Devoted to Practical Christianity. a Monthly Magazine Issued the 1St Of
Devoted to practical Christianity. A monthly magazine issued the 1st of the month by UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY 917 Tracy, Kansas City, Missouri Charles Fillmore and Myrtle Fillmore, Editors Entered as second-class matter, July 15, 1891, at the post office at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3, 1879. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage, provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorised October 28, 1922. VoL 68 KANSAS CITY, MO., FEBRUARY, 1928 No. 2 THE PURPOSE OF UNITY SCHOOL NITY School of Christianity was founded in 1889, in Kansas City, Mo. The Unity move U ment has spread to every country in the world, but the headquarters are still in Kansas City. Unity School of Christianity is an independent edu cational institution. It aims to teach mankind to apply the doctrine of Jesus Christ in all the affairs of life. Its purpose is not to found a new church or sect, but to help and to teach men and women of every church — and also those who have no church affiliations— to use and to prove the eternal Truth taught and used by the Master. The Unity teachings explain the action of mind, the connecting link between God and man. They ex plain how the mind affects the body, producing discord or harmony, sickness or health, how it brings man into understanding of divine law, harmony, health, and peace, here and now. W e suggest that you accept what, in our literature, appears to you to be Truth, and that you withhold judgment on the remainder until you understand it better.
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