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gomm9m College elcomes Supreme Court Justice IHarryBlackmun

Only a week after the November opportunity of having an open question presidential election, Supreme Court and answer period with a very candid Justice Harry Blackmun was at Hastings Justice Blackmun preceding his keynote assuring an audience of faculty, address. The students were able to students, federal and state judges, and explore pertinent issues including the members of the local Bar not to worry consequences of a new conservative too much if the Court changes direction majority on the Supreme Court and the with the election of a new president. status of Roe v. Wade, a decision Justice Blackmun, the 1988 Mathew Blackmun authored in 1973. 0. Tobriner Memorial Lecturer ad- The Mathew 0. Tobriner Memorial dressed the issue of "Trends and Lecture, established at Hastings in 1983, Countertrends" in the nation's Supreme has brought an array of legal scholars Court at the November 16th lecture. He and jurists to the College over the past stressed that the Court, over the last 200 six years including Dean Barbara years, had made innumerable changes Aronstein Black, Mr. Anthony Lewis, of direction, but that the Court has Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, continued to move as best it could Justice Laurence H. Tribe and Justice J. rhe Justice, who had just celebrated Skelly Wright. It is through the generos- his 80th birthday, spent two days at ity of the family and friends of Justice Hastings meeting with faculty, students Tobriner that this important lectureship and local judges. Students enrolled in continues at Hastings. Justice Blackmun meets with Hastings Constitutional Constitutional Law were given the rare Law students

Th~eRogqer,[f. Traynor Summer Researcb P-ro-)fessorship

Through the generosity of the family of in taxation led to major reforms in year's residence in England as the influence in a variety of fields, and the Justice Roger J. Traynor, Hastings has . In that period his pioneer visiting Sir Arthur Goodhart Professor of multitude of commentaries by others established a summer research profes- course in taxation also enlisted the Jurisprudence at Cambridge University. that his work has engendered, it is sorship, scheduled to commence in interest of students in that then novel During that decade he also served as particularly appropriate for Hastings to Summer 1990, for the exploration of subject. chairman of the American Bar Associa sponsor a summer professorship in the timely legal issues. The supporting fund His judicial service on the Supreme tion Committee on the Code of Judicial Traynor tradition. pro)vides for a stipend, travel expenses, Court of California spanned thirty years, Ethics. His own integrity was of a piece As Hastings Dean Tom Read housing, research assistance and from 1940 to 1970, during the last six of with his outstanding work as teacher comments, "The Roger J. Traynor databank rcference services. A primary which he served as Chief Justice. There- and jurist. When the ABA awarded him Summer Research Professorship on objective will be to help bring to after he resumed his teaching career for its Medal in 1967 "for conspicuous Timely Legal Issues is the first of its fruition the work of scholars already another productive decade, with a service to the cause of American kind at Hastings, and is clear evidence engaged in constructive studies. constant base at Hastings as a member jurisprudence," it cited him as "one of that the College is moving towards its center oi Justice Roger J. Traynor, who of the Sixty-Five Club. His many the great judges in rightful place as a major legal received his Ph.D. and J.D. from teaching assignments and lectures history," an accolade that has been the West Coast. The College and the University of Califomia-Berkeley, set an farther afield included extensive repeatedly echoed in legal journals and legal community in general owe a great example of such work as a young residence at the University of Virginia elsewhere. deal to the Traynor family for this professor at Boalt Hall. His early studies and the University of Utah, as wel as a Given Justice Traynor's significant marvelous program." 2

Board of Directors Update Professor Levine, New Associate New Members & Officers Academic Dean

Governor Deukmejian has recently Hastings, is a Justice of the Fifth District Professor David I. Levine has accepted to graduate from the University of appointed two new members to the Court of Appeal located in Fresno, the position of Associate Academic Pennsylvania Law School, where he was College's Board of Directors, Associate California. He was appointed to his Dean for the upcoming academic year. an editor of the law review and a legal Justice Marvin R. Baxter, and Associate current position in December of last He replaces Professor John Diamond writing instructor. Justice William R. Channell. year after having served as appointment who will return to a full teaching Before joining the Hastings faculty in secretary to Govemor Deukmejian since schedule after serving as Associate 1982, Professor Levine served as a law 1983. Before that he was in private Dean for the past two years. clerk in Louisiana to Judge Alvin B. practice in Fresno and also worked as A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the Rubin of the United States Court of Deputy District Attorney in Fresno County. University of Michigan in psychology Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and was Both Baxter and Channell, pending and history, Professor Levine also also an associate in the litigation Senate confirmation, have been studied at University College, University department of Morrison and Foerster in appointed to 12-year terms, slated to of on the London Exchange . He currently teaches end on March 1, 2001. They will fill Fellowship, researching in the area of Remedies and Civil Procedure. seats previously held by Harold S. developmental psychology. He went on Dobbs and Myron "Doc" Etienne whose terms ended on January 1, 1989. At its March quarterly meeting, the Board of Directors unanimously elected Hastings Trivia Bowl Mr. James K. Mahoney '66, as its new Chairman, and Ms. Charlene P. Mitchell as its Vice-Chairman. Mr. Mahoney was appointed to the Board in 1985 and immediately took Justice William R.Channell action as the Chair of the College Justice Channell, a 1949 graduate of Relations/Alumni-Development Hastings, is a Justice of the First District Committee, and as a member of the Court of Appeal located in San Finance and Property Committees. He Francisco's Civic Center, only one block has also served as a Trustee of the 1066 from the College. He was appointed to Foundation since 1984. A native of New his current position by Governor York, Mr. Mahoney now lives with his Deukmejian in 1984 after serving 15 family in Pacific Palisades, CA, and runs year as Superior Court Judge in Contra a private practice, Mahoney, Costa County. Prior to joining the Coppenrath & Williams, in Santa bench, Channel was in private practice Monica. in the East Bay and worked as Deputy Mr. Mahoney is known for his District Attorney in Alameda County. boundless enthusiasm and optimism for Justice Baxter, a 1966 graduate of the College. "Hastings has an inordinate number of strengths and with the extraordinary talent we have on our Board, faculty and administration I see us making tremendous progress on a multitude of issues." Ms. Mitchell, appointed to the Board in 1987, is the first woman graduate to Students pummeled professors again at this year's Trivia Bowl. Sponsored by the Hastings Volunteer Association and the College, this year's contest featured flag-waving and much partisan booing and serve on the Hastings Board of hissing. Moderated by Professor Howard Downs, faculty and student participantswere challenged Directors. She is presently in private with such questions as "What's the last name of Peg in the bookstore? and How many living alumni practice with the firm of Adams, Sadler does Hastings have?" & Hovis. She is also an active member of the Queen's Bench of San Francisco and served as its 1986 president. Before receiving her J.D. at Hastings, she was awarded a B.A. in English from U.C. Berkeley and an M.A. in English from the University of Montreal.

Justice Marvin R.Baxter 3

Senator Biden Visits Campus

Focusing on foreign policy issues foreign policy issues focusing on the simply because "Neil Kinnock hasn't," balance of power between the Soviet Delaware Senator Joseph R. Biden Union and the United States, the began his remarks to Hastings students emergence of Premier Gorbachev, and faculty by alluding to the contro- President Bush's arrival in Washington, versy surrounding his departure from and Biden's strong support for harsh the 1988 Presidential race. economic sanctions against South Senator Biden, presently Chairman of Africa. He ended his remarks with an the Judiciary Committee and 2nd open question and answer period for highest ranking Democrat on the students. Foreign Relation Committee, was Biden's lecture, and the lunch elected to the Senate at the age of 30, preceding, were made possible through only four years after graduating from the generosity of San Francisco devel- law school. "It was hard to believe that oper and democrat supporter Mr. Walter I was writing the same laws I never Shorenstein. Visits of this kind are understood in law school," mused integral to enhancing the quality of the Biden. legal education at Hastings. Senator Joseph Biden answers questions from Hastings students. The Senator commented primarily on

HSL Trust Claim Ends

As of March 15, 1989, the College eligible to apply. Of the over 1500 who and future students. year, a long-term low interest loan received 1501 inquiries concerning the have inquired, over half have returned * a $60,000 fund was made available program. $73,460 is currently available filing process for the HSL Trust. The completed claims. Edward R. Gray, Trust to the Financial Aid Office for students in both unendowed principal and process allows individuals to make a Administrator, estimates that as many as with high financial need (usually interest income from loan funds in the claim for an award. The HSL Trust was 1500 individuals will file claims before because of medical or dependent care HSL Trust. established in April 1988 to make the April 30, 1989 deadline. Awards for expenses). * approved the use of the Lisa available the scholarship and loan funds those found eligible will be made over * The James O'Neill Loan Fund was Pierpoint Fund of the HSL Trust ($9,561) which were used for the purchase of the the summer. established to make 0% interest loans for by the Library for the purchase of 'West Block" properties. Any individual In addition to collecting claims from the 1988-89 academic year to needy monographs or legal series in the fields who attended Hastings during the period alumni, the Trustees approved a number students from the county of Sacramento. of comparative, foreign, and September 1973 through April 1988 was of programs for the benefit of current * approved, for the 1989-90 academic international law.

golgalomm Three Join Faculty

Academic Dean Daniel Lathrope has Tashima, United States District Court, District Judge for the Northern District San Francisco, and before that he was a announced that the faculty has ap- Central District of California. In her first of California. He will teach Community law clerk for the Hon. Alfonso J. Zirpoli, proved three new full-time professors to year at Hastings, she will teach Evi- Property, Federal Jurisdiction and a United States District Judge, Northern begin this fall. dence, Wills and Trusts, and a seminar seminar on Relationships Amongst District of California. In his first year The three new faculty members are on Legal Reasoning and Rhetoric. Courts. here, he will be teaching Theories of Eileen A. Scallen, Evan Tsen Lee, and Lee, a 1985 graduate of Yale Law Marcus, a 1972 graduate of Boalt Procedures and Complex Litigation. Richard L. Marcus. School, is currently an Assistant Hall, spent the 1987/88 academic year Candidates for faculty positions must Scallen, a 1986 Magna Cum Laude Professor at the University of San Diego as a visiting professor at Hastings. He be approved by a 2/3 faculty vote graduate of Minnesota Law School, School of Law. Before joining the comes to the College from the Univer- before receiving an offer from the comes to Hastings from faculty at San Diego, he had been sity of Illinois College of Law where he College. The three new professors were where she has been in practice with working as an associate at Cooper, has been teaching since 1981. Before selected from a group of five finalists Latham & Watkins. Before going into White & Cooper in San Francisco, and going to the University of Illinois, he from an initial pool of nearly 20 private practice she spent a year prior to that as a law clerk to the Hon. was an associate and partner at applicants. clerking for the Hon. A. Wallace William H. Orrick, Jr., United States Dinkelspiel, Pelavin, Steefel & Leevit in 4


