News published daily at Update.Legislature.ne.gov Vol. 42, #17 / Apr. 29 - May 2, 2019 Legislature overrides county sales tax veto awmakers voted April 30 to override the governor’s veto L of a bill that allows a county to impose a sales tax to help pay a federal judgment against it. LB472, introduced by Adams Sen. Myron Dorn, authorizes a county board to adopt a resolution to impose a sales and use tax of 0.5 percent on transactions within the county to pay a qualified judgment, which the bill defines as a judgment rendered against a county by a federal court for a viola- tion of federal law. Dorn has said the proposal is in- tended to help the residents of Gage County. In 2016, a federal judge awarded more than $28 million in damages to the six men and women Sen. Myron Dorn said the county sales tax authorized by LB472 would generate approximately $1.25 million in annual revenue that the county could use to pay a $31 million judgment. wrongfully convicted of the rape and homicide of a Beatrice woman in DNA evidence exonerated them. Gov. Pete Ricketts returned LB472 1985. The individuals, commonly Including attorneys’ fees and in- to the Legislature without his signa- known as the “Beatrice Six,” had sued terest, Dorn said, the county owes ture April 24 after lawmakers passed Gage County in federal court after approximately $31 million. it April 18 on a vote of 43-6. (continued page 2) Medication abortion bill debated bill that would require medical providers to pro- administered during a medical abortion—mifepristone—is vide additional information to women seeking not always effective in ending a pregnancy. A abortions stalled on general file April 29. The committee amendment represents a compromise, LB209, as originally introduced by Albrecht said, that would give every woman the option of Thurston Sen. , would continuing a pregnancy if she wishes to pursue it. require medical providers to inform a “[The compromise] was the result of a lot of hard work patient seeking an abortion that it may between people who have an interest in making sure that be possible to reverse a medical abor- any woman who changes her mind after starting a medica- tion if the patient changes her mind. tion abortion knows that it may not be too late and that she A Judiciary Committee amendment, can talk to a medical professional who can help her,” she adopted 39-3, replaced the bill. As Sen. Joni Albrecht said. “Its purpose is to ensure that every woman receives amended, medical providers would be required to inform the information she needs and deserves to make a truly a woman seeking an abortion that the first of two drugs informed and voluntary decision.”

(continued page 3)

INSIDE: Bill to raise vaping, smoking ages advanced • Bill advanced to clarify protection order process April 29 - May 2, 2019 Legislature overrides county sales tax veto (continued from front page)

In his veto message, the governor also supported the motion, despite thing.” called the events leading to the intro- finding himself “between a rock and a Bayard Sen. opposed duction of LB472 “tragic,” but said hard place,” he said. Although LB472 the motion. Although he voted to pass the Legislature should not authorize is the fastest, most financially sound LB472 because it “was the right thing political subdivisions to impose new way of paying the judgment against to do,” Erdman said, he opposed the taxes on Nebraskans without a vote Gage County, Groene said, it is an veto override because Dorn, as an of the people. exception to his principle that the Appropriations Committee member, Dorn offered a motion to over- people should be allowed to vote on supports an effort by the committee ride the veto, saying Gage County’s any proposed sales tax increase. to provide less property tax relief than voters did not have a say when the Taking the decision to a vote would proposed by the governor. county board voted last year to raise its impose election costs on the county Erdman said the larger increase property tax levy to pay the judgment, and delay implementation of the sales would have helped Gage County which at the time was the only way it tax if voters approve it, he said. property taxpayers. could do so. Sen. of Omaha “You can’t be on both sides of the Dorn said imposing the sales tax also supported the motion, saying same issue,” he said. will reduce the time needed to pay the LB472 addresses a unique situation Also in opposition was Sen. Mike judgment from more than eight years that will not happen again. Not every Hilgers of Lincoln, saying LB472 to as little as six years, providing some decision is put to a vote of the people is based on the premise that Gage property tax relief to Gage County in a republican form of government, County residents would not vote for property owners. he said. the sales tax increase if given the op- Sen. of Albion sup- “The Supreme Court itself has portunity. He said the bill sets a prec- ported Dorn’s motion. He said it more said [that] some principles are so edent of removing the vote from the fairly spreads the judgment’s cost, important [that] they should not be people if the Legislature believes that which now rests disproportionately left to the vicissitudes of elections or voters would not do the right thing. on agricultural landowners already opinion polls,” Chambers said. “In Lawmakers voted 41-8 to override suffering from high property taxes. other words, the governmental entity the governor’s veto. Thirty votes were North Platte Sen. is to take the action and do the right needed. g

UNICAMERAL UPDATE The Unicameral Update is a free, weekly newsletter published during the legislative session. It is produced by the Clerk of the Legislature’s Office through the Unicameral Information Office. For print subscriptions, call 402-471-2788 or email [email protected]. Visit us online at Update.Legislature.ne.gov, twitter.com/UnicamUpdate and facebook.com/UnicameralUpdate.

