V ^ V ' >'VVV r <rvc V >• SiV' V \ \ \ vv V V W| j'' ,' 'ft i' KIRBY LEE/IMAGE OP SPORT '08 Men's Olympic Trials Winners Meet The Stars Subscriptions LaShawn Merritt 8 « h 20W: Kevin Eastler 15 $43.95 oneyear, $82two years, $120 three HJ: Jesse Williams 18 Oregon's 800 Trio 11 yeare. For 1st-class add $20 per year. Bernard. TLagat 1219 $153;TheregularCanadianratesare$55/$i04/add super year for air. 400: LaShawn Merritt. ..8 PV: Derek Miles 19 David Oliver 16 Forotliernations.onlyairmailisavailable 10 LJ; Trevell Quinley 20 at $69/$132/$195. Muna Lee 27 , 13 TJ: Aarik Wilson Amy Begley 32 Mailing 14 SP: Reese Hoffa 1,1Lolo Jones 349- publishedTrack &FieldmonthlyNewsby Track(ISSN&0041Field0284fkNews 12 DT: Ian Waltz Jenn Stuczynski 37 Real, Suite eos, tyim' 15 HT: A. G. Kruger JeffDemps 42 atView,MountainCA 94040.view,PeriodicalsCalltomla, andpostageadditionalpaid 16 JT: Bobby Smith JordanT j HasayTT 42-r, mailingottices. 17 Dec: Bryan Clay The U.S. Team 43 ^ l^ews, 2570 EI Camino Real Suite 606, Mountain View, CA 94040 _ Canadian Post Publications lyiail Agreo '04 Women's Olympic Trials Winners Departments mentNo,#40065056 ,..,.19.Walter DlX Postern . 30 ^960-2WalkerRoad,Canadian Return Address:Windsor,DonGlobalN9A6J3Mall 76 20W: Joarme Dow .3,3 On Your Marks 50 Track &Field News, 77 HJ: Chaunte Howard 36 Status Quo 51 2570 El Camino Real, Suite 606 78 PV: Jenn Stuczynski ,36 Mounlain view, CA 94040 ' 70 LJ: Brittney Reese P 54 Fax 660-948-9446 ,38 For The Record 54 Phones 9-6 Pacific Time 30 TJ: Shani Marks „ ,39 Stat Corner 55 Business—660/948-8188 31 SP: Michelle Carter .,,,,30 Tpttpio (
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[email protected]) 37 DT: Aretha Thurmond 40 MeetSchedule 58 (atlyertlslng@trackandtleldnews comi ,33 HT: Jessica Cosby 40 Next Month ...