College Celebrates You'ye Come 1 1th Year

Perry Mason tried 245 cases and lost one, which he won on appeal. He never represented a guilty client or suborned perjury, he didn't chase ambulances or dog mass disasters like sorne ghoul with a business card. He made the district attorney look dumber than a box of rocks, and people - normal non- people - liked him. Perry was the high-water mark in the College UtrectorJan Lewennaupt and his s Claes '89accept the Hastings Medal of televised image of . The Achievement for their ancestor and College television lawyer these days is Michael founder S.C. Hastings. Kuzak, the moral mutant who, in a recent "L.A. Law" episode, tried to extort a favorable ruling by threatening to expose the judge as a homosexual. An estimated 40 million viewers caught that paragon of pettifoggery on February 23, according to the Nielsen overnight ratings. Which brings us to today's question; How does the televised image shape the public's perception of lawyers, iiosenoerg. already at a historical low? Charles Rosenberg, technical legal and friend A. Frank Bray. Hastings alumna and mystery writer Lia Matera On March 4 the College celebrated it's graduate advisor for "L.A. Law," offers a diplo- a day of Founder's Day offered a unique autographs her recent mystery Hidden Agenda 111th birthday this year with Marsha Cohen. matic answer. for Hastings graduates from for Professor activity beginning in the morning with opportunity "I think the public's image of lawyers far back as the class of 1926 to meet seminars by Hastings faculty on current as has been made more nuanced by a of 1991. Pro- issues and ending in the evening with a graduates from the Class show like 'L.A. Law,' Rosenberg said in Maier, Martinez and wine auction and dinner featuring fessors Hutton, an interview. "Whether it's better or on tax strategies for the celebrity auctioneer Betty White. Schwarz spoke worse is a rather difficult question to Sundby, Van The day also included the official 90's while Professors answer." Forrester, Schwartz and Sullivan investiture of Dean Read as Hastings Kessel, Rosenberg, a partner in the Los spoke on the changing face of the Cali- 14th dean and the awarding of the Angeles firm of Rosenberg and Chittum, and the U.S. premier S.C. Hastings Medals of fornia Supreme Court and three other attorneys attempted to to individuals who have Supreme Court. Achievement answer that question on March 4, All proceeds from Founder's Day played an integral role in the formation during a 90-minute panel discussion went to the Founder's Day Fund for and establishment of the College. Recip- held at Hastings. which provides ients of the medals were College-foun- Faculty Support, The occasion was Founder's Day, funding for scholarly research, publica- Sharing a laugh during the wine auction are der S.C. Hastings, Hastings Dean David Professor Steve Schwarz, Max Jamison, Hastings' 111th birthday and the official education of the E. Snodgrass, member of the Sixty-Five tion and continuing Cynthia K.Smith, and Jack Smith. installation of Frank T. Tom Read as Hastings faculty. Club Rollin Perkins, and Hastings Dean. (Read observed in his acceptance speech, "The power of a lawyer is at an California Chief Justic all-time high; the prestige...is at an all- Malo Lucas meets time low.") with Hastings faculty Joining Rosenberg on the panel were afer the Changing Face - of the Courts Seminar. John Osborn, author of several books, including the Paper Chase and The Associates, which were made into movies and/or TV programs, novelist John Martel, of Farella, Braun & Martel; and Hastings alumna Lia Matera, author of four mysteries about lawyers (including two set in a fictional scandal- Hastings Volunteer Association President Nancy Barron and 1066 Foundation President ridden law school located near San Steve Newton present Dean Read with a Francisco's Civic Center). Former Hastings academic hood during his investiture. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Grodin 5 ..s R-w-

A Long Way Perry

moderated. "Do people who write about lawyers "Have any of you thought about have an obligation to be accurate and writing about an appellate court?" realistic?' Grodin asked the four Grodin asked the panelists, firing off panelists. one of the afternoon's funnier lines. "I do feel some responsibility as a Lawyers have been a staple of lawyer, albeit a non-practicing lawyer, fictional drama going back at least to to keep my details realistic," Matera Shakespearean times, and as the said. "But it is all right to take dramatic panelists' own product demonstrates, license in order to make a broader some of the unkindest cuts of all have point." come from within the legal citadel. "I try very hard to be 100 percent For example, as Grodin pointed out, accurate in my books in the portrayal of the lawyers in Martel's book Partners how the system works when you're in commit horrendous crimes, including court," Martel said, adding that in one murdering their own clients. of his works, "I actually used scenes "You've just given away the plot," almost verbatim from the record of Martel cried, adding on a more serious cases that I've tried." note, "My characters are entirely Literary license may be taken in fictional. I hope no great harm has been characterization, however, he said. done to the already scarred image of "I draw a distinction between things our profession." that the lay person clearly perceives as The panelists agreed on one thing: fiction and things about which the lay the way lawy ers are portrayed in films person knows little," he said. "A lot of and on television is changing. people don't have contact with the "There's a demystification process system until they get called as a juror." going on," Osborn suggested. "We're "L.A. Law' is about 90 percent seeing lawyers in a different light." accurate," Rosenberg said. "In terms of According to the consensus, that's a the technical details, I think 'L.A. Law' good thing. for a television show, is pretty good. We "The writers of television and movies have occasional lapses, but not very these days think audiences are sort of many." Detective Drake seeks the help of everyone's friend Perry Mason. bored with non-flawed heroes and are When the dramatics of a scene looking for people wxho are more require a divergence from the ethical emotionally realistic," he said. "Perry norm, Rosenberg said he tries to Mason never really had to struggle with persuade the show's writers to let the his conscience because all of his clients audience know that what's being done pears." fiction. were not guilty, whereas the characters isn't quite kosher. Just how harmful is it when the "My feeling is that most people in on 'L.A. Law' have to struggle with a "A lot of professors use 'L.A. Law' in media fudge on their facts for the sake the United States are able to watch a lot of ethical difficulties. It portrays teaching ethics," he said, 'because a lot of a gaudier story line? television show or read a novel or go to lawyers in a more realistic light." of the situations are rather carefully Martel said there are documented a play and understand that it's a drama," But how realistic is the portrayal of balanced. The other comment I'd make cases where jurors have acquitted a he said. the legal profession itself? As the is that you can talk about the system criminal defendant despite hard On the other hand, people continue panelists acknowledged, law writers being accurately portrayed as it evidence of guilt because of a media- to press Robert Young for medical through the years have subjugated theoretically exists, but the reality may fostered misperception of the judicial advice. technical accuracy to plot development. be somewhat different. Lawyers tell me sy stem. by Susan Dianne Rice Mason's courtroom victories, for they do have ex parte contact." But Rosenberg credited audiences Reprinted Courtesy of the San Francisco example, inevitably caiie about whcii Osborn said he strove to ensure that with the ability to distinguish fact from Banner DailyJournal his masterful cross-examination elicited the legal details in his books wxere a surprise witness-stand confession. accurate. But, he added, critics who 'I've never seen anyone confess on demand accuracy from television are The Hastings Community would like to thank the witness stand myself," Rosenberg expecting too much. said. "It cannot be done," he said. the 1066 Foundation and a generous CLUB But on "L.A.Law," as Rosenberg "Television is a different medium. When member for their help in revolutionizing himself concedes, characters often do you're shooting 70 pages of dialogue in College publications by their recent donation things that would not be proper or seven working days and the scripts are of a complete Desktop Publishing system to permitted in real life, such as having ex being completed maybe a day before parte contacts with the judge or with an you shoot, reality just goes out the the College. opposing counsel's client. window. It's the first thing that disap- 6

wmwmwam CAd-%Ivm j 1066Announces New President at Black Tie Dinner

The 1066 Foundation introduced opportunity for many 1066 CLUB Stephen E. Newton of Los Angeles as its members and friends to meet with Dean new President of its Board of Trustees and Mrs. Read. Everyone enjoyed at its annual Black Tie Dinner Dance dancing to the music of the Royal held at San Francisco's Stanford Court Society Jazz Orchestra and mixing and Hotel in November. President Newton mingling with old and new friends. The was warmly welcomed by friends and evening was capped off with an supporters including newly elected First announcement by out-going President Vice President Fritz L. Duda, Second Jack Smith that he and his daughter, Vice President James K. Smith, Secretary Cynthia K. Smith '83, would match all of 0 Merle C. Chambers, and Treasurer the expenses of the evening with a Aletha R. Owens. donation to the Foundation. The The Black Tie extravaganza was proceeds of this very generous gift will again a success with well over 150 be used for Foundation projects in Newly-elected 1066 PresidentStephen E. Newton and his wife Cheryl enjoyed sharing an people attending. This was the first support of the College. evening with friends at this year's Black Tie Dinner and Dance.

Reunions are a Class Act! Hastings Fellowship Established

0 Members of eight classes returned to Mark Windham, '83. Preceding his Among the College's noteworthy ac- the basis of merit as determined by campus last October to remeimber the remarks, Edward Morris presented Dean comrplishments over the last two years undergraduate G.P.A., L.S.A.T. score and "good old days," and see and share the Read with a check for the Annual Fund has been the revitalization and expan- personal interviews. This March, a Hastings of today. The Classes of '38, from the Class of '53 and not to be out- sion of its scholarship program; last year selection committee representing '48, 68 and '78 gathered on Saturday, done, John Butler from the Class of '63 alone, Hastings students received over a faculty, alumni, and students inter- October 8th. Alumni went on campus presented Dean Read and Alumni quarter of a million dollars in privately viewed six Fellowship candidates from tours with current students and then Director Carol Bergmann with their very generated scholarships. While the around the nation. Of the six students joined fellow-classmates at receptions own green "Snodgrass" visors. majority of scholarships at the College interviewed the Committee selected two throughout the College. The day ended In addition, the Class of '58 held it's have historically been need, and need/ as Fellows. with class pictures and dinner. The reunion this past February with almost merit-based, Dean Read has imple- The College has established the Classes of '53, '63, '73 and '83 held their 50 people joining in the fun and mented a new scholarship for in- Serranus Clinton Hastings Fellowship as reunions on Saturday, October 22nd. reminiscing. coming students based solely on merit, a tribute to the dedication to the law Dean Read was on hand to welcome Fall 1989 Reunions are scheduled for the Serranus C. Hastings Fellowship. and the people of California that was all alumni back to campus and update the Classes of '39, '49, '59, '69 and '79 The Fellowship is designed to encour- the hallmark of the life of College them on Hastings. Representatives from for Saturday, October 14 and for the age the very best applicants to accept founder S.C. Hastings. "The Fellowship each class shared recollections and an- Classes of '54, '64, '74 and '84 for their offer of admission to Hastings and is the most distinguished award offered ecdotes from their days at Hastings. The Saturday, October 28. The Alumni to come to the College to continue the by the College, and has been offered to representatives were: Philip Adams, '38, Association will send out reminder tradition of high-quality legal education. two incoming students because of their Hon. Rudolph H. Michaels, '48, Edward notices to all members of these classes, Receipt of the Fellowship entitles an strong academic records and our A. Morris, '53, John R. Butler, '63, along with a listing of "lost" classmates in-coming student to a $5,000 stipend confidence in their ability to undertake William J. A. Weir, '68, Kristian D. to help make the rosters as complete as plus tuition and fees for three years of and complete the study of the law at Whitten, '73, Nicholas Heldt, '78 and possible for the final invitations. study; the Fellowships are awarded Hastings with great distinction," said prior to enrollment to top applicants on Dean Read.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE HASTINGS COMMUNITY Alumni PresidentKris HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW Editor: Bob Irwin Whitten and San UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA Design and Printing: FranciscoChapter Chair James E. Mahoney, Chairman TC Graphics, San Francisco Stu Bronstein lent a hand Ralph Santiago Abascal The Hastings Community is and sufficient elbow Hon. Marvin R. Baxter published three times a year for grease to this year's Hon. William R. Channell alumni and friends of the College. "Sundae on Tuesday" for Joseph W. Cotchett Material for publication and McAllister Tower John T. Knox correspondence is always welcomed residents. Jan Lewenhaupt and should be addressed to the Kneeland Lobner Editor at 200 McAllister Street, San Charlene Padovani Mitchell Francisco, CA 94102. John A. Sproul Synchronized Scooping 7

