of the masses are set by the apparently arbitary couplings of the Higgs boson For all its successes, the electroweak theory leaves to the fermions (cf. Figure 9). Nothing in the electroweak many questions unanswered. It does not explain the neg- theory is ever going to prescribe those couplings. It is not ative coefficient µ2 < 0 of the quadratic term in (2.15) that the calculation is technically challenging; there is no required to hide the electroweak symmetry, and it merely calculation. Neutrino masses can be generated through accommodates, but does not predict, fermion masses and Yukawa couplings, and in new ways as well, because the mixings. The Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa framework neutrino may be its own antiparticle [201]. describes what we know of CP violation, but does not Within the standard electroweak theory, it is not explain its origin. The discovery of neutrino flavor mix- only the fermion masses, but also the mixing angles ing, with its implication that neutrinos have mass, calls that parametrize the mismatch between flavor eigen- for an extension of the electroweak theory set out in II. states and mass eigenstates, that are set by the Yukawa Moreover, an elementary Higgs sector is unstable against§ couplings. The family relationships captured in the large radiative corrections. A pervasive nonzero vacuum (Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa) quark mixing matrix are expectation value for the Higgs field implies a uniform displayed in the ternary plot in the left pane of Figure 15. energy density of the vacuum that seems incompatible The coordinates are given by the squares of the CKM ma- with observations. Neutrinos are the only dark-matter trix elements in each row of (3.8). The u-quark couples candidates within the standard model. They appear to mostly to d, c mostly to s, and t almost exclusively to b. contribute only a small share of the inferred dark-matter Our current knowledge of neutrino oscillations suggests energy density, and as relativistic (“hot”) dark matter, the flavor content of the neutrino mass eigenstates de- not the cold dark matter required for structure forma- picted in the right pane of Figure 15. The pattern is tion in the early Universe. The CP violation observed very different from that of the quark sector: the mass in the quark sector, in accord with the CKM paradigm, eigenstate ν3 consists of nearly equal parts of νµ and seems far too small to account for the excess of matter ντ , perhaps with a trace of νe, while ν2 contains simi- over in the Universe. lar amounts of νe, νµ, and ντ , and ν1 is rich in νe, with approximately equal minority parts of νµ and ντ . Here ν1 is the lighter of the solar pair, ν2 is its heavier solar A. The problem of identity partner, and ν3 lies either above (normal hierarchy) or below (inverted hierarchy) the solar pair in mass.

The structure of the SU(3)c SU(2)L U(1)Y stan- The exciting prospect is that quark and lepton masses, dard model is of quantum chromodynamics⊗ ⊗ and the elec- mixing angles, and subtle differences in the behavior of troweak theory, as we recalled it in II, can be written particles and their antiparticles put us in contact with down in a few lines. But to calculate§ physical processes physics beyond the standard model. One important step within the standard model—to apply the standard model toward understanding will be to ascertain whether the to the real world—we need to specify at least 26 param- Higgs boson is indeed the agent behind fermion mass. 20

the electroweak theory, then a natural reference scale 1/2 is the Planck mass, Λ MPlanck = (~c/GNewton) 1.2 1019 GeV. In a unified∼ theory of the strong, weak,≈ and× electromagnetic interactions, a natural scale is the unification scale, Λ U 1015 - 1016 GeV. Both esti- mates are very large∼ compared≈ to the electroweak scale, and so imply a very long range of integration. In order for the mass shifts induced by quantum cor- rections to remain modest, either something must limit the range of integration, or new physics must damp the integrand. The challenge of preserving widely separated FIG. 15: Left pane: d,s,b composition of the quark flavor electroweak and reference scales in the presence of quan- eigenstates d′ (red ), s′ (green ), b′ (violet tripod). Right △ ▽ tum corrections is known as the hierarchy problem. Un- pane: νe,νµ,ντ flavor content of the neutrino mass eigenstates 2 2 less we suppose that MH (Λ ) and the quantum correc- ν1,ν2,ν3. The green hexagons denote central values, neglect- tions are finely tuned to yield M 2 (p2) . (1 TeV)2, some ing CP violation in the lepton sector, and with the “small” H ◦ new physics—a new symmetry or new dynamics—must mixing angle taken as θ13 = 10 [202]. intervene at an energy of approximately 1 TeV to tame the integral in Eq. (5.1). Let us review the argument for the hierarchy prob- lem: The unitarity argument (cf. IV A) showed that new Another will be to determine whether the light neutrinos physics must be present on the 1-TeV§ scale, either in the are in fact their own antiparticles, as would be signaled form of a Higgs boson, or other new phenomena. But by the observation of neutrinoless double-β decay. Per- a low-mass Higgs boson is imperiled by quantum correc- haps we find it hard to decode the message in the fermion tions. New physics not far above the 1-TeV scale could masses and mixings because we are only seeing part of a bring the reference scale Λ low enough to mitigate the larger picture, and that it will take discovering the spec- threat. That is what happens in models of large [203, 204] trum of a new kind of matter—a fourth generation, or or warped [205, 206] extra dimensions [207], in which superpartners, or something entirely different—before it MPlanck is seen as a mirage, based on a mistaken ex- all begins to make sense. trapolation of Newton’s law of gravitation to very short distances, or a new cutoff emerges, set by the scale of the extra dimension. B. The problem of widely separated scales If the reference scale is indeed very large, then either various contributions to the Higgs-boson mass must be 1. The hierarchy problem precariously balanced or new physics must control the contribution of the integral in Eq. (5.1). It is important Beyond the classical approximation, scalar mass pa- to keep in mind that fine-tuning, perhaps guided by envi- rameters receive quantum corrections from loops that ronmental selection, might be the way of the world [208]. 1 However, experience teaches us to be alert for symmetries contain particles of spins J =0, 2 , and 1, symbolically or dynamics behind precise cancellations. M 2 (p2)= M 2 (Λ2)+ , A new symmetry, not present in the standard model, H H could resolve the hierarchy problem. Exploiting the fact that fermion loops contribute with an overall minus sign where Λ defines a reference scale at which the value of relative to boson loops (because of Fermi statistics), su- 2 MH is known. The dashed lines represent the Higgs bo- persymmetry [165, 172] balances the contributions of son, solid lines with arrows represent fermions and an- fermion and boson loops. In unbroken supersymmetry, tifermions, and wavy lines stand for gauge bosons. The the masses of bosons are degenerate with those of their quantum corrections that determine the running mass fermion counterparts, so the cancellation is exact. If su- lead potentially to divergences, persymmetry is present in our world, it must be broken.

2 The contribution of the integrals may still be acceptably Λ 2 2 2 2 2 2 small if the fermion-boson mass splittings ∆M are not MH (p )= MH (Λ )+ g dk + , (5.1) too large. The condition that g2∆M 2 be “small enough” C p2 · · · Z leads to the requirement that superpartner masses be less where g is the coupling constant of the theory, and the than about 1 TeV. It is provocative to note that, with coefficient is calculable in any particular theory. The superpartners at (1 TeV), the SU(3)c SU(2)L U(1) O ⊗ ⊗ Y loop integralsC appear to be quadratically divergent, Λ2. coupling constants run to a common value at a unifica- In the absence of new physics, the reference scale∝ Λ tion scale of about 1016 GeV [209]. would naturally be large. If the fundamental interac- Theories of dynamical symmetry breaking (cf. IVD3) tions are described by quantum chromodynamics and offer a second solution to the problem of the enormous§ 21 range of integration in (5.1). In technicolor models, the Higgs boson is composite, and its internal struc- ture comes into play on the scale of its binding, ΛTC (1 TeV). The integrand is damped, the effective range≃ ofO integration is cut off, and mass shifts are under control. A recurring hope among theorists has been the no- tion that the Higgs boson might