Lo .vs and some of l.cvicv·, bl ues playing) . But however. the elec tric instrume nt pe rhaps issued four titles (Big. Sunny . 81unpi11, Te­ the humor (as on Telln. lll11t's in £(Ii . an serves his purpose better. Tl)ere is no denying quilll J in othe r packages. S111111yis an alternate element ioo often lacking injaz?. (especially in t hat it gives a con temporary sou nd to the take o f the master issued on th e C alijim,ill big band,). and the improvisation help make music. and ii blends we ll with 1hc elec tric Drt•t1111i11'L P and the others arc probably thi~ album what it i~-frc~h. invigorating and guitar a nd ba~s. Additionally . Randy Brecker alte rn ates from We s· Tequila LP. full of uninhibited crea1ivity. at time s plays elect rically a mplilicd trumpet To m y know ledge. the remainder is new (One might que~tion how successfu l this with pedal attachment. ma terial. Wil'es is up a nd very good un til the approach was ju~t by virtue of the fact that Bui the flavor is not elec tronic. overall. e nd. when Wes runs o ut of ideas. My One is Elli s i~ no longer employing it. But it's not T his is free -flow ing melodi c jazz of a sort not p re tt y. with strings adde d. wh ile the really fair. of course. to judge this alhum on read ily catego rized. blen ding nat ural and elec­ Sm oth-Mo ntgomery 'Round has a big band that basis . F.llis may wan t to experiment wi1h tric so unds. free and time playing. It is attrac ­ under Ol iver Nelso n . The strings show up many new concept s. as he undoubtedl y will. tive music. though hearin g the albu m in its agai n on Wllfl..i11·. a groovy All Night before deciding which one 10 conce ntra1e on entirety is a s lightly monoto nous experie nce . Long- type blues. or. possibly. on how to combi ne e lements of I liked be st the moody IJ/ru-k Ni[llil with its In ge nera l. the re are slight imperfections in Concept A with B. C. and D. etc. Or none of in trigui ng bass line: Rist' llnd Fllll. whic h these perfo rma nce s (an u nresolved end ing. an the above .) make s good use of sca le patterns. and the out-of-ba lance trumpet. a mis sed note of Some capsule commen1s: The woodwinds strong so lo wo rk on Call a nd Point ,,rVie..- by melody) that woul d have preclu ded release. often ~teal the show from the s trings when th e leader. Mike Brecker on both his horn s . In the case of Mo ntgo mery. not hing here adds both are to the fore bu1 the string, arc used to and Ra ndy Breckcr on trumpet (hb Call solo to his prodig ious reputatio n. but no great good advantage. They play very effective en ­ gets in to a Miles Davis thing. with good use of harm is done either . semble ro le~. especially on 514 GN<11n1y and the pedal gimm ick) . No points to Verve for a sloppy productio n S011p.one of Ellb' best composition, to date. Both drummers play thr oughout , bu t don·, (no personnel a nd no recording date s). But which is also highlighted by an enchan1ing get into eac h other's way (the record ing bal- enough goo d ma teria l to interest the Mont­ piano solo by Leviev. w ho i~ one of Bulgaria's gome ry fans. - p orter lea ding pianists and composers. Rut. on the debit side. some of the p11tented Ell is ian en­ ~emb lc climaxes tend 10 sound alike and are often rather a letdown after the writi ng and blowing brill iance that preceded them. CLARKTERRY / T his album contain, some of the linest wri1- BOB BROOKMEYER ing Ellis ha s done to da te. O ne of the band's QUINTET -M ainstre am 320: Tete a Tete; Pretty prime assets is that the nature of the ma terial Girl ; Blue China; Hum ; 8/ind man. Blindman; is such 1hat it demand, to tal invo lvement on Step Rig ht Up; Weep; Straigh t No Chaser; Some­ the part of all player s. W hen you have that. time Ago ; (The) Hymn . Personne l: Terr y, trumpet, ftuegelhorn: along with line writing and good ~olo work. ance doe sn't favor them) . T he chornle -like Brookmeyer, valve trombo ne : Roger Kellaway. you have extraordi nary jaz z rcgardlc~, of ensemble on Drellm co mes off well . In all , piano ; Bill Crow. bass; Dave Bailey. drums . idiom . - .1:ant ur pleasant and quite origi nal mu sic with an im• Rating : *** * ½ pre ssionistic flavor . Records like th is arc rarely made any mon:. Dreams give s the Brecker s les~ of a chance so the reissue of th ese 1964 side~ is es pecially to s tretc h out. but there is a fine m uted tru m­ welcome . HAL GALPER pet solo on Swpri se. and Mike shows he can T he program co nsists of good jaz .z , tan• play co nvinci ng sou l tenor on Wi .fdnm. a dards and originals. a nd the playi ng is full of THE GUERILLA BAND- Mainstream MAL 337: blue~. Barry Roger s has a nice tro mbone bit wit. mat u rity and soul. Call : Figura Eight : Bleck Night ; Welcome To My T he onl y deme rit for th is set is the very Dream; Risa and Fall; Point of View. with p lunger o n I-Jere. and the horn e nsemble Personne l: Randy Brecker . trumpet. fluegel­ work is ve ry good on the en tire albu m. sho n (less th an 30 minutes) playi ng time. Still, horn : Mike Brecke r, tenor&soprano saxes . Gal­ Rhythmic dnve 1s ab undan tly supp lied by the rating mal