Facul,,tty No te-s

Professor Joseph Grodin's book In Pursuit of School in Connecticut inApril. the fall, with screening anticipated in 1990. planning and on "The Role of Women and Justice: Reflections of a State Supreme Court Professor Rudolf B.Schlesinger was Professor Tierney's book, Darrow: ABiography, Abortion inBiblical Law" in honor of the 16th Justice will be published this July by University interviewed by the Editor of the Harvard gave the producers the idea for the motion anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Inaddition, she will of California Press. The book chronicles International Law Journal. The interview, which picture. be the keynote speaker at the Canadian Grodin's experiences on the California Supreme dealt with the history and present status of Professor William Wang recently published government's national Youth Center Court and his re-election campaign. Italso international legal studies inthe United States "Some Thoughts on Litwin v. Allen" inthe fall Conference on "Drug Abuse, Prostitution and includes an introduction written by Supreme was published inthe current, Spring 1988 issue 1988 issue of The Red Herring, the newsletter Suicide" next Fall in Montreal. Court Justice William Brennan. of the Harvard International Law Journal of the Section on Business Associations of the Professor Vivian Wilson recently returned During the Spring recess, Professor Grodin Professor Louis B. Schwartz was a Association of American Law Schools. from a two-week intensive study mission in travelled to Brazil under the auspices of the participant inthe U.C. Berkeley Conference on Professor D. Kelly Weisberg is currently Israel Sponsored by American Professors for United States Information Agency to provide "Antitrust, Innovation, and Competitiveness," completing a book, Child, Family and State: Peace in the Middle East. The group of 14 information regarding the American experience along with leading national academic and Cases and Materials on Children and the Law professors concentrated upon two issues, the with state constitutions and especially with the business figures. He was also a participant in with co-author Robert H. Mnookin of Stanford recent Israeli elections and the Arab-Israel initiative and referendum processes. Last year, The Urban Land Institute - Panel on University (2d ed., Little, Brown &Co.) conflict as expressed by the "Intifada." The Brazil adopted a new federal constitution which Restructuring of Supermarket Retailing on the Publication is scheduled for August. One of her group met with prominent Israeli academics and appears to provide greater state autonomy, and West Coast where he spoke on antitrust previous books, Children of the Night: AStudy spoke with members of the Knesset. its state legislatures are inthe process of considerations in recent mergers in the of Adolescent Prostitution,was featured in a Professor Keith Wingate was elected drafting constitutions for the respective states. supermarket field. This was at the Nov. 4, 1988 presentation at the winter meeting of the Chair-Elect of the Section on Minority Groups of Professor Grodin visited four state capitols and session of the Institute's annual meeting. Fritz American Association of Law Libraries. She the Association of American Law Schools. He is spoke to audiences of legislatures, judges, Duda, Hastings '64, Dallas real estate recently gave several speeches to local a member of the Section's Executive Board this lawyers, and others. developer, was convener, and Harry community groups, including talks on estate year and will serve as Chair next year. Professors Mary Kay Kane and David I. Sunderland, Hastings '61, chief financial officer Levine have recently contracted with West of Safeways Stores, also participated. Publishing Company to produce Civil Professor Schwartz is one of a group of Procedure in California-Stateand Federal. It academics coming to the defense of the In Memoriam is scheduled for publication inthe fall of 1989. insurance initiative approved by California Duke J. Armstrong '76 Hon. John E.Gabrielli '49 Henry Sanders Mims '74 Professor David J. Jung made a Voters at the last election. The insurance George 0. Bahrs '23 John D.George '61 Henry W. Ott'38 presentation on "Liability of Local Governments companies have attacked the proposition as James Daniel Broyles '64 Stanton W.Gill '48 Kirk E.Peteron '87 for Earthquake Hazards and Losses" at a unconstitutional. Ralph Nader, sponsor of Clifford J. Budd '43 Stanley C.Gould, Jr. '42 Grayson LaVerne Price '32 workshop sponsored by the Association of Bay Proposition 103, retained Joseph W. Cotchett, Marvin F. Cooper '62 Archie Hefner '49 Lionel A. Rodgers, Jr. '67 Area Governments (ABAG). The workshop member of Hastings Board of Directors, with Walter G.Crow '28 John A. Hodges '23 Jack C. Small '43 Kennedy Smith '74 coincided with the release of a report on the whom Professor Schwartz is associated. William J. Crowell, Sr. '37 J. Albert Hutchinson '31 J. Durney '46 Stanley A.Levin '35 Franklin N. Smith '40 subject by ABAG for which Professor Jung Professor Kevin Tierney is a script James consultant on the American Playhouse funded Robert D. Ellis '67 Edward P. McAleer '50 Robert A.Trinchero '85 served on the review committee. H. Arnold Evans '34 Richard P. MacNulty '37 G.Byron Whealen '52 Dean Frank T. Read chaired an ABA/AALS production of the film biography of Clarence accreditation inspection of the Bridgeport Law Darrow. The shooting of the movie will begin in

professor at McGeorge School of Law, teaching Connor, Green &Sprague inSan Francisco. Warren 1930' 1940's banking and consumer finance. Wilbur F.Littlefield, B.Wilson, while continuing to practice inOakland, 32 42 Los Angeles County Public Defender, celebrated the reports that his prime focus is inthe role of CEO of Melvin B.Gross suffered a stroke which retired him Melvyn C.Friendly reports that he is taking courses 75th Anniversary of the founding of the Public Thomas Bros. Maps, as itswitches its technology to from active practice in1973. He continued to at Portland (OR) Community College under the Defender's Office, the nation 's first and oldest office computer mapping. practice out of his home inPalo Alto, but is now special "Senior Citizen" status, showing that even at of its kind, January, 1989. John L.Stennett is in 52 completely retired. age 72 "you are never to old to learn." John A. partnership in San Diego with his son, John P. Hon. Edward H.Chidlaw was unanimously elected 33 "Jack" White issemi-retired, and isco - owner of Stennett ('76). Presiding Judge of the San Luis Obispo County Hon. Francis L. McCarty, Ret., isdoing arbitrations "Teton Pines" resort inJackson, Wyoming. Municipal Court. and on occasion sits pro-tem on the Court of Appeal 43 1950's 55 inSan Francisco. Hon. Harold S.Sawyer retired from Congress in 50 Hon. William Curtis was elected Presiding Judge of 36 1985 and returned as senior partner inhis in William R.Holcomb is running for re-election as the Monterey County Municipal Court for 1989. David L.Samuels reports that he is still reading law, Grand Rapids, MI,which now has grown to 102 Mayor of San Bernardino. The election is May 2, Arthur M.Schaffer recently retired from the faculty but not getting paid for it! lawyers! 1989. 0. Robert Thorn has retired from active of Western State University College of Law. Harold 37 48 practice but will remain "of counsel" to his son 's law A.Stone received the California Alumni Citation Romolo L. Ariani isassociated with the First Douglas E.Wilson has been incontinuous private firm inSan Diego, as well as teach constitutional law award inrecognition of his volunteer service for UC National of Daly City, CA, where he isserving practice inStockton since August 1, 1949. He has at a local university. Berkeley. Bruce D.Wagner just completed three his 18th year as Board Chairman. Allan Gillies shared his practice since June 1,1983 with his son, 51 years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of reports that there is a small grove of avocado and Kent L. Wilson. John B.Clausen continues "of counsel" at Thiessen, Woodside Priory School, Portola Valley, CA. macadamia trees and a view of the golf club by his 49 Gagen &McCoy inDanville, CA, following his 58 home inPoway, CA, but he still has the desire to Daniel W.Baker dissolved Handler, Baker, Greene retirement as Contra Costa County Counsel. He also Robert E.Carlson was elected President of the Los read law texts. &Taylor and its San Francisco office and joined continues as a director of the Central Sanitary Angeles County Bar Foundation for 88-89. Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos &Rudy. Philip M. District. Harold R. Densmore is city attorney for 59 Knox, Jr. isof counsel, Greve, Clifford, Diepenbrock both Newman and Patterson, CA. Joseph Jedeikin Edward A.Weiss continues his private practice in &Paras inSacramento and is also an adjunct announced the new partnership of his firm, Jedeikin, Continued on page 8 8

