SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

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So much info, so little room November 23, 2015

NAR Legal Update - what's all the fuss about?

Convention this year was jam-packed with information. So much so, that it's hard to know what to share with you. Sharing all of it might have you yawning by the third sentence. Each of the leadership who attended has shared with you what they felt was most important to you, as our member. I won't reiterate what they have shared, but there are a few items of note from the Legal Update session.

Let's start with the good news. There were no complaints reported to the Karen Becker DOJ regarding VOWs this year. Yea! CEO DMCA (Digital Millennial Copyright Act) was a hot topic at several sessions. Knowing who has the copyright on photos is vital to protect yourself against a lawsuit. For instance, can you upload a photo of a listing to your social media? Maybe. Depends on several factors. Is it okay to use a photo from a past listing of the same address? Again, depends. Did you take the photos from the past listing? If not, the answer is an unequivocal NO! Not only is it a violation of copyright, but it carries a hefty MLS fine ($1K). NAR put together some sample agreements that you can access to help with this issue. To take a look, click here. A handbook is in the works and will be available from NAR in the 1st quarter of 2016. On the plus side - The NeighborCity copyright lawsuit has finally been resolved with injunctions and significant civil penalties. SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

After the first year of adoption for REALTOR Association Core Standards, there has been a decrease of 130 Associations across the U.S. There were 84 mergers involving 192 Associations.

Independent contracts - sigh. Yep, it's still an issue. We're keeping a close eye on it. Right now the concern is with instructors for . SEMAR is in compliance with appropriate contracts in place for contracted work.

There's much, much more, but I'm going to give you a break to go grab some popcorn for the rest of the newsletter because you won't want to miss a single word! (If you aren't going to read it, don't tell me.)

Don't forget! SEMAR will be closed November 26 and 27 for Thanksgiving.

Wishing you and your family a safe, happy turkey day!

Karen CEO

SEMAR closed...

SEMAR will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27, in observance of Thanksgiving. We are thankful for you and all you do for our industry!


Sleighbells ring... Are you listenin'?

Winona is hosting their annual Holiday Party on Thursday, December 3, for this fun happy hour with heavy hors de oeuvres, from 5:00 pm to ??? at Bubs, 65 E. 4th Street. SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

Remember how fun it was last year? This year promises to be just as energetic.

Join your colleagues and friends for a few libations, lots of good food, and networking. Cost to attend? Only $12.50/ person. Bring canned goods or monetary donations to benefit your local food shelf.

Angel Tree is the focus of Albert Lea Christmas party

Join Albert Lea members and guests at this celebration of the holidays at Wedgewood Cove on Wednesday, December 9. Social hour begins at 5:30, with dinner at 6:30.

Cost for this elegant event is only $20/person. To get a flyer with all the details, click here. Deadline to sign up is Monday, November 30!

Please bring an unwrapped toy for the Salvation Army Angel Tree.

President's message

Convention in a snapshot - We started our week at NAR 360 and Residential Economic Issues & Trends Forum. We start here to get an overview of where the real estate market and economy has been and where it is headed. NAR Chief Economist, Mr. Lawrence Yun was one of the speakers. I enjoy listening to Dr. Yun because his message is conveyed in a way that everyone can easily Tami Gunn & Karen Becker at Understand. the Region 8 Caucus

Key points from this year's presentation:

· Lifetime wealth is at an all-time high · Home ownership rate is at a 50-year low · First-time home buyer dipping in 2015 to 32% · Lack of starter home inventory · Student loan debt has hit a high of 1.3 trillion dollars · Existing home sales 5.3 million in 2015

Key Points from the H.O.M.E. Survey (Housing Opportunity and Market Experience)

· The desire to own remains strong and is strengthening, SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

· 83% of Americans believe buying is a good financial decision, · 87% of Americans believe homeownership is part of their personal American Dream.

I attended the Local Leadership Idea Exchange Council (for Boards with 500-1,999 members), the RPAC Fundraising Forum, the Local President/President-Elect Roundtables, and the Region Caucus for our region. We had a busy week exchanging and sharing ideas for our association and RPAC. The regional caucus was a great opportunity to share our state and local successes!

