Keyboarding 101

Posture & Positioning Keyboarding 101

Learning Target: To learn proper keyboarding techniques to utilize when . Essential Questions: 1. Why is it important to use proper keyboarding techniques?

2. What proper keyboarding techniques should be utilized when typing on a computer keyboard? What is Keyboarding?

• Keyboarding is the capability of entering text by using the correct fingers without looking at the keys (touch typing).

• Touch typing involves using all ten of your fingers to type, using the correct finger for each key, and not looking at the keyboard. What is Keyboarding?

• Having excellent keyboarding skills will help you to use the computer more efficiently and be more productive.

• Keyboarding skills are skills for life. You will use these skills now and in the future for things like school work and in your career. There is no hiding from a computer today! Why Do We Care?

As the day drags on, people tend to slouch. While slouching may feel like a comfortable way to relax and save energy, it can lead to back and neck pain. If you maintain good posture, you're likely to feel more alert throughout the day, because the muscles will have less strain placed on them, resulting in lower energy usage. Learning to have better posture is a practice that may take some time, but you'll look and feel better---and your body will be more relaxed. And MORE Why Do We Care…

• The proper keyboarding posture minimizes static and dynamic muscle loads that may cause damage to your nerves, ligaments, muscles and tendons. • Please click on the following link and read the article: – Why Is Good Posture Important During Work/Typing?

• Doesn’t that sound terribly scary? Keyboarding/Typing Importance…

• Typing properly forms the basis for effective touch typing. The importance of demonstrating and using proper techniques are essential. It is very important to establish good keyboarding habits right from the beginning.

• In keyboarding, there are 3 goals to be reached in THIS order: – Technique – using your keyboard and workstation in the proper way. – Accuracy – Making few errors – Speed – Keying at a good rate

How do you become good at keyboarding/typing? PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! Remember that keyboarding is a repetitive skill. What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the study of science concerned with designing safe and comfortable machines for humans. Following these rules will increase your speed and accuracy at the computer. Relax…

The correct posture allows your neck, shoulders, back and arms to relax and promotes circulation to the lower arms and hands. To help prevent injuries, take frequent breaks, use correct keyboard and pointing device techniques and use a workstation that is correctly set up. Body Posture

The correct posture allows your neck, shoulders, back and arms to relax and promotes circulation to the lower arms and hands. To help prevent injuries, take frequent breaks, use correct keyboard and pointing device techniques and use a workstation that is correctly set up. Body Posture • Your silhouette sitting down must look like a staircase. This good posture ensures minimal injuries/tension. • Your back must remain vertical/straight and lean slightly on the back of the chair forming a 90 degree angle with your chair. • The thighs and the legs must form a 90 degree angle. • Feet must be flat on the floor. One foot should be slightly ahead of the other for good balance. • Your forearm and the arm should form a 90 degree angle. Eyes • Your silhouette sitting down must look like a staircase. This good posture ensures minimal injuries/tension. • Your back must remain vertical/straight and lean slightly on the back of the chair forming a 90 degree angle with your chair. • The thighs and the legs must form a 90 degree angle. • Feet must be flat on the floor. One foot should be slightly ahead of the other for good balance. • Your forearm and the arm should form a 90 degree angle. Effects of Poor Typing Technique • Fatigue • Stiff or aching shoulders, back, or neck • Numbness or pain in wrists, elbows, or fingers, which can lead to injuries: – Carpal tunnel syndrome- a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist causing symptoms like tingling, numbness, pain, and sometimes weakness in parts of the hand. – Repetitive strain injury- Overuse of the muscles of the hands, wrists, arms, or shoulders on a repeated and usually daily basis causes injury to these muscles. This results in inflammation that never really is given a chance to recover, since the activity that causes it usually continues. Be Careful…

• Your body will not tolerate long typing sessions. Be careful and take breaks frequently to relieve any numbness/aching in legs, back, arms, fingers, etc. • It is a good idea to divide your typing sessions and to take repeated short breaks. Change your work position frequently without neglecting good back posture. You should take a break every 30-60 minutes. During your break, get up and stretch. • Learn and use key stroke combinations (keyboard shortcuts) instead of mouse-activated menus. It will save you time.


Describe why these are examples of poor typing techniques. Basically… Posture • Sit up straight with feet resting on the floor. • Curve fingers "like cat claws." • Keep wrists straight.

Positioning • Rest fingers of the left hand on A, , , and keys. • Rest fingers of the right hand on , , , and ; keys. • Rest both thumbs on the spacebar. • Focus eyes on the monitor or text, not on the keyboard. Describe why this is an example of good typing techniques. Describe why this is an example of good typing techniques.