Presiding Judge, Stanislaus County Superior Court and may return to practice law, intime. John F. use, power development, labor law and civil litigation. Class Notes for 1988-89. Hon. Lenard Louie was elevated to the Staley of Pleasanton, CA, was elected to the Board Ann McFarland Draper has re-located her office to Continued from page 7 San Francisco Superior Court, December 1988. of Directors of Xscribe Corp. Howard K. Watkins is Union St. inSan Francisco and also does computer Gordon McClintock formed the six attorney San the Senior Deputy County Counsel inFresno, CA and and automation consulting. She is also author of the Mateo, CA firm of McClintock &Quadros on July 1, has been elected to the Fresno County Bar 500-page technical book Mastering Samna. Walnut Creek, CA and has been reelected to the Michael M.Fleming became the owner of Seattle's of Kuhio Shores Home Assn. 1988, specializing incivil litigation. Leo H. Association Board of Directors. Steven Wolan Board and as an officer that his firm of Patton (Roger Patton largest downtown childcare center, caring for 70 Hawaii, site of their second and future (soon?) Schuering has been named managing partner of the announced in '71), Wolan &Boxer, has re-located to Oakland. children between six weeks to six years old, with 49 retirement home. Sacramento firm of Weintraub, Genshlea, Hardy, Eric &Brown, and was voted into the 1989 edition of Best 73 of the parents being lawyers, July 1988. Stuart I. 1960's Lawyers inAmerica. Hon. William H. Stephens was Sandra Blair has been elected President-Elect of the Folinsky has been certified as a specialist in elected judge of the Marin County Superior Court, Association of Family Law Specialists. She also immigration and naturalization law by the California 60 testified before the California Assembly Judiciary Bar. James Burke Gildea is the Chief of Mission continues his business and June 1988. Melvyn Tennenbaum was promoted to Willard W.McEwen, Jr. Chief, Branch and Area Offices Bureau of Committee, regarding new Family Law legislation. Intergovernmental Committee for Migration, a inSanta Barbara, CA, and is Division estate planning practice the LA County PD s Office, November 1988. John C. Bost co-authored the textbook, West's Geneva-based organization concerned with refugees a part-time U.S. Magistrate. 68 Federal Tax Research, and isan Associate Professor and other immigrants. John J. Giovannone is a 61 of at San Diego State University, and is a CA Certified partner inthe Newport Beach, CA office of Sheppard, services to Paul N. Daigle was elected senior partner Thomas M.Griffin specializes inlegal the 150-lawyer firm Tax Specialist. Carole Brill was awarded the Loren Mullin, Richter &Hampton, specializing incorporate, county offices of education at his Schwabe, Williamson &Wyatt, school districts and with offices inPortland, OR, Seattle, WA and Miller Award by the California State Bar. John securities, commodities and high technology law. firm Girard and Griffin inSacramento. Hon. Edward Rogers Burk withdrew from Packard, Packard, Robert J. Goetzinger has obtained certification as a A. Hinz, Jr. was re-elected to his third six-year term Washington, DC. They specialize inadmiralty law and Paul is the head of the firm's Seattle office. Bennion &Burk inPalo Alto and opened his own Family Law Specialist. Steven H. Gurnee is Superior Court Judge, November as a Los Angeles Richard P. Inlander iscompleting his 21st year as a office inRoseville, CA, January 1989. Michael G. specializing ininsurance defense and general civil 88. Research Attorney with the CA Court of Appeal, and Desmarais has been appointed to the Estate litigation as a partner of Bolling, Walter &Gawthrop in 62 Hon. Robert C. Planning, Trust &Probate Law Section at Hoge, Sacramento. Joel Evan Marsh will have his study of Kornfield, Paul &Bupp in is the senior employee of that court. Aaron Paul has formed the 1988 Contra Costa Trial Fenton, Jones &Appel inSan Jose. James Richard the Aegean maritime boundary dispute between specializing inall aspects of McGrath was named Oakland, CA, Judge of the Year by the Alameda-Contra Costa Dunworth isworking as a Panama Canal pilot. He Greece and Turkey published by the Turkish Foreign bankruptcy. County Trial Lawyers Association. John R.O'Brien planned to take the February Bar Exam inNH to Policy Institute. This study is a product of his 1987 63 return to law practice inVT or NH. David Michael Fulbright semester at Ankara University's Department was named "Lawyer of the Year" is the managing partner of the 14-attorney Santa William D. Gibbs Watters, Davis, Malisch & Galie, after 13 years as a Deputy Attorney General, of Political Science. The International Herald Tribune County Lawyers Club, February Rosa, CA firm of O'Brien, by the Alameda Piasta. Mark L.Tuft has been appointed chair of the formed a partnership with Kenneth L. Freeman, published a shorter piece by Joel on this subject in 1989. John S. Oda has been appointed C. Wood is specializing inhealth care law, professional licensing, April 1988. Billie A. Rosen is the Chairperson of Workers' Compensation BASF Legal Ethics Committee. Thomas Commissioner of the a year as the president of the State City peer review and disciplinary matters in San the Arizona State Bar Public Lawyers Section. Hon. Appeals Board, January 1989. Hon. Norman D. serving Attorneys Association of the League of California Francisco. Hon. Ancer Lee Haggerty was Renard F. Shepard was appointed to the Municipal Shumway iscurrently serving his sixth term as U.S. appointed a District Court Judge by Governor Neil Court inSacramento, October 1988. John L. B. Representative from Stockton. Cities. 69 Goldschmidt of OR, 1/3/89. John M.Kaheny was Smith is a partner at Baker, Manock &Jensen in 64 a partnership with promoted to Colonel, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, Fresno, CA, practicing inbusiness litigation and P. Dobel has been named a senior vice Brian S. Braff has established Steven Barry Levin inWestwood, CA, specializing incriminal July 1988. Sharon Levitt is an associate with the representation of water districts. Paul S. Wilcox has president at Bank, San Francisco. Hon. Orange County firm of Nezin, Maher, Johnson & joined Hughes, Thorsness, Gantz, Powell &Brundin, has been appointed to the law. Milton E.Franke has been appointed General Thomas N. Thrasher Corp., which is involved intourism Oakley, specializing inworker's compensation the largest and one of the oldest firms inAK, and will Superior Court. Counsel of BABA Orange County inJapan and Guam, and includes operating the defense. Edward R.Litwin is certified as an emphasize representing management inlabor and 65 Atlantis tourist submarine. Patrick J. Mahoney is Immigration &Naturalization Law Specialist, with employment law. Hon. Lawrence G.Antolini isthe Presiding Judge of offices inSan Francisco and San Jose. Jackson E. 76 County Superior Court for 1989. the head of the securities litigation group at Cooley the Sonoma Godward inSan Francisco. Robert J. Radway is Morrison is now working for Alpine Insurance Mgmt., Hon. Patricia A. Bennett was appointed Richard C. Chier iswriting a book on high profile an insurance management and program Administrative Law Judge at the CA Public Utilities specializing inwhite collar crime. teaching inAsia and the first half of 1989. criminal cases, appointed to the development company inEureka, CA. Michael Commission, July 1988. Hon. Stephen Douglas Lois Haight Herrington has returned to CA after Hon. Samuel S. Stevens was Santa Cruz County Superior Court, January 1989. Obrand resigned as vice-president and general Bradbury was re-elected with no opposition to the serving inthe Reagan Administration for eight years counsel of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Lassen County Judicial District. Thomas S. Byrnes invarious capacities. Robert L.Mills has been a Co., and re-located family and practice to Telluride, has produced one feature film and is readying three comedy writer for Bob Hope since 1976. 1970s 71 CO, where he is starring as left wing for the Telluride more projects for production. He isalso partners with 66 Lizard Heads hockey club. Hon. John K.Pearson Harris Tulchin ('78), and they practice entertainment Robert W.Bartlett, II left the San Francisco James R. Arnold has joined the environmental group of the San Francisco office of Pettit &Martin. recently published "Drafting Bankruptcy and civil litigation with one associate in Beverly Hills, Chronicle in1985 and now lives in Idaho, where he Reorganization Plans" and "Kansas Bar Secured CA. Ralph Cingcon is inprivate practice in has a struggling solo practice, but enjoys itmuch He previously practiced with Graham &James in its environmental group, and with the U.S. Department Transaction Handbook." Both are selling well! Gary Stockton, emphasizing criminal defense and personal more that being a reporter. Hon. Marvin Baxter was D.Samson was elected Secretary of the Commercial injury. R.Joseph Cingcon enjoys living inSpain confirmed as Associate Justice, 5th District Court of of Justice. Col. Dennis F.Coupe is the Director, National Security Legal Issues, at the U. S. Army War Law and Bankruptcy Section of the Los Angeles and working inhigh-profile international business as Appeal on December 2, 1988, after serving as the County Bar Association and as a member of the manager for the #1 ranked pro golfer inthe world, his Governor's Appointment's Secretary since 1983. College inCarlisle, PA. Leland M.Edman is Chairman of the Departments of Public Safety and management committee of the LA firm of Gendel, golf course design company, "Trajectory," and other William M.Bush started his own family law practice Raskoff, Shapiro &Quittner. Michael T.Solomon is activities, including media production, etc. Michael inFullerton, CA on January 1, 1989. Hon. Administration of Justice at Fresno City College. Daniel G.Farthing isSenior Counsel, Bank of Vice President and General Counsel for MTS, Devereaux has been the Vice-President-Legal Christopher C.Cottle was appointed an Associate Incorporated, d.b.a. Tower Records/Video, Books, Counsel-Assistant Secretary for the past 1-1/2 years Justice for the 6th District Court of Appeal, America Legal Department, San Francisco. Hon. was elected a Justice court Gallery, inWest Sacramento, CA. at American Savings inStockton, CA. Leon J. September 1988. Stephen T. Cox will go to Moscow Edward Forstenzer Judge for the Mono Judicial District, which 74 Gladstone reports that as of February 1, 1989 his and Paris inMay to play softball as the "aging left Michael R.Bruck was elected President of the firm will be know as Berger, Kahn, Shafton, Moss, fielder" for the Washington Square Bar &Grill Softbal encompasses Mono County, CA. He has also been appointed a part-time U. S. Magistrate. Jay Adams Board of Directors of the Oakland SPCA. James C. Figler, Simon &Gladstone inMarina del Rey, CA. Team. Robin J. Dezember is the Senior Vice Bottomley has a solo real estate and business Douglas I. Gray has been engaged insolo practice President of Kitchell CEM Inc., a government capital Knight moved from Wickes Companies, Inc. in May 1988 to McKenna, Conner &Cuneo inLos Angeles practice inVista, CA. Hon. J. Rodney Davis was inSan Leandro, CA for the past 10 years, expenditure management company. Michael to the Third District Court of Appeal in specializing inautomobile, uninsured motorist and Feinberg has been appointed Traffic Trial as a partner incharge of employee benefits. appointed Paulette Janian Melkonian is a partner at Shepard, Sacramento. January 1989. Eugene R. workers compensation law. Juan M.Jayo is a senior Commissioner of the Fresno County Municipal Court. Erbstoesser has returned to Los Angeles as head of trial attorney at Pacific Gas &Electric's law Hon. Richard 0. Frazee has been assigned to the Shepard &Janian inSelma, CA and isalso a partner inD&M Farms with her husband Dennis inFresno. the West Coast office of Arthur Young &Co.'s legal department. Robert F. Kull, by way of a merger, is Domestic Panel and Law &Motion for the Orange department after 10 years inthe New York legal now a partner inthe LA office of Carismith, Wichman, County Superior Court. Hon. C. Robert Jameson Charles E. Osthimer Ill's firm of Wright, Robinson, McCammon, Osthimer &Tatum opened an office in group. He continues active litigation practice inareas Case, Mukai &Ichiki, based inHonolulu. Prof. Nell has been named Presiding Judge of the Orange of professional liabilities, securities and intellectual Jessup Newton has been promoted to full professor County Juvenile Court. Hon. Douglas C. Munson Los Angeles on October 17, 1988. They now have offices in Richmond, VA, San Francisco and Los property. Randall M. Faccinto's firm of Hoffman, at Catholic University Law School inWashington, DC. received a terrific Christmas present, as he was Lien, Faccinto &Spitzer inTahoe Cit is opening an William 1.Rothbard has recently returned to his elevated to the San Francisco Superior Court, Angeles. Brig. Gen. Michael E.Rich was promoted to Brigadier General and assigned as Director, Judge office inSan Francisco to expand its real estate/land litigation practice at Irell &Manella in LA,following a December 19, 1988. Joel Shawn has been elected use practice. Hon. John Steven Graham was two-year leave of absence during which time he to the Board of Directors of the Association of Family Advocate Division, Headquarters, Marine Corps, in Washington, DC, September 1,1988. Scott elected to the Marin County Municipal Court, served as Counsel to the U. S. Senate Judiciary and Conciliation Courts, an international association November 1988. Helen Y.H. Hui has opened her Committee inWashington, DC. Inthat capacity he of judges, lawyers, evaluators and mediators for Showler is a partner at Dill& Showler inRedlands, CA and is a member of the Board of Directors of the own office inSan Francisco and is thoroughly was heavily involved inthe Supreme Court 1988-91. Inaddition, he has been re-appointed chair enjoying it. Joseph L.Marshall merged his firm of nomination of Robert Bork, as well as inlegislation of the Mediation and Arbitration Committee of the San Bernardino County Bar Association. 72 Marshall &Hustwick with Jennings, Engstrand & affecting the securities, banking, insurance, Family Law Section of the American Bar Association. Henrikson, September 1988, and became a telecommunications, airline and defense contracting Alan J. Vogl joined the San Francisco firm of Carroll, John P. Barrie was elected a Commissioner of the Botanical Garden Sub-district of the Metropolitan shareholder inJEH inJanuary 1989. Glenda industries. Hon. Donna Petre Styne was appointed Burdick &McDonough as partner, January 1989. Robinson was promoted to Vice President and to the Advisory Committee on Administration of 67 Zoological Park &Museum of St. Louis. Lee A. Chilcote, Jr. was named a partner at Hahn, Loeser & Deputy General Counsel at Federal Home Loan Bank Justice in Rural Counties by Chief Justice Malcolm Steven S. Agosta co-authored The Book of Real inSan Francisco. Peter R.Silten was appointed Lucas. Polly A.Webber was selected as President Estate Clauses, a 250-page loose leaf work including Parks inCleveland, OH, February 1989. Stephen Crane, inan effort to resist growing evidence of his Chief Assistant for the CA State Public Defender. Elect of the American Immigration Lawyers valuable tools for the working real estate agent. William G.Van der Mei has formed a partnership Association, October 1988. Rodney W.Wickers has Robert S. Butler has been named a Paul Harris mortality, successfully ran (and finished) the Seattle Marathon and isconsidering the shorter Bay to with Reno attorney Marion Murphy and now practices joined the law department of the Space &Defense Fellow by the Rotary Foundation of Rotary Sector of TRW Inc, inRedondo Beach, CA. He of Breakers. Donald Fischbach received the State Bar inboth Sacramento and Reno. International and he has been elected to the Board 75 provides counsel to the Defense Systems Group in Directors of San Diego State University's Aztec President's Pro Bono Service Award for District 5. Gary Evan McCurdy recently switched from the Paul M.Bartkiewicz, Stephen A. Kronick and government contracts. Dennis F. Willson is the Athletic Foundation. John E. Holmes has been Richard P. Shanahan '83 have formed their own law Managing Director for Rorer, S.A., a multi-national elected vice president of the Riverside/San State Public Defender s office to the Central California Appellate Program inSacramento. John practice inSacramento, which will emphasize all pharmaceutical company in Madrid, Spain. Bernardino Chapter of the American Board of Trial aspects of public agency and municipal law, 77 Advocates. Hon. Edward M.Lacy, Jr. is the E.Slough has re-located to Charlottesville, VA, to Ridgeway Farms, where is doing business consulting environmental law, water rights, real estate and land Merle C.Chambers isPresident of Axem Resources, Inc., an independent oil and gas she reports that her husband isbilling enough hours the LA firm of Loeb &Loeb, where he specializes in litigation. Jennifer Sturges O'Connor is practicing producer. Eric Doney has been practicing with for both of them! Nion McEvoy has been appointed trusts and estates litigation. Sandi Ushkow Nichols business litigation with Squire, Sanders &Dempsey Donahue, Gallagher, Thomas &Woods inOakland to the San Francisco Small Business Advisory co-owns and operates Contract Attorneys, Inc., a in Columbus, OH. Eric H. Werner has opened a since graduation. Carmen A. Estrada is the Director Commission. Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr. is a partner service for the placement of attorneys on a part-time solo practice in San Francisco, concentrating on of Affirmative Action at the in at the LA firm of Selvin, Weiner &Ruben, where he and project basis. She also continues to practice real worker's compensation cases representing the Berkeley. Martin J. Everson is a partner inthe specializes ingeneral civil litigation and estate and commercial litigation with Washburn, injured worker. Walnut Creek, CA firm of Anderson, Galloway & administrative/regulatory practice. Peter M. Briscoe &McCarthy inSan Francisco. Robert M. 85 Luchese, specializing inmedical malpractice Nelson's firm has changed its name to Nelson, Pattison is a partner at the San Francisco firm of Patricia Nieuwenhuizen and Robert J. Gorlin are defense. Michael E.Graham is enjoying his 10th Barnes &Sheehan in Los Angeles, specializing in Jackson, Lewis, Schnitzler &Krupman, practicing performing with the 65-voice Oakland Interftaith year as a partner inPorter, Simon, Graham &Phelps entertainment law. Lawrence R. Ramsey is a labor and employment law on behalf of management. Gospel Choir. The Choir's 1989 calendar includes inTruckee, CA. He has recently been admitted to member of the firm of Morgan, Wenzel &McNicholas Peter M.Rehon has been named a partner at appearances at San Quentin Prison, the New the Nevada Bar and he has started a branch office in inLA, specializing inproduct liability defense and Buchalter, Nemer, Fields &Younger inSan Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, Stern Grove and Reno with James Porter (72). M.Sue Greicar has corporate law. James S. Reinhardsen left the Francisco. Ralph Rhoades became a partner at the Russian River Jazz Festival. The Choir is left Thiessen, Gagen &McCoy in Danville, CA to start Seattle firm of Tousley, Brain, Reinhardsen &Block Lynch, Loofbourrow, Helmenstine, Gilardi & discussing its debut album and preliminary plans are her own law offices, specializing infamily law, also in to become CEO of Heartland, a Seattle based pre- Grummer in San Francisco inOctober 1988, and has being made for a tour of the USSR in 1990. Paula Danville, Gordon A.Letter is a shareholder inthe development land company. Patrick M.K. now permanently postponed his trip around the Keve Morgan has been elected President of the LA office of Littler, Mendelson, Fastiff &Tichy, where Richardson recently joined tne Law Offices of world! Denis F. Shanagher is now a general Estate Planning Council of the East Bay. Michael D. he specializes inlabor law representing Leonard P. Mastromonaco inSan Francisco. Barry partner at Bronson, Bronson &McKinnon, Stokes has joined Broad, Schulz, Larson &Wineberg management. Phillip R.Matthews was involved in Thornton was recently named Senior Partner with specializing incommercial litigation. Philip Wild has in San Francisco, where he practices antitrust, the year-long Shell trial representing Lloyds of Mullen &Filippi in San Francisco. Mark L. Vorsatz is been promoted to Vice President, Business Affairs for securities and employment law. London, which resulted in a victory for the defense. a tax partner with Arthur Anderson &Co. inSan Arista Records inNew York City. 86 Roger Picquet is partners with Roger Lyon ('75) in Francisco. E.Dotson Wilson has been appointed 82 George Balko reports that he isworking his way San Luis Obispo, specializing inenvironmental, land deputy chief of staff to CA Assembly Speaker Willie Peter Clapp has moved from New York to the Los (successfully) up the ladder at Bowditch &Dewey in use, personnel, real property and public agency law. L.Brown, Jr. Angeles office of Skadden Arps, where he continues Worcester, MA, where he is doing plaintiffs personal Rena Rickles has a solo practice inOakland, CA, to do bankruptcy re - organization work. James Win. injury work. Daniel J. Bosshart is doing specializing inzoning, planning and personal injury. 1980's Clement received his LL.M intaxation from NYU in transactional real estate work for Miller, Starr & She is also politically active as the 1988 President of 80 85; was with the International Tax Dept. at Arthur Regalia inWalnut Creek, CA. Donna G.Cole- the Montclair-Greater Oakland Democratic Club and Judith Bender has been elected to the Board of the Young &Co. inNYC from 85- '88; and is now an Wallen has moved from Shea &Gould to CBS she is on the Boards of Women Lawyers of Alameda Environmental/Land-Use Section of the Washington entrepreneur inIthaca, NY. Steven J. Gray joined Records Inc. inLA, where she is Counsel, West County, the Democratic Lawyers and the NWPC. State Bar. Jeffrey Berchenko has recently become Gaston &Snow in March 1989 as an associate inthe Coast. Douglas Emerick has completed his 78 General Counsel to Desktop Products, Inc. of firm's San Francisco office. Jonathan P. Hayden clerkship with U.S. District Judge Edward C. Reed Richard J. Ayoob iscurrently serving as Chairman Emeryville, CA. Thomas H.Campbell is a partner in has been named a partner at the San Francisco firm and is now an associate at Lionel, Sawyer &Collins of the State &Local Tax Committee of the CA Bar the Phoenix, AZ law firm of Lewis &Roca. Joseph of Heller, Ehrman, White &McAuliffe. Robert inReno, NV. Michael A. Gevertz is an associate Taxation Section. David Bargman is Vice President H.Furtado is working incommercial land and Kaneda will continue to serve as a political officer at with Hancock, Rothert &Bunshoft inSan Francisco, of Legal Affairs for Vestron, Inc. inStamford, CT. investment for Dutra Realty Enterprises Inc. in the U.S. Embassy in Paris, France until the summer involved ininsurance coverage and real estate Victoria Bender is a senior partner at Bender & Fremont, CA. Michael A.Mullery is the Chapter of '89, and then he will join the staff of the Assistant litigation. Audrey Sullivan Jacob has become Orcutt inRaleigh, NC, practicing domestic law. Along Chair of the Northern CA Chapter of the American Secretary of State for East-Asian and Pacific Affairs associated with Coblentz, Cohen, McCabe &Bryer in with teaching and lecturing, she is Government Immigration Lawyers Association. Matthew Pavone inWashington, DC. John S. C. Lim has his own San Francisco. William P. Keane, having completed Action Chair of the NC Association of Women is head of the Northwest Region Organized Crime firm, Kim, Chung &Lim, in Los Angeles. Judy Louie a one-year clerkship for U.S. District Court Judge Attorneys. Ronald C.Chauvel is a partner inthe Drug Enforcement Task Force, which handles large is a Litigation Counsel for Paine Webber Inc. inLA. Eugene F. Lynch, is now inhis second year at firm of Greene, Chauvel &Dugoni inSan Mateo, CA, drug cases exclusively from Northern CA, OR, WA, Philip D. Ramsay is a partner inthe Pomona, CA Sedgwick, Detert, Moran &Arnolds San Francisco specializing inbusiness litigation, corporate and real AK and HI. James J. Phillips has earned an LL.M. firm of Allard, Shelton &O'Connor. Betty Hansen office. Elisha J. Lawrence is a ltigation associate at estate practice, tax and estate planning, family law intaxation and become of counsel to Varni, Fraser, Richardson is the leader of the Ada County (ID) the LAfirm of Christensen, White, Miler, Fink & and general business advice to the dental profession. Hartwell &Rodgers in Pleasanton and Hayward, CA, Democratic Party and was responsible for the party's Jacobs. Raymundo G.S. Mendoza has left the Elizabeth A. England published "Regulation of the specializing inestate planning, trust and probate law. upset victories insome key elections inlast Santa Clara DA's office and is now practicing with California Real Estate Industry" for Matthew Bender, Russell S. Roeca is a partner with Long &Levit in November's election. George C.Rogers is a Morgan, Ruby, Teter, et al inSan Jose. Opt. Robert January 1989. Trudy A. Ernst is a partner at San Francisco. Ira C. Stein has authored a law book shareholder, officer and director of Golden, Stefan, R. Rigsby was selected to be the Task Force Goodwin, Procter &Hoar inBoston, MA. Lars published by McGraw Hill, Cable TV-Handbook and Ellenberg &Toby inOakland, CA. Alyce A. Prosecutor and International Law Attorney for the Forsberg, with the NY firm of Foyer &Peri, is an Form. Kip Evan Steinberg teaches immigration law Rubinfeld has been named a partner inthe LA firm Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) inthe international partner with other law firms inEngland, at Hastings as an Adjunct Professor and is a partner of Ross &Scott. Stephen C.Tamayo has joined the Sinai, Egypt. The MFO is a peace-keeping force of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France and Brazil, at the San Francisco firm of Simmons, Ungar, Solano County Public Defender's Office inFairfield, 11 nations stationed inthe Sinai to ensure that the practicing international, admiralty, finance, corporate, Helbush, DiCostanzo &Steinberg. Claude M.Stern CA. Larry Tannenbaum has been named a partner treaty between Egypt and Israel is being adhered to. immigration, real estate and litigation law. Robert L. joined the firm of Nossaman, Guthner, Knox &Elliott at Gray, Cary, Ames &Frye inSan Diego. Danton Daniel J. Smith has been promoted to Editor inthe Freeman is a partner at Fraser, Stryker, Veach, et al inMay 1988 as a partner inthe firm s 24-person San Wong has been named a partner at Case &Lynch in Proof of Facts Department at Bancroft-Whitney in in Omaha, NE. Marc D. Garfinkle is running his own Francisco office, litigating invarious areas, including Honolulu. San Francisco. Stephen P. Villano is"happy and small litigation firm inLivingston, NJ, specializing in intellectual property rights, unfair competitiion, false 83 hard at work" at Holland &Hart inDenver, CO. personal injury. Stephen D. Holz is a partner at adverftising, employee wrongful discharge, securities Peter F. Frost iscurrently a Lt. Commander inthe 87 Musick, Peeler &Garrett inLos Angeles, doing and general commercial litigation. Timothy L. Navy JAG Corps litigation office. Mary B.Fyistra Lori Ballance has joined the San Jose, CA firm of construction and RICO litigation. Marilyn Klinger is Stewart isVice President and General Counsel for has been made a partner at the Phoenix, AZ firm of Berliner, Cohen &Biagini intheir land use/ a partner at Sedgwick, Detert, Moran &Arnold inSan ComputerLand Corporation. Gammage &Burnham. Gregg B. Hovey has been environmental law department. AnaRochelle Na Francisco, specializing insurety law. John I. 81 named a partner at Stephenson &Prairie inSan has completed her clerkship with Chief Justice Lucas McBeth isthe corporate tax manager for Franklin Kimball S. Atwood is General Counsel for Relational Diego. Evie L. Klntzer isworking as an attorney with at the CA Supreme Court and is now an associate at Resources, Inc. and the Franklin Group of Funds in Technology, Inc., headquartered inAlameda, CA. the WGBH Educational Foundation, the public Morrison &Foerster. William T. Pascoe is Deputy San Mateo, CA. Carl Taber has returned to the Bay Stephen S. Austin is a partner at Rosen, Wachtell & television station inBoston, MA. Donald C. Meyer District Attorney inVentura, CA. Julie C. Pearl is Area after nine years in Washington State, where he Gilbert inSan Francisco. Ronald J. Boehm isstill moved from San Francisco to inmid- working at the Attorney General's Office in is practicing employment and labor law for CEO of ABC-CLIO inSanta Barbara, CA, and has 1988. He is now in house counsel for Lark Sacramento as a Special Projects Attorney, management inthe Oakland office of Hanna. Brophy. started a new company, Intellimation, Inc. involving International Ltd. and observing first-hand East 's negotiating programs for law enforcement and crime MacLean, McAleer &Jensen. Ronald White has technologies for education and systems for lifelong growth. Katherine M.Power isworking at the firm of prevention. James R. Potratz, Jr. is Controller and been promoted to Deputy Public Defender I with the learning. Judith W.Boyette is a partner at Pillsbury, Bolling, Walter &Gawthrop inSacramento, CA. Corporate Counsel for M-Square Microtek, Inc. in LA County PD's office. Gary A.Zieroth has been re- Madison &Sutro inSan Francisco. Prof. Patricia C. Joseph M.Schilling participated in a bi-national Hayward, CA. assigned to Houston, TX as Principal Counsel for Bradford is a law professor at Marquette University conference on "Innovations inLocal Government" at 88 Bechtel, Inc., following five years inLondon as Law School, where she teaches tax related courses. the University of Wollongong, Australia, sponsored by Denise M.Karr has joined Corbett &Kane, with Counsel for Bechtel. Kenneth H. Brown is a partner at the San Francisco the Ford Foundation, November 1988. Rischa offices inOakland and San Francisco, specializing in 79 firm of Murphy, Weir &Butler. Mark A. Cameron Williams Slade has returned to Texas after two representing management inlabor and employment- Constance G.Brigham joined the LA firm of has recently become a partner at Miller, Starr & years inGreece and is studying for the July Texas related issues. Paul G.Krawchuk is a research Kadenacy, Mendelson &Schwaber as a Senior Regalia inOakland, CA. Luann Cserr has left Flehr, Bar. Joseph Zellmer has been elected president of clerk for the Law and Motion Department of the Associate, January 1989. Dana Cole married Lisa Hohbach, Test, et al, and isnow Patent Counsel for the Alamo, CA Improvement Association. Sonoma Superior Court, Santa Rosa, CA. David D. Hart '80 in September 1988. Dana practices general Genetics Institute, a Boston biotechnology company, 84 Marsh, Elie Miller, Adam Slote and Maureen litigation in Century City and Lisa is a deputy district where she continues to specialize inpatent law, Jeffrey S. Blanck has joined the El Dorado County Tchakalian have all joined the LACounty Public attorney for LA County. Barbara Cray is the specifically ingenetic engineering inventions. Robert Counsel's Office as a Deputy County Counsel in Defender's Office. Thomas G.Ruthenberg is managing attorney for Smith &Smith's San Francisco Famulener has opened his own office, emphasizing Placerville, CA. Cynthia L. Pierson Crosby has practicing inthe area of international transactions as office. Carol Wieckowski Dreyer is a partner with family law and personal injury, inWalnut Creek, CA. joined the LA branch of Littler, Mendelson, Fastiff & Foreign Counsel for the Ishii Law Office inTokyo, Bullen, McKinley, Gay, et al inSacramento. Valerie Tim R. Gelegan is pleased to announce that the Tichy. Teri Shugart Erickson will be quitting her job Japan. Fontaine has established SeltzerFontaine Group, Fresno, CA firm of Smurr &Henry has changed its at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich &Rosati inPalo Alto, legal search consultants in Los Angeles. David L. name to Smurr, Henry &Gelegan, where he CA to stay home with her soon-to-be-born first child. Hall has been promoted to Vice President, continues to emphasize plaintiff's personal injury trial Andrew Eskin is the Legislative Director to newly- Development, for Marriott In-Flight Services Division. work. James Douglas Hoey, IIIand Brian R. elected U.S. Senator Richard Bryan, D NV. Scott He is responsible for new business development in Strange have formed a new law partnership, Strange Hammel has recently started his own law practice, the Pacific Rim. Joel Hayashida isthe Senior Patent &Hoey, with offices in LAand San Diego, where they Preiss &Hammel, inDanville, CA. Kimberly Counsel for the Clorox Company inOakland. David specialize inmass disaster and complex litigation Marteau, after working on the National Advance Staff W.Healy has been named a partner with Fenwick, cases. Dennis H. J. Kim isa principal inhis own of the Dukakis campaign, has returned to LA and is Davis &West inPalo Alto, CA. Karen M.Land is an firm with three associates, practicing international working as Assistant to television producers Tom associate partner with Mullen &Filippi inSan investment, technology related merger, acquisitions Patchett and Ken Kaufman of Patchett Kaufman Francisco. Mimi Reichert Lewis long since and personal injury litigation inSanta Clara, CA. Entertainment. Kevin C. Mayer is a senior associate abandoned the practice of law for the greater Jeffrey M.Loeb has been admitted to partnership at inthe San Francisco office of Bronson, Bronson & challenge and rewards of raising their three sons, but McKinnon, specializing intoxic tort and construction 10