be naturally light be- cause it is the pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone boson (pNGB) of some approximate global symmetry. “Little Higgs” models [189, 190, 191] introduce additional gauge bosons, vector-like quarks, and scalars on the TeV scale. These conspire, thanks to a global symmetry, to cancel the quadratic divergences in (5.1) that result from loops of standard-model particles and defer the hierarchy prob- 2 lem to about 10 TeV. In contrast to supersymmetry, FIG. 16: Relative contributions to ∆MH for a modest value the cancellations arise from loops containing particles of of the cutoff parameter, Λ = 5 TeV, in (5.1). the same spin. In “twin Higgs” models [210], the new states do not carry standard-model charges. The new physics at 10 TeV raises impediments to conventional C. The vacuum energy problem hopes for perturbative∼ unification of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. Gauge-Higgs unifica- tion models based on warped five-dimensional geometry The problem—why empty space incorporate the pNGB interpretation of the Higgs boson is so nearly massless—is one of the great mysteries of sci- and can exhibit logarithmic running of the gauge cou- ence [214, 215]. It is the reason why gravity has weighed plings that would support perturbative unification, as on the minds of electroweak theorists, despite the utterly explained carefully in [211]. negligible role that gravity plays in particle reactions. Recall that the gravitational attraction between an elec- tron and proton is forty-one orders of magnitude smaller than the electrostatic attraction at the same separation. 2. Tension between global fits and no new phenomena At the vacuum expectation value φ 0 of the Higgs field, the (position-independent) valueh ofi the Higgs po- A fine-tuning problem may be seen to arise even when tential is the scale Λ is not extremely large. What has been µ2v2 λ v4 called the “LEP Paradox” [212, 213] refers to a tension V ( φ†φ )= = | | < 0. (5.4) within the precise measurements of electroweak observ- 0 4 − 4 ables carried out at LEP and elsewhere. On the one Identifying M 2 = 2µ2, we see that the Higgs potential hand, the global fits summarized in Figure 6 point to a H contributes a uniform− vacuum energy density, light standard-model Higgs boson. On the other hand, a straightforward effective-operator analysis of possible M 2 v2 ̺ H . (5.5) beyond-the-standard-model contributions to the same H ≡ 8 observables gives no hint of any new physics—of the kind needed to resolve the hierarchy problem—below about From the perspective of general relativity, this amounts 4 5 TeV. to adding a cosmological constant, Λ = (8πGN/c )̺H , to Figure 16 shows that even with a cutoff Λ = 5 TeV, Einstein’s equation, where GN is Newton’s gravitational a careful balancing act is required to maintain a small constant [216, 217, 218]. Higgs-boson mass in the face of quantum corrections, Recent observations of the accelerating expansion of within the standard model, for which the Universe [219, 220] raise the intriguing possibility that the cosmological constant may be different from 2 zero, but the essential fact is that the observed vacuum GFΛ δM 2 = (6M 2 +3M 2 + M 2 12m2). (5.2) energy density must be very small indeed [157], H 4π2√2 W Z H − t −46 4 4 ̺vac . 10 GeV (a few meV) . (5.6) The chief cause for concern is the large contribution from ≈ − 1 the top-quark loop, Therein lies the puzzle: if we take v = (GF√2) 2 246 GeV and insert the current experimental lower≈ 3GF 2 2 2 2 bound [117] MH & 114.4 GeV into (5.5), we find that δMH mt Λ 0.075Λ . (5.3) t−loop ≈−π2√2 ≈− the Higgs field’s contribution to the vacuum energy den- sity is We are left to ask what enforces the balance, or how we 8 4 might be misreading the evidence. ̺H & 10 GeV , (5.7) 22 some 54 orders of magnitude larger than the upper bound Neutrinos are not, however, candidates for the cold dark inferred from the cosmological constant. This mismatch matter (nonrelativistic at the time of structure forma- has been a source of dull headaches for more than three tion) that is favored by scenarios for structure formation decades. in the Universe [222, 223, 224]. The problem is still more serious in a unified theory of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions, in which other (heavy!) Higgs fields have nonzero vacuum 2. Baryon asymmetry of the