Prevention Practices For Rift Valley (RvF)

If a case of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is confirmed anywhere in the Specific steps you can take upon RVF being confirmed in the , mosquitoes could spread it across the nation. If United States are listed below. Many should already be in any animal on your farm is confirmed to have RVF, all animals place on your farm but should be enhanced and more strictly on the farm that could get sick (cattle, sheep and goats) may enforced in the event that RVF is confirmed in the U.S. This will be euthanized and disposed of to control the further spread of minimize the chance of the disease being introduced onto disease. your farm. There are steps you can take to help reduce the risk of RVF from entering your herd. Strict biosecurity practices can Farm Entrance help you and your neighbors minimize the chances that your animals will have to be destroyed. • Limit access to your farm. - The entrance to your farm is a major control point. A General Precautions handout (found on the CFSPH website) - Have only one gated entrance to the ani- provides prevention steps that should always be used on a mal areas on your farm to better monitor and farm. control all visitors arriving on your farm. The biosecurity practices outlined here should be put into - Keep the gate locked when not in use. place immediately if RVF is confirmed anywhere in the U.S. • Stop all movement of ani- and maintained until the U.S. is once again declared RVF free. mals on and off your farm. - If RVF is confirmed in the U.S., movement re- General Precautionary Measures strictions will most likely be implemented lo- cally, regionally and possibly nationally. Rift Valley Fever is a fever-causing that severely - Restrictions will depend on the affects cattle, sheep, goats and humans. There is a very high scope of the outbreak. rate of and death in newborn animals. RVF is spread - These measures will minimize the spread of between animals and humans by mosquitoes. A RVF to other areas, including your farm. will feed on blood from an animal/person with RVF and • Post signs at the farm entrance to in- spread RVF to a new animal when it feeds again. Prevention form visitors. (See Appendix A) measures to minimize the introduction and spread of RVF - Stay off this farm unless given permission to enter. onto your farm fall into four general categories: - Honk before getting out of vehi- 1. Restrict or stop all animal movement to pre- cle (to announce your arrival). vent entry or spread of the disease. - Check-in with farm personnel upon arrival. (Di- 2. Observe, detect and report any dis- rect visitors to “where” they should check-in). ease or unusual signs to your herd vet- - Follow farm biosecurity procedures. erinarian as quickly as possible. - Visitors should avoid contact with ani- 3. Mosquitoes are the most important way that mals unless absolutely necessary. RVF is spread. Control of mosquito breed- ing sites (stock tanks, ponds, old tires etc.) is • Traffic on or off your farm should be closely the key to prevent spread of the disease. monitored and recorded. (See Appendix B) 4. Humans can get Rift Valley Fever. Protect your- - Maintain a log sheet to record all visi- self against mosquito bites and use personal tors and vehicles that enter your farm. protective equipment (respirator, gloves, eye - All visitors should be accompanied by some- protection etc.) when handling tissues from ani- one from your farm at all times. mals that have aborted (placenta, fetus etc.). - Accurate record keeping of traffic on your farm will help with and track- ing should it become necessary. Do not rely on your ability to “recall” visitors and vehicles.

