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Douglas Tuesday 28th January 2003 10.00 am


1. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Henderson) to ask the Chief Minister -

(1) Will you make a statement regarding your Government’s position in relation to the continuing gas price hikes the Manx consumer is having to suffer including what short-term proposals you have in mind to ease this unacceptable situation until the natural gas pipeline is functional; and

(2) when is this likely to be?

2. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Henderson) to ask the Chief Minister -

(1) Will you make a statement on your Government’s intervention over what is regarded by some as the continuing poor service to the Island by British Airways; and

(2) can you confirm or otherwise that there had been a recent chance for the to buy a controlling stake in Manx Airlines before they were bought out?

3. The Hon Member for Ramsey (Mr Singer) to ask the Chief Minister -

In view of the ability of Manx Gas to greatly increase the price of gas to the consumer, do you agree that it is now essential to introduce powers to prevent unjustified price rises imposed by monopolistic utility providers?

HKA 1252 4. The Hon Member for Ramsey (Mr Singer) to ask the Minister for Home Affairs -

Has your Department -

(1) studied the success or otherwise of “zero tolerance” policing in other parts of the world; and

(2) drawn any conclusions as to the positive effect the introduction of such a policy may have in the Isle of Man?

5. The Hon Member for (Mr Quayle) to ask the Minister for Home Affairs -

In connection with the proposed new prison -

(1) what is the anticipated staffing ratio to number of inmates; and

(2) how does this compare with other prison establishments or custodial establishments, particularly Category B prisons, in the United Kingdom?

6. The Hon Member for (Mr Earnshaw) to ask the Chairman of the Isle of Man Water Authority -

If, as we are led to believe, the elderly water filtration plant at Greenfield Road, Douglas, is now working well beyond the capacity for which it was designed -

(1) will you provide an update on the planning application in respect of its proposed replacement;

(2) advise details of what other water filtration facilities exist around the Island; and

(3) indicate the contingency plans in place in the event of operational problems or failure of the existing Greenfield Road plant?


1. The Hon Member for Onchan (Mr Karran) to ask the Chief Minister -

With regard to the application by Island Studios Ltd for planning approval for the erection of a film studio, workshops, toilet block and MEA substation (PA00/02206) are you aware that -

(1) the Director of Planning and Building Control has advised me by letter (of 6th December 2002) that when construction started on site in September 2001, it was noted that the office and workshop block was not sited in accordance with the approved plan;

(2) whereas the Planning Committee resolved to require a new application and that the applicant should be advised of this and requested to submit this within 28 days (September 2001) due to “an administrative error” the applicant was not advised of this at the time;

(3) following a site visit by the Director of Planning and the Enforcement Officer, the Director of Planning wrote to Mr Westacott of Island Studios Ltd on 3rd September 2002 setting out the outstanding matters and what needed to be addressed by the submission of an application to “regularise” the works undertaken to date;

(4) I was advised on 6th December 2002 that this application would be made within the next two weeks, and that I would be advised when any application was received (but to date have not been so advised), can you tell me what is the current position; and

(5) do you agree that up to 6th December 2002 the building in question at the film studio site had been constructed without the benefit of prior planning approval?

2. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Henderson) to ask the Chairman of the Office of Fair Trading -

(1) What are the profit figures announced by Manx Gas or their parent company for the last five years; and

(2) can you determine what slice of the profit can be attributed to the Isle of Man for those years?

3 HKA 1252 3. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Henderson) to ask the Chairman of the Office of Fair Trading -

(1) Can you indicate what percentage of Island homes are serviced by gas;

(2) have you spoken to Manx Gas to see if the company have tried to absorb any of the rising costs, especially the latest price rises; and, if so

(3) what percentage has been absorbed?

4. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Henderson) to ask the Chairman of the Office of Fair Trading -

Can you confirm that often on new housing projects gas mains are laid into a site and housing/accommodation free, and that some gas boiler manufacturers offer gas boiler fitting services incentives to fit their product, leaving the house purchaser no choice as to the energy supply they may choose for their home?

5. The Hon Member for Douglas North (Mr Henderson) to ask the Chairman of the Office of Fair Trading -

(1) Can you indicate how many LPG gas price rises the Isle of Man consumers have had to suffer over the past three years;

(2) how much was each rise and of what percentage;

(3) what is the current price with the latest price rise included; (4) can you show this against relative equivalents of oil and electricity prices; and

(5) can you confirm that gas prices have been consistently showing the highest price rises in the Isle of Man Retail Price Index for some time?


1. Inquiries (Evidence) Bill Mr Corkill

2. Fireworks Bill Mr Downie

3. European Communities (Amendment) Bill Mr Corkill

4. Litter (Amendment) Bill Mr Singer


1. Submarine Cables Bill Mr Shimmin

2. Anti Terrorism and Crime Bill Mr Braidwood

Tabled Amendments

Clause 58 (Mr Bell) Clause 82 (Mrs Hannan)


1. The Hon Member for (Mr Quine) to move -

That the First Report of the Standing Orders Committee of the House for 2002/2003 be received and the changes to Standing Orders 38, 39 and 40 recommended in the Report be made.

2. The Hon Member for Ayre (Mr Quine) to move -

That the Report of the Standing Orders Committee of the House on Electronic Voting in the Chamber be received and its recommendation approved.

The House may be asked to suspend Standing Orders to take further stages of the above Bills.

Unless the House otherwise determines, the above business will be considered in the order shown.

Malachy Cornwell-Kelly Secretary of the House


Amendments to be moved by Mr Bell -


Page 38 lines 6 to 8: omit from “or the” to the end of the subsection.

line 15: for “criminal” substitute “terrorist”.

line 17: after “whatever” insert “which relate, directly or indirectly, to any matter specified in paragraphs (a) to (d) of section 19 (terrorist investigations) and”.

line 25: after “functions” insert “which relate to protection from, and the prevention and detection of, terrorism”.

Page 39 line 9: for “holders” substitute “Treasury”.

Page 39 line 12: for “any of the holders” substitute “the Treasury”.

Amendment to be moved by Mrs Hannan -


Page 52 after line 18: Add -

“(4) This Act shall remain in operation until 1 March 2008 and shall then expire unless continued in force by an order under subsection (5).

(5) The Council of Ministers may by order provide -

(a) that all or any of those provisions which are for the time being in operation (including any in operation under an order under this paragraph or paragraph (c)) shall continue in operation for a period not exceeding 5 years from the coming into operation of the order; (b) that all or any of those provisions which are for the time being in operation shall cease to be in operation;

(c) that all or any of those provisions which are not for the time being in operation shall come into operation again and remain in operation for a period not exceeding 5 years from the coming into operation of the order; or

(d) for such miscellaneous, transitional or savings provisions as the Council of Ministers may consider necessary in connection with the exercise of any power in paragraphs (a) to (c).

(6) An order under subsection (5) shall not come into operation unless it is approved by .”