Universe expectation values that may give rise to still larger vac- uum energies. At a fundamental level, we can therefore Why does matter dominate over antimatter in the ob- conclude that a spontaneously broken gauge theory of servable Universe [225]? Observations indicate that the the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions—or density of antibaryons is negligible, whereas the average merely of the electroweak interactions—cannot be com- density of baryonic matter, characterized by the baryon- plete. The vacuum energy problem must be an important to-photon ratio clue. But to what? The tentative evidence for a nonzero cosmological con- nB n ¯ η − B = (6.14 0.25) 10−10. (5.8) stant recasts the problem in two important ways. First, ≡ nγ ± × instead of looking for a principle that would forbid a cos- mological constant, perhaps a symmetry principle that where nB, nB¯ , and nγ are respectively the baryon, an- would set it exactly to zero, we may be called upon to tibaryon, and photon number densities. Cosmological explain a tiny cosmological constant. Second, if the inter- observations, anchored by the WMAP measurements of pretation of the accelerating expansion in terms of dark the Doppler peaks of temperature fluctuations in the cos- energy is correct, we now have observational access to mic microwave background radiation [157], imply that some new stuff whose equation of state and other prop- the current normalized baryon energy density is erties we can try to measure. Maybe that will give us Ω =0.0456 0.0015, (5.9) the clues that we need to solve this old problem, and to B ± understand how it relates to the electroweak theory. from which one can infer

η = (6.22 0.19) 10−10. (5.10) D. Lacunae ± × Why is the ratio not zero? In an inflationary cosmology, The electroweak theory is unresponsive to some ques- conventional processes should produce equal numbers of tions that are inspired by observations of the Universe at and antibaryons. large. Three conditions are required to generate a baryon asymmetry out of neutral initial conditions [226]: (i) the existence of fundamental processes that violate baryon 1. Dark matter number; (ii) microscopic CP violation; and (iii) depar- ture from thermal equilibrium during the epoch in which The rotation curves of spiral galaxies and support- baryon-number violating processes were important. A ing evidence from the cosmic microwave background and clear and compact survey of our current understanding large-scale structure point to “dark matter” that makes of the of the Universe appears in [227]. up 25% of the Universe’s energy density [157]. An ap- How well does the electroweak theory respond? pealing interpretation is that the dark matter is com- The nonequilibrium condition is met by the expanding posed of one or more neutral relics from the early Uni- Universe. The electroweak theory does contain CP viola- verse. Within the standard model, the only candidates tion, in the CKM framework. At the level of perturbation are neutrinos, for which the weight of experimental and theory, the electroweak theory conserves baryon number observational evidences argues for masses smaller than B and lepton number L, but that is not the case in the about 1 eV. nonperturbative realm. Weak SU(2)L violate Using the calculated number density of 56 cm−3 for B and L, conserving B L, but have a negligibly small each ν andν ¯ flavor in the current universe, we can deduce effect at temperatures T −much lower than the electroweak the neutrino contribution to the mass density, expressed scale v 246 GeV. Their contributions to physical pro- 2 ≈ 2 2 in units of the critical density, as ρc 3H0 /8πGN = cesses are suppressed by the factor exp( 8π /g ) at zero 1.05h2 104 eV cm−3 =5.6 103 eV cm≡−3, where H is temperature, where g is the SU(2) gauge− coupling [228]. × × 0 L the Hubble parameter now, GN is Newton’s constant, For T & v, the tend to erase a pre-existing and I have taken the reduced Hubble constant to be baryon asymmetry of the Universe, and could under some h = 0.73 [221]. Neutrinos contribute a normalized en- conditions generate a significant baryon asymmetry. Our −3 ergy density Ων & (1.2, 2.2) 10 for the (normal, in- best assessment is that electroweak , within verted) spectrum, and no more× than 10% of critical den- the standard model, well falls short of explaining the ratio sity, should the