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Mosquito Life Cycle and Control • Check with your local extension office or depart- ment of pest management to determine which Mosquitoes are the most important way that RVF is spread. It pesticides are approved for use in your area. is only the female mosquito that feeds on blood as she needs the protein to produce eggs. Mosquitoes will lay their eggs on or near the edge of water. The mosquito eggs will hatch Animals into larvae (also known as “wigglers”) which turn into pupae (also known as “tumblers”). The larvae and the pupae need Livestock to live in water to survive. The pupae will change into adult mosquitoes. (See Appendix C) • Monitor animals closely and frequently for any developing illness or signs of disease. Control of Mosquito Egg Laying Sites • Educate yourself and train your employ- (See Appendix D) ees about RVF and the signs of illness. - at any stage of pregnancy, • This is the best way to control mosqui- up to 100% of pregnant animals toes since they lay eggs in specific ar- - Adult cattle: fever, snotty nose, yellow mucus mem- eas and these areas can be managed. branes (gums) or eyes, refusal to eat, diarrhea • Mosquitoes can lay their eggs any place that - Calves: fever, depression, sudden death can hold water. This includes: ponds, old tires, - Adult sheep and goats: snotty nose, diarrhea, yellow tarps, tree holes, bird baths and flower pots. mucus membranes (gums) or eyes, an unsteady gait - Lambs and kids: high fever, de- Control of Mosquito Larvae (“wigglers”) pression, sudden death • Mosquito larvae need to live in wa- • Contact your herd veterinarian imme- ter to survive. They can be found in diately to examine sick animals. any amount of standing water including • Isolate sick animals in a mosquito- ponds, old tires, tarps and bird baths. proof building away from the herd for • Since mosquito larvae remain in the same 30 days to minimize disease spread. water where they hatched from eggs, con- • Any animals that have recently been pur- trol of this stage focuses on continued man- chased or returned to the farm should agement of mosquito egg laying areas. be quarantined for 30 days. • The use of pesticides should only be used - New or returning animals (e.g. shows, as a supplement to controlling mosqui- competitions) can be infected with a dis- toes through the reduction and manage- ease without showing signs right away. ment of mosquito egg laying sites. - Quarantine allows time for a disease to develop in the animal, without exposing your entire herd • Check with your local extension office or depart- to the disease agent. The animal can then be ex- ment of pest management to determine which amined, diagnosed and treated (if it is not RVF). pesticides are approved for use in your area. - Ideally, animals should be quarantined at a separate location (premises). Control of Mosquito Adults • This is the least effective way to control Other Animals mosquitoes. Attempting to control adult • Prevent free roaming animals (dogs, mosquitoes can be difficult and costly. cats) from coming onto your farm. • Control of adult mosquitoes fo- - Dogs and cats can get RVF, and it can cuses on the use of pesticides. be fatal in puppies and kittens. - Infected dogs and cats could serve as a • The use of pesticides should only be source of the RVF for mosquitoes to supplemental to controlling mosqui- pass the disease to your livestock. toes through the reduction and manage- - Keep pets in a kennel or tied securely. ment of mosquito egg laying areas. - Ask your neighbors to do the same.

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People • People can get RVF. Infected humans may serve as a source of the virus for mosquitoes which • People can get RVF several ways: could spread the disease to animals or humans. (see Appendix C) - Being bit by a mosquito. • Visitors should park at the entrance - Handling infected animal tissues or fluids. to the farm, away from animal ar- - Breathing in the virus when handling infected eas, or in designated parking areas. animal fluids (blood, birthing tissues and milk). • Specific rules and biosecurity measures to use • Protect yourself against mosquitoes. on farm should be clearly posted for visitors. - When outside, wear long pants and • Record any visitors on the farm with long sleeves to cover skin. a log sheet. (See Appendix B) - Use insect repellants on exposed skin. Repellants • All visitors should be accompanied by with N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (commonly known someone from the farm at all times. as DEET) are the most effective. DEET is an in- sect repellant that is safe to use on people but not • Visitors should avoid livestock areas, pens, on pets. Make sure to follow all label directions. barns unless absolutely necessary. - Make sure screens on windows and • If your livestock business depends on visi- doors are in good repair. tors, such as petting farms, or international • Sick animals should not be processed for and local visitors for sales promotion, meat or necropsied during a RVF outbreak. - Ensure that they have not been to ar- - This can release the virus into the air. People eas where RVF has recently occurred. who necropsy the animals or process meat - Visitors from these areas should not be al- may become sick by breathing in the vi- lowed access if they have flu-like illness. rus or by handling the meat and organs. This would include fever, , muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting. • Wear personal protective equipment, such as gloves, coveralls, boots, protec- tive eyewear and a respirator when han- Record Keeping dling aborted fetuses, birthing tissues, or milking potentially infected animals. • Maintain thorough and accurate re- cords of animal movement. • Do not allow ill people on your farm. - Document all prior animal movements, including - People with RVF can have a fever, headache, muscle the dates of introduction into the herd, where they and joint pain, nausea and vomiting. These people came from and movements between separate units. could spread RVF to a mosquito that could then - Each farm location must be treat- bite and infect an animal or another person. ed as a separate unit or premise. - RVF cannot be passed from person to - This information will be essential to help person; it requires a mosquito. trace where the disease came from. • Limit employees to only those necessary • Know the health status and the source of for the continued operation of the farm. any animal(s) brought onto your farm. - Do not bring animals onto your farm unless Neighbors they are proven to be from RVF-free areas. • Discuss the threat of RVF with your neighbors. • Determine steps you can take together to protect Cleaning and Disinfection (See Appendix E) your area and farms from becoming infected. • Remove any organic material be- - Control free roaming animals, es- fore cleaning or disinfection. pecially dogs and cats. - Most disinfectants are ineffective when dirt, ma- nure and other visible material is present. Visitors • Clean and disinfect anything that has come • Post warning signs asking visitors in contact with birthing tissues or fetuses to keep out. (See Appendix A) before it is used for another purpose.