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The Board of Directors of the Stephen E.Newton '67 Luther J. Avery Robert A. Biorn '68 Roy B.Kirkorian '70 Ryan P. Schmelz '74 College wishes to recognize with Peter P.J. Ng '64 Hon. Robert K.Barber '48 James W.Blackman 68 Paul L.Knight '75 Jean L.Schmidt '76 gratitude the following alumni and John E.Nordin, II'69 Stanley L.Bauer '51 Richard G.Blair '75 Roy J. Koegen '74 Alan W.Schulkin '80 friends for their dupport of the many John F.O'Hara '46 Hill Blackett '77 Jeffrey E. Boly '67 David H. Kremer '78 Richard L Seabolt '75 funds listed below. The list includes Aletha R.Owens Patricia C. Bradford '81 John C. Bost '73 Henry C. Krivetsky '60 Gerald T. Sekimura '80 gifts received by the College during Brian Pendleton '68 Elizabeth F. Bradley '77 Constance G.Brigham '79 Jack S. Kusaba '54 Paul M.Shimoff '72 the period of July 1, 1988 through Ralph M.Pray, Ill'67 Alice M.Bray '83 Anthony R. Brookman '53 Diane W.Larrabee '80 Harold Silen '57 March 31, 1989. Robert Ramsey, Jr. '73 Roy T. Chikamoto '76 Larry G.Broussard '77 Mark A. Larsen '73 Elizabeth H.Silver '74 Dean Frank T. Read Class of 1953 Ronald Buckly '78 C. Ingrid Larson '71 Sally A. Sklar 79 1066 FOUNDATION Elizabeth B. Richards '57 C. Don Clay '81 Mary E.Butler '76 Melvin Laub '64 Boyd C. Sleeth '82 1066 CLUB Prof. Thomas H. Rothwell '51 Dana M.Cole '79 Robin L. Buxton '83 Lawrence J. Leigh '76 Harold S. Small '70 Arthur Andersen &Co. Foundation Guy Rounsaville, Jr. '68 Paul H. Cyril '62 Helen M.Cake '72 Kelly R.Leight '84 Hon. Lothrop E.Smith '38 K. Robin Baggett '76 Jane A. Rummel Marcello M.Di Mauro 73 David W. Calfee '49 Mildred W.Levin '34 Lloyd V.Stamp '52 James R. Bancroft '49 Dwight M.Rush '53 Conrad Donner Kent N. Calfee '85 Rebecca Litteneker '83 Timothy L.Stewart '80 Philip W. Bartenetti '70 Robert Sakai '74 Carol W.Dreyer '79 Charles C. Cardall '88 Hon. John E.Longinotti '38 Gerald W.Stutsman '39 Prof. Paul E.Basye Salomon Foundation, Inc. Robert A.Dreyer '80 Robert E.Carlson '58 C. Dennis Loomis '78 Kenneth Y.Sugita '66 Robert W.Bell, Jr. '70 San Francisco Foundation Kenneth J. Florence '74 Andrea W.Cassidy '84 Michael A. Lotman '73 John C.Suttle '80 W. Scott Bowersock '66 Francis 0. Scarpulla '67 Professor W. Ray Forrester Patricia T. Castle '87 Steven F. Lowe '71 William R.Sweeney '52 A. Frank Bray, Jr. Barry A.Schulman '64 Franklin Cole Foundation Hon. William R.Channell '49 Don A. Lynn '73 Fred L Tanenbaum '66 Robert B. Buck '70 Sharper Image Hon. Donald R. Franson '51 Hon. Richard F. Charvat '63 John A.MacKerron '84 Ralph W.Tarr '76 California International Airshow Cynthia K.Smith '83 Donald R. Franson '78 Peter W.Clapp '82 William R.Mackey '59 Jeffrey M.Taylor '74 Terrence A.Callan '64 James K.Smith '65 Leon J. Gladstone '76 Lisa C.Clay '81 Juliana Maio '78 James A.Thompson '70 William C.Carr '62 Jane Peterson Smith '75 James F.Hann '77 Judith M.Copeland '74 Thomas R.Malcolm '66 Hon. Richard C.Turrone '65 Merle C. Chambers '77 John K.Smith '54 Raymond L. Hanson '36 Craig L.Corren '66 Hon. Ollie Marie-Victoire '56 Theodore P. Veganes 64 Hon. William R.Channell '49 John A. Sproul Candace J. Heisler '72 Douglas G.Cowan '52 Rachel Markun '81 William C. Vencill 75 Horace 0. Coil '57 Marvin Sussman '50 Hon. Ernest M.Hiroshige '70 Douglas G.Crosby '69 John R. Martineau '69 Alan J. Vogl '66 Alfred V.Contarino '64 Richard J. Thalheimer '74 Carol V.Holland '87 Robert W. Culver '60 Edward Mastrangelo '78 Charles F. Vulliet '71 Joseph W.Cotchett '64 Brian D.Thiessen '67 James H.Irish '81 James B.Cuneo '65 Hon. Francis L.McCarty '33 Julian R.Warner '69 Peter W.Davis '69 Thomas Van Voorhis '59 Kyle M.Ishimatsu '79 Edwin H. Danenhauer '68 Gordon E.McClintock '67 Ronald H.Wecht '75 Edward M.Digardi '47 Mark L.Vorsatz '79 Michael M.Johnson '76 Anthony P. David '67 Douglas R. McCorquodale '72 Edward A. Weiner '65 Harold S. Dobbs '42 Jack Werchick '49 Lois R. Limbach '82 Jonathan J. Davis '74 Bruce B.McCrea '73 William J.A. Weir '68 Firtz L. Duda '64 John A.White '42 George M.Lindahl '74 Stephen P. Dena '86 John J. McGregor '71 Gerald G.Weisbach '78 Myron E."Doc" Etienne, Jr. '52 White and Case Professor William B.Lockhart Hon. Leonard Dieden '40 Dennis E.McLean '80 Vivian L.White-Orso '81 Betty M.Falk '46 Kristian D. Whitten '73 Kenneth M.Malovos '69 John F. Digardi '28 M.Michael Meheen '64 M.Kirby Wilcox '77 L. Richard Fischer '70 Alfred M.K. Wong '64 George R. McClenahan '50 Richard A. Dinnebier '73 Robert J. Menifee '69 Dennis F. Willson '76 C. Randolph Fishburn '35 James B.Young '69 Ronald A.Miller '73 P. Steven Dobel '64 Samuel J. Mercer '36 Benjamin R. Winslow '72 Valerie A.Fontaine '79 Thomas E.Miller '73 Thomas G.Dobyns '72 Hon. Robert W.Merrill '52 William M.Wirtz '64 Keith S. Fraser '61 1066 FOUNDATION Jamoa A.Moberly '76 Kevin Domecus '79 J. Robert Meserve '41 Steven C.Wolan '72 DONORS Eugene L. Freeland '51 Robert A.Muhlbach '76 Geoffrey Domenico '73 Hon. Leonard I. Meyers '41 Thomas L. Woodruff '65 Vern Countryman Wallace S. Fujiyama Prof. Prof. Russell D.Niles Kenneth B.Drost '78 Steven R. Meyers '73 Edward M.Wright '57 Hon. Bruce R.Geernaert 53 John M.Gregory '31 Mark F.Ornellas '74 Hon. Louis L.Edmunds '52 William C. Miller '55 Daniel S. York '87 Dennis J. Gould '67 Dorothy Mackay-Collins Wendell K.Pang '70 Douglas A. Emerick '86 Timothy B.Mills '86 Richard W.Young '74 Prof. Calvin R.Massey Ellen 0. Pfaff '77 Daniel G. Farthing '71 Meredith J. Monroe '88 GTE HASTINGS ADVOCAT S. Kendall Patton '80 James F. Rogers '57 Alison S. Fay '81 Hon. William D.Mudd 69 Ruth Church Gupta '48 $1 -99 Prof. Stefan Riesenfeld Jerrold C, Schaefer '66 Steven H.Felderstein '73 Robert H.Mullen '38 James C. Hagedorn '63 Freda E.Abbott '71 Prof. Rudolf Schlesinger Professor Louis B. Schwartz Kevin A. Finnegan '86 Arnold B.Myers '69 Paul F. Higaki, Jr. '80 Mark B.Abelson '76 Hon. Philip C. Wilkins '39 David Siegel '81 Bernard J. Fischback '70 James E. Nasser '27 Madalyn Hoberg Margaret R. Adams '86 Randolph L.Howard '74 HASTINGS PARTNERS Michael R.Silvey '71 Gail A. Flesher '88 Hon. Robert A. Neher '60 Wayne B.Allbin '70 Larry L. Smith '75 Charles M.Floren '74 John H. Newman '77 Prof. William T. Hutton $500 - $1065 Dean A.Alper '84 Professor Raymond L.Sullivan Carin T. Fujisaki '85 Joan de R.O'Byrne '61 Clayton R.Jackson '68 Eric M.Abramson '81 Nancy Ambrose K. '45 Richard J. Tuckerman '61 James H.Garrett '77 John M.O'Connor 72 Max Jamison, Sr. James M.Allen '71 Gerald L.Anchor '67 Endowment Ronald K.Van Wert '68 Dennis W.Ghan '77 Gary L. Olimpia '66 Jewish Community Horace L.Cannon '52 John R.Andrada '76 Fund Joan L.Cassman '77 Paul Vapnek Gerry R.Ginsberg '69 Paul M.Orbuch '88 Wayne 0. Veatch '35 William A.Gould '63 Captain James E. Orr '67 Hon. Albert A.Axelrod '25 Prof.Mary Kay Kane Warren C. Deutsch '62 Richard J. Ayoob 78 Maureen A.Grattan '81 Earl D.Osborn '75 Melvin C.Kerwin '61 Edward L.Fanucchi '67 Thomas A,Vyse '62 Gary A.Bague '50 '76 Arthur W.Gray Charles E. Osthimer '71 George King '58 Robert C. Field '60 Keith S. Walker '52 Steven W.Baker '74 Randall W.Wulff '74 David P. Graybeal '80 Melville Owen '56 John T. Knox '52 Frances K.Geballe Chartabl Daniel C. Balough '50 '71 James F.Gustin '63 Albert F. Pagni '64 Philip M.Knox, Jr. '49 Income Trust Stephen K.Yamada John P. Barrie '72 Thomas A.Haeuser '73 Ernest A.Panizzon '60 John A,Koeppel '76 Robert E. Freitas '77 James M.Baynes '74 HASTINGS Hartwick '40 Richard R.Patch '79 Guy 0.Kornblum '66 Louis M.Marlin '72 George K. Richard G. Bell '72 COUNSELORS Philip J. Hayes '87 Mary Noel Pepys '78 Elliot M.Kroll '77 Hon. Robert T. Matsui '66 '84 $100 - $249 Robert Joseph Pia '84 Ellen R.Berk Hon. Annette La Rue '52 O'Melveny & Myers Gregg B.Hovey '83 Robert H.Berkes 76 Philip Adams '38 52 Dea Daniel J. and Beverly HonJohnT. Racanelli '74 BenardW.tNebnzah '6 Jack C.Alhadeff '64 Rbcc AHull '81 Kelly R. Berkline John S. Anderson '85 Dan M.Berkovitz Sarah H. Lawhorne '78 William T. Hunter '68 William M.Richardson '78 '82 Harold H. Robinson '65 Robert 0. Appleton Carl A.Leonard '68 Lawrence N.C. Ing '66 Catherine A. Rivlin '84 Philip M.Savage '67 Rbrt L.Bacon '5 LorinB Blum '62 Matthew Levitan '76 W.Ronald Ingram '62 Robert A.Rose '52 Bernard P. Simons '67 Daniel W. Baker'49 William H. Brautigam'80 Prof. Stephen A.Lind James F.Iwasko '70 Herbert M.Rosenthal 60 Thomas W.Stoever '60 '63 G David Brinton '85 Kneeland H. Lobner '44 Herbert E.Barker Hon. Thomas M.Jenkins '49 Mark H. Rosenthal '74 Michael D.Tom '75 Mary Ann Barngrover '85 M.Kingsley Brown '76 Thomas J. MacBride, Jr. '75 Michael D.Joseph Jeffrey B.Rosichan '88 James E.Wallace '69 Julien R. Bauer '34 James S. Bubar '78 James E. Hon. Edward Y. Kakita '65 Gary B. Rothbart '71 Mahoney '66 James K.Bullock '40 Prof. Peter K.Maier HASTINGS Elaine R.Bayus '77 Stephen J. Kane '76 Gregory J. Ryken '73 Thomas L. Becket '76 Catherine M.Bump '88 Michael D. Mason '73 ASSOCIATES Adam C. Kent '79 Marc L.Sallus '79 Charles L.Belkin '82 G.Webster Burns '76 Homer L. McCormick, Jr. 61 $250 - $499 H. Sinclair Kerr '74 Jerome Sapiro '39 Hon. Richard A.Bennett '73 Clark R. Byam '72 Morrison &Foerster Janet Ambrozek '77 Campbell Killefer '77 Gerald V.Sarbo '75 Frederick H.Bysshe 62 Kim M.Hunter '85 Patricia M.Olcomendy '85 Nellie L.Wong '84 Rita Morgan FIRST YEAR SECTION Kathleen A.Callaghan '77 William S. Hunter '69 Hon. Walter Osborn, Jr. '43 Timothy D.Woo '71 SCHOLARSHIP Jed Z. Callen '76 Dimitri K.Ilyin '59 Vicki S. Perlmutter '88 Robert A.Wyler '68 MILDRED LEVIN Professor Margreth Barrett John C. Calma '84 Dennis A.Ing '67 Charles R. Perry '52 Steven R.Yamaguchi '75 SCHOLARSHIP Professor Marsha N. Cohen Chris A.Carlson '82 Loren C. Ipsen '75 Daniel W.Peters '81 Helen W.Yee '85 Mildred Levin '34 Professor Brian Gray Thomas H.Carmody '71 Alvin P. Jackson '33 Hon. Clifford H. Plumley '49 Hon. Samuel E.Yee '47 STEPHEN CONE Professor Ray D. Henson Harry W.R. Chamberlain '80 Celia M.Jackson '86 Robert L. Pollak '78 Ellen M.York 75 FELLOWSHIP Professor David Jung Edward G.Chandler William J. James '74 Alan J. Pope '86 Hon. Jane York '76 Dennis Aftergut Professor Mary Kay Kane Lisa K.Chanoff '85 Thomas H.Jamison '75 Mary L.Poteet '79 Bennett G.Young '82 Farella, Braun &Martel Dean Daniel J. and Beverly Linda A.Chapin '50 Louisa M.Jaskulski '75 James B.Preston '72 Roger Yuen '87 Lathrope Timothy P. Cissna '25 Marianne S. Johnson '88 Wallace G.Quinlisk '49 Michael E.Zacharia '76 MOOT COURT Professor Julian H. Levi Martha J. Clark '50 Matthew A.Joseph '79 James L.Racusin '66 Susan B.Zimmerman '76 Bronson, Bronson &McKinnon Professor David Levine Hon. Frank Cliff '52 Jeffrey M.Judd '88 Roger T. Rankin '87 Dr. Edwin J. Zinman 72 Hastings Alumni Association Professor Stephen A.Lind David W. Clingman '75 James R.Judge '73 Nancy L.Rasmussen '76 Pillsbury, Madison &Sutro Professor William B. Lockhart Mark S. Collins '25 David B.Judson '69 Hon. Timothy A. Reardon '66 FOUNDER'S DAY Professor Peter K.Maier C. Randall Cook '50 Philip L.Judson '69 Hon. Edwin J. Regan '31 PROGRAM FUND OFFICE OF THE DEAN Professor Calvin R.Massey Hastings Alumni Hon. Robert J. Cooney '25 John M.Kaheny '73 Dennis D. Resh '77 Association Dean Daniel J. and Beverly Lathrope The William Penn Foundation The 1066 Hon. Patrick B.Coony '72 John E.Kalin 74 Susan Richman '83 Foundation Prof. Stephen A.Lind Dean Frank T. Read Conrad M.Corbett '81 Robert J. Kaneda '82 Janet M.Riley '83 CALIFORNIA Dean Frank T. Read Professor Rudolf B. Schlesinger Angelo J. Costanza '73 Steven M.Karp '76 Winifred W. Roberts 78 CONSTITUTIONAL The 1066 Foundation Professor Louis B.Schwartz David J. Cowan '88 Cynthia Y.Kawachi '82 Kenneth W.Rosenthal '58 Professor Stephen Schwarz CONFERENCE ALUMNI ACTIVITIES Cameron D.Coy '86 Edward C.Keller '56 Abby Rosmarin '82 Professor Warren L.Shattuck Crosby, Heafey, Roach &May FUND Elizabeth A.Coyne '74 Lawrence Kennedy '29 Dena Rovenger '87 Morrison &Foerster Foundation Professor Raymond L. Sullivan Alan L.Crafts '70 Jordan R.Kerner '76 Gregory Rovenger '87 John S. Chang The 1066 Foundation Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Edwin H.Danenhauer '68 Scott P. DeVries '79 Bruce D.Ketron '70 Mark M.Rudy '86 Professor Samuel D. Thurman M.Wainwright Fishburn '81 Hon. John W.DeGroot '74 Gary R.Kilpatric '72 Peter L.Sanford '66 TRAYNOR READER Professor William KS. Wang Todd A. Landgren '75 I.Braun Degenshein '25 Michael A.King '77 A.Curtis Sawyer '81 Maynard C. Craig '59 Professor James Weinstein Alvin D. McNeil '49 George H.Denton '84 Gerald J. Kitchen '71 Scott A.Schiff '88 Professor D. Kelly Weisberg TOBRINER Kristian D.Whitten '73 Dennis J. Dobbels '82 B. Bruce Kittrell '67 Eric S. Schmier 74 Professor Wayne S. Woody LECTURESHIP FUND Warren B.Wilson '51 Mimi E. Doherty '85 Marilyn Klinger '78 Richard H.Schoenberger '85 Hon. Barbara A.Black JAMES MARTIN John G. Donhoff '79 Ronald F. Krelle '77 Charles G. Schultz '88 Antonio Cosby-Rossmann COMM/ENT WORD MCINNIS MEMORIAL Harry M.Dorfman '84 Hon. Edward M.Lacy '67 Robert J. Sciaroni '85 Peter W. Davis '69 PROCESSING FUND SCHOLARSHIP H.Morgan Dougherty '66 John R.Lacy '73 William S. Shaffran '71 Professor Joseph R.Grodin Pacific Telesis Foundation Stephen Walter John P. Doyle '78 Michael H. Lauer 75 Tad S. Shapiro '80 Richard P. Gross Hon. Samuel Dreizen '37 Theodore L. Laufer '88 Marc L.Shea '79 HASTINGS DINKELSPIEL, Dr. M.Robert Harris DONOVAN & REDER Fletcher E.Duke '74 John D.Laughton '78 Prof. Elaine W.Shoben '74 Sarah K. Kraw INTERNATIONAL Mary T. Dumont '85 Bruce Legernes '70 David B.Shontz '84 COMPARATIVE LAW SCHOLARSHIP J. Keith Mann Dinkelspiel, Donovan &Reder James R.Dunworth '73 Hon. William F. Levins '49 Yee-Horn Shual '82 Marsha McLean-Utley REVIEW Jay-Allen Eisen '68 J.T. Levitt '83 Hon. Norman D. Shumway '63 Patricia Newman Denton, Hall, Burgin &Warrens BLUM FOUNDATION Barney Elders '70 Thomas C. Levitt 79 Mark Shusted '83 Dinah A.Seiver Farella, Braun &Martel SCHOLARSHIP Robert Elliott 84 Hon. John R. Lewis '66 Debra A. Silverman '85 Rosabelle R.Tobriner Kenneth E.Olivier'77 Leon A.& Esther F. Blum Hon. Walter R. Evans '35 Richard G.Logan '79 Michael R.Simmonds '80 Robert D. Williams Smith &Brooks Foundation Hon. William Z. Fairbanks '26 Judy Louie '82 Alexander H. Singleton '65 Kevin K.Takeuchi '82 ARTHUR ANDERSEN & Teresa J. Farrell '86 Harvey J. Lung '81 Paul B.Smith '65 ACADEMIC DEAN'S CO. AWARD IN TAXATION Lynne R, Feldman '74 Raymond M.Lynch '80 Mike Soumbeniotis '72 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT COMMIENT JOURNAL Arthur Andersen &Co. Foundation Philip B. Feldman '83 Samuel A.B. Lyons '64 Philip F. Spalding '62 FUND FUND Michael L. Emmons Samuel K.Feng '86 Dorothy Mackay-Collins Mark S. Spangler 73 Prof. Mary Kay Kane Ruth C.Barrow Norman H. Ruecker Michael J. Fish '80 Patrick J. Mahoney '69 Geoffrey Spellberg '85 The 1066 Foundation John W.Sweitzer Pamela C. Fletcher '78 Eileen M.Malley '85 John F. Staley 72 LAW JOURNAL FUND FOUNDER'S FUND FOR Mark L.Vorsatz '79 Hon. Richard 0. Frazee '66 Donald M.Malone '63 James I. Stang '80 Patrick Nielson '75 FACULTY SUPPORT H.Allyn Warner David T. Fujikawa '72 Jon S. Malsnee '72 Wolodymyr M.Starosolsky '69 Frances K.Geballe Charitable GIFTS4IN-KIND Robert J. Garon '85 Kim R. Marois '76 Peter T. Stone '80 LONG Income Trust Anonymous DEBORAH Watson A. Garoni Lindell L.Marsh '66 Stewart R. Suchman '69 MEMORIAL SCHOLARS Dean Daniel J. and Beverly Professor Paul E. Bayse Jo Angelyn Gates'88 Karin T. Martin '68 John T. Swan '84 Caroline W.Antoine Lathrope Professor Ven Countryma Michael H.Gay Professor Leo P. Martinez '78 Hon. Taketsugu Takei '61 '74 Wilam E. Sellier Jeffrey Fraser '88 Steven J. Gee '88 Philip R. Matthews '77 Kevin K.Takeuchi '82 RIEGGER MEMORIAL The 1066 Foundation Professor Mary Kay Kane Michael A.Gevertz '86 Janet E. Mattick '85 John F.Tannian '87 SCHOLARSHIP John J. Giovannone '75 Hon. Francis W. Mayer '41 John L.Taylor '66 Yasuo Fukuda TRAYNOR SUMMER Pfeso avid Levine David A.Goldberg '79 Eileen T. McAndrew '85 Elizabeth A. Thompson '83 RESEARCH The Library of Congress TOBRINER AWAR Peter R.Goldschmidt '58 John I.McBeth '78 Cynthia K.Thornton '83 PROFESSORSHIP Marcel B. Matley Eleanor M.Kraft Robert Goodwin 74 Alastair R.Mculoskey Lawrence W.Thorpe '6 76 Madeleine Traynor Paul Pinsky Rudolph G. Kraft, II'88 Jennifer F. Gordon '85 '70 Hon. Thomas N.Thrasher '64 Joseph D. McCollum Professor Louis B.Schwart Steven Wi lam P. McGirr '58 Terence J. Tighe '86 ACADEMIC DEAN'S SHARTSIS, FRIESE J. Gray '82 Steefel, Levitt &Weiss Green '79 Hon. Robert G. McGrath '68 Kay E. Tindel '81 SUPPORT FUND GINSBURG MINORITY Nancy W. Professor Raymond L. Sullvan Theodore A.Griffinger 75 Robert J. McKee '33 Hon. Daniel J. Tobias '68 Dean Daniel J. and Beverl Ltrp STUDENTS Robert M.Teets '71 '84 Madeline G. McLaughlin '71 Lawrence A.Towers '81 The 1066 Foundation ASSISTANCE FUND Pey Jen Gu Te1066 Fonatio Juhii R. Haag '82 Arnold W.Mednick '79 Leon Y.Tuan '87 Shartsis, Friese &Ginsburg GENERAL Professor Gordon Van Kessel Edward D. Haas '77 Edward A. Melia '68 Jeffrey A.Turkell '85 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Professor William K.S. Wang MATCHING GIFTS Patrick J. Hagan '75 Hon. Rodney S. Melville '68 Clarice M.Turney '74 Placie H.Arnold Professor John W.Whelan Chevron USA, Inc. David L. Hall 79 Raymundo G.S Mendoza '86 Glenn H. Uesugi '88 Loretta Bahrs Professor Wayne S. Woody Cravath, Swaine &Moore James G. Harlan '76 Hon. Willis H. Mevis '49 Elizabeth A. Ufkes Olivera '85 John P. Garling Davis, Polk &Wardwell George S. Miller Hon. Bruce Van Voorhis '84 Kinton P. Harper '83 '49 Lyman Henry GENERAL LIBRARY GTE Service Corporation Comm. Charles L.Harrington '63 Gary R.Mitchell '64 William G.Van der Mei '84 Theodore B.Lyman FUND Gibson, Dunn &Cruthcer Irwin R. Monroe '61 Jeffery J. Ventrella '85 Sheila M.Harrington '82 David L.Samuels James H.Irish '81 Merrill Lynch Lesley B. Harris '86 C. Phillip Moore '74 Stephen P. Villano '86 Times Mirror Peat Marwick Main Foundation James A.Haverkamp '81 Elinore C.Morgan '67 Douglas A.Voorsanger '84 BLACKFIELD MEMORIAL Security Pacific Foundation Jackson E.Morrison '73 Arthur C.Wahlberg '38 SCHOLARSHIP FUND Brian W.Hembacher '79 INSTITUTIONAL Shell Oil Company Michael J. Henderson '80 Michael A.Mullery '80 Jeffrey G.Walker '80 Cecilia Blackfield DONORS Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Russell B.Henry '44 William L.Myers '84 Richard S. Walter '77 of HOBERG SCHOLARSHIP Regents of the University Flom Lawrence Herbert '75 Caroline F. Nathans '86 L. Kent Walton '70 FUND California Times Mirror Hon. Richard A.Hickman '52 Catherine N.Niarchos '86 Howard K.Watkins 72 Madalyn Hoberg Toyota Motors Sales, USA Inc. Thomas P. Higgins '88 Hon. Leslie C. Nichols '66 Lauren Watson '83 SAN FRANCISCO The 1066 Foundation Watkins-,Johnson Patrick A. Nielson '75 William H.White '69 LAWYER'S WIVES Helen Y. Hing '74 The William Penn Foundation Kathryn G.Hirano '83 Benjamin A. Nix '88 Marshall Whitney '78 SAMMIS SCHOLARSHIP SCHOLARSHIP M.Leslie Hovey '86 Jennifer L.O'Connor Neil W.Wiley '80 FUND San Francisco Lawyer's Wives SPECIAL GIFT Douglas D.Hughmanick '74 Carol B.O'Neill '79 David J. Williamson '74 Robert Andresen '39 Estate of A.F. Bray 12