lightest neutrino mass approach 1 eV. (5.10). Some new physics, beyond the standard model, is 23 required. A popular hypothesis is leptogenesis, in which However, we have seen in our discussion of the vac- the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is produced from uum energy problem (cf. VC) that the relationship a lepton asymmetry generated in the decays of a heavy of the electroweak theory to§ gravitation cannot be ig- [229, 230]. nored. The hierarchy problem (cf. VB) is acute, in part because the Planck scale is so distant§ from the elec- troweak scale. These connections, as well as the desire 3. Quantization of electric charge to understand why gravity is so much weaker than the SU(3) SU(2) U(1) interactions, motivate efforts c ⊗ L ⊗ Y The proton and electron charges balance to an aston- to integrate gravity with the standard model. When ishing degree [49]: imagining how this might be achieved, it is important to bear in mind that we have probed the electroweak −21 theory and QCD up to about 1 TeV, but we have tested Qp + Qe < 10 Qe . (5.11) | | | | the inverse-square law of gravity only down to distances If there were no connection between quarks and leptons, just shorter than 0.1 mm, corresponding to energies of since quarks make up the proton, then the balance of 10 milli-electron volts! the proton and electron charge would just be a remark- able coincidence, which seems an unsatisfying explana- tion. Some principle must relate the charges of the quarks VI. THE NEW ERA and the leptons. What is it? An appealing strategy is to assign quarks and leptons to extended families. This is The Tevatron is expected to operate through 2011, the approach of unified theories of the strong, weak, and producing a total of 10 fb−1 for analysis by the CDF electromagnetic interactions. It carries the implication and D0 collaborations. The experimenters are optimistic of interactions that transform quarks into leptons, which that a sample of that size will be sufficient—in the ab- has consequences for proton decay and baryogenesis. The sence of a signal—to set a 95% exclusion limit for the idea that quantum chromodynamics and the electroweak standard-model Higgs boson over the entire range cur- theory might be unified is made plausible by the fact rently favored by the global fits discussed in IVB. Bar- that both are gauge theories, with similar mathematical ring a breakthrough in analysis techniques, discovery§ of structure. the standard-model Higgs boson at 5-σ significance is Another encouragement to consider quark-lepton unifi- extremely unlikely at the Tevatron, unless the produc- cation comes from the electroweak theory itself. A world tion rate should be enhanced (for example, by a fourth governed by SU(2)L U(1)Y interactions and composed generation of quarks). At the interesting level of 3-σ only of quarks, or⊗ only of leptons, would be anoma- evidence, the situation is more promising. The experi- lous [17], in the technical sense that quantum correc- ments have quoted the odds of establishing “evidence” tions would break the gauge symmetry on which the the- at about one in three for 120 GeV . MH . 145 GeV, ory is based. In our left-handed world, an anomaly-free and better than one in two for MH . 116 GeV and electroweak theory is possible only if weak-isospin pairs 150 GeV . MH . 177 GeV [232]. At a minimum, we of color-triplet quarks accompany weak-isospin pairs of will know more about where the (standard-model) Higgs color-singlet leptons. For these reasons, it is nearly irre- boson is not by the time the LHC Higgs search begins in sistible to consider a unified theory that puts quarks and earnest. leptons into a single extended family. The parameters of the Large Hadron Collider are shaped by the imperative to make a thorough exploration of the 1-TeV scale, and so to elucidate the mechanism of 4. Absence of gravity electroweak symmetry breaking. But the LHC is a dis- covery machine, broadly understood, not limited to the The gravitational force is famously negligible in the search for the agent of electroweak symmetry breaking. realm of particle physics. In the language of Feynman See [233] for a general survey, and the ATLAS [168] and rules, dimensional analysis shows that the emission of a CMS [169] physics reports for the detector capabilities, graviton is suppressed by a factor with many specific illustrations.