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• Clean isolation areas and re- place bedding regularly. • Dispose of bedding and manure from iso- lation areas and store it in a fenced off area so that livestock or other ani- mals do not have access to it.

References Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Preparation of Rift Valley Fe- ver Contingency Plans. Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na- tions, Rome. 2002. Accessed on March 3, 2005 at asp?url_file=DOCREP/005/Y4140E/Y4140E00.htm Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na- tions (FAO). Manual on Procedures for Disease Eradication by Stamping Out, Part: 3 Decontamina- tion procedures. Accessed on August 2, 2005 at International Office for Epizootics (OIE). Animal diseases data: Rift Valley Fever. Accessed on January 24, 2005 at International Office for Epizootics (OIE). Health standards: Rift Valley Fever. Accessed on No- vember 14, 2005 at normes/mcode/en_chapitre_2.2.14.htm Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals. Rift Valley Fever. Published by the Pan American Health Organization. 2003.

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Sample signs to post at the farm entrance in the event of a RVF outbreak in the U.S. (Available from your state livestock extension specialist or the CFSPH web site at

Additional signage available from private companies (Those listed below are available from Gempler’s).

RVF_PrevPrac Visitor_log Prevention Practices For RVF Appendix B


Last Date of Visit Contact with Time Date Name Reason for Visit Livestock Time In Out

RVF_PrevPrac Prevention Practices For RVF Appendix C

TRANSMISSION ROUTES OF Rift Valley Fever Female mosquitoes Cow with Rift Valley Fever (RVF) () feed on animals People can get RVF through and humans because they direct contact with birthing need the protein to tissues (placenta, fetus) from produce eggs. This is cows, sheep or goats who when they can become have aborted due to RVF or infected with RVF. from breathing it in (aerosol) when opening a carcass infected with RVF.

RVF causes abortions

The female mosquito lays her eggs by the water of a flood- The pupae develop prone pasture. into adults and can now transmit RVF when they feed (vector) on an animal or person.

Eggs develop into larvae. (also called “wigglers”)

Larvae develop into pupae. (also called “tumblers”)

graphic created by Clint May, CFSPH measUres Appendix D rift Valley Fever virus is spread by mosquitoes. control programs should focus on decreasing their numbers to minimize the risk of disease spread on your farm.