The general session is another of my favorites and this year did not disappoint. It was amazing to see all of the REALTOR'S across the world...with a special tribute to France! It was definitely a heart- warming moment to see us all stand united! This is the session where we hear and get inspired by the Good Neighbor Award winners who give extraordinary contributions and volunteer time to their impressed! We cheered for the state REALTOR of the Year recipient's. Congratulations to the Minnesota REALTOR of the Year, Rod Helm! The keynote speaker was Emmitt Smith, three- time Super Bowl Champion with the Dallas Cowboys and Dancing with the Stars champion (which is how I know him). I'm so glad I attended..Such an inspiring night!

Bells will be ringing...

Mark You Calendars! Salvation Army REALTOR® Ring Day is Friday, December 4th! REALTOR® Ring Day will feature hundreds of REALTORS® bell ringing at more than 150 kettle locations around the state - but we need your help! In an effort to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and free people from addiction, Minnesota REALTORS® SEMAR (along with many other associations across the state) have teamed up with the Salvation Army for this great event once again! Consider volunteering 1 shift with co-workers, family, or friends and wear your REALTOR® "R" with pride! Sign up at

MNAR is holding their 2nd annual REALTOR® Ring Holiday Contest!!

It's time to go through the attic, ask grandma or grandpa for their stylish holiday sweaters, or get creative and design your own! All REALTORS® are invited to wear their ugly holiday sweaters and show off their holiday spirit on REALTOR® Ring Day - Friday, December 4th!


Capture ONE picture of you, your family, or REALTOR® friends on December 4th at your designated ring location (you must be in the picture). Submit your photo with your first and last name, ring location, and brokerage you are with, to [email protected] with "MN Ring Contest" in the subject line. Kate will post entries on MN REALTORS'® Facebook Page. Visit the MN REALTORS'® Facebook Page throughout the day to VOTE! SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

VOTE by LIKING the pictures posted. The likes will be counted per entry on the MN REALTORS'® Facebook Page - be sure to direct family and friends to the MN REALTORS'® Facebook Page to VOTE for your picture! Voting will be open until 8am December 5th! MN REALTORS® will announce the winner with the most LIKES on the MN REALTORS'® Facebook Page on Monday, December 7th! The winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card!

NAR Director - Board had some critical decisions to make

These are the high points from the NAR BOD of director meeting held in Sunny San Diego on Monday November 16th 2015. I am very proud to represent Minnesota on your behalf. Tracie Fogelson.

The board heard reports on a number of NAR initiatives-including advocacy successes in 2015. A recent Call for Action on guarantee fees was the most successful CFA in NAR's history, with almost 19 percent of Tracie Fogelson members nationwide responding. Minnesota was closer to 30%. The CFA NAR Director is still in effect and asks members of Congress not to use funds generated from the guarantee fees to fund federal initiatives that aren't related to housing. More than 30 percent of NAR members have contributed to RPAC, which raised $30 million in 2015, 10 percent more than in 2014.

The most substantive action taken by the Board of Directors was the passing of a motion put forward by the Executive Committee to enter a contract with ZipLogix to provide the basic form and transaction software for all NAR members. ZipLogix is jointly owned 70 percent by the California Association of Realtors and 30 percent by NAR. This is a forms only product with unlimited storage. It does not offer a mobile platform or a digital signature program. NAR is currently in negotiations with providers to offer discounts for those services. Over 600,000 members already use ZipLogix. The 3 year contract will cost $11.5M annually. The funds will come from reserves.

The new "Get REALTOR®" advertising campaign was revealed. The millennial-focused campaign is currently in production. A social media campaign was kicked off at the San Diego meetings. Television spots featuring "House Off" will begin airing in February 2016. Arnold Worldwide was chosen as the marketing firm. Arnold is known for the "Flo" commercials for Progressive.

The board was updated on the progress with AMP and Project Upstream from RPR. Currently 653 MLS"S or 85 percent use RPR. That translates to 971,000 members.

.REALTOR is one of the ten fastest-growing domains in the history of the Internet. NAR will launch the .realestate in 2016.

Move Inc., which operates®, plans to put advertising support behind its new RealRatings service in the first quarter of 2016.® traffic is at record levels with 46 million users per month .Videos with ad spokesperson, Elizabeth Banks, intended to generate SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

engagement with the site, have proven very popular with viewers. Goals for this coming year will be to drive useage, drive engagement and be cutting edge mobile with mapping and the Apple News App.