Clerk of the Legislature: Patrick J. O’Donnell Editor: Kate Heltzel; Writers: Kyle Harpster, Ami Johnson, Mike Malloy; Photographer: Bess Ghormley

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PAGE 2 • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • 106TH LEGISLATURE April 29 - May 2, 2019 Medication abortion bill debated (continued from front page) In addition to other information Sen. of Omaha intro- already required under existing law, duced a motion to recommit LB209 the committee amendment would to the Judiciary Committee. A woman require a provider to inform a woman who decides she no longer wants an that if she changes her mind and wants abortion should be treated with com- to continue a pregnancy after taking passion, Hunt said, but directing her to mifepristone, she may consult the state speak to a stranger at a hotline or listed Department of Health and Human on a DHHS website is “irresponsible.” Services’ website. “What we’re telling women is that igh school students with an The amendment would direct their doctor is not who they should Hinterest in law, government, DHHS to publish information on the turn to when something has changed leadership or public speaking are agency’s website about the effective- for them,” she said. “This bill says that encouraged to register for the 2019 ness of mifepristone in ending preg- the Legislature doesn’t trust Nebraska Unicameral Youth Legislature, which nancy as well as contact information doctors who provide reproductive will convene June 9-12. for medical assistance should a woman health care and we don’t want women The Unicameral Youth Legislature change her mind and wish to continue in Nebraska to trust them.” is a four-day legislative simulation con- a pregnancy after taking mifepristone. Expressing concern about the ac- ducted at the State Capitol Building Blair Sen. Ben Hansen supported curacy of the potential language fea- and coordinated by the Clerk’s Office the bill. Informed consent legislation tured on the DHHS website, Lincoln of the Nebraska Legislature. Student like LB209 ensures that a patient Sen. urged caution in senators will sponsor bills, conduct understands the treatment they are advancing the amended bill in its cur- committee hearings, debate legislation receiving, he said, including the risks rent form. She said she was willing to and discover the unique process of the and benefits to their health. work on an amendment to improve nation’s only unicameral. “This is making sure that the the information provided. Students will learn about the inner patient understands where they can “We have worked hard with the workings of the Legislature directly get information about a reversal to a amendments we’ve put in place to from senators and staff. Bills will be treatment that they [once pursued],” ensure that this bill is as medically based on legislation considered during Hansen said. “Not only is it very accurate as possible,” Wishart said. the current legislative session. important for the patient-doctor re- “I have concerns that we’re [not] fol- Registrants are encouraged to ap- lationship, but also for the child that lowing that same level of prudence in ply for a Speaker Greg Adams Civic is involved.” terms of making sure that [the] website Scholarship award, which covers the Omaha Sen. intro- is as medically accurate.” full cost of admission. Applicants duced an amendment, adopted 35-0, After three hours of debate, the must submit a short essay. Other $100 that would require DHHS to collect Legislature moved on to the next scholarships are also available. data from medical providers every item on the agenda. Per a practice The University of Nebraska–Lin- time a woman attempts to continue a implemented by Speaker , coln’s Extension 4-H Youth Develop- pregnancy after taking an initial dose of the sponsor of a bill that is facing a ment Office coordinates housing and mifepristone. The data collected would potential filibuster must demonstrate recreational activities for the camp as include the woman’s age, facility loca- sufficient support for a cloture motion part of their Big Red Summer Camps tion, name of the attending physician, before the measure will be scheduled program. any complications experienced and for additional debate. Registration forms can be obtained other relevant medical information. The bill was discussed for an ad- from the Legislature’s Unicameral The information collected under ditional two hours May 1 before the Youth Legislature page: www.Nebras- the Howard amendment would be Legislature adjourned for the day kaLegislature.gov/uyl. g included in the annual DHHS report without voting on the measure. g The registration deadline is May 15. on abortion in Nebraska.


