
South Park Quiz: questions and answers

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1. Who are the creators of South Park?

Isaac Hayes and and April Stewart and

2. Which channel airs the TV series?

Comedy Central Fox

3. Where is South Park located?

Idaho Arizona Colorado

4. What are the names of the four main characters?

Stan, Daniel, Matt, Nigel Eric, Kyle, Trey, Randy Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny

5. Which of the boys is the lone Jew among the group?

Stan Kyle

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6. When was South Park premiered?

1998 1999 1997

7. Which character dies in almost every episode during the show's first five seasons?

Eric Kenny Timmy

8. What is the name of Mr.Garrison's lover?

Mr. Slave Mr. Macho Mr. Homo

9. What is the profession of Stan's father?

Teacher Geologist Lawyer

10. Who is the special guest of Christmas episodes?

Mr. Hanky Slash Morgan Freeman

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South Park Quiz: questions and answers

Right answers

1. Who are the creators of South Park? Trey Parker and Matt Stone 2. Which channel airs the TV series? 3. Where is South Park located? Colorado 4. What are the names of the four main characters? Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny 5. Which of the boys is the lone Jew among the group? Kyle 6. When was South Park premiered? 1997 7. Which character dies in almost every episode during the show's first five seasons? Kenny 8. What is the name of Mr.Garrison's lover? Mr. Slave 9. What is the profession of Stan's father? Geologist 10. Who is the special guest of Christmas episodes? Mr. Hanky

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