⋆ E /MPlanck, (5.12) A. Electroweak questions for LHC experiments where E⋆ is a characteristic energy of the transition. 1/2 The Planck mass (MPlanck (~c/GNewton) 1.22 Will the new physics that we anticipate on the 1-TeV 1019 GeV) is a big number because≡ Newton’s constant≈ × is scale be a Higgs boson, in some guise, or new strong dy- small in the appropriate units. Except in special circum- namics? If a Higgs boson, will there be one, or several, stances, such as the excitation of many extra-dimensional and will it—or they—turn out to be elementary or com- modes [231], graviton emission need not be taken into ac- posite? Is the Higgs boson indeed light, as anticipated count in particle physics. by the global fits to electroweak precision measurements? 24

Does the Higgs boson give mass only to the electroweak To summarize, we have three indications for dramatic gauge bosons, or does it also endow the fermions with new developments on the TeV scale: the requirement for mass? Proceeding step by step, does the “H” couple to a Higgs boson or new dynamics, and the strong sugges- fermions (a large ttH¯ coupling might be inferred from its tions of new phenomena to solve the hierarchy problem production rate)? Are the branching fractions for decays and of particle dark matter. With the great discovery into fermion pairs in accord with the standard model? A reach of the LHC, many other possibilities are open, in- difficult follow-up question, should we find that the Higgs cluding new heavy fermions and new force particles. boson is responsible for fermion mass, is what determines the masses and mixings of the fermions? The Higgs boson(s) could couple to particles beyond C. How knowledge might accumulate those known in the standard model. Does the pattern of Higgs-boson decays imply new physics? Will unexpected How our understanding progresses in light of informa- or rare decays of the Higgs boson reveal new kinds of tion from the LHC depends, of course, on what Nature matter? If more than one, apparently elementary, Higgs has in store for us, and how our attention is attracted boson is found, will that be a sign for a supersymmetric this way or that in light of discoveries. However, the ex- generalization of the standard model, or for a different tensive studies carried out in preparation for the ATLAS sort of two-Higgs-doublet model? What stabilizes the and CMS experiments, and informed by the Tevatron ex- Higgs-boson mass below 1 TeV? How can a light Higgs perience, allow us to anticipate the sensitivity required boson coexist with the absence of signals for new phe- for various potential observations and discoveries. It is nomena? Is electroweak symmetry breaking an emergent implicit that understanding of the detectors progresses phenomenon connected with strong dynamics? Is elec- as data are accumulated [237, 238]. troweak symmetry breaking related to gravity through With an integrated luminosity of only 10 pb−1, the extra spacetime dimensions? experiments will begin to characterize event structure in If the new physics observed on the TeV scale is sug- the new energy regime, to measure jet and di-jet spectra, gestive of new strong dynamics, how can we diagnose the and to study J/ψ, Υ, and W ± production. Within the nature of the new dynamics? What takes the place of a first hundred days of stable running, at about 50 pb−1, Higgs boson? Z0 ℓ+ℓ− comes into view, and tt¯ pairs should be ob- served.→ This will be an important milestone, since top- quark events provide subtle training grounds for detector B. More new physics on the TeV scale? algorithms that will allow tops to be identified as physics objects, and represent a background that must be mas- The partial-wave unitarity argument reviewed in IV A tered for many new-physics searches. When the data set indicates that a thorough exploration of the TeV§ scale reaches approximately 100 pb−1, incisive measurements will produce important insights into the nature of elec- of standard-model parameters come into reach. troweak symmetry breaking. At a strongly suggestive A few early discoveries are possible for data sets of level, we have reason to expect additional new phenom- a few hundred pb−1 at √s = 14TeV: a Z′ repre- ena in this energy range. senting a new force of Nature, with mass up to ap- The large gap between the electroweak scale and the proximately 1 TeV, and light ( 500 GeV) squarks and unification scale or the Planck scale menaces the Higgs- gluinos that would give evidence≈ of supersymmetry. At boson mass with large quantum corrections that would about 1 fb−1, standard-model Higgs-boson physics opens lift it far above 1 TeV. If the required small mass of the up, first with discovery sensitivity for the channel H + − + − → Higgs boson is not stabilized by fine tuning, then new ZZ µ µ µ µ with MH 180 GeV. Establishing physics is needed on the TeV scale. Familiar examples a Higgs-boson→ signal at low mass≈ is more demanding: at −1 are supersymmetry, with a spectrum of superpartners be- MH 115 GeV, an integrated luminosity & 5 fb will ginning to appear on the TeV scale, and technicolor, with be required.