proved by lawmakers April 29. If a producer uses private well water State law previously had authorized to produce food, he or she must have the direct sale of certain foods such the water tested for nitrates or bacteria as baked goods and uncut fruits and before producing and selling food. Right-to-farm protections vegetables to consumers at a farmers Finally, a producer selling from a expanded market if the consumer is informed by private home is required to register a sign at the sale location that the food with the state Department of Agri- Legal protections for agricultural was prepared in a kitchen that was not culture before conducting any sales. producers under Nebraska’s 1982 subject to regulation and inspection. Senators voted 40-0 to pass LB304. Right to Farm Act were expanded by LB304, introduced by Bellevue a bill passed May 2. Sen. Sue Craw- Under the act, a farm or public ford, expands that grain warehouse—a grain elevator or provision to direct receptacle in which grain is held for consumer sales longer than 10 days—cannot be found at a fair, festival, Unemployment benefit to be a public or private nuisance if craft show or other requirement eased it existed before a change in the land public event or for Sen. use or occupancy of land in its locality pickup or delivery The Legislature passed a bill April and would not have been considered at the seller’s private home. 29 that exempts certain seasonal con- a nuisance before the change. For sales made for pickup at or deliv- struction employees from a specific Under LB227, introduced by ery from a private home or other area, unemployment benefit requirement. Sen. Dan Hughes of Venango, no notification is required at the home or Under LB428, introduced by Hen- suit for public or area, on the producer’s website and in derson Sen. , highway private nuisance any advertisement for sales. For sales construction em- may be maintained at a farmers’ market, fair, festival, craft ployees who are against a farm or show or other public event, notification prohibited by the public grain ware- is required at the sale location. state Department house more than LB304 requires producers other of Transporta- two years after the than those selling directly to consum- tion from work- condition that is Sen. Dan Hughes ers at a farmers’ market to complete a ing during the the subject matter of the suit reaches nationally accredited food safety and winter months Sen. Curt Friesen a level of offense sufficient to sustain handling course or a certified food will not have to prove that they actively a nuisance claim. safety and handling training course are searching for employment to re- The limitation does not apply offered at a culinary school or as re- ceive unemployment benefits. to any action brought to determine quired by a county, city or village to The bill also increases the amount compliance with or to enforce a pre- obtain a food handler permit. that construction employers contrib- vious court order related to the same The bill requires delivery to be ute to the unemployment fund. nuisance claim or to any claims for made in a person-to-person transac- LB428 passed on a 42-0 vote and additional damages or relief available tion, by U.S. mail or by a commercial takes effect Jan. 1, 2020. when an operation fails to remediate a mail delivery service. It also requires nuisance pursuant to the court order. the name and address of the producer Senators voted 46-2 to pass LB227. to be included on the package or con- tainer label. A producer also is required to fol- low food safety and handling guide- Cottage food sales expanded Resident tuition for military lines for sale at a farmers’ market, fair, dependents approved Nebraskans may sell so-called cot- festival, craft show or other public tage foods directly from their homes event required by the county, city or Lawmakers passed a bill May 2 that and at certain events under a bill ap- village where the food is sold. provides resident college tuition rates

