The Precursor alphabet is a substitution cipher written by Naughty Dog Inc. for use Precursor orb behind Jak on the cover: "One desti" (this could be either one.

Camera Control Right Analog Stick - Use the right analog stick to move around the game's camera freely. Click here to start a new topic. I don't know if this version of the barrels exist anywhere else. I checked your IP address, none of your edits were reverted, nor were you blocked, so you should be able to edit just fine. Where exactly is it? Good luck on your edits, if you still have problems then I'll check into it tomorrow. And I don't mind if you retrace the compass and put it on here, as long as it's correct. As Gol lives to the north, the boys look for a means of crossing the deadly Fire Canyon. Without moving the left analog stick, press L1 or R1 and the X button. Don't fall into the Dark Eco. You can make the camera zoom in by pressing up on the stick and you can make it zoom out by pressing down. I was able to find the E and I on this cover. Making their way through the lava tunnels leading to Gol and Maia's citadel, the boys run into Keira, who reveals that Samos has also been captured. Use your fireballs that you can shoot when you're powered by Yellow Eco to open up the steel crates. I can only see the 'E' and 'I', which cover has the others? However, they only manage to destroy its eco weapons. This works as sort of a triple jump and will help him jump a little further than by just using the double jump. This works well against enemies that you need to attack from above. Returning to their home of Sandover Village, they seek help from Samos. Then they return to Sandover Village and explore a neighboring jungle, a beach off the village's coast, and Misty Island which is accessible via speedboat after helping a local fisherman. There's also another conversation above regarding the alternate compass letters as well. Samos explains that only Gol Acheron, the Dark Sage, can reverse the transformation. Because of the PS2's status as a new console, Naughty Dog felt they had to create a unique character for it. begin their training in a nearby island called Geyser Rock, where they collect a few cells. You can't just change the letters on a supposedly accurate compass for convenience. This page already has a section that mentions, albeit briefly, alternate letterings, and we might as well use it to show them. I suppose there is no proof that they ever were early versions, but I go to Disneyland twice a year and I don't feel there's much of a correlation between the Indiana jones script and this one. One major hub is Sandover Village, home of the two protagonists: Jak , a silent year-old boy, and his best friend, Daxter Max Casella , a loudmouth who is transformed at the beginning of the game into a fictional hybrid of an otter and a weasel, called an ottsel. I think adding the alternate forms to the main image is a good idea, we'd just need to know what they look like first. Map Text Edit I've looked at my copy of the manual, and have found no Precursor writing whatsoever. See also: List of Jak and Daxter characters The game is set on a fictional planet incorporating fantasy elements, which consists of small and not very technologically advanced settlements, surrounded by varying environments and abandoned ruins. She builds the flying Zoomer vehicle that Jak and Daxter use multiple times throughout their adventure. Long Jump L1, X when running - This jump here will definitely come in handy in the game, especially if you're looking to get all Power Cells. But there's another cover with supposed "rows of Precursor text" that has both the E and I, but also with G and M. And to this day, it remains one of my favorite the genre has to offer, though it does feel a tad dated and can be slightly frustrating in some spots. But if you absolutely need to play Jak and Daxter on your PS4 and want it to look nice and shiny on that newly purchased QLED, then by all means, partake. Jak manages to kill it with an explosive device they found, but the resulting explosion sends Daxter into a pool of dark eco. You'll have to contact staff to recover your password though I think you can change your password by clicking the "Forgot password" link. What was your account name, just out of curiosity? Is it naive to think that if these modern Jak and Daxter downloads do well, we might see a franchise reboot? Tap it lightly for a quick and short jump and press it firmly and hold onto it for a longer jump.