BC•SHaW Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing

Child Exploitation and the FIFA World Cup: A review of risks and protective interventions

ANNEX: References

July 2013

Commissioned by Oak Foundation

BC.SHaW, School of Sport and Education, Brunel University London Kingston Lane Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 3PH



Search terms for literature reviews

Three categories of literature were used, using a key words rule:

General literature = Exploitation/trafficking/abuse/social impacts AND sporting events OR children

Key case study literature = Exploitation/trafficking/abuse/social impacts (around OR within sport) AND sporting events AND explicitly children (i.e. NOT women and children)

Core literature = sport AND exploitation/trafficking/abuse/social impacts (around NOT within) sport AND children AND Olympics/FIFA)

 Exploitation/trafficking/abuse/social impacts AND sporting events OR children/youth  Exploitation/trafficking/abuse/social impacts (around OR within sport) AND sporting events AND explicitly children/youth (i.e. NOT women and children)  Sport AND exploitation/trafficking/abuse/social impacts (around NOT within) sport AND children/youth AND Olympics/FIFA

Advocates for Human Dignity (2012) ‘Is the London Olympics following the displacement trend?’, available from http://advocatedignity.com/archives/1284/ accessed 10th May 2013

Alm, J. (2007) World Stadium Index: Stadiums built for major sporting events – bright future or future burden? Play the Game/ Danish Institute for Sports Studies, available from www.playthegame.org/theme- pages/world-stadium-index.html, accessed 15th March 2014.

Amodeo, C. (2005) ‘Hope for Child Camel Jockeys’, Geographical, 77(3): 6

ANA campaign (2012) Press Release - Campaign to mark the combat against sexual violence during the 2014 FIFA World Cup, provided by Junita Upadhyay (ECPAT)

Armstrong, G. (2010) ‘Warriors and good hope: The pioneering soccer franchise of Ajax Cape Town’, Politique Africaine, 118: 43-62

BBC News (2010) ‘A Commonweath Shame? 22nd March 2010’, available from www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/soutikbiswas/2010/03/a_commonwealth_shame.html, accessed 10th May 2013

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BBC Sport (2011) ‘African football trafficking a ‘growing’ problem – 14th October 2011’, available from http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/15296412, accessed 10th May 2013

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Beckett, H., Brodie, I., Factor, F., Melrose, M., Pearce, J., Pitts, J., Shuker, L. and Warrington, C. (2012) Research into Gang-Associated Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence – Interim Report, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, available from www.basw.co.uk/resource/?id=1391, accessed 13th March 2013

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Bonthuys, E. (2012) ‘The 2010 Football World Cup and the regulation of sex work in ’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 38(1): 11-29

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Brackenridge, C.H. (2007) ‘Child protection and the sports policy agenda’ in Brackenridge, C., Pitchford, A., Russell, K. and Nutt, G. (2007) Child Welfare in Football: An exploration of children’s welfare in the modern game. London: Routledge

Brackenridge, C.H. (2000) ‘Exposing the ‘Olympic family’: a review of progress towards understanding risk factors for sexual victimisation in sport’, paper presented to ‘Victimisation of Children and Youth: An International Research Conference’, June 25-28th, 2000, available from http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/624, accessed 15th March 2013

Brackenridge, C., Bishopp, D., Moussalli, S. and Tapp, J. (2008) ‘The characteristics of sexual abuse in sport: A multidimensional scaling analysis of events described in media reports’, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6 (4): 385-406

Brackenridge, C., Fasting, K., Kirby, S. and Leahy, T. (2010) Protecting Children from Violence in Sport: A review with a focus on industrialized countries, UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre; Florence, available from www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/violence_in_sport.pdf, accessed 15th March 2013

Brackenridge C.H., Kay, T. and Rhind, D. (eds.) (2012) Sport, Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention: A sourcebook on global issues and local programmes. London, UK: Brunel University Press. Free download at http://www.brunel.ac.uk/about/acad/sse/sseres/sseresearchcentres/youthsport/birnaw

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Brimicombe, A. and Cafe, R. (2012) ‘Beware win or lose - Domestic violence and the World Cup’, Significance, 9 (5): 32, available from www.significancemagazine.org/details/magazine/2731231/Beware- win-or-lose-Domestic-violence-and-the-World-Cup.html, accessed 9th April 2013

Broadbent, E. (2012) Research-based evidence in African policy debates: Case study 1 Decongestion in Accra, Ghana. Available from www.mwananchi-africa.org/storage/126565_ebpdn_Ghana.pdf, accessed 10th May 2013

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979) The Ecology of Human Development. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1977) ‘Toward and experimental ecology of human development’, American Psychologist, 32: 513-531.

Brown, A. and Massey, J. (2001) ‘The Sports Development Impact of the 2002 Commonwealth Games: Initial Baseline Research’, Literature Review: The Impact of Major Sporting Event for UK Sport, Manchester Metropolitan University, available at www.uksport.gov.uk/images/uploaded/M2002_Baseline_2001.pdf, accessed 13th March 2013

Burbank, M., Andranovich, G., Heying, C. (2001) Olympic Dreams: The impact of mega-events on local politics. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers

Caine, D. and Caine, C. (2005) ‘Child camel jockeys: A present-day tragedy involving children and sport’, Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 15(5): 287

Cawson, P., Wattam,C., Brooker, S. and Kelly, G. (2000) Child Maltreatment in the UK. London: NSPCC

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) (2007) Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-events, Olympics Games and housing rights – Opportunities for the Olympic movement and others, available from www.ruig-gian.org/ressources/Report%20Fair%20Play%20FINAL%20FINAL%20070531.pdf, accessed 13th March 2013

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) (2004) Forced Evictions of Roma Communities in Greece in Relation to the Preparation of the Olympic Games, available from www.greekhelsinki.gr/bhr/english/articles/COHRE%20Oral%20intervention.doc, accessed 27th March 2013

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Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) (2007) Forced evictions and displacements in future


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