PAGE 4 • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • 106TH LEGISLATURE April 29 - May 2, 2019 for spouses and dependents of active to design-build transportation proj- gional health information exchanges. duty military personnel who are as- ects. Omaha currently is Nebraska’s Among other provisions, the bill: signed to duty outside Nebraska. only metropolitan class city and • allows for data sharing with Under LB6, introduced by Bel- Lincoln is the lone primary class city. other state PDMPs; levue Sen. , the spouse or Currently, municipalities must • allows for highly regulated shar- legal dependent of contract separately with a designer ing of de-identified prescription a person who is on and with a construction contractor, data for research purposes; active duty military Hilgers said, but under the design-build • adds requirements for prescrip- assignment in Ne- approach, municipalities would work tion and identifying data to braska is consid- with one entity that would manage be collected to aid in patient ered a resident for both design and construction. The matching and medication rec- tuition purposes design-build method would reduce con- onciliation; at the state’s post- Sen. Carol Blood struction time and costs, Hilgers said. • gives non-statutory flexibility to secondary educational institutions as “It’s a concept that combines some the state Department of Health long as the person was on active duty of the steps,” Hilgers said. “It allows and Human Services in col- in Nebraska at the time the spouse you to shave off a significant amount laboration with the PDMP in or legal dependent was accepted for of time in the process.” altering data collection provi- admission and he or she remains Sen. John Arch of La Vista said sions; and continually enrolled. he supported the bill because using • allows Medicaid managed care Senators voted 47-0 to pass LB6. design-build would reduce “billion- organizations and Nebraska dollar surprises.” Medicaid officials access to the “Having that contractor at the PDMP. table, as well as the architect, brings a The bill also contains provisions different set of eyes,” Arch said. of LB557, introduced by Omaha Sen. LB583 advanced to select file on , that amend the defi- a 40-0 vote. nition of a practitioner to include ad- Alternative construction ditional providers if they are members method clears first round of a patient’s care team. The provisions also change the first Nebraska’s largest counties and and third prescription to a 60-day look cities would be allowed to use an back and add an exemption for hospice alternative design method for certain and palliative care or a cancer diagnosis. transportation projects under a bill LB556 passed on a 44-0 vote and Prescription drug monitoring advanced from general file April 29. takes effect immediately. program updated LB583, as introduced by Lincoln Sen. , Lawmakers approved a bill April would allow coun- 29 that makes several changes to the ties of 150,000 or state’s drug monitoring program. more residents to LB556, introduced by Sen. Sara use a design-build Howard of Omaha, makes a num- Judicial tampering penalties method for proj- ber of changes de- increased ects that fall under signed to make the Sen. Mike Hilgers the Transportation Prescription Drug Penalties for witness and jury tam- Innovation Act. Currently, Douglas, Monitoring Pro- pering were increased by legislation Lancaster and Sarpy counties meet gram interact more passed May 2. that threshold. effectively with ap- LB496, sponsored by Omaha Sen. An amendment, offered by Hilgers propriate agencies, Justin Wayne, makes witness, infor- and adopted 40-0, also would allow other state drug Sen. Sara Howard mant or jury tampering a Class II felony metropolitan and primary class cities monitoring programs and state and re- when the underlying criminal charge

106TH LEGISLATURE • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • PAGE 5 April 29 - May 2, 2019 is a Class II felony understandable and clear process.” natural resources district May 2. or higher. A Class A Judiciary Committee amendment, Natural resources districts encom- II felony carries a adopted 41-0, replaced the bill. Under passing a city of the metropolitan penalty of one to the amendment, if an application for a class may issue bonds payable from 50 years in prison. temporary protection order is dismissed, a flood protection and water qual- The tampering it would be dismissed without prejudice. ity enhancement levy on the taxable penalty is a Class This would allow the petitioner for the value of property in the district. The I misdemeanor Sen. Justin Wayne protection order to correct any missing levy may not exceed 1 cent per $100 when the underlying criminal proceed- information and resubmit the applica- of taxable valuation annually without ing alleges a Class II misdemeanor or tion for consideration. voter approval. lower, or a violation of a city or village The petition for a protection order Only the Papio-Missouri River ordinance. A Class I misdemeanor must include the events and dates, NRD currently has carries a penalty of up to one year in or approximate dates, of the alleged that bonding au- prison, a $1,000 fine or both. assault or abuse, including the most thority, which was The bill passed on a 48-0 vote. recent and most severe incidents. set to end Dec. 31, The court where the petition is 2019. LB177, spon- Bill advanced to clarify filed could decide to issue a temporary sored by Omaha protection order process protection order “ex parte,” or without Sen. Brett Lind- giving notice to the respondent, if the strom, extends the Sen. Brett Lindstrom Lawmakers gave first-round ap- petitioner believes the respondent termination date to Dec. 31, 2024. proval April 30 to a bill that would poses an immediate and significant LB177 passed on a vote of 35-8. update application procedures for ha- safety risk. rassment, sexual assault and domestic If the court rejects an application abuse protection orders. for a sexual assault or domestic abuse Nebraska currently authorizes protection order, LB532 would re- three types of protection orders for quire that an evidentiary hearing be cases of harassment, sexual assault and held within 14 days. The court would domestic abuse. be required to admit the original peti- County funds for motor vehicle LB532, as origi- tion and affidavit into evidence. sales tax collection approved nally introduced The amendment also would clarify Senators passed a bill May 2 that by Omaha Sen. that the petitioner for a protection reinstates a commission counties Machaela Cava- order could not be found to be in vio- receive in return for collecting state naugh, would lation of his or her protection order. motor vehicle tax. harmonize ap- Omaha Sen. County treasurers may withhold plication proce- Sen. supported the bill, saying it would 2.5 percent of the first $3,000 in state dures for all three protection orders. strengthen the path to safety for vic- motor vehicle sales and use tax that The bill’s intent is to provide more tims of violence. they remit. Under clarity to the process, Cavanaugh said, Senators advanced the bill to select LB237, introduced because victims who pursue protec- file on a 41-0 vote. by Bellevue Sen. tion orders often do so without legal Sue Crawford, assistance. counties also may “Since a victim’s choice to leave a withhold 0.5 per- violent situation creates a particularly cent of all amounts high risk of future violence, protection in excess of $6,000 Sen. Sue Crawford orders are absolutely critical to help- Bond authority for certain remitted each month. ing [them] access safety for themselves NRDs extended Prior to Jan. 1, 2023, the amount and their family,” she said. “However, withheld will be split between a coun- protection orders will not be effective Lawmakers extended a special ty’s general fund and a county’s road if survivors aren’t presented with an bonding authority for an Omaha-area fund. After that, 75 percent will be