Other initiatives of interest;

Flood insurance The board voted to support the development by Congress of a private market for flood insurance as an option for home owners who lack access to affordable coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program. Military housing support

The board approved a resolution in support of a federal Basic Allowance for Housing that aims to ensure that members of the military who do not live on military facilities receive a fair amount of money to cover their housing expenses. Professional standards

Directors voted to simplify the requirements for disclosing the name of a REALTOR®'s firm in print and online advertising. Members may now comply with the requirements either in the advertisement itself or, in the case of online ads, via a link to a display with the required disclosures.

MLS decisions and updates create a power-house policy meeting

Attending the NAR Convention for the first time was very exciting. The NAR 360 session was the start of the conference - sharing the big news of NAR's partnership with ZipLogix to provide zipForm Plus and zipTMS. This new free NAR member benefit gives Realtors access to the forms they want, when and where they need them and allows them to manage the transaction via zipLogix's new zipTMS, its Transaction Management System. Also announced at this meeting, FHA Ed Golding announced the new proposals for FHA- condo changes. One of changes is recertification will be more streamlined and easier to obtain. Owner-occupancy requirements and limits on the type of insurance will be Kelly Calvert & the other changes. The recertification and insurance would become effective immediately after Karen Becker at the November 13th meeting. The owner-occupancy would be addressed in a formal rule packed MLS making decision in the near future.

Policy Committee "Redefine the R" was a wonderful and refreshing marketing campaign meant to attract the meeting millennials. They showed us a small clip of the new commercials that will start airing early next year. The commercials show a game show with two families playing against each other. One family uses a Realtor and one does not, all I can say is that they will be fun to watch but will really hit the consumer to make the right decision. The end caption will be #getrealtor

The MLS Policies Committee meeting made a motion to pass the following policy changes; IDX display of pending listings, Arbitration Award enforcement for nonmember MLS participants, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Safe Harbor-Information material only.

Update on RPR-AMP, RPR has spent 5 years building a data foundation. They continue to offer webinar training while still growing their platform. They are working on AMP (the backend provider for data) MLS SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

will have their front end (vendor), compliance rules will remain with local markets/MLSs. They project this to be beta tested early next year.

Update on Upstream - This system will be a single point of entry for all brokers who want to participate. They expect this to take 2 ½ years to build. Once it is complete Upstream will determine the price brokers will pay to be a part of this system. Brokers will still pay to be a part of the MLS as this will be an additional fee if the broker wishes to have control over data before MLS pulls data.

Green Home Features Increase Value and Marketability, Say Realtors- This panel was very informative on how MLS's should start looking at implementing going green as features for homes. NAR does offer a GREEN MLS Implementation Guide as a resource and GREEN MLS Tool Kit. NAR's Green Destination is being updated to include classes that will focus on features and situations a Realtor may run into. Buyers want to find homes that can lower home operating costs and are willing to pay for the features that will help them obtain it. As current MLS President, the Board and I will try and find a way to see green in our MLS's future.

Attending the Region 8 Caucus- IA, MN, NE, ND, SD, we were able to hear updates from all of the State Presidents. It was truly an honor to be able to attend and support them all.

On an ending note I would like to thank all the wonderful leaders and staff who were part of this trip. We truly continue to have great leadership and I feel very blessed to be a part of it. I cannot encourage anyone thinking about becoming more involved with either board to do so. You truly get to see what changes impact our industry and how we can make a difference.

Information sharing key take-aways for SEMAR President Elect

What a great learning experience in San Diego.

Attending my first NAR Convention was one of the best experiences of my career. As was true for thousands of REALTORs committed to their craft. Hearing from NAR's economist about the year over year numbers shows what we all know about the market - expect some growth.

I had an opportunity to take part in some round-table discussions. Some of Justin Ohnstad the topics we talked about were RPR and how NAR is constantly working to improve it. The most interesting conversation to me was about RPAC. President Elect REALTORs from across the country shared how they get the most out of RPAC. Another great discussion was about staff at the associations and MLSs. This only further confirmed that we, as SEMAR members, have the greatest staff.

I spent each day of the convention talking to someone new about the real estate industry. These conversations have given me a wealth of information that I will be putting to use within the SEMAR organization.

Thank you - each of you - for your continued professionalism and dedication to SEMAR. It is truly an honor to be the ears for you at home and the voice for you at conference. SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015 SEMAR Required Module schedule

This year the required module is 3.75 hours and meets the requirement for fair housing and agency as well.