Control of Mosquito g The use of pesticides should g The use of pesticides should Egg Laying Sites only be supplemental to con- only be supplemental to con- trolling mosquitoes through the trolling mosquitoes through the g This is the best way to con- reduction and management of reduction and management of trol mosquitoes since they lay mosquito egg laying areas. mosquito egg laying sites. eggs in specific areas and these g Do not apply pesticides to mov- g Individuals may use hand-held areas can be managed. ing water (i.e. streams). Ultra Low Volume foggers, por- g table or fogging attachments Add drainage holes to struc- g Products labeled only for home and tures and containers that may garden mosquito larval control may for tractors or lawn mowers. trap water (barrels, old tires). be used. Follow all label directions. g Pyrethrin or 5% malathion g can be fogged outdoors. Fol- Change or circulate the water in g Non-chemical pesticides stock tanks, pet bowls and bird- can be used. low all label directions. baths at least once a week. • Always follow all g Contact your local extension agent g Drain tarps and covers of col- label directions for assistance in developing a lected rainwater after a rain • BTI (Bacillus thuringien- mosquito management plan. (i.e. silage covers). sis israelensis) pronounced ba-SILL-us THUR-in-GEN- g Pick up and properly dispose Personal Protection sus IZ-real-EN-sus. of all trash, especially any- • BTI granules can be spread over thing that could hold water. g People can get Rift an area of pasture that is flood- Valley fever by being bitten g Thin out weeds and remove old prone. Use at the beginning of by an infected mosquito. leaves from ponds. This will al- the mosquito season and re-ap- low natural mosquito-eating fish ply in the middle of the season. g Protect yourself against mosquitoes. to easily access areas where • BTI dunks can be used to g When outside, wear long pants mosquitoes lay their eggs. treat stock tanks. One dunk and long sleeves to cover skin. g can treat up to 100 square Grade areas where road ruts, g feet of water surface and Use insect repellants on potholes and hoofprints exist exposed skin. Repellants with (around stock tanks, ponds). can last up to 30 days. • Methoprene products can be DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-tolua- g Grade newly developed land used to treat areas that collect mide) are the most effective. to prevent standing water. water. These include bird baths, g DEET is an insect repel- These areas create areas for urns, old tires, flower pots, aban- lant that is safe to use on mosquitoes to lay eggs. doned swimming pools, etc. people but not on pets. g Fill tree holes with sand, mor- g Make sure screens on windows tar or place drainage holes Control of Mosquito Adults and doors are in good repair. to prevent standing water. g Clean roof gutters to pre- g This is the least efficient way vent them from becoming to control mosquitoes. It is a violation of state and federal law to use a pesticide in any manner that clogged and holding water. g Special equipment is needed differs from the product label. Use to apply pesticides to kill adult only according to label directions to Control of Mosquito Larvae mosquitoes (adulticides). Small avoid meat or milk residue hazards, (“wigglers”) droplets are produced that drift environmental damage, and animal or through the air and contact human injury. g Check with your local extension of- adult mosquitoes to kill them. fice or department of pest manage- g Check with your local extension of- ment to determine which pesticides fice or department of pest manage- Mosquito References: are approved for use in your area. ment to determine which pesticides Lawler SP, Lanzaro GC. Managing Mos- are approved for use in your area. quitoes on the Farm. Department RVF_mosquito_control page 1 of 2 moAppsquitoendix control D measures Appendix D

of Entomology, University of California, Davis. http://axp. Potter MF, Townsend L, Knapp FW. Mosquitoes: Practi- cal Advice for Homeowners. University of Kentucky Department of Entomology. riculture/Entomology/entfacts/misc/ef005.htm Stringham M, Watson W. Managing Waste Lagoons to Con- trol Mosquito Breeding. North Carolina State Univer- sity Department of Entomology. http://www.ces.ncsu. edu/depts/ent/notes/MedVet/wnv-manage.htm Larvicides for Mosquito Control. United States Environ- mental Protection Agency. cides/health/mosquitoes/larvicides4mosquitoes.htm

RVF_mosquito_control page 2 of 2 Prevention Practices For RvF Appendix e

Disinfectants for Rift Valley Fever Virus

Note: Before disinfecting, all surfaces must be cleaned. This includes re- moving any visible material such as manure, bedding and feed.

Product Dilution Mixing Instructions Comments Sodium hypochlorite 3% 2 gallons of bleach Not effective when area/objects 5.25% (NaOCl) to 3 gallons of water. are not clean; unstable in (household bleach) Mix thoroughly. warm, sunny conditions. Calcium hypochlorite 3% 30g/liter Not effective when area/objects (Ca(OCl)2) are not clean; unstable in warm, sunny conditions. Potassium peroxy- 2-3% Follow label directions. e.g. Virkon-S monosulfate and sodium chloride

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 2% 10 molar concentration, Use only when better disinfec- dilute one part acid to tants are not available. Dam- 50 parts water. Always ages many metals and concrete. pour acid into water. Citric acid 0.2% 1 ounce powder to Safe for clothes and body 4 gallons of water. decontamination.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Manual on Proce- dures for Disease Eradication by Stamping Out. Part 3: Decontamination Procedures. Ac- cessed August 2, 2005