PAGE 6 • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • 106TH LEGISLATURE April 29 - May 2, 2019 deposited in a county’s general fund, of the improvement or $30,000 for a The specialty plates will be available and 25 percent will be deposited in a three-year cost-share agreement. For a effective Jan. 1, 2021. county’s road fund. five-year agreement, a grant could not The bill includes provisions of The bill also requires county trea- exceed the lesser of 70 percent of the LB696, originally introduced by surers in counties with a population estimated cost of the improvement or Brainard Sen. , of 150,000 or more to remit $1 of $50,000 for a five-year agreement. which substitutes the collection fee for each of the first Lawmakers voted 49-0 to pass Army National 5,000 motor vehicles, semitrailers or LB585. Guard and Air trailers registered on or after Jan. 1, National Guard li- 2020, to the state treasurer, who will cense plates for the credit the amount to the Department current National of Revenue Enforcement Fund. Guard Military LB237 passed on a vote of 44-4. Honor plates. Sen. Bruce Bostelman Provisions of LB697, also intro- Infrastructure grant program Support the troops license duced by Bostelman, eliminate ap- for ethanol-gasoline blends plates approved plication and renewal fees for Purple approved Heart, ex-POW, Pearl Harbor Survi- Senators passed a bill May 2 that vor and Disabled American Veteran Senators passed a bill May 2 that creates several new specialty license license plates effective Jan. 1, 2021. creates a state grant program intended plates. Similarly, there will be no applica- to make ethanol-gasoline blends avail- LB138, sponsored by Bellevue Sen. tion fee for a Gold Star personalized able at more Nebraska gas stations. Carol Blood, authorizes the state De- message license plate, however a $5 LB585, introduced by Sen. Curt partment of Motor renewal fee still will apply. The license Friesen of Hen- Vehicles to create plate will be considered permanent derson, creates a several specialty as long as the vehicle to which it is cost-share grant license plates in- attached remains registered by the program adminis- cluding designs applicant. tered by the state honoring people Finally, the bill includes provi- Department of who have served sions of LB626, originally sponsored Environment and in the armed forces Sen. Carol Blood by Lincoln Sen. Energy meant to Sen. Curt Friesen in Iran, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf Patty Pansing improve retail motor fuel sites by War, the Vietnam War and the Global Brooks, which installing, replacing or converting War on Terror. directs the state infrastructure used to store, blend or It also creates a “Support Our Department of dispense gasoline-ethanol blends. Troops” plate available to those who Veterans Affairs An owner or operator of a retail have not served, but would like to to create a job motor fuel site is eligible to apply for show support for the armed forces. search website Sen. the grants, which may be used only The application fee for a personalized specifically for veterans. for infrastructure projects designed message Support Our Troops plate The website will be funded through and used to store and dispense E-15 will be $70. revenue raised by sales of the “Support or E-85 gasoline or a blend of ethanol There is a $5 fee for any of the bill’s Our Troops” license plates. and gasoline from a pump designed to specialty alphanumeric plates and a The bill passed on a 48-0 vote. blend those fuels. $40 fee for a personalized message The department will award grants plate. The alphanumeric fee and $30 Omnibus license plate bill to the maximum number of qualified of the personalized message fee will be passed applicants and could approve up to $1 dedicated to the Veterans Employment million in grants in any calendar year. Program Fund. The remaining portion Lawmakers gave final approval to A grant could not exceed the lesser of the personalized message fee will be an omnibus license plate bill May 2. of 50 percent of the estimated cost credited to the DMV cash fund. LB356, sponsored by Norfolk