Wednesday November 18th - 8:30-12:15 Austin MN, Holiday Inn, 1701 4th St. NW Wednesday November 18th - 1:30-5:15 Owatonna United Prairie Bank, 110 W. Rose Street

Thursday December 17th - 8:30-12:15 Rochester SEMAR Office Thursday December 17th - 1:15-5:00 Rochester SEMAR Office

Thursday January 21st - 8:30-12:15 Rochester Apache Kahler, Rochester Thursday January 21st - 1:15-5:00 Rochester Apache Kahler, Rochester

Thursday March 17th - 8:30-12:15 Winona Location TBD Thursday march 17th - 1:45-5:30 Rochester SEMAR lower level

Thursday April 14th - 8:30-12:15 Austin MN, Hormel Historic Home, 208 Fourth Avenue, NW Thursday April 14th - 1:45-5:30 Albert Lea, Country Inn & Suites, 2214 E. Main St.

Thursday May 19th - 8:30-12:15 Rochester SEMAR Office Thursday May 19th - 1:15-5:00 Rochester SEMAR Office

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 Hours of real estate continuing education.

Store Item of the Week!

Shoe Cover Holders & Shoe Covers

It is that time of year again .... when we try to take prevention against the dreaded S word (he that shall not be named). Unfortunately the weather forecast doesn't look too good over Thanksgiving with plenty of snow foretold .... whoops sorry I mentioned that dreaded S word.

Try our shoe cover holders and shoe covers, they are an excellent solution to preventing trailing snow, water marks across carpets and SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

wooden floors on your listing travels.

Shoe Cover Holders: $7.50 Shoe Covers: $1:85 for a pack of 5 Covers

Social Media: Think before you post

Last week, a candidate for the Minnesota State House of Representatives posted the Tweet above on Saturday night, a day after the atrocity in Paris. Within a few hours, his entire party had condemned his statement and were publicly saying he should get out of the race. By Sunday morning he was out and a subject of national ridicule.

When you limit your comments to 140 characters, you leave little room for nuance. Before you hit 'send,' try to image what a person who disagrees with you on nearly everything would do with what you just posted. That doesn't mean you should censor your opinions. It just means when you put them up you are aware of what reaction they may inspire.

NAR developed the following series on social media tips for REALTORS®. They are worth your time. Pat Sexton Government Affairs Director

Save the date, Austin!

Dreaming of a tropical vacation? Then you'll want to hear about this! SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

Austin is celebrating the holidays after all the hubbub is over and everyone can breathe easy again. Lots of fun and friendship coming your way...

January 15 at 5:00 pm Windrift Bar, 2511 11th Street NE

Save that present that you were going to re-gift and bring it to the festivities for a White Elephant giveaway. And if you haven't gone south, wear your best (or worst) Hawaiian/tropical outfit. Yes, prizes are involved. Last year they gave away a television. Interested? Of course you are! Stay tuned for more details...

REALTOR Rally Registration Open!

They say that learning through laughter is one of the best ways to learn. And that laughter is the best medicine. Based on our instructors this year, all of our members are going to be very healthy, learned REALTORS. (Plus we'll have to add insulation between the rooms...)

SEMAR is thrilled to present our instructors for this year's Rally - Terry Watson and Karel Murray.

Join us on Thursday, February 18 at the Rochester International Event Center for a rousing day of continuing education (CE applied for). Tuition is only $29.99. Tuition includes top-notch education, continental breakfast, lunch, Exhibit Hall and happy hour. Who could ask for more? To register today, go to and click on the Education button on the member side of the website.

Check out the video links of the instructors in action and have a chuckle in the process:

Terry Watson: click here SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

Karel Murray: click here

Stay tuned for more details soon!

From a Tech point of view (the other tips are optional!)

Tip 1: You know a house has probably been on the market a long time when the 'For Sale' sign starts sprouting roots!

Each week, I will provide you with a useful tip based on frequently asked questions and important updates. (My first tip will always be something useful in life). Tip 2: This week I am providing an update on the REALTORS® Conference and Expo, which I attended last week. Carrie Klassen (Technology Task Force Chair) from RE/MAX Results and I attended Shaun Martin MLS/IT Director the technology based classes to gain valuable insight into current trends and issues.

