CONFERENCE ON JEWISH MATERIAL CLAIMS AGAINST GERMANY, INC. n'~"::lni1 ni~Y' Po. Box 2'T'33 • Tel Aviv 61297 • Tel: (03) S169692 Su • Fax: (03) .:; 169698 0i'!l • Email:
[email protected] • 61297 :l':lK-?li , Po. Box ~99 • New York. ;\IY 10018-9998' Tel: (646) ;36-9100 • Fax (212) 279-1629' Email:
[email protected] Sopluenstr. -1-1 • 0-60-187 Frankfurt am Main. Germany' Tel: (69) 170 886 -17 • Fax: (69) 17088649 • Email:
[email protected] Claims Conference Swiss Refugee Program Report and Recommendations ofthe Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc. for the First Group ofClaims in In re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (Swiss Banks) Refugee Class December 11, 2001 1. This Report contains the Recommendation for Payment of Group I of claims that are being processed by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany ("Claims Conference") under the Refugee Class ofthe Swiss Banks Settlement (the "First Claims Conference Refugee Report"). In accordance with the Special Master's Proposed Plan ofAllocation and Distribution ofSettlement Proceeds approved by the Court on November 22,2000 ("Distribution Plan"), the Claims Conference is charged with making distributions to Jewish members ofthe Refugee Class. The International Organization for Migration ("10M") is charged with making distributions to Roma, Jehovah's Witness, homosexual and disabled members ofthe Refugee Class. 2. Group I submitted herewith consists of 95 Refugee Class claims for whom the Claims Conference now recommends compensation under the Swiss Banks Settlement. Each of the 95 claimants meets the eligibility criteria under the Distribution Plan. In particular, the names, birth dates and nationalities for all 95 claimants match the information contained on the lists ofnames obtained by the Court and Special Master from the Swiss Federal Archives.