Sen. Jim Scheer, redistributes certain from several additional bills, including: with a payment schedule that exceeds specialty license • LB128, orig- the date of completion are exempt plate fees. It will inally intro- from paying contractor interest. dedicate 85 per- duced by Ve- The bill passed on a 48-0 vote. cent of the applica- nango Sen. tion and renewal Dan Hughes, Call spoofing bill passed fees associated with which autho- Sammy’s Superhe- rizes bighorn A bill that authorizes investiga- roes license plates Sen. Jim Scheer sheep and Sen. Dan Hughes tions of telemarketers who knowingly to the University of Nebraska Medical sandhill crane license plates; manipulate caller ID information was Center for pediatric cancer research. • LB215, originally introduced passed by the Legislature May 2. The remaining 15 percent will be by Elkhorn LB693, spon- credited to the state Department of Sen. Lou sored by Hastings Motor Vehicles cash fund. Ann Line- Sen. , The bill also reclassifies a Sammy’s han, which targets companies Superheroes license plate from an or- authorizes a that use caller ID ganizational to a specialty plate. This prostate can- to make it appear as changes the initial application fee cer aware- though phone calls from $70 to $40 for a message plate ness license Sen. are from a trusted Sen. Steve Halloran and $5 for an alphanumeric plate. plate; and number—a process known as “spoofing.” Sixty percent of all application • LB691, originally introduced It prohibits any person from sell- and renewal fees for standard mes- by Omaha Sen. Michaela Ca- ing or renting a phone number to an sage plates, Husker Spirit plates and vanaugh, out-of-state entity unless the telephone organizational plates will be credited which au- number is listed publicly and can be to the state DMV cash fund. The thorizes verified by a telecommunications remaining 40 percent will be credited an ornate provider. to the Highway Trust Fund. box turtle The bill also prohibits any person Application and renewal fees for specialty working in connection with a tele- all specialty plates are $40 for message license communications service or internet- plates and $5 for alphanumeric plates. plate. Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh enabled voice service from causing a LB356 adds a $5 fee for a Breast Can- Application for and distribution caller ID service to knowingly provide cer Awareness alphanumeric plate. of specialty license plates created un- misleading or inaccurate information The bill also establishes a standard der LB356 will be available effective with the intent to defraud, harm or $50 application fee for both the special Jan. 1, 2021. wrongfully obtain anything of value. interest motor vehicle and one-plate The bill passed on a 49-0 vote. The provisions of LB693 do not plus sticker program. apply to authorized law enforcement The state DMV is authorized to Special financing approved for activity or a court order that authorizes discontinue specialty license plates highway construction caller ID manipulation. The Nebraska every year that standard license plates Public Service Commission is autho- are reissued, or every six years, if no A bill that expedites highway con- rized to impose administrative penal- more than 250 plates are issued for struction projects in Nebraska was giv- ties on violators, not to exceed $2,000. two consecutive years. New license en final approval The state attorney general can in- plates next will be issued in 2023. by the Legislature vestigate violations of the bill under Gold Star, Purple Heart, Ex-POW, May 2. the Consumer Protection Act. These Pearl Harbor Survivor and Disabled Under LB616, violations do not give cause for private American Veteran license plates are introduced by Lin- civil action. exempt from the discontinuance coln Sen. Mike Hil- Local telecommunications com- provision. gers, highway con- panies are exempt from the bill’s Finally, the bill includes provisions struction projects Sen. Mike Hilgers provisions as long as they are acting