≈ At that point, combined channels from the its own spectrum of new technipions and W +W − reso- experiments will cover the full allowed range of standard- nances. The common characteristic of solutions to the model Higgs-boson masses. hierarchy problem is that they lead naturally to the ex- When the LHC data set passes roughly 10 fb−1, a spin- pectation of new physics on the TeV scale. See [234, 235] 2 dilepton resonance characteristic of extra spacetime di- for insightful surveys of some new-physics signatures to mensions will be visible up to 1 TeV. An order of mag- be anticipated at the LHC. nitude more gives a discovery reach for leptoquarks up The evidence that cold dark matter is a significant to 1.5 GeV, and a sensitivity to a compositeness scale component of the energy-density budget of the Universe Λ∗ = 30 TeV. Integrated luminosity of 300 fb−1, rep- is an independent argument for new phenomena on the resenting approximately five years of LHC experimen- TeV scale. As with the hierarchy problem, the impli- tation, should suffice for the observation of TeV-scale cation is highly suggestive, but not inevitable: a few- W +W − resonances, and expand the discovery reach for hundred-GeV particle that couples with weak-interaction squarks and gluinos up to 2.5 TeV. strength could supply the missing mass [236]. Understanding advances not only by discovery of new 25

2 10 Prospects for the study of B, D and K decays are re- χ

∆ viewed in [239]. The lepton sector is taking on greater 9 3σ interest following the discovery of neutrino mixing and 8 the possibility that CP violation might be observable in 7 LHC prospective neutrino interactions [240]. Moreover, new searches for 6 CP ILC prospective charged-lepton flavor violation, and for violation in 5 Current constraint lepton dipole moments offer the possibility of dramatic

4 2σ discoveries [241]. Interpretations of new phenomena ob-

ILC with GigaZ prospective served at the LHC will be tested and refined by looking 3 All prospective scenarios use the improved value: for the virtual effects of the new particles in rare processes 2 (5) σ(∆α (M2)) = 7 10-5 had Z studied at low energies. The LHC experiments, including σ 1 Mar 09 1 LHCb, have their own role in flavor physics [242]. G fitter SM 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

MH [GeV] VII. SUMMARY FIG. 17: Gfitter constraints on the Higgs-boson mass ob- tained for four future scenarios. Parabolas in ∆χ2 are shown Over the past two decades, experiments have tested with their theoretical error bands. From wider to narrower: the gauge sector and the flavor sector of the electroweak present constraint, LHC expectation, ILC expectations ex- theory extensively, so that we may now regard the elec- cluding and including the Giga-Z option [108]. troweak theory as a law of nature—subject, of course, to revision in the light of new evidence. Much of the ex- perimental evidence was recounted in III. The body of phenomena, but also by improvement of precision. As evidence is both broad and deep, and while§ it leaves room one example, Figure 17 projects improvements in the for physics beyond the standard model, it also constrains global-fit constraints on the mass of the standard-model new physics in significant ways. Higgs boson in light of measurements to be carried out Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider will probe at the LHC, and measurements that might be made at the electroweak symmetry breaking sector on the 1-TeV the proposed International Linear Collider, a 500-GeV scale, where we may also hope to find pointers to physics electron-positron collider. Increasing the sample of Z- beyond the standard model. The clues in hand suggest bosons by two orders of magnitude with the so-called that the agent of electroweak symmetry breaking repre- Giga-Z option for a linear collider further sharpens the sents a novel operating on the constraint. [For surveys of the full ILC physics program, Fermi scale. We do not know what that force is. see [173, 174].] As was the case for the values of mt A leading possibility is that the agent of electroweak inferred before the discovery of top (cf. Figure 4), com- symmetry breaking is an elementary scalar, the Higgs parison of the global-fit constraints with the observed boson of the electroweak standard model. Global