Afterwards we attended the main Expo looking through various vendors which we feel could enhance the association. Our goal was for me to ask the technology questions from an association point of view and have Carrie ask questions from a REALTOR's point of view. If we liked a product I would then ask the vendor if they offered a price reduction through the association or broker for bulk subscriptions. Between us, I believe we have obtained a lot of potential vendors that could improve our association. In fact, Carrie was able to advise me that she uses some technology Carrie Klassen Tech Task (free), which does exactly the same thing as some of the vendors Force Chai without the added cost. We will be providing a detailed report complete with technology information obtained from the lectures we attended plus pros and cons of each of the vendors to the Board of Directors soon. The Task Force Team will then be assembled to work with Carrie and I to test the technology and see which items we feel will add to our Association before providing our recommendations. Remember, the goal here is doing what is best for our members, which means we will not dismiss something without investigation and testing.

Some of the vendors we looked at are as follows:

Sentrilock: An alternative lockbox system to Supra, which has many benefits including card access if your key app fails to update accordingly.

PreFlight: A mortgage pre-approval system that is faster and doesn't require commitment from the borrower. It works directly with the lender of your choice. SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

Real Agent Guard: A smart phone app which will alert people to your location, you can set a timer to go off before you leave your car. You can also take images of the license plate or person and email it to a contact list. If your phone gets compromised or destroyed the alert/alarm will be automatically sent to your contact list as it will be running in the cloud also.

Xome: A lead generation app, which does not charge you for leads unless you progress all the way to the listing. Further investigation will be required on this and running it by our brokers but it seems like a viable option for members who are looking for additional leads.

There are plenty more vendors and products to review, which will be discussed further after we have time to test and investigate them further. We certainly have our marching orders for the year! Stay tuned for further information:

Tip 2: Updates from the Conference & Expo

Please click on the link above for further information on the new updates on One of the biggest changes is that have made it mandatory for an agent to upload their profile picture. Any accounts without a profile will not be seen by the general public. They have also added a Realtor Rating to the account, so your clients that have successfully sold/bought a house can leave a rating after a the transaction is completed.

Important Windows Update: Free Upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10 for Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users

Please click on the link above for detailed steps on how to obtain your free Windows 10 Upgrade.

If you have any suggestions or topics that you would like to see covered or have questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 507-285-9833.

SEMAR Monthly Stats

For more detailed information on monthly stats please click on the picture below. SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

Want to do CE in your bunny slippers?

With computer technology and the internet growing more advanced than ever before, online education is a swiftly growing industry - and, more so in ours. Yes, it's certainly less traditional than attending a live instruction course, but its convenience and benefits are becoming ever more pronounced.

However, we know that how online learning works is still hard to picture for many of our members, which is why we've partnered with The CE Shop. They're the leaders in online real estate education and they've created the most friendly online learning environment so that even our most novice users can have success in mere minutes!

Enrolling into a course with The CE Shop is easy. Simply click on the picture to see a list of the courses available to you. Then mouse-over their detailed course descriptions. You'll get the picture fast because The CE Shop has taken great care to understand how real estate agents like you learn best. They have an entire team devoted to ensuring the information you learn is the most relevant and current. We're not sure how they do it, but the lessons are always manageable and the information you need is engaging.

The best part? Learn when and how you want. The CE Shop does the rest.

Members on the Move

NEW: Jerald Hettenbach of, Michael McKay of Edina Realty Rochester, Shawna Soper of Ron Holtan Realty.

NEW AFFILIATE: Kent Bauer of Investors Appraisals Inc. SEMAR Weekly Bulletin - November 23, 2015

TRANSFER: Kristina Rist from HomeServices Lovejoy Realty to Counselor Realty of Rochester, Kris Ohm from Coldwell Banker At Your Service Realty to Westwood Realty Inc.

DROP: David Meadows of Homes Plus Realty, Julie Treutel of Spring Valley Town & Country, Greg Wersal of Gregory F Wersal, Broker, James W. Anderson of Edina Realty Rochester, Marcia Gehrt of Handy Andy Real Estate Experts, Inc., Steven Strauss of Farmers Insurance, Stacy Wilson of ERA Gillespie Real Estate Inc., David Prochazka of Ron Holtan Realty Inc.

NAME CHANGE: Corbin Carlson of Coldwell Banker AYS Realty is now Corbin Arneson.

Stay tuned for more updates ....