PAGE 8 • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • 106TH LEGISLATURE April 29 - May 2, 2019 in accordance with federal law. Wendy DeBoer, LB130 adopts standards products to those under 19 would be The bill passed on a 49-0 vote. recommended by guilty of a Class III misdemeanor. the Radon Resistant The bill also would require retailers Commercial cargo transporta- New Construction that sell vapor products to be licensed. tion requirements strengthened Task Force. The bill Young people often don’t real- also incorporates ize how much nicotine is in vaping Commercial vehicle operators are those standards into products, Quick said, which harms required to store cargo more securely the state building developing brains and is highly addic- under a bill passed by the Legislature code and requires Sen. Wendy DeBoer tive. Quick said he introduced the bill April 29. local building codes to adopt mini- after several school administrators in LB698, sponsored by Brainard Sen. mum standards. Grand Island reported increased vap- Bruce Bostelman, The bill exempts new construc- ing in schools there. requires commer- tion projects designed by a licensed “This isn’t just happening in cial motor vehicle architect or engineer, non-residential Grand Island, it is happening all operators to ensure buildings if a local building official across our state and across the United all cargo is secured deems radon-resistant construction States,” he said. adequately to pre- unnecessary and new construction Sen. Curt Friesen of Henderson in- vent it from falling projects in counties with an average troduced an amendment to change the off of the vehicle. Sen. Bruce Bostelman radon concentration of less than 2.7 legal age for both products to 21. He said The bill also requires that the struc- picocuries per liter of air. the change would give young people a tures, systems, parts and components Senators approved LB130 on a chance to make better decisions. used to secure the cargo be in proper 40-4 vote. Quick supported the amendment, working order with no damaged or saying a greater age gap between stu- weakened components that could Bill to raise vaping, smoking dents and those who could supply cause cargo to fall from the vehicle. ages advanced them with nicotine could help stop the A violation of the bill’s provisions flow of vaping and tobacco products is an infraction, subject to a $200 fine A bill intended to reduce the use of to teenagers. for the first offense and a $500 fine for vaping products by minors advanced The Friesen amendment failed second or subsequent offenses. to select file April 30. 22-25; twenty-five votes were needed. In addition to the infraction, the LB149, as introduced by Grand Is- Sen. Tom Briese, chairperson of superintendent of law enforcement and land Sen. , would increase the General Affairs Committee, said public safety also can assess the owner the legal age from raising the age to 19 would accomplish of a vehicle a civil penalty of $1,000. 18 to 21 for pur- the bill’s primary goal of reducing vap- The bill passed on a 44-0 vote and chasing and pos- ing and smoking in schools. takes effect immediately. sessing vapor prod- Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha ucts and flavored supported the bill, calling it a public liquids containing safety issue. nicotine. “There has been evidence gathered A General Af- Sen. Dan Quick that shows harm to a given group of fairs Committee amendment, adopted young people,” Chambers said. Radon mitigation bill approved 39-0, instead would raise the proposed Sen. Dave Murman of Glenvil said legal age for vaping products to 19. It he supported the bill because many Lawmakers passed a bill May 2 that also would increase to 19 the legal age schools in his district have experienced requires the state’s building code to to buy tobacco products. a sharp rise in vaping by students. adopt standards for radon-resistant Under the bill, individuals younger LB149 initially sought to restrict construction for new houses, com- than 19 who purchase or use vapor or indoor use of vapor products in the mercial, educational and medical tobacco products would be guilty of a same manner as cigarettes under the structures. Class V misdemeanor and an individu- Clean Indoor Air Act. An amend- Introduced by Bennington Sen. al selling or providing vapor or tobacco ment, introduced by Omaha Sen.


Justin Wayne, would have removed Statewide occupation tax • any special project designation; that provision. reporting requirement approved • the amount of tax dollars col- “I consider this government over- lected; reach,” Wayne said. “All I’m asking for Lawmakers passed a bill April 29 • how the money was spent or is is the data to support [banning] indoor that requires all Nebraska cities to budgeted to be spent; and [use]. It isn’t there.” report the impact of occupation taxes. • the scheduled or projected end Wayne’s amendment failed on a LB445, spon- date of the tax. vote of 21-21. After a break in the de- sored by Sen. Mike The mandated report will be made bate, Quick filed an amendment that, McDonnell of available for public inspection on a like Wayne’s, would remove provisions Omaha, requires municipality’s website or other loca- related to the Clean Indoor Air Act. cities to produce tion no later than 90 days after the That amendment was adopted on a an annual report end of the municipality’s fiscal year. 30-0 vote. detailing: LB445 passed on a 42-0 vote. g Lawmakers then voted 40-0 to • the purpose Sen. Mike McDonnell advance LB149 to select file. of the occupation tax;

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PAGE 10 • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • 106TH LEGISLATURE April 29 - May 2, 2019 Senator Contact Info

Sen. Joni Albrecht Sen. Robert Clements Sen. Ben Hansen Sen. Sen. Dan Quick Thurston, District 17 Elmwood, District 2 Blair, District 16 Omaha, District 12 Grand Island, District 35 Room 1404 8th Floor 11th Floor Room 1202 Room 1406 (402) 471-2716 (402) 471-2613 (402) 471-2728 (402) 471-2623 (402) 471-2617 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist17 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist02 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist16 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist12 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist35