fits Higgs-boson mass will be an incisive test of the standard to electroweak measurements indicate that the standard- model. model Higgs boson should be found with a mass not much more than 200 GeV. An essential step toward under- standing the new force that shapes our world is, there- D. The Intensity Frontier fore, to search for the Higgs boson and to explore its properties. Historically, much of the motivation for the elec- We have seen in IIIE that different sensitive observ- troweak theory came from detailed measurements at low ables prefer different§ values for the Higgs-boson mass. energies, and such experiments have led the validation of We do not know whether that reflects an unexceptional the CKM structure of the charged-current weak interac- scatter or is a harbinger of physics beyond the standard tion and established the suppression of flavor-changing model. In any case, it is important to search for the neutral currents. The main imperative now is to explore Higgs boson over the complete range of a priori accept- the TeV scale, to establish the mechanism for electroweak able values, and the ATLAS and CMS experiments will symmetry breaking. That task will soon pass from the accomplish that. Tevatron to the Large Hadron Collider. Many interest- As we detailed in V, the standard model is incom- ing questions remain in flavor physics. The importance plete. It shows how the§ masses of the quarks and leptons of intensity-frontier experiments for reshaping our un- might arise, but does not predict their values. It does not derstanding of particle physics can be enhanced by their even give a qualitative understanding of why the quark- conversation with the LHC experiments that explore the mixing parameters are small and hierarchical, nor why TeV scale. the pattern of neutrino mixing should be so different. For New sensitivity can bring surprises. The FCNC exam- a provocative essay on one path to a more comprehensive ples we saw in IIIB show that there are good opportu- understanding, see [243]. nities for physics§ beyond the standard model to appear. The hierarchy problem seems to require a solution in 26 terms of dynamics or a symmetry—although fine tun- than we put in, and it raises new and significant ques- ing is a logical possibility. The vacuum energy problem tions. indicates that something essential is missing in our un- We are on the cusp of a new level of understanding, derstanding. These are problems within the electroweak with the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking vir- theory. Other shortcomings, including the absence of a tually certain to be revealed on the 1-TeV scale. At the dark-matter candidate, speak to the limited reach of the same time, the incompleteness of the electroweak theory electroweak theory. argues that we have much more to learn. Part of the high We can be confident that the origin of gauge-boson anticipation that attends the coming of the LHC is that masses will be understood on the TeV scale. We do not the experimental opportunities on the TeV scale involve know where we will decode the pattern of the Yukawa distinct problems that could well be related, and that couplings that set the fermion masses. However, can- might all be related through the electroweak theory. We didate solutions to the hierarchy problem entail new will soon know how robust the connections are. physics on the TeV scale, and the weakly-interacting- massive-particle (WIMP) solution to the dark-matter question suggests a mass in the few-hundred-GeV range. These hints suggest that, in addition to the electroweak- Acknowledgments symmetry-breaking physics we confidently expect to see at the LHC, there is every likelihood of more new phe- Fermilab is operated by the Fermi Research Alliance nomena. under contract no. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S. The electroweak theory is a remarkable achievement. Department of Energy. I thank Hans K¨uhn and Uli It gives a deeper understanding of two of the fundamen- Nierste for a stimulating environment in Karlsruhe and tal forces of nature—electromagnetism and the charged- acknowledge with pleasure the generous support of the current weak interaction—and adds the neutral-current Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. I am grateful to weak interaction to the mix. It accounts for a wide va- Luis Alvarez-Gaum´eand´ other members of the CERN riety of experimental measurements, and has survived Theory Group for their hospitality. I thank Gustavo Bur- many tests as a quantum field theory. It meets the most dman and Paddy Fox for perceptive comments on the important criteria for a good theory: we get more out manuscript.

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