------11 ------Justice Kaufman and Eagleson Preside Over Moot Court

Ms.Johnson came to Hastings after three The College has done particularly well On Valentine's Day, eight second-year heard this year were Richmond v. years representing defendants in capital in competition this year Hastings teams Hastings students enjoyed an opportu- Croson, an important affirmative action still handles a small took first and second place for orals nity few attorneys ever experience: they case recently decided by the U.S. appeals, and number of cases in the California and first place for brief in the regional argued their cases before justices of the Supreme Court, and Massachusetts v. Supreme Court. "I am constantly rounds of the Frederick Douglass Moot California Supreme Court. Justices Oakes, a case challenging the constitu- by the tremendous support Court Competition. Hastings also placed Marcus Kaufman and tionality of a child pornography law. surprised we get from alumni and others. Many first in the region in the Giles Suther- heard oral arguments in this year's One of the most controversial cases was enthusiastically year after land Rich Patent Law Moot Court David A. Snodgrass Moot Court Riese v. St. Mar's Hospital,. which give their time year. There is no substitute for the real- Competition, won the award for best Competition. The justices were two of challenges the right of involuntarily world perspective they bring to the appellant's bnef in the Pace University about 80 judges and attorneys who committed mental patients to refuse Environmental Law competition, and volunteer their time to the moot court drug therapy. Three attorneys from the students." appreciates the took prizes for third best memorials and program each year, serving as judges in Oakland firm of Crosby, Heafey, Roach Ms. Johnson particularly volunteer attorneys make third best oralist in the region in the the Snodgrass competition or coaching & May, which represents St. Mary's contribution to Hastings' success in intercollegiate Jessup International competition. Ms. the students who represent Hastings in in the real case, sat as judges for oral court competitions. Before Johnson expects to expand Hastings' several intercollegiate competitions. arguments. moot through participation in the intercollegiate One of the reasons these attorneys Melissa Johnson, now completing her competing, each team goes sessions, competitions next year and, with the enjoy serving is that Hastings students second year as Director of the Moot several intensive practice as judges and help of the College's many loyal argue real cases, some of the most court Program, believes that the during which attorneys sit offer their criticisms and suggestions. supporters to take even more prizes. interestirg and important cases pending knowledge and practical experience them- in the United States and California provided by these volunteers is one of Many are former competitors Supreme Courts. Among the cases the greatest strengths of the program. selves.

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INon-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Winning first place for best brief and second place for orals this years team wowed the Frederick College Relations PAID Douglas Competition. Members are (Lto R)Sharon Chatman, Ricky Green, and Phyllis Bursh (Not 200 McAllister Street pictured isKelly Dearman). Permit No. 13797 San Francisco, CA 94102-4978 San Francisco, CA

1990 Alumni Directory

0 The Alumni Association is preparing the Questionnaires and order forms will mailings for the 1990 Alumni Directory, be sent in mid-July. Soft-bound directo- due for distribution in January, 1990. ries will be $15.00 for Association The Directory will include an alphabeti- members and $20.00 for all others. cal listing of all alumni, including two Hard-bound directories will be an extra areas of specialization, a geographic $5.00 per copy. All alumni are encour- listing of alumni, again including areas aged to complete and return the of specialization for cross-reference, and questionnaires so that the directory can an alphabetical listing by year of be as complete as possible. graduation.