Sen. John Arch Sen. Sue Crawford Sen. Sen. Brett Lindstrom Sen. Jim Scheer La Vista, District 14 Bellevue, District 45 Lincoln, District 26 Omaha, District 18 Norfolk, District 19 8th Floor Room 1012 Room 2011 Room 2015 Room 2010 (402) 471-2730 (402) 471-2615 (402) 471-2610 (402) 471-2618 (402) 471-2929 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist14 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist45 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist26 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist18 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist19

Sen. Carol Blood Sen. Wendy DeBoer Sen. Mike Hilgers Sen. Lou Ann Linehan Sen. Bellevue, District 3 Bennington, District 10 Lincoln, District 21 Elkhorn, District 39 Peru, District 1 Room 1021 11th Floor Room 2000 Room 1305 11th Floor (402) 471-2627 (402) 471-2718 (402) 471-2673 (402) 471-2885 (402) 471-2733 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist03 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist10 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist21 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist39 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist01

Sen. Sen. Myron Dorn Sen. Robert Hilkemann Sen. John Lowe Sen. Lincoln, District 29 Adams, District 30 Omaha, District 4 Kearney, District 37 Gering, District 48 Room 1015 Room 1208 13th Floor 12th Floor Room 1004 (402) 471-2734 (402) 471-2620 (402) 471-2621 (402) 471-2726 (402) 471-2802 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist29 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist30 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist04 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist37 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist48

Sen. Bruce Bostelman Sen. Steve Erdman Sen. Sara Howard Sen. John McCollister Sen. Brainard, District 23 Bayard, District 47 Omaha, District 9 Omaha, District 20 Omaha, District 7 8th Floor 12th Floor Room 1402 Room 1017 Room 1000 (402) 471-2719 (402) 471-2616 (402) 471-2723 (402) 471-2622 (402) 471-2721 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist23 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist47 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist09 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist20 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist07

Sen. Tom Brandt Sen. Curt Friesen Sen. Dan Hughes Sen. Mike McDonnell Sen. Plymouth, District 32 Henderson, District 34 Venango, District 44 Omaha, District 5 Fremont, District 15 12th Floor Room 1308 Room 1210 13th Floor Room 1403 (402) 471-2711 (402) 471-2630 (402) 471-2805 (402) 471-2710 (402) 471-2625 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist32 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist34 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist44 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist05 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist15

Sen. Sen. Sen. Megan Hunt Sen. Sen. Justin Wayne Gordon, District 43 Lincoln, District 25 Omaha, District 8 Lincoln, District 46 Omaha, District 13 Room 1423 12th Floor 11th Floor Room 1008 Room 1212 (402) 471-2628 (402) 471-2731 (402) 471-2722 (402) 471-2720 (402) 471-2727 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist43 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist25 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist08 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist46 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist13

Sen. Tom Briese Sen. Tim Gragert Sen. Sen. Mike Moser Sen. Matt Williams Albion, District 41 Creighton, District 40 Omaha, District 31 Columbus, District 22 Gothenburg, District 36 Room 1019 11th Floor Room 1018 12th Floor Room 1401 (402) 471-2631 (402) 471-2801 (402) 471-2327 (402) 471-2715 (402) 471-2642 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist41 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist40 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist31 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist22 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist36

Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh Sen. Mike Groene Sen. Sen. Dave Murman Sen. Anna Wishart Omaha, District 6 North Platte, District 42 Seward, District 24 Glenvil, District 38 Lincoln, District 27 11th Floor Room 1306 Room 2004 12th Floor 8th Floor (402) 471-2714 (402) 471-2729 (402) 471-2756 (402) 471-2732 (402) 471-2632 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist06 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist42 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist24 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist38 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist27

Sen. Ernie Chambers Sen. Steve Halloran Sen. Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks Omaha, District 11 Hastings, District 33 Gretna, District 49 Lincoln, District 28 Room 1302 Room 1022 Room 1206 Room 1016 (402) 471-2612 (402) 471-2712 (402) 471-2725 (402) 471-2633 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist11 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] news.legislature.ne.gov/dist33 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist49 news.legislature.ne.gov/dist28

106TH LEGISLATURE • UNICAMERAL UPDATE • PAGE 11 Unicameral Information Office PRESRT STD Nebraska Legislature U.S. POSTAGE PAID P.O. Box 94604 LINCOLN, NE Lincoln, NE 68509 PERMIT NO. 212 03-23-05