Saving a Dying Species
SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 2014 (PAGE-2) THIS WEEK FOR YOU 24TH AUGUST TO 30TH AUGUST 2014 1. ARIES: 7. LIBRA : Saving a dying species This week things are going to be very hec- Although you shall be somewhat indecisive this tic, but since you love the work you do, week, there will be no dearth of support from you will rather enjoy yourself. You will your well-wishers who will help you take the Maneka Sanjay Gandhi also enjoy a great rapport with your right decisions, predicts Ganesha. What you colleagues, which will make teamwork need to remember, though, is that the advice In the 80s, it was common to see successful. Ganesha says it is because the that others offer you, even though they may do it with the best of intentions, may or may not suit an elephant on the streets carrying stars are in your favour that you have got such a your present circumstances, so you will have to think for your- billboards for companies. The great atmosphere where work and fun are mixed in equal self. On the financial front, things will not be as satisfactory as measure. Businessmen are advised not to take any loans, you would have liked them to be. In fact, there will be times Dabur elephant was the most no matter how pressing the need may be, because you when you may run out of money, and you would be well- famous. The owners claimed he will find it really difficult to repay them. You will no doubt advised to let go of your desires instead of hanging on to them